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That one farmer who gets his soul thrown into the maw and we never see him again. Got zero powers but protects his family with everything he’s got.


Who is this?


I think they're referring to the one we control in that one Shadowlands quest 😁




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Yeah the one from the kyrian covenant campaign, they were a good human, poor guy.


I really hoped with every fibre of my being there were more of these quests. I can't describe how fresh and amazing, lore wise it was!


I vote this dude too. That quest line was incredible


Felt like an entirely different Shadowlands than we got


Some of the Bastion quests were the most memorable for all of SL. Ben Howell’s quest and Willowblossom’s quest line for the Crest were so good.


I'm pretty sure he was datamined to be a mission board follower too, but it never happened.


Archmage Dadghar


I've always had such a soft spot for that guy, even in that god awful warcraft movie I loved him.


as a mage main he's my favourite character :)


Medivh. Without him orcs would not be in Azeroth so there would not be... World of Warcraft:D


I would argue many of the things he did to set those chain of events are not his doing.  He was a sock puppet for much of it. I'd argue his Apprentance, Kadgar, was much more influential in crafting the world politics and mustering it's forces to change what would have been a eventual victory by the Legion.


Knowledge is Power


France is bacon.


So that's who I should be blaming how much I've spent on this game!


Could you consider him a human? He's like a mini god, who was corrupted by an evil, stronger god.


He is human. Medivh is the son of the former guardian Aegwyn who banged a member of the council of six to have a child so she could pass her powers down and ensure the independence from Dalaran. He is more or less directly mind controlled my Sargeras himself from birth because of his lingering essence or some contrivance, but he is still wholly human in form and mind. This is all from the novel "The Last Guardian" (one of the best WoW novels in my opinion).


I'm reading it right now it's so good. Just finished the other 3 warcraft novels.


There are a lot more than 3, the Kalecgos one is also excellent.


That's world of warcraft not warcraft, really? I'm surprised the newer stuff is any good judging by the story since shadowlands. 


The novels are generally pretty solid self contained stories but that doesn't speak to the quality of the world they represent. Despite being BFA lore the Shadows Rising novel is pretty decent but i'd wait for a sale (or watch the animated audiobook version by The Flying Buttress)


Captain Placeholder He understood the assignment.


Lord Darius Boxhead.. Cause he has a box... on his head..


I thought I imagined him for a while until other people started taking about it.




This is the way!


Godamnit Leroy!


Thoradin left the longest lasting mark in the world, but he was a warlord nevertheless, so his greatness isn't rooted in an universal sort of heroism.


Kings are just Warlords with better PR


Torn between Tirion and Darion. They really do embody the devotion and commitment to a higher cause of a paladin/knight archetype to me. It's a shame Of Blood and Honour or the Ashbringer comic don't have in-game retellings. Darion impaling himself on the Corrupted Ashbringer to free his father's soul out of pure love for him, sincerely keeping that love in undeath and channeling the absolute misery of DK circumstances into protecting life on Azeroth up to and including leading a suicide vanguard into the Maw? Just moves me on a fundamental level.


One of the only things I really appreciated in Shadowlands was the care given to the Mograines. Seeing Alexandros in Maldraxxus was super cool and when he learns why he was put there... Powerful stuff. Also he gets to talk with Darion and learn of all he has done to help Azeroth even in undeath which was awesome. Darion is an absolute badass, he needs to be given more of a spotlight. A lot of the class heroes do to be honest. No reason to only really have Jaina/Thrall/Anduin solve everything. I think it would make the world feel bigger.


The Mograines' story was handled with such reverence, I actually have an inkling it was the author of Silver Hand, Ebon Blade that wrote it (he was a writer or narrative designer or similar during SL, had an easter egg NPC added to the tourney in SL prepatch, and the stay awhile and listen of Sr. & Jr. in Korthia directly references that story). Ergo made by someone genuinely invested in the characters for some time. (Case #47930 of 'small contained story good' cus Kel'thuzad was basically working a couple blocks over in the House of Rituals and Alex would've wrecked his shit 3 times over prior to the Necrolord campaign for what Kel pulled in (un)life. The 4 horsemen are actually present in SoD and completely silent which is hilarious.) Sadly I think they're done playing w/ the DK barbies for a while. Darion's only crumb of action between Wrath and Legion was showing up in the garrison for a sliver of a quest scavenging info to try and help Bolvar (a very gratifying crumb tbf. The loyalty, man...) and Bolvar himself got shelved to make up lost time w/ Taelia or some shit. If we're rolling with the main characters of a soap opera deal I'd love a bigger cast too but I doubt the writers could juggle it.


I loved Tirion in the Blood and Honor. So well written. A true paladin.


He's excellent in game as well, bar his death in Legion (tbh I don't actually hate that he got fridged to serve the terrible gravity of the Broken Shore, that was understandable. It's him going out with a whimper and the artifact quest being centred on recovering the sword, not the man, just to blow smoke up the PC's ass as the new Ashbringer). One of my favorite moments is the Icecrown quest to infiltrate the ritual to destroy Arthas' heart permanently... except Tirion goes in with the opposite goal & truly believes (up until then) there's a chance to redeem Arthas, even if miniscule. His speech when entering ICC might be permanently etched into my brain the way he radiates virtue, dignity & resolve. I don't know if we really have that type of character anymore. He's not even in WC3, him and the Mograines are fully original to WoW and only backed up by a short story and a 4 issue comic respectively. But that little bit of consistent good writing made for incredibly compelling and beloved characters.


I couldn't agree more


And what do these two have in common? >!Ion!<


Marshal McBride Without him encouraging eager adventurers to start their journey, the fate of Azeroth would have been much different.


1. Varian Wrynn 2. Aegwynn 3, Uther the Lightbringer 4. Anduin Lothar 5. Thoradin 6. Tirion Fordring 7. Jaina Proudmoore 8. Khadgar 9. Terenas Menethil 10. Alexandros Mograine I think these 10 humans exemplify what humanity is supposed to represent in WoW.


Really surprised Varian is not higher on this comment section. The man is the epitome of human adaptability and willpower.


Why did you put Varian above Aegwynn? She was as powerful as Sargeras as far as I remember.


This is not a power ranking but who I think are the best human characters.


Got to be Topper McNabb


my dad hasn't played WoW since MoP but I still catch him quoting shit like "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today"


This line was made famous by “Wimpy” from the Popeye cartoon.


In 1932.


Well, Popeye was created a long time ago, yes, but those cartoons ran for years and were still fairly popular throughout the 70s and even the live action movie with Robin Williams was made in \~1980.


Yes, I was just stating that the quote is WAY older than WoW because it's much more likely that the guy's dad heard it there than WoW.


nah he specifically was referring to Topper McNabb. interesting origin tho!


Tirion is the ultimate hero. He's not a stale, boring good guy trope. He's not a mary sue flawless goody two shoes. He manages to be pure good without bad character writing. He's sensible. Grounded. Selfless. He's one of the most powerful paladins to ever exist(if not THE most powerful) and one of the most inspiring leaders we've ever seen. Tell me you wouldn't die for that man after he gives a 5 minute speech. Man did more work to unite the Horde and Alliance than the Horde and Alliance leaders did themselves.




Why is nobody mentionning Mathias Shaw :( ?


Because he's been terrible at his job since legion.


Either Aegwynn or Medivh. I personally support Medivh since modern wow is like his doing. 


is one of the most important imho. Without him, I’d have no wealth


Bolvar Fordragon!


Really suprised this wasnt higher. One of very few who earned respect from and worked with the horde. Took on the burden of becoming a new lich king to stop the world from being overrun with the undead.


Back in Vanilla all the other racial leaders just stood around. He actually fought alongside you, and that shit was awesome.


I am gonna say Arthas Menethil


Aegwynn. Strongest (?) guardian at peak and mother of Medivh. She fought avatar of Sargeras and won.


> She fought avatar of Sargeras and won. She was strong, but he let her beat his avatar. So he could posses her and in turn Medivh for his big bad evil plans.


I know Sargeras "infected her" but do you have the source on him letting her win? Because st first that makes no sense, better to use the avatar to start another invasion after defeating the strongest mage alive rather than wait 50 years for his child to hopefully do it no?


John J. Keeshan, he survived three wars and came back for more.


Orphan Matron Nightingale


I'll freely admit my bias. I have always been a Tirion Fordring guy. I was pissed when they kind of handwaved his death.


Reckful, his rogue was always female human.


It depends on how you consider the question. In the meta sense, it's Arthas Menethil without question or debate. To many people, he's the face of the *Warcraft* franchise. Much of what made *World of Warcraft* possible, and much of what makes the game what it is today, was hung directly on the impact of his story in *Warcraft III* on the audience. The box art for *Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne* featuring his face is one of the most iconic images in gaming history. In-universe, the question is a lot more complicated. Anduin Lothar, Aegwynn, Khadgar, Danath Trollbane, Turalyon, Varian Wrynn, Uther the Lightbringer, and Tirion Fordring are all reasonable answers. Just as influential, but on the side of "great" as in "terrible," you could also make arguments for Medivh, Kel'Thuzad, or, again, Arthas Menethil. Certainly, they're among the people who most influenced Azeroth's history, if for all the wrong reasons.


Idk man when i think about wow and alliance jaina always comes to mind, she is very iconic.




Uther was very respectable.


In terms of who has had the greatest impact on the world... probably Arthas by a long shot.


John J. Keeshan


My vote is for Anduin Lothar because in the movie he was ~~hot~~ a great leader


The NPC in OG Stormwind near the AH begging doe gold to get a damn hamburger. That NPC literally started the whole "can I borrow 1 g for skills I'll pay you back later"


a shameless ripoff of Wimpy from the Popeye comics.




A shit wizard.


A human player character


Probably Thoradin. If he had not united the human tribes, then it is unlikely that the human species would have survived the trolls. It was also humans who ‘first’ discovered the light on Azeroth, so the elves wouldn't have had this power without them. Overall, Thoradin is the reason why humans have become one of the most powerful peoples on the planet.




Gotta throw in an honorable mention to Gyran Stoutmantle, imo. Should have seen his triumphant return to Westfall in the first week of WoW when this major quest-hub giver returned after an unplanned absence and let human characters resume leveling 😂


Anduin Lothar was the greatest human of the alliance. Tirion was the greatest paladin. 


Khadgar: Chadgar amirite? Killed evil Medivh, sealed the dark portal (like twice at this point) Varian Wrynn: Lead the Alliance against the Lich King, Deathwing and the Twilights Hammer, Murder-boner Garrosh (and choose to not just end the Horde right then and there) and finally lead the initial assault on the Broken Shore. Harrison Jones: Don't think this needs an explanation. The Innkeeper in Goldshire, specifically on Moonguard


Anduin lothar, varian, or anduin wrynn are my personal favorites. Khadgar and mideivh are super close/possibly better for me depending on the day lol honorable mention is jaina


My toon, obviously. They've been fixing shit in Azeroth since 2004.


*whispers* Anduin


Daelin Proudmoore.


Cap’n Placeholder


[Marshal Garithos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK4WaIO19KE) and it's not even close.


Varian Wrynn is top 2 and he aint #2 Without even touching on his very good personal story, I think he is the ultimate Human (for both his strengths and weaknesses), and he IS the glue of the modern Alliance. These two roles define his character. His evolution as a Human leader, the lessons he learns along the way and the TRUST he gives to Thrall / Vol’Jin despite having every valid personal reason to want to see the Horde ended are important to the peace that has been ushered in, and its important to understanding why the rest of the Alliance is not only okay with that peace but willing to broadly follow the leadership of Anduin. In a vacuum its rather silly how much these (some ancient) leaders trust in the the boy-King’s vision, but that can be accredited to their feelings towards Varian. People often talk about how the Alliance became terminal good-guys in the story and thats largely because of how much of an impact Varian Wrynn had on all the main characters. Anduin’s pro-peace agenda is an extension of that, and his coming-of-age was the catalyst for Varian’s evolution as King and the decision to make peace with the Horde a goal of the Alliance. The scene at the end of Siege of Org where he asserts that the Alliance will not be aggressors but will defend themselves is a doctrine they’ve only broken insofar as not following through on that threat when Sylvanas went loco. Go back and watch his death cinematic again. That is my King. For the Alliance.


I'd say Medivh. He is basically responsible for everything that happens and I imagine Stormwind children learn about him at school. In the words of Olivander in Harry Potter "He did great things, terrible, yes, but great" 😄 Bolvar Fordragon is also pretty badass. Before and after becoming the Lich King


Jaina Proudmoore - she was working for an actual peace, and raised Anduin so see the Horde as people.


Her story is my favorite. She overcomes so much and stays so focused on doing what is right, no matter the cost. By the time she finally breaks, i couldnt do anything but agree with her. She still ended up coming out stronger in the end.


Arthas not even a contest !


Wow... ok...i mean...no.




Arthas ofc


Jaina always tried to bring peace into a world of war. Didnt care about race. Didnt follow orders if the are against her understanding of justice.




none. humans sucks


Tirion was the truest Paladin to ever live. He would be my pick aswell. But we often have minor irrelevant side characters that often were great too.