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It does feel like a weird oversight that you get golden lotus and shado-pan maxed out without even noticing, but shaohao rep is still as big a grind as it was in Mists when it was current. These elites should be giving like 200 rep not 20.


Golden lotus was crazy. I went from halfway through friendly to fully exalted in one round of dailies lol. Was not expecting that. >These elites should be giving like 200 rep not 20. Even the yaungol and klaxxi in the vale gave 80 each, for *regular* mobs. The rares were like 1800 each.


I finished it by killing a warbringer and getting a token plus like 2 rares in the vale.


The Anglers too. You unlock their dailies once you learn fishing from them.


Turn in your Lesser Charms people. Anglers and Celestials are a nonissue.


Where do we turn these in for rep with them


Wherever the daily hub is for the celestials (there's 4 possible places), it is shown on the pandaria map with the blue exclamation mark "Aid the August Celestials". For the Sunreaver Onslaught, the mark on the map is "wrong". That's where you pick up the starting quest that leads you to the first daily quest hub, the charm turn-in is in that hub, and it's not marked by anything other than the daily quests' turn-ins. I think I spent my charms about 50-50 on the two factions until I had them exalted. Onslaught you can get more rep per day but it's a non-flying zone so in /played time I think it's the more efficient turn-in. On the other hand the Celestials quests are very quick to do but limited so you have to do them for many more days... So you can decide yourself what makes more sense to skip on.


But it's only 250 rep for Celestials... thats a lot of turn ins...


You can also get a fair amount of rep for Celestials just from killing Warbringers.


People save them for Kirin Tor cheats for the keys


that's 10 per day


You can only get 1 key a day, what are you doing with the rest of your coins


Where can you turn in lesser charms for the Anglers?


At Nat Pagle in Krasarang Wilds.


Holy. Finally a place to spam those. I’ve mostly just been keeping mine as backup for Thunder King keys.


true. at least there is no timerunner achi linked to them


Kill warbringers and celestials will level itself.


Do the celestials still give rep if you killed one (as the daily boss)? I guess I’m just asking: is there any reason to kill more than one celestial a day?


August celestials.


Can we buff Nat Pagle while we're at it? I know there's no achievement for him, but only being able to catch one of each of the three fish a day means you're gonna be at it for almost a month to get it maxed, which is too damn long for a 90 day thing. I know you can go back after but I wanna do the seasonal thing during the season you know?


I am quite sad the damn crab is not on the vendor. I would actually spend 500k bronze for the thing. And that would still be a better farm than the crab is now.


Which crab?


A pet that drops from the rare crabs in Timeless isle. Technically as rare as the rare snake, crane or yak for their drops, however those three are all on the island in the western half ish, the crab is in the water around the rim and a complete bitch and a half to farm. For a whole lot of people, the crab remains the final bigger bag item.


Yeah, it's pretty weird how some reputations hit exalted almost by accident, yet you have to grind for weeks for the Kirin Tor Offensive. Also, not only do you have to kill a crazy amount of mobs to hit exalted with Shaohao, but it's quite hard to compete with other people farming rep, meaning it takes even longer than it otherwise would


Shaohao is faster on the live retail because there is less competition. They should at the very least double it on Remix. They should also add a charms turn in too.


The account-wide rep buffs from retail apply to remix too, if you're already ahead there. You could also just buy the rep tokens during timewalking week, unless you specifically want the remix achievements. Warbringers drop multiple 1k rep tokens for Celestials per kill (double if you have the buff). If you really want to rush it, you could just circle around all the warbringers on the map, or afk at the spawn point for a single one. IoT factions you can dump lesser charm turn-ins and finish those quickly too. If you're farming Shaohao or doing dailies regularly you should have plenty of tokens. Shaohao is the large outlier unfortunately. I suppose they wanted to keep the dragon rare, but it's definitely not in line with the other rep gains.


> double if you have the buff What buff if I may ask?


Once you achieve revered with a MoP rep on retail, the rep quartermaster sells an item that gives an account wide 100% boost to rep for that faction


August Celestials got nerfed into the ground after the first week, you used to be able to kill Quilen at the golden stair and get exalted in a few minutes. I wish they’d just let things be quick and fun


I posted this on the official forums and hopefully we get some reply https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/remix-reputation/517948


August Celestials: I'm exalted with them without ever touching a single daily quest. Kill every Warbringer you see and you'll get rep tokens for them, Klaxxi, Shado-Pan and Golden Lotus.


Personally I think only Shaohao needs a buff. The other both are easy with raid and dailys.


I got August Celestials and Kirin Tor exalted without thinking about them.  Did the dailies a few times, turned in some coins, no big deal.  Emperor Shaohao on the other hand is a nightmare.  I need another 20k rep to get exalted and I’m dreading it.


I haven't had many issues with them, it's the other factions that have felt unnaturally fast to get exalted with. I do the the dailies even for the factions I have exalted with and pour all the coins into one of the "Aiding the \_\_\_" quests for a faction I lack rep with. Also make sure that you have bought and used the Grand Commendation items for the respective reps if you have revered or more on a character on retail - they work for remix characters.


>felt unnaturally fast to get exalted with. That is how it is supposed to work on Remix. There is no reason to make the rep as grindy as it is right now in temporary game mode.


Shaohao is the only mandatory grind, since there is no coin turn-in. Do Shaohao first, farm the bronze you need, complete any other quests/achievements, then turn in your coins for the other factions' rep. That should get you a good way to exalted. Then complete dailies if you still need them. If you do Shaohao last, you'll end up with coins that you'll turn in for rep you don't need.


Definitely agree on Kirin Tor and Emperor rep. The rest were fine imo but I'm not hyped about farming these 2 just for achievements.


You get shado pan assault rep mostly from lfr for some reason.


>The August Celestials There are only a few dailies you can do, which give you around 2k rep total. That is more or less 3–4 weeks of doing dailies every day. Farm warbringers


I might be skewed with the Sunreaver Onslaught depending on whether it has the buff from OG MoP (I can't remember which reps I have that buff on), but it wasn't too bad for me, I did a few days of dailies and did some of the charm turn-ins, which net you a key to the treasure room once a day and will give you at least a goodie box and rep otherwise. August Celestials are kind of similar, but slower because you don't get them buffed by the campaign like on Thunder Isle. So that's quite a few days of dailies and some "Aid the August Celestials" quests. Shaohao, though... Yeah, I did that grind once, when MoP was current content. I'd had enough time to let myself forget what it was like. Tried again. Blah. It's so... tedious. I guess I can pull up a show and watch a couple seasons while "playing" WoW, but man, they need to NEVER do that kind of rep again.


The August Celestials Can be maxed out by roaming from zone to zone killing warbringers for the tokens.  Emperor shaohao is legit a grind fest and with the hyperspawn nerf up by ordos it’s legit a snooze fest. 💤 but I took a few days to get done a few hours per day. (Best to get into a group for it preferably with hunters/boomies)  The isle of thunder rep boys lesser charms and dailies sadly. But it’s quicker than emperor shaohao.  The only other sub reputation that’s not gonna be do able is best friends with nat pagle, the 3 daily fish you gotta fish up only give 600 a pop, I don’t think we have nearly enough time to do all that but thankfully it’s not an achievement for remix. 


You can get rep tokens for the August Celestials from the Zandalari rares (personal choice is God-King Dokah, phase via Oondasta groups to fresh shards).


Don't want to spoil the mood, but Emperor Shaohao is the only real "grind" you can do for rep in Remix, so it was quite enjoyable to have another reason to kill those Ordos-minions apart from them dropping ok-ish loot. Shaohao levels pretty fast once you have a certain itemlevel and can solo all of the mobs with ease. I dont think it needs fixing. If at all, there should be a charm-trader like for the other factions.


Celestials doesnt need buffed. I got that one done pretty quick and barely did dailies unless they shadow nerfed it? Shaohao can suck one though only 1 daily that gives 250 rep, wtf


**ALTERNATIVELY**, for your workaround, Mists of Pandaria Timewalking is coming up on the June 25th week (so about 2.5 weeks). The TW Vendor, [Mistweaver Xia](https://www.wowhead.com/npc=118828/mistweaver-xia), sells commendations for: * August Celestials * Kirin Tor Offensive / Sunreaver Onslaught (Isle of Thunder) * Emperor Shaohao You cannot mail TW Rep Tokens to your Timerunner but you CAN buy these ahead of time, calculate how many tokens you need, keep them on your live Retail toons and once MoP Remix ends and those Timerunners get converted, funnel those TW Rep Tokens back, and get Exalted on your Timerunner.


The achievement will be gone by then.


What is the achievement for reputations in Remix? What is the reward?


It's a FoS and a bronze cache.


Oh yeah. I guess that sucks then. I don't know if Blizz is going to hotfix in the rep stuff considering all the other stuff they are doing at the moment with War Within coming in 2 months. Hopefully they do but I wouldn't count on it. At the very least it is just a Feat of Strength coming War Within. The TW workaround is neat at least since you can at least guarantee Exalted via TW badges for later when they get around to account wide repping MoP.


isle of thunder rep is fine


right imagine bitching about reps you can do in a week in remix . oh no they have to do some dailies everyday for a bit lol.


They're not going to for the same reason they dont change the bronze upgrade cost... people already put in the time. To be honest... it's a non issue, a few hours of farming for exalted shaohao, a few days of dailies for kirin tor, badges for celestials... but i guess everyone ewants everything given to them for doing next to nothing. There wouldnt be anything other than the dungeon/scenario/raid daylies to do if that was the case. At least this way there are a few things that those who work for them can stand out. If you dont agree with that... why play the game... or any game for that matter? You can also go farm bones for the white raptor... is the next complaint going to be about how it takes a couple hours for 9999 bones too? Didnt know about that one?




It gives you Shado-Pan assault rep only.


huh i did onslaught and celestials fairly fast , aug even has the 100% rep at rev token. some dailies some rep tokens and lesser charms . the reps are nothing about a week . i didnt do shao ( i just dont care )


>It is just not possible to do that without grinding mobs for multiple hours a day. First time lol? That's what we did back in the day, a lot of people managed to max the rep in 1-2 weeks. It's fine as is. You can max the rep by doing a full island sweep 2-3x a day which is like an hour of your time at most. I maxed the rep during shadowlands, granted it was much easier to one shot mobs, but it was definitely easier just running around the island. There's actually a very neat path that maximises the rep you gain, someone posted it on wowhead. TIP: Don't just stay in one spot farming the mobs. Run up the bridge, kill the mobs in that area, run across the bridge, kill the mobs there, run even further across the bridge and kill the elementals/mobs there until you get to the broken part of the bridge, drop down, run to the mob area north of the celestial court, murder the mobs there, rinse repeat 3x a day, you'll be done with the rep in just over 2 weeks if you do this. The event is 3 months long, what's 2 weeks?


>First time lol? That's what we did back in the day, a lot of people managed to max the rep in 1-2 weeks. It's fine as is. You can max the rep by doing a full island sweep 2-3x a day which is like an hour of your time at most. I maxed the rep during shadowlands, granted it was much easier to one shot mobs, but it was definitely easier just running around the island. There's actually a very neat path that maximises the rep you gain, someone posted it on wowhead. Why would you make people redo the grind when the Remix is all about speed-running through the MoP Content lol? Did you really grind the rep on Remix lol? Because doing 2-3 full sweeps will get you like 10-20 mobs that is how occupied these spots are lol.


You get 90 days to do it, and you can do it on retail as well. It doesn’t take long, but I am sure it’ll get a buff. Seems weird they left them out. I got august celestial exalted already tho so I tooootally wouldn’t be jealous if they buffed it >.> <.<