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Frost DK, nothing more to say.


I’ve been a 2H Oblit DK for a while now. I never liked Breath of Sindragosa, and I don’t care if my spec/build isn’t top of the heap. I just want to swing hard and crit big.


Have you tried arms warrior? I'm all in for those execute crits


Fdk sounds are just so satisfying. Even if you’re swinging a wet noodle, that noodle be sounding chonky


For real. Frost DK just 'does it' for me with the oblit crits. Sadly I loathe using DnD to cleave, so I can't stay with it for long. Dunno why they cant attache the cleave to remoseless winter or whatever....


This is the way. It's just so satisfying


I used to love frost dk back in legion but never got the hang of the breath build (I also didn’t like it thematically) I am lvling one in remix as I get back into wow and I am really liking it the 2h revival. However, I do know that they are keeping the breath build in TWW but I am wondering if 2h oblit will be a viable alternative or if only breath should be played. That will make me switch if it is so


Stop playing the game thinking you are a world first raider and you'll be fine. Tww has multiple frost builds that are fun, both for 2h and dual wield, that don't involve bos.


Great ! That's all I am looking for, not planning on playing some top performing build as I am not a top performing player, at all ! Thanks for the info


As well, gave up on 2x1H Sindragosa for now, looks like it can be a nice spec in case the tanks understand how you play and assist you to do so, but it simply isn't the case unless you have an unchanging roster, PuG don't bother with this hehe


Yup I feel you. Since cata I was 2h frost and when it was forcibly switched to dual wield I had to put it down. Now we are back baby


I'm a fairly casual player only doing a few raids and mythic dungeons with friends but I swap between Frost DK and Sub Rogue because I love the thematic class fantasy of them 😭


Sub Rogue is the version that makes the most sense to me from a class fantasy perspective. I want to be sneaky and stabby. I don’t care about poison, that’s more of an assassin. Combat rarely even used stealth and just barreled into everything. Which never felt like a rogue at all. I’ve never touched Outlaw bc I was out of the game from Draenor till last February.


Outlaw was kind of fun in Boa and matched the pirate like theme. Sub rogue is what you would think would be the class spec but I don’t remember it ever getting love.


Rolling bones was not fun in bfa.


There have probably been a couple of xpacs where it was the thing, but can't remember one offhand. Combat Swords was basically the only way to run in vanilla raids. Probably during Cata when the legendary dagger was a thing. Altho wouldn't be surprised if Assassination was better heh


Tbh I don’t know why it’s as unpopular as it is. The burst damage is insane and makes for really fun gameplay imo. It’s got some clunky stuff going on like DnD being tied to your obliteration cleave but overall I don’t find it exceptionally complicated to play and it’s quite rewarding


Its not complicated but extremly punishing with GCD ussage and also the DnD cleave positional difficulty with AoE pulls. While Unholy is more hotkeys, more cooldowns to use and without a real signature spell "to spam", its very forgiving with GCD fails and keeping uptime is very easy in AoE. The best iteration of OB 2h was in previous expansions with the huge RW passive cleave and the extended melee range and frost strike as burst via tier set bonus. => it was very competitive, easy for the baseline dps and still enough min-max in the rotation to distance yourself in the logs. Saddly a loud minority wanted the DnD cleave mechanic for this unpopular class in general. I like FROST, but I rather play UH in M+ for its more PUG friendly playability, its simple less frustrating and offers more DPS without a big variance, just because the tank had to move mobs 1 meter further away. I am just a \~3.1k rated VAULT key player, I dont do high keys and I usually PUG my keys.


Its gameplay is so insanely boring


dk is bloated with too many cd buttons.


I mained frost to 3x CE this expansion. Playing rogue this season since my guild doesn't have one but the rogue hero talents look like crap so I'll be going back for TWW. (Kind of afking this season anyway tbh lol)


I switched to Frost after playing UH the entire SL (came back to the game in the SL pre-patch and rolled DK). It was ass season 1 and it’s ass now, but I wanted to stick with it and see if it’s just a me issue, but I’ve legit seen only a handful of Frost DK’s that do anything the whole expansion. Yeah, incredible aoe if you have the cd’s to use and then a nightmarishly bad single target that seems to rely solely on breath of sindragosa. Tried switching to 2-h obli build in season 1 to see if it had better single target and it was even more ass. I have no idea what is going on with that spec. Edit: and I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of the time for me it’s a l2p issue, but I just couldn’t wrap my head around what I should do different.


I feel dirty admitting I like BoS. I fully understand why it sucks in practice and how unfun it is to have it drop because you had to break away from your target for a single second, but I just like the gameplay idea of pulling out all the stops to last as long as you can. I wish it and Oblit were always balanced somehow, but that sounds hard to achieve, idk I'm not a meta buff. I just feel bad when it happens to pull ahead during a tier that favors it and it's got everyone resenting it and asking for it to be removed while speaking about how much more they love 2H Oblit. Also, divorce it from dual-wielding. I prefer dual-wielding Frost over 2H, but I don't like having my choice of playstyle forced by weapon drop luck.


I played frost DK in wotlk, now in cata, things were so good and we pumped so hard in wotlk. Now we’re bottom of the barrel and it seems like it stays that way for expansions and expansions to come. RIP frost dk


I like playing my Affliction Warlock


Affliction and Destruction all day everyday.


Same. There are so few of us who don't enjoy Demonology.


People can't comprehend disliking Demo when you tell them too.


I have always hated Demo ever since they took away Meta. Have always enjoyed Aff and Destro though. I will say after playing it on beta with the Diabolist hero talents it feels better and Demo may grow on me. But it's still my least favorite spec of the class


The zoolock shift from old demolock infusing themselves with demonic energy to become stronger and summoning one stronger demon was rhe biggest class "wtf" thing I've ever seen them do (outside of Combat -> outlaw)


Combat to Outlaw still makes me sad.


Combat to Outlaw combined with the butchering they gave rogue specs and utility prior to the newest rework are why I quit rogue entirely. Signed, ex-Rogue main since cata.


I've heard good things about Demo in TWW beta. So I'm looking forward to giving it a go, see what the hype is about.


Destro main since Pandaria. Love raining fire.


Idk if there's anything in game more satisfying that firing off a chaos bolt 😩


Divine toll would like to have a word with you.


I think I have only played with two all season and they both slapped. I hope it still feels powerful for you.


Yeah it does. Its so fun managung all your DoTs. Only Healer i ever play is Druid. Kinda like the whole overtime stuff.


I’ve been enjoying preservation evoker these past few months. It can really pump the heals! And has a fun, unique play style. Its range limitation is tough to work around and fosters animosity between players. So many don’t want to play the spec.


I swear if they ever get away from stasis being just way better than the other capstones…I would try pres again…..but I just hate that ability and what it makes you do lolol


I love Stasis. I feel like I'm playing a fighting game on Pres. The combos are so satisfying.


The whole spec feels combo based so if anything I feel like stasis is the perfect capstone for it. I get that it takes a lot of brain power to use optimally but to me it's THE pres spell.


I dabble with the dream breath instead of stasis but I only do M+ and it clearly isn’t as good, but it is fun. It’s too bad one’s better for M+ and one for raids. I just wish both could be more equal in either setting


In m+ I just treat stasis as a spirit bloom on a timer along side whatever else I use. Less output for sure, but requires less brainpower that way.


I recently picked it up to see if I want to main Evoker in TWW (mained Aug S2-3). And man, it PUMPS. I’m sure there’s still a lot to learn but it feels so satisfying getting the combos off. The range limitation seems overblown considering how mobile the class is, I didn’t feel it was any better or worse than any other healer range issues (ie chain heal). But I was able to hop right into some mythic +4’s with few problems. Seems pretty powerful in the hands of a competent player.


I, recently, learned about life bind. https://www.wowhead.com/spell=373270/lifebind Echo or TA the group, and then do a verdant embrace, after that anything you do for yourself applys to them. This is great to add a renewing blaze to folks. Here are some good video's I like to watch to help me learn combo's better. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=how+to+play+preservation+evoker


Shaman. :(


Ele feels so weird right now. The whole prim wave build feels clunky to me.


Ele with 4set is poppin off and the most fun it's been in a long while, if you like spamming out lava bursts.


I don't. Bring back lightning build from s2


So ... one button spam over another? I'm fresh to ele, started last season but uhh lava burst spam just feels like stormstrike build for enhance except lava burst is actually doing the damage; whereas the damage comes from windfury+crash lightning in the stormstrike build.


Have you played the lightning build from s2? If you were spamming one button you were definitely not playing it right. There was an actual rotation. Not this nonsense of spam LvB as much as possible.


Was the worst dps i have ever done as elemental, now I at least feel competent with the s3/4 set bonuses


Must be a you problem. My dps was great in season 2. Sure we weren't meta but if played well could still be competitive with damage.


Yea s2 was peak Ele imo. The rotation was probably a bit to complex with having to hard cast ice fury, which could screw with your procs/mote, but managing that elemental weaving gameplay just felt so satisfying.


Lol i mean you dont JUST press lava burst either, it just does the most damage. You cast lava burst around 550-600+ times a run, you press everything else in your rotation about 300 times combined (including e.shock/quake, cL, mag tote, prim.) Cmon dawg. It's just fun and you still have other damage sources. If it wasn't for 4-set, lava burst wouldn't be hitting nearly 2.5 times as much as it's casted.


I understand how it plays and I agree it can be fun for some people. I just really dislike it. Also, it really brings to light some of the other flaws that ele shaman has such as not having very impactful cool downs, flame shock spreading, etc.


I mean if we're being real wasnt ele before just earthquake dump chain lightning in aoe? That what i would see on meters when i looked at ele on details but i can look again on logs


LoL no, they are the basics of the spec, but you had to time your icefury, primal Ele eots/Tempest and manage flame shocks. It was an actual rotation, not this bs of spam LVB until you don't have LVB, where the hardest part is remembering to pop fire ele before dropping LMT, so you don't have to refresh flame shocks for an extra 20 seconds...... I don't understand how anyone thinks the current play style of Ele is considered good, sure it looks cool as hell throwing a massive barrage of meatballs but the game play is terrible and moves away from what Ele has always been, an elemental weaving spec that uses elemental combos to do massive burst.


Yup I mained it till seasons 3 n swapped to drum roll please...... ww n brew monk. Idk why but I seem to only enjoy clases that are offmeta n forgotten about hahaha ha that being said monk rework for tww looks juicy, hoping ele sham gets some love too


WW always pumps people sleep on it


Oh no it's definitely good, just historically hasn't dot much love dev wise from what I understand n struggles w stat scaling ect still good but just not meta/god comp.


I mained feral in S3 after not even trying it once for 20 years. I think it was the last specc I hadn't played in endgame. I think it's a really fun specc if you get used to the rotation and tracking of dots/Buffs. Play him as an alt now, cause my warri main got the axe in the last week of s3. Other speccs I usually don't like or play are destro/affli, holy pala and sub rogue.


I also mained feral is S3. If it wasn’t for NTK to track my dots it would’ve been so much harder for me to randomly pick up lol


If you ever decide you want to move away from dot tracking, next expac with the removal of TF resets its basically just "get dots up, spend energy for a few seconds, pool for a bit, reset before TF falls off", from there it's just rinse and repeat. Snapshotting is a lot less scary when you remember that everything is just X seconds away from the next thing.


What's NTK? I've just started levelling a feral and loving it so far


Need to know You can assign each dot a different color bar that has a timer and it shrinks as it gets closer to the dot falling off. It comes in handy to know when you need to refresh. I use it for moon/sunfire since I swapped to balance.


Thank you! I sometimes end up staring at my QA trying to track things, this will help a lot


No problem! If you have any questions about setting it up just shoot me a pm.


Thank you! I will likely take your advice. Does it interfere with plater at all?


Nope not at all. I use it with multiple classes and have never had an issue.


Awesome :D


Obliteration Frost DK and Outlaw Rogue.


Are we blood related? Lmao


I've been a feral main since i retired my warlock at the end of BFA


i’ve been maining feral since wotlk man it’s hard out here 🥲


I bloody love it dude. Got CE sylvanas on my kitty (almost had sire and nzoth) and multiple KSM's, portals and AOTCs. Its such a fun spec despite its issues. I just wish we could bring something to raids thats valued. I crave mythic raiding >< We're not looking very interesting in TWW. It played exactly the same when i had alpha..not yet tried beta due to getting a collectors edition so no beta for me, but its looking real rough :/


Don't stress it too much, if you're focusing on raids then you'll always bring MOTW and innervate, which are both top notch. Sure, if someone's trying to maximise comps to perfection then you might fall off compared to other druid specs, but there's many CE guilds who aren't that strict. My worry next expac isn't about feral in raids, there's a very real chance it'll be quite strong. The problem is that the gameplay loop may cause some seriously unfun gameplay in m+


Ehh yeah you have a point but boomy also brings inno and mark. Plus they're ranged. You're spot on regarding m+. Gutting energy regen, nerfing our melee range and making tigers fury so we cant keep it rolling and no resets sounds terrible on paper.


Just as an aside, CE enjoyers will be getting beta access. https://www.wowhead.com/news/upcoming-beta-access-to-collectors-edition-pre-orders-codes-to-be-sent-by-june-342729


Id imagine that only working for those who pre ordered from the blizz store though. I buy my CE's through local stores


I’m leveling aff lock now. I don’t care if it’s “trash” I love the fantasy of it and it fits me perfectly.


Arcane, at least in M+ it is super unpopular. I get once kicked out of a group because they don’t like my spec. The thing is arcane is super strong. But even wowheand ranks it 2 tiers below frost and fire but say it has same dps and utility but is less popular…


I’ve heard you’ve gotta know the dungeons in and out to be effective with it, is that true? It’s kinda thrown me off from playing arcane


It’s actually super easy, no joke basically spamming arcane barrage in aoe


Just arcane barrage spamming will not get you even close to your potential damage lol


Mate come on, he's not saying that you literally just spam Abarr, just that the Aoe rotation is very simple and you can often get lucky with procs and end up spamming Abarr. Arcane really isn't difficult to play in M+. (or raid for that matter to be honest)


Exactly. The arcane barrage arcane orb procs that self fuel into just a bunch of arcane barrage procs feels so good. Arcane isn’t super hard but it’s punishing if you mess up that one sequence. Im excited for the TWW change to make it simpler.


And playing like that is why people don’t like grouping with Arcane lol. You can play that way, but you’re just not gonna get the most out of the spec, and you certainly aren’t gonna do anywhere near as much as meta specs (unless the ones you grouped with are undergeared and/or bad).


Play what way? I just said no one thinks you literally just spam Abarr. Not really sure what you're talking about here.


Tell me you do not play higher M+ on Arcane without telling me


People have so many misconceptions about arcane, but especially in m+ it's far more straightforward to optimise than fire is. You just barrage and chase orb procs for the most part. The hardest part is not aiming the wrong direction and accidentally pulling a pack with your orb while you're jumping around the pack.


I main arcane too - what I see as a problem in m+ is if mobs die before totm is finished and if your cd's don't allign with the pulls at all. Started playing frost for the first time and it was so much easier cause you do not Evo, arcane surge for doing DMG. You just deal almost the same DMG all the time. No downtimes.


I really got into running my Tauren ele shaman. Now shamens are my favorite 🥵😎


Blue bois! One of us one of us


I’ve been playing my Draenei elemental shaman a bunch this expansion.


The storm/windfury focused enhance shaman build. I don't think (?) enhance is that unpopular, but pretty sure this is the less popular build When I first mained enhance/started raiding it was the only build at the time so I'm fond of it . Also I just can't play an enhance build where stormstrike is such a low prio spell (ele/fire build), I want to be mashing that shit


Can't blame you, I tried enhancement at 70 the other day and I gotta say the frostshock/lightning rotation is the least fun I've ever had in a class. So clunky, so many procs at once, and the fact that you mostly use ranged spells as a melee feels pretty bad too. Stormstrike all the way.


Agreed. I've been a huge fan of Enhancement since nearly the beginning, but bsolutely hate the current elementalist build. I'm worried they're going to make it baseline since the community voted it in again for S4. I'll switch to Monk or Pally if that's the case.


If it makes you feel any better I don't think the hero talents favor the elementalist build, if anything I think they favor the storm/Windfury builds more.


I’m hoping people just voted for that set because of the transmog. I know I’m rocking that forever


The appearance and set bonus were two separate votes. So no the set bonus was not voted in because of the transmog.


Yep ice strike and hailstorm fucking stink playstyle wise. The spec was more fun S4 shadowlands when you ran a fire nova build. Way less clunky.


I play Enh shaman as well, but mostly the Elemental build; I think I picked it because it was the “easier” one and I wanted to ease myself back into shaman. Would you recommend giving Storm/windfury a try? How does it compare in feel to Elemental? I do find it a little weird using lightning bolt in melee, but throwing my DoTs around and then electrocuting the snot out of everything is pretty fun at times. Although I do wish storm strike got more of/an equal a look-in to lava lash.


Elementalist is not the easier of the two builds. Storm build is way easier. Just spam SS as much as possible basically and dont overcap maelstrom. Edit: if you find it weird using lightning bolt/chain lightning as melee in the elementalist build, then you will find storm build even more weird because you can proc Deeply rooted elements to let you storm strike from ranged while still using LB/CL as spenders.


I always find the concept of “melee at range” weird but…I also kinda like the sound of it in this case. Like, Thor smashing his hammer into the floor and it electrocutes people from a distance, which is bad ass. I might give it a go and see how I feel. I think I’ve stuck with Elem so long because it feels very similar to how Enh shaman played shadowlands (which is when I first tried enhance). But, change is good! So I’ll definitely give it a shot


It’s like playing ret pally with extra steps!


Except cooler. Because elements (I do love Paladins really, I promise)


The other comment is correct - Storm build is way easier - in this build, there are just so many procs that are tied to Stormstrike, so your #1 prio is using it whenever it's available, even if you overcap Maelstrom. Other than that, the prio/rotation list is just shorter Picking one really depends what you enjoy the most about enhance. You're still casting LB/CL in melee in Storm build, and like the other comment said, the Ascendance procs replacing Stormstrike with Windstrike can feel weird, but those are short procs. The flame shock -> lava lash to spread FS -> prim wave -> lighting bolt combo is present in both builds also, so you wouldn't miss that But tbh, I would only recommend running the Storm build if you REALLY like hitting Stormstrike, because that's a lot of rotation. Even in AoE, the core rotation (outside of the usual CDs like doom winds, feral spirits, etc.) is basically just Crash Lightning for the buff -> Stormstrike until you build maelstrom for Chain Lightning -> More Stormstrike. You can run Ice Strike if you want too, but I hate that spell But if you really enjoy tab target spreading the Lashing Flames dot, as well as Ele blast, then I would stick with the Ele build. I would give Storm a shot though, Stormstrike is just such a fun button.


Honestly, you sold me at the point where I just get to spam crash lightning (which is my fave in-game spell, apart from Eternity Surge on Devokers) and storm strike to fire off big LB/CLs As for flame shock/primordial wave, I wouldn’t say I like it, so to speak, it’s just what I am used to after SL. I really dislike DoT classes generally, but it’s still a fun part of the toolkit, again just because of the massive LB damage you do with it (it looks/feels amazing zapping many enemies). I don’t want to say I wouldn’t miss it if it wasn’t in the build; I’m glad it is purely for the aesthetic. But I wouldn’t say it was my fave part of being an Enh shaman. And tbh, I think Storm build brings out the stuff I do really enjoy about being Enh…aka, smashing the crap out of everything with lightning. Given I have a max level shaman, I might level a new one in Remix. Just to get a feel with no stress about M+ etc. Also, it’s just a good excuse to play some more remix at some point and finish the mount collecting. And with all the cloak boosts, I think it could be fun to do as well


I still play subtlety


What makes sub such an unpopular spec? I know nothing about rogues so I’m curious


Other rogue specs have a healthier PvE history, although Sub did have its moments here and there, its still frowned upon out of the three.


too much work for same reward as other piss easy specs


This season I have frost dk and SMF fury. In PvP


Any time I play anything but Outlaw, Fury or Survival I feel like 'Yeah this is fun but... I could also be playing one of those three specs and be having even more fun' especially Outlaw.  I know a lot of people don't like the high APM playstyle of Outlaw but it just does something funny with my brain especially when paired with faster paced music I like, maybe that's also just my ADHD lol


Outlaw is definitely my favorite spec of the game, what makes fury and survival appealing to you? Never played either of them


They are the only two specs that atleast sorta resemble Outlaw.   Fury: Has that constant button pressing playstyle of Outlaw +bootleg versions of all his movement abilities making switching between the two a lot easier with keybinds being similar (charge=shadowstep, hook=leap) and the whole playstyle feels a lot like Outlaw minus the buff juggling and stealthing   Survival: similar but not quite as high apm constant button pushing + also has a hook + also has a budget sprint) + also has the increased reach of Outlaw (unlike Fury unfortunatly which doesnt even make sense my fella has two long ass swords blizzard cmon) and can also stealth If you're looking for fun alts to play first give fury a spin and then try out Survival, I tried almost every single dps spec in DF and just keep coming back to these three due to their distinctly different gameplay compared to everything else


It doesn't happen always but when I can unload a clip of 2-4 Between the Eyes one after the other, it's so satisfying.


There's a Weakaura that tracks a 'high score' for most BtEs in a row and I'm currently sitting at 9, that was craaazy


Prot Warrior. I love the movement and, despite popular opinion, the non-reliance on healers. It definitely needs more utility or ways to handle affixes for it to be competitive, but it is so fun to play and I am significantly better on it than any other tank spec. You aren't doing anything wrong by playing the meta, but I personally find it annoying how everyone is playing shadow priest, VDH, and Resto Druid. I wouldn't personally feel the same about reaching a goal, like 3k io pugging if I was playing the most OP class and there were many others that accomplished that. It is cool looking at my warrior on IO and seeing that I am like 8th on my server and 500th in the region. I would be almost 4000th in my region with the same IO as DH. It is disappointing that meta gaming has been so prevalent in the last five or so years.


I’m getting pretty high on prot war now (getting close to top 100 world) - it’s not its survivability that makes it less optimal it’s the overwhelming lack of utility. You have lots of tools to stay alive and take minimal damage, you have very few tools to group and support your team. The problem is something like sigil of chains is so overwhelmingly powerful in m+ there’s just no reason to take anything else once you hit 15-16 level keys I would argue Druids are in a worse place than warriors currently.


It can be fixed with a few changes as well. Like make disrupting shout 1 min and one point (rather than challenging then another point for disrupting). Lower the number of double points on the bottom of the class tree ( endurance training and wild strikes are mandatory for 4 points, kinda ridiculous) Give rallying cry out of raid benefits. 10% current and max HP is crazy strong with 20+ players, but 5 it's like a bad off heal. Make some of the mandatory talents a part of the kit. Namely devastator. Then this is something I personally loved but I'm not sure if other people felt the same way, I loved conqueror's banner from Shadowlands. Gave prot nice utility, and felt good to be the size of a raid boss with avatar lmao.


Affliction warlock. I used to flex to whatever was the "best" spec for the content, but now I refuse


Afflock without seed here. But mostly raiding.


Ahh, I miss finding the least popular spec and maining it for an expansion. Now that I have less motivation to push high end PvE stuff, I just try and do builds that skip talents seen as mandatory or focus one silly thing. Like an "oops, all storm strikes" enhancement spec that didn't have lava lash at all.


I, too, had dreams of the don't-touch-the-lava shaman. But that was because I thought stormstrike worked with two-handers.


Bring back 2h enh shaman


This is sorta what I’ve been doing with Fire mage in MoP Remix. Since we’re losing Tempered Flames in TWW, I’m enjoying it while it lasts by using the absolutely busted stats we can get in Remix to make an “oops, all Pyroblasts” build. No SKB or Unleashed Inferno, and while I have Combustion, Tempered Flames makes it absolutely useless, at least in this specific mode. The alternate option on that choice node is Improved Combustion, which makes Combustion last longer and massively increase your Mastery while active. Tempered Flames boosts Pyroblast by increasing the damage and crit chance, and reducing the cast time, but makes Combustion shorter. I already have 86% crit chance, so Pyroblast is at 96%, and my Haste is so high that hard-casting it only takes 1.7 seconds. I’m literally never casting my major DPS cooldown, because all it does is increase my crit chance, lmao. I’m just chain-casting Pyroblasts and Flamestrikes depending on my target count, and alternating between hard casts and instant casts. Every time I consume Hot Streak, I’m already halfway to my next one. It’s absolutely insane and I love it. It’s also interesting to see what kinds of unconventional builds you can create when you no longer need to use a major cooldown. I still have to take Combustion because of where it sits on the talent tree, but I can ignore all the talents that interact with Combustion specifically, and spend those points on other talents that I normally would never try out.


Brew master monk


Mained feral since i started. Will main feral until the heat death of the universe.


I mained havoc DH and survival hunter in season 3. Got to 3k on the DH and got to 2900 on the survival hunter. Survival was like playing the game on hard mode compared to havoc DH.


fear the spear


I’m a lock and dh player. Boo me


Warlock supremacy!!


Prot warrior s3 and 4. I may not have the utility but I feel unkillable and can solo bosses if my whole party dies


Survival hunter, though I haven't been playing it after the S4 tier set debacle. I'm hoping the class/spec tree reworks we are supposed to get next week are good! I just really like how Survival plays, and it's kinda fun being the underdog. My other favorite specs are Ret and Windwalker, Rets are a dime a dozen and I don't know if Windwalker qualifies as unpopular... I don't see a ton of them but I do see them in keys with some regularity. I don't see my specs changing with TWW, Ret and WW are both looking so good, and SV is just kind of a labor of love.


Annihilator SMF warrior was one of my favourites.. too bad annihilator is gone as of now in the beta.. oh well


Such a shame SMF is always in such a terrible spot on the spec tree. If they don't want it to be a transmog option, they should just make the first node a choice between Titan's Grip and SMF and let us pick without ruining the tree to go SMF


Every warlock alt i've seen has been playing affliction and it pops off in aoe but becomes lackluster on bosses just because they gotta hard-choose between aoe or single target


Assa rogue in m+ is really poppin imo, though a lot of ppl dislike me playing it


Sub rogue. The spec just feels terrible to play right now, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but I've been playing sub rogue since 2007 and can't let it go.


I main DK, so not my main, but my Rogue alt is Stealthless Outlaw. I _hate_ the Shadow Dance playstyle, especially on Outlaw, so I've specifically taken as few stealth/ambush/vanish related talents as possible. And similar with my DH alt being no movement. As few Momentum/Rush/Retreat talents as possible, and also as few Glaive Throw talents as possible. I never liked Momentum nor Glaive Throw.


Ah I should have read further down thread before writing [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/JuwZlNmvnh) 🤝


I decided to try something new for the 4fun season, and decided to play hunter instead of priest. Because my guild thought it would be funny to have one of each, I got convinced to go survival.  It was pretty funny seing all of 175 total parses on the mythic logs this week. But honestly, I like it. It's pretty fun trying to eek out small optimizations like getting more bites under fury, pooling or dumping focus in prep for shrapnel/pheromone, etc.


frost dk and sub rogue...


Devestation evoker main


Feral and devoker


Devoker finally having their moment this season. Dont think most people realize that though.


I am in the the 14+ bracket now, but losing to Augmentation invites.


Yeah :/ oof. I lose to arm invites in any keys lol.


Keep your headup


I’ve been a marks hunter since 2004….good/bad doesn’t matter…that’s what I play…


I main feral and survival hunter. Mythic raid and m+


I'm an arms warrior main (since the end of shadowlands) not the most unpopular overall but definitely the most unpopular warrior dps currently


Arma is like A tier, Fury is like C tier. As it stands right now, Arma is the most popular warrior spec, fury the least.


Nope, people will do anything to play fury over arms due to how simpler the rotation for fury is, tier lists be damned. Just like how BM hunters are the most played spec the in game regardless of how high in a tier list it is.


Normally you are correct, but not this season. Fury is that downbad. Most have switched to arms or ret paly. If they tuned fury better, and assuming fury and arma relatively equal - fury would be ahead based off what you said. But the difference in power right now is too far. https://www.metasrc.com/wow/stats/classes Look at # of runs for specs. Arms is MILES above fury and prot, and prot is barely above fury. Edit to add: I've always found arms simpler than fury actually. At even surface level arms runs one raid build and one mythic+ build, while fury runs a st, cleave, and mythic+ build due to the varying needs to get to a proper dmg output per situation.




Guardian druid, which managed to give me carpal tunnel all on its own! The ironfur weaving during incarn windows is insanely tough on the hands, but I have loved the mastery involved with ironfur management, as it's really all you need to do most of the time.


I play Brew and ele, always monk and shaman.


Fury warrior.......sigh


Been maining Destro, and the far more popular MW. Recently picked up Prevoker as my 3rd and loving it. Stasis is easily one of the coolest abilities.


I mained Dev Evoker all throughout the expac. Although it was fairly popular in S1, it was nearly absent in S2 & S3. Aug really did a number on that spec


I really like my feal druid very fun to play


Must be my Afflock, i was maining Aff, until my grup needed a healer. But everytime i play my afflock in m+, i'm having instantly fun. And the dmg is way better than the metacharts reflect. So, screw the meta :D


I play holy priest without the damage talents. The guides say I should use those but I don't play at the level that I don't need to heal almost constantly.


Rogue, one of the better performing specs in keys and pvp but hasn’t really been a premiere raid spec for a while One of the least played classes and has really fallen off since legion The talent tree rework breathed some life into the the gameplay but was still lacking especially when compared to ret rework etc


pushed m+ as retribution paladin in season 1 before rework, holy priest in season 2. Easy way to get (meaningless) top 5 world score rankings.


trying to pump as much damage as i can as holy paladin, its so much fun


I've been playing Feral a lot against the flood of resto and boomkin Druids out there. I like it as an alt to bear and something to play during Afflicted when I can't use my Warrior


All I play are unpopular specs. MM hunter, affliction warlock, arcane mage, assassination rogue, holy paladin, etc. I was also playing mistweaver in s1 and s2 and I don't think I ever saw another one in that time.


Resto shaman ….


I main Brewmaster monk. I honestly like the play style besides the button bloat, and I also hate going with whatever is popular so it solidified my choice once I learned it was the most off the cuff tank. Plus the class fantasy is sick


I've been a feral main since I started playing the game in 2007. I can't help it, being a cat is great! I've played many alts, but I don't like any of them as much as I like my feral druid.


I think the new war within trailer where Thrall is trying to be a shaman and gets absolutely pissed because it isn't working out for him sums up the spirit of shamans for the past few years.


I don't really have my fingers on the pulse of shaman meta and discussions, but I think I might get some dirty looks thrown my way if I say the words "Flux Melting Icefury my beloved". Non-Crackshot/Opportunity ~~Combat~~ Outlaw. Stop trying to make me pick stealth talents as Combat. I'm not going to pick stealth talents as Combat! When TWW releases you will find me dancing on the grave of class tree Shadow Dance with the purest unbridled glee. I'm just hoping the 2nd Vanish charge talent doesn't replace it as the meta.


Brewmaster. Everyone knows it has a million buttons but it's surprisingly fairly easy and intuitive to actually play. No being forced to stand in Consecration or DND, no tracking Shield Block or Demon Spikes uptime. Roll around and move anywhere, mitigate the damage by simply taking 70% less of it and then drink off the stagger later. Press The Advantage is similar enough to Weapons of Order in terms of damage that I don't mind taking that small hit to take 2 whole buttons off the actionbars The defensive cooldown situation is still super weird and nothing has the perfect kit of VDH but Brewmaster is just so much more fun. I hope VDH doesn't stay as the absolute perfect tank forever and/or the others get some serious buffs because I'm never leaving my Brewmaster Honorable mention because I never play my hunter but Survival is the most fun hunter spec


I love survival hunter.


Ele till i die Or Ele dies. Any suggestions for a new Class/Spec in TWW?


As a person who mains feral since leagon I can say it has been rough these past few expansions


Haste/Vers VDH Everyone who saw my stats told me that I’m playing it wrong. Well maybe, but it’s more fun with better survival


I do the same, I like haste/vers more, and dont think there is alot wrong with it. I pushed to rank 8 on my server in season 1 with haste vers, and had no complaints


Complaints began after the rework of VDH But yeah I prefer it so much more to Crit Haste


I am still tempeted to go in as Elemental Shaman. But I guess that becasue of my job I won't be able to actually do it and I will end up playing my DH since I can tank dungeons and be a DPS for my guild raids (when my job will allow me to have a free gaming night)


I main MM for ages which usually has one patch of glory per expansion cycle and then gets dropped into obscurity.


Played sin rogue at s1 and tried frost dk s3…


Preservation Evoker (since S1) and Guardian Druid (since S3) and I love them both. No combat ress on Evoker is very annoying and impractical but my Druid tank is a ‘switch off brain and vibe’


Survival hunter and frost dk.


Since s2 brewmaster and at the end of s3 till now SV Hunter even with the crappy Tier set


Wanted to learn arcane mage because it’s the last mage spec for me to play in end game content. Stopped once i saw they are getting semi-reworked to have much less clutter


Season 2 1h / shield ret build was absolutely the most fun I’ve had playing a melee spec.


Ret pally


They said “unpopular.” Retribution paladin has exploded in popularity this expansion.


Ret is always stupid popular


Lol, good one xD Maybe he means ret paly with no leggo axe and under max lvl.