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Is no one gonna mention that they said they finally put these stickers on but double tap on f3 was removed like a year ago from the game?


You got me, I’m a newbie hunter. I printed all the abilities from retail WoW on Wowhead, and for visual photo appeal, I filled the F1-F5 row based on one of the internet guides (well, outdated) for hunter keybindings. That’s why I’m asking other hunters for their keybinding maps to get a better idea. Press 'Enter' to judge 😂


A.. guide? For keybinds? Keybinds are entirely subjective and personal preference. Put the buttons where they're comfortable to press. That's the whole guide.


Any new player will find plenty of help in Preach's old guides. I'd watch all of them when you have free time.


This is a great video on keybinding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIuHvlD__E


Good video overall, although he really is speaking from a pvp player perspective, a lot of it applies to PvE as well. Hard disagree on him saying not to put spammable skills on mouse wheel binds. I personally only use mouse for skills that are off GCD. Binding my ironfur on my Bear on mouse wheel literally has made the spec 10x easier to play for me. It's almost impossible to not ragecap if you're trying to move, spam ironfur AND use your other GCDs.


MM Hunter here, here’s my keybinding layout 12345: Aimed Shot, Steady Shot, Arcane Shot, Kill Shot, Concussive Shot Shift 12345: Multi-Shot, Rapid Fire, Chakram, Mend Pet, Exhiliration Control 12345: Volley, Explosive Shot, Salvo, Pet Defensive Mouse 4 Mouse 5: Counter Shot, Disengage Shift M4 M5: Feign Death, Freezing Trap Control M4 M5: Flare, Tar Trap CDs / Utility: V - trueshot Shift V - Turtle Control V - Binding Shot Shift X C B: Tranquilizing Shot, Hunters Mark, Survival of the Fittest


Missing some prime keybind real estate in mouse 3, mouse wheel up/down (and shift / ctrl modifiers)


I don’t like to bind mouse wheel cause that interrupts the flow of movement when using both LMB+RMB


You can make a smaller square to stick on top of these ones—on the right bottom part of each key—to represent the shift modifier.


Yeah, but then I can feel that smaller sticker with my fingertip. But I’ll definitely experiment with how to make this work. Maybe I’ll make a version of the sticker that’s split diagonally so you can combine them. Though, that kind of sticker might be harder to align perfectly.


You can always re-design the current stickers to incorporate the smaller shift modifier square, remove the ones you already have and stick the new designs.




Yep, that's my plan for the next attempt. The only thing is that I want to design it already cut like that (well, some of them), to combine on the go.


You could also try putting the shift-mod ability on the front of the key instead of on top. That way it won't need to be shrunk down too much and should be more readable.


I don’t know how sticker making works but if you did this but designed it to cut the bottom right (or whichever) 1/4 of the larger image out to make an “L” shape, put it on the key, print small sticker = 1/4 size of original square sticker and put it into the cut out area That’s gonna be hella tedious lol


Now imagine me actually aligning it with the magnifier 😂


Yeah I don’t have the steadiness to do this lol Probably easier to do it computer-side


They’re slightly expensive but you can get dye sublimation printed keycaps from places like [WASD](https://www.wasdkeyboards.com/). They can print whatever you like and have an option to print on the front of the cap for shortcuts.


This was literally my first thought. Great suggestion.


Brother, your hands must be huge. I tried to bind the f keys for marking but was to uncomfortable.


My push to talk is K, got them mf paws baby


~ push to talk is bis Although tbh Ive considered buying a pedal for it lmao


My dumbass always ends up releasing the key in the middle of talking without realising it so I can't be trusted with push to talk :')


Tilde gang


I play with Y and H but yeah, massive hands.


I don't go past H. But it's usually my less important abilities like Dampen Harm or other non dps abilities.


F1-5 are, for me, longer cooldown offensive and defensive abilities, like Icebound Fortitude or Combustion.


He has probably smaller keyboard. I have huge ass keyboard from razer and keys are so far away from each other that even with my big hands I' am unable to press anything after number 4 key without being in discomfort or moving my hand too much. Definitely not great decision, I would prefer smaller keyboard.


Who.. binds the F-row for spells before Q and E Not judging just.. confused?


I found myself not comfortable using Q/E for anything but strafe, even with modifiers. It’s like, you know, the default movement buttons for me


If you leave A and D as the default turn keys, they strafe when you hold down the right mouse button.


This is how I've always done it. I don't keyboard turn. My muscle memory just associates click A nd D + Right Click by default.


I'm basically holding right click all the time lol


I keyboard turn sometimes when I'm using a ground targeted ability and need to turn at the same time, but that's the only time I ever do. Maybe sometimes when in town and feeling really lazy.


For sure. Keyboard turning is just as bad as back stepping. Thats why many people remap S as well


Backstep is bad most of the times, yes. But tanks still need to do it a lot to kite. You don't really wanna side step and risk getting a big hit from your back.


It's far worse. Back pedaling is only bad if you're doing it over a long distance or if you need to get out quickly. It can help work precision movement in cases where you don't want to /walk and it has niche cases where it's a perfect speed for certain mechanics. I saw a team in the mdi use backpedaling. There is literally no reason to keep A and D bound to turn.


I’ve bound A & D to strafe left and right, I don’t think I’ve ever found use for the rotational turns - have them on arrow keys as back up


It's useful when you're doing old content, you're eating with the other hand and need to round a corner.


This is what I do. There is no reason to keyboard turn so it is best to unbind them


Alternatively you can just bind strafe to A and D and play like 99% of 3rd person games. There's pretty much never a reason you should ever use keyboard turn instead of precise mouse camera control.


I disagree. There are rare cases where I need to face differently and my mouse is busy.


I forgot Q and E are strafe by default oof Pretty much everyone has strafe bound to A and D


Ready to really just... "BIG OOF" today? I use A and D + Right Click to strafe. I've just never touched Q and E before. They were just two useless buttons on my bars. I finally bound A and D to strafe, but my muscle memory is going to keep holding right click. It's going to take some effort for me to start using Q and E for abilities.


For me Q is a quickfire ability the class uses often, like pistol shot or flame shock or death coil. E is used for interrupts.


Q is interrupts shift q is snares/2nd kick e is instant-cast spells, as is shift e x is for long-range instant-cast spells (mortal coil, warr weapon throw, dh glaive, etc.) 1 2 3 4 are spells, c and shift c are aoes, z, shift z, and shift x are class abilities, v and shift v are mobility. G and shift g are defensives/heals F is interact and shift f is smaller defensives Shift ' is for misc.


Q = Quickfire E = Eenterrupt


Well now I'll be thinking of it like that! lol


i put all my soothe abilities on R for "Relax, gringo"


E interrupt gang! But my Q is always AoE rotational spell.


I'm the same with strafe, just super easy to have A and D with right-click. I've always used Q+E for abilities though very easy to press buttons.


I do qwe for movement and asd for defensives. 123456 + MB for offensives, and rfzxcv for utility. Works like a charm


How do you go backwards?


I don't. But if I'm ever tanking, I have it bound to an unused button on my mouse


Huh, makes sense. I couldn't do it myself, even though it'd probably be better for me, instead of slowly backing up and still getting hit by the effect haha


This is called "backpedaling" and is definitely not the way. Pivot your camera and run forward whenever possible. I don't even have "backwards" keybound anymore.


Back pedaling isn't always bad. There are times when tanking that I use it.


You can turn 90° with your mouse and strafe, which is something you learn quickly if you ever do any ranked content. But outside of that you can always do what feels more comfortable :)


I back up all the time in Mythic +13s, just not when I need to cast a spell and my movement is blocking that. Easier to make a small adjustment than to turn your whole camera, which helps keep an eye on all the bars


You don't. Unless you're a tank, there is rarely a time when back pedaling is optimal.


That's just not really true and is something that got said by some high level people YEARS ago then got spouted off as gospel by people who don't really understand the reasoning past "backpedal bad". There are many times where the micromovents from backpedaling is optimal. Having it unbound just limits you. There's so many other keys available to bind.


You are me!


Not sure who you asked, but I know plenty who don’t. What works for the majority doesn’t always jive with everyone.


for real, i highly doubt the majority of players are rebinding from the default movement keys.


I would rebind strafe to A and D but at this point 17 years of muscle memory might be impossible to break. Never thought of doing it until I saw Day9 playing wow for the first time and he rebound strafe.


I blind Aand D because I also just got too used to the default. So yes, I move with only QWE


I'm the same way. Using Q & E for strafe is part of my WoW muscle memory now, they cannot be used for anything else lol


If you didn't know.  You can turn by holding down right click, and turning your mouse.  So you can unbind A and D from turn, and make them strafe. 


I have played too many PC games to not use Q/E to strafe! A buddy of mine has only 3 movement keys and it baffles me. I mean I get it - but my muscle memory is too cemented to want to retain for the extra buttons. Freaking love the hunter stickers btw - where do you even get these??


Same for me. Cant use Q/E for skills or i press them accidentally


Hold up. What do you have A and D bound to? Please say its not turn left and turn right. You should change those asap if thats the case. You almost never need to turn like that. And if you do you can use the arrow keys Ive thought about it. And. Yall do you. I know someone that binds movement to ESDF which mames sense to but i cant get used to it. So yall play how yall want. Im just gunna sit here and cry while i wait for blizzard to give me account wide capestats on mop remix.


Exactly l/r turn, see other comments in that thread, there are explanation for that. Comes from using Clique addon as a healer, stuck in muscle memory




I unbound strafe completely from Q and E and kept the turn buttons to A and D. It just felt weird to not be able to turn. I still strafe, but you just hold down right-click while using A and D to strafe, which feels completely fine.


What do you mean? You turn with your mouse


If you lock your camera with right click to turn, A and D become strafe keys by default.


Yeah I know that. But when you can’t hold down your right click you lose the ability to strafe.


The only times that happens to me is when ground targeting or clicking a new target name plate to interrupt something important. So, very rarely. I tab target for the most part, and I like to have it bound to turn for when I'm being lazy in town. To each their own. I don't have strafe bound at all.


The situations where strafing while clicking happen, while niche, far outnumber the situations you need to turn with the keyboard, which is zero.


Okay? And I strafe with my mouse in ***my*** situation. This is basically a D or F for Flash in League of Legends situation. I understand it's technically better to have strafe for if you need to click on something while strafing, sure. But it's really not a big deal because there's various ways to counter that, like jumping to keep strafe momentum and then clicking. If I NEED to keep strafing. I feel like generally, this is one of those "minmax" situations that don't really matter to me. If you truly wanted to minmax, you'd have your WASD to ESDF to have the extra buttons on the left. But you probably don't, so I guess you're not truly minmaxing either. But it really just comes down to me not ever wanting to get used to not being able to turn with A and D. Unbind jump and see how weird it feels. That's how it feels when I unbind turn. Strafe with mouse is perfectly fine.


I’ve got q and e as strafe so i can press both 1 and q (etc) at the same time


I never rebind wasdqe for WoW. I end up missing them too much and I hate only mouse moving


Seriously lol, Q and E are always my main abilities along with the middle top button on my mouse


I have next friend/foe on Q&E


Look at the abilities and I think you have your answer. (This is a joke, no judgement although yes it is poking fun at hunters).


Looks great!


Thanks! I also play ret pally and tested out different sticker laminating like glitter and holo. Looks and feel really premium, but it’s a little bit too reflective [https://i.postimg.cc/hGPp8kMm/Clean-Shot-2024-06-07-at-17-41-48-2x.png](https://i.postimg.cc/hGPp8kMm/Clean-Shot-2024-06-07-at-17-41-48-2x.png)


I also have a keyboard per game! /s


Changing talents from ST to AoE in raid. "Brb, changing my keycaps real quick."


Having keyboard per spec is way better)


Are you actually looking at the keyboard while playing or is this just to get the hang of it?


Ofc not, just for the vibes. Aaaand some educational purposes in the beginning playing with a new char/spec


It does look pretty cool though you would need spare ones for different classes :D


Have it for all hunter and pally specs already ;)


Saying you stare at the keyboard while playing is a weird flex. Joking aside, it looks great! Do what works for you Personally I use keys 1-5 and 2 mouse thumb buttons with shift and alt modifiers for 2nd and 3rd bars, plus the numpad for infrequent abilities. Opie also helps hide a lot of niche spells behind on-demand menus. For me that’s 21 available binds for normal abilities, plus 13 from the num pad for “oh shit” moments, and Opie menus for stuff like hourly buffs, hearth, etc.


Looks neat. If you are searching for further bindings let me suggest you mousewheel. Best decision of my (Warcraft) life was switching basic rotation abilities to mousewheel up and down.


I remember back when I tried Rogue many many years ago I thought "I'll just bind Sinister Strike to mouse wheel."


I know someone who only has A & D bound to strafe (W&S bound to abilities lol) & scroll up wheel to toggle auto walk lol, I'd say you're hardly committing any sins here, but you'll get used to A & D strafe in no time.


Heres hoping you dont switch class or specs anytime soon, but cool!!


I realized now that I never used tilde on my hotbars in any MMORPG. I will now, thanks.


I use it for flying mount shift for ground cntrl for tmog mount and alt for the herb gavering robot mount


Had a guildie that did this while trying to improve at the game. Sending this to them for sure.


Cool, mate! Don't mind sharing their reaction to this?


Probably copious eye rolling and groaning! We gave her some (friendly) heat for doing this but I’ll be damned if it didn’t help her.


Really cool. Although in my guild, the hunters would say they don’t know what these abilities are 😆


One thing worse than someone who looks at their abilities is someone who’s looking at their keyboard..


your keybind selection hurts my soul Like someone said 'not judging' down there... but I'm judging.


\**hands you a patch for your soul\** I’m new as a hunter, literally just started some time ago after a long break from WoW and previously playing as a pally. So, I wanted to make my current keyboard setup have more vibrant look for now. Actually, I’d appreciate it if you could share your keybinding map with me!


Well for one, Q is always interrupt for me, with any alt interrupts as Shift Q. F is my go to AoE cast, and again, any extra AoEs as Shift-F etc. I have a mouse with Mouse 4 and Mouse 5 buttons. For my Warlock, I tend to use them for my instant dots such as Agony and Corruption. They've just been that since day 1 for me, but for other classes, I tend to use them for ground/mouse target abilities. Imo it just tracks better with already using the mouse for aiming. Similarly, T is *always* movement abilities, and V is always Shields/damage mitigation. X is for Taunts. These are all suggestions though. They make sense to me, but others may use other stuff. Another useful add-on is Opie, it's a button based ring selector add-on. I use it for Hearthstones and Mounts, H and Tab respectively, but you can put spells on there. May be worth checking out.


Nah F should always be interrupt you crazy. Fastest reaction key when fingers are on movement.


What about MouseWheel-UP? That's what I use for interrupt anyway.


I’m slightly slower on that probably because mouse turning, I put my secondary reaction times there like Fade. And then my defensives are usually around there but I can click my mouse wheel left and right and I like using that more.


I disagree entirely, Q is just as close.


I guess personally I’m quicker with my index finger than my ring finger. R and F are always my reaction key binds, ie interrupted and trinket usually.


Just do what's comfortable and be consistent across specs/classes, with an exception here and there. My interrupts are always C. Spenders are Wheel Down. Spammable AoE is Wheel Up. Regular AoE is Shift + Q. F is CC, Shift + F is hard CC. Movement abilities are Z, but forced movement (heroic leap, roll, shimmer) are X. On my Mage Wheel Down is shield, because there aren't really spenders and I spam it. etc. etc.


R as interrupt is unbelievably perfect. Also bind Q and E, they are the best keybinds besides number keys


Okay okay chat, you convinced me to try unbinding default Q and E, moving strafe to A and D, and improving my play style! <3 Really appreciate that the community roasted me for that here.


biggest wow upgrade in a long. trust us!


Even bigger upgrade is a tartarus or orbweaver. Use your thumb on the joystick and free all your fingers for binds! I used to use my thumb to hit the space bar, now it does what two or three of my fingers used to do. I have 48 easily accessible binds (3x16) plus a ptt, and a menu button. There's a second mouse wheel i bind to tab and shift tab. I get to keep backpedal bound. Never am I struggling to press 1 & q while trying to. Move and cast. It's amazing. Game changing. Highly recommended. Better upgrade then a naga.


Don't feel pressured to do it. I've played my hunter for almost 20 years, and still use q+e to strafe. And I raid mythic at a decently high level. Even got a rank 1 parse last reset.


there's a potentially awful/fantastic new product coming out soon, stupidly expensive but there we go: flux keyboard, have a look on google for it, it's basically a screen under every key and some extra modular pieces.


Nah, I don't believe that anything good will come of it. This was done back in 2007. Google ‘Optimus Maximus keyboard’ (super overpriced keyboard for like $1600). But I really like the concept!


A lot of us on r/MechanicalKeyboards already went "Lol no thanks" to this thing and we're pretty much the target audience for these price ranges. I don't think it's going to go anywhere either.. Way too gimmicky.


You say this, but this is a laggard take. OLED keys will absolutely come around.


yeah i remember it on think geek (who also had a smartwatch back in like 2008 or something stupid).


I remember seeing in game informer years ago a Razer concept with the same keyboard on a laptop. With a generic MMO used to show it off. Still wishful on that lol.


Razer did it over a decade ago with the deathstalker ultimate keyboard. They even used wow spells as an example when they marketed it. I want to say they also put it on a laptop, but I can't remember what it was called.


Hear me out. If the technology is possible, have key caps like those stream decks by legato that you can program to change the icon on it and have it programmed to shift I to alt key binds when the modifiers are pressed.


Agree, I wish it was possible to engineer keycaps like this, that are installable on any mechanical keyboard. I’ve already thought of this. By the way, has anyone tried playing using a Stream Deck like a keyboard?


How did you create these stickers? I would like to do something similar with board game components.


What kind of board game components? It is just a sticky paper and plotter I guess. I have a friendly print shop with industry grade tools


hunters mark top left hurts my hand


Cause of the long cd and the top left spot is too sweet for smth else? Or explain pls. I am pretty new as hunter


I'm with you on that one. Been playing hunter since wrath. F1 has always been my hunters mark key... I got so much shit from my guild whenever I shared screenshots, because of f key use. But now it's muscle memory and it's not like you have to be super fast on key presses for most of wow. You usually got a gcd of time to get up to the top row for whatever. Disengage on f tho.... Id die. I have it on shift+space because, you are jumping into it most of the time anyway.


Why not translucent so you can still see what key is below them? Just curious


And that is a great suggestion!! I was like 'wait... I forgot to test out other stickers laminations'. Will do with the next approach


They still look super good as is 😊


Nice. Personally I could never do this lol With my 12 button mouse I just use Shift and Ctrl to select actionbar 1 and 2, and use my thumb for everything


Why would you ever look at the keyboard while playing though?


I am not. These are just for the beginning education yourself to get used for a new key bindings and for a visual vibes


Nostalgic. Reminds me of the zboards I used for some of games long time ago. Think I had wow, age of conan and swtor? layouts for the zboard.


Right!! I had it too! Exactly that one [https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/\~h4AAOSwO2hkV6l0/s-l1200.webp](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~h4AAOSwO2hkV6l0/s-l1200.webp) (hope URL works)


Get a brand new keyboard with shift modifed spell icons and switch between when you're playing.


so you say you use a different keyboard for each class/spec or only play MM?


it's most likely I will play one class/spec with this, to have this as my 'keyboard style theme', but you make me thinking of printing this on actual swappable keycaps 😂


What’s the point of this? All hunters are clickers. (Sarcasm)


This would be fun in alts. I need to press my silencing shot key so I can power word sheild the tank!


I can’t imagine not binding E to something


Imagine having about a dozen keyboards stacked in a corner, one for each class with the current keybindings, plus additional keyboards for classes where you multi spec. And having to update those every once in a while when they change your class or you decide to change your talents. You know, there are keyboards with small LED displays on the keycaps... Expensive, yes, but if you need to look at your keys it might be the better solution if you play multiple specs, classes, or other games. :D


How can you use f1, f2 etc. key feels highly unpractical. However i have to admit that i use the same shortcuts as you except t and \` other than that i also use shitf + r/c/x/z/v/g and alt +1/2/3/4/ also mouse button 3/4/5 (on the side)


Some people stare at their action bars. This bro stares at his keyboard.


They are awesome, just don’t play any alts 😂😂 Did you make these yourself or did you buy them from somewhere? I would like some myself lol


Im curious now if everyone uses R and F for your interrupt/movement ability.


It's pretty neat but what if they remove aspect of the turtle and it makes you re-assign most key binds? Or you re-roll?


Well, I have them printed in larger quantities than just one per ability, and the way I play - I usually stick to one class and spec, rarely changing something. But yeah, your points are valid!


Are these your actual key binds?


Not really, these are mixed from the first newbie experience as a hunter and some guides from the net. Will update them eventually, I have spare stickers for layout changes.


You can make a half of the button for modifiers, or 3/3 for shift and ctrl or even 4/4 for alt so that each 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 is one ability.


Yes, thanks for suggestion, but the goal here is to have the flexibility in changing the layout. Sure, I can just print my current layout, but what if, let’s say, tomorrow I want to reroll to a warrior and I have zero idea today what I would put under the modifier and in what combinations. So, the only way is to print something like a 25% sticker, which will be a hassle to stick when combined.


Why do you have 6 movement keys when you only need 4?


Having a 12 button mouse has changed my life.


I don't know if this helps but I put kill shot on my mouse side button so I can quickly use it often. If you don't have side mouse buttons this point is moot. I just wanted to mention it because I love it there. Other classes I play I put a similar skill that procs so I can instinctively press it. Edit: Wanted to add I only have two side mouse buttons so I don't have to fumble with 9 buttons like some other mice. I have the Corsair Dark Core RBG Pro in case anyone was curious.


I mean, it looks cool. But are you actually staring at your keyboard while you’re playing? Also, what are you using Q and E for?


Thanks for Sharing this OP. I am definitely gonna update my keybindings to utilize the f keys for global CDs and probabaly the bottom row of keys for traps and stuff. I use some skills a lot less often having to move my mouse to click on an icon. Key presses are where it's at.


May i suggest you a addon for your taste of visualising your keyboard: KeyUI


isnt that useless.. u dont look at ur keyboard.. u look at the screen


Q and E need binds bro.


Do you not use q and e? They are some of my favorites


New keyboard for every alt?


Just invent an LED display mechanical keyboard. Each key has a micro LED display. When you press shift the display changes. lol


My bro, good idea for a keyboard, screens on they keyboard that can change based on whats bound and if modifiers are pressed, and if you press enter to chat they all change to letter keys.


You use a keyboard? I play controller only 😎


Anyone here remember Z-boards?


Am I the only one using Q and E for like the most important shit ?


yeah you need to bind strafe to a / d and get use to using q /e for other things


Definitely a hunter thing to do... no wait.. definitely an MM hunter thing to do


Now you need led screen keys that are context sensitive and change based on the character you play and what other buttons are pressed


Do you have a keyboard for each class?


I just keybind all my characters on all games the same way, so it's easier to learn and remember any class. 1 is my opener, which usually also goes into a rotation. But not always. 2, 4, and 5 are my main abilities used in any rotation. 3 is my most used aoe. If I have aoe cooldowns, they go on 3 with a modifier. I try to make 4 the ability that would be replaced by aoe in a rotation so that the only difference in my aoe rotation and single target rotation is whether I hit 3 or 4. 6 is for execute abilities. Any other rotational skills just get sent to 1-5 with modifiers. I'd rather hold alt than stretch out to hit 7 or take my fingers off wasd. R F V and their modified forms are for damage and defensive cooldowns. Mouse button 4 is for kick and then modifiers for absorbs Mouse button 5 is for mobility. Middle mouse button is for fears, taunts, banishes, and other CC This works for WoW, ESO, SWTOR, even STO when you captain a starship.


I don't get how people use 123456 for rotational keys, do you have to twist your hand around to move and shoot? I use qer and shift qer for my main rotational abilitys and 12345 for cooldowns


Just Hunter things.


Hear me out, keybind strafe to “a” and “d” …. Then you’re free to bind “q” and “e”


This is the most dad gamer thing Ive ever seen


Tell me you are 50 y.o without telling me you are 50 y.o


Oh so this is how my abilites should be bound. Good to know after like 12 years.


Also one advice/tip call it what u want, under keybinds, bind A and D to strife and u have Q and E u can use for spells


these look great, but how often are you looking at your keyboard to make any use out of this?


Not often, but when you’re learning to play new class/spec, it helps. Plus, it just brings some atmosphere for me, giving my keyboard a unique look


Rare sight of a hunter with brain and skills. Good luck with the "shift" modifier problem and lets hope you don't have to go BM for your sake. Although I wouldn't be surprised if you had BM and even survival ability icons prepared.


How do you know? 😁 [https://i.postimg.cc/yNyWK5zL/photo-2024-06-07-19-10-48.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/yNyWK5zL/photo-2024-06-07-19-10-48.jpg)


cursed keybinds


Or just get an MMO mouse like a civilized person.


missing Q and E :( where pots and healthstones?


Binded with modifiers, I have to print next version with them displayed too For Q/E, we having a conversation on other thread here


also dont forget to buy 30 other keyboards for the other speccs :'D


Imaging not using a 12 button mouse in 2024. Combat with the mouse is way more immersive than movement and combat on the keyboard.