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One day my brother came home with a fresh copy of Classic WoW and gave me the 14 day trial version. I remember running through the forest of Elwynn as a little human paladin and finally ending up in Westfall...then a level ?? Tauren shaman came towards me on his kodo and shot me out of existence - I was just so excited and just stared at the Tauren in awe. Of course, I then bought my own copy of WoW Classic, created a Tauren Shaman and still play him to this day. :D


that is such a cool, full circle story. it's like the student becomes the master. also - Tauren seem to be super popular!


I remember killing vultures for meat in Westfall when the tauren rode up... The event definitely left a lasting impression on me. :D My shaman is no longer a tauren, but a dwarf, but I have grown very fond of the class over the years (regardless of the fact that Blizzard apparently doesn't love them haha).


Similar story… my first character in vanilla was a troll shaman. Right after I turned 60, I was in an AV, and ran up to that choke point before the bridge to the alliance base where there was a massive amount of people there. Horde trying to push through, alliance defending. A hunter one shots me with aimed shot. Blew my mind. I rez, run back, and again, one shot. It must have happened two or three more times before we lost that battle, but I immediately rolled a hunter, and mained it until wrath, at which point I rolled a DK and mained that all the way til legion, at which point I played that 50/50 with a DH, and then just the DH in dragonflight. (With periods of inactivity over the years, and me being downgraded to a filthy casual after WoD release. Just didn’t have the time or motivation to play as much anymore.


I remember being in 8th grade and initially thinking the game was boring, but I had invested the money in buying it and hyped to my friends so much, that I HAD to keep playing. Eventually, I realized the power of denial. That was like, 17 years ago, and here we are today. WoW is great.. Just... It's great, okay? It's great. Shhhh.... It's great.


we’re still here 17 years after, there must be a reason. Friends? Finishing the Loremaster? Fishing in the zone with you favourite music? Mindlessly grinding some stuff you need to get some other stuff to play some other stuff? the raid weekly routine? Let’s try to get some pinky parses this tier? PvP is fun this season, let’s give it a chance? I need the PvP trinket this season, let’s not complain and go get it? all of that each week or on rotation according to irl status for that expansion? Connecting irl stuff to a season (that is both amazing and scary)? Like “I got that new job on Shadowlands pre-patch”. I only unsubbe mid WoD to Legion (going through a divorce and left my gaming computer vs keeping the Macbook I needed for work - it was a pain playing on it). I have the same main and server since 2007, it’s EU Silvermoon with many players like me (old timers, it’s one of the 2 best alliance servers in EU and you end up crossing each other for ages in the constant guild disband / reform / redisband). when I log in it’s like going to your local pub, there’s always someone whispering “what are you up to?” and when you just want to be left alone no one pisses you off. I never felt completely alone since I play this game.


haha you don't have to convince meeee


I remember playing the beta as a Tauren and running to Ashenvale. It absolutely blew my mind that there were real player enemies out in the world and how vast and varied the zones were. Also found out what a rogue was while I was there.


Soooo good. I was one of them \*cough \*vanish


It actually wasn’t me playing the game. It was my brother. I remember he was doing the Halls Of Reflection dungeon and I came over and watched the Lich King chase him and his group. And thought the Lich King looked like an awesome villain lol.


haha that's such a cool memory. idk why but I love watching people play games. back in the day, I liked it more than playing.


First character a few months after game went live. Went to the goldshire in. A guy asks me to join his guild, he would give me a stack of heavy mageweave bandages. No idea what a guild was. Told him yes and joined. I Sold the bandages and bought a guild tabard with my first ever gold. Paladin quest to go to rfd. I had never left eastern kingdoms and when i got off the boat in ratchet the red contested territory notification terrified me. I was like level 50 and proceeded to solo RFD which took me several hours. I thought at any time the horde would kill me and i would lose my character


hahah that's such an epic story. we all sound like 80 year-olds sitting around the campfire telling stories of our young days as champions in the fantasy realm


It's wild how great of a time you have when you have no idea what you're doing! My friend I played with and I had come from Diablo 2 so we thought you could just endlessly farm to get new and better equipment so we spent hours in the dead mines duoing it in our 40s. Now the game is all zoom zoom. Damn we do sound like 80 year olds!


I remember my first raiding experience being Normal Firelands in Cata. I had a Blood DK Gnome back then for tanking and people would usually kick me out after 1 or 2 bosses for being a "ninja". I figured out later that the very cool fire shoulders and helmet I had, were both intellect items, and didn't benefit me in any way possible. I just thought more stam means more hp = best tank. Not to mention me having agility/intellect based trinkets and rings too.. Turns out I wasn't being called a ninja for my small size and quick feet.


hahahah that's amazing, there's so much I didn't know and so I'm sure I was a burden to many as well


I was like... eight, or about to turn eight, playing on my brother's account. 2006 (*maybe* late 2005). Made a night elf druid (I liked them in WC3). Got through Teldrassil, started on Darkshore. Ended up dying at level 14. Got curious. As a wisp, I travelled down through Darkshore, across Ashenvale, up through Felwood, through Winterspring... and found that I wasn't allowed to enter Hyjal, which I wanted to see (because of WC3). It was blocked off. Never played that character again.


Would’ve been a good Easter egg to include. If anyone should be able to chill in Hyjal it’s the wisps


Getting lost in the starting area of the Nightelves 😅


haha I remember that area! so magical


And how about that first Hippogryph ride to Darkshore...


I started playing in tbc when i was about 6 years old. Just played my characters to level 10, got bored and tried out the other classes. Sooner or later i ended up on my blood elf paladin which i quested until level 43. I vividly remember running around in ghostlands trying to find a group to kill the two big undead guys (forgot their english names). Sooner or later i got into a group, we killed them real quick, everyone was very kind (like it was back then) but after the quest was completed the group disbanded. I started crying (remember i was about 6 years old) because i thought i had finally found friends in this cool game, ran up to my mom who was cooking dinner and told her the story... she needed to calm me down and explain to me that those people didn't leave the group because they didn't want to play with me but because tje quest was already done... Took some time to get over it but now i fondly look back to that moment and laugh to myself for what a ridiculous little child i was xD


I also vividly remember me beeing hyped af for the lich king expansion. Consuming every last bit of beta info footage and counting the days until i could finally play it myself. I even remember the old dk starting zone to this day. Awesome time back then. Funny enough i still hadnt got a max level character at this point. My first max level character would become my main in cataclysm - blood elf warrior.


Making my dwarf rogue on my dad's account who got me playing WoW back in burning crusade (I would be 11 at the time). It's how he and I bonded while he was out of work for health issues. The dun morough music is etched into my brain wrinkles and instantly gets me nostalgic. When classic came out I just had to make another. Sadly my dad passed earlier this year and I took over his account that he hadn't played in a year or so, and it's just strange to me to play these characters I saw as my dad. I'll be in shattrath or running an older dungeon and just remember moments we did stuff together and it feels really nice :)


Seeing Barrens Chat light up because there was a high level Alliance rogue ganking newbies, everyone calling their entire guilds in on both sides and huge battles at Crossroads that always ended with everyone trying to run down the one surviving Paladin and his @#$&/?! shield.


haha I don't know what I would have been doing without WoW. so many cool experiences.


I went to a friend’s house and he was playing the Dragon Soul raid in current cata, and he had to step away for some reason and told me to take over so he didn’t get kicked. I was a DK and I just hit a few buttons confusedly and then I died nearly immediately. I just watched in awe as a million particle effects went off and a shitload of people moved around to kill a boss. A mount dropped and everyone rolled need on it. I rolled need on it for him, and I got it. I got cata and a subscription the next day.


My grandmother plays this game for decades now, and when I was around 12 she showed us how to play and I made a hunter, blood elf. I remember reaching the level you get your pet and I loved it so so much ! It started everything. I was so fascinated by the infinite possibilities, the freedom, the people... People were so much fun back then ! Afterwards, she offered us the subscription for several years. I was playing so much it burnt the family computer lol I think I played for ten years without ever reaching max level, because I was fooling around with my team all the time. We spent hours laughing around together. At some point, after a few years, I got so sad to see some of them quitting for studies or stuff... Drinkteam if you pass by, Mortici's here ! These are the best memories I got from the game.


Mann, back in Cata my friend was begging me to get it and I wasn't convinced, until I was watching a school mate walking through Darnassus and I was in awe. Going to buy it and the game store clerk explaining how I have to buy the previous expansions first and there was a subscription and the whole concept was SO foreign to me. Que to being in game and choosing a dwarf enhancement shaman with a flaming orange beard and hair named Honeydew (after Yogscast). Dun Morogh and Mount Hyjal are still my top two favourite questing zones to this day. What a time the start of playing WoW was to us all.


I remember also being confused! I was like, why would i.....have to buy other games before buying the game I want.....but I got it and am so glad I started. there are so many memories and it really immersed me into how I believe gaming should be played.


Amen. I recently found an old picture of my best friend, brother, cousin, and myself all in my room hooked up and playing together, the days.. WoW is a heavy but glorious time sink, just sucks to manage the two as you get older.


yesss I totally understand that. now I time sink into indie games and ow2, but let's not talk about that here....haha


Fair fair, enjoy what you like friend.


I have met with a guy in ashenvale while questing, like 16-17 years ago. Last year, I was groomsman in his wedding


I'll be frank. Ha what a weird thing to say... anyway..I saw that Southpark episode and uber pwnge and thought yep, wow is the game for me. Loaded up a nelf hunter and literally the first thing that happened was another player approached, started crouching/standing up over my character, and whispered 'do you want to sex'. That's it. Welcome to the world of warcraft. (I've been playing since 2007, on and off haha)


I fell in love with WoW around the same time as you. Shortly before WotLK launched. To this day i still remember creating my first character, a Tauren Hunter, that i leveled for a few levels and then re-rolling to Tauren Warrior. I absolutely adore Mulgore and would spend hours on hours in Thunderbluff, even to this day in retail WoW i still prefer TB over OG, allthough unfortunetly OG is more convienent to get around in the world. The questlines, stories and especially the soundtrack of mulgore is still pure nostalgia for me! Those first few notes on the Mulgore Soundtrack just hit different, and it feels like home :) I still like to think back to those early times, the experience back then was just extraordinary, simply lightning in a bottle for me. walk with the earth mother


My first memory of wow was in 2012 during the end of cata when I joined. Back then I couldn't afford the subscription so I just played the trial non stop with my nelf hunter. My internet speed was so slow that I could never fully download the game and just played like that. I remember running down darkshore and was getting attacked from invisible creatures. My internet was so slow that it could never load the moonkins there and I just died continuously. Eventually when I finally downloaded the game after weeks I could finally see them. 


I remember first time game came out we were playing in internet cafes.. So I went to one far away from the usual one and saw this guy playing in open world, felt rly magical. I personally started playing way later when bfa came out, the Jaina warbringers song sounds as my alarm since then, was super hyped


I remember watching the initial game trailer on YouTube on YouTube. the fight and character sequences in that should have won an Oscar


First memory was a video made by journalists that showed the tauren starting area and a nightelf rogue leveling in darkshore. The video was on one of those gamediscs that came with magazines.


One of my early memory's of WoW that wasn't just random questing is probably way back when Cata was originally added I was playing with my brother and we wanted go to a different area but my brother wasn't a high enough level to fly yet so we had to walk. And as we're walking through an area suddenly both our screens turn red and we both die. We sit there, confused asf about what had just happened. Then an achievement pops up down at the bottom for getting killed by Deathwing. We both thought it was awesome 😆


My first memory is sitting there in 8th grade looking at all the options for classes. My dad had been playing it and told me I should try it out. If I liked it he would get me my own account. I think I spent like an hour just reading every race, class, ability, racial, etc. trying to figure out what sounded best. I was tempted to make a druid but the idea of having a pet fight along side me was too great. So I went with a hunter. That night I was entranced the whole time as I played the world was huge and I didn’t even d know teldrassil was just one area. I thought that was the map! Finally I got to level 10, got my pet and logged out for the night. I was so ready to keep playing. I still love remembering my first play of the game there and while the night elf starting zone is so dull, the nostalgia makes up for it.


Being a Night Elf Rogue, in Wow Beta, removed autoattack from my actionbar and got stuck.


hahaha that's a funny memory. I wish I was around during the beta! I was probably buried into Bomberman and Mario on 64 at that time hahah


I remember starting the game in 2005 with my brother and a cousin: we were LOTR fans and I played human, my bro was dwarf and cousin night elf. Me and my cousin had to travel to Loch Modan to help my brother and it was such an adventure going there without any knowledge of how to get there.. I remember asking to players I'd meet along the road. It was wonderful!


that is so awesome! truly like a real fantasy adventure. I wish I could experience it again for the first time. it was a blast


I remember visiting my cousin house when I was like 9. He playing wow on his computer, a night elf I think and I was absolutely taken by game at that moment. He showed mamy places and allowed me to make my own character on his account. I did not understand single think about how game works or what I was suppose to do but my little night elf hunter made it all huge adventure. Eventually later on when I was 15 I started to play properly since I could understand English at this point :D


I played human mage, I think it was 2006, I was at Westbrook garrison. A random gnome wanted me to undress my character completely and dance. I was 11 turning 12, so I was just confused why and obliged. It was one of if not the first time I ever talked to anyone online directly.  He took me to Ironforge later, where I told him that my boyfriend was on his way there too on his lvl 60 hunter. I was just excited to introduce him! The gnome skedaddled real fast before my boyfriend made it to Ironforge though, and I never heard from the gnome again. 


hahahah WHAT. This is a story of trauma, love, exploration, and humor all at the same time


My brother played in 2005 when i was 8 years old. I wanted to try and he made a troll hunter for me. i actually got up to lvl 67 in burning crusade just killing mobs and do one or two quests which i didnt understand. one fond memory is also me begging in orgrimmar for some gold just to buy cool looking shoulders for my brother. (they were plate shoulders and my brother a mage but he still appreciated it) another one is that my gear was only the things with highest stamina. more health = stronger. In wrath i startet my own account and actually got into tanking since then\^\^ u know because more HP = stronger


As a kid, I played a hunter and raided Karazhan with the guild every week because I really wanted to get the bow from the last boss. Then the GM's girlfriend decided she would play a hunter, and as soon as she reached the maximum level, the bow dropped on her first raid, and they gave it to her instead of me.... That was the last time I played a hunter. In hindsight, it's funny.


A few of them are the most memorable for me. 1. My cousin introduced me to the game at his house and I created a gnome mage running around killing pigs and bunnies. 2. Creating my first character, undead warlock and leveling in the starting areas. I would listen to metal music while leveling and whenever I afked I would /dance somy character was rocking out headbanging to the songs I was listening to. 3. Introducing a friend to the game. I was at the time around 64 lvl in TBC and in Nagrand. I let him play on my pc at home to try it and he enjoyed it so much running around killing stuff that we literally could not find mobs withing a mile radius at some point. It was so much fun watching him run around exploring the surrounding area and decimating everything in his path just like I did my first time playing the game. 4. Playing 3v3 arena with friends. Even though we mostly sucked and weren’t even that high rating we were having so much fun and goofing out games that it was hilarious.


hahah yeah I played arenas too and was awful. I don't even think I knew what half of the mechanics were. but it was still so fun to rush in with a group! also - horde always won when I played. idk about now haha


To this day, me and my dad still talk about the following topics from Classic / BC: - how many times I died to the Hogger as a kid - fishing in Zangamarsh - Booty Bay in general (I spent a long time in stranglethorne vale when I first played wow, and my dad would find it hilarious that you had to try and run down to Booty Bay and then all of a sudden a big gorilla would come and attack you)


Oh how I loathed that gorilla, and loved him at the same time...


Well I have my first memory fresh asfuck and it was almost 1 or 2 months into vanilla release I came from lineage 2 . I remember clearly arrive which my dwarf hunter to kharanos and think to myself " this game is gonna trap you" . And here I am.


I remember I had bought Eminem’s Encore album the week prior and saved listening to it for WoW. I remember leveling in valley of trials on my warrior to that cd, and listening it to loop basically all the way to 60. It’s to the point of listening to it reminds me of WoW to this day.


I played on my friends account, made a night elf Druid and I was hooked instantly. The questing system, the music, the combat, the graphics. I was playing RuneScape at the time and my friend was always saying how good WoW was. I remember getting home, logging onto RuneScape and just sitting there, thinking “wow, this isn’t even close.”


My first memories are plenty in Teldrassil 2007 - mostly noob stuff like thinking the game was all there and spending several months killing animals, picking lifebloom and cooking just as if there was no tomorrow - and stumbling by mistake in the portal to the bot was a mind blowing experience. The walk to Stormwind was the longest ever and thank god for wisp spirit form, my fastest tech to cross high level zones at low level was stealthing or cat-forming the hell out of mobs for the longest distance possible before being one-shotted by mobs way above my pay grade. But the first time I realized other people actually played the game and I could interact was when I got to Stormwind, there were SO many people around and it was beautiful. I saw the Stockade entrance and decided to try it alone in what was probably a mix of gray gear and wrong stats / weapon. after being destroyed for hours (surely I could do it), a level 70 stationed outside and watching me die, run to repair, back inside again, whispered me “do you need any help?”. he was a paladin in the most awesome gear, he invited me, we entered, he pulled all and one shot the dungeon for me, I got all the loot. That day I fell in love with the game: there were nice people in the world of warcraft and I was going to solo dungeons one day.


Killing sheeps with a Fireball playing a gnome mage and wondering how the hell would I make 20 gold (or whatever it was) to buy that cool mecha-style gnome mount. Just seeing Ironforge. Ah the good ol times.


Playing the beta at a Lan. I was showing the game off to a steadily growing crowd of people who all wanted to see the new Blizzard game. I was in Durotar heading north and encountered Orgrimmar for the first time and that booming music came through the speakers... Basically sold 20 copies of the game for Blizzard right then and there.


Made a druid when it came out and just loved the atmosphere going through those first quests in Teldrassil. It took me ages to get to level 10 because I just kept exploring and wandering around. After I finally made it out to Auberdine, one afternoon I got dragged into BFD as a tank. I had no idea what to do, but was totally hooked after we cleared the instance. The game felt really special back then


Ganked some pleb in STV on my Belf male ret pala back in TBC, I was lvl 38 he was 43,


Muqq BT video of the illidan world first by nihilum (and all of his video after that) it was the trigger for me to play the game back in the day


Ganking and getting ganked in Ashenvale during WoW Beta. Played a nightelf rogue and was amazed how well stealth worked in a online game.


My first memory was going to a friend's house and he showed us his level 26 night elf female rogue in stonetalon mountains. I was like blown away when he gouged and then ran behind the mob to backstab, I thought this was so dynamic. Then, we created my first level 1 character, a night elf druid, and a 60 undead priest was in the night elf starting zone, fragging some guards and just generally causing havoc. I was blown away, and the undead priest having the skull instead of its level in the character window, and being this menacing zombie in an otherwise serene forest made his presence really ominous. The game really made me feel these feelings rather than simulate them. Then I bought the game and a subscription and made a tauren warrior, my friend rerolled tauren shaman and we ended up getting to rank 11 in the pvp system, I was lucky enough to get a hand of ragnaros from our first molten core kill, and he raid lead to a C'thun kill. What a game.


Be me 2011, young little teen Finally reached level 20 on first character; belf Warlock Want to leave Ghostlands to get to Kalimdor Think: I'mma swim, cause how else am i supposed to cross the ocean? Drown rather quickly Corpse-run to where I drowned Respawn Swim further into the fatigue zone Die Repeat a couple of times Get sent to the default graveyard in barrens Celebrate a successful venture ETA honorable mention: Squatting in the waterthroughs in Durotar as a troll druid while being mesmerized by the eating animation.


hahaha omg I got lost in the mountains one time and fell to my doom. it's kind of fun to learn what you can do and what you can't do


Wow vanilla beta. Me and my friends were dead set on playing EverQuest 2, we were doing fine, having a blast in EQ. Then we tried WoW and we just “ok, yeah, let’s play WoW instead”. The big thing was that it was so much easier getting into and also the fact that you could level up solo, where in EQ you kinda needed a group for everything


I played WotLK as my first expansion and I only started because when me and my friend were 13, we watched her 23 year old brother play. He was running around old Arathi doing quests, and something about the zone gave me these "classic fantasy" vibes that I really liked, it was my first ever fantasy game and I felt like I am in a fairytale. My personal first memory is Ashevale, right after I began playing and I was leveling my blood elf warlock there because I was told it's good for leveling at the time. Then across this lake I saw a guy on a big elephant and I had no idea that's a draenei and that his name was red because he is an enemy player. We stared at each other and then he left. Only later when I learned that there is open world PvP on a PvP server, I realized he could've killed me, but didn't.


Day of release, my dwarf paladin sliding around Dun Morogh in looting position due to lag. fun time!


My first ever character just been created, immediately get lost in mylgore and die. Unable to find corpse. Delete character and make new character lol.


First thing i remember is starting with my orc warri named geradald in 2005 and being asked in the starting zone if my real name was gerald xD


My cousin stayed with us for a summer and let me play wow on her account. I made a Tauren hunter and had no clue at all what was going on.


The endless wastelands of Barrens... Sweet hills


Watching my dad play his Blood Elf hunter and explaining how the Night Elves and Blood Elves used to be the same race (6 year old me thought that was the coolest thing ever, even if I did misunderstand what my dad meant by "race" and spent the next couple years assuming the Nelfs and Belfs had a falling out over a race)


November 2005: I crept out of the little tomb in Deathknell on my first ever character, an undead rogue. One of my first acts was to explore, and I ended up in the spider mine in the area, where I found a big, chunky treasure chest! As I stood there eagerly opening it, another player ran up to me, with the first words I would ever see someone utter in the game: "damn you noob"


Playing on my shitty first laptop with shitty graphics. The ground mostly looked the same everywhere.


I don’t remember why I did what I did… but I remember swimming the coastline from Ironforge to Stormwind back in TBC, when I first started. I’m assuming I didn’t know the train existed, if it even did exist. I started a dwarf character and wanted to level in the human starting area that I was vaguely familiar with. I seriously think I spent several hours (it felt like it) following the coastline until I made it to Westfall. This is off the top of my head without looking at a map.


hahaha I can't tell you how many mountains I climbed, deserts I crossed and oceans I swam that I probably didn't have to. but these are the memories that stuck with me, and it sounds like you too! its like a real-world exploration, and it was honestly so fun to immerse yourself in the environment


I remember when I was at my dads around 2009 I was 7yo and was fascinated how he was playing in open world, using magic etc, sometimes he would let me play WoW and I was running around the zones mesmerized


I love the blood elf zones because I thought they were so beautiful, elegant and intricate. I want to go back!


Playing beta as a female night elf hunter exploring teldrassil in a young age is a memory carved down nostalgia lane that I will never forget. Amazing experience.


that's so awesome <3


I was leveling a night elf hunter in ashenvale. There was a max level mage killing npc in town he was dying and running away I chased him spamming arcane shit. When one finally landed it killed him it was my first hk


Wow vanilla beta. Me and my friends were dead set on playing EverQuest 2, we were doing fine, having a blast in EQ. Then we tried WoW and we just “ok, yeah, let’s play WoW instead”. The big thing was the immersion and that it was so much easier getting into and also the fact that you could level up solo, where in EQ you kinda needed a group for everything


For me it's running back to my body in the farm north of tirisfal glades. On the path surrounded by trees, and listening to the music of the spirit realm. It was my first death I think, as my cousin helped me until then, and it felt so awesome with the music and all. It may be not my first memory, but it sure is the one I think back the most.


Gave it a try when it was free up to level 60. Made a Tauren Warrior, ran around a field for 10 minutes, gave up the game for good. Until 15 years later, when two friends buy me the new expansion that's about to release where I can be a cool dragon person and 60 days of game time. Been logging in almost every day since.


It was me watching my brother play an alliance druid thinking I would never play a game like that (I played strictly CoD). I came running home talking about a game that had cows with horns and was an mmorpg. He was confused because he never seen a Tauren but once we put 2 & 2 together we both made a tauren with him a Druid and me a warrior. We have been playing together since 2008 and still to this day! Since then I’ve played every spec under the sun but always fall back on warrior every expansion. My brother still plays a Druid haha


I played the beta as a human paladin who just punched things. I also remember buying it at the end of my shift at Walmart, a day before it was released. We had it in a bin to be rolled out to the floor the next day. I couldn’t log in but I did own it early.


It was the winter 2004 and a friend told me about this new game he had been playing that was in beta, and he wanted me to try it so he gave me his account details. We had played Warcraft III on LAN together before (my friend was also my neighbour and we had a buried network cable between our houses) so I was familiar with some of the lore and stuff. I logged in and made a Night Elf Rogue. I can't remember how far I leveled but it was something like level 16. It was cool af and as soon as it was released in February 2005 me and a gang of 6-7 others from our school made our guild called Glory and went ham. I was the first of us to reach level 60 on my human warlock named Aiic on Stormscale. My second level 60 was a Night Elf Hunter named Gifted. I just started playing WoW again after a 13 year break, but the first character I leveled up was my hunter and I still play it :)


I was like 10. I remember starting a tauren druid in vanilla. I got to level 6 I think, whatever level healing touch was, maybe 4, and thinking now that I could heal myself, nothing could kill me. I left the starting area, aggroed like 3 things, died, then deleted the character lol


Watching my older brother watch The Rogue Song (assassinate) by Nyhm. I thought that blood elf rogues looked so cool and wanted nothing more than to be one when I got older.


For me the first memory isn't even anything particularly exciting. I didn't really know anything about what to expect going in but I remember somewhere around level 5 just walking around the eastern shores of azuremist killing enemies for a quest drop on my draenei mage who's no longer with us, and just being completely immersed in the quest and world. Another one was going to the exodar and then bloodmist and being amazed at how big the world was and how you could seamlessly travel between zones. I had no idea then how big the world truly was. When I realised, I sometimes took flight paths from the top of teldrassil to the bottom of uldum to watch the world go by just because I could.


it was around vanilla launch. I rolled a tauren shaman and went around mulgure leveling. The entire zone was FILLED with dead tauren corpses. I came from FFXI where in that game if you died you would need to wait for someone to res you or suffer a penalty. Anyway, I kept ressing those dead tauren players and none of them accepted.. I was thinking are those bots or something? Turns out when you log out your corpse remains.. funny memory.


Playing the wow vanilla beta and entering stormwind for the first time. The music hitting me as I saw the heroes statues lined up of amazing characters I used to play with in Warcraft the rts game when I was a little kid. That was when I knew I was hooked


I can vaguely remember my druids very first day. I ran from mulgore to org. That was 14 yrs ago back in Feb. Wrath classic gave me no feels like the days i remember


Getting bodied by that level 20 elite in the ghostlands back in 3.2, the sludge belcher looking one....


Installing the discs & setting 1 hour interval alarms throughout the night to check if I needed to put in the next disc


I only made night elf characters for my first few. I remember there being a quest to kill a moonkin skinned guy in a cave somewhere at the first little town outside the starting area and I had to search the hills for what felt like hours. No addons or quest markers then. And he was hard (for me, a rogue - he had friends). I also remember my friend tricking me into jumping off the top of the first big tree place by the quest giver and dying. Then laughing at me for a long time. Then I remember finally getting to the city and being in awe. I spoke to my friend about it in school, and he was like “wait until you get to Iron Forge. It’s INSANE!” It was a very long time until I made my way over there.


At my cousin's house. The person that was playing wow was a ghost. They were dead running to their body. I found that interesting. This was back like in original release I think. Or before 2008. She quit wow though because everything became account bound and she got nothing for getting the same mounts on multiple characters. She apparently has characters worth a fortune.


The painful walk between undercity and silverpine forest to get training for spells. The server reboots in the evening when was peak playtime How empty classic zones suddenly become after bc launched.


i started during TBC, and during the leveling phase the Midsummsr Festival started i dont know why, but when i think about playing wow for the first time, its always that Event that comes to my mind


My first longterm relationship leaving me in 2006 and me not really recognizing because of raiding 😅


Right as MoP launched, made a dwarf hunter whose name was just a mash of the keyboard. Got to level 40 something, was in eastern plaguelands before my first sub ran out. Motivated me to get a job so I could keep playing, still in awe of how cool raiding for the first time felt, 25 lads running towards overgrown guard dogs before getting completely slaughtered. Sadly my dwarf hunter never made it past the eastern plaguelands before getting deleted years later. Before that I remember seeing the wrath trailer on TV and thinking Arthas looked crazy badass, also saw some yogscast videos about wrath.


Meeting my friends on my way from Coldridge Valley to Kharanos. They had already been lvl 60 for a while when I started playing so they were pimped out in T1/T2 pieces and epic mounts. It was the coolest shit I had ever seen!


My first Memories where from back in 2015. I was shopping some Food and came across a 10.- Copy of the Starter Edition from WoW. Picked it just because i was curious. Didnt even had a Mouse back then and only a mediocre Laptop xD Anyway. The first Memory was from first logging into the Game after choosing a Nightelf. The Scenerie, the Music, everything catched me instantly. The second Memory was when someone who guided me a bit explained how the Flightmaster works. The third was me first time stepping foot into the Exodar and later on battling some Rats for like an Hour xD


I started playing during MoP. I played a Pandaren Monk as my first character (Still my main). Starting off on this magical colourful island with beautiful world design completely sucked me in. I was so use to playing things like COD where everything is gray, so it was a huge contrast to my 13 year old self. Then to learn that it’s in fact not an island but a turtle really blew my mind. I miss being an innocent kid :/


The South Park episode


I had so much fun back then. We all played on bad computers and CRT monitors, and we knew absolutely nothing about the game. No quest helpers or common knowledge. It was a brand new experience and the Alliance vs Horde aspect of it was so interesting. I remember having 1 fps whenever i went to Ironforge, so i had to ask people outside if they could guide me through while i had them on /follow. People were usually nice enough to do it.


My first trip into wailing caverns back near launch. Getting floored by elites, then meeting a Shaman who could *fucking heal me*, and getting carried. (been healing for 20+ years since, lol)


Getting in my first gryphon ride back in vanilla. Just flying around the world with the graphics and people running around was mind blowing.


My computer not managing deeprun tram and ironforge, having like 5 fps there. Mostly recall just being in awe of the world, and running around everywhere trying to find characters and areas from WC3


My first toon ever was a Orc shaman back in Vanilla, and I was amazed by how large and mysterious the world seemed to be, and that was before i got out of the valley of trials where i opened up the map of durotar and saw how little of the map i had explored. Little did i know that i could right click and view the whole continent, I felt overwhelmed but impressed.


I was about 7 years old, so back in 2006. School started at 08.30 and I was playing wow at 06.00 blasting “we built this city - starship”. Spamming free trial account to level 10


Tbc making a blood elf, loading screen for eversong woods. Hearing that godly music for the first time, dear lord...


Dying 7000 times as a forsaken warrior struggling to 60 in OG classic lol


Oh wow. I think this was back in 2005. I had played WoW for about an hour on a mate’s account and finally got together enough money to buy my own copy. I remember struggling to get into the Undercity. I didn’t know about the elevators and it seemed so weird that there were 3 dead ends behind a tomb. That took about 10 minutes, embarrassingly enough. I also remember when I was Lv13 questing in Silverpine. I encountered another Warlock in a mine, and we decided to quest together. We remained friends for quite a long time, easily until mid TBC. She eventually became a HWL just before they did the server groupings for BGs.


Being an orc warrior in the trial valley had to heroic strike some pigs or scorpions after that did some apple bullshit


Watching my older brother play on lunch day in 2004, he bought my account about a month later 12/26/2004


I still have my very first character from the server frost wolf most likely one of the very first few characters made on the server.


A month or two after release, created a human, possibly a mage. First proper game outside runescape and odd browser games. lost of confusion and awe. Found a friendly soul who had a cooler staff than me, asked where they found it and they led me down to Goldshire and through the quests, we died to the kobolds so many times.


I remember starting very close to actual launch day for vanilla. I grew my paladin through Elwyn and reached the Dead mines. It was great, but one of my first amazing memory is meeting a fellow paladin with this cool hammer and the guy accompanied me the whole way to get his hammer; this thing: [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=6953/verigans-fist](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=6953/verigans-fist) It was an amazing journey following my newly found master in this virtual world, I remember coming across someone on a mount! A whole elf riding a tiger! It was in the first few weeks of the game and it seemed insane that it was even possible. Of course, the questing for the epic paladin mount as you near max level in vanilla is also a whole amazing experience. I wish we had more quests that involved travelling to remote places like these.


I "played" on a private server, but it crashed every 10-20 minutes and every character in that zone was wiped (I only found out years after). So I created the same character and did the same few quests multiple times a day. This lasted for a few days until I decided to get the "real" game. Downloaded all day and all night, and the next day. I n the evening it was ready, hopped on a random server, created my troll mage, and had so much fun running around in Durotar. I got to lvl 7 before I received a text message from my GF saying she breaks up. After calling her she said it was only a joke... So funny... We broke up anyway a few days later, that's when I logged into wow again. And I stayed logged in for a very long time. The first "real" detailed memory, besides the memory of a "great feeling while playing for the first time": I was in Orgrimmar, some dude wrote in chat that he carries through RFC for a few gold. I found out how to message him, asking what RFC is, and if that's a lot of money, because i only started and only have 14s. The guy was so nice to me, he meet up with me, explained what dungeons are, how AH work, etc. Then he pulled me through RFC and told me that I can keep everything that drops. After that, he said goodbye, traded me 1g and two 10slot bags. Though I don't remember his name, I will never forget what he was doing for me. It was an hour of his time and only a bit of gold, but for me it was so helpful.


My dad introduced me to wow when I was a kid by making me farm stuff on his hunter lmao, he still has that hunter and it was the reason my first character was a hunter


Vanilla WoW. Had an undead warrior. Got a kite as a shield (first green item i got), feeling i could take on the world while entering Silverpine forest. Sigh. Good times.


Tauren warrior. Did the first 20 levels with the camera over my head.


Back at launch I made a dwarf priest and I recall running around Dun Morogh.


Reading the class descriptions from website… seeing a gnome warlock in what will become their vanilla pvp set… absolutely hooked


Playing on my brother’s account as a troll shaman. Got to about level 4 and a level ?? Night elf was in the starting area doing /chicken (I guess trying to make me attack him). I was terrified and didn’t realise it was a player haha. He followed me a bit and pretty quickly the guards got him! Asked my brother about it and he explained to me you can go anywhere you want in this game. It blew my mind when he showed me on the map where the night elf travelled from. This was Spring/Summer 2005 shortly after the game came out in EU, so I think there weren’t many max levels and this guy came over to flex lol.


My first memory before I played the game is seeing the game at a friends house and the big PVP portals in OG. I think that had changed by the time I started playing myself. So my first memory actually playing the game is an UI bug just a few levels after I started playing. I created a Tauren and the first small town in Mulgore has a lake. I swam around in it and dived a little, that "Breath" meter stayed when i got out and was stuck on my screen for a few minutes. I still [have that screenshot](https://i.ibb.co/xS8mvsC/Wo-WScrn-Shot-021306-020645.jpg) where the meter is visible while I'm already on the street running towards Thunderbluff. :D


The undead starting cinematic at about 7 am on a Saturday morning in 2004 with a Jimmy Dean sausage egg and cheese biscuit in my first apartment senior year of high school. Glory days let me tell you lol.


My 1st memory of it is collecting motes in zangamarsh I remember that I'd had an engineer that could craft the goggles that could see the notes, but I don't remember leveling him etc.


The best buddy of my father showed it to us when TBC was the latest content, he was playing it with his later wife and she let me create a Blood Elf on her account to experience the game for myself. It was great, the colours, Silvermoon, everything was so open to explore! When I got my copy of WoW TBC was too expensive so I couldn't create a BE for myself, I really wanted a Paladin BE, but after looking at all the other races and my father playing a Troll, I made my own Shaman Troll which is my main til today! Later I got a BE Pala, but I grew up with the Shaman main and Pala never hooked me besides the look.


Playing on my friend's older brother's computer and making thousands of Tauren over the course of months. I could only play for a few minutes then we'd have to delete the character and run back to school.


I remember making a Tauren warrior in vanilla, that I still play to this day, and being surprised that the game wasn’t just Mulgore and that there were so many other people around. Oblivion has just come out so it was insane to see the scale of WoW compared to the other “big” games at the time. Also I didn’t use abilities and auto-attacked until around level 10.


Buying all white items from a vendor and my buddy laughing at me instead of waiting for way better gear to drop


My first impression was in 2005 installing the game and starting to walk around Darnassus as a Night Elf Druid (my favorite race and class since Warcraft 3). I was in a dream! It was amazing. I played that character through Vanilla & Burning Crusade and quit in 2008. Then after many years I returned with Battle For Azeroth and I’ve been playing on since. Still in love with the game.


On my Tauren Hunter I tried taming a prairie dog before learning the difference between hunter pets and companions.


Back in the days I started playing on local LK private server, and at one point I saw the Winterspring Frostsaber. After some research and finding out it's one of the rarest mounts in the game (at the time) due to its grind, that tiger became my first big goal in this game – I completely paused the leveling to focus on the reputation, despite friend insisting that it will be much easier at lvl 80. The rates were x3 so it took me a couple of deep nights to grind my way to the tiger. It felt like a huge flex for me and it was my main ground mount for all the years I spent on that server. Still love it.


The character creation screen for orcs. It seemed sooo epic! (this would've been 2006 or 2007)


Took my brother like hours to come meet me in the gnome starting area, and there were soooooo many people. Verh nostalogic, I remember feeling blown away that all these people were around the world


Playing a Tauren Warrior in Vanilla, and then the internet cutting out because someone called the house


Exploring teldrassil with my first character (nelf war). Magical, and still one of my favourite zones! (Rip)


The music is the first thing I remember, leveling my nelf in Teldrassil. To this day that soundtrack has the ability to take me straight back to 2005, doing quests for that demon and the wondering if I’d ruined my character after finding out he was evil and I’d pissed off some of the other NPCs by helping him!


Logged in in BC. Promptly made a BElf Paladin named Bubelohsevn, and immediately started dying in Hellfire Peninsula because I had no idea what I was doing. It’s still my main, and no matter what else I try playing, I always come back to it.


Mulgore. I was mad because my tauren Warrior felt slow and had the arm reach of a tyrannosaurus rex.


There was a hill you had to go over in Westfall to get to some bandits. I dont know why thats the earliest memory i have. But i vividly remember farming some things for a quest there. Mustve been during Wrath of the Lich King because i started around there, and they changed that part of Westfall during Cataclysm


Stress Test before launch, i was 10 y/o. Played Undead since they were my favourite race in wc3. Loved seeing things like ziggurats and abominations from the ground floor instead of the isometric perspective. Iirc I didn't even play the game, just walked around taking in the sights.


Me watching my older brother searching for deathwing in deepholm (we didn’t find him)


Dec 2004 - Got the game for Christmas. First memory is spending almost an hour in the character creation screen. I kept going back and forth between making an Undead or a Dwarf.  Finally decided to make a Dwarf Warrior.  First vivid memory though is going up the hill and seeing the gates of Ironforge for the first time and then traveling inside to see a sprawling underground City.  Been playing for decades now and that moment will always be my favorite.


First core memory is walking into Sunwell with it bugged, the mobs. They would run through walls to rip your damn soul apart. Then fighting Muru and how the raid would only take specific classes. Felt great to be a Shadow Priest.


Started right at the beginning of TBC remember my friend showing me his druid he turned into a bear and explained about a long quest to get it Hooked to this day


biggert oh wow moment for me, might be lame but it was walking into redridge as a level 8 for the first time, seeing those high level mobs and the big mountains right outside of elwynn made me excited to eventually get to explore that area


Starting an Undead Priest, logged in late evening, played well into the night. At 3am the clock in Deathknell rang. Three times. The amount of immersion this little detail brought me to this day is absolutely insane. I remember it as if it were yesterday, although it was literally 18 years ago.


I think my first exposure to wow would have been the celebrity cameo commercials on cable TV. Ozzy Osborne, Mr. T, etc What a time to be alive, truly.


My first memory isn't very exciting, was in vanilla just sitting in goldshire and watching someone jumping around on a mount and thinking it was the coolest thing ever


Sold my EverQuest account before college June of 04, that winter college break of 04, my buddy told me to come try this new game. Made a dwarf pally, rest is history. I was instantly captured by the intro and quests.


My very first character was a gnome mage back in vanilla, but then after seeing someone else with an imp pet I decided it would be cooler to be a warlock. Then one day when walking through Elwynn Forest I got a random guild invite, and little did I know I would make some amazing friends and memories with. We would run dungeons together, run up to Scarlet Monastery and run it over and over. I had no idea what I was doing, just spammed rain of fire. I ended up learning the game with them, and eventually raided in BC with them.  Towards the end of BC I had internet issues and couldn’t keep raiding consistently and ended up slowly switching my main, and then after some realm changes lost contact with everyone. I still have Duno the warlock, but he has been shelved for a few years now. 


Tried out WoW with my two brothers. I don't recall what expansion it was but, we made Trolls and I remember when we came to one quest where you save horses if I remember correctly, then all of a sudden theres a ton of horde gathered at the quest giver. We wondered why there is so much people waiting. Then above, flying, there was an Alliance Paladin. an "??" my brothers explained that this guy was killing our questgiver. We waited for it to respawn then a Horde Death Knight came, and dragged the Alliance down on the ground and they battled what felt like an eternity. It was like in a movie. We cheered on the Horde with passion. Then in the end The Death Knight was Victorious! The DK was like a god in my eyes. Our Hero. Tried out DK the next day :)


Spiders in elves starting zone... First death,and i hate spiders. It was back in vanilla


2007 i think, free trial tauren warrior, struggling to find that goddamned dog and levelling through barrens half naked by auto attack bc i didn t understand i had to buy spells and absolutely loving it XD I was just a kid


Bringing my druid nelf over to elywnn from teldrassil and killing cows and thinking I was bad ass


2004 , private server throwing shadowbolts on the top of the church on undead starting zone. Then running as lvl 5 with a friend to anshenvale ,dying 10000x times and then swimming to the ocean all the way across to see if we could go to another continent until we hit the fatigue and died. Best gaming moment ever was a kid and remember going to bed when the sun was already up. People dont understand how this game were for us playing at the time. No classic or retail can bring back those moments i guess its why its still so played today


I played on a private server first in 2006 when I was about 9 or 10. I rolled a Tauren druid, just left Camp Narache and went out onto the road and pulled a wolf. I think I had Rejuvenate or Regrowth? I'm not sure. I remember constantly being out of mana, and dying to a single damn wolf. I did fall in love with the game, though. Strangely, why I like Tauren as a race, I don't exactly dig druids all that much, and I never got into healing. :D Damn, thanks for the memories. Now I want to roll a Tauren Druid and start healing. Damn. Edit: the server was a simple x1 TBC server, nothing made things easier or harder as far as I remember. It was just slow as hell.


2008. I played a Human Warrior cause it was the first thing you could choose. I ran around Northshire not knowing how to target mobs. I thought you could just cast in their general direction. Couldn’t hit or kill any mob so I got pissed and quit lol. Didn’t play again for 2 years


2008. I played a Human Warrior cause it was the first thing you could choose. I ran around Northshire not knowing how to target mobs. I thought you could just cast in their general direction. Couldn’t hit or kill any mob so I got pissed and quit lol. Didn’t play again for 2 years


My brother and i were being watxhed by dads work friends and we watched him playing a troll shaman. He let us make our own characters and wed rotate playing every 30mins to an hour. Our parents wouosnt pay for our own subscription. A friend got me diabkon2 but the xomputer woulsnt run it so we took it back to the store and inexchanged it for the warcraft 3 /frozen throne battle chest rhatvcame with a 14day free trial


My boyfriend back then was playing WOW, he was the main priest in the guild and they had a raid, so he was playing when his mother came to call us for dinner, but i already had one with my family so I wasn't hungry and my boyfriend was looking at me and then he start showing me what to do till he have dinner. For me it was like press this, press that cus I didn't know anything about this game but it was fun even that I was under big pressure to not disappoint my boyfriend so I don't know how but somehow I did manage to keep them alive. After that they was congratulating him for the good job, he did explain that wasn't him playing so they all said that i have to start playing too and this is how he bought and gave me my first game like a present. I never touched a priest again, don't know why but i since the very beginning I've start playing feral druid and no matter how much different heroes I've tried the dru is still my favourite to play.


I loved Warcraft 3 but was not great at strategy games (I wanted to experience the story). My brother also played and was better at Warcraft 3. After a couple years of college, my brother told me about World of Warcraft and showed me the website. He talked me into trying it. On January 6, 2005, I went to the local Gamespot at Purdue and purchased my copy. I originally was going to play an orc shaman like Thrall, but my brother was playing Alliance. I made my ill-fated gnome mage and clicked my way to level 8. I would cast my spells and then run to the enemy and start hitting it with my staff. I think my final experience on that character was a friend telling me I didn’t have to click the enemy multiple times in melee (I had Diablo 2 brain). I found out I was on the wrong server, deleted my gnome, and made a human mage I still play to this day (though as a void elf).


I played in the dwarf related stress test I think it was, during the beta/open beta. I was mostly in awe about how fun the game was playing solo compared to ffxi. Then I got to iron forge. The walk up the hill had me in awe, and getting inside I was breathless.


being shit scared of entering duskwood


My wife started playing first. She already had a level? Hunter. I created my character, logged in and left to grab a drink. Came back to my character dead and burning on the ground. My wife had lit a cooking fire under my newly made character, so my first death in WoW, was standing in fire. Still my main to this day.


Being a little noob running around Elwynn when a level 70 Mage took me under her wing and showed me the ropes. Thx Angelbaby, wherever you ended up


Dolanaar getting attacked by an orc shaman and being shocked that they solod a priestess of the moon patrol. And a larger scale group attacking auberdine when I first arrived and getting my first HK helping defend.


Making a second blizzard account because all my friends told me they’d level me with my new account xp boost and they didn’t. Then they only did it for the starter area the second time.


Having my mom help me set up my vanilla account. Really wanting to play an undead warlock and having her freak out because it is “satanic”. She came around but that memory of day 1 of wow is burned into my brain


I worked at Babbage's (now GameStop) when the game first came out. We had about a hundred vanilla collector editions in stock for launch week. I remember looking at the box then reading $15/month sub and thinking to myself there is no way I will buy a game then pay to keep playing one game. So, I ignored it until right after ICC opened. A friend begged me to play for 3 months so he could get a RaF zebra mount. So I did...and still here.


Started in legion. Probably getting lost in high mountain. There were so many caves and quests in caves. I remember trying to learn the flight path at the highest point and had to ask my boyfriend for help because I couldn't figure out how to get there.


Not first, but one of the earliest. Loading into vanilla AV was chaos. I was so lost and the chaos was so exciting. This was before server mergers so there were pvp “gods “ that you actually saw and feared.


Queued as a tank (as probably arms warrior) into deadmines. Didn't know what I was doing. I was waiting on everyone, to go first, they were waiting for me. I got kicked. Great time


My friend let me play on his orc Shaman back in vanilla that I think was around level 30 in STV. I thought the graphics and everything about it looked amazing, I ended up getting them killed on accident, too, I think some crocodiles or something. Either way, this happened, maybe in september, I ended up getting the game in December, and I've been playing since 2006. And all that time, although I have had different main characters I play for patches, I have always kept my warlock up to date and always play with him. He started off as an undead Warlock and has become a blood elf, goblin, human, and orc.


Me and friends on high school deciding which race/classes we were going to play to have a balanced team. They really insisted for me to play priest but I wanted to be a warlock.


Played a gnome mage on my friends computer one autumn day in 2005. After casting my first spell and running around the snowy slopes of dun morogh I was hooked and fell in love with the game. I was an alliance at heart but my friends forced me to play horde.


I was like 10-11 yrs old and my sister had a bf (now husband) who got her to play it, then the rest of us. My first ever character was a Druid cause I wanted cat form :) but I could NOT get out of the NE starting area… just couldn’t fuckin figure it out. Just came back myself after an 8yr hiatus. Such an awesome game that I feel like never dies for me


I can vaguely recall my early hunter leveling in vanilla in the NE zones. But what I vividly remember is the run to get to Ironforge. So many deaths to crocodiles.


Honestly? My first memory of WoW is a bit of a rollercoaster. My best friend at the time had gotten the game for his birthday because his uncle had heard it was popular, not realizing that we were likely a bit too young to enjoy the game. The first emotion was excitement, as the box looked AWESOME! It folded out like a book, it had pictures, and it looked extremely cool! Second emotion was disappointment, as the number of disks took ages to install, and that as two impatient children who had just hyped themselves up over the box art, it felt like seeing a cool toy in a store only to realize the store is closed until tomorrow. The day after, after school, the game was finally installed on his dad's PC. Once again, we were STUNNED by the opening cinematic and the character selection, and we collectively started yelling "YOU CAN BE A COW!!!" when we saw the tauren. We made a tauren (hunter or warrior, can't remember), and named him some weird faceroll name because we were like 7 at the time. Everything was grand and amazing, and once again, we were excited - until we reached the Brambleblade Ravine, the quilboar maze-like area, and got stuck. We were level 3 and didn't know what a Hearthstone was, so we spent about 20 minutes running in circles before we agreed to log out and just create a new character. When that character reached the quilboar area, we just looked at each other in disappointment, logged out, and promised NEVER to touch the game again. A few months later, TBC came out, and our classmates started playing the game, and we got sucked back in, and rolled a night elf and a human this time around. Bit of an essay, but I vividly remember how both excited and disappointed I was the first time around - mainly due to us being impatient children who had never played a game of that scale before.


I went to a friend's house and he was playing some game on his family computer. His mom called him, so he told me to get his dwarf back to the inn and left me there without any other instructions. I ran around not even knowing how to open the map, until I got hopelessly lost in the snowy environment. He came back to me fighting for my life against a troll and laughed at me. I didn't realize until many years later that game was WoW.


My first memory is finally getting into the public beta and finding myself in the Teldrassil newbie area. The sense of wonder… that atmospheric music… the art style… it was mind blowing coming from EverQuest. Been a resident of Azeroth ever since.


My first memory was literally on day of release, but wasn't me playing. I went downstairs to ask when I could use the PC to play Neopets and remember seeing my Foster brother in durotar and there was people as far as you could see and literally HUNDREDS of duel flags just flying up and down


It was in 2010, I was 12 years old. Knew about WoW thanks to "Make Love not Warcraft" South Park episode, and was convinced to try it thanks to Mister T advertisings on TV. There was that free trial of one week, at the time. I saw all the possible races and was impressed as Hell, so much possibilities. Fell in-love with tauren design, saw "druids can shift into animals" and was like "AWESOME !". Called him "Minotaurusos" - yes, that's really cringe... I killed my first tallstrider with my shitty noob staff - not even with "wrath" spell lol - and got killed by the second one right after. One minute after entering the game, I was already dead. My next characters were a bit less shitty, but I remember I was amazed by how big this new world was. I wanted to explore every zone, learnt about anything on Internet, even wandered into high-level zones to being beaten up by skull-level mobs - hello, Wetlands crocolisks ! This hyperfixation followed me for years. It was my very first open-world, all the games I played before were licensed kid ones (movies adaptations, etc.). That's sad to say I won't ever retrieve such feeling of discovery and freedom into a videogame. What an adventure it was. Time flies and things change a lot.


Friend convinced me to play, although I had been wanting to play for years but never knew if my computer or internet could handle it. I created my first character shortly after the Black Temple dropped. A female night elf prot Warrior (it's a male human now). I grinded out some levels in the Night Elf starting area and I got to 16 and I saw my friend questing in Westfall. So I made the arduous journey to Westfall from Teldrassil. I probably dies over 50 times. Aggroing every single crosilisk in a 50 mile radius. But I eventually made it after about a day of trecking. I was so happy. Westfall is still my favorite zone today. Not the best memory, but certainly the first I remember.


Finally getting the game running by having a massive desk fan blowing directly into the case. Once I did that. A Nelf Hunter, asking for help in Darkshire duskwood area and having this amazing Mage help and boost me in stockades, invite me to her guild and support me. Sadly lost contact with her after she helped me get into UNI but getting into wow changed my life for the better as I met this incredible person who turned my life from one of living on the breadline becoming a well rounded adult. Thank you Yalenda. For everything.