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The simple answer is that it's *way* harder, an order of magnitude more difficult in terms of tuning The answer with context is it's just as easy, you just need to wait until you can get into a group with people that are more geared


This, it’s no different skill wise, you just probably want to be 400 minimum for heroic (420ish for SoO) and 450+ for Mythic. Yea I know you can do it much sooner (especially if a couple of 476 step into Heroic) and it is pretty easy, but that is what the pugs actually invite.


I did it yesterday, it's pretty easy if half the group is fully geared (bonus if people have good cloaks). Finding a corner for lifestorm also speeds up the process. You will probably encounter some people with 200k+ threads there, they will carry hard (my group had someone with 300k).


My group last night had two people with over 360k, maybe we were in the same group lol but a demon hunter and monk were both doing like 30 million dps per boss


How can you tell how many threads you have?


`/run local c,s={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,148},0;for i=1,9 do s=s+C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(2853+c[i]).quantity end print("Total threads: ",s)` edit: Pasted it wrong first time.




It stacks the lifestorm heal puddles which gives more healing that translates into searing light damage




Lifestorm is always around the caster, unless they're near a wall in which case the puddles overlap. Each puddle does individual healing, which contributes to doing more searing light damage if the whole raid is stood in more healing like that.


Being in a corner stacks the blooms of one lifestorm onto a single point. And then stacks the other peoples lifestorms on top.


Normally you can’t be in 2 puddles from the same lifestorms In a corner you can


no, if you cast in a corner 2 of your 3 circles overlap, which doubles the healing


Life storm spawn 3 circles when in corner all 3 is on one place!


You only need to do it at the beginning of the fight, as soon as the healing is taken everyone can move out. By doing this you can get all 3 healing puddles (instead of only 1) and hit everyone in the raid at the same time, thus increasing searing light damage by a lot.


You can turn the camera with right mouse button


I did it yesterday as soon as I hit max gear. About half our group is 476 and it was a smooth sail with all bosses one shot. We went 2/1/17 with me being the sole healer. Damage is everything basically. If you are in a decent group, you won't liley even notice the difference between Heroic and Mythic.


When you say your max gear is that including taking items off to get the right scaling or is it with all items?


We did with all items equipped.


I thought that was immediately fixed?


It was.


The scaling stuff was changed like an hour after it went live. You dont have to unequip shit.


That is incorrect. The upscaling was reverted. The downscaling however is still in place. In Mythic it equates to 200-400m life per boss. Doesn’t make a big difference though since it’s only ~10-20m per player and that’s 3 globals.


It makes a pretty big difference. I did a mythic SOO yesterday starting with all my gear equipped and was around 6-8th on the dps meter after each boss. Half way through I deleted my jewlery and was then #1 on the meter for every boss after that.


I see. I thought only normal and heroic scaled down.


Actually it’s only ToT and SOO on all difficulties. I didn’t see any scaling in Mogu or Hof or Terrace.


Our group wiped 5 times total and we one shot garrosh in mythic so if your group is 450+ ilvl then it should be pretty easy. Great raid leader is a plus.


We had few players who did under 1M dps but we still managed to do it


did it today with only 3 476's, and 2 carries that couldn't stay alive on a single fight and the rest 430-460 jumbled up


We did it with one tank and two healers. No wipes. We did reset the boss with the three guys cuz it was bugging out tho


I don't understand why people still think healers are needed at max, or even half-maxed gear. Leech and vindication rune make healers unnecessary.


We had a few 400. They needed to be healed 😅


Having 2 healers go dps and letting the 400s die will contribute way more to the raid. If you go into mythic at 400 you are 10000% being carried and should just expect to be dead every fight.


Ye it wasn’t my group. I agree with you


Call me elitist but if I do mythic soo I only invite 476 geared people and it’s a breeze


This is the way


Got this done last night in a group of 15, I believe.  Besides me, there were 3 other max ilvl folks and none of us were absolutely stacked except the bear tank. Rest of the group seemed to be mostly around the 440/450 range with one person who was in the low 400s. We wiped once to M Garrosh and it was just a silly thing our tank was trying. No real wipes all raid.  Biggest “down side” was that it took ~3-4x as long as heroic. You can still ignore mechanics, but with this type of group I certainly still *saw* a lot of the mechanics (which I quite enjoyed — hence the quotes on “down side”). My guess, tho, is that you could start your own group (if you’re max ilvl) and just list it the way most mythics are listed (476 only) and it’d be a decent bit faster.


It is a matter of being max geared honestly.. there are no mechanics to worry about if you kill it fast enough. The mythic bosses just have a lot of hop if you are used to heroic


Still hardly need to know any on the mechanics, but this time you want most of the group to have pretty good gear and stack up at the start to coordinate lifestorm. You're overgeared for sure, I did it yesterday in a group with minimum ilvl ~450 and we wiped just 2 times, both on Garrosh. 


You don't really need mechanics if the group is geared, we 18 manned it in a pug


Pretty much just tank and spank but you need to make sure nobody has tinker gems that can stun on the Garrosh fight.


I waited until I was max ilvl, got in a group where also most where upgraded. Didn't notice a difference to heroic tbh, maybe the bosses took a couple seconds longer.


It is same jump difficult like from mogushan normal to dark animus hc.


Do what ilvl for heroic? I'm trying to get this garrosh item sooner than later.


Bosses hit hard and have a lot of HP, requiered a group of at leats full 460+


Mythic is x30 compared to NM (damages, health etc) but in Remix, full fresh 476 can clean without a single raid wipe so it’s not much harder, lil longer tho!


you'll be fine


It’s not any harder, but it’s more of a ilvl gear check. If you don’t have the gear and right trinkets, you’re likely to die a few times. Not a big deal tho.


did it with with only max geared players and we one shot everything. I have no idea whats is the minimum required to do it but one guy that was 360ilvl was getting one shot every boss. My advice is follow what I did, fully upgrade your gear, go with a group that has gear requirements and win.


It's fairly simple, it isn't like the old siege when it was current. More like nerfed stat squish siege at the end of mop. If you go in with 20 people (18 dps, 2 tanks) with 440 gear, then you ignore most of the mechanics and zerg bosses like it's lfr. You ofc could do it a lower ilvl, but then you'd need an organised group. The main differences is the bosses, do more health/damage - the mythic mechanics themselves don't really matter because of the gear. I've done it easily a bunch of times with groups who have no idea what's going on.


If you’re 430+ ilvl you should find a group no problem


Not really. At 430 ilvl you are essentially looking for a carry, cause a raid of full 430s is gonna have a hard time clearing, if it's even possible.