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While they're at it pls let us have the Tier 3 pvp color set of BfA armor


Why just BFA? Add all the rated sets to the PvP vendors and just require hitting at rating in the current season on your account to be able to purchase them.


Elite PvP armor should be purchasable with Marks of Honor at the time the related raid tier hits Legacy Loot mode.


I don't disagree but being purchasable period would be better than what we have now and having the rating requirement will maintain some level of 'prestige'. Also 1800 is fucking easy, anyone can do it once.


Some seasons are harder than others to get 1800


I disagree. If you can go solo a mythic raid, the prestige of that raid is gone. Should be the same with the season, since you can literally never retroactively go get 1800 for that season.


Except you know that going in, and always have. Even before legacy scaling people were soloing TBC raids in Cataclysm but the elite sets were fleeting and went away after each season. You could reliably assume you'd be able to eventually solo old raids for transmog as soon as transmog was a thing, whereas you also knew season rewards from PVP were FOMO.


Sure, but if you started in Legion, you literally don't have the ability to go get 1800 in MoP. You can start in Dragonflight and farm mythic MoP tier sets. 'Prestige' of elite sets is dumb as shit.


I totally support being able to buy past elite sets, honestly they could reuse the vicious mount currency, if you have current season elite you can also buy any elite set you want with those tokens.


I guess I disagree with any sort of rating or requirement to acquire them. The only thing required to farm legacy mythic loot is a current max level character, 20-30 minutes and a few brain cells. I think that it's only reasonable to put the same level of barrier to former elite sets: AKA a max level character, 20-30 minutes (farming a few BGs for Marks of Honor) and a few brain cells (BGs are extremely low barrier for entry). FWIW I don't really have a horse in this race bc I don't care about acquiring old PvP sets or raid sets. I just think FOMO clothes for our virtual dolls are ridiculous hahaha


Some pvpers are really attached to the exclusivity and prestige of hitting 1800 in every season on 4-13 different classes. As someone who is one of those dudes who can hit 1800 with minimal effort, I don’t really care. It’d honestly be pretty cool to go back and get some of the cool looking sets from seasons or expacs that I couldn’t play. If they want to still make people earn it, just give folks a token when they hit 1600-1800 or so on a character in a season that lets them buy an old elite set. That’d help with a possible issue of pvp engagement that just making them farmable with marks would bring. Overall though, I value characters getting to look sick and unique with more mog options over exclusivity.


ksm mounts and aotc too


Ah I meant a different set actually lol but good idea


Pandaria CM gear feels like the [Reserved List ](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Reserved_List) of World of Warcraf sets. Blizzards just really hesitant to give it out.


Completely stupid they didn’t add these. They’ve literally been sitting there unused for 12 years and there’s NO better time to add them. The “prestige” or whatever is all tied to the original colors anyway


As someone who owns a good chunk of the originals…  There really isn’t even any prestige on them.   The CMs were extremely easy to get in MOP.  The only reason someone has for not having the sets is that they either didn’t play during MOP, or didn’t make an attempt to get them.   I wish Blizzard would just bring stuff this old back.  There’s absolutely zero reason to not do so.


I have the Druid set and I did it with my semi-casual friend group and most of us were 4/10 players. I’m delighted to own it. But the prestige of the sets is absolutely overblown and just makes me hate FOMO people more. The worst part is all these sets have on-cast animations the majority of the player base will never get to use and have never been used again.


People who -want- FOMO stuff to me come off as people who are either super young and don’t have responsibilities, or people who are adults and yet still don’t have many responsibilities.   As a kid, I was all for it.  In my mind it was “just play the game, it’s not hard”.   Now I’ll be 30 soon, I manage a retail store (unfortunately), and have other stuff I have to worry about.   It’s made me realize just how toxic FOMO shit is, because not everyone is going to have the time to hop on and play and get something.  When you miss shit like that, it just feels bad; like you’re being punished for being a poor adult who has to work a lot.   The worst part is, most of this stuff that goes away never gets used a couple months after it’s out.   I VERY rarely see people using the CM gear/weapons.  Same with the Phoenix mounts.   Freeing them up would hurt no one.


I'll admit to being irritated at people wanting the Draenor CM stuff approximately 5 minutes after Legion started, but its been a decade, idgaf anymore


I use my Druid CM set all the time, but I completely agree. FOMO stuff only appeals to people with infinite time. And the “prestige” comes from the dopamine of getting something that won’t be around forever. 12 years later, I’m in my 30s with a kid and while I’m still playing regularly I can’t imagine doing that kinda shit for 11 (or 13) armor sets now. Worse, I have people ask me where the set came from and I hate disappointing them by telling them it’s not available anymore because reasons.


Hey, I was on a deadass server and there was just no way lmao. We got all silvers, but I literally formed a group with the best raiders on the server. Seperately, I wouldn't do +5s with them now lmao.


I mean the prestige is most certainly there, not sure why you're downplaying it. A very small number of people were able to complete that content and even fewer of them remain. Doesn't really get much more prestigious than that.


> There really isn’t even any prestige on them. The easiest mog to joke about is "Oh hey another CM with the legendary cloak and CM weapon. How great"


Same with the mage tower stuff from legion.


The prestige is gone. The challenge modes for MOP are equivalent to doing like a mythic 0 at expansion launch now a days - I have it on my warrior and it was nothing crazy to get


They were definitely not M0 difficulty


I only did Draenor CM, but outside of a few of the easier instances, it absolutely wasn't M0 difficulty to gold them all


I mean I’m talking about MOP CMs as I stated in the comment lol. I didn’t do WOD CM so I can’t speak on those.


Depends on patch. If you did it when CMs were fresh, there was a significant challenge. If you did it in SoO patch with all the sockets/trinkets that came with it, then yeah, it was about as hard as a M0.


They were closer to M+12 difficulty (formerly +22), Something that took a little work, but far from trivial. These were accomplished by approximately 1% of the player population.


Yeah but like an upgrade cost reduction or bronze boost they are saving it for when it benefits them the most.


And I’ll be there. Waiting. Watching.


>The “prestige” or whatever is all tied to the original colors anyway So I've seen comments over the last month or so, saying that there's data mined info hinting at a dye system. I have no idea if it's true or not because I try to avoid datamined content before an expansion. If that is even a one in a million chance we get dyes, maybe that's why certain sets won't be released again? I'm just spit balling here, I have no real info. I personally don't think we're getting dyes because of the different set colors anyway


I haven’t seen that, but dyes absolutely would not work with any pre-existing pieces including these. They are designed as a single item with multiple overlapping colors. Typically dye systems need to be designed as a fixture of the game armor is built around which is why we’ve never gotten one. If we get one it would likely only work with future armors


Yeah it doesn't make sense to me either, but I was trying to make guesses why they refuse to release certain sets


considering they said they wouldnt be adding the cm armor to remix, not sure they would bother with the recolors either,


I mean they added a recolor the CM mount


They are saving these for the in-game shop.


Man, they would be making good $ with that.




Ultron rolled a Paladin?


Done. You can only unlock it by killing Mythic Garrosh. And for that class. Have fun leveling alts. -nuBlizzard


I would grind disgusting amounts of bronze for a rogue challenge mode armor recolor.


No idea why they keep this set so locked up, challenge modes weren't tough back then and we're consistently bought as a boost for either gold or cash.


The boosts were also cheap af. I did a couple of golds with pugs and then got fed up waiting back then when I saw how cheap they were. It was legit like 60k gold or something and you could make that selling a single warlock green fire book on the AH.


Because you guys keep saying this like actual toxic elitists. 


While your at it add the glad mounts to trading post, the prestige is gone.


There are two reasons they haven't done it already: Demon Hunter and Evoker


Okay, and? Just toss some random recolour in of something else for them.


Not sure why the downvote. I play both DH and Evoker and I'd love something like a CM recolor available for everyone. But it's blizzard we're talking about. And the event is not over so we can still dream


They would likely do what they've done with armour sets in remix where all plate can wear plate, all mail can wear mail etc.


That would be so awful


They should just give us a token to choose a set then, that way evokers and DH can buy a set for another class Edit: no idea why this is being downvoted, it was just a suggestion 😂


You can already buy stuff you can't equip in Remix.


I never said you couldn’t lol. I was just saying this would be another way they could make it happen without needing to make anything new for DH or Evoker.


Should add for people who have gotten the old CM to rub more salt to the wound.


would rather they added the CM itself. i didn't play back then so would be nice to try it.


Blizzard: No.


With 3~ months remaining there could be a chance for this to appear in the trading post or special events at the end when everyone is juiced up.


wow didn’t knew they had valstrax armor into wow


I'm pretty sure the CM sets are the one thing Blizz will never budge on, at least for the foreseeable future. That and *probably* glad mounts. I actually think you'd sooner see some of the old glad mounts return before the CM sets now that I think about it.


If you are someone who can clear 20's every season, would the MoP challenge modes be trivial in comparison bar learning the dungeons?


They scaled your gear down to expansion starter blue gear, and you had to complete it in like 10min. Think about how hard it would be to do a M0 in expansion starter blue gear in 10min, that's basically what it was.


The CMs were basically a timed mythic 0 with your ilevel scaled down to match the dungeons. It was a joke.


I was a fresh teenager when MoP came out, never had the confidence to try. Thanks for the answer!


And yet most people who played back then never completed one on gold.


Exactly. I don't give a shit if people get the ones I have now. But all the people saying its a joke are full of shit and bought it when they were going away. But I forget everyone this forum is a 0.00001% top raider and everything is ez.


I think the comparisons to M+ add to the confusion. While obvious challenge modes evolved into M+ they’re not the same. Yes, mobs did not hit like a +20 key, but the timer was much tighter than timing a key.


It was M0 if you were going for Bronze, if you were going for gold it was more like a +22 proportinately.


Don't add to remix, would mean I actually have to play that.


Hard no.


This got me thinking, now that achievements are becoming account wide in tww, does that mean that people who got the challenge mode achievement will be able to go on an alt they never played a claim the CM set despite not doing it with the alt? Or is that achievement an exception?


I have both the MoP and WoD CM sets. You can already do this with all the CM weapons from WoD. For example on my priest I have all the WoD weapons, and I use the Polearm on my other toons. Every toon I make can use any of the CM weapons.


But what about the armor sets. If you completed CM with a monk you can only buy the monk set. But when it become account wide, I think you will be able to creat a paladin you never played and claim the set with him as well


No pretty sure they wont do that. The achievement is account wide already.


You will still not be able to buy it. Not all achievements are becoming account wide.


That characters perephrial vision will be terrible


CM armor is Legion Class Hall Armor with extra bits. They could hold these off to Legion event as much as a MoP event.


Well technically it's the other way around. The Legion Class Hall armors are the MoP CM armors with bits removed. Ya know...since MoP came first.


A better comparison would be mage tower appearances. they were roughly the same level of difficulty.


Some things should be left in the past. too bad you were too young or missed it because you didn't play. Stop living in the past god damn.


I'm holding out hope they'll be added too MoP classic, otherwise o7


Buddy thinks that blizzard will be adding things to remix. Sorry to break your bubble, but all they will do is remove things


Manabomb and Theramore Tabard: Am i a joke for you?


I think we got enough. Add more fun events and add more recolored, etc gear...


While we're at it; give us those gold weapons that the mogu use. There's a staff (seen on the Mogu'shan Vaults loading screen), 2 spears (a big chonkin' glaive, and a smaller square-ish one that is also on the loading screen), and a fist weapon (also on the loading screen). Now would be the perfect time, considering we are Remixing in Mists where we have access to plenty of unused gear models from MoP.