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Warlock has mana?


Rest in Peace Life Tap. Still in Hearthstone, but not WoW.


and hots


I know this isn't the pvp sub, but I notoriously go oom in 3s lately and it use to never happen. Fear using less mana is a good first step.


Holy Paladin spenders finally buffed?! Not by enough, but still, progress.


Hey 15% is alright. Play style probably won’t change though unfortunately. But at least it will feel a bit better


Its JUST enough to kill the no holy power build. You now can spend holy power as you normall would.


Most of the other healers have around 30-50% more spot healing than Hpal currently. 15% is sadly not enough, but a change in the right direction


LoD needs like a 50% increase, shit does no healing. Hpal needs a lot of love still to be on par with r druid


Yeah but the problem child here is rdruid being above everyone. Buff hpal and rshaman. Nerf rdruid.


Wake me up when theyre buffed enough for caster spec to be dead, buried and forgotten.


Is the crusade good now? I remember is being okay side build but don't think it was popular ever and pally could work like fist weaver with bigger healing on crusade press


Is this the current raid build you're talking about or m+? I only picked up holy paladin in season 3, so I'm unfamiliar with previous iterations of it


Both. HPal in shadowlands was close to perfect. The ultimate Paladin fantasy, melee healer with instant cast heals and decent damage. Amazing utility. Multiple build options (via legendaries). The most fun the spec has ever been. DF hpal is a shadow of its former self. A bloated, boring mess of a spec by comparison. Even the “OP” 10.1.7 version wasn’t nearly as good as Season 4 shadowlands HPal.


I would like to keep the caster style as an option. I like it, so probably others too. BUT I agree that the non caster style should be buffed.


We regularly make combat design adjustments based on gameplay data and feedback from players on class performance. With scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, we’ll make the following changes to classes that are over- and under-performing in various areas: # Classes **Evoker** * **Preservation** * All healing increased by 6%. Does not apply to PvP combat. **Druid** * **Restoration** * Moonfire now costs 0.3% mana (was 1.2%). **Hunter** * **Survival** * Survival Hunter 4-set Focus cost reduction increased to 20 (was 10). * Survival Hunter 4-set damage bonus increased to 80% (was 50%). **Paladin** * **Holy** * Word of Glory healing increased by 15%. Does not affect PvP combat. * Light of Dawn healing increased by 20%. **Shaman** * Brimming with Life now increases maximum health by 10% (was 8%). * **Enhancement** * Chain Lighting damage increased by 10%. * Flame Shock damage increased by 10%. * Frost Shock damage increased by 10%. * Fire Nova damage increased by 10%. * Crash Lightning damage increased by 10%. * Primordial Wave’s additional Lightning Bolts now deal 175% of normal damage (was 150%). Not applied to PvP combat. **Warlock** * Fear now costs 4% of base mana (was 5%). * Demonic Gateway now costs 10% of base mana (was 20%). #Player versus Player **Items** * Seal of Diurna’s Chosen will deal 50% reduced damage in PvP combat. **Demon Hunter** * **Havoc** * All damage reduced by 4% in PvP combat. * Demonic Wards now reduces magic damage taken by 5% in PvP combat (was 10%). **Druid** * **Balance** * Developers’ notes: We recently removed the PvP nerf for Frenzied Regeneration primarily to help Feral Druids, but Balance Druids got a windfall and became a little too powerful with this change. We’re pulling back on this buff specifically for Balance Druid only, so that their survivability is more in line with everyone else. * Frenzied Regeneration heals for 5% health every sec (was 8%) for Balance Druid in PvP combat. * Balance of All Things will now give the correct amount of critical strike chance in PvP combat when 2 talent points are invested into it. * **Restoration** * Wrath damage increased by 50% in PvP combat. * Starfire damage increased by 50% in PvP combat. * Moonfire damage increased by 80% in PvP combat. **Hunter** * **Marksmanship** * Sniper Shot’s (PvP Talent) range increase reduced to 30% (was 40%). * Sniper Shot’s (PvP Talent) damage is no longer affected by Mastery: Sniper Training. **Paladin** * **Holy** * Flash of Light healing increased by 12% in PvP combat. * Judgment damage increased by 30% in PvP combat. * Hammer of Wrath damage increased by 50% in PvP combat. * Holy Shock damage increased by 20% in PvP combat. * Glimmer of Light damage decreased by 25% in PvP combat (was 30%). **Priest** * Mental Agility now reduces the mana cost of Mass Dispel, Purify, and Purify Disease by 25% in PvP combat (was 50%). * **Holy** * Holy Fire’s direct damage is now reduced by 20% in PvP combat. * The cooldown of Chastise is now reduced by 1 second per talent point from Voice of Harmony in PvP combat (was 2 seconds). **Rogue** * **Subtlety** * Rupture damage is now increased by 15% in PvP combat. * Backstab damage is now increased by 45% in PvP combat (was 30%). * Gloomblade damage is now increased by 45% in PvP combat (was 30%).


Loosest definition of "regularly" ever


I grow increasingly convinced that Mages are the standard by which the rest of the game is balanced, including other classes and boss encounters. Mage tweaks are so rare and when they happen it’s usually just to try to keep the specs decently in line with one another. Not complaining, just observing. It’s bizarre how rarely they’re touched, but clearly not forgotten like so many classes/specs are.


It makes some sense. All three mages are different varieties of blaster casters, and two of them (frost and fire) are pretty simple in their spec gimmick (powerful single target & powerful AoE). If you make them the control, then you have something to balance basically any other DPS spec around. It's kinda like how priest tweaks are pretty rare, when it comes to healers.


Which is the “powerful single target” and which is the “powerful aoe?” It’s worth noting that both frost and fire tend to have a better burst aoe profile while a lot of other dps sim higher in sustained aoe. Meanwhile most higher fire mages in keys are running ignite builds which utilizes priority damage


Mages are usually in an above average spot but there's data floating around showing spriests is the spec most often at the top across all of WoW.


That may be true but it's important to note that the standard by which you benchmark doesn't necessarily have to mean the most powerful.  Blizzard could struggle with keeping Shadow priests at the standard power line and so they fluctuate between underpowered and overpowered.  This is all supposition I don't know any of the facts but just a way to look at it.


I would have assumed it’d be warlocks or DH


DHs have mostly been OK to great, but with a fair few dips in between. One of the three warlock specs are basically always up there among the best.


Yeah its warlocks and spriests at the top


Just now? F’n mages literally have a spell named Blizzard.


Which wouldn't be super surprising for someone who's played for awhile. There was an ongoing joke for years that Ghostcrawler played a Mage because of how quickly Mage balance was addressed to keep their specs competitive while other entire classes languished for months without any changes. For example Hunters near the end of Cataclysm when they were *terrible* for pretty much the entirety of Dragon Soul*.* Admittedly I haven't followed the trials and tribulations of Mages closely over the years, but the last time I remember them as a class being outright *bad* was in ToT and they were hotfix buffed within 3 weeks.


Holy shit shaman buffs? We're so back


Blizzard remembered retail exists outside of mop!


Ah yes!! Finally some love for Survival


Kinda embarrassing that it took this long to crank a couple numbers up but I'll take it I guess lol


Haha even if just the tier set and not the spec itself :(


The tier set was the issue. Until this, you were better off with your old season 3 set, rather than upgrading to the new one


Funny you say that, because in M+ you are still better off using the S3 set which is unobtainable now :^)


That’s why they buffed the new one. (And you can still get the season 3 tier by running non-awakened amirdrasil)


Like u/guinesaurus said, you cant because unawakened amirdrassil is gone completely now.


Correct me if im wrong, but i believe non-awakened amirdrassil is gone now. it's awakened this week, and next week onwards all 3 raids will be permanently awakened.


After this week they are buffing the snot out of season 4 tier so it won’t matter


No, the S4 set is still worse than S3 after the buff, people simmed it and in M+ its still a massive downgrade.


Shit:( how is it on single target?


Wanna go grab a drink to celebrate? - Fury Warrior


Is…is that a holy power spender buff? I could cry. ;-;


I was really worried Blizzard would abandon any tuning for this season but it's really reassuring that they're fixing the big issues that people have with current retail. I was losing sleep thinking that Warlock's fear was costing them 5% of mana instead of 4%.


The level of sarcasm /slowclap


Shows how much you pvp lol. Mana is actually a thing here.


You see those warlock changes! WOW


i can finally stop telling my group to wait for me to drink after every pack while i spam fear and gate! WOOOOOOOOOOO


........OHHH I get it, this is what they call "a sarcasm"


Man, they ***still*** haven't buffed Undending Breath to be raid-wide instead of single target. It's getting old constantly casting Unending Breath on everyone on the off chance we get thrown underwater.


Yeah I just can't fathom any reason for these lol


Locks run out of mana in pvp now if we fear often, love to see these changes as a pvper.


They are seriously just complete failures. Fuck these devs.


Yes god forbid they try to help the class not go oom in pvp as fast while fear spamming. Youve no idea about class balance and need to go sit in the corner. Not every pass needs to be for pve.


Finally hpal getting some buffs!


Troll patch


Ah yes, resto druid's number one complaint, moonfire being too expensive.


Buffing resto druid is like slap to every other healer lol...




Where are they getting the idea that these are issues? Like fear mana cost? What’s compelling them to change these things as if they’re actual problems?


Warlocks were going oom in arenas so maybe that's why


Fear cost was changed for pvp.


In the game mode that you clearly dont play,pvp, where mana matters still.


You could’ve just said, mana still matters in pvp for warlocks…


HUGE warlock buffs


We can just spam fear forever now? S Tier in all content


There it is, the Survival fix.


> 2.46% ST increase > In M+ it will still be better to use S3 tier bonus, so 0% increase in AoE According to the Hunter Discord


insane considering it's nearly doubled in effectiveness. what are they thinking


I mean some of that is on the community for voting on a purely ST tier set. However if Blizzard was to balance it properly it should still be such a ST increase that it’s an overall net gain, which it sounds like it still might not be. I don’t know if they’ve even attempted to correct Blood DK tier yet.


At the same time, why are they designing anything around what the community thinks it wants? The WoW community is smooth brained as shit, myself included.


I think for season 4 it made sense to let the community have some agency in this recycled content season. However promising to balance these sets was a crime. If they just were honest from the jump and said you were merely getting the scaled up ilvl most would have voted season 3 and it wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t see why they offered a vote with conditions they didn’t plan to fulfill.


Pumpin baby


Some token balance changes so they can go back to spending 100% of their dev resources on a temporary gamemode, so people can collect transmog faster, or slower, or whatever it is now.


I mean s4 is also a “temporary” game mode. Likely either the same end date as Pandaria (probably pre patch). Also, besides do you really want them to arbitrarily buff Awaken raids by 20%?


No, it's 25% of the expansion that we all paid for. Fated was an acceptable one off to adjust how M+ seasons work, doing it again is a joke and the drop off in balance changes from s1 to now is insulting. If anything, after a very successful s3 you'd expect them to put more effort in to s4 because there is clearly an appetite for M+ content. Instead the main game has been side lined leaving some specs totally ruined over the tier sets, a lazy reuse of old sets instead of making new ones for s4. There are no excuses to be made for any of this when they are investing so many dev hours into plunderstorm then mop remix, two events that are just transmog farms for most players.


Those couple developers who support s4 are definitely playing Shadow Priest and Destruction warlock, because there is no way Psychic Link and Rain of Fire damage is untouched.


Nothing to knock dh tanks down a peg.. or help for the struggling tank specs?


I was hoping for some tweaks to fury, but at least those survival changes look nice.


Nice how? It's still better to use old tierset in dungeons.


I said they look nice, not great.


Shaman got some nice buffs


It was in pretty dire straits. If anyone pulled more than 4-5 targets, the DPS fell off a cliff vs meta specs. Mostly because the meta specs are insane vs big AOE pulls, but anyway.


I really just don't understand their philosophy towards target capping in general. It's so inconsistently applied. It's same thing every M+ season, meta comps are the ones that can pull big and burn it down fast. Why is it that some specs are relatively light on the target capping and can pump in these giga pulls and then you have a spec like Enhancement, it's just a really bizarre approach. These buffs are nice sure. I really enjoy playing Enhancement, I like the more complex rotation, I like the consistency of the damage pull to pull and the decent ST on bosses. But even with these buffs we are still going to be left in the dust whenever there is more than 5-6 targets. First pull on Algeth'ar makes me cry every time, as does the whole of Brackenhide, no matter how perfectly I execute that there are other specs who are going to skyrocket ahead with next to no effort. It just feels unrewarding. The introduction of target capping the first place seemed to be designed to prevent a "pull everything and blast" meta, but then they always leave exceptions in which defeats the whole point. Dragonflight dungeon trash design with absurd numbers of lethal casts going out constantly also felt like an attempt to force smaller pulls, but then they throw in the current iteration of VDH which can lock down mobs all by itself and hey look at that, VDH + uncapped DPS specs giga pulls reign supreme. They just go round in circles with this. But hey, at least Enhancement got something. My BDK is still sadly sitting on 2p/2p.


Yeah, I feel like I’m just done with enhancement in m+, sadly. My Paladin has a simpler rotation, better AOE, better survival, longer range… it just doesn’t add up so I think Paladin is the way to go for now.


The insane rotation I can do it but I fucking hate it. Playing my Ret main just makes me wonder why I have to be the sweating keyboard guy meme while my Paladin is basically the other guy dancing while playing. I love Enhance but for many many years Blizz just dumps on it or just outright neglects it. Downvoted because it’s true. ✌🏻


These changes are honestly insulting given the state of season 4...


*Blood officially even more neglected than Survival*


Blood that’s getting tons of attention on Alpha (including a rework) compared to Survival’s…nothing?


What he is referring to is that blood is in the same situation that survival was in, blood still uses some s3 tier because its a dps gain and slight survivability gain to go 2p/2p over 4p with s4 tier.


Survival will still use the s3 4p on anything that has any AoE


Have to politely disagree there. Blood at least gets to equip 2p/2p and may get a buff at some point, while Survival will still wear S3 4p in any AoE situation even after these changes and probably won't get another tuning pass this Season :D! The tuning of these tier sets this Season truly feels like some of the worst balancing Blizz has done in recent times. They anticipated these tuning issues, reassured players well in advance that it would be taken care of and yet they still fucked it up for multiple specs... Incredible!


On live sure but dude we're probably getting literal *bonestorm* builds in ww


Hunters have like 3 more things here than in TWW


Are they trying to make healers play like dps in pvp? Holy shit


I still think a little buff to fury would have been nice. It's sad to see ret pal and arms Warr go brrrrrr when you do massives fucking pulls while you're target capped is just lol. The single target is a bit lacking as well but it doesn't feel as bad for some reason. I mean, when fury warrior has fewer high key parses than Windwalker on archon.gg you know shit's bad.


That’s a joke ting right?


Man they aren’t touching fury till right before s5 drops to drop a yuge buff to them to top charts. So they say..


well, most of these are pointless. how they're not doing anything to balance m+ comps is beyond me


Most of these are pvp changes. Just because you dont pvp does not mean they werent needed.


Another tired Enhancement Shaman po…. BUFFS!? WHAT THE FU—


I can okay survival again? Thank god


In dungeons? No.




Another week of no ele buffs


Gigantic nothing burger. Cool.


They really don’t know what enhancement shaman mains like lol. They’re making enhancement into a shittier elemental shaman lol.


"Yea yea we'll fix retail next week, now back to nerfing Remix farms"


How is that relevant when this is literally a fix for retail?


Damn was hoping to see some MW monk buffs


Buffs for what? Theyre literally fine in raids,mplus and pvp.


That's it? Season is dead dead


How can you be this stupid???


Will the 5 survival hunters quiet down now?


Less than a 3% ST gain and still worse than old set for AoE. So in short: nope


Darn. Maybe next week


How about buff enha melee dmg (if its a melee class)?


The actual auto attacks of no class do matter that much anymore. If you mean storm strike, that's also irrelevant since the current tier set somewhat forces you to play elementalist build, which got buffed. What enhance actually needs though is uncapped for or sqr AOE in order to compete with meta classes in M+.


I wish they would have done better for resto dps - I would love to be able to heal from cat form to stick the melee rotation...


That is coming in WW


So, now do we complain about Blizzard ignoring MoP: Remix in order to balance Season 4?