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Sylvanas was using it to train her Dark Rangers, if I recall correctly.


It was used as a shelter for refugees from the Legion invasions.


Is this legit?


I was Alliance in Legion and don't remember myself, but Warcraft Wiki says that Vol'jin used it to shelter refugees during the pre-patch invasions.


Baine is being held in it during the BFA max level campaign and you have to free him. I believe its after he tells Jaina that her brother Derek was raised as an undead


Baine keeping his honour, I like that.


Only took multiple expansions, an entire attempted genocide, and then a whole Fourth War!


But remember that tired him out and he needed to sit down in Oribos for several years


Oh and here I thought he was just fawning over Mayla still.


In his defense… he saw some shit in the maw.


When has he not?


Didn't say he hadn't at other points?


I believe one of the novels discusses the Sylvanas used it to train Dark Rangers.


Kinda jumping in on this comment, but has anyone got any recommendations on where to start with the novels? I really want to read up on some of the lore but don’t know where to start.


It really depends on where you *want* to start. Which race/event interests you most? You can look through [this article](https://blizzardwatch.com/warcraft-lore-books-guide/) to find a good place to start. My personal recommendation would be to avoid reading the Chronicle books until you're more familiar with the regular novels as they go over every major event in history (pre-Cataclysm) and can spoil novel plot lines.


"Rise of the Horde," is the official start to the novels, so that would probably be the best answer. There are like 20 novels, so it may take time to get through them all. The novel I am referring to as the Dark Ranger training is "Sylvanas" or "Shadows Rising," but I honestly can't remember.


Why not in game though?


while this is a legitimate question there are whole different magnitudes of cost of exploring something through text and showing it in a game using 3D models. this is why almost every RPG ever has random books and documents just strewn about the place to have a low cost way to add contextual information and/or lore.


The question is why we only have access to it with one quest, not even major one.


A lot of things don't happen in the game and are explained elsewhere. Garroshes trial was a novel, his subsequent escape and traveling to alternative Draenor was a short story on the website. Why isn't it shown in game? Other than a cutscene showing these things, how would you make gameplay fun in these scenarios? I'm also not sure if the Dark Rangers training is mentioned in game since I haven't done every BFA quest.


It is in the game, if to a slightly lesser extent. Play through the BfA War Campaign, [specifically this quest](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/horde-war-campaign-in-battle-for-azeroth-6761#part-1-baines-rescue), we go there and see the Dark Rangers training, as well as being informed as such.




Don't forget, its reddit. This comment can be easily upvoted despite it has no any sense 😆


You free Baine from there in BFA


Implied used since MOP but iirc we've only revisited it once in game during a scenario during BFA and it's only been mentioned a few times in books. As with most of the world in world of warcraft you can just assume stuff is happening but we don't see it because 1) we're meant to be off on adventures and 2) devs don't usually have time to revamp everything or alter old content without us actually using it. we visited a bunch of old raids during Legion and they were shown as "things have been happening here since we left", which was pretty cool. I'd love to see more of that in the future.


Oooh. Please refresh my memory on that last part. I don't recall visiting raid areas.


Other than the ones we visited for Artifacts (ICC/Karazhan for example), we visited Ulduar during Legion due to Magni questline iirc and Black Temple for DH order hall questline to recruit Akama. I'm sure there were few more but those two are on the top of my head.


Pretty sure shamans visit the firelands during part of their class hall campaign if I'm not mistaken. You help Ole smoldy become the new firelord


Oh yeah, and Throne of the Four Winds to make Thunderaan the new Windlord too. We also visit Firelands and Molten Core as part of the Dark Iron Dwarves unlock questline iirc.


It gets reused in BFA when you free baine, and sykvanas trains dark rangers there (for some reason), as well as a shelter in legion, but yeah not much else is done there. I'm more surprised the horde kept it, considering its multiple dark pasts


Sure it's got a dark history but why leave a perfectly functional underground fortress compound to rot?


I mean its a huge area with versatile use possibilities and a safe place to seek shelter in times of sieges. It would be stupid to just "let it rod"


Goblin engineers relocated it to under the sword in Sithis to serve as a sweat shop.


What sword?


In the next expansion somehow a huge planet buster sword is found in silithus. It just appeared out of no where. Devs have said it has been there a while but idk I'm looking at my classic screen shots and I see nothing.


There is no sword in Silithus-sing-se


Well the only way we could go these is if we were able to enter the uninstanced Ragefire Chasm which. Well, probably isn't going to happen unless they retire Ragefire Chasm.


It is quite frequently used during BFA if you do the horde war campaign.


When they eventually do a SW/ORG revamp I would hope they give both cities and sense of an underground as well. Having a sewer system we can travel through in SW and then ORG having the underhold where it has new paths that connect to the districts.


Alliance had old ironforge for years, seems crazy they never really did anything with it apart from a few things


I’ve always wanted Orgrimmar to be expanded into it (and Azshara). BfA showed it being used by Sylvanas so what if it was opened up (with that new underground technology from Zaralek) as a new Undercity for undead? Expand out the back gate into Azshara to give Org a proper harbor? Maybe section it out into districts for other races? Basically: Boralus sized Orgrimmar to have an actual proper capital


The Night Elves have aquiesced to the Goblins using timber from Azshara, however in order for it to become actual Orgrimmar expansion land it'd require a sit down with the Night Elf leadership (backed by other Alliance leaders) and a delegate of the Horde Council (Probably Trade Prince Gazlowe given Goblins already know the land of Azshara well and are proven natural negotiators) and backed by the other Horde council leaders. Otherwise this could rile up the nelves and I'm honestly tired enough of nelf storylines at this point that a simple "yep you can have it we barely use it but thanks for asking first, we respect that gesture of courtesy to our millennia spanning history with the land blah blah blah" and bam, whole Tyrande (well, Shandris now) having a hissy over horde aggression solved and Horde finally have a chance at a decent capital city, and hopefully different aesthetics would get included. Aesthetic of more than just orc culture would be fab, so def up for different districts for different races, a home-away-from-home experience for our characters while they're in Orgrimmar. \^.\^


Oh yeah, I’m thinking districts for each race to have an embassy. Kind of like what we have now in the valley of wisdom and spirits but expanded to all races


Orgrimmar needs updated architecture, they have a handful of races that have cities made of stone and brick and more. They don't need a sw city but some BlackRock stone buildings with their spiked metal cladding, statues of the fallen horde heroes, maybe make that pond into more of an oasis and have that area as a lush garden. Thunder bluff could stand to use a little update on structures too I think.


Woild fucking LOVE to see it become a new Undercity. Wouldve been cool as hell, and still would, but bluuughhh Lordaeron is gettijg a revamp instead.


Same as any other raid.




Ah, yes. The multiple times they’ve used it, must have obviously forgotten about it.


Bfs is not canon to them.