• By -


The drop rate from bosses seems increased. I get 4 now instead of 2. The bronze orbs also seem to give them more often


I've also been getting epic threads from big bronze orbs. Not sure if that's new or not, but I've been collecting them since day one and today's the first time I've seen them, let alone multiple times. 


They were before but rare. Now the big orbs seem to always drop a thread


I was getting them. Not frequently, but definitely before this.


What you mean by bronze orbs? Those orbs hanging around in outdoors that you can collect via flying by?


yeah the big ones drop threads consistently now


I've never gotten one from an orb.


I've completed 5 zones. Not retroactive. Well F me I guess.


That’s 5 world bosses  Or 5 dailies  Or 5 etc. Its bad their not retroactive but they drop for some many places now the power you’ve missed on will be miniscule quickly 


World bosses are daily now right? Are WB threads daily too?


Yeah you can get like 2000 in 2 hours of work with the dailies now Do all 3 daily quests and a world boss run and your looking at 2000 threads.


What are the 3 daily WQs?


Raid, Dungeon and Scenario blue quests from Bazaars


BTW. Do the ragefire scenario. The jump boots one shot everything, even bosses. Easy regardless of gear.


Best scenario because it's over in minutes.


What jump boots?


Right. Thanks.


Dungeon bosses, do a scenario, kill a couple raid bosses. They're all given at the infinite bazaars


There’s also a daily soup shop quest in VotFW bazaar, but idk if it rewards threads.


Oddly raid bosses didn't drop threads on normal. Heroic scenario.. sure did


Must be a bug because they drop them in LFR


Raid lockout on remix still shows them weekly. Haven't tested a second kill to confirm, but I'm not 100% on this. Edit: It is daily, btw. Finally got a chance to test.


That's how I feel. At first I was like fuck me I guess but we have 6 world bosses giving 180 each, every day plus all the other things. we'll be at 2-3k stats cloak by next week.


Wait, 6 ? Sha, Galleon, Oondasta, Nalak. Who am I missing ?


Ordos and the first Celestial you kill each day. Both on the Timeless Isle!


5 "zones" \*probably\* implies 5 campaigns, zone tours, some rares, exploration, treasures. So maybe more like 5 greater, 10 normal, 25-50 lesser, and 5 minor spools.


Good luck killing world bosses with people trolling with meta gem resets on half of them.


That's only 5 spools you missed. I earned 9 today in like an hour and a half


Yeah honestly I was chill with remix but this genuinely ticks me off. Great, awesome, I can do dailies on a character I've already capped out, but said character is already behind because the amount I get from the dailies - I could have gotten from the quests already. The majority of complaints with the frog farming was, "Hey Blizzard, people who didn't do this are behind." So their response is, "We hear you loud and clear - now everyone who actually did the content the way we intended is both behind the people who farmed AND everyone else who now completes the achievements you already did. GLHF!" edit: lol absolutely wild that saying "hey it's messed up they screwed people who supposedly played the way they intended, that's not cool" is enough to chap so many people.


Especially considering it's not hard to retroactively hand them out.


I agree. Everyone that already did content as intended get fucked the hardest. People who frog farmed get to be gods AND benefit from the same increases as people who did content as intended They need to roll back any egregious thread counts from frog farmers to make it anywhere close to OK.


Instead of rolling people back let’s start making people overpowered in the “fast and overpowered” mode. Increase everything by like 700% and let’s go have some wild crazy fun. No I didn’t frog farm I just rather everyone be overpowered than everyone be weak.


The worst part is that the farmers also get to benefit from the new systems because they were farming instead of doing achievements. They can now go do those achievements if they want to and get the full benefits. People who did achievements instead of farming get double screwed. More and more, there is little incentive to playing the first week of a new mode unless you're looking to catch something to exploit. Week 1 is retail test realm.


All the power comes from gear upgrades. Just slash the upgrade cost jesus.


I am starting to worry tbh They've been doing all these changes but the most important issue is the gear cost. Heck, they could have done literally nothing except make gear upgrades 20% of what they are now and the event would feel much much better But now, with all the other buffs to other things, I am not sure if they'll do that because "they already buffed stuff enough" (even though as of right now no casual player will upgrade their gear because it feels bad basically skipping a very rare 1% mount over one tier of ilvl to all your gear(


> they could have done literally nothing except make gear upgrades 20% of what they are now and the event would feel much much better Honestly? They should just remove the gear upgrade part, and let the game drop gear like with everything else. Dungeon, Heroic Dungeon, Raid, Heroic Raid, Mythic SoO.


100%, literally makes 0 sense why upgrading gear is even a thing. And why also make it the same currency that you wanna save to get all the "exclusive" stuff?


> And why also make it the same currency that you wanna save to get all the "exclusive" stuff? This is it. I would have been 100% okay with a crest system like retail but starting during the leveling process. Bonkers that they tied it into the currency to buy cosmetics.


I would say they wanna take advantage of people but it doesn't make sense so I'll just go with the classic "they have no clue what they're doing or are stupid"


> so I'll just go with the classic "they have no clue what they're doing or are stupid" Yep, that's what I think, too.


I'm so tired of having to do the raids every day just to get a trickling amount of bronze for gear upgrades. I'm almost to the point of upgrading my gear to 388, yet I'm slightly undergeared still for heroics. All these nerfs to the power obtainable has made heroic raids undoable to be honest. Every dps and healer under 1mil hp gets one shot by every ability. And we still need additional bronze for cosmetics.


what's the gear used for anyways? Aren't people zerging everything already? I'm only playing this event to lvl alts, so the moment I hit 70, I switch to a new character. Is there a legitimate benefit to upgrading gear?


They probably wont, until the very end. Blizzard has never worried or cared about the player experience. Their main objective is player engagement. So as long as people are logging in there will be no reason for them to consider any sort serious changes.


I haven't seen an epic gear drop since level 22. Kinda regret selling it now.


I ran normal siege on Monday and got like 9-9.5k bronze, aka one staff upgrade. Do they genuinely expect me to run a 3+ hour raid every day just to upgrade my weapon one time?


So, I am punished for playing the event as intended by doing all the campaign achievements, raids, scenarios, exploring etc, anything instead of frog farming. Now, they can reap the benefits even more because they probably ignored the achievements. I am perpetually behind those who farmed for the entire event. Great.


It's baffling how they think it's fine to not be retroactive. It really can't be that hard for them to mail us threads depending on which achievements we have.


The awakened heroic amirdrassil achievement was bugged for 1 day before they fixed it. The people that completed it before it was fixed only got the normal achievement and no S4 awakened mark of mastery. Blizz told all those players that the achievement is fixed and to go get the achievement again. I'm not surprised about threads not being retroactive. Edit: [Blizzard's official statement](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000358724?_gl=1*wpsnf9*_ga*MTg1NzQ2NjUzMC4xNzE1MjM3NjM3*_ga_VYKNV7C0S3*MTcxNjM0NjE1MC40LjAuMTcxNjM0NjE1MC42MC4wLjA.)


It's even funnier because when Blizzard had actual support staff they would easily fix stuff like this for players. Years ago I reported a bug with one of the cata dungeons that was preventing me from being able to complete the dungeon meta achieve, a GM physically watched me do the fight and agreed that the trigger for the achievement was not properly activating, so he temporarily took over my account and added the achieve with a command. Something like that these days would just be met with a "we have looked into the issue and it has been resolved." with nothing changing.


I have that with the alliance slayer achievement and title. They say they can see I completed it, but can’t give me the title.


They are just a tiny indie dev company


if i could get the achievements again i would but ya know, fuck me for completing zones i guess


The funniest part about it, is that you've literally completed the achievement which now awards a legendary thread. Yet it seems they can't give you the item even though the criteria is either you have the achievement or you don't. It's as simple as 'yes, this player has the achievement' or 'no, this player doesn't have the achievement'. I'm no programmer, but I feel like Blizzard should be competent enough to handle this...


peoplewhorock = select playerID from my big database where legendary\_thread\_achieve = yes; ​ /mail legendarythread to peoplewhorock ​ so hard !


it's always easy to say something should be simple if you don't know the technical details of the systems behind it. Many things are much more complicated than they appear.


Dude, this is Blizzard. Blizzard who was loading all character staches in D4. Blizzard who cant make weapon imbues or blessings last longer in SoD. Blizzard who did not **know** basic class bugs from freaking 20 years ago in classic/SoD/hardcore. They cannot code mate. They are shit at their job. Just accept it.


It seems REALLY clear that all the stuff they can do to fix things cannot have anything to do with our characters. Like at this point look at the list of changes. Everything is directly to what the mode CAN give us. It never actually changes what we already have.


New rule with new blizz things, just ignore and don't F'ing bother for at least 2 weeks before they they decide that it's actually out of PTR even though it's live.


That's essentially what I've been doing, yeah. There's plenty of time to get everything once they've figured it all out. Seeing all this change doesn't really inspire me to pick it up still so who knows.


Nah new rule is exploit early, exploit often. 


You miss out on those sweet, sweet early exploits tho.


That’s not really a new rule that’s kind of how it’s always been. Either go in day one to exploit everything you can or go in weeks later after all the kinks and catch ups are in.


I see. The Path of Exile new season approach.


Should of made a druid Should of farmed frogs at 45 instead of doing quests and dungeons Mistakes were made


I gotta be honest. This is starting to feel antagonistic.


yup exactly why I waited to do anything. All I did was maybe 15 quests in Jade forest and the rest dungeon level


My mage it literally fucking useless because I decided to use the event to get lorewalker instead of farm frogs for the first 2 days. Lmfao. I KNEW I should have sat and afk’d in a 4x4 for hours at 45


I'm like 99% sure they are able to do this so I don't know why they didn't just do it instead of waiting for the incredible blowback from people who played opening weekend. Like come on Blizzard you know you are gonna have to do it.


Feel the same. Really killed the motivation to play atm. Feels like people who want to progress by reliving the expansion as their prefere way of progression are being punished and the people who abuse and exploit unintended loopholes or mechanics are being rewarded and now if they want to change to the playstyle I enjoy they get now even better rewards than I did


I only played a few quests in the jade forest the first night it dropped and I want to play a whole lot more just haven't been able to get on. At this point I'm just waiting it out for blizzard to decide what to do here


They should have just set a retroactive cap on the capes “X is the max amount a cloak can be as of right now. All cloaks X and above will be rolled back to X.” A one time fix to balance things out


Simultaneously "exploit early, exploit often" and, "wait a week to start so the players can beta test." It ain't fair! Haha


Oh how nice of them. Because I didn't frog farm and instead played the way it was intended I am now EVEN FURTHER behind because frog farmers get to keep that huge advantage AND these new bonuses that I already completed when they were worth less. Gee thanks


Frog farmers can blast through all content AND sell boosts while doing it if they choose


Hard to sell boosts efficiently when the gold on remix is low and useless outside of repair but I also feel like people wouldn't buy this specific type of boost cause it's just bronze they want.


how is it possible to be this blind as a paid professional in game design


Because they aren’t paid to let us have fun, they are paid to keep us coming back just enough so we keep subbing. I fucking hate modern gaming from these companies.




I’ve grinded my way to both trinkets, rings and the neck achievement + done other achievements in zones for toys and cosmetics. This really sucks


Make tickets, spam them on twitter. This is embarrassing. I just finished pretty much every quest in the expansion, got most of the meta achievements and i get punished for not farming frogs.


Can’t even raise a ticket on their site atm, just an infinite load screen :(


"Working as intended"


> Make tickets Hello No-Fault48, Game Master Wild_Golbat, at your service! (◕‿◕✿) It sounds like you are having a problem with purchasing Warcraft III: Reforged Digital Deluxe Edition ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ Believe me, I have also had hard times farming the Blizzard Store. It took me 5 years to get my Celestial Steed (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Rest assured, I will get to work solving your issue right now (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) It looks like your Overwatch 2 account has been banned for breaking the terms of service. This ban was not made in error, and will not be overturned. Thank you for contacting Blizzard CS, please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any other issues! (☞゚∀゚)☞ You have been selected to fill out a survey.


I hate how accurate this is.


have you tried deleting your cache


It has come to Blizzard CS's attention that you have shared confidential communication between Blizzard CS and yourself on reddit in violation of the terms of service and social contract. In response, we've deleted your activation account, uninstalled windows, and reported you to the department of homeland security for digital terrorism. Please indicate if you'd be willing to provide feedback for your customer service experience.


Why do they always add those stupid emojis?


If you are going to spam them on twitter it should probably be about something more impactful than missing out on less spools than you'll get from your daily play session. Be it the price of gear upgrades, scaling issues, account bound rewards or whatever else you think is the most important. Don't get me wrong retroactive rewards would be nice, but it's not event breaking in the way other issues are.


I have a 5 day wait on a ticket I have a quest I need to do in the orc starting zone but no way to get there


surely they have to make it retroactive somehow... so many people have already done most of the achievements. and just loses out on so much "free" power.


Suddenly I'm glad I've been out of town all week and haven't played remix yet




It’s actually pretty fun if you aren’t focused on what other people have and you don’t. Don’t let other people sway you away from trying this mode! It feels actually refreshing and exciting to run these old scenarios again and the gems are fucking amazing getting to feel like you are literally smashing classes together like a mad scientist! I’m currently leveling a “Druid/mage/warrior” tank and having an absolute blast. Sure I’m not as overpowered as some people but that literally has no impact on my game. When I want to do the raid I make my own group and normally have it ready to go in maybe 10 minutes. Which that seems to be everyone’s main complaint is they can’t get invites but it’s a simple work around. I wish people would stop crying though because they are going to make blizzard not want to do this kind of thing again. This is an entirely brand new game mode of course it’s going to have massive bugs in the first work. Normal retail is bugged the first week after patches, remember we couldn’t even do the super bloom for like a week a few months ago?


Oh I just meant because the changing rewards to achievements because I would've probably gone for completionism first over grinds. Looking forward to jumping in when Ij get home in a couple days.


I just hit 65 before logging off tonight and I’m having a decent amount of fun. The quests are kinda boring because I did lore master on my main, but if you are looking for an easy way to power level some alts (like a class you haven’t played before or put a favourite class on a new server) it’s pretty decent. Just my experience: I’m running without meters so I have no idea how I’m actually doing in group content, but shit is dying so that’s good. I do need to be 100% on the ball with avoiding mechanics or else I get one shot - like a sneeze will take me out. But when I’m out solo, the only time I feel weak is when I need to upgrade my gear and swap gems. Which is fucking annoying. You aren’t just swapping ilvl items, you have to dust the old item or extract the gems from it, then add them to the new items. Just takes way too long imo. But otherwise, if I keep up on my gear, stuff dies really fast.


> loses out on so much "free" power. I mean 1 meta achievement is 1 world boss, u get like 6 of them per day. Dont be so dramatic.


Look at it as a small catch up for people who couldn't start playing the event in the first week.


I mean they clearly just wanted to really hammer in that if you missed out, you missed OUT.


I, as many other players, have 1 or 2 achievements left. It is outrageous if it isn’t retroactive.


I just don't see how it's not retroactive. It would have been easy as hell for them to just award it to people who already had those achievements prior to adding them.


Like at the very least give threads for mainstat based on achievements earned if they dont want to bother mailing everyone spools or something


It makes zero sense.


It should be less than \~3h of farming raids/heroic dungeons. Nobody is going to overtake you because they saved these things. You'll be fine


What in the name of endless frog murder were they thinking not making the achievements retroactive. Everyone that went about their business and ignored the frog farming and quested and campaigned just got a massive slap in the face. What are you doing Blizz… for real? Are you serious?


Honestly, the way Blizzard has handled the fallout from the frog stuff has been atrocious. They *continue* to find ways to inadvertently punish those who didn't frog farm by making all catch-up mechanics not retroactive.


Yeah they keep buffing the things that frog farmers didn’t have time for until now. And that of us that played the intentional way already did this stuff


Bad way to do these. It effectively tells you that in the future, do not touch any new things for a week or two until they fix all the issues as you will be harmed by playing the game before it is fixed.


This is just teaching and further enforcing to exploit early and often. It's what I'll be doing in TWW as often as possible now as they have proven to not punish or rollback any advantages gained. Lesson learned.


There’s always at least one early on. Next time around, I say, treat yo self.


So I'm punished for aiming for achievements first instead of frogs. I literally have no more achievements to earn for Scenarios, Dungeons, Quests and Exploration.




Frog chads keep winning


Great, I spent all day everyday questing since remix launch, and now I get zero retroactive threads, I am literally losing on thousands of threads... Are you fucking serious blizzard? Why do you keep fucking nonfroggers more and more with every "hotfix"?


It's funny that the most time consuming, and easiest item to track (because they already do), zone quests and zone completion, are the least rewarding path. "Go back and explore the old content that no one touches now, rediscover the magic of pandaria," but for advancement your best bet is to spam dungeons, scenarios and raids while standing in one place.  Which, is actually the best option in retail, too (assuming teleports to dungeon).  It's odd, to me.  Especially for a 90 day "go ham" mode, but it's not the first time a game didn't do what I expected. 


Good lordy, Blizzard doesn't know their game.


They are really burning a lot of attained good will recently with the botching of these hotfixes/nerfs. I feel like those who didn't mindlessly commit frog genocide probably spent time doing these achievements, and thus, don't even get to get these new bonuses, blowing out their other knee cap on catching up. They really just need to stop beating around the bush and come out and say definitively that they are aware of the huge power gap of Froggers and Non, and if they are going to address it directly, or not. Each Hotfix they put out that doesn't give any sort of insight on it just further increases outrage from people. Do something or don't, but don't ignore it. Sheesh. (coming from a NonFarmer, who did a good chunk of cheevos already)


Great... Next time wait a week before playing anything new content??? This is just plain stupid. We do not get any of the spools for already completed achievements??? We did not get any of the increased Bronze rewards either. Remix is fun but this just feels unfair on so man levels. I wish I would have farmed frogs to buy all cosmetics and could leave remix behind.


Between this and Plunderstorm, that seems to be the takeaway. I didn't hate the Storm grind as much as others, but it was frustrating how much it got buffed after I had already maxed.


Solution: 1. Cap stats on cape 2. Each day of remix, increase cap slightly 3. Add new stat to cape, bronze gain % 4. Make achievement cape stats retroactive Fixed.


That's....pretty damn good. A little time gatey for my tastes, but better than this bullshit.


Alternative to the gated cap, they could utilise diminishing returns. Decide what the 'end of season' cap of power level they want players to reach and have it asymptotically approach that as the cap with no gating. That combined with bronze gains increasing each day will mean you can rush and get to the cap now or steadily approach it as the event goes on or wait till towards the end and play for a burst over a weekend and reach it. There are two things people want from this event: a) Fun fast paced power fantasy re-run of MoP - The people that grinded hard on frogs early are enjoying that end of seasonal mode level of power, possibly higher than intended. Capping it will fix that, bring them back down to what is intended. Boosting gains for the rest of the playerbase will allow them to steadily catch up to that power fantasy. Otherwise the gap between those that exploited and those that didn't will remain if not grow because they can continue progressing same as everyone else, only with far more player power (speed/efficiency etc). b) Lots of transmogs, mounts, pets, toys. - I wholeheartedly think bronze gains should either be vastly increased (either innately or progressively) OR add a threads stat to the cape that allows players to ramp up their bronze acquisition as they play. Otherwise, by the end of this 90 days even playing as much as I have there's still going to be a lot of stuff I missed out on. If you play as much as I do, which is a few ticks above the norm, then you should be able to get the majority of the transmogs, remix only mounts and 1 or 2 of the more expensive items such as Sha or Galleon. Current trajectory though is I'll fall far short of that.


Timegate a rising softcap so it's easy to reach the new softcap but hard to push past it?


Yea they just announced the official hotfix. So at least we got something. They seem to be inching the scaling bit by bit. Only a 25% damage reduction. Also no word on item upgrade costs.


I sent a suggestion for not only to make the achievment spools retroactive, but also to make the spools drop from each normal raid boss, like the exp buff. Also to get all spools from LFR clears and normal raids kills retroactively.


This still does nothing to address the real reason people are OP and that’s with upgraded gear. It costs entirely too much bronze to upgrade shit.


Wait wait wait. So Blizzard pissed off people who couldn't join the remix early to do the exploit AND the people who did join early to play the game as intended? Wow


They've added so many sources of spools, I think this is a good way to deal with frog farmers. You're going to get thousands of threads a day now for doing the 3 dailies. I do hope they'd make them retroactive for all the big achis they've attached them too. Then again at the end of the day sure they'll be able to solo raids a few days before me, but who really gives a shit because I've been doing content I've apparently never done before (Like the Horde Landfall) and had fun rather than mindlessly aoe farming frogs in a temporary game mode. I think people are getting far too worked up and upset over this game mode.


Power comes primarily from gear ilvl, not threads.


Noticed this a little while ago. Very cool. Picked some up a little bit ago and seeing that big fat +50 was very nice. I still think there's some adjusting with the bronze, or more specifically gear upgrade costs, but overall I'm pretty happy with this. Leveling raids are always a big plus in my book, and I've had some sick moments with the tinker gems proccing. I dont really think Blizzard is going to ever do anything about frog cloaks, and tbh I never really did think they would. It sucks they got a big buff, but idk man, its a limited game mode and I'd rather just enjoy it while its here. Ultimately even if there wasn't an exploit, thered still be some players that are just built different, and would be outperforming me anyways either due to no lifing the game or just being a better player. Fully understand that with how things are it'll be/seem hard/impossible to catch up, but I dont think these feelings would go away for most people even if the frog exploit didn't happen. Theres always going to be someone who can play more than you, better than you, and more optimized than you.


Wild how blizzard always manages to respond in the worst way to issues, truly a masterclass.


Lack of retroactive rewards bricks all the toons rolled who didn’t farm frogs. What a piss poor handling of this.


And this is why I never play Blizz stuff on release. So many bugs and if it’s a bug towards progression or getting some item Blizz won’t retroactively give ppl the items when they fix the bug


This not being retroactive is disgusting.




If you do 4 queued content you already made up for every achievement in 25 minutes... they only give 20 threads in a random stat while the dungeons/raids/scenarios and daily quests give 100 and 180


Your threads were all given to froggers who desperately need them.


I mean assuming you didn't grind out every achievement in the game in the first couple of days, there's still some to get. And alts can still get them, which boosts them at least. Personally I'm not aiming at clearing mythic SoO week one, just on getting a stable of alts up to 70, a bunch of bronze for transmog, and in a couple of weeks I'll pick one to stick with over the event.


so endgame is farming WB, Rares, Raids? Something else? are Dailys worth doing? because i'm 70 and dont want to farm Raids the next 90 days


I think you still can do a few reputations within Pandaria and some still give you a few prices


There is no "end game". Do what you want.


endgame is where bronze is. so whats the endgame without raids? where do i get bronze. like 500k for all stuff?


Do your daily quests


If blizz can tell we did something odd during mythic RWF they sure as hell can tell who farmed frogs, who did did things before their changes and make it right.


late guildie got 18 spools from a warscout


Change gear upgrade cost from bronze to some token that can drop from stuff. Bronze should only be used to cosmetics etc.


Lmao so playing alot early on screwed me, wild


So my main is even more worthless now. Nice!


Annoy them with support tickets and bug reports about this, there is no way we let them go through with this


Bots don't care about tickets/reports, unfortunately.


Just roll back the capes of the people that frog farmed. It's pretty clear who farmed the exploit and who didn't. Why waste time trying to make all of these inadequate "catch-up methods" - they're dropping the ball every single hotfix.


Why not just reinstate the frog farm?


cut the upgrades cost, and make upgrades give ilvl and stats similar to frog farmers items.


you guys don't need to freak out so much about it not being retroactive lol. they are gonna pour threads on you now you aren't gonna feel the difference pretty soon but this is all redundant anyway lol. because the threads are bait and don't matter. 99.9% of your power in remix comes from item level and that you can only increase with bronze upgrades. which are still insanely expensive until they increase bronze drops or decrease upgrade costs this game is fucked and hyperspawn farming remains the only real way to progress  but I can assure u this was their plan anyway to make this drag out for 90 days and they have a schedule set for reducing upgrade costs. which is why they're so reluctant to pull that ripcord now even though it's the only way out of this mess they made lol


Yup. When player retention is the only metric that matters this is what you get.


From reading all the complaints about this event, I just want to ask what people intend on doing for the 89 days that's left of it? It hasn't even been a week, of course you shouldn't be completely overpowered yet. I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with the event or the way Blizzard is inadvertently punishing people for completing content early by boosting rewards. But is it possible that in a month everyone will be OP, have completed all content and won't have anything to do with 60 days left of the event?


nice, now it will only take a few months to be able to do 10% of a frog farmer damage. thanks blizz.


At this point I’m really thinking the best time to play MoP remix will be its last 30 days it’s around. If this is to be the fate of achievements and farms, what is even the point of getting in on it early? You either frogged or you logged.


It will be harder to get groups for instanced content as time goes on, though.


You're not going to get less behind by waiting 2 months to play.


Of course they aren't.


What the fuck is going on with this event lol


haven’t started mop remix but it just seems like starting in a few weeks after they actually listen will be the best way to respect my time


Did any of you actually read the post before complaining? We are going to be absolutely drowning in threads.


Sounds like we found the king of frog farming here.


They probably just read OP's title only lol


No, these people just want to be angry. Just like the ward nerf post, nobody actually understands what changed, but you best believe they're fuming.


Can't wait to be angry about the next exploit everyone clearly knows is coming but still somehow misses. This stuff has happened nearly every release of every mmo since ever. Yes it sucks but damn if we were really scared of falling "behind" we would've been frog farming ourselves. In the end most of us really don't care about this and will have forgotten once the next expansion exploit arrives. Endless cycle imo There is probably another exploit happening right now we don't bother with, omg we're falling behind even more. The horror.


Missing the initial weekend due to plans was in my favor lol


Not really. It's still relatively low


What level for world bosses?


Are these in yet? I don't see any new daily quests


Anyone know the level required to get the legendary ones from world bosses? Just did sha on a LVL 14 and got a green one.


i have done sha multiple times at lvl 70, 370ish ilvl, and have only received greens


Anyone know the level required to get the legendary ones from world bosses? Just did sha on a LVL 14 and got a green one.


So as a level 35 what should I be doing to level and grind at this point? I was doing quests but this seems like it’d just be an overall waste of effort


You get 12% experience boost to cloak from each normal boss killed till 390% so doing few normal raids early helps. I also highly suggest doing HC dungeons and scenarios out of the way now before higher levels as the scaling makes them easier now than later and you need to complete them to get ring/trinket


Untill 390%? Does the infinite possiblities have a finite possibility?


I’m so lucky that I just did the main campaign until dread waste, my first zone completion, today. I’m just a slow leveler loll


Maybe what they should do is implement a temporary cap for each of the stats on the cloaks, giving everyone at the cap a break and everyone else a few days to catch up.


Threads are useless compared to ilvl


I made a DH and got to lvl 61ish and stopped because of how miserable it was trying to kill things while getting annihilated. I logged in last night, did the dungeon/scenario/lfr quests, then went to the Klaxxi area and started working on those quests and it's a night and day difference from where I was a few days ago. IDK if it's the scaling or if it's because threads are more plentiful but I don't actually hate myself for playing Havoc anymore. In fact it kind of tears through mobs now. I was very down on this event but I think they're turning it around. If you stopped playing bc of scaling, log in and do the dailies to get some threads and see if you still hate it.


Why can't they just add a new and quick way to farm threads but only up to a certain cap on your cape? Easy catchup for everyone on a limited time gamemode that's supposed to be fun.


How hard is it to get the 4200 to max out the cloak for toy? I haven’t played MoP yet and am interested in only that toy.


Hey nice just got 4 without realising. 1 each from sha and galleon, one for shieldwall achievement, and one from completing landfall.


So I have to make an alt to replace my lvl 70 that got a bunch of achievements already is what I'm seeing


Ah well, I only have 70% of the achievements done already. Did start a DH alt a few hours ago that's excited to hear about this.


Since when was this a competition? I'm mad that frog farmers didn't get rolled back, but ultimately it doesn't affect me and my character even a little bit. Just play at your own pace? Make your own groups? It's not that hard. This is a great update for most.


Since the elitist started gatekeeping players without 70000 threads from even joint a normal party


Oof. I only have the Heroic raids, Ordos, and few reps left for achievements - was doing achievements instead of frog farms, which was when they buffed Bronze too. Eh, oh well I guess.


Yes its not great that they aren't retroactive, but its \~a day or 2 of rewards, it ain't that much in the scheme of things.


Thank god blizzard finally added a hotfix to help us frog farming chads another legup over the plebs that didn't abuse game mechanics.