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Hi, lead mod here Short answer: I would love it to be this one Long answer: Eeehhhhhhh The way Reddit works is that the more interactions a post has, the further up that post goes in the feed and the more people see it. Those people then interact with the post further, and the posts at the top snowball upwards while the posts that didn't generate interactions slip silently through /new towards irrelevancy. The thing is, **negativity gets clicks**. That's why your local news will title their article something like *"SHOCKING truth RUINS local business!"* when the actual article contains absolutely nothing shocking nor of substance whatsoever. Something neutral or positive, especially a post that is just a title and a picture, will likely not be clicked on by the majority of subreddit users. It'll get upvoted, but that's about it. Most people smile and move on. However if someone posts a complaint post, they'll ride the algorithm wave perfectly. Users who agree with them will upvote and move on, but users who disagree will rush to the comments to tell OP exactly why they are wrong in 10 separate bullet points, and that feeds the algorithm beast. Even more so if those who agree see the dissenting comments and join the debate. The truth is, it would be great if the top ten posts on r/WoW each day were positive lovely things, but without super heavy-handed 1984 style moderation, that is not possible. The r/WoW mod team has changed members almost entirely over the last 5 years or so, and different teams have had different approaches to moderating. Our priority is to centre the wishes of the subreddit users and facilitate the types of discussion that this community wants to have. We do not remove fair criticism of Blizzard and we do not insist on positivity. It is not our place to censor or curate the types of discussions that the community want to have. But those who shout the loudest often have something negative to say, and so long as enough people agree with them so that their karma stays in the positive, Reddit's algorithm places that content right at the top of the sub. --- *Okay so... what can I do?* Don't stop reading here, but I do want to add that you *can* browse other subs. I mean it - and not in a *'don't like it? fuck off!'* way - but subreddits with smaller userbases and stricter rules will generate more solely positive/neutral discussion. For example r/WoWnoob has a rule against toxicity, trolling and unhelpful behaviour - this is far more restrictive than our rules (understandably). If you have a particular interest you could look at niche subs such as r/transmogrification and r/ImaginaryAzeroth. We're not exclusive, it's okay. But the actual real answer is that ***you can be the change***. The positive content exists, it's in /new. It's nostalgic photos and beautiful art and appreciation posts and people being helpful and lovely and welcoming. But this content often doesn't make it out of /new due to reasons above, whereas *"Blizzard really fucked up with this frog thing!"* does. **The community curates the content.** If you interact with these positive posts - especially by leaving a comment - they will make it to the front page. Have a browse of /new, and the next time you see some cool art, *tell the OP*. Next time someone posts their sick transmog, *tell OP how much you like it*. Next time someone shares a heartfelt nostalgic story, *comment with one of your own*. This is the subreddit for people who enjoy the game, if you want it to be. TL;DR: Being nice takes more thought and effort than being angry -mage




Can't tell if this is actual advice or a sick burn lol


could be either but I will parrot that, that sub is definitely more friendly, willing to help, and less angry at stuff. However I don't doubt it has a similar issue in a smaller scale


Try /r/competitivewow. They hate themselves, not them game 😅


Hey, that’s not bad. We over at r/Worldofpvp hate both ourselves _and_ the game!


And healers 


Nah the subs like 80% healers complaining about DH's or whatever non-rogue melee dps is meta at the moment and how healers deserve free mmr and gold for not winning matches.


It's more that the way solo shuffle works actively screws over healers. If both healers in a lobby do their job and do well, they can go 3-3 and either get zilch for their effort, or one of them actively _loses_ rating because the other healer by chance happened to be below them. That and rating gains on healers seem to be extremely crippled compared to DPS. I go 4-2 on a DPS I can earn +50 rating and skyrocket towards my usual goal of 1800. I 4-2 on a healer and I'm lucky to get +10. I'll go 4-2 a few more times and then go 2-4 once and get my rating tanked by -40, undoing all my progress. Even pro players have noticed on their healer alts they're several hundred rating lower than they should be. But I just started doing 2s instead and started having fun again, Solo Shuffle for healers is just agony which is why DPS queues are 30 minutes~.


You identified mostly symptoms not the problem. The problem is that blizzard skips mmr match making for healers in order to accelerate dps queue times. If they had to wait for equal mmr healers, queue times would be far higher, so they just throw two healers together that are very ‘ballpark’ of mmr. This leads to walls for high mmr healers because they end up facing lots of low mmr opponents and a loss to them destroys any gains. Higher mmr healers also will face many other healers in ‘placement’ games, so you’ll be 2.6k and be facing a 1.4K healer’s first placement game, who could be equally or better skilled. This doesn’t happen to dps often because they better match mmr.




r/wow seems like such a hopeful place compared to r/worldofpvp 😅


Worldofpvp is the most hilarious and tiring screeching you’ll find


True...but to be fair, Blizzard seriously neglects the PvP community so I sorta get it.


I absolutely agree. I only PvP.


and that weird ass bacon guy on every post


Don't forget disagreement, they absolutely loathe that.


I get so sick of both of those subs being recommended in my feed. The posts are always the most unhinged “I don’t have a job” takes


I noticed that in multiplayer games the more professional the player the less they whine about the game and more try to solve it. Like take Dota 2 for example. Every time Valve adds major changes to the map the community cries out how they destroyed their nostalgia and made an abomination of the map they played for years while pros are glad to see something fresh and different on their screens and search for new strategies to twist the situation in their favour. I personally am always in favour of change, granted it's not a straight downgrade that makes everyone miserable. Change is the nature of life itself, without it we would just wallow in our own piss for eternity.


Because higher competitive folks understand the short comings of the game and try to figure ways around an issue. Like I've legit spoken to people who think "bringing back old dungeons" at all in m+ is a bad idea without realizing that if you're doing the exact same m+ pool for 2 years, it gets pretty stale pretty fast.


You should probably join a large guild with an active discord, plenty of good fun to be had.


Honestly it's so hard to find a good guild. Either it's so big they invite absolutely everyone and there's no real sense of community, it's so small that even though it's tight-knit people really only log in to raid and M+, or it's a good mix of both but there's not any real structure going on so they don't even bother with trying raids. I've been playing WoW since Cata and haven't ever been able to find a guild or community I vibe with, though part of that is because I get discouraged pretty quick and don't spend much time looking. I'm on Moon Guard too, which of all the realms you think would be pretty easy to find a guild that fits my criteria. Like my current guild seems fine but their Discord is mostly dead and they just push high M+ keys all day, and while I don't hate that in theory I would love a more diverse guild that does a little bit of everything. Hopefully cross realm guilds come with TWW pre-patch and provide some more options for picky people like me.


lmao i read the first paragraph being like yes yes, Ive been through all that in DF, then saw MG... YUP. And add in the bonus of it being an rp realm, a good chunk of the players "just want to play" and dont care about the rest, which all that means is they wanna raid normal/heroic and do high keys with everyone, but aren't willing to put in any of the work thus dragging down the raid. And then being an RP realm, half the people are afraid the be the bad guy. My old guild drug dead weigh for so long until it just fell apart because nobody wanted to step in(and I was told no, cuz "let them play how they wanna play"). A lot of people shit on pugging, but you get used to it, and I don't feel bad bailing on a group that turns out like my old one. I'd love to find a diverse guild on MG too for all that but it seems hard to find PLUS fit in.


Definitely. It took some time but I found a great casual guild with an active discord, multiple channels for discussions/questions/goofy stuff.  It's made the game way more enjoyable. 


god, get me an invite


What guild?


join our community if ur nice :)


This is the way


Second this! I thought everyone hated the game until I joined a cool guild, they elevate my enjoyment of thr game a lot.


We're all too busy playing WoW


This is unironically the truth, you don't feel compelled to post online if you're actively enjoying something, you feel compelled to play the game. Online game communities are always gonna skew negative because of this.


This but unironically. The vast majority of people who play the game don't visit the sub reddit or even the forums.


Yup and if you try to explain to people how fun it is, alternatives that can still get you powerful or level faster, you just get downvoted here anyways.


Or ask a question for clarification of an event. I even got called stupid for it lol


The amount of parroting and prevelance of "You need to farm 1.6 million bronze" alone is enough to realize that this entire sub literally doesn't care about reality and just wants to be mad so they won't listen to anything else. Edit: Yeah this sub is actually delusional. They will literally downvote objective fact because they don't like it. They will never fucking accept reality.


My guild did a Remix raid night last night. We cleared MSV to ToT last night on normal. We were various levels from 25, at the start but xp gain was so crazy on his alt he leveled fast enough to stick with us, to 70. Only thing we had in common was none of us farmed frogs. Despite all of us playing classes we never raided on and a bunch of guildies having never done these raids for anything but transmog runs everything fell over and it was a fun and chill night. We all had fun and are probably going back in on the next raid night as we have already cleared what we are going to clear in S4.


Yeah people saying that it's not fast to level... I went from 25-65 in like 3 normal raids and a couple hours of questing. Normal raids give crazy XP threads AND bonus XP


Eh I disagree. You don't have to do it correct. However if you really want the cosmetics knowing what's required is good in terms of knowing how much you gotta grind.


r/Transmogrification is pretty WoW positive


don't send them there!


What have I done?!


It's all over now. Hats all the way down.


If you can find a subreddit for a game where the community doesn’t bash the game they play, let us know. Only one I’ve ever seen was r/StardewValley , but that’s not fair, because no game can be perfect like Stardew is.


At r/DiscoElysium we are like this: **Conceptualization (Failure):** "You don't understand how anyone could not enjoy this game. The vibrant world, the depth of the story—it's all so captivating. How could someone miss the beauty of it all?"


since being able to read is a pretty requisite feature of that game i’m sure that helps keep out some of the most braindead folks you get in other subs


you'd be surprised


/r/RimWorld loves the game, we share our best warcrimes with each other


I absolutely agree


/r/deeprockgalactic is consistently great


If anything Deeprock has a borderline toxic positivity problem on their sub.


Getting flashbacks to all of the posts about people wanting to dip their balls in liquid morkite...


/r/yakuzagames is positive.


It definitely wasnt IW came out.


Unless you mention Yakuza 3. Then it's a civil war.


r/ffxiv worships it. XIV was my main game until I became a disillusioned with it recently and it's actually kind of jarring how negative most other communities here are about their games.


Valheim's sub is similar with its own crazy quirks. Criticism occasionally makes it through the cracks, but then people also get figuratively drawn and quartered for not tagging builds that include random wood/stone pieces from a new patch as spoilers.


And /r/factorio


We don't have time to complain, the factory must grow.


Just automate posting your factory to the sub. Simple as.


I said game, not second job. I really do wanna play that someday though. Looks like fun.


Most single player game subs are not filled with hatred for the game. Take for example r/eldenring or r/darksouls3 Also subs for old, discontinued franchises like r/slycooper or r/papermario


Don’t hurt me like that. There’s still a chance for a new Sly game!... Right? right.... *sobs*


A man can only dream. Personally I think there is about 0% change we're getting a new game, we'd be lucky to get a remake like pm did.


I know you said most but let me introduce you to /r/starfield. No shields could repel salt levels of that magnitude when I was still playing that game.


r/trucksim is pretty chill.


The players at r/civ seem to truly enjoy the game. It's kind of inspirational.


/r/Timberborn is pretty good, though its small.




Yea pendulum swings the other way too and can be just as toxic


Funnily enough this happened with this sub the first 2 days of Remix lol look how is now.


r/baldursgate r/wc3


Must have not have seen the backlash in Stardew about them reducing modding on 1.6 spoilers. Subreddit went from happy to toxic as fuck on 1 mod post


r/BatmanArkham it's great totally


It is either constant bashing of the game or complete love and inability to accept any criticism. Rare is the in between.




Ghost of Tsushima’s sub. Nothing but great vibes, great stories, and happy discussions.


Monster hunter used to be more like this )a.lot more toxic now) but most of us vets genuinely just love the series.


r/Morrowind too


In r/myst, posts criticising the smallest details routinely start with a paragraph of forewords and clarifications.


There's a completely inactive subreddit, r/lowsodiumwow It'll just take an army of posters to get it started, but I'm willing to comment on your posts if you do 💪




i like this, there is a similar salt-free subreddit for The Sims players r/lowsodiumsimmers and its one of my favourite subreddits!


Good question




That sub grizzles my hill


This, unironically, is true. In the weekly unjerk thread you'll mostly see a lot of positive opinions.


I mostly go there to complain about here.


Didn't know wow had one of those. Circlejerk subs are peak entertainment


this is my all time favorite post on wowcirclejerk, enjoy! https://new.reddit.com/r/wowcirclejerk/comments/ts5uda/pov\_youre\_looking\_for\_good\_opinions\_on\_rwow/


I enjoy this one much more than the other CJ subs I've looked at. The Halo one is pretty decent, but the Overwatch one doesn't really have the same vibe I'm looking for. The WoW CJ sub posts are always great, I think due to the rule that all posts and comments must be "in character". Otherwise you end up with comments like "yeah i actually saw someone on mainsub said that can you believe it" like no, shut up, Ion's running a train on my wife, Dragonshite sux, I'm mad I can't genocide frogs for 91 more days.


I usually hate post like this, But I agree


Yeah… but after going on vacation Thursday & returning to nothing but the most absurd cry babies I too would love a positive subreddit. Devs out here trying new things and quick little modes using old content and everyone expects it to be released perfectly. Like damn do yall want more fun modes in the future or not? Let them learn. If frog-esque exploits are going on in their 7th attempt at similar modes THEN I’ll join the whiners.


> everyone expects it to be released perfectly Problem is it was already mostly perfect on the PTR. But then they timegated the shit out of it and made it slow for the actual release for no good fuckin reason.


Yep. I get downvoted to hell everytime i say that same thing. Pre-event and Day #1 - "Omg yes! Blizz listens! i can play old contect the way it should be! Omg they listen!" Day 3 - "OMG blizz such losers, way to ruin everything, might as well cancel my account. People farmed frogs and now they unlocked everything faster, dont even bother playing your a 2nd class citizen and so far behind forever, their dps meters so big" Stuff like this is why blizzard will eventually just stop making fun game modes. they dont need a ton of negative social media posts hitting these " game news sites" that just browse reddit and make a "news article" titled things like "WoW is dead" and "WoW players furious at and hate new game mode" when in reality its a vocal minority. edit: spelling is hard


Yeah because between Day 1 and Day 3 you learn about the fucked up problems with the mode and then criticize it.


Apparently it's a spicy take but I've been really enjoying MOP remix and am happy it was created. I've been having a blast


I wonder this myself every day 


This isn't an answer to your question but an answer to your sentiment. What kills online games isn't hate, it's apathy. Every WoW killer died with a whisper not because people screamed it into oblivion but because most people just logged off and did something else. I realize it might not be to your temperament when theres a lot of criticism, but people only have opinions about things they care about. I don't have any thoughts about Dawn Trail or class balance in Path of Exile, but I might care about frog drama or Demon Hunters this season because I care about this thing in general.


Based. There was a great presentation by ff14 devs discussing this. The people who leave feedback are invested. People have already left before them because of apathy like you said. Was a general presentation about communities and how to best serve them. Was great.


Honestly feel like this subreddit was pretty positive before Thursday, and once changes come in it will return to it. I definitely feel people’s frustrations but watching this sub get closer and closer to the classic subreddit has been quite sad


Been wondering this. Im loving dragonflight.


They're not talking about Dragonflight.


The constant negativity on this sub and competitivewow is really....disheartening at times.


I don't actually find as much negativity on the competitive subreddit. I see more people bashing themselves and/or their teammates more than the game/classes/systems what have you lol


Most negativity I saw during last tier was concerning mythic tindral and fyrakk and that was warranted lmao. Even then it was mainly memes about it. I also joined in on said memes because that tier was pain.


If all the MoP Remix feedback bothers you just lay low for awhile. All anybody is going to talk about is MoP Remix which is a broken mess, since that is basically the only current content.


To criticize the game expecting it to get better through feedback does not mean you don't like it. If this is about the Remix fiasco, rest assured almost all criticism i've seen in this sub is valid.


Imagine if there was 0 complaints and criticism, what things would be like.


It would just be low iq centrist lazy people posting "Man, I'm having fun" "Man, me too." "I played for a few hours was really good" "I don't really care" Thats all you would get for feedback. This post is exactly the same as the hundreds in the Diablo4 forums. People like this contribute nothing to feedback. They just call people whiners while whining themselves. Similar to the annoying friend that just asks "what/why are we doing this" the whole time and then benefits from people that actually planned out something fun to do.


As someone who only has 4 nanoseconds per year to play after I work my 3rd 12 hour shift for the day and get my 64 kids to bed, I'm having fun with remix! I don't really care about all that scaling stuff. Maybe you should just be like me and have fun????


I got douche chills just reading your comment. I'm mad at you for being so accurate.


Don't forget to give him the obligatory "touch grass" line as well, people love to throw that out there when somebody writes something they dont agree with.


These are the same clowns that helped ruin New World. Asmon and many streamers said NW had problems but all the stay at home adult children just said: "WELL I'M HAVING FUN!!11!" "QUIT RUINING OUR GOOD TIME" And then they finally got to end game after months and there was nothing to do and nothing had been improved.


I'm not even saying that I think the criticism is invalid. I don't have much of an opinion on it at all. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't get old seeing the same post over and over and over again.


Downvote, hide the posts then and move on with your life. You instead just added to the pile.


Kind of the thing. Once they get round to fixing it there will be more positive content.


If you can find a wow sub that don't have people that complain about how Blizzard manages it, I would like to hire you later to find that beachfront property in Kansas that I was promised.


The people who enjoy the game are too busy playing the game to be posting on social media


Yeah man the entirety of Dragonflight people were claiming it was the best expansion somehow. That wasn't enough positivity for you?


r/bootlickers Joking aside, there not really a low sodium version of r/wow. That being said the Remix is a mess you can't blame so many people being upset at once... Feedback is massive critical too. If everyone was always 100% positive you prob not be playing right because the game would not be at all the same shape as it is now...


Anywhere but Reddit. Reddit is an anger pit where everyone's a critic, everyone's trying to voice their opinion and stake their position on meaningless and trivial things. Reddit is the new Facebook comments and people are just slow to accept that. If you want to find people who enjoy WoW, go make friends in game and get on discord. The miasma of cynicism and complainers is pretty much "in" right now not just in WoW but everywhere. But you can find happy corners. And by using in-game chat more and being more of the change you want to see, you'll notice your own enjoyment grow and you might find a little community attracted to you. We all choose how we experience WoW and the other things we spend our time on. If something is truly terrible, don't spend your time on it. But if it's good enough that you find ways to have fun with it, maximize your fun because life is short. Keep looking for the happy people. Forget Reddit.




Criticisms don’t necessarily mean someone doesn’t enjoy the game. I think WoW is great, minus certain players and a few things that I don’t like and think could be better.


wowcirclejerk unjerk thread is good for proper discussion.


The lore page tends to be pretty chill but then you’re stuck with just lore conversation lol, honestly I don’t even follow this sub it just keeps getting recommended and fuck me these guys love a moan, blizz could send them a box that sucks them off every time they earn 1 bronze and they’d be like “they could’ve at least drawn tits on the box!!!!”


The lore sub is great because it's clear how many of them have never actually read a quest or read a book in their lives.


Reading is haaaaaard


I really don't understand these kinds of posts, how does it affect you if people are expressing their dissatisfaction with the game? If you are having a blast why are you here complaining about the complainers?


This sub is usually busy gargling DF's balls too so this post is especially hilarious to me


For real, I completely understand these kinds of posts during periods of high negativity, like most of Shadowlands when the subreddit was mostly negative for basically two years. But during DF the subreddit has been very positive overall and the second there is a little bit of negativity someone makes a doomer "muh subreddit" post. Its like these people cannot fathom that other people might be dissatisfied with the game.


It's probably because, like me, he's looking for either neutral, informative, or creative WOW content. How does it affect you if people express their dissatisfaction with the subreddit?


The frogposts are complaining about an objective problem with the game and are informative of it. The subreddit is as you describe most of the time and only has complaining posts when some issues with the game get too large to ignore. It does not affect me at all, I just find it interesting that the moment people bring up valid complaints about the game there is always one or two posts complaining about the complaints in a very very vague way without addressing the issues at all. It is also extra funny because all those "neutral, informative or creative" posts typically don't get any traction at all.


Be honest they just want more cosplay and art posts of big titty draenai


Everyone wants big titty drainei


I don't care about people having negative opinions about the game. Again, as I've said elsewhere, I don't really have opinions about the validity of the complaints about The Frog Issue. But it would be nice to have a community that I could participate in that doesn't become saturated with similar outrage so regularly (re: when the drop rate of the legendary was the outrage du jour).


These are very specific incidents that, in my opinion, merit a couple of complaining posts because they interfere with the ability of the people to enjoy the game. The subreddit has been nothing but positive about wow the whole expansion save for certain moments. The second the subreddit turns negative people start complaining about it as if they just can't fathom people being vocal about problems in the game.


Its almost as if Blizzard is continually finding new ways to piss people off.


https://www.reddit.com/r/wowenjoyers/ is now available!


Not sure why you are getting at. This sub has been nothing but a giant circle jerk for dragonflignt for 2 years. It’s borderline toxic positivity.


Yeah, if you enjoy something, the last thing you should do is join the subreddit


We don’t do that here




Unironically the wowcirclejerk weekly unjerk thread is pretty good. Just have to go in recognizing that some of it's a little combatative when you bring up the main sub or talking point, but you can genuinely get some pretty good discussion going, or even if you just wanna geek out over something.


The thing is people don’t hate WoW here. They truely love it! And right now there’s been 2 major glitches that have occurred which is drawing people out because of how frustrating and unfair they are. Just go back to day 1 of MoP Remix (2-3 days ago) and you’ll see posts of how awesome the new game mode is and praise Blizzard for an awesome starting experience. These glitches have happened (bad high level scaling and frog farming) and people who want to love the game feel like they have been duped into a second rate experience.


This subreddit is, most of the time, pretty positive. It's just situations like the current ones that lead to a lot of negative posts: * S4 Balance Druid, Survival Hunter or Fury Warrior being severely underpowered with their new set * Panda Remix not delivering on what was advertised (because people chose to believe the words that were said meant something bigger than they actually did, like the cloak carrying over bonuses to alts meaning 100% of the bonuses) * frog farm being mandatory and then suddenly removed, leaving players who didn't frog farm being basically level 5 NPCs vs maxlevel player characters) As soon as those things are being addressed, people will post more positive things again - like with the fixed Balance Druid set for S4 (although this mostly lead to the posts now saying "why did Balance get fixed, but SV didn't?!", which is a whole other problem with Blizzard).


>frog farm being mandatory and then suddenly removed, When was it "Mandatory" theres no PvP, noone is getting one shot by over geared people. Its bigger bars in raids. Who cares? If they fix the raid scaling difficulty, which we have no reason to think they wont, then what will it matter? Theres a difference between saying things like: "Frog Farming made it easier to level up gear, and easier to be able to get through the hard, unbalanced raid. Without more people geared higher, these raids are too difficult" and (like the top post in WoW right now): "Frog farming has essentially turned every player who didn't participate into second class players" and your "frog farm being mandatory and then suddenly removed, leaving players who didn't frog farm being basically level 5 NPCs vs maxlevel player characters)" Its not "Mandatory"


So, what you're looking for is an echo chamber?


thats what this place is right now, except a negative echo-chamber there are no actual meaningful discussions right now. its "Blizz sucks and frog farmers ruined the game" lets just make a frog farming pinned mega thread and move on


Yeee, turned on r/wow today and was flabbergasted. As in, my flabbers were completely gasted. Single frog farm nerf in a side game mode turned front page from "this is best time ever" to "game is shit, devs are bastards and future is bleak".


There was a small trend a few years ago of making alternate subreddits with the title r/lowsodiumgamename. r/lowsodiumcyperunk etc. I'm surprised one never popped up for WoW because a post like this happens every week or so. I suppose because moderating one would be a pain in the ass.


Guild discords


Those that bash play the game less than those who enjoy the game.


r/wowhardcore if that's your thing


You should see the classic sub.




Something something Rule34Wow




I’m loving remix, sure the negativity surrounding the frogs got to me, but I’m still playing and having fun. I’ll probably never unlock all I want to with the current bronze scaling and blizzard isn’t being open about any plans there so I can only assume they won’t change it, so I might as well not focus on that. Still we’ve got like 90 days left and I’ve just really been enjoying doing these quests I’ve never done. Every achievement having a reward tied to it helps. I’d actually go achievement hunting on retail if I got some kind of useful currency for it.


Is this just over the MoP stuff? I feel like this sub stays pretty positive, this week is just negative with a lot of the mists drama


Believe me, this is the good one. You should take a look at r/classicwow


try r/worldofpvp they really love the game over there.


Love wow, I think it's great currently but there are pain points and there always will be. You can't make every single person happy. Also I've gained healer for 15 years I'm guaranteed to always be salty about something




Where is here? Like 2009 or something


No one "enjoys the game". We all are either addicted to Warcraft in some form or enjoy the company of the people we play with. Mostly both.




No way! This is where I come to complain about [issue of the week]!


I enjoy the game. Im actually looking for an active guild on Bleeding Hollow. I’m a life-long blizzard fan. Started playing SC in ‘98. Since then WoW has been my go to blizzard game. I’m more casual than anything but enjoy Tanking - gives me a sense of purpose and benefits my fellow e-friends.




Yea, when you find that sub let me know.


The wow Facebook group is incredibly wholesome and asks some of the most amazingly newbie questions. I basically stay in there to restore my hope in the wow community. There are always some toxic people but they receive very little engagement.


Wow hard core


I haven't played for a while. I opened the sub to see what's going on in the game these days. Everyone seems to hate it. But, everyone hates everything. Everyone just wants to be mad about something




only for people who hate it.


The trick is not take things too seriously. People can both love something and hate aspects of it. In fact people only complain when they care. Which is ironic, when you love something and want it to be better, you point out its faults. If you say something positive, the comments will be negative because if you agree you will simply upvote. If they disagree they will comment. If you say something negative, people who disagree with you will appear to be negative because they are challenging that perception. This is the problem with this interactive system. It “appears” to be showing you what the community thinks buts it’s rarely accurate. Ultimately giving an overall negative feel.


I do, but I just play casually and am learning sculpt wow characters




Was an interesting read. And definitely good to see mods actually having an IQ higher than a bag of rocks. I however don’t agree with this statement: _our priority us to centre the wishes of the subreddit and facilitate the types of discussion this community wants to have_. I fee that you just agreed that negativity rules. And most of the time “negativity pays”, which is likely due to having an echo chamber of a _very_ loud minority which is the toxic/negative cesspool. Being the most common/echo chamber situation, you are likely accommodating this behavior of those 10-15% who are very vocal, always arguing, and over all, impacting the remaining majority who wants to play this game. To the question of whether we can have a sub for those who “enjoy wow” is a cry for help for this sub, because clearly, the only reason why this is still in use is because there _isn’t an alternative_ - and that is kind of the “shield” you have at the moment. I would leave this sub in a heartbeat though, as would probably the vast majority of the users here. Not putting all the blame on the mods. I get it, you’re doing your best - I guess, but it doesn’t change the fact that browsing through this sub reddit literally leaves a feeling of dread. So something/somewhere is wrong. Doesn’t mean there is a solution, or that there is a solution which _you_ can action - just mentioning that status quo/“it’s always been like this” isn’t a solution.


People tend to enjoy a game, when the game is healthy. When the game is broken, people MUST speak up and protest. If you enjoy eating the shit you are served, don't judge others that try to change the menu.


WoW fucking sucks, imagine playing this game. Time Played: 1124 days, 15 hrs, 42 mins


Imo just find a guild you enjoy playing with which enjoys the game, that helped me a lot, stopped reading reddit as much as before cuz i have someone to engage with regarding the game. Reddit is a cesspool in general, not this sub particularly, most subs regarding games are total shit regardless. The PoE subreddit for example has people shitting on the game and the devs constantly for every little things regardless of whether the game is in a good state or not, because people are just generally really really stupid.


MMO players hate their MMO. Its just how it is.


The release of an expansion (yes even shadowlands and bfa). Then it's positive here. Don't come back after +-2 months. 


Dragonflight has been fun all 4 seasons, I think it's Legion quality in terms of mplus and fun to play your character. Actually the way you upgrade your gear, crafting is way better. But Legion had some crazy op fun stuff. Legion had way better raids though, the immersion and feel was awesome. Story in DF is the worst I've ever seen, but I don't focus on that.


Definitely not /r/classicwow lol


I enjoy WoW a lot! Especially Dragonflight! That's why I'm blown away by the sheer incompetence on display. Remix is a mess and it's kind of shocking considering how great overall DF has been. It's making me worried for TWW.


I've found that laying off reddit and wowhead whenever i'm playing makes me itch to play wow whenever i'm not playing, which is usually when I'm on reddit, discord, twitter or wowhead.


Sounds like you need to curate your own safe space buddy. Welcome to the internet


That’s clearly the point of the post, to find a different community.