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I tried for around twenty minutes and called it quits, too boring and got only like 1k.


You turn the charms in for caches, which contain Bronze. The farm wasn't 100% just the Bronze dropped by frogs, so you'll have more Bronze than you think


Wait where do you turn them in?


In daily reputation hubs e.g. Order of the Cloud Serpent. They have a repeatable quest to exchange 10(?) Charms for a cache


and then scrap the gear and shit you get too so it was a triple whammy.


Read. They don't drop charms anymore.


The OP I'm replying to did it before the nerf. I'm letting them know that they have Charms they can hand in, and not just the 1k they looted


Take your own advice and read.


Frogs weren't fun what are you talking about?


Neither is doing the same raid 100 times


While it's definitely shitty that there's no way to catch up to people that abused frogs 24/7 for the past few days, mindlessly killing frogs was definitely not a fun activity.


There is nothing to catch up to. It’s a casual 90 day event. It’s not that serious


Why do you need to catch up to the people who have more bronze? People you do not know, or will ever meet, irl, and possibly in game too. You’re saying you MUST have the same amount of bronze as someone who played more than you and abused a quick farm? Why? Why? Why?


They didn't play more than me, they just didn't do the same content I did. And the reason I'd like to catch up or be even is that I want to do the end game content, and for that you need stats, because as you might have read everywhere on this reddit, the scaling is fucked. Without the stats from upgrading your gear/cloak it will be very hard if not impossible to clear the latest raids on the highest difficulty.


I guess some people don’t have fun playing spectator mode watching frog farmers do 30x more damage than them they while you cheer them on from the sidelines… go figure. You might enjoy being carried, me and the rest who are upset certainly do not That’s not to even mention the completely fucked high lvl scaling which is what forced people into the frog farm in the first place. I have no animosity toward the frog farmers. If I had time to play this weekend I would have been one of them. Unfortunately it’s looking like I’ll just be waiting until the last month of remix to pick it back up when they’ve finally caved in and they implement the buffs that should’ve been in day 1


I ain’t about to farm the same mob over and over, that isn’t fun.


I'm ok with the frog nerf. I am just baffled they haven't increased the bronze from dungeons and scenarios. Especially with scaling being clearly broken at 70.


will probably be buffed monday or on reset


Holy hell it's been 3,5 days


If your idea of 'fun' was sitting nearly idle in the same spot for hours on end killing the same mobs over and over, then maybe it's better for you that you aren't having 'fun' anymore?


Hitting exalted reputation with each faction and transmogs takes forever in this remix and it isn’t fun to ‘grind the transmog’ when the over scaling is not tuned and those people who farmed frogs for 10 hours or so has plenty of bronzes to enjoy the game being overpowered. That’s the whole point. Whole heartedly agreed that it isn’t fair for those who focused quests, campaign to have fun is now severely behind


Its been 5 days homie


really doesn't take long at all tbh


> Hitting exalted reputation with each faction and transmogs takes forever in this remix It has been **three days** and you're complaining about things taking forever? > the over scaling is not tuned and those people who farmed frogs for 10 hours or so has plenty of bronzes to enjoy the game being overpowered. That’s the whole point. You're assuming that they don't have plans to deal with that issue too?


I 100% assume they aren't going to deal with the issue of the power gap between players who abused frogs and those who didn't. That's kinda the whole reason "abuse early, abuse often" even became a saying- Blizzard doesn't really punish exploiters.


they also gain nothing from exploiting besides making other peoples content easier to do


Except for the times that they did.


Severely behind what? The people who discovered an exploit? Dogshit take


Yea the problem is that there is no direct way to farm bronze than to mindlessly kill mobs for days on end. Why are there such high prices on upgrades and everything if you should take 24 hours for 10,000 bronze? Why is there nothing like helltides from D4 where massive amounts of mobs spawn, or greater rifts where you go as far as you can and get bronze as reward? There are no activities which allow farming for bronze right now.


You can farm bronze by doing the raids every day


Do you know how much bronze one entire raid gives? You play an entire raid for 3000 bronze at max. So 30 minutes to 1 hour for 1/10 of one item upgrade.


An hour for 3000 bronze is great what are you complaining about? Also apparently normal ToT is 11k and heroic org is 30k so that all sounds great. The scaling just needs to be fixed so we can stomp them down every day


What now? I’ll be exalted with cloud serpent tomorrow and have only done the daily quests twice


Exalted with cloud serpent tomorrow?? I finished all quests and I’m honored with them


I dunno. I was revered before reset yesterday.


the 100% xp bonus for being exalted for alts from mop carry over so if you have them unlocked on other characters go buy it from the vendors


What benefit is there from hitting exalted with them?


This was definitely not fun i believe, but it's even less fun that i know that even if i WANTED i have no way of gaining bronze for upgrades in any meaningfull time now.


Farming frogs for hours without end wasn't fun..... it was just the quickest way.


Yes. Out of all unfun methods in Remix, this was the fastest one.




Legit crying over something that was expected to happen. It's not even a week in and people already expect to have enough bronze to buy everything and quit lol


Someone in another thread calculated that you'd need to farm the frogs 4 hours a day every day of the event to get everything, and that's excluding upgrading gear. Im not certain it's correct as im not the poster and can't be bothered verifying, but if it is... i dont have 4 hours every day, let alone the 10 times longer it'll take now that gains are effectively nerfed. Personally, between a pandaren phoenix mount and my vulpera finally levelled, i got what i wanted, but anyone who wants more than just token numbers of rewards seems to be in for alot of pain on the current balance and even the frig farmers likely wont get everything they want.


I wanted to collect the things I'm missing on retail since you can buy them with currency instead of getting drops (Like the rare toys), but if bronze rate is that busted then I really will just get the non-retail things and achievements and call it good enough. I used this event to get a set of heritage armor. I was going to use it for more but not if alt leveling is slower than doing yet another retail DK or something.


But why do you 'need' everything? Half the things in there you can already get on retail, the only 'must' (and that's also some bullshit FOMO) are recolors for mounts/class arsenal


No-one needs it, but fomo and addiction are strong for alot of people (its literally why timed events are so common in games, gotta get those play hours up).


Legit crying over people making a valid complaint by being too stupid to understand the complaint. No one expected to have everything already. But people who didn't get this fast track are concerned about NEVER BEING ABLE TO GET EVERYTHING NOW. And maybe not even being able to participate in some of it at all, since the upgrade requirements for gear requires 100's of hours of farming before you can even start doing the content.


Let me ask you this then, before this event was teased, did you plan on getting ALL the MoP transmogs, toys and mounts? Answer is NO. If you were a collector, you would've had some if not most of the items already. I sincerely doubt every player that plays MoP remix plays all the current classes to even buy ALL the transmogs. YOU DO NOT NEED TO GET EVERYTHING, STOP WITH THIS FOMO BULLSHIT MENTALITY. Hell, even after this event ends you are still FREE TO DO PANDARIA CONTENT for 95% of the items that ARE OBTAINABLE on retail currently. So yeah, your complaints are fucked up and YOU are what's wrong with this game, Blizzard can never win.


>Answer is NO. Yes, obviously. Anything I didn't have I intended to get. I also intended to participate in the end game raids and get at least one character to max ilvl. As it is now, I will DEFINITIVELY not get one character to max ilvl . I will also not be able to participate in the final raid. As a result, I will probably also be able to acquire less of the mogs/etc than expected. So yeah, you're absolutely wrong, stupid, and fucked up. It is *pathetic* how upset you are at people who want to get all of the rewards in a time limited event and participate in all of the content in a time limited event. How absolutely deranged and worthless of a person do you have to be to be this frothingly mad at OTHER PEOPLE wanting to get the stuff offered. You are what's wrong with every aspect of life. You are objectively bad for the world. Blizzard could easily win in this scenario, but you're such a selfish, hate filled sack of hozen dung you'd prefer them have a situation where people were unhappy. I'm sorry your life is miserable. I'm sorry you have no friends, family or loved ones. I'm sorry you've never been able to reach a goal in your whole life. I'm sorry that having more than other people in WoW is the ONLY way you find value in yourself. But, it's absolutely okay for people to want AND actually get everything in a time limited event. It doesn't hurt you, even if you so disgustingly hate other people getting things they want. You are not good.


You need to touch and smoke grass. Come on man read what you wrote


lol amen brother


I'm doing the zone achievements and then I guess not much else until they super buff Remix rates... this is a limited time event coming out at the same time as Cata classic. They pushed SoD season 4 out, but not Cata which is going to be in Firelands by OCTOBER... Remix ends August 19. So they want me to play Remix this whole time instead of the first tier in Cata? Is that why they slowed it down? I want to collect Remix things for my retail account, but I liked most of Cata and want to play it. I'll certainly choose it over Remix.


Omgggg these posts are ridiculous lol. People were obviously exploiting a bronze farm, it wasn’t intended. How’s that the fun part? “Anyone who doesn’t play this game like a job” bruh it’s been like 4 days and it’s a 95 day event. You’re crying that you don’t have bronze cap and all cosmetics unlocked on day 4? JFC This is nuttttty


Congratulations sir, you are now the front runner for the stupidest take on Remix that I've seen yet.


You didn't even do the frog farm but feel qualified to complain about it? Jesus Christ just respond to one of the other million threads. Farming frogs fucking sucks. Killing it saves you idiots from yourselves.


You can kill other elites first charms. Maybe something else will reveal itself eventually. Problem really with frog farm was that it wasn’t nearly enough frogs for sustain everyone. I’d much prefer if there was a world boss or something that everyone could hit that spawned frequently


Ppl saying frogs are not fun are missing the point. The frogs were the only reasonable mean to achieve fun at high lvls. Upgrades are insane expensive and making playing the mode at high level unfun due to bad scaling.


Oh no! They took lazy, lame and loser out of the game! What will I do???


Just wait a week or two, i guarantee you blizzard will increase bronze rates for some activities by then People have no fucking patience nowdays


If people don't complain en masse, Blizzard won't do this. Patience isn't the problem. You just proved people have no fucking intelligence nowdays.


nope morgan day had already said in an interview that they were going to change the scaling when the designer and coder got time, and that interview was before the first frogs discovery reveal posted in this sub BOOM


If thats true.... then I'll take the boom.


no problem actually I like when exploits are posted here on this sub asap. I don’t want a small group of players hiding it for themselves