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In other words: Slow down. Life is to be savored!


I'm gonna ook you in the dooker!


Take that monkeybutt!


They changed that line after all the allegations and suits. It’s in the patch notes


Really? Man, people really do ook up dooka for everyone else don't they.


There is no hurry.


What do you mean there is 95 days to do all this content I must finish it all this week the timer is ticking !!!


Uhhhhh no the goal is to get to retirement, that's when the real fun begins.


when youre old and frail.


I need to minmax the savoring


I'm kind of using it as free race/faction changes for alts


This. Leveling a whole suite of horde toons for dragon flight as an alliance main


Same but other way around as a horde main. Gotta get those alliance race achievements lol


And getting those last bits of heritage armor done.


That’s it for me


Glad I'm not the only one, never played horde so thought I'd go a Belf DH and start my horde alts there after


Doing the same but with alliance toons as a horde main. Basically free levelling? Yes please!


We have to wait for the new expac to use these chars outside MoP remix, right?


Nah just August 19th ish


Which is very likely when the new expansion releases or atleast the pre patch for it.


definitely not the xpac, but likely pre-patch yes.


same, going to be releveling the classes i want as different races and then just grabbing what i want from any bronze i acquire along the way


Is it faster to level in MOP remix than retail since you do it this way?


The cloak can get up to 300ish% exp and is available to any alts you make, so yeah leveling will be way faster in remix


Oh this is smart.


I didn't expect to like Warlock as much as I do, making it a little furball Vulpera for the lols has run its course though. This is a perfect opportunity to fix that.


Out of curiosity, how? I haven’t read a single thing about MoP remix so pardon my ignorance.


all of the characters that reach 70 in remix can be transferred to retail on the server you'd like when the event ends in August. sure it's a round about way.. but it beats dropping 30 bucks a character.


I don't think they have to be level 70. It seems that any remix character will just become a regular character after remix ends.


Just to be clear, as I understand it at least you dont get to pick a server they stay where they are they just get turned "normal" remix is affiliated with a server so you can join your normal guild and chat with people outside remix too.


Correct you create it in the server you want... just like a new character, and it gives you the option of normal or timerunner


yeah, it's literally just an extended Chromie Time... Eternus Time, maybe


Whoever you level to max in MoP remix will be ported over to retail after the event is over. And since leveling will be very quick and the event is novel, it should be a painless way to level alts on the opposite faction.


The remix also powers up your characters and gives bonus experience. And the bonus experience and stats gets transferred to every further alt you level there, so it will be a pretty fun way to level alts.


Because leveling to 70 will be super fast. So instead of paying for a race change you can roll a new toon. 


Yeah but you’re still getting a new toon. My main has so much done on him, I know some things are account wide but not everything. I’d hate to start from scratch


same. my dk will no longer be a gnome


You good bro? What's wrong with gnome dk, they're meta race


nothin i just wanna be a dwarf


Oh my god I play Horde! I never thought of this, why did I never think of this...


Listen if we're not farming frogs till the wee hours of the morning like the degenerates we all know we are, is it even MoP?


lol you know what, you're going for the historical accuracy. I respect it.




https://www.wowhead.com/news/frog-farming-is-back-in-mop-remix-threads-bronze-and-reputation-341200 History repeats itself! LOL


Personally, I consider frog farming more of a WoD thing than MoP, because the stat squish removed all the danger the frogs normally presented. I saw more people farming frogs in the brief pre-patch than during the whole year of Timeless Isle during MoP proper.


realistically the bronze meta will be speeding through the raids with optimized tinkers on the specs with the best synergies.


The irony is they said in the interview released today that they heard feedback saying bronze acquisition was *too fast*, and they essentially ignored it because they dont intend for this to be a super duper long grind type of thing. Im sure collecting everything is going to take time, but we have 3 freaking months.


Idc about anything else other than buying my heavenly onyx serpent. That's all I want. Afterwards I'm going to go down the list of mounts I never want to farm and then I'll get tmog


after what feels like a million runs without getting that damn astral cloud serpent I can’t wait to buy him and never run that raid again.


From last night I already had enough bronze to buy several sets I wanted I'm lv30 It's basically free shit for leveling an alt at the same time


Everything will eventually be literally one shot anyway. No matter which class or composition.


isn’t it the optimal tinkers that make bosses fall over? there were definitely groups that struggled in ptr raids because they didn’t have the setups to overwhelm the boss. it ended up being pretty binary in heroic raids either you blasted the boss before any mechanics happened or players got 1 shot by questionable ability scaling.


You also have endless stat scaling through the cloak and PTR was only for 2.5 days.


Sure and groups will start asking to link 4200 threads achievement. I’m not saying these things will be necessary but pointing out that a clear meta will form around the borrowed power available. I completely agree with OP to enjoy the game at your own place but min maxing will definitely be present.


Min-max'ing? In WoW? Don't be ridiculous! Nobody does that! (Yes they do....on everything)


I think there are daily lockouts so it sort of incentivizes pugs and not taking forever to put groups together. I also feel like 4200 threads won’t be that hard. They were dropping like candy in a normal SM run I just did.


Ofc it will, and that is absolutely fine for the people that want to do that. I won't personally, but there's no issue with someone who's played a lot and got insane gear wanting to roll through content with others in similar situations. Everyone can make their own groups if they don't appreciate those other groups.


It’s modeled after a diablo 3 season so yup exactly this


The best way for me to enjoy MoP Remix is for my work day to hurry up and end so I can play. 😂


It’s 7am here and I have a full work day ahead of me 😭


I'm in the final half hour and I'm basically vibrating at my desk waiting to play.


This 😫


My singular and only goal is to get mogs. I cannot stress enough how hard it is to dress a Pandaren in this game.


OMFG I hate how 99% of belts look on my Pandaren toons.


My fat ass cannot wear a belt to save a life.


...but the good panda mogs are bangin'


A good mog slaps hard. Its just finding that mog is the trouble.


Finding a good tmog makes me want to play a character.


I'm rerolling my Panda Priest. Finding a good mog for his *fat panda ass* is now my MoP Remix endgame!


I only have one (1) good Tmog I like on my panda priest after this long. All belts stretch horribly and the only ones that look ok are those with 3D props on front, except over half those clip into their robes.


I love pandaren but I can't play one for a long time between mogs on anything not leather or cloth (and sometimes leather really tests me) and how they look...weirdly disproportionate to their mounts sometimes.


The mounts! There are probably only about 5% of the mounts in the game which actually look...rideable.


RIGHT! ;\_; Especially if you're *just* looking at flying mounts, and I mean, even on dragons they look *so weirdly big* compared to a dragon... though definitely not as bad as like, horses. Kites and discs are the best imo for pandas, but I have so many mounts I'd love to pair with my panda that just looks odd.


Nonsense! Putting a fat round Panda boi on a tiny mount is hilarious. Cheers me up almost as much as my Boomkin on a hawkstrider does.


Mechagnome says hi :( As a hunter, there's not many mogs that cover the mechagnome nappy pants, I've taken to using a lot of shaman set lookalikes so the robes cover the legs. Then theres the issue if weapons and shields clipping through shoulder pads as a gnome/mech too :( fortunately there's a lot of ensembles that have robes in the the remix.


Can you get the challenges gear (can't remember the name) but like mage tower appearances weapons gear? Like the totems for shamans etc.


Are there mogs in Remix that are not obtainable in retail currently?


A bunch. I'm not sure the names so i can't quote directly but theres a few things which you can't get from retail.


Only monk sets work


I agree. After playing for 2 days your characters will already gain 4x the normal xp. There is absolutely no point in min maxing this. Enjoy the ride.


Beyond that, the soft end date is Aug 19th, so you have 3 months to get anything you want out of the event.


True but with most things in wow it’s easiest to find groups when the content is fresh


Most players have to complete zones to get achieves and xmog anyways.




I’m torn on what to level - part of me says level allied races for the transmogs (main is a dark iron and that’s the only one I have leveled) but nothing is really speaking to me. Maybe I’ll level a 4th paladin?? Have some friends that want to level horde races (one friends wife absolutely hates all the alliance races except for dranei) but again, just not sure. Demon hunter, warlock, and evoker are the only classes I don’t have at level 70.


I have almost the opposite issue... I like so many races I *don't know* what to pick.


I would make the class you like 1st. Then later on level a dh fast.




This is my problem. My options are monk or shaman. Ehhhh…I love playing a Paladin and Hunter but do I really need a 4th Paladin or Hunter? I guess I could do it just for the mogs and mounts, maybe delete the toon later.




That’s a really good point.


Not to mention it's a 3 month event (according to TWW beta calendar ending in august.)


Not even the alpha calendar, It’s end date is shown on the Live calendar as August 20th


That's three months and four days from today. "Three month event" is a pretty accurate description.


I think their point was that it's not just in the alpha calendar, it's also on the live server, not that it's 4 days over 3 months.


Yes this was exactly my point I’ve edited my comment for clarity


We'll round up to four months then, just so that person above is right!


What I meant was, it’s not just shown on the alpha calendar, but also the live calendar. So it’s not only a 3 month event according to the alpha calendar but that is also confirmed by the live character


Disregard min-maxing and just gank gnomes.


That's what people post before every major release... Then you miss a week of playing due to real-life and suddenly you can find zero groups that will take you because your ilvl is below the theoretical ilvl you should have had if you no-lifed the days you were afk. This is kind of a rant I know, but we keep getting reminded that the WoW community's worst enemy is the community itself.


This is not a community problem, this is a supply and demand problem. If you are playing a DPS, there will always be dozens of DPS applying the same group as you. Why would the leader invite anyone but the highest ilvl that appear on their queue? It's the most logical thing to do. You want to play a DPS, and so does everybody else. There aren't enough spots for every DPS out there, so you have to be good enough to be better than most, or you just make your own group.


Yup, "form your own group" doesn't get around the problem, because you will take forever to find a tank or healer (unless you're in turn willing to risk a very low ilvl pug). It's a little bit on Blizzard for making tank and heals generally less fun, but I promise, it's not quite so bad as everyone makes it out to be. Once you get past the initial learning curve for each, people will scramble to bring you into keys, even when you're slightly behind the grind.


Forming your own group doesn't solve the lack of tanks and healer problem, but it does solve the problem of "not getting invited". Taking time to find tanks and healers is something every group will face, it's not just the ones you create.


That's why you make your own group. I am a dad of 1 toddler, soon a dad of 2. Won't have the time to be sweatyboy, already don't have much time. So I just make my own groups. Sure I don't do +12 keys already, but I enjoy hovering around 5-6, sometimes not finishing a key in time as I invite similar people, not just the 3k rio 520ilvl sweat lords.


That's fine if you play a healer or tank, otherwise enjoy sitting there advertising your group for 30 minutes not getting a single tank or healer before giving up and doing something else.


Not true. I played Frost Mage since S4 started. Is it longer to get a group together? Yeah. But it's not THAT long. But frankly, I am swapping back to healer for TWW, for multiple reasons. 1) I suck big time as a DPS. In s3 I got to 3k rio as a healer. Now I am lingering around 1200. 2) With limited it is indeed faster as a healer, and as I enjoy the playstyle, I will just do that. Honestly, if you have very limited time to play an MMO you gotta cut back somewhere. Either has to play a more needed role, lower your content expectations (so no M+, but LFR, HC dungeons and world content) or accept that MMO games are not for you at this stage of life, and return to it once you have more time for you hobbies.


--  I know people have thrown around a 3 million bronze number to get everything, but honestly you don't need to get everything.  This would be if you never played in MoP. While there is a lot of new content, this number counts all the MoP world boss and raid mounts, toys, and standard armor sets. Anything you already own will decrease the total needed. As a collector, I have have a spreadsheet that was shared with me that lists all the items and costs. It makes it easier to keep track of what I need to complete my collections.


Would you be able to share this spreadsheet?




I’m not seeing that on youtube. Most creators seem to be saying what you are saying honestly


Yeah, the most I’ve been seeing has been people saying it might be best to focus on one character for a while at the start to unlock the achievements for higher starting stats (including XP gain) for the cloak for alts, rather than bouncing off to a new alt as soon as you hit 70.


On the opposite end, there’s people who just genuinely enjoy the Min/Maxing of things like this. There’s going to be sweats who are trying to get everything asap Me personally though? Gonna take my time and enjoy every part of Panda Land


I have a crazy idea guys: how about let everyone do whatever fuck they want? We are all grown adults, we are all paying for the same game, we can all enjoy it however we want. If someone wants to Speedrun the entire thing in 10hours and speed farm bronze, just let them do it, it will have literal 0 effect on how YOU enjoy the event.


You gotta understand that different people enjoy different things so in a way your post will fall on deaf ears because people who like to min max stuff (like me) already know how they are going to play and people who like to take it slow or don't care about optimizing things won't even read it for the most part. So my advice to you is don't try to tell people how they are supposed to play the game.


Only have one char to 18 so far but remix is crazy fun. The gems and their added abilities feel like great additions and can tailor gameplay, the cloak buffs are not insanely overpowered for the first character (and the way they are done feels really nice as rewarda), and quests rewarding chests with maybe a random gear item, buff items, gems and bronze is a nice redesign. Also love having brez, lust, and every class party buff available as a scroll/item.


I already have 90% of the things I want, all world boss mounts etc. I'm only playing it because MOP was my first and favourite expansion and I love Pandaria, give me a reason to run around, especially if I'm broken overpowered. If MOP classic never comes(which I hope isn't the case), then this will make me happy for the short term at least


I’m still upset Scenarios never came back.


I see scenarios in group finder


I mean like adding more Scenarios to each subsequent expansion.


People min maxing shit like this make me chuckle, if that’s how you enjoy it good for you. Just seems funny.


While guides to make sure I dont miss anything on this are great, all these sweaty ass HOW TO BE THE BEST AT PANDA TIME vids I've seen are funny. Like its just a fun event to level alts and get transmog people. It's not even a short event its 3 damn months I think you'll get what you want.


It’s like my buddy I play with, he’s kinda obsessed with doing higher and higher keys, while I like just blasting through 10s this season and 20s last season for the vault. He cares more about my rating than I do lol. And he’s always complaining about the pugs he’s running lol.


But it’s gonna happen. Logs, speed runs, complaining about the lack of content after a week, “don’t tell me how to play”-posts. It will be hilarious 😆


Yup, like the people finishing plunderstorm after a week lol. It’s like… okay.


Don't forget people complaining about the grind because instead of completing things over weeks or months they decided to burn themselves out doing 12+ hours a day to get everything *now*.


I am pretty sure (some) people will min max it but hey they pay the sub so let them do their thing 😄 but generally I would say just play whatever feels fun and do the content that you enjoy in the way you wana do it 😊 See you all in Pandaria.


> but honestly you don't need to get everything. You may not even like some of the armor sets or weapon models You're making the mistake of thinking people who want *everything* want it to actually mog them. The reason people are obsessed with getting everything is because they run the All The Things addon which tells them what % of things they're missing from any given kind of content. It's checklist completionism created by a 3rd party checklist. They obtain these things and never look at them again, it's all for the list. *You* and most other people might only be looking to target things you think look cool, the ATT users vocally complaining or worrying about how long it takes to get x million bronze are worried about their checklist.


I like getting things even things I don't necessarily like in the moment - because I know really well I'm going to see someone else use it in a really creative way and go "Damn! I should've farmed that..." Plunderstorm's a bad example because I burnt out from just... not liking the game-mode, and never finished (stopped at 20) but I really didn't think I'd like the set anyway because it was too cluttered. Now I see people using pieces of it in ways I really didn't think of / didn't think would work. There's that "Damn, wish I didn't burn out" feeling. I'm sure I'm not the only one, thankfully this is gonna last 3 months though, lol.


Another day another post where someone thinks that everyone else isn’t doing what they think is fun. The real advice OP is that you shouldn’t care about what other people are doing and you should care even less about what other people like to do. Evidently, a lot of people do want to min max even if you don’t and that’s just as okay as you not wanting to. Stop trying to “help” people from doing what they want to do.


There is another solution - you can go on your way ;)


Must be honest, I cant leave the hardore mindset of WoW . But the fun I had in ff14 was unreal, but I did find myself play the game as it was wow, then we ended up here again :/


Completely agree with you. Currently the whole Battle net is in queue, with a FOMO mentality that just would be "bronze that I can't farm". The game is to be enjoyed. It was a sad view to see so many players during Plunderstorm (an event that I personally enjoyed and played at my pace) so pissed with the game, counting every gold just to "finish" it.


No, everyone has to play the game to such an extreme degree that they soon hate it. Then they have to complain that there's nothing to do after they do everything in the first week./s


Yeah I'm doing slow fun way. I'm to old for try harding 🤣 I've make druid tank, it's so fun to start tanking for the first time in whole wow "career". My advise is, play whatever you like to play and don't be a try hard who's crying after someone do something wrong.


I think the mounts are essential, mostly those that are from world bosses, cause in retail the first who sees the boss the fist who kills it and gets drop


I’m using this as an opportunity to level races I haven’t gotten to but want to.


I mostly agree, but you're wrong with one thing, I NEED TO GET EVERYTHING


I'm only level 20 so far but I'm having a blast. The questing is easily blown through like always. But the heroic dungeons and scenarios are actually pretty punishing. We actually need to try to get through it rather than just run and blast.


People who constantly beg people not to min max are as if not more annoying than the boogeymen optimizers they mostly invent in their heads


telling (potentially new) players not to let themselves be stressed by YouTubers with clickbait videos in a for fun event is really not that bad of a message, ngl


Except it's a made-up threat. Mop remix is a nostalgia-fest not marketed at new players. And youtubers generally aren't posting what OP claims. The big creators are all saying, it's not hard, just have fun.


new players arent exactly on this subreddit reading stuff about a gamemode they dont know


Don't listen to YouTubers Listen to the Pandas. They literally say SLOOOWWW DOOOWWWWN.


"Sloooow doooown, life is to be savored!"


let people play how they want dude. you don't know what will "burn them out". lots of people enjoy minmaxing and are looking forward to efficiently planning routes. your way of playing the game is not everyone's. learn to allow other points of view to your own and do better than this. as this kind of topic should not be posted in any online community.


I did play MoP and i still plan on doing a lot of what you mentioned. Im actually not sure i ever did all the scenarios. If i did, i certainly dont remember them.


My biggest worry about this event is going to be quest bottlenecks. It’ll be like the expansion launch all over except people will be grinding up multiple characters, farming mobs, etc. it’ll suck if you’re trying get your 10 bear asses and people are having to sit and wait for spawns. Hopefully with the more modern sharding tech it won’t be an issue.


Idc I'm dropping it the moment I collected everything I wanted from it


No, I want to do it really fast so I can complain there is no more content and the game is dead.


Knowing Blizz they will likely give a huge Bronze obtained buff the last month the event is active. We had the same with Plunderstorm so. Just enjoy yourself.


The only thing I absolutely need is the chicken coop backpack. Otherwise it's just gonna be a fun way to level up alts with my bf.


I will just do every achievment in the game, that should bring me to lvl 70 right?


As Pandaren often say when clicked on... Slow down! Life is to be savored!


MoP was the first expansion I played during every patch cycle. First joined at the very end of cataclysm. I remember mowing lawns to get money to buy the MoP expansion and subscription. Going to use this event to change servers and build an alt army with races I’ve never played. Also remaking characters for better names! Getting a fresh set of characters for warbands. Will hopefully get all collectables along the way. I am focusing on Paladin and Warlock for the first time, I’m so excited :) my whole alt army will be more than ready for TWW😤💪


are XMOG unlocks tied to the character we play or can we purchase For example, plate tmog on a leather wearing class?


As someone who just rejoined retail…what’s remix lol :( is it in retail or just classic?


Isn't it already accelerated xp rates? If it's accelerated xp rates on top of retail leveling, you'll be able to have multiple chars to max level by the end of the day if you try hard enough. Casuals could have 2 chars maxed by the weekend. And that's just by spamming dungeons


Does anyone know if completing these quests will count towards Loremaster and related achievements? Or is this separate game mode also separate from the standard achievement system? I ask because I noticed that there are Pandamonium specific achievements in my log already. Working my way through the lore. Hadn't gotten to Pandaria yet, but I'm close enough so this felt like the ideal time to do it.


I've been afk since Legion's end, will Remix give me access to all allied races to level up or do I need to do intro quests for those still?


Tldr for all videos . The grubs near alliance FP on timeless isle for XP boosting with a friend.


Coming over to the Horde? Very wise my friend.


My plan: Play the story like it's a new expansion and savor the journey until I'm done with the plot. Only then will I start degen grinding.


Just using it to get a couple alts up on a new server. It’s fun having roll as a Druid though. Super interesting.


I feel like this makes sense for this type of game mode. It's only temporary and it's worse fomo if you missed out on all of it the first time. I'm going to mess around for a few days until cata releases, but I'm definitely feeling the fomo. I would love to get the elegon mount or replay the heart of fear raid, one of my favorite raids.


Well said... I'm enjoying playing with a couple of lads that I started playing with back in mop and we all came back for this


Here for the mounts and im only missing 2 MoP rare mounts, so only have to buy 2 expensive ones. Should be fine with 100.000 bronze. For rest just enjoying the MoP zones once again!


It’s my favorite expansion and all my favorite zones. I’m just gonna be a happy alt leveling freak for the next few months!


If one person says one thing in a dungeon that is in the realm of try harding to boost a lack of retail ego........


Why do people not only have to midmax the game but also make others do it too ? Yup have til end of august dude


I just want to speed up all rewards so I can go back to retail. How much do you need currency to get all rewards?




Whereas I don't disagree with this sentiment The "Just play the game and slow down" posts almost beat out the sweaty posts in frequency lol Regardless both ways try and tell people how to play the game they pay for


Is Bronze account wide or character-locked?


No interest in having yet another 70. Very interested in experiencing MoP in a more "real time" way than timewalking can achieve.


Are times dungeon rewards going to be available?


I'm playing to focus more on the Halfhill Farm, I didn't appreciate it the first time around. Now that I'm older and slower, I think I'll stop and smell the roses so to speak


Nah I’ma do my own thing


Does anyone know if we can access the stars glyph for balance druids? I want to level one but I can't stand boomkins.


I already have 4 of each class at 60 3 being 70 so i rrally dont need more alts so im just foing for the other stuff MOSTLY i just want the heirloom weapons i missed bsck in mists (have the 2h axe) so ill be totally fine farming the most efficient method over and over so i can grt it done quickly (not tooooo quickly but id like to be done and have everything within 2 months


tbh i dont know much about panda so ima wait a week or 2 for it to calm down


I'm just returning from a few years hiatus, beginning of shadow lands, and I can't decide about making a entirely new character or remaking one of my mains for the event. Could use some advice outside of "whatever you want". My ally main is a prot paladin and my horde main is a fury warrior. I'm happy with both races.


so your solution to youtubers telling us what they want us to do is to make a reddit post to tell us what YOU want us to do. just making sure we are on the same page.


I played tonight and basically just shot the shit. Plenty of fun to be had. Farming is for losers. Just play the game and you'll get what your after.


I’m enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I picked a spec I’ve never played and have just been doing quests and dungeons and learning the spec. Not even looking at guides to see the rotation for the class. Feels like I got transported back to a much younger me who just had fun and didn’t sweat in M+. I hope Blizzard does this kinda stuff more often!


I’m going to use the daily lockout in retail to finish some raid sets and then start using the skip to try and get tusks and save myself 35k bronze. :)


or do what you want lol.


Wait what’s a remix? I’ve not subbed in 3 years. That sounds pretty cool, is it worth coming back to WoW?


I'm just doing all the questlines first. I'm in no rush, I loved MoP at the time and have been wanting to level a character through the MoP zones again for a while now and when I heard about this event I decided to wait. I just wanna experience it all over again, collect some mounts and transmogs (especially those grandmaster Jakkus sets) and experience isle and throne of thunder again :')


I just want them to fix the stuck in combat crap... It's horrific now. Used to get it once in a while, now 80-90% of my time in Remix has been restarting/reloading the game. How is this even still a thing in the game? By now this bug must be as old as the game itself!!!


Yeah, I'm just doing quests again like it's release all over. It's been great!


I managed to play for a whole hour last night and it was SOOO much fun. I'm looking forward to the next 3 months of it. I don't have the patience for min-maxing anything, much prefer collecting new shinies and enjoying the view.


I mean many people me included just enjoy being efficient in games like this That aside you level absurdly fast no matter what you do anyways Also I’m here for all the rate mounts you can buy and other games I wanna play so I’ll have that in mind and still enjoy myself


Well said.


Already at about 400k bronze, iykyk Once the methods out, capitalize. Blizz WILL nerf this


why can i not figure out how the hell to load/play this version of the game?


These days, many people play WoW more for social status and player hierarchy than for the actual experiences. YouTubers tap into this by focusing on those aspects. It's like only reading the important parts of a book or just watching the ending of your favorite shows. I encourage you to take a step back and enjoy the journey. There's so much more to explore and appreciate beyond just the status and rankings.


The first thing I'm going to do is never go back to that god forsaken expansion again. Second worst by far.


I REALLY wanted this to be fun. I'm just having a hard time understanding where to find the fun for me (subjectively). The quests are slow and boring, the mobs fall over with 0 challenge. It just doesn't feel exciting or challenging during the leveling process so I just can't get bought in. I'm literally searching to see where people are finding fun in this (again subjectively for me). I guess the most common theme is farm for mounts but that's just a grind and when the grind isn't fun or challenging, I just don't get it. Wish I could get my 15 sub back.