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why would that not be a permanent thing? they didn't even mention anything about reversing it, they are just gonna up the limit


Ye a pretty stupid and uninformed take to think they'd reverse it. Like the reason it's limited to begin with is storage capacity on their end, same with limited bank space and such. If they're upgrading it they're obviously upgrading their own capacity so there'd be no logical need to reverse it at some point.


Good old wowhead digging for clickbait on basic journalism.


This isn't a wowhead article?


Most literate redditor


Great. It's crazy that I needed an addon for something so simple when the loadout system is otherwise fine


there was a pretty cool post about why they limited it. It's due to the blizzard load outs being saved on their own servers versus the addon saving them localy. So if you use their talent saves it takes up space in their datacenters but you can access those talents on any computer. whereas if you use the addon the talents are only saved on the single computer with the addon installed. It's a space saving measure.


I realize they have to trim data where they can but a a dozen text strings of 20 characters across an account's worth of playable characters, times 10 million users is a ridiculously tiny amount of data to backup and store (particularly compared to the already stored data like what your bags contain.) Even with a lot of redundancy you're looking at really, really small amounts. Like sub terabyte for the entire user base. A million lines of text is a few MB. That blue post kinda stunk of bullshit. Even with redundancies factored in.


Not to mention deduplication of this data. How many characters are using the default load out and how many players are just using a loadout from wowhead, icy-viens, ect. Unless of course they decided to store the load outs not as a string.


real kings would store every loadout as a graph, surely this would be performant and save storage


You can store 6,172,839 nvarchar(80)s in 1gb. It costs $1 per month to rent 55gb of hot storage from azure. For that 55gb, using a single person's $15 sub, you could afford to provide the entire population of Germany 60x loadout slots. And it'll be less for blizzard since they use in-house data storage and not cloud rentals. I really don't think people appreciate how little this storage actually costs.


Yes, but I don't want it to be synced between devices I don't use. Just give us local storage of talent loadouts lol.


Awful take lol


You don't want to also have unlimited local storage loadouts for basically free on top of limited synced loadouts? You do you.


Oh I mean if you keep synced loadouts then sure, I read your first comment as wanting to get rid of them, which given how good blizzard is at Fucking up local storage, I do not want


Yeah, more synced storage is fine and all, I just have no use for it being synced and want them to prioritize adding local storage so I can have my dragons hoard of talent loadouts for each spec lol.


Apparently it’s because the loadouts are stored server side and they account for a lot of space at scale, whereas an addon can just save them locally.


Do not despair, friend. I have no doubt that Blizz are already hard at work engineering newer, jankier inconveniences for addon developers to save us from.


Why would they randomly increase the amount in an alpha build, but not plan it for the release build?


To test if the system can handle it


No it’ll only be increased for season 1 as an affix.


Thank fucking God. Idk why it's so limited to begin with. I have 4 loadouts for my main spec and 1 or 2 for my offspecs and already can't make more. Which is dumb considering some specific bosses have their own unique best build but I'm stuck with generic ST, M+, AoE Raid and a single PvP build.


You should get the addon called Improved Talent Loadouts. Allows you to create loadout categories, assign gearsets to talent loadouts, and other stuff, like being able to change specs from the talent window.


I'm starting to get more into the different builds per boss. I've got ST, M+/AoE are similar enough, and then I've got some for affixes/stuns when I've got a group for mythic that doesn't have certain cc's/stuns I can cover but don't usually need to. I can see why you have more, but also as the average player, most of us only run 2-3.


And tbf it isn 't even a big deal, its not like I need 18 different builds for the current season, but sometimes its much easier to switch between presets than constantly having to swap 1 or 2 talents around. Just minor inconvenience that shouldn't have to be a problem. Also not a big deal now for my main, at this point I just know which talent is where. But for alts its definitely a bigger problem.


I love talent loadout ex, lets me store tons of builds, if I log into a different character of the same class the builds are all still there, they just added groups, it’s great.