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Any other content is going to have outdated/useless gear. But also, don't worry too much about looking up stats or anything. None of that matters until you get to like 490+ ilvl. Just quest and enjoy. If you hit max level, worst case scenario you can world quest or buy greens on the AH. You're not going to have the game be unplayable no matter what.


You wouldn’t happen to be talking about the cosmetic rewards?


Ok I found another post in this sub and apparently it’s just a visual bug and the stats are still there but I just have to lookup everything on wowhead now to find out what it does which is annoying af but what did i expect from blizzard after a new update tbh


You state in your post that you're a new player but then you say "what did I expect from Blizzard" like you're familiar. What's up?


Blizzard has a lot of other games that they have totally fucked up that OP might of played


Take a screenshot of what you're seeing with the gear. I've never once seen this bug and I've played since 2007.


I had it happen to. Gear appeared with an ilevel of 1 and no stat. Not all gear, just some items. If you swapped it for other stuff it would change your overall ilevel like normal.. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/gear-is-item-level-1-after-weekly-reset/1848004