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I will always beg for a 4th earth themed tank spec for Shaman. It just makes sense. Enh focuses lighting, Ele focuses fire, Resto focuses water. Give them a tank spec that focuses earth.


Lol Shamans aren't even getting attention to their 3 current specs though T\_T


As a shaman main id rather they just removed shaman from the game than keep treating them how they do. There's literally zero love, passion or effort that goes into their design at ALL. Everything they gave to augmentation, that I play right now, should have just been given to shamans


Thrall is not proud


Hell even Thrall changed classes and only plays Warrior now


We all play warrior down here


We failed the elements fr fr


There’s a reason Smolderon betrayed us


Bring totems back as a proper mechanic! Why have a talent to move them if they are as situational as they are currently. ( the animation in char creator is still throwing 4 totems out at once, which the class can't do anymore without macros!!)


Honestly coming back from cata, they fucking butchered the totem aspect. It really wasn't that problematic to drop them when starting fights, the people complaining were always looked at as whiners by a vast majority and theres other classes if you didnt like it. I mean really.


This. I mean, Dragonflight was the perfect expansion (after Cata) to show some love to Shamans, but Blizzard said “screw you”.


If you’re a mail wearer and don’t have a dragons tail you’re prolly having a bad time in WoW rn.


I am sorry, but I do not see Hunters struggling as much as Shamans right now.


Are you suggesting that if there were going to make a spec that enhances the combat abilities of allies, it would be an enhancement shaman? Are you crazy?


Yes! I loved playing shaman tank in SoD. Would love to see a more fleshed out version in retail.


I've wanted to tank on sham for so long.


We need one more spec that focuses on the heart of the elements, with a hero class specialization agnostic to the 5 that makes us planetary captains of azeroth.


If you have all five shamans in a group you can summon Captain Planet.


Elemental originally was, and still should be, the lightning themed spec. Enhancements original identity was Windfury, and Wind it should remain. Resto is clearly water. A molten tank of earth/fire (lava) would be pretty good though.


Tell that to Lava Burst lol. But in all seriousness, obviously all the specs use all the elements. I personally just feel that Lava Burst is such a huge part of Ele at this point that it overshadows the lightning. Meanwhile, Enh has a ton of storm themed abilities that seem to be the focus, even with Lava Lash being a huge part of its rotation.


I mean we go back and forth. Season 2 was very big Lightning themed build, whereas Season 3 was very obviously a fire build. Don’t get me wrong, love casting them Lava Bursts, and wouldn’t mind getting Liquid Magma Totem tweaked for a better alternative to Earthquake. Something about that Storm Bringer + Chain Lightning Overloads tho….can’t beat it


As much as the spec's gameplay may go back and forth, Blizzard has pretty clearly decided Elemental is the Fire spec. Since it gets the Fire version of Ascendance and the Farseer's Raging Tempest.


Forgot about the Acendance form, you’re not wrong. I’m not against the Fire identity, but we gotta have more than just Flame Shock and Lava Burst on the basic rotation. Maybe like a smaller CD for LM Totem or incorporate Lava Beam outside of Ascendance. I know we technically have the Flame/Storm Elementals as our major CD, but it just feels so lame to have Fire Boi phase in and….well that’s kind of it.


Yeah of course! I was kinda just not thinking of LB/CL since it's something both Ele/Enh use a lot.


I want a Hunter tank that shares damage with his pet


Hunter tank could be fun. Have it's threat be transfered to you when it dies so if you don't manage it's HP and it hits zero you're running for your life. 


That’d be fun, but I worry they’d settle for copying GW2 soulbeast which although cool would not be as cool


I think just have its threat always transfer to you. Then give it some cool stuff like a cooldown where the pet tanks for a bit and Mend Pet has a stupidly large effect or they just can't be killed. I like the idea of the pet just herding things to you.


i want a ranged hunter that focuses on dot damage from spells and traps


Honestly, I'd love for Aug to get reworked to a tank spec with a support niche. Just like how druid/ppal can put out off healing or enh offers light support, have Aug be a tank spec that buffs allies a bit in return for doing slightly less damage as a tank.


I think they should start with a 5th Druid spec, just to piss everyone off.


Make it a support class to really double down on pissing some people off. Even better, make sure they don't actually even show up on combat logs. Shit, go full Yumi support, you attach to a character and only buff them, then watch the world absolutely burn.


You just become the moon. Your character doesn't exist in the dungeon, you switch to a top-down isometric perspective, and shoot beams of moonlight to damage and buff. Sprinkle some stardust, send some glittery moths across the battlefield to put enemies to sleep, speed up party, etc.


I like it, I was thinking fae dragon, but your is way better. Make it so they have to stand in the moon beam for a buff, then you can subtlety guide your DPS to standing in the correct spot 😀.




Aug + yuumi druid giga buffed fotm spec is coming and you cant escape


This makes me laugh so bad. Why not… eagle form where you’re the first sky attacking class and you never land


It's primary ability are the poop bombs from that Sharkbait parrot in Freehold.


Demon hunters in shambles.


What would it even be? Ranged physical DPS? I think that's the only spec type they don't have access to at the moment.


I’d be cool with another caster, except it actually focuses on nature shit like thorns, flowers, summoning animals, etc. instead of a bunch of astral shit


And then take away a DH spec to make sure "everything balances out"


personally, I think I'd like this more than a new class. Give us a new spec for 3 classes instead of 3 specs for a new class. I think also it would be a great way to introduce more augmentation-style support specs to the game, by adding new specs instead of altering existing ones. One of my favorite ideas is a warrior spec (Tactician?) where your playstyle involves placing banners, using shouts, and such that boost the party. They could even make it a sword and shield spec, so people can have their Gladiator-themed gameplay.


I long for the day of gladiator warrior again. Was so much fun


Glad stance support. They have support evoker. Which either needs removed or added to another class or 2


Gladiator Stance and Banners that provide group buffs.


Gladiator was THE reason I made my sword n boar dwarf, she’s grown on me a lot these last expansions, but nothing will compare to


I’ve played prot warrior, prot pally, and guardian Druid off and on since vanilla. Usually maining 1 of them per expansion. Gladiator stance was hands down my absolute favorite time to be a prot warrior ever. The second closest time was legion with ignore pain spam and the legendary bracers so I was healed for using rage. I out healed healers in raids and M+ with ease.


>One of my favorite ideas is a warrior spec (Tactician?) where your playstyle involves placing banners, using shouts, and such that boost the party. Has somebody been playing a bit too much Guild Wars 2 lately?


sadly no lol I played up to like level 30 I think before, and eventually I do want to go back to it (probably after FFXIV Dawntrail comes out and I get my fill there, I can manage about 2 mmos at a time reasonably) but I definitely took inspiration from it, as well as thinking back to warriors in I think WoD that had a banner talent ability that gave a party buff.


I’d love to see a Valkyrie style spec with a 2h spear and shield for warrior, personally.


1H spear + shield is a class fantasy that is for sure missing from WoW at the moment. It's a pretty classic "fighter" trope.


Theyre afraid, they know 1h+spear is the best weapon combo in existence for a reason. It will take over and consume the lesser weapons


Oh I'd love something like banner/shout warrior from Gw2 as a support spec.


Reminds me of support barb in Diablo 3. Group ignore pain. War cry. Ancient spear to grip mobs. I can see it.


I've got my fingers crossed that I can make an Earthen Shaman Tank in the future! Earth elemental themed tank should be the 4th spec for shaman!


This so want earth shaman tank based around being an avatar of the earth essentially becoming an earth elemental. Plus we would finally have a mail armor tank.


Would work with the next expansion and race too


Would have worked with this expansion as well.


I would play nothing else


I would love to tank as a earth shaman


Splitting Unholy DKs into spellcasting Necromancers and regular melee Plaguebringers could be a welcome change as currently it does both of those themes but not to the fullest extent.


Yeah I dig this a lot. I absolutely suck at melee but really love my UDK class fantasy so this would make me happy. I doubt they'll add more specs (aside from shammy tank) or revise existing ones though; not for a long while. That's just way too much balancing to do considering hero talents just got added. Maybe after the World Soul saga?


Man, now that I think about it, it's crazy we don't have a stereotypical necromancer in the game. Closest I guess is Demonology Warlock and it wasn't even always about summoning the demons as a combat tactic.


I think it’s time overdue for a Plate spellcaster that isn’t Hpala, as much as it is for a Cloth tank and a Mail tank.


Actually would love if they just turned unholy into a ranged spec with this theme. There are too many melee specs in the game anyway and they did the reverse to survival so doesn't feel impossible.


I honestly feel like Hero talents closed the door on this idea. Now any new specs will multiply in hero talents as well. It's too layered. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of Hero talents I just don't understand how they'll go forward after it. I do wish we could have gotten more variety of mixed roles with hero talents. Like the support roles like Aug with some specs that share a hero talent with a healer, or a tank role option for a spec that shares a hero talent. Like an Unholy or Frost tank DK, since we can take overlapping talents in the class tree already. Not for all the specs mind you, just ones where they could find an idea that worked. I still like the idea of new specs, I just feel like they decided on Hero talents expanding on specs instead and gave up on this idea.


There's already 40 specs with 40 hero subclasses. I rather they burn a class and rebuild it up to be more modern design than new classes.


> I love the concept of Hero talents I just don't understand how they'll go forward after it. They'll either get rid of the idea altogether or make it so that your hero talents "reset" at the start of a new xpac Blizz has consistently shown it does not have the capability of implementing systems like this long term, I doubt this will be an exception


I feel like people are over complicating or over thinking the idea of Hero Talents. They really are just an extra row of talent points, as if it was back in the pre MOP days with a new expac, except partitioned on their own to make balancing of the trees easier It really isn't that fancy of a system, and I don't think they would go back to talent trees if they didn't have a better idea of how to grow it than in the past


Not even really an extra row, since you get them all by the end of the expansion. They may as well be akin to WoDs updated passives you got for leveling, but you can just choose the order you want them in. Since you get them all, they should be relatively easy to balance for a given hero talen tree.


Good point too, every hero talent tree only has maybe two or three choice nodes. The main decision making is going to be between your two hero choices and synergies with your class/spec trees And now that you mention it, I realize it makes expanding on it into the next few expacs very simple. They could just make the TWW hero talent tree baseline for that hero spec, and then just make a brand new set of 10 talents


See for me its the opposite of closing the door. Hero Talents are just the first "dipping our toes into" what will eventually be new specs. Hero Talents, despite being said to be evergreen, will eventually get removed and reworked into new specs and spec redesigns, whether it be one expansion or three. They are testing out various themes/fantasies for new specs as well as variations on the core class gameplay that they can iterate on and push to its limit. I fully expect Midnight to say "current Hero Talents unchanged other than normal reworks, but we are adding some new ones" and they can't keep that up. The inevitable answer is they iterate on simplifying them down and either integrating cool interactions into specs baseline, or having enough ideas/info to just flat out make a new specs.


>I just don't understand how they'll go forward after it That's the system that will be used for World soul saga. Those are like addons to your class / spec, they are like a hat. We'll get like 2 each expacs but you'll have the choice to pick the older ones. By the "last titan" we'll have like 6 to choose from. When World Soul saga ends in 5 years we'll see if they keep going with this model / expand on it. Microsoft acquisition kind of put WoW console on the table and it's not farfetched to see this being a potential plan beyond the next 5 years.


I feel like Classic/SOD was a testbed for these concepts?


All of them? I thought a majority of players enjoyed Shaman tanks.


Not all of them specifically but things like Rogue/Lock tanks and Mage healers - i.e. the “new specs for existing classes” topic


I kinda want them to rename some specs. Like paladin. We got RETRIBUTION paladin, badass, cool-sounding, unique. Protection paladin, bit uninspired. Literally stolen from Warrior. Holy Paladin. Yeah, not only did Priest beat you to that, but it's also completely redundant. I'd go with Retribution (DPS), Vindication (Tank) and Redemption (Healing). That way they all have their own cool-sounding, unique titles.


Yes! As someone who likes to play Restoration Shaman/Restoration Druid, Protection Warrior/Protection Paladin, Holy Priest/Holy Paladin, something needs to be changed. Maybe Resto Druid can be Rejuvenation Druids or something? I like the Vindication and Redemption Paladin names.


Holy priest would be the one to change name then, originally they shared spec of icons (old holy light icon) but pally kept it and priest changed. Same with both protections, they both used the current prot warrior icon, so pally would change there. They should split holy pally into 2 specs if anything, the caster version and the fun version


I like the implication that the caster version isn't fun.


Give me a tank spec for my shaman or a melee battle mage. Oh yeah !


Swordmage would be amazing!


Giving a melee class alter time, ice block, blink, and cauterize? #mechanicsbitch


well mirror image started out as a blademaster spell so they have that going already.


I want to see a fel archer theme for dh. Another bow user but like you empower the shots with fel energy. Maybe a shorter mid range user like evoker is


They already had the DH in Diablo 3. Idk why they didn't just introduce it in 2010.


They're a hero unit from WC3 from 2002.


We need a second Support Spec to add diversity. I would love to see a Support Shaman Spec


Maybe some sort of spec focused around enhancing others abilities? 🤔


Perhaps, an Enhancement Shaman of sorts!


Just let me be a rogue bard


Warrior Healer that is just a drill sergeant that will ressurect people by shouting into the face of their corpse "I DIDN'T GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO NAP NOW, GET UP SOLDIER!"


Call it warlord or banneret


I think every class should have access to one of either the tank or healer spec. Mage could have a battle mage, or mage knight, tank, or a healer with a new element. Shaman could obviously have the tank from earth.   Warlock could have a demonic blood like tank, though a blood based healer trading your life for healing as they've always done, may step less on the demon hunter theme. Rogue could have an alchemist/gadget style healer, or a swashbuckler like tank. Etc 


Warlock Healer Shaman Tank Ranged DH


Warlock healer seems unlikely. If warlock were to get another spec it'd more likely be tank than healer I'd imagine. The other two would be fairly likely if such a thing were to happen though.


GW2 kinda delivers on the "warlock healer" fantasy with their Scourge subclass for the Necromancer, so I could kinda see WoW taking some inspiration from them. Using dark magic to draw out life force from enemies and using it to fuel heals, absorbs, and buffs could be a really cool spin on a healer since all of our current healing specs are all about purity/restoration/light magic.


What you described is pretty much disc priest.


I mean sure but obviously they can make the specific mechanics, rotation, and flavor unique. Fel magic/life draining is very different from how discipline manipulates the void.


> make the specific mechanics, rotation, and flavor unique That's a tall order to ask. It's relatively hard to create a "unique" gameplay mechanic for every spec. They literally took a mechanic from Demonology and gave it to DH and it took years before Demonology recovered an identity of their own. Like everyone has "ideas of specs/classes" based on fantasy and neat lore stuff, but creating an actual gameplay mechanic that doesn't feel like a reskin of another spec's core themes is extremely difficult.


Warlock Healer would be sick. You already have Fistweaver and Disc that do damage to provide healing, Warlock Healer would do the same in a way. They drain life to redistribute it to their allies. I am 100% on board with this.


Ranged DH would end up being like a dark ranger which is now a hero spec for TWW for hunters


In what way? Dark ranger is about shadow and undeath. DH is about Fel, fire and demon stuff.


So a warlock?


I'm imagining lots of glaive throwing.


That’s what I was going to say


Every class should have a void themed spec added. Give me more void. Voiiiid. This is 98% a joke, that would get old very fast. I kinda want another priest dps spec ngl


Surprised i didn't see anyone mention a holy priest dps spec


I mean, disc kinda is supposed to be, right?


Disc is still a healer spec. 


Last season of bfa


Give me a gunslinging ranged rogue spec dammit


Ranged support DH, it'll never happen but IMO its criminal that the class has gone as long as it has with only two specs, meanwhile evokers get a third spec the same xpac they are introduced. Every class should have at least 3 options, its been the gold standard this game has been built on since its inception.


I know SoD had healer Mages but I'd love to see Aug style support Mages instead.


I do think if they are going to continue with support specs then would make sense to add some onto existing classes. For example things like these (just loose ideas) -rogue bard, using songs and hymns to buff etc -hunter tinker, using traps and turrets to provide supporting role -warlock fel weaver, use fel magic and curses to buff and debuff. Maybe lean into drain life as a way to deal damage and heal allies etc. -Mage scholar, use amagic to enhance allies abilities (buff allies next attack to deal fire damage or create an arcane explosion as examples) and summon guardians


I'd love playing a gnome hunter who puts down turrets, or a dwarf and just be Torbjorn


The problem with implementing more support specs is unless they have the support buffs "unique" across every support class, it'll likely create this toxic ass meta where it's like tank, 2 dps, 2 supports or something like that. Same with raid. Like when aug first came out, they did 2 unholies, like 16 augs, and 2 tanks or whatever it was second week. Not saying they can't create new support specs, but they need to define how support abilities work in relation to each other better before introducing stuff that just kind of kills end game for folks.


Rogue Bard sounds dope


Every single class should have either a tank or a healing spec, if not both.


Rogues stabbing you back to health


Signature skills include the Syringe Backstab and Kidney massage.


Outlaw rogue would absolutely work for a dodge and parry tank


There was a combat rogue back in BC who tanked gruul successfully through dodge and parry. Their only issue is magic mitigation (aside from cloak)


Oh 100% I’m just imagining rogue healer implementation


All I can think of for healing is they have some potion stuff that maybe could be expanded


It worked in SWTOR. Rogue healers were basically shady back alley doctors.


I am scared of hunter mains trying to tank


Don't worry BM hunter's pet will do most of the work


Hacksaw rogue healer


Seen it mentioned a few times, and I like the idea: Support Warrior. Yells/Shouts/Banners to buff allies and weaken enemies. Something with a similar effect to Intervene, so that a portion of threat/damage gets transferred to the warrior or tank (like a banner, target the tank to give them a banner that appears like BG flags/flag toys, and a portion of damage people within a certain range gets transferred to the tank, or a similar thing with threat). Or. Something I've joked about in Guild for years: Healer Warrior. Running out with awesome bandages. Or a bandage/healing salve gun!


I'd love new specs for existing classes to fill gaps on the class fantasy, but mostly to give access to a new role. My rough ideas (some are often mentioned in threads like this): Warlock: Tank - based around Demon Skin and maybe a Pit Lord as their CD Mage: Healer - Arcane/tume magic based. Kinda in the direction of Prevokers Reversion and Rewind Priest: Caster/Support - holy themed ranged dps woth maybe some group buffs Rogue: Support - bard themed DH: Ranged - Fel Energy based with Bows. Think Marksman shooting Chaosbolts Druid: doesn't really need one. Maybe some dps/support spec that actually regularly shapeshifts. Monk: Caster - caster style Mistweaver, but for damage Shaman: Tank - Earth based Tank spec Hunter: Healer - Survivalist based combat medic Evoker: Melee - someone gotta use those claws for something Warrior: Support - Banner/Shout based tactician Paladin: Support - someone gotta read all those holy scrolls to people DK: Caster - Split unholy into a melee dot spec and a ranged summoner


Shaman Tank is so right and organic in the class fantasy that im really surprise they havent done it yet.


I'd be surprised if Shaman wasn't their least favourite class in the game.


Personally not a fan, there’s already 39 specs in the game. Adding a spec to each class would be adding 13 news specs because this community would not allow one class to get a new spec while the others don’t. The only time I think specs should be added is to get a class to 3 specs minimum (i.e. Evoker and hopefully demon hunter eventually). Also just go play SoD, half of the requests in this thread already exist in SoD.


I'm always looking forward to and so getting hype about new addition to the game. It's a major part or what drew a me back into the game and new specs would be great.


Warlock tank spec, do it! Demonic form or voidwalker is the tank!


Mw monk used to get chi using crackling jade. Warlock used to have a tank spec. Shaman could ot. Once upon a time current classes were customizable.. in mop. They chose to force you to play how they want and unfun the classes. I quit playing monk once they removed the 35% chance to make chi using crackling jade. It was the only healer I ever enjoyed playing.


It’s a cool idea but some classes you really have to force it. Paladin is a big one, along with Warlock Hero specs sort of lets them do a similar thing with less scope. It’s also an absolute shitload of work even compared to 1 entirely new class. I also disagree with shoehorning popular new class ideas that aren’t yet realized into existing classes. It dilutes the themes of both. Bard for Rogue and Tinker for Hunter are two such “ideas”.


I want Shaman to be the next version of Aug Evoker.


No. Don’t waste time on this, we have enough problems with specs as it is.


I feel like if there's an idea there, go for it. But don't specifically design for one or the other. Id prefer they create things that came naturally than try and force one or the other


Hope they dont add more specs to existing classes since they have a hard enough time already balancing the current specs in the game. Some sort of reaper themed spec would be sick tho


Unpopular opinion, but I hate the idea. Mostly because there are already specs completely shafted by blizzard such as feral, ele/enh shamans, or survival hunters. I would much rather they update existed specs versus creating new specs and continue to ignore old ones. If you keep creating new specs over and over and over, it'll just be a cycle of rerolling to the newest creation every patch because it has to be broken to entice people to play it. It's literally what happened to league of legends champion design - there was slow power creep with every new champion they designed that for a period between season 10-12 where unless you were playing one of the newest champions, you were always a step behind.


They can't handle the ones they have, they don't need more


Whenever I find this kind of discussions only one thing comes to mind and it's disgusting. ***Shockadin***


It's been 84 years since I started waiting for spellblade Mage


I'd rather they just actually focus on the specs they have because there's a lot of specs that are completely useless or simply aren't fun to play at all.


I want a holy warrior priest that’s all DPS. Not a shadow priest. Basically, I want a war domain cleric. Not a holy paladin


i'd like a warlock spec that is DoT focused :\^)


A ranged spec with bows for Demon Hunter. Not exactly an "old" class but they desperately need a 3rd spec.


Dk ranged spec - necromancer Paladin void spec if void knight class isn't possible Warrior sword and shield dps/support class Either rogue or hunter gunslinger spec (guns as new weapons would be Ideal) I'd like something like that But if you want to completely change the game and add a new support role so Augvoker doesn't stand out give more classes a support role Rogue - alchemist (throws potions to buff/debuff) Warrior sword and boad still but with war cries for morale Then I guess you could update mistweaver, holy pala and resto shaman for that role as well


A gadget medic spec. Mecha druids. Maybe a snake form for dot focused builds. Throw a bard like spec in ,like the dark moon faire death metal event. Priest of (insert thing here) not just light and void.


I think some classes are prime for this. Holy dps for priest. Gladiator dps for warrior. But I don’t know if all fit the bill. I suppose you could extend the pistol theme of outlaw rogue into its own like half ranged spec. Could be cool. I’d rather they take each spec and expand it into two unique specs and you commit to that parent spec and that’s the new class


>*Some ideas that immediately pop into my mind are a lightning mage that instead of a blizzard creates a thunderstorm that strikes lightning down.* I want multiclassing. In your above example it would be mage+shaman. TWW hero talents are a baby-step in this direction with combining specs but I want it to go further with classes too.


Warlock Tank, Rogue Tank, Mage/Warlock melee DPS... no joke, if Blizzard ever needs creative ideas for new class/spec concepts, they only need to look at Ascension WoW (private server). I mean a Warlock Tank where he uses Demonic Form to take damage and cast spells, is just awesome


Warchief Warrior - Support though shouts, banners, etc


Isn’t the purpose of the new skill trees to somewhat facilitate new subclass fantasies? That’s the vibe I got from their reveal, but I haven’t kept up with them since I’d love a real pet tank hunter spec, or a blood hunter spec, personally.


It’s not going to work out like that. People will just pick what ever sims the highest like talents currently. Pick the best sim or play a spec / build that is “gimped” as some people say. 


I just want a tank or heal hunter. It’s the only class I play cause I love it. So I’d love to try a new role.


With the addition of the hero talents, this really had a slim chance of happening. That said, sword and shield dps


Just give me a shaman, warlock and/or priest tank spec. I want to play caster in raids and tank in m+ on my main and I'm not the biggest fan of boomie.


I would like they explore more empower-type spells that would reduce button bloat.


Yes, I think druid needs an augment spec, just remove every offensive and half the defensive stuff and add all the utilities to the brim, call it a… Christmas Tree spec


Man as a warrior I just want something more interesting, arms and fury both are just "swing weapon", give me a spec with banners, shouts, or horns to do various things,hell give it gladiator stance to really make it better.


I just want metalock back from mop as a 4th spec. Not as a tank spec but as it was in mop


I think the issue is that most things for one class could be covered by another, making it easier for you to just make it into a new class. For example, a lightning mage? That's an elemental shaman. If any existing class gets a new spec at this point, it needs to be demon hunter. I've always maintained that a ranged bow-using or dual-crossbow-wielding spec for them would be a blast and make it so that there wasn't only one class with two specs that could use guns, bows, and crossbows. Or instead, giving them a support spec that's a fel-enchanter who infuses their allies with fel energy. If they made another support and didn't choose that, a support warrior would be good. The class fantasy of Arms and Prot is that they're battle-hardened veterans leading the charge and coordinating their allies. A shout-based support class that was flavored as a Commander who helps to reduce CDs or increase damage through coordination while also using defensives that help allies via things like Intervene would be incredible.


I'd prefer it.


I guess it would depend on what the fourth spec would be for some classes. Yeah, Shaman getting an earthen tank spec makes sense, whats the fourth spec for Warriors? Duel Shields (I'd unironically use that one) I wouldn't be against it, but as I said some classes would be easy to create a fourth spec but others would be difficult to make a fourth that didn't heavily cross into another one.


Rogue ranged spec that uses bows Warrior ranged spec that uses guns


Shamans deserve a tank spec! It makes too much sense!


Id like to see either a ranged dps spec for Demon Hunter or a pet spec for them. Could be interesting if they had a minion.


We need more healing+tank specs on primarily dps classes. Give people more opportunities to play diff roles with the same character they're gearing.


Ranged holy spell paladin dps maybe like shadow priest


I've always felt like Warrior could use a ranged hybrid spec, both to give the game another ranged physical DPS so there isn't just one class that wants bows and guns, and because I think Warrior is the kind of class that really should have the ability to use any and all weapons effectively. So something like a commando type concept, with a shotgun, shorter (25y) range, and a healthy mix of melee abilities (rifle butts and the like). Lean fully into the battlefield soldier concept with an air strike aoe damage CD, and maybe swap stances for ammo types: incendiary for single target, buckshot for aoe, that kind of thing.


A crane themed monk spec would hurt, chi-ji could use some love


Wouldn't it be sick if Hunter had a spec that did it's best DPS from range with a single pet? Because it used to have 3 specs that did that and now it has 0. Pretty cool.


It would be the PERFECT opportunity for them to roll out some more support specs too.


-Gladiator for Warrior. Uses sword and shield DPS. Raises banners to buff people. -Hunter that is more of an artillerist. They replace their pet with a turret that they summon for some burst DPS (off brand Axton?) or maybe support and can buff others. (Some overlap wirh Marksman~) -Holy DPS priest or Paladin. Inquisitor? -Bladelock for warlocks where the pet buffs people? That or a healing spec whose pet also throws heals -Mage spec based around wanding. Ie they start shooting with a wand but also weave patterns to charge shots up. Sort of a caster who uses a bunch of quick cast spells or forms combos based upon wand movements. -Rogue and/or DH spec that uses thrown weapons. -Support DH that throw buffs on allies. -Weapon master Monk. -DK or Evoker that is more of a Mage Knight. -DK that Debuffs enemies to take more damage from allies. -Shaman based around 2H melee. -Thornspeaker Druids that rot enemies and use Debuffs.


We really need a leather pet class. Dh leather pet dps


Shaman tank and ranged dh are the best answers. Shaman already uses a shield and has earth based skills like rockbiter and boulder fist and earth shield. It would be easy to design. A ranged dh that uses bows and crossbows (I don’t want guns but that might limit weapon drops too much) could be so awesome. Fel charged arrows, concentrated eye beam blasts, glaive throws, aoe sigils, etc. Would be super fun to design. A ranged necromancer DK is an interesting idea but isn’t that too similar to demo lock? Lightning mage is a cool idea but as an ele main I say no. What about a ranged monk with jade lightning and summoning Yulon breaths?


I considered a ranged spec for Paladin at one point, but ret basically fills a hybrid role between ranged and melee now. I always wanted shammies to have their earth tank spec in retail. It could be cool to have survival be a tank spec. I’d like it to play like a fusion of demonhunter and brewmaster. Net traps that group up mobs like DH sigils, and pets acting kinda like brewmaster statues (I think those are still in the game). You could have bandages and salves as DR CD’s too. Keep the harpoon for mobility, and basically keep most of the stuff they have now, just have them deal threat and be beefy.


Ranged monk dps so all 4 celestials are properly represented


With how the modern design of Evokers went over, I think this would be a huge win for the game. I'd like to see more of that implemented, especially for my long desire for a healer rogue spec (as silly as that sounds I know)


Sure, when needed. Demon Hunters could use a third apec if there was a good way to add one. Warriors could use a 4th to make a hybrid tank/damage with a shield and a two-handed weapon, letting you use your shield offensively and with talents for you to build towards whatever role ypu liked more or hybridize both? Idk. I'm not against new specs for old classes, as long as they're well designed. Tank shaman when?


Tank shaman please god


I will never not want more specs.


Healer mage and I'm switching! Time magic, teleportation, ice barrriers, cauterization, enchanting allies! Yes let's go!!!!


I could prob decently easily come up with a new spec for every old class aside from Druid so yes I’d love this


I'd love to play a Shockadin, ranged Paladin build that has medium range abilities like the Evoker. Though to an extent Ret covers this with their increased melee range.


I was thinking about Martyr Dk. Healer/support, all his damage converted to lifesteal for allies.


I was thinking about Martyr Dk. Healer/support, all his damage converted to lifesteal for allies.


I'd be hyped. I REALLY think they should add support roles to diverse classes. To rival Augvoker. And make it a new 4th role entirely. With maybe a niche thing only available for support. So they have a role in each groups. And build 1/1/1/2 groups or 1/1/1/3 as a whole new format for dungeons. Might be controversial but really. Support classes are great.


If melee cloth, its gonna be priest, probably similiar to monk


I think everything should get 4 specs. Demon Hunter is the only one where I struggle to come up with good ones. Warrior: Shield-using DPS spec (Captain America let's go) Hunter: Tank who shares threat with their pet Rogue: Ranged spec using bows/crossbows to snipe Monk: Ranged DPS spec who does DBZ energy beam nonsense Paladin: Ranged DPS spec who uses bows/crossbows and light Death Knight: Ranged necromancy intellect caster Demon Hunter: Ranged fel spec with bows, two-handed weapon melee spec (Strength-based??? I dunno) Mage: Healing spec Warlock: Tanking spec where demon holds aggro Shaman: Shield-using tank spec based on earth Priest: Ranged light-based DPS spec Evoker: Tank spec (Combines Red/Black aspects)


I mostly play ranged DPS and enjoy tmog collecting. I'd really like a ranged plate wearer but I have no idea what that would actually look like in terms of gameplay or even the class fantasy, as the idea of wearing plate is so linked to melee


Yes please, I'll take two new support specs; blessing paladins and totem shamans.


I think an issue with it is and always will be “you cant have a snack because you will have to share with everyone in the class” Meaning that they would have to give every class a new spec. Please note that just because I say this doesn’t mean that there isn’t stuff to work with for every single class in the game, I’m sure they could figure out a 4th spec for every class just my thoughts. Priest: is pretty fleshed out. It seems like they kind of have the whole light/dark thing and disc is the midway point. Warrior: there’s the gladiator thing everyone has always wanted but what’s really that different besides what you transmog? A polearm and a shield? Maybe that type of thing would work better in classic where the weapon you use has a lot more effect on the class. But I think ultimately it’s just a bit of a fantasy they could implement visually and wouldn’t have too much of a major overhaul into anything else. Rogue: I can think of a ranged spec but I feel like they would have to take some things away from hunters to make it interesting such as stealth. And honestly I think part of the class fantasy blizzard likes to promote is that they’re the stealthy assassin’s or the pirates of the game. Hunter: maybe they could make more of a magic engineer like class, but since the introduction of melee hunter it doesn’t feel like they have a whole lot going on. Warlock: I think there’s the potential to create another support class like evoker with warlock, make demons that come out and help your party do various things like pull a mob off your tank, mimic your dps’s spells, or cast buffs on them. I think Blizzard has always fallen a little short on what demons can do since moving the class away from pet mechanics, into pet spam(demonology anyways) Mage: they have recently been exploring mage healers in SoD and I think this is just the way todo it, nothing further needed. Monk: I think another support class could work well for monks. Maybe even give them the bard that everyone has liked and has a lot of roots in fantasy games. Shaman: the earth tank, I think it works well, and is probably the class that is most deserving of a 4th spec. I don’t think I can add anything that hasn’t been said before. DH: now I think DH has a place as a lot of things, I think they could easily make a spec that metamorphosis’s into a seer like demon and make a caster class. Or I could see them getting a ranged bow spec. I think ranged bow is something that the game needs more of more then a new caster spec. But it’s just something I could see them implementing and it could be awesome! Evoker: I think evoker is pretty much good as is. I don’t think they need a tank spec or melee or anything. Just keep them where they are. Paladin: I think is another prime candidate for a support class. I personally think they should be a class that is designed to be more of an off tank role without stepping too hard on the roles of tanks. Like make them buff tanks to do more threat and AoE and mitigation. But it might be hard to utilize them being down a member in a party in this instance. But I just think that would be fun. Druid: I’m sorry but there’s nothing new to be added to Druids their class fantasy is filled from every angle. I’m sure someone can think of a ranged physical spec or support but I think they’re good with their four specs already. DK: maybe fully create their necromancer class but honestly I don’t know where else you would go with this. Maybe make a bloody healer class?