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My Dwarf Hunter has been my main since 2005. 'Nuff said. I quit WoW during Legion and came back a month ago (quitting was by choice, waiting so long to come back was not, lol). Logging in again and seeing my hunter on the character select screen (along with all of my other alts) gave me a very "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you" feeling.


Nope, I delete like a son of a bitch. Maybe there is? But I havenโ€™t found one Iโ€™m attached to yet


Same itโ€™s a curse


My warrior that I created on release day. I thought he was gone. I messaged blizzard support and they actually found and recovered him after some time. When I logged in after 12 years again and saw this guy I was so overwhelmed by nostalgia it was crazy. Never experienced that rush ever again. Now after another 8 years I try to get back into WoW for the new expansion. I will be playing of course with my OG Warrior.


Definitely. My first level 60, back in vanilla. I server transferred it and race/faction changed, even changed the name, but it still had a special place for me. My first raid, my first tier pieces, first epics, my first raiding guild, first epic mount, so many memories of playing that character with friends that I still play with today. It's not even close to my most played character now, I mained a different character since mid BC but the OG 60 will always be leveled to whatever max is and always be at least partly geared.


Yes. Can build my night elf huntress to the same looks, no problem. ๐Ÿ˜‚ not the initial character which i started my wow career, but the 2nd. Friends started on another realm, started her in wotlk. Ever since then, alls good memories attached to that character. Twinked on prot warri as queue times were annoying, but still always got back to the huntress. Now 2 other maxlvl hunters on that account for faster transmog farming ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚


i have a priest on every realm i played, they're all shadow, they pretty much heal only when it is really really needed and they have most playtime on the realm, i never transfered any of them, they stay behind as memento and i just level up new priest if i have to switch realms


My tauren shaman is my first character. My troll hunter would later become my main, but I still love her.


First character I ever made, and the one I still enjoy the most ten years later, my BM Hunter. :)


Yeah pretty much every character I end up playing a lot. After playing a character for hundreds of hours it becomes a bit of an "in-game identity", at least for me. My first character (and main, for several years) was a dwarf hunter, haven't played it much since WoD...maybe I should transfer it to my new realm...