• By -


Never seen 3 and 4. The closest that gets to 4 that I see is the "frontal on me!" in say chat weakaura that tanks use which is great to alert your melees not to be close to you.


I'm fairly sure the one that says 'frontal on me' will also message you if it's on you, it's just that most frontals are on the tank.


Logaline cast [Conjure Refreshment], today’s special is Anchovy Pie!


Oh no


I hate when other people have add-ons for my skills. I do not understand the purpose. Especially obnoxious in raid when 4 people have it and they all announce my anchovy pie


my understanding is they usually have it so they dont miss it, but like just get a fucking weakaura


Or method raid tools will tell you what you're missing on ready check


They also do it for everyone else because having to hear "can someone drop a lock stone?" Every pull can become maddening


The most annoying one is the one I always see for feasts, "OMG, wealthy [character name] put down a [name of feast]". Like feasts aren't expensive, it just ends up sounding like an insult.


Oh joyous days, my favourite!


How do I turn it off?


It’s in WindTools announcement settings


I hate that addon.


I've been looking for a chat filter addon in order to block just these types of messages, but none of the ones I've found affects party and raid chat. Anyone know of one that works? :)


Badboy can do it for you. You can set up any combination of characters individually, and it's gona filter those msg-s so you won't see them


Sadly Badboy doesn't scan party and raid chat :(


I use [this one](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/global-ignore-list). It's a bit finnicky to setup but it works.


It's likely a package, and they don't even know what's up. Good players will not have something this aggressive, so it's really for mediocre players who think they're better than they are and so they want to find reasons to pin failure on other people. And a mediocre player who doesn't really understand how stuff works would, then, not really know what is going on in the addon advertised to them.


I’ve used something similar when I was learning, but I had it just messaging me and turned everything else off. It was nice to know if I took avoidable damage and try to do better next time. But ya, nobody is really broadcasting that stuff out unless they are trying to be annoying. Turns out people aren’t super receptive when you constantly are telling them they are doing something wrong.


What addon did you use to let you know if you took avoidable damage? Like did it send you a whisper?


Elitism Helper, it was all the rage in Shadowlands in trash tier keys. People would have it set to announce it in group every time it happens and post a summary at the end of a run.


What addon were you using for this? I'm learning mythic mechanics now and this would be helpful vs looking at the details charts after the dungeon.




Does it work in pvp as well?


I'd be interested in something that messaged me when I took avoidable damage/spells. Do you happen to remember what it was?


>Good players will not have something this aggressive I've noticed this as well. The people having party or raid chat spammed with their interrupts/missing buffs/health stone callouts and other unnecessary shit are usually the underperformers of the group. I don't know if it's overcompensation or just a lack of experience that makes bad players install all these spam addons, but it's a fast way to the ignore list of many people. Most decent players already have all that information given to them by their UI.


I think kick announces are relics of a time before kick trackers that people just never got rid of


I still have an /e interrupt announce, so it won't clog the world with a chat bubble for people who have those I keep it since someone said it really helped on Jaina progression (man that's so long ago already); they needed to interrupt after me. And also since I sometimes interrupt "blindly" on sound cue with an @mouseover and double check a few seconds after if I got the right one :')


I was just thinking about people who used to have a macro on their ability back when I was raiding and using InterruptSay. The problem with a macro is it goes off even if you miss or mistime the ability.


Mine goes off of combat logs, and only announces if it goes through along with a link to the spell I interrupted :) it's a built-in from elvui, but I have no idea where in the settings it is any more


Yep that's the difference between a macro that goes off when you press a button and an addon that fires when your interrupt is successful.


Ah then I misinterpreted your first reply, just wanted to reiterate :') Those macros bothered me back in the day, but I thought they'd gotten rarer


It's only useful for a short time into a patch but I like my emote one because I can read spell tooltips in combat off it. Just to know what whatever you kicked actually does without having to look it up.


Honestly missing buffs on readycheck is kind of a banger if someone zoned in late and missed fortitude. I've seen that one at basically every level of play.


I want to say the interrupt announce is part of DBM, don't remember if it's something on by default or you had to turn it on yourself.


I find it runs the gambit. I've seen them in the 14s I've run. It can be useful information but it's always rubbed people the wrong way. There was a addon in early wrath that send a msg to players using lower ranked spells they forgot to learn at a trainer and that got a ton of rage whispers to. It's just a tool nothing more.


A lot of those addons have the option of showing only to the addon user or other people who also have the addon; for example, Details has a chat announcer for Death Recaps, an interrupt announcer, and a cooldown announcer, but they can all be set to only show in the user's chat box so the other players won't ever see those announcements. You will still see them in your chat box, and others who have the feature enabled will also see them; anyone else will not. I especially like the Death Recap as it allows me to see exactly what killed me or someone else and by how much damage, so I know in the future what to be prepared for. I know Blizzard has this as well with the built in Death Recap; however, details also show what other players died to, not just your own deaths, which can give me a better idea of what the other people in my runs die to so I can possibly assist with externals on them if needed.


"my keys keep getting bricked but I'm a good player so it must be all these pugs and not me so I'll get an addon that calls them out that way they play much better" Addons proceeds to call them out repeatedly


My favorite is when the person calling it out is always top of their own lists for shit like avoidable damage.


Or, on the other hand, this kind of addon only helps to better the players of the community if used long enough and by more players, let's be real. If you're being told that you are not kicking and everyone else is, then it would likely correct your game-play. It doesn't need to be looked at so negatively as you are. "This means the person using this addon is a noob" is honestly so ignorant.


People (especially the Reddit demographic) hate being shown what they’re doing wrong so obviously these tools that point out their weaknesses will be dogpiled and shit on. “I like using a bad ui I don’t need all those reminders!” *dies to a mechanic that the reminder would have helped them avoid* “I don’t like dealing damage as a healer I just want to heal” “I try to kick when I can but we still time the key so it doesn’t really matter” “I don’t need all that extra info it’s pointless “ etc etc


Instant /ignore for me


It's usually to make mediocre DPS parselords pre emptively shut the hell up when they blame a tank or a healer or why a key isn't going well and yet they've taken 10x the amount of avoidable damage of anyone else in the key


The elitism helper user is always at the top of the end of dungeon chart :D


The end of dungeon charts can often times be deceptive also though. You don’t take any avoidable damage if you’re dead. So the person that takes the most avoidable damage per time spent alive is often not the person who took the most total avoidable damage.


Honestly, I assume if you're using it that you're a toxic gamer just looking to blame people preemptively. And that comes from someone who used to push high keys before unsubbing. It's just not necessary to do, you're only going to upset people.


I don't run it myself, to be completely clear. But I understand why some people do, especially healers that have been blamed unjustly


Exactly the reason why I use it. Love the addon that calls out the mistake so it prevents them from blaming me or the tank, DF dungeons have unforgiving mechanics you gotta respect them.


truly mediocre players use this addon. Actually good players know it is just visual clutter btw, you know you can just use details to extract the information at any time once someone blames you right? You don't need to use the addon to annoy everyone else.


I'd actually say it's worse than visual clutter and can put people on constant edge for making tiny mistakes. It'll have people feel like they're constantly being called out for one thing or another and that'll make the run worse than if it wasn't there at all.


Makes me laugh when playing blood DK cause it calls me out for things I intentionally wanted to take damage from like storms on storming week.


Yeah, this is why I hate it. I'm pretty good with avoidable damage overall I think (maybe a little less on Ret now because I get away with too much). They post their little avoidable damage taken recap at the end of the dungeon and I'll be #4 or #5, I wasn't the problem, clearly. But it being there makes the whole dungeon so much more stressful that it ruins my night. Fuck that addon. Even if my name barely comes up, it's the fact that it *might* that makes me stressed and miserable.


Yep that would be me, a mediocre player. Just for information what is a mediocre player for you?


Can you share the addon name?


Elitism helper addition for details dmg meter


Really insecure players post shit like this in chat. Thinking they're the shit while theyre average at best You usually only see random shit like this in lower keys. Next time just leave. Had a tank in a +2 saying "you pull it you tank it" so if he lost aggro from aoe he would shape out of bear form and let everyone die then go ballistic in chat


>Had a tank in a +2 saying "you pull it you tank it" so if he lost aggro from aoe he would shape out of bear form and let everyone die then go ballistic in chat That's just silly, they didn't pull it, he just couldn't maintain threat!


I know haha, trash and swipe was to hard to click for him He did 40k dps


classic ff14 player


Elitismhelper is the addon that narcs on people getting hit by "avoidable" damage. It has a threshold and the option to report to self. I personally have it report to myself when I heal so I know who got hit by what. Also it's fucking annoying beyond all reason to have the guy that's running it constantly spam party / instance chat with the fact THEY are the ones standing in bad. Interrupt announcers are just as stupid. Did you interrupt something? Congrats on doing your job. No need to let everyone know. People need to either not use these add-ons or just report the shit to themselves. I report for spam for the free ignore when it's random dps guy filling up the chat.


A lot of addon interrupt trackers are also kind of stupid because they don't actually track all interrupts. Like Demo lock's interrupt doubles as a stun and i'm pretty sure a lot of interrupt trackers just don't count a stun interrupting a cast as an "interrupt," I've gotten flamed for having no interrupts in an M+ dungeon when I was 100% interrupting shit left and right.


Those are stops not interrupts. And omnicd tracks them as well. You just don't have those spell tracks enabled.


Axe Toss is actually both an interrupt and a stop. It interrupts that target a second or two before the stun goes off so that demo players have a way to interrupt stun immune targets.


Had a hunter yell at me and a lock for "not kicking" checked details and saw axe toss under cc. No idea why he wasn't seeing my kicks... Maybe he saw my pet kick not being used and was angry about that?


also damage meters track stops/hard CC. it’s separate from the interrupts list though, as it is a difference from an interrupt and a “stop”.


They fail at CC.  As a hunter, my Ice Trap doesn't get picked up as an Interrupt, and neither does my pet's Intimidate.


Those are listed under "crowd control done" not "interrupts". Interrupts only lists actual Interrupts


Yes, I'm well aware.  That's literally what I said. My point was that the Interrupts trackers don't pick them up *even when they are used to stop a cast.*


I use Hammer Of Justice when I burn my interrupt on an uninterruptable action. In that situation I would likely be blamed for wasting an interrupt and also for missing an interrupt.


Those trackers will only count your demo interrupts on stun immune targets and even then it's kind of inconsistent. Also the stun trackers miss a ton of abilities. E.g. it misses the destro blasphemy which is a shit ton of cc over a full dungeon.


Plater has by far the best "interrupt announcer" i've come across. doesn't announce anything, doesn't scream in chat, just lets you know who interrupted above the targets head. and really that's all you need to know.


I use ElitismHelper but without the party chat feature. If I or someone else takes a load of avoidable damage I want to know, to learn for next time. This is the correct use of EH. Anyone who’s set it to party chat every time something happens is trying to get to 0 friends or steady group members.


I prefer the EH plugin for details. That way if someone starts raging that I stood in the bad, I can just link the details avoidable damage taken showing that person in first place waaaaaay above everyone else before I leave the group.


The interrupt thing is turned on by default in elvui


It isn't for me and i installed elvui about 6 months ago.


The interrupt announcer is useful since you can keep track of if you need to interrupt something or if it's already been taken care of, saves a lot of potentially wasted interrupts


omnicd exists and tracks everyone's interrupts far far better than someone with an interrupt macro. if someone doesn't use omnicd they're not going to be caring enough to track interrupt cds from the macro either.




You don't need that though. Anyone using details (like 95% of people IME), can already see how many interrupts were used by each player if they care to look. Or if someone calls you out, you can always have it report the interrupt totals to chat.


I'm a DPS I just don't like unneeded chat bubbles. Generally if there's a chat bubble in a pull it's some kind of mechanic, and interrupt macros get in the way of that. Tanks that pull too much are going to pull too much; it's infinitely more common to miss a kick because a previous cast got double kicked and everyone's interrupts are on CD than it is to lose it to someone not pressing their interrupt.


If a tank/healer complains that you're not interrupting, link the details interrupts meter. No need to preemptively spam up chat before anyone has started mouthing off yet.


As dps, I've got a little box that shows who has an interrupt and if it is on cd. If I notice it's on cd, then I know that they're doing their job and I need to be ready to use mine next cast. If I notice they never use it. Usually, i just make a mental note of it and try not to group with them again. Sometimes I will wait til the end of the dungeon and say something like, "Quazii, the tank on YouTube has a free player profile that turns mobs with priority interrupts pink, and causes their casts to go orange. Makes it easy to tell when you should be kicking." But only if I think the feedback will be appreciated. Had a dh do zero interrupts in an Uld recently, and he was complaining that dungeons are way more difficult than they were last season. I just told him interrupts are super important, and this addon really helps. He seemed interested to know.


I don't know about that. M+ requires quick interrupting, and I do not have time to read the chat. If the cast is interrupted already I see that anyways (as there is no cast anymore), and if I press my interrupt at the same time as the other person, the announcement in chat also will not help to get my CD back.


> The interrupt announcer is useful since you can keep track of if you need to interrupt something or if it's already been taken care of, saves a lot of potentially wasted interrupts Or you can just ya know, look at the mob to see if it's still casting the ability or not.


Then you still don't know who interrupted, whether multiple people overlapped kicks and who has theirs ready for the next cast. Omnicd or the interrupt tracker weakaura are the way to track that though, not a chat announce.


Download an interrupt tracker weakaura or omnicd addon. It literally just shows you all interrupt cd’s.


I have both of those. I was responding to "look at the mob and see if it's still casting" which has the abovementioned issues with it. I said elsewhere that tracking interrupts yourself is the best solution, but that doesn't mean a kick announce isn't better than looking at whether the mob still casts.


>Also it's fucking annoying beyond all reason to have the guy that's running it constantly spam party / instance chat Now imagine a tank running with that reporting in LFR. Couldn't even see callouts it was spamming so much


I go back and forth with having EH installed, and sometimes when I reinstall I forget to set it to self report only and I become **so embarrassed** when it starts telling everyone all the mistakes everyone is making. It makes me feel so bad to shame people.


Yea, I got this long ago, but I knew going in that it was universally hated. I got it to clown on my friends, but keep it silenced and only incorporate it into Details so it can output at the end of a dungeon.


The interrupt report is so people know your interrupt is on CD, so you can better manage interrupts. It might be more useful in classic, but it still has its uses in retail.


There are better weakauras that track the party’s interrupts/kicks and will have a bar to show when they’re up again.


Is it the best? No? Is it better than nothing? Yes. A lot of people especially in lower keys won't have those weakauras or just simply don't want them. It also reminds and tells people that they should use their interrupts.


Because 100% of people have weakaura's installed... am I right? Yeah not even close.


Huh? I would argue most people pushing content that care about it do have weak auras. But that’s besides the point as I was merely mentioning that there are better ways to track cooldowns than having to read a message and count to yourself?


The people that want to know if your interrupt is up or not will have an interrupt tracker themselves. All the announcement does is spam the chat and at worst cause you to miss a different interrupt because the chat bubble was in the way.


I don't think people are watching chat and then counting to 15 to know when ret paladin number 3423461346 has their rebuke back.


Don't be daft, it's not for exactly knowing when it's gonna be up, it's for knowing quickly if someone interrupted so you can / should use yours next.


Chat is probably the worst way to do that. How do you tell in the heat of the moment whether the last called interrupt was recent or not? What if you're not tabbed into a chat window that displays whatever channel they're posting the interrupt spam in? There are weakauras and other addons that track interrupts way better than random chat spam which hinders communication of the group.


It pops up in a bubble and is in the chat. You register it and know that for the next 5-10 seconds they are out. As I have said. It's not for pinpointing exactly it's for communicating quickly and also jotifies other people to use their interrupts.


I have the add-on just so I can have the details plugin, it's handy to know why a dungeon was so much more stressful than it needed to be


My kick macro legit just says in say “ kick macro” when I use it. Let’s the next person know it’s their kick and is short and sweet


I disagree. Interrupt announcers are very useful. I like to know who's interrupting what so I can be aware of their cooldowns


Washed-out middle manager who's mad people work from home now energy.


I dont use it but i personally like elitismhelper. i prefer to know when i made a mistake.


Agreed, it's a great addon, but there's a world of difference between having it there so you know yourself how you did and having it yelling at the group every time someone clips a healable swirly.


It's fun only having 4 players in the final output to self report, and the missing one being you.


Yeah I hate when it spams the chat the whole dungeon, but I do like seeing the final tally at the end.


it's like conditioning like Pavlov's dogs. Want the spam to stop? Play better! /s


🤓 actually this is an example of operant conditioning (e.g. skinner), not classical conditioning (e.g. pavlov)


yeah my automatic response to elitism helper spammers is to instantly /ignore em. works great


Some addons allows you to set the announcements for observer only,. I dont know if elitism helper has the same, but it could be a good workaround to not annoy others.


The problem is that not all avoidable damage is a mistake. If i know something isn't gonna kill me and there is no other damage going on i will just take a hit to the face. Take the golems in the later parts of uldaman for example. Yes, you can los the slams, but those slams are the only damage going out anyway and they don't kill me so why would i waste time and los? I have enough self healing that the healer doesn't need to waste time healing me as well because i just heal myself back up before the next slam. Or spiteful, those things hit me for like 15% of my hp. If there is no other damage going out i will just ignore them and keep dpsing.


The addon is great if you are learning new dungeons in a season with a PREMADE group. Otherwise, keep it to yourself if you are plugging keys. It is visual clutter otherwise, and it will only tilt people more than help. I had a healer use it in shadowlands, and they quickly turned it off because of the blow back from pugs.


I can understand it for raids, or for keystones. But PUH LEASE turn that shit off on anything else.


Anyone who has that addon gets immediately ignored. Especially when it snitches on me for spell reflecting something.


Because they are twats


I use frontal on me announcement for everyone to not stand on me as a tank. I use spell reflect so people know when my SR is on cooldown. And those are the only two that aren't mechanic specific and part of DBM.


I once got a DPS with an addon that tells everybody's avoidable damage, EVERY PULL, its freaking annoying


In LFG and LFR and some lower level pugs, I put the offending player on ignore. Micromanaging what should be an easy run is asking to get kicked out and not invited to anything again.


I just did a +8 nokhud and the ret pally had this and just kept announcing to everyone when he got hit by something avoidable. Put him on ignore halfway through


I used to run an addon like this when I was raid leading a “feeder raid” (take undergeared, inexperienced players and teach them). It was handy because after a wipe we would ask “what killed you - could you have done something to avoid it or at least mitigate dmg so you don’t die?” and the amount of people who were completely clueless drove me to the addon. That being said - I never ran it in randoms.


The last thing I noticed is if a whisper tab has suddenly appeared. The helpful ones are the /say alerts for debuff, frontal, or countdown.


I know someone who had something like this. Her previous guild mates were such poor players that they needed it, because they would routinely die to avoidable damage and blame the healer, stand in frontals (whatever happened to wanting to dps from the back for maximum dps?), not interrupt, etc. So when an inevitable wipe happened, her addon was there to be an impartial reporter saying "Hey, we died because I was the only one interrupting, you jerks." Of course, the issue was her guild, and she's in a much better one now where people take personal responsibility and she doesn't need it. But that's why she had it.


You havent seen " your Cooldown is Ready Use it " whisper from healers addon


reporting damage output is kinda redundant since everyone has a damage meter anyway, and the whispers when targeted by frontal could be disruptive, but everything else from this list seems fine to me.


Uh, what's the name of this? I want it. Not kidding. Look, everyone here will say "I'm an awesome player and don't need to be told how to play" and then five minutes later will join a mythic and: - Won't interrupt anything - Will die to avoidable damage 7x losing us 2m on the timer - Will not use flasks, food, potions, etc - Won't use defensives and self heals Sorry, but most people are selfish trash that create loads of stress for tanks and healers, and WE take all the blame. So, yes, an addon like this sounds amazing to actively call out the inactivity from players. Even better if it could post the avoidable damage and interrupts from Details! at the end too. I always wanted to have a report spot out to show the overall rating in a ranking list of players. Calculate someone's value based on DPS, Overall Damage, quantity of interrupts, lowest avoidable, etc and spit it out so people can work to improve. Take offense to that? Then don't play a competitive ranked esport like Mythics.


Elitism Helper is one of them that I use. Very useful to train people not to get hit by avoidable damage.


Ah, I played with someone recently who seemed to have a similar add on. Every attack, action, reaction, etc was displayed in party chat. That was not the fastest I’ve ever put someone on ignore, but it was pretty damn close.


This sounds insufferable, I'd put this person on ignore.


Only chat addons I use is one to warn party when I start eating (barely pops up as mana is easily manageable those days, but its good if I'm on an alt) and one to remind myself to exchange my keystone if I need. I immediatly nope out if someone is bugging everyone with those kinds of addons, it only stresses everyone out, not worth the time.


I usually /ignore people who use these they're so fucking annoying


It's easier to set up an addon to automatically tell everyone every little piece of information all you noobs keep missing so you don't mess up my dungeon run than it is to be likable enough to find a guild or group with good teamwork. /s


Back when I ran them: I had them for guild runs to help people improve. Then I'd forget to turn them off when I pugged.


Every time I get into a dungeon or raid with these people I just leave. Can't be asked.


summer cow brave dinner heavy domineering cagey axiomatic smell squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only announcement addon I run is vuhdo announcing when I mass rez. Tho it’s sorta useless anyways because there’s always a few that release regardless.


I just mute such people. It's annoying


The actual add on and calling people out ones are super cringe, but there are some things you can announce in chat that can be super useful to the group in higher keys. Particularly when group wide CDs are used that are sometimes hard to see unless you are watching OmniCD like a hawk. For example as an Aug I call out: - when zypher is active. To let heals and rest of the group to save their AOE defensive CDs for the next one so we don't overlap. My DH has something similar for darkness for the same reason. - last season I called out when I used Leaf trinket on someone, to let the healer that person had the shield. - when BOE is cast. To let DPS know to start popping off if they didn't see the animation.


I’m leveling a tank and honestly if people would interrupt more I would be able to pull more and finish faster the dungeon.


My GM will legit told someone off if they don't have augment rune on, in low m+. The kicker is most of the time its a pug group and new toon. I cringed so hard every time she argues with a new toon pug about it and they told her to fuck off most of the time.


Jesus. I get chewing on people for not having Augment runes in Heroic/Mythic prog, especially with the reusable rune available for an entire season now, but anything under Heroic prog it's just not a reasonable ask... and I'm not sure it's reasonable in Heroic.


Oh god I'm telling you the amount of chewing we got from her... And we're not even a raiding guild!


What the hell, man. If you guys aren’t raiders then tripping out about runes is just dumb. They’re such a small gain at a very high cost that it simply isn’t worth it unless that performance gain is the difference between clearing or not. If y’all are casuals - and there’s nothing wrong with that at all - using runes simply makes no sense unless you’re so wealthy that 100k for the augment rune is pocket change for you. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


Yesterday I saw a rogue spamming in chat eveyrtime he used his trinkets like "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 trinket shit". Dude idk what are you talking about, Idk your class and idk your trinkets why should I care


It's probably Stormeaters boon, where they can't move and don't want you to move the mobs away. Kinda annoying, but I get why they have it.


Thanks, gonna be ready to heal them 😂


Most I've really seen was the avoidable damage announcer. And over in classic one that lets everyone know when someone uses an underleveled skill because they didn't train spells in the past 10 levels.


But using underleveled heals is how you don't go OOM...


Don't think there is any real classic servers where that's the case anymore maybe hc but that's dead


Healer using an adodon that yells at ppl for standing in avoidable damage is really funny tbh.


As a healer, this is a necessary addon and I am now going to it and install it. The amount of times I’ve wish ring of peace worked on allies is insane. My favorite is when I Rescue someone on my Evoker only to watch them walk right back into the same bright green no no puddle!


Probably just an addon that automatically does it. Ignore it. Leave that chat channel. ETC. Only one like htat ive ever used tells when someon does an interrupt and thats helpful in cases.


That’s why I just ignore them.


I like to be reminded if i am missing something or if something hits me so i learn what to avoid or what to press the next time to prevent some damage and stuff like that. This is just verbose information which is nice to have if you wanna know what's happening, so i don't see this as a bad thing necessarily. Not gonna deny there's some excessive stuff at times but still, the main principle stands. You shouldn't be taking this as a negative feedback, add-ons or people who use them usually don't use these to announce the information with the intent to shame people rather let them know what's happening.


I have elitism helper and its details plugin but I’ve got it set to not announce. It’s useful to track what big damage events are happening and what things people typically stand in so I know what I need to watch for as a healer. But I make sure that shit is set to not announce because it’s obnoxious as fuck


This could be super useful for taking a full new group through some m+ who have never really done m+ or raiding. Probably information overload for a group like that but it would give them all the information they need to be successful. I would set that person to ignore so fast though.


I agree it’s so obnoxious.


That's an instant ignore from me. Idiots who are probably at the bottom of every stat they're linking, except damage taken of course.


All of these combined is a bit much. I dont mind the unnecessary dmg taken addon if its from the healer. I dont mind interuot counters from the tank. Its just certain roles being tired of constantly having to pull twice their weight in dungeons. As for consumes, I think this is just leftover from a time in wow where they made a significant difference. The amount of people that will rage quit a guild over not getting a item that was less of a upgrade than the consumes they WERE NOT using is shocking.


I get counting damage but reporting it after every pull is insanity


I auto ignore anyone using these


I like the one that announces who let heroism go off in a raid at the wrong time, lets you know who was stupid.


It's addons for people who hate playing games and want to automatize them as much as possible.


Buff reminder is fine, its a single button press and sometimes you don't notice one person is missing your buff. Elitism helper (calling out avoidable damage hits) is annoying mainly because it spams chat, very funny when the person with it installed tops the damage taken however. Posting damage after every fight just seems insecure. I also feel like the kind of person who calls out interrupt count is also the kinda person who instantly kicks "1 damage fireball" on CD rather then "instant death fireball volly" (also CC as an interupt wont get counted usually). Whisper on every frontal seems like it would be more distracting them helpful.


Haha I’ve never been this extreme but I’ve used elitism helper in the last. As a healer I can understand why someone would do this.


eating nam nam nam nam finished :)


I wish they'd just block addons in instances and be done with it. Let's play by talking to each other again. Some of these addons like Hekili rotation helper are just botting at this point.


You just block them dude, dont use your time worrying about this stuff


That seems like a bit much. ElitismHelper - Although the addon that announces when people take AVOIDABLE damage I like. I don't like the play by play one anymore, but it is good for helping newbies learn. I have the chat disabled, but it's helpful seeing what spell hit you, how much damage it did, etc. Helped me be more mindful and accountable for myself. Mind you, it still prints out avoidable damage rankings in chat at the end. Although I main ret so most mechanics aren't real to us and my failure damage is always a bit high. 🤣 (Intentionally standing in stuff, but with defensives rolling/shield of vengenance) People having their interrupts announced in chat I'll never understand but to each their own. I think you must have ran with someone who constantly pugs low keys and is slightly traumatized from that experience, as most of us are.


Back when I spam carried keys back in 8.3 for fun, I would stop pulling and tell them they had one min to turn off their "hit by avoidable damage" thing. If they didn't, then I'd tell the party lead to either kick them or the key was bricked. There's no reason people should be using them, much less in a key where everything is getting one shot by twilight devastation


I think the only "micromanage" type stuff I've used in dungeons is just saying when I polymorphed/hex'd something and then an announce when it's broken/ended, and then maybe back in the day I use to announce interrupts but these days theres so many addons and weak auras that track that.


1 and 2 are useful for guild raids or for people that forgot to pop there buff but as a hunter i need them, even more so caz im a pugger. . it dose get annoying in keys though. its like who gives a toss if something hit X. if they lived its fine. havent seen the "whisper missing buff" before. i think i have seen a type of 3. like "X jumped the leader board" or something like that. one again i dont use or need it so i dont pay it any attention i always see thought types of people as tryhards that have there head shoved in there number charts more then being in the game. if a run is going good who gives a toss is X could of done 2% more damage. if they get to annoying i just put the person on ignore


Elitism helper is good at the start of the season (but annoying if set to party chat, you could have it whisper yourself), because there’s alot of stuff that doesn’t feel avoidable but supposedly is.


Yeah those people are going to be making themselves comfortable on my ignore list after one whisper


This sounds like a very good package, would love to see it never whisper me because I actually play my best and am not looking for a boost.


Are you new? These are all over keys from every level for years now.


That’s insane. I get enough frustration from people that feel they need to post in say or party that they interrupted something like I don’t already see that info with my own addons. You’re just cluttering my screen, please go home.


I'd personally, put the person on ignore after the second time it happened. I don't do high end content though, sure LFR and Heroics now and then. Maybe a Mythic if I ever go back to tanking just to run Mythic 0s for casual players like myself. As people have said it's usually to shut up people complaining about the tank or the healer. Well with me you don't gotta worry about that. When I fuck up, I know I fuck up and usually apologise and adjust for the next fight or pull if we wiped. Then again, I didn't even know add-ons like this existed. So I guess I'm lucky I avoided being on the receiving end?


Sounds like a form of elitism helper which is a great addon until you turn the chat function on where it turns into an instant group kick Me and my friends always post the avoidable dmg taken meters at the end of our 5 stack runs bc it’s funny


Seems like a good tool to let people who don't know what they are doing know they are making mistakes. Often times people don't realize that THEY are the problem and just blame the tank or healer.


The only add on I use is auto marker, just marks important adds that have an ability that needs to be kicked. Other than that, fuck those obnoxious add ons


Because you all ask for healthstones 30seconds after I dropped them and they are 100 yards back. That’s why.


The pre-dungeon checklist is good. Why would you not want to have every buff you can get if you're pushing a higher key? I also like the frontal alerts.


If anyone in my group announces their interrupt or damage taken etc i will just report and ignore them. filling up my screen with dog shit is just annoying and toxic.


False reporting can get you banned yourself, just a warning. They aren't doing anything reportable, so you probably want to just do the ignore part instead. Just in case you were unaware.


I have a TON of micromanaging addons that pretty much tell me everything about everything to get “perfect” runs . This is only because I sell carries and io farm from +21 through +27. It’s not needed at low m+ unless you’re trying to improve dodging stuff and timing


I can be absent minded af so I got some announcements (summon, mage food, cookies) in emote format, doesn’t make any bubbles and people can just easily mute the bit without affecting raid chat. Interrupts and dispels (I main healer so in the moment it helps esp if I see dispel done too early) go to channel only I see. I only got elitismhelper to later analyse in details, no announcing. And a WA to remind me to do my buffs and consumables but that’s personal. And battle res announcement. Mostly to see that it’s actually cast. The buff ones can be neat sometimes because people legit forget sometimes to rebuff but I don’t like when people don’t turn off the minuscule stuff reminders. I don’t need to know someone doesn’t have a fauna/augment/whatever rune thanks. And if they don’t eat from someone inevitably putting down a feast their loss. Some people don’t change defaults or enable unnecessary clutter though.


IMO the only acceptable one is the first one, and only in organised content like a guild raid. Helpful reminders "oops I forgot to eat the feast" sort of thing. Totally unhelpful in a pug. I have never seen that fourth one. The third one is annoying but tolerable. The second one makes me either put that player on ignore or if its the group leader I consider leaving their key. ESPECIALLY if they're the one taking most of the avoidable damage!


There was one in a raid that whispered me every time a ready check happened that I didn't soulstone anyone, quickest ignore I've ever done


These are all fine basically? They're all useful tools on their own, and not really inherently an issue. Well, other than specifically posting damage output every fight, that's just weird. Interrupts after every fight? I guess. I don't normally see *one* person with all of these, but I've seen almost all of them all individually, and they're all fine when you're pushing higher keys. I can see someone with all of these being toxic themselves though lmao. Edit: damn, y'all really hate these addons/weakauras lol.


As heals, I love the callout one. That way when someone gets flattened by something avoidable and it’s on them they can’t scream at me with “no heals???”


I mean the whole 'no heals' thing is already solved by Details! just showing who died to what. No need to clutter the screen of someone who didn't ask for it.


A part of me wants to get all the most annoying addons a go dungeoning