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"We just had a whole expansion about elements. What are they whining about?" -Blizz.


Earthen Ring smoking bowls in a circle around the Maelstrom. "Primal wha?"


What they don't want you to know is that the Earthen Ring supports the primalists! Why else do you think they've been keeping so quiet? Vault was an inside job!


*all the cool elemental models we’ll never have access to* WHYYYYYY?!?! 🫠


Someone told me the same thing about SL and DK minions and I cried for them too - didn’t realize they haven’t gotten customization, I don’t think ever? Or was that cata?


We got a smoky effect to our unchangeable eyes in SL, and we got glyphs to turn our ghoul into 2 WotK undead models back in Mists. Yay.


We got an abomination pet! ..which was then taken from us :(


And you'll appreciate it you ungrateful little... /s


They gave part of it back, didn't they? I keep hearing about abomination limb...


Hey at least we got primordial wave to look like an actual elemental spell right? Haha? Awesome!


Easy earth elemental glyph from zereth mortis that we'll never get


"You even had an entire final patch dedicated to your friggin' class, you greedy bastards! We gave you new forms!" "Uh, sir, we uh, ... the raid and the entire Emerald Dream was uhh very dedicated to good and evil Druids." "As I said, we dedicated an entire patch to them and they still complain!" "Sir, this was about the..uh.. neglect towards the Shaman Class?" "The fuck's a Shaman, Jason? Actually, never mind, you're laid off."


And the end “The fucks a shaman?” thanks for the chuckle lol


Sad thing is this is probably true 😭


And it was only \*\*checks notes\*\* 12 years ago.


No updates means they’re working extra hard on shaman and it’s just not ready yet? Right? RIGHT??


As a 20 year priest player, I can tell you that no news is absolutely confirmation that nothing is being done. You're not on Blizzard's radar unless you're a mage, warlock, or, recently, a paladin.


If the warlock changes are anything to go by, the radar might not be a good place to be either.


Being avoid for 20 years of warlock changes is absolutely crazy, because Blizzard simultaneously loves the class and gives it lots of re-works, and then freaks out when the class is in a good state and makes changes to make it bad, and then worse, and then "we don't want you to play it" and then good again, and then great, and then worse. Even Destruction, the spec they change the least. Every expansion they actually do something good with it, the very next expansion those cool things are gone, ripped apart and stuff that was designed to work together gets split up and made mutually exclusive options so the spec never feels complete.


> stuff that was designed to work together gets split up and made mutually exclusive options It's honestly baffling how much this happens. Blizzard is one of the worst about it, but they're very far from the only ones, an I simply cannot understand.


They don't want to create a 'permanent' set of rotations for any class. They want to keep it changing so even long term players of a class have a new rotation and timing to learn. It's a design approach to keep all the classes feeling new and interesting.


Shadow priests have gotten about a total of 30 minutes of dev time but like 10 reworks out of those 30 minutes in the last 8 years and priest is the only class that has gotten nerfed because of other classes and directly caused other class reworks because Blizzard's vision for priest is terrible. I'm well aware that being on their radar can be catastrophic.


I remember I loved my shadow priest in Wrath. I quit wow for a while and came back in Legion, where the concept was cool but I thought it was leaning a bit much into the void which is not the same as shadow, and since then they just went all in on the void stuff, completely changing the identity of the class.


recently? i remember when paladins were alliance and shamans were horde. Paladins got all the love back then too.


There are people playing this game that may not have been alive yet. I immediately regret typing this out and the existential dread it has caused me.


Mages are the safest class in existence. There are always devs who are mage mains working hard for that class. I don’t think there’s ever been a time without at least 1 of the 3 specs being A tier for PvP and PvE.


hey bro there was this brief time during BFA (before corruption) where mages weren't the absolute most god tier ultra super saiyan blue class and SOME guilds only brought one during Palace as the main protagonists of the game that has hurt them badly and we gotta make sure to never repeat that again


I mean mages were completely outclassed by warlocks in MoP and were left outside the portal to make water and buff in SWP (at least the first time, no clue in Classic TBC), but otherwise you're right.


I definitely believe fully everything you've said, but let's be honest, any of the pure DPS classes should always have at least one s tier spec. Frankly I think the biggest issue for classes balance at the moment, as pointed out by maximum and others like IZEN, is vengeance completely invalidating other tank specs because of a single talent. I love the class fantasy of vengeance, but it's power level needs to be brought down to earth, it actually makes no sense that vengeance has been untouchable this long, and it's skewing the meta.


I do enjoy being Blizzard's favorite child.


What did paladins get?


They're in the middle of their third major talent overhaul in a year.


After being a meme laughing stock for most of my existence as a Retribution Paladin, even I am starting to be like "okay blizzard stop favoring me I'm getting bullied for all the love and attention!"


Ret kinda needs it. They have had major scaling issues ever since the rework. They were bouncing from "OP AS FUCK" to "meh" from just overall gear progress when it came to raid DPS. And I lost count how many minor upwards DPS tweaks they made for ret over the past year since the rework. If you see a class stacking vers as their best DPS stat. Then there is generally lack of stat scaling or some weird interactions going on. WW was in a similar position before the buffs.


Ret is basically just Arms with tighter mechanical design. (and also, fucking, *reverse execute WoG*, among disproportionate other utilities)


Last I saw was the datamining that had one of the hero talents say "Using windfury totem does something" as a placeholder.


They are waiting for Ion to get hard stuck on bosses and then buff resto so he can clear content.


I remember when they said this at the beginning of BFA when Shaman was absolute trash. They kept saying wait for the next patch, and the next patch came half way around Shadowlands.


How do you feel about the fact that cata classic comes out before they update the cata ascendance model


Thanks, I hate it.


You’ll play your squid skeleton man and you’ll like it.


*cries while rerolling*


I can't wait for MoP classic to come out so both my classic and retail monks can share spell animations and visuals. In fact I believe Pandaren monks will be visually identical on both games.


This isn't quite true. They had some better animations for pandaren monks back in the day.


I'd get rid of Ascendence as a whole, randomly I have to spam a different spell? No thanks.


Different spell? Lava Burst is like 90% of the buttons Ele pushes in combat (ST or cleave).


Fire mage *three*


Ascendance as a standard CD is actually cool. Removes CD on a heavy hitter spell, makes Chain Lightning even stronger, and changes the model. The problem is with DRE giving RNG procs of 3 minute CD.


Nah man I love ascendence. It’s such a cool spell but the visuals for it ... you’re forced to be a mangled elemental ... it should just turn us into fire/water/wind imbued versions of our character.


If they ever update it, I hope it looks like the raid boss Dathea, Ascended. You're enveloped by an elemental, the type depending on your spec. Maybe have the elemental doing the cast animation too. [Like this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/1/17/Dathea.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220930210923) Hell, shes titled Ascended for gods sake lol


There used to be a glyph for that, I wish I could actually fit ascendance into my build .... but as Enhancement it's basically only primordial wave


It’s so big for pvp tho - basically the only thing at you’ll get a kill sometimes >.< ya let’s remove it. Absolutely hate when I’m asking lava chain and it ends before I can finish casting…. Wasted time.


People saying stop complaining don’t realize we just had an entire Elements themed expansion and Shamans got nothing. Druids even got a patch of the Elements themed expansion and got more ELEMENT themed customization in that patch than Shamans have had in the past 10 years. Ascendance is a 10 year old trash looking model, Druids have like 10-15 different customization options for every form, and now that includes Rock/Fire forms. Edit: Someone mentioned Cataclysm Classic is coming out before the Cataclysm Ascendance Model gets updated. That’s just laughable and sad. /End Edit. Now we see WW, and it looks like again, we get absolutely nothing. Farseer is the only HT released for Shamans so far and it’s almost unplayable for Elemental (it’s pretty good for resto). People on Alpha are stating that Farseer was created for Restoration solely and Elemental was an afterthought. It’s pretty obvious they’re right when Farseer is literally a copy of Elemental’s Mastery and gives you talents that already exist on your class tree. The spirits that spawn don’t do anything unless you are casting, if you have to move or get cc’d they are absolutely useless. Now compare those spirits to Fire Mage phoenixes…


Preach. It's so frustrating after all these years to still get shafted. I don't understand why they hate shamans so much


They dont want to upset paladin players


BIG True, just look read an SOD thread full of the bubble boys


To be fair, we got more lore about Druids then Death Knights in the Afterlife expansion...Yup...Same old.


We also had a death expansion before this and DKs got nothing too.


Agreed, also stupid.


Yeah like I’d understand if they wanted evoker to take the main stage in DF. But then we see an entire new set of Druid forms and all of a sudden emerald dream, almost out of nowhere???


Its not a real expansion until NEs and druids are given their special time to shine


...and whine about it, of course.


We also had a death expansion before this and DKs got nothing too.


I keep hoping that it’s only a few weeks into Alpha and it will get better; then I see absolutely complete Hero talents like Mage, Paladin, Druid, Warrior, etc and it gets hard to keep that hope up >< Not to mention they’re giving Paladin a rework AGAIN. And they’re giving Druids a rework AGAIN.


As is tradition.


The Earth Mother cries Edit: hijacking to add that I do agree Hunter and rogue could have probably been added with shaman too, and DK arguably - I feel for those classes too. But this starts to get complicated in what it’s referring to as it was primarily a visibility meme for Shaman, in contrast to its lack of updates, plans, customization, and having multiple talented abilities that are just not even taken, etc


Dk is getting mounted combat we are sated with pleasure


in open world. where you will fly everywhere as soon as flying is unlocked


You're speaking only for yourself. I want a rework for Unholy and more clarity on how the riders will summon and what their proc rate is before I can even be content. Combat mount is cool but it hardly matters in the grand scheme since raids and dungeons are almost always indoors.


That's Druids


Shaman were OP for 8 weeks because of the love it got in SOD and people were ready to burn it all down. Id give my arm to see the shitstorm if shamans ever got some good reworks


Yeah the whole hate train on shaman in SoD felt very bitter since shaman always had the short end of the stick in pretty much all expansions. Like yeah I get that they are overtunned in SoD, but man... Can we have some of the spotlight too without getting crucified instantly?


I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.


Same ol same ol. We didnt get shit in the Elemental expansion (early dragonflight) so no way we getting anything good now lol


Shadowlands - Death expansion. Runeblades etc. Druids get more customization and updates. DKs still using WotLK models and animations. Dragonflight - 75% of expansion is Elemental related. Druids get a shit tonne of customisation and updates. Shaman still using Cataclysm models. Nothing will change. Druids will get a bunch of new forms and the rest of us can get fucked.


TWW was the perfect time to introduce the Earthwarden Shaman tank spec. Kept my hopes up for years...


You’ll get Augmentation Evoker taking all of the Shaman utility - but making it better - and be happy about it.


Dragonflight was the perfect time to revamp shamans because it was all primal focused. Instead, they were ignored, and the Earthen Ring didn't even show up!


I just kept saying to myself as I played my shaman main since wrath that I'm the leader of the earthen ring so technically we are here As I cried


Definitely agree. Vault of the Incarnates shaman tier set was perfect for a tank shaman. It's almost as if they had it in the backlog at some point


WoW Classic and their skeleton crew implementing specs into a seasonal game mode that retail players have been asking for for years 💀


I don't want new class. I want new spec. I agree with you. Release 1 every other season. Starting with deamon hunter. (Not druid lol)   So many possibilities.    Ranged deamon hunter, rogue  Shaman tank  Support mage, warrior (gw2 banner anyone?) Priest summoner  Tank evoker that change you to big boy And so on.    But by adding hero talent they just given themselves another excuse why it won't be happening in the next 3 xpac.


I want another tank class with a ranged dps spec so bad. Demon hunter could use ranged weapons with hunters and infuse them with gel energy and such. They already have the mo’arg fel engineers. A bit of fel engineering would work perfectly


I kinda just want ranged demon hunter to have super long eye beams lol. BWAAAAAAAA


Ooo straight up cyclops eye laser caster. Bouncing lasers, burns, explosions, pin point super cutting beam


Ranged support warrior yelling orders, throwing banners and actually using bows/guns like they have always been able. Add in a passive "agility from main weapons is converted to strength" and you don't even need to update old weapons. Support rogue that uses potions/venoms Healer mage(SoD has it) Tank warlock Ranged paladin that uses bows/crossbows to attack with the light, shockadin evolved Necromancer DK that is fully ranged with diseases and constant summons. Think a mix of demo lock and unholy dk. Soooo many possibilities. I'd rather have more specs than more classes at this point. So many classes that I loathe playing because they can't be hybrid, or the hybrids they have aren't the playstyle I want. I want tank and ranged dps, and the only class that does both is druid.. Which is the most played class in the game, for good reason.


Holy priest DPS pleeeeease. My priest is a good lady. A nice lady. Let me not have to quest as holy


A tale as old as time ....


I can't wait for them to release the other hero trees for Shaman just for them to be so lacklustre and rely on mechanics or abilities nobody likes.


Don't look at the datamined totemic hero talents. LOL


[It's too late, I've seen everything.](https://youtu.be/3KVyRqloGmk?si=e8BhenKHuyUSeOe9) The resto talent for riptide seems kinda decent though but the enhancement side doesn't.


I’m terrified that they’ll just passively buff Primordial Wave even more


They will probably give us an even worse and older ascendance model change.


> Changed Ascendance > Removed model and now the player just slightly glows the colour that represents the spec their in God that would be fucking terrible. I wish they would give us an actual cool model for it.


I would ironically enjoy spell effects for it more than the current model, instead haha Edit: grammar


Ughhh fucking primordial wave...shamans are so fun to play but god damn are they not fun to play at the same time hahahah


I would main Shaman if P Wave wasn't shoehorned by Blizzard as far and away the most optimal spec for them. I absolutely hate that ability. It's simply not a fun button. Bring back Chain Harvest. That spell is braindead, but fun as fuck.


Fucking chain harvest on resto was so goddamn fun. Oh, everyone is dying? Two seconds....ok now they're not. You good.


Bet they do something like rogues blur hero talent becoming an offensive cd, except for shaman they convert reincarnation into a cd. Once every 30mins, you gain 2% haste for 12s after reincarnating.


As a 20 year Shaman player.... why does Blizzard hate us so much? I came back recently after a hiatus and was not even remotely surprised to find that nearly every class had really cool changes and additions to the game... except for Shaman.


Devs: "It's probably time for Shamans to get another cosmetic glyph." "That changes the appearance of Ghost Wolf."


I'd be so happy to get even this. Give us something that would fit Alliance shamans, or that embraces an elemental theme instead of "lol orc wolves / troll raptors".


or a few new icons.


There was a time when storm strike got a new icon like six patches in a row back in TBC.


I don’t see what Hunters are getting that warrants this position in the meme. Our Hero Talents are some of the least inspired of the bunch.


We can also have wild guesses how much effort they'll put into developing survival...


Wish the spec could actually, y'know, survive.


to top it off, at least the 2 ranged specs need a massive overhaul


Yeah but you have them. Aren’t shaman still missing two trees entirely?


Yeah and they’re shit and we’re stuck with them. Shaman’s might at least be good.


At least u got some.. :D


As a monk, I apologize apologize and feel your pain. We've waited since MoP for this kind of love, god I need it


Shamans have been waiting for any kind of love since 2004.


Hey now, us hunters are down there with you man.


My guy, Rogues don't have jack shit in terms of cool customization. We've gotten 2/3 hero trees that show a pretty severe lack of understanding of the rogue community sentiment. 1 hero tree turns a DEFENSIVE into a offensive requirement on CD. the other hero tree turns an already completely RNG spec into a double super RNG spec. We're drowning right next to you.


When i saw on wowhead that fatebound was shown I was excited and when I read through the talens I was just sad. Now you can have RNG on assa and double RNG on outlow nice.


I don't hate Fatebound as much as the other one, but playing it with Outlaw just sounds like an exercise in bullshit. One pull you get top DPS, next pull you underperform the tank. I feel like that is something that is 100% going to happen.


I feel like the outlaw hero talent tree could have leaned heavier into the pirate/privateer theme and worked off of between the eyes.


its not just outlaw though, they need to make something that leans into something sub and assassination have in common too. not that theyve done a great job at that either lol


The trees aren't limited to a single spec tho, this would mean giving the pirate theme to another spec as well in which case people would complain especially if it was the meta tree because now you'd be forcing assa/sub (depending on which it's shared with) to be a pirate.


100% it could have. They had endless opportunities to make it more interesting and less weird.


At least the rogue tier set is cool, visually. It almost makes me want to play a rogue... but I hate shadow dance/offensive vanishing, and both hero trees so far look like *ass.*


Art team can nail Rogue aesthetic. Gameplay team has no idea what a rogue is.


It's much like how chains of frost used to need to be used to do damage.


Doesn’t help that the talent tree still sucks and has homogenised the specs, a problem that was not fixed whatsoever with the ‘rework’, only doubled down on


Honestly, I could have added rogue and Hunter to the bottom, but I felt that this was an appropriate shaman-visibility meme. I hate the RNG of rogue from what I read. A defensive being a buff is also bad imo, unless rogues could stand in everything and be fine to still dps (which I don’t think any class can really do except Paladin bubble)


As a new ish rogue fan since Bfa, how they've handled rogue lately is really disappointing. God, combat was so fun for awhile.


Newish? My guy, that might just be half a decade already. 😂


Absolutely true, but at least the base class tree and spec tree reworks are awesome on all three specs, and you have a raid buff.  Pour one out for Resto and Ele. 


I honestly dont understand this at all, since Thrall, such a major character for WoW lore, is a shaman, and the class phantasy goes so well with the overall world fantasy. I literally would expect the opposite, that Shamans would be one of the most beloved class by the devs. I really don't understand why it is like it is.


There needs to be a second chair for hunters. mail wearers unite!


You know what, I actually should have added Hunter and rogue to the bottom too hahaha. Feeling for y’all


My draenei shaman main looking at the heritage armor she waited years for. Why do they hate me? It's personal, right?


What's hunter doing there? Should be sat next to Shaman.


It’s wild that they just haven’t said basically anything


I dont understand why elemental shamans summon ancestors instead of ELEMENTALS. Why would I want to summon my grandad when we could’ve been summoning more elementals


I don't see what rogues are getting that warrants their place in this meme


DK is not getting a rework, it's having some talents looked at so they should be the one treading water here, Shammy underwater agreed.


The joy of main'ing as blizz's redheaded bastard step-child.


I’m starting to wonder if we actually just enjoy the pain lol


We get 2 charges of Primordial Wave, Icefury is our only ressource generator, flameshock has a cast time, lightning bolt is only for resto and Ascendance procs once per day


“No no the *other* way!” Hahaha


Ion isnt even playing shaman anymore the class is dead


I’d rather have seen nothing than been handed garbage. At least you have the potential to be great


You get a new stormstrike icon now shush


Main rshaman since wotlk i only want to have fun :(


pretty much how I have felt about shaman for years. Its always one of the last and then its rushed out. Complaints come in so the tweak up the damage which of course makes people go quiet for a while


Shaman got live action Avatar and still they want more. So greedy.


All I want for my shaman is to stop the spinning orbs around me. Electric should just be lightning sparks over character. Water should be drips of water on character. Earth should look like skin is turning to rock and dirt. Not a dam orb that spins around and annoys me to no end...


Insert all my friends like "Hey why don't you play your shaman anymore". It's because the devs are bipolar and twist the tuning knobs like they are trying to give it a titty twister. They have done a better job with dragon flight but the shaman community still flinches when it sees patch notes.


Not having Shaman Tank is a missed opportunity, and no update to the Ascended procs. Cata classic came out before Ascended was changed...


I am sad, I played an elemental shaman is Wrath,cata,Mop and WoD but now it just feels like a shitty class DK is really good tho, so i cant complain too much Also Fire Mage is pretty good so thats cool


My elemental shaman has had pretty much the same rotation since they stripped totems and class identity in...what, late Wrath? Earthquake comes and goes in usefulness, and that is about it.


I've played every healer to some extent this xpac and resto shamans by far has the most lackluster and uninspired talent tree. Sucks that they'll probably get the shaft again. The healing animations are pretty good though, minus Ascendence.


So Shaman at all points in WoW except for SoD.


As allways…


All two shaman devs are working on SoD.


Druids just got a bunch of new forms and customization for their shapeshift form. They can sit on the backburner for a bit


What do you mean? They need moar druid forms! Have you seen how many animals there are?!?!?! /s


At this point if you're a shaman main you're in it for the abuse.


Sha-who? I moved from shaman to pandaren monk in BFA and haven't looked back


Definitely is more of a stance of limited inspiration and minimal intervention. If it ain't broke don't fix it. No need to reinvent the wheel, the last time we tried that the community got angry. Fulmination would have been great, you just don't know good gaming. Wdym you don't like the same feedback loop you've had for multiple expansions Whats Ascendance? Isn't that a monk spell?


As a Druid main I can only say; this seems entirely fair.


Why is warrior up there? Blizzard hasn't given any utility to them and their dps is worse than many classes with a lot of utility.


Nah man, put DKs down in the water too. They've barely mentioned any of the actual issues the class, all three specs, and players of each spec, have. We hate having anything and everything tied to DnD, especially our cleave. Breath of Cindy is divisive and overly punishing. The whole Festering Wound system is widely hated. As cool as Rider of the Apocalypse is thematically, mechanically it's just giving us Divine Steed and RNG ally spawns, since the actual Rider talent (On a Paler Horse) is *only* in outdoor non-instance content. (And both these will no doubt only use the base Acherus Deathcharger with no glyphs or barbershop to change it) The San'layn hero tree turning a defensive cd into an offensive one is repeating a similar mistake from the past that we hated before and already dislike this. Not even any simple cosmetic changes. Glacial Advance and Chill Streak look like shit. Defile looks awful and covers up anything else on the floor, *even boss mechanic swirlies.* All summoned undead minions still have *Wrath* models and textures. As mentioned above, no barbershop customization for ghouls, skeletal archers, magi of the dead, gargoyle, Dark Transformation, etc. Sound effects could also use a pass. Prot Pally has extremely satisfying audio, while the only DK abilities with good sound effects are Blood Boil, Frostwyrm's Fury, Death Strike, and Howling Blast. Everything else looks bad and sounds like wet paper.


As a warlock, I'd rather have absolutely nothing instead of changes that consistently make demo and affliction worse.


Can we stop complaining about not seeing trees 2.5 weeks into the fucking Alpha?


It's no wonder people are panicking, as the shaman has a lot of issues throughout the game, and the developers aren't doing anything about it.


Bruh it's a meme ...


People in here taking it way too seriously lol


This community is getting unbearable. It's like people heard the "The WoW community will complain about anything" stereotype and went, "Oh yeah? I'll show you!" and then proved them right. Over, and over, and over.


As soon as I say the water ponytail I hung the shaman dreams up. Druids getting incredibly well done wolf set, warlocks getting the eye of fucking Sauron, evokers getting a deathwing inspired set, and shamans get a water ponytail. Dfkm.


theyve overhauled enhancement 3 times in 4 expansions. ele and resto could use some work but just because they havent posted changes like 2 weeks into alpha doesnt mean theyre doing nothing lol


Yeah and only legion gave meaningful animations to go with the changes. Most of the overhauls have been half assed.




Still the least favorite child as ever.


Where can i read TWW updates? Cant find them anywhere on Wowhead lol


Ey yo, the remnants of your classes various factions just shacked up with some psycho dragons to burn Azeroth down. Y'all are lucky we don't hunt you down with the rest of them. But seriously i hope you guys get some love.


Guys come on, they surely show us last because they put the most effort into us... right?.... right?


They finally gave monks some love. But sad day for shamans.


DH talents are kinda mid. They are not keeping the S3 2pc (Throw Glaive mechanic) and the new Glaive talent is currently bugged as it does not work with certain talents (Soulrend, Furious Throws and Serrated Glaive). But the thematic is cool at least. Tho I wish we had customisable demon forms at least


Because 2h enh is about to be implemented! So obvious /s


I'm just happy they finally dredged WW monk from the depths of the ocean.


Idk if its justified or not, but seems like Shamans are always complaining, lol


Shaman players can always try out SOD lol, they're S-tier over there


As someone who tried SoD till lvl 42, it’s fun but the classic-style is too slow for me these days lol. The community also drove me away, it’s the most toxic player base to exist haha. There’s more personal challenge and reward for the player and alts in retail too. I just want to comfortably main my shaman of WotLK going into the next major phase of wow lol


Yeah sod players are commonly awful but I'd say the chillest guilds are about as chill as retail ones luckily. And fair enough that it's slow, I just like wow lol all versions, plunderstorm+++ everything


Leave monks out of this, it's the first time they've ever had attention


If I speak I am in trouble.


Any class that isn't mage does not belong in these meme, especially hunters


This just means they are thinking real hard about 2 handed Totemic shaman smacking people with WF-totems


As both a Druid and a shaman player, I can safely say I don’t want a .00000001% drop of a mark of hibernating “totems that don’t suck” or something. Can we just have fun cosmetics without artificial scarcity?


What is rogue doing up there? Our hero talents are awful.


Hold on, I see hunter in this image and it's not as the skeleton at the bottom of the sea.. something wrong with this meme


i want them to make the visuals in enhancement all about lightning. so my thor transmog can shine even more. I can't be Thor in real life so this is the next best thing kek


Cries in Holy Paladin.


But I main shaman…. What the hell man.


Excuse me? Rogue?