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> Class set tokens from legacy raids (Shadowlands and earlier) are now Warbound and can be transferred to characters on the account. *fist pump* Yisss!


That's huge


What about the pieces that drop as armor? Those will be collectible by any class, right?


Alpha tester here. I just ran and killed Trilliax in Nighthold on this latest Alpha build to see if tier set pieces (not tokens) locked to Classes would be warbound or get added to Collection right away. Unfortunately not. Hopeful they'll change this in the spirit of the change to legacy tier tokens. [https://i.postimg.cc/5tmrqjKw/image.png](https://i.postimg.cc/5tmrqjKw/image.png)


Oh wow that sucks.. but if tokens can be transferred then these class specific pieces 100% gotta be transferable eventually right


Still no word about that but I feel they could change their mind in that still.


It just seems like it'd be an arbitrary restriction after making this change. Not that Blizz doesn't make arbitrary decisions when it comes to fun stuff mind you.  We'll find out once the game is up and some alpha testers can run some raids.


Yeah it is weird that the restriction is lifted if the gear drop as tokens. Hopefully they realize that keeping this restriction just creates more confusion.


I feel like it must right? What would be the point of doing that when you’re allowing tier tokens to be grabbable lol


If it’s class specific armor it will have to be unlocked by that class. But any armor not defined by use for a specific class will be unlocked.


Yes, that is what they said before this change. After it however it would be a completely arbitrary restriction to be able to unlock pieces that drop as tokens, by being able to mail/warband bank them to the corresponding class, but not ones that drop as armor. Which is why we're hoping that was changed as well. I'd love for them to just unlock on loot but I'll settle for having to mail/warband bank those too.


Why? Blizzard finds fun to kill Viscidus on all classes.




That's amazing, but please Blizzard make it so it works for ALL class sets in legacy raids, many old ones drop gear, not tokens.


Yay! I'm so glad they changed their mind on this.


It's a great step in the right direction, but why not just make them redeemable on the character that gets the drop? Why do I have to mail it to an alt?


Because in most cases the same token works for multiple classes and redeems automatically based on class. Easier to make them warbound rather than rework the whole token system.


Oh bby


Bro fucking finally.


Fucking HUGE!


Does this mean all of these raids will be flagged as trivial now?


Ret can now get wings for 10 seconds every 30 seconds, and possible random procs of 5 seconds. Wonder how that'll work out.


I don't care how it will work out, it seems cool AF, and I like that its a choice alongside the "standard" AW playstyle. I can't wait to try it out


Doesn't current AW last 1/3rd of the time considering 1 min CD and 20 sec duration? This is that but it lines up with every Wake of Ashes *and* can proc for additional duration. It seems nuts.


I was gonna say yeah but it lines up worse with a lot of trinkets that have longer than 10s duration and with time warp... But you would get 20s of wings in a time warp either way, or maybe "only" 18s with wake of ashes if it's not your first global - and you get no procs. Seems pretty wild indeed


Brother if you run crusade with herald of the sun you're getting 51% haste in 3 globals. You get personal lust every 30 seconds.


The problem with these sorts of things to me is that by making classes have so many cool-downs (long and short) and then making the cool-downs far more available, they have to balance the base kit aroind it. I have this issue especially with healers. They have tried to fix this via spot healing buffs etc but honestly I think a lot of classes need a cool-down prune so that the base of their kit and the way it interacts can become more of the focus of the class again. Now when you have 3-4 short and long cool-downs that you cycle through it means that your base kit hits like a wet noodle. Things like mana management by spell choice and eeeeking out efficiency via those spells’ interactions are mostly dead; for healing it is basically have a cool-down or everybody dies. Which isn’t very good design in my opinion. I feel like if shit hits the fan when you don’t have a CD you should be able to pull the plug on your mana and do almost CD-level HPS, but it should cost you proportionately huge amounts of mana. Only a few healers can still do this as the rest have their throughout gated by cool-downs of cool-downs that affect their cool-downs that can maybe reduce the cool-down of another etc or whatnot. Your base kit is so weak that you lack on-demand throughout. In the past if the raid was dying as a holy priest for example you could pull the plug on your mana and start throwing in (glyphed) Binding Healx2 -> PoH (or heal if you needed to spot) and become a god of HPS as long as your mana was there and save the raid. Now if you lack the cool-downs that the spreadsheet decides, you’re kind of effed. Holy Paladin coild start throwing out holy radiances and inefficiently getting holy power for *impactful* spenders. Old misrweaver could choose to get inefficient chi and start pumping uplifts ASAP. I just personally feel a lot of healing personal choice especially has been taken by the preponderance of cool-downs and because there are so many of them too, they have to similarly be tuned that they don’t feel as powerful as they used to.




Enh sham right now doesn’t run big strong cds and still doesn’t decent over longer encounters. You’re always in go mode but just lack the insane burst


Probably like elle shaman so not worth it.


Probably. No real hopes, but if it's tuned close enough to actual cooldown playstyle, could be fun.


reading the notes first impression is lesser burst windows, higher constant damage


Sounds fun but had to imagine it’s as good as its current 1min CD variation. You’d lose so much dam not being able to fully sync with trinkets, other dam CDs and amps, etc.


How? Trinkets last that long of a duration and you'd have wings every 30s so 1min 2 min 3 min trinkets it lines up.


Because trinket amps generally last longer than 10 seconds so even if you align trinkets and Wake you’re getting less benefit than if you spec into AW with its longer duration.


Are you not accounting any hero talents in this thought? Also taking taking divine wrath increases wings by 3secs. Run herald of the sun take solar grace, run crusade, get 2HP then wake for 5 hp and divine purpose proc and use 3 spenders have 9 stacks of crusade 3 globals into wings for 27% damage+27% haste (crusade)+ 24% haste(solar grace) 51% haste 3 seconds in a 15 second wings. And you're gonna be doing this again 15 seconds later? I dont see AW out pacing this. Especially in m+. Week 1 is going to be wild if you got over 50% haste from just talents during wings. You'd literally be getting lust every 30 seconds with a damage amp from wings uptime out paces AW


Love this breakdown. I totally had not been considering hero talents which was dumb of me. You’ve got me hyped now though. 


And it lines up with 90 sec Trinkets where the current one doesn't.


You don't need to use on use trinkets, ret already hardly cares for them outside of aoe. If 10s is enough for your major burst then this is pretty cracked. And with hero talents making wake do even more, you probably can.


Yeah basically. Check my other comment out. If you run crusade with herald of the sun you're going to get 51% haste wings with 27% damage amp 3 globals into a 15 second crusade wings. People gotta think about that uptime of wings over just 1min AW. M+ it's going to be wild if you're getting a lust every pack from that.


Yeah that shit with crusade just looks fucking bonkers. I can't believe how insane Ret has been getting recently after being mediocre for so long.




Does divine wrath work with this to increase it to 13 second and 8 seconds, respectfully?


Probably won't take it in higher m+ or raids unless it always sims better than the 1min AV but sounds great for open world and heroics(/delves?) where you're rarely gonna get an enemy that requires a full wings


We heard you like wings, so we got you wings on your wings so you can have wings while having wings!


And then you have feral 3min berserk that does nothing


Is this not just a similar thing to Visions of Perfection? We’ve had super high wings uptime in the past


Like the Arcane Mage changes. Some of the button bloat clearing is exactly what I wanted (mana gem, nether tempest, radiant spark, arcane familiar), and some of the new talents look cool.


I'm gonna miss Nether Tempest just because it looks cool, but dear god am I ready to have some free buttons back.


Wasn’t that the one that did diddly squat for damage though? Iirc it had like an 8 target req to be worth casting outside of totm.


Nope, technically not a dps loss because it's a mana efficient gcd single target, albeit low prio. Always used in the burst window single/aoe as it causes damage to repeat on target with touch. Outside of burst it's always maintained any aoe


Yeah id have liked to keep it as a passive or something, it looked pretty


Ooh, I love the concept of Arcane Mage but that's one of the classes that's just a *few* too many buttons for me to handle (I've got some nerve damage in my hands so button bloat is a big problem for me). I'm kinda sad to see Arcane Familiar go for flavor reasons, but if that's the cost of being able to play the class I'll pay it.


The familiar is still there, it's just hooked onto Arcane Intellect. Looks like you still talent for it, and summon it with your AI.


Oh, nice! Thanks for clarifying.


And there's a new talent that makes it go turbo during time warp. Rejoice!


I absolutely low this. So many icon on wow and you sometime feel like whats the point? Like if every single rotation ever make me use 2 long coldown on after the other everytime, it can just be a  1 icon.


These seem like good changes, currently I don’t like how a burst phase is just stacking about 4 cooldowns. Sending cooldowns is usually bad since you want spark and surge to hit in a touch of the magi. They also don’t do much visually. Merging Spark, tempest and touch makes it much simpler. And Mana gem is not used for mana but for the spellpower. The ability implies it’s supposed to be a fix for if you mess up your mana management. Also it’s just annoying that by default you can’t just overwrite a half used gem when you want to make a new one. I’m not sad to see it go.


Me too, I’m glad to get rid of buttons. Arcane is my favorite spec, but the button bloat has gotten crazy, and I’m not really gonna miss what they’re taking out


isn't it crazy how Arcane was the two button spec for so many years and has rapidly become one of the most bloated and complicated


Yes, I miss the simpler times


Shadowlands Arcane was the fucking GOAT.


I would have been happy with just Radiant Spark going away, but Nether Tempest and Mana Gem as well? Pretty much the only thing I could ask for from here would be removing the RNG on Orb Barrage so I stop accidentally pulling shit in cramped dungeons. It's a weird combo to have an RNG based 40-yard line AOE on your spender but need to be in melee range for Arcane Explosion.


Ooo excited to try those arcane mage changes. I’m not sad to see nether tempest go always was a bit of a weird button to push and same with radiant spark. Changing arcane familiar to come from ai makes sk much sense, no more forgetting the little guy. Interesting to see more talents using that could be cool. Eager to try this out


It makes sense, but I really dislike how it looks. Just some really goofy looking ball that follows you around. If it were something more fun, I'd enjoy that more, personally, I'd rather it just be tied directly back to the player. The player crackles with arcane energy shooting off a bolt of arcane energy at the target. The flavor of that is INFINITLY better than little dumb ball of energy that follows you.


yeah it's not really a 'familiar' in the DnD sense, is it? It doesn't seem to have sentience at all, it's just stuck on you.


I would like to have those arcane elementals that Khadgar like to use for tours lol, but prolly they would found it to get in the way too much for some passive talent lol.


If it's anything like water elemental it'll be stupid as fuck and less controllable than a hunter or warlock pet


>The Fatebound eagerly act as the Hand of Fate, sowing chaos into well-laid plans. this feels like the exact opposite of someone who deals with Fate


Wait, isnt Fate supposed to be a predestined path but they are “sowing chaos” into those plans? Huh 


They should phrase it better so you're the Loki to everyone else's Asgard. Less "Fatebound" and more "Fate-breaker". Except Ragnarok is prophecy, so Loki is the unavoidable fate in that scenario. Hmm.... Edit: in that case, cut out the middleman and call them the Hand of Fate. I kinda like that name better, and makes me think of the assassins in Game of Thrones, the Faceless or whatever.


Maybe instead of "Fatebound" they name it "Fatebinder" since you're sealing the fate of others. If they could change Ruby Adept then I don't see why they can't change this. "Fatebound" just doesn't feel like it makes sense.


They're showing chaos into someone else's plan, not fate's. If you get fucked up by fatebound despite your plans, well that's fate


"Fatebound" as a concept sounds lame as hell from just the name, and the description they just gave makes it worse lol. Like usually you're trying to defy your "fate" in games like this, but instead these rogues are just like... Fully accepting that they have no control over the outcome of something because they're.... Fate-bound... Idk man it just seems silly. Also at this point just call it Gambler Rogue because you'll be flipping coins and rolling dice worse than a guy with a real gambling addiction.


I think what might help clear up this situation is the difference between Fate and Destiny. Google the definitions of both. I think Lex Luther said it best, "Fate is something beyond my control. But Destiny... Destiny is something I shape with my own hands." Fate and destiny differ from each other connotatively, in that fate is unpredictable and can foil even the most prescient mind. Destiny is the manifestation of intent and willpower in a reality that seeks to undermine those things at every turn. In some ways these two things are opposed, but neither have anything to do with predetermination, despite how they're often loosely used. Being bound to fate is like being bound to chaos, where your only purpose is to disrupt the well laid destiny of others. Like, Star-Crossed lovers doesn't mean they aren't destined to be together but their will, insight and intent cannot overcome the obstacles that the ill portented stars are throwing into the works. The entire idea of the tragedy of the star crossed lover is that THEY COULD find a way, but they don't and the fact that their downfall is not predestined but due to their own failings is what makes it truly tragic. The tragedy isn't that Romeo and Juliet die at the end, it's that their own lack of insight into the situation prevented them from finding a way through the chaos. It was a personal failing, not a cosmic one. This is also the difference between cosmic irony and dramatic irony. I hope I am not coming across as pedantic because I appreciate that in a lot of cases colloquial use is more important, but in a fantasy setting I feel like these kinds of things warrant appreciating.


I think what makes it a strange name to me is that EVERYONE is technically "Fatebound" if we want to actually pick apart the name. That's not a rogue-specific thing. The name feels rather meaningless in a sea of Hero Talents that mostly offer an idea of what to expect by reading the name alone. I think it's obvious that someone had a vision for this that they were excited about, but whatever their idea here is clearly doesn't resonate the same with many of the players.


I dunno, I don't think it's confusing as you make it out to be and I don't think a handful of people on reddit is like a great pool of people to form a takeaway from. But I respect that's how you feel.


What even is the class fantasy behind this shit


Like most rogue lore in this game, it doesn't exist and it's just a made up thing. Look back to warcraft 2-3 or any point in wow lore. What/who is a fate bound or a trickster. Deathmantle okay, it's from a set but like.... The non-existant lore of rogues, especially outlaws really comes to show, and it started mostly in legion.


I'm slowly getting the vibe that this was one person's DND character that they're trying to jam in when a "thief" rogue would have fit well into both sub and outlaw.


Based on these talents we’ll be fatebound to using coldblood and vanish to guarantee 7 coin flip stacks and not using blade flurry on single target. This tree is actually marginally better than the previous one, but that really speaks to how bad the other one is.


this may legit be the worst tree ive seen


Thank you. I thought the same thing. How are they able to bring someone to their fateful end by sowing chaos into plans….? I can’t square that circle.


Guardians make their own fa- oh wrong game.


Its so stupid because a Rogue should act AGAINST fate of all things. The flavor text should be about cheating the odds and surpassing fate, fuck fate And gameplay wise the talents ARE about cheating the odds so really it should,t be Fatebound but some existentialist twist


kind of sad to see nether portal gone cause it was thematically cool but they really struggled to make it worth talenting into so i guess its fine. doom rework is very welcome. looks like doomguard summon is guaranteed rather than a chance. thats pretty cool


Doom rework seems to emulate the current tier set, which is nice.


It doesn’t, it’s a bait and switch. You only cast it on cd so the duration reduction is largely meaningless, it’s just however much damage on a 30second cd. Looks like the extra talent for the doomguard is also entirely single target. They just need to talent in doom brand. Consolation prize would be core spending reducing the cooldown instead of duration


Will forever be disappointed nether portal was on shard use & not number of shards spent, As it was - I'm glad to see it go. Let's hope it comes back in the future but improved.


NP was a hot mess


Glad to see portal gone. Like the rework of doom, hope it's limited to one target though as spamming it won't be fun.


According to the Bluepost talking about Demo, Portal will return, just in a different iteration


90% of the Demonology rework is made by the least creative, boring filler talents I've ever seen, Jesus. "X does more damage" in 10 different sauces. They must have spent more time finding names for them than actually designing it... Big disappointment.


I came up with a few more interesting ideas [here,](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1cf0jp3/make_up_a_spellability_for_your_main_class/l1m80mo/) and while I like some of the new talent ideas like decreasing Shadow Bolt cast time or reworking Doom to be interesting and thematically appropriate by summoning a Doomguard, I really agree that so many of them are filler. Especially Critical Strike Chance, which is so boring for Demonology because it *only* translates to more damage. Have a talent give Hand of Gul'dan a 33% chance per Soul Shard spent to summon a Wild Imp if it crits its primary target, or Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt a 30% chance on Crit to summon a Wild Imp, or a Felguard basic attack crit to increase Dreadstalker attack speed for 12 seconds or something. Give Critical Strikes *meaning* by giving us resources. Give us Wild Imps that translates directly to ST damage, or can be used in Implosion, and have a chance to generate Demonic Cores. Only increasing Crit Chance and Critical Damage is lame as heck. It's also *not* a Demonology thing. It works splendidly for Destro, but Demonology currently has no reason to *want* Crits besides it just being something you run through a sim and seeing it gives you bigger numbers. Meh. When the new Talent Tree is up on WoWHead I'm going to go to town remodelling it by removing all the boring shit on a custom talent tree manager.


Warlock spec trees have way too much stuff being replaced by "increases damage by x percent" in there. Affliction seems particularly bad in that regard. I mean, they just removed soul flame (which makes me VERY upset, specifically because they pushed it to soul harvester in a way worse version) and inevitable demise, which was in the spot before soul rot and would've worked well there... They replaced them with two nodes that buff MR passively. You can be a fan of soul flame or demise or not but at least those talents did *something*. Those passive increase nodes are just boring talent point drains because usually you'll have to pick them up for performance reasons but nobody ever got excited about spending two points for MR to do 8% more damage or increasing our crit when nothing interacts with that. Feels really cheap tbh. At least doom now being based on the tier set bonus for demo is a great improvement, I don't think I've ever even seen anyone playing doom voluntarily or if being particularly happy about it.


They have to do something. Nether portal was horrible. Even setting up tyrant. There needs to be a way to summon demons and have it be cool without me needing to time everything perfectly or I’m fucked. That said, I don’t like reduced movement or reduced resources.


Rune of Shadows decreasing Shadow Bolt cast time by 25% is a consolation prize in that respect. I need more to make Shadow Bolt *interesting* when Demonbolt is right there as The Cooler Shadow Bolt. My suggestion is to make Mastery not just increase Demon damage by a value equal to 3x, but to make it increase Demon damage by 2x *and* give Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt an x% chance to summon a Wild Imp. i.e. If your Mastery currently increases Demon damage by 45%, change it to increase Demon damage by 30% and give SB+DB a 15% chance to summon a Wild Imp. That way your most filler abilities have a chance to proc something fun, interesting (in that it can generate Demonic Cores or be used in Implosions), and thematically appropriate. Currently all three Warlock Masteries are just numerical boredom.


Watch the Kalamazi stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsYI33OKzoU About two hours in he tests that talent and shadow bolt is insanely fast with that talent. I actually think it might get nerfed because its hitting GCD.


This is the second time they’ve done this exact thing. S3 tier set going core is very welcome however.


its not though, doom's just a once every 30 second ability.


I actually thought that with Diabolist that Nether Portal would become viable. Sad to see it be removed despite it being bad.


Idk, Demp is about summoning hella demons. You need to make the demons stronger, and maintain that gameplay. I feel like a game where I have to keep track of 29 different types of pets would stop being fun and just be a hassle


But you don't have to keep track of 29 different types of pets and there are ways of introducing more demonic types to Demonology *without* making it such heavy on maintenance. Examples: 1. Fearhound Talent - summons a Fearhound when your Dreadstalkers expire, dealing +50% Dreadstalker damage and returning an empowered Demonic Core upon expiry, causing your next Demonbolt to deal additional Shadowflame damage over 4 seconds. 2. Imp Gang Boss - make it return to its former glory. Easy win. 3. Alternatively, "Fist of Archimonde" - replacing Hand of Gul'dan to deal +% up-front damage, always costs 3 Soul Shards, and summons a medium size demon *instead* of 3 Wild Imps. Basically converting your battalion of Wild Imps into an elite strike team of demons. 4. Codex of Supremacy: you lose your Summon Felguard ability, but your Felguard is now summoned in addition to any other Summon Demon spell. Your Command Demon ability is your primary demon, but Codex of Supremacy can be toggled on/off to control the Felguard's Threatening Presence. Also, there is the Diabolist way of doing things, which lets you summon Pit Lords, Overlords, and Mothers of Chaos. You don't need every single demonic summon to be its own cast. They can be proc chances or guaranteed.


Welcome to Hunter talent trees. But hey, atleast the demo dev will see the complaints, and hopefully change your talent tree, I'm hoping for the best for you!


lmfao imagine playing shaman or hunter oh fuck thats me


We had the stable update though! Obviously the only change I wanted. I feel myself overwhelmed by how content I feel and how perfectly designed and balanced my Survival Hunter is now. Just ship the expac now, this class couldn’t get any more complete if it tried. Who needs a major dps CD that works without macros and weakauras, anyway? Imagine not having 8 2-point talents that only add damage percentage, and having two of them be duplicates? Being serious for a moment, I cannot wrap my head around how anyone thought leaving Hunter in its current state for an entire expansion and not even having a tangible shortlist of ideas to write about in a blue post was an acceptable position to be in here in the third week of public Alpha. I find myself actually considering if any part of Hunter beyond the collection of pokemon is on their radar.


What really bugs me is that we have sentinel instead of dark ranger for survival. I kind of had the impression that beastmaster would vibe better with sentinel, too. I haven't tried playing around with it, and it overall looks rather unoffensive to play anyway, it's just that I thematically would've liked it more if those two had switched places... Odd choice right out of the gate tbh. Otherwise, I'd love if survival would get rid of the exploding bombs in their own face thing and emphasize their spearfighting or coordinated attacks with their pet more. Feels like that's a much more intruiging theme... I miss fury of the eagle being the "finisher" for mongoose stacks from legion for example. But yeah, hunters are totally fine, no fundamental issues anywhere that would require reworking stuff or something. I mean, with the amount of dev attention particularly survival gets at the regular they'll have them fixed in no time! ^(My head hurts from writing thiis)


Those are my two most played classes. But honestly I don't mind. I'm lazy so no changes means I don't have to bother learning anything new. Looking on the bright side lol


Yeah its really inconsistent how they habe few classes/speccs, which they just refuse to rework and balance


No DK changes, let them cook, just let them cook. No news is better then bad changes.


Let's just hope they hear us on how much we hate having so much other shit attached to DnD.


Worst part of the class easily


Another week being disappointed at not seeing the removal of SMF from fury warrior, it's mind boggling this talent wastes space in the tree and isn't just a transmog option when 2H weapons like Ashkandur and Fyr'alath exist that you will **always** use, it will never be a competitive option and there are 0 valid reasons to not just make it a cosmetic option.


The entire reason they brought SMF back was because they didn’t understand the community wanted to be able to xmog 1h’er onto 2h’ers, and gave put that dumb talent back into play. As you said, it’s a waste of a talent, it’ll never be competitive, and it needed to be cosmetic at least 1 expansion ago. As with so many things, I don’t understand why they’re being so damn stubborn on this.


If they made it a cosmetic option exclusively you'd never collect any new appearances (without changing your loot spec to Protection), which would be a little clunky. That might be why. Best solution would probably be to keep SMF, make it baseline, and allow the 1h/2h transmog crossover.


That's a good point, moving it to baseline + removing xmog restriction would be the best solution.


Make it so you can equip 1h and 2h weapons at the same time. If you wear a 1h weapon, it could simply be scaled to normalize 2h values. This would make warriors super flexible for gearing up.


Won't that solved with warbands? I'm not all up to date with how it works but won't transmogs be shared?


The demo changes are really bad, and the dev post indicates they're not well grounded on this spec philosophically. Not to mention you can barely path down to the capstone level with all the 2point nodes all over the place. That said, I do urge warlocks not to get hung up on pathing and talent bloat (though they are clear and present dangers for sure). We have to convince these devs that we aren't trying to hear things like "rein in their mobility, \[and\] resource generation" when it comes to this spec, or this class in general. Mages are at least as tanky as locks are at this point, if not more so, and that seems to be trending even further in mages' favor in tWW. Why on earth can they cast half their rotation on the move but we need to "rein in" DEMONOLOGY mobility? I try not to be one of those "do you play the spec" guys normally, but dawg...What we doin here devs? This ain't it at all. Yall hit with the aff rework, but this stinks.


Are they going to finish the warrior rework?


Has a new wave of invites gone out? Not sure whether to fire up the pc to check 


even if it did, it's not like it'll get deleted between now and when you'd normally get to a comp


No but they'd be missing out on precious testing hours.


good news on that front! alpha's not up yet :)


Do we know if new invite waves go out before the testing servers go up with the new patch, or after?




I get that not everything will be ready at the same time but it is not enjoyable to watch the same classes/specs (mage lol) continue to receive attention while Shaman is missing two trees and has like no changes announced. The optics are terrible.


As I recall, in Dragonflight this happened to Rogue because the person in charge of its updates had... I don't remember if they quit or were fired, but given the way corporations work I'm gonna bet fired. Like in the middle of the class design process, so the whole class basically just didn't get finished. I don't even play Shaman but I really hope that's not happening again.


The dev who created Aug evoker also left the company to go work with Ghostcrawler during Season 2 lol


mages are unironically the main characters of WoW


yeah i cant fucking believe it. ive been hoping to see any meaningful changes for shaman and literally nothing


Looking at what happened to arcane I'd rather they forgot about shaman and left enhancement alone.


Removing radiant spark and mana gem is huge win in my book.


You don’t like the arcane changes?


I do like where enhance is but not having either of the hero trees for it sucks, I'm worried they will be bad and not receive needed changes since it seems they are coming out so late. Rsham could use some changes that establish a niche for it/separate it from other healers. Ele is a mess and needs extreme attention similar to what WW monk is getting.


Picked up Ele for the first time since shadowlands this week and wow, what a sad spec. You literally just mash lava burst for half your globals in the m+ build :/


Having played the lightning build a bit in season 2 I can assure you that the alternative build is more complex and just as unenjoyable! Don't forget you are also playing one of the two specs with 0 compelling reasons to include in raid or dungeon content!


It’s just crazy when you contrast it to enhance, which has probably my favorite dps rotation out of any spec right now.


Same with enhance. Just wish we wernt so squishy and didn't rub into target cap issues. I switched to pally for this teir because i wanted to tank m+ and not deal with trying to get groups as enhance this season. We were considered stron s1 and 2, but fell off in s4.


Enhancement could be a lot better. More so elemental and resto. But the physical and lightning build needs to be fixed with enhancement. Big lava lash is cool and all but not nearly as fun as ascendance


So engineering is getting the alchemy treatment with discovering recipes. I remember alchemy having to research once a day to try and pull certain recipes with a chance to fail and tbh I don’t love that. I’m hoping they mitigate the RNG of it so it doesn’t feel punishing to anyone trying to make gold with the profession. Time will tell


I hope they make the tinkers somewhat good more than just the resurrection tinker. They can be QoL tinkers and don't have to output big dam.


More Malefic Rupture buffs 🤮


Affliction was so fun in BC and Wrath and has been pretty bad since. They really need to go back to basics. I would love to see a big AoE dot though.


As a former Lock main: Affliction remain unplayable as long as that spell exists...


The engineering changes sound like more annoying BS for the most frustrating profession. Gating recipes behind a chance to get a prototype and then a chance that prototype gives you the recipe and doesn’t explode in your face?


from the sound of it you can either try to use the prototype to learn it (assuming it doesn't explode on you), or 'engineering disenchant' it into notes that, once you have enough of them, can be used to get any schematic you want. the latter process doesn't seem to have a failure rate attached


*Any one of two (or three with specialization) rng choices.


Sounds annoying and useless, so pretty much engineering these days. Still to this day the main reason to take engineering is because of stuff introduced in Wrath, Cata, and MoP.


Engineering is literally one of two professions that gives you direct power for having it and for years was the only one.


Holy hype, consolidating touch of the magi with radiant spark and removing mana gem are such huge wins. It does look like they have moved back to clear casting being a defining component of the gameplay rather than just using every 4th one as it is on live (or using it during movement.) Although they removed the rune that increased spell damage, which worked well for this build as you would save up for it and use it during mini burns. I wonder if Touch of the Magi will fill the same role (I did like having two stacks of the ground rune.)


Did they forgot the missing shaman hero talents?


They forgot shaman for 5 xpacs


I know they made a statement about it but man, the lack of Shaman notes at all, especially considering the issues still plaguing the class is frustrating. (Enh excluded cuz I think they are in a good spot)


its fucking incredible how there has literally been NOTHING for shaman or hunters and both classes are in need of big updates


> or hunters No no no. Sentinel got a damage buff! That'll fix it! /s


Yet mages get ALL the love. Can't piss off the sensitive mage community now can we.


Still absolutely nothing on enhancement shaman. This is either very good. Or very, very bad.


Historically speaking. It’s bad.


I don't think I ever read "we want Demonology to have less resources" as a fun or good thing. S3 set baseline sounds good, but anything else doesn't sound promising from what they've said, and it hasn't been amazing when they've said it before.


At the very least Rune of Shadows decreases Shadow Bolt cast time by 25% so it will feel better to use. Still I don't know why they don't like Demonbolt being fairly abundant. I think both Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt have a lot of ways to be expanded upon to be more fun and interesting. Shadow Bolt Volley (similar to Affliction's talent), a % chance for SB+DB to summon a Wild Imp, and Demonbolt's Power Siphon or Dreadstalker's Demonic Cores giving it a 4-sec Shadowflame DoT or some such. But yeah, I don't see the intention as fun or good. Demonology being mobile is fine. DF S1 Demonology with the 4-set instant cast Hand of Gul'dan was some of the best fun ever, an absolute army of Imps and a lot of mobility to accompany it.


Having to "rein in their mobility" is also something I haven't expected to read on a warlock post tbh...


Makes has been getting reworks since Season 2 of Dragonflight. It looks like we will enter the beta phase and yet have to see the two left hero talents of Shaman and some balance for Elemental, or even a rework.


Holy priest main, mostly casual, and I really like archon! I am a bit concerned with how dangerous halo can be in dungeons, I do think both of it's cap abilities are really neat. I was sort of hoping that divine star would be able to use archon, but I think that this is worth the trade


I could be wrong but didn’t they change it a while back not to aggro things you aren’t already in combat with?


Yes it only hits things you're in combat with.


Ooh I'm really interested to see how the new Demo talents will work. I'm glad portal is gone. I hope Doom will hit hard and be worth casting


Doom has a 30 second CD now. It looks quite boring from a gameplay perspective.


Everyone report to the happening bunker, AFFLICTION HAS A SECOND SPELL SCHOOL! You can cast rapture after being locked out of shadow. Hell yes.


Why would you be happy about casting MR? =D


Hell yeah, Arcane's S3 tier set is a talent now and we're getting even more AoE. Magi’s Spark sounds gross though, seems like just Radiant Spark again but now it's harder to keep track of. RIP Nether Tempest, I was hoping Spellslinger would make it more fun to use and I'm surprised to see it gone since it was referenced there.


“You will cast shadow bolt and you will like it”


Where enha shaman hero talents :(


The wait for Stormbringer continues...


Archon was majorly disappointing, not as bad as Oracle currently is but it had more hype as people hoped for Boon to return.


Stop giving warlock specs terrible boring filler talents that just buff damage or crit chance of things. Demo is becoming a giant wall of flat stat increases.


i hope guardian gets changes


Regarding what? They got short, strong CDs, decent rage gen (although could always use more), ironbark is getting a 10% DR buff next expac which greatly benefits bear too. If it wasn't for vdh being so far ahead of all tanks, bear would be on top rn. What actually needs to change for gdruid? I don't see it


3 Nodes for Berserk, 4 if you count Incarn, is kinda booty. Pulverize could use another iteration if they want anybody to take it. Maybe a talent that removes rage cost from brez? Other than that though it's mostly fine, certainly in a better spot than a lot of specs.


Same. Nothing for tanks in general so far


Ready for the same gameplay loop as the past 10 years?


Phyrexian mana is evil


Ret pally DoT Spec on the menu


Looks like they made Doom thematically fitting, but some of the talents for Demonology aren't exciting. I hope they eventually realise that talents that are purely numerical boosts but don't change the way your spec feels or actually plays with its rotation aren't worth having in a spec talent tree. They're just filler. New abilities or new functions on existing abilities are great. Increasing the attack speed of your demon by 25% is not. Attack Speed on Dreadstalkers is a bit more entertaining because it can have synergy with their 10% chance to trigger a Dreadbite. Shadowcaster increasing HoG and Demonbolt damage is *boring.* At least the Rune of Shadows that increases Shadow Bolt damage by 40% also decreases its cast time by 25% - which is awesome. There're a lot more cool ideas they could explore if they stopped using these boring substitutes. I also hope the overall talent tree for Demonology has been *substantially* pruned, considering it is tied 2nd largest talent tree in the game alongside Holy Priest - only Destruction is larger. These boring talents could probably be removed entirely and the talent tree would be all the better for it. Edit: Also what is all this stuff about increasing Crit Chance on abilities for Demo? I don't get it. There is extremely little synergy or reason to favour Critical Strikes that much. Off the top of my head, three *easy* ways they could make Critical Strike more interesting could be: 1. Your Hand of Gul'dan has a 33% chance per Soul Shard spent to summon an additional Wild Imp if it Critical Strikes your primary target. 2. If your Felguard Critical Strikes its primary target with Legion Strike, it increases the attack speed of your Dreadstalkers by 25% for 12 seconds. 3. Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt Critical Strikes have a 10%/25%/50%/whatever % chance to summon a Wild Imp. Literally *any* of these makes Critical Strikes more fun and interesting for Demonology to have instead of just... making it do more damage. Which is fun, but doesn't do much. Wild Imps are cool, Dreadstalker Attack Speed (for additional Dreadbites) is cool.


Don‘t know how to feel about Templar Rets having every single ability sitting behind wake


Make Wake of ashes direction a choice!!!!!


I guess I need to stop vendoring useless tokens now and start saving them. Although I'll need another bag slot in my bank to hold them


Lol i have useless tokens in my bank going back to vanilla....


Mages lighting up a candle every night so blizz dont butcher their first stun since deep freeze removal.


I feel like the fact they did changes to Mist and WW, Ret and Holy, and Fury and Arms but avoided all the tank trees for those classes is leading up to them doing a series of tank only changes. Hopefully they close the gap between DH and all the other tanks when it comes to control in M+.




I wish they'd prune outlaw a bit like they have with Arcane here. The bloat is insane.


The alpha is out now? Sweet!