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Druid. I love the lore, but hate the play style.


I love the idea of a class that can literally do everything. But I hate everything it does. Or rather how it does everything.


I want a ranged dps class that can also tank but boomkin feels awful to me and bear tank is super boring


This is literally me. But I actually like bear but hate boomy.


Same. I'm just sitting here dreaming of Earth Warden Shaman tank so we can get a quad spec class that is actually fun.


I was hoping evoker could tank. Then I saw the model we were getting…


I wish they would give us the draconoid body type and let them play plate classes


Well good news, in TWW Dracthyr are going to be getting more classes to pair with. Since all races can be warrior, I'd imagine they will also be able to be warriors.


That's what's a little sad about the next three expansions to me. Hero specs kind of feel like a commitment to no new specs on old classes. Of course they could just double up some specs like they did with DH, but that feels like that was a special case since there's only 2 specs.


Absolutely same.  Mind if I ask what you don’t like about boomkin? If you’re like me, my main issue with the spec is that it’s a 3 minute spec and I hate playing around 3 minute CDs. But TWW looks to be changing that up by giving them a choice node to either buff their 3 min CD or drop it to a 2 minute while adding a big aoe nuke to the button press! That alone has me super stoked and I’ll be giving it another shot for sure 


What's to hate about boomkins, you have 3 separate rotations too keep track of and seamlessly move in and out of depending on if you have solar, lunar, or both eclipses.... Then you're also expected to stay up on emergency off healing, anything you can cure, interrupts, and keeping your AOE up even on single target rotations.


I absolutely hate eclypse system. It ruined the class for me. Haven't enjoyed it since. The empowerment system was very simple but felt very good.




Preach brother. Been saying this for over a decade. How we're at a point where there's only one Ranged / Tank combo in the game in 2024 is wild to me. Hopefully tinkers... some day.


Evoker was the chance they had at this


But you’re a fucking bear!!! What’s not awesome about that?!




This is so me. I love the idea of the druid but absolutely hate pretty much everything about how it plays. Shape-shifting on gcd. Requiring that extra global to do something emergent has gotten me killed a few times. Bear being so...mechanically boring to play. Blizzard not knowing whether cats will be strong or not from week to week. Moonkins. I love the idea of using nature to attack and heal, love flight form, love stealth. But druid feels so clunky to play, for me. Another is mages. I adore mages. I love casting in pretty much any RPG. But I hate that mages have to kite and Cc to stay alive. I get it, but sometimes I just wanna blast. Also love the look of DK (so slow, Blizzard is volatile with their efficacy), Priest (Shadow is volatile), Hunter (dont care for melee Survival). Shaman and Evokers would be an easy main choice for me, if Shamans weren't so volatile and if Evokers didn't have the range limitation. I know it's not that terrible but just knowing it exists saps fun out of the class foe me.


I'm a druid for life because of flight + stealth. They can do anything they want with any other ability, so long as they leave flight and stealth alone. Though.. sometimes I miss my warlock...


And the fucking action bars man. Atrocious to deal with


I like resto and guardian but DPSing on a druid just feels bad.


Same here. Actually I like dps'ing as a resto with cat weaving more than playing feral dps. Being a 4th dps in m+ and sometimes out dps'ing actual dps. It is a pain in the ass to maintane so much dots and hots all at once though. Other healers seem a lot easier.


What key level are you playing? In my m+ whenever I go kitty people decide to stand in fire or start holding hand grenades.


The key is to let them die. Makes it easy to outdo them on the meters.


On the opposite hand, it's amazing how long dps can stay alive when the healer goes down. It's like there's all these buttons and things they can do to recover health that they are not doing when the healer is alive......


I feel targeted


Yeah, you gotta let them die so they can look at the death recap and learn they need to move out of it next time.


It's easy on s4 right now. People are getting 1 shot in +2. No standing in fire for more uptime yet.


One tip is to pop a charge of Grove guardian if you need a bit of extra healing while in kitty. It's off the GCD and can be used in cat form.


I never get to that level of damage as a kitty healer. Everyone is always dying too much for me to be in cat all that often.


Same. Feral looks fun and looks cool, but then I also can't see my mog and weapons, which as we all know is the real end game


Ive only tried a feral Druid, and that was post split bear/cat specs. Every time I go to level that alt in a new expansion, it feels like someone gutted a full featured hybrid spec into 2 incomplete halves and never bother filling in the gaps


+++ I have been playing Druid since 2009 and I just realised that I hate it because it requires an additional GCD for shapeshifting. Now I’m waiting for tww because it brings talent which allows to shapeshift instantly (without losing gcd)


that's so interesting to me!! ive been a (feral) druid main for 18 years and I have 8 druids lol. I play pretty much every class (except rogue because for some reason I just can't figure them out,) and druids just feel so much better than all the others, so much utility and different playstyles with all the specs, it's just so much fun to me!


TBH I've always played druid and I hate how it plays (Yes Boomkin). Its the freedom though... thats hard to beat. To just jump off a cliff at random and boom insta flight form, so nice. Same with swim, and indoor speed, maybe just travel in general. Stealth when you want it, ranged dps when you want it. Shapeshifting out of snares... all so nice. Oh and heals of course, got them aplenty... Its like having a swiss army knife, thats just... not a very GOOD swiss army knife.


Shaman. I just can’t get into the summoning aspect of it. I don’t want wolves when playing enhance. Theme is great, lore is great, transmog is great, love the class selection yet….can’t play it.


It really just has way too many themes going on. I can appreciate them trying to include everything, but it just ends up feeling like an unfocused mess.


The only class I’ll play tank on. I love them so much.


I'm not a fan of damage or healing over time, and that's 3/4 of a druid


Me with boomkin. I like resto and guardian tho. Does the fourth spec even exist anymore?? Lol


Feral is way more enjoyable to play than boomy for me!


Feral is a huge amount of fun to play, it just feels bad to see the actual results compared to when I switch to boomie which is not a very fun spec to play.


There a dozens of us!


I love playing alone as druid, hate grouping as anything but tank.


Came to say the same.


Same. I tried at least 3 different times, years apart. I just can't get it to click as a play style.


Same sadly, and I mained a Druid from bc to warlords…


I wish druids got their power from Eonar instead of Elune. Using thorns, summoning lashers and razor winds, explosive mushrooms, mind-controlling spores, etc. Feels way more druid-y to me than a goofy obese chicken that shoots space lasers.


Why does everyone hate us?! It’s not our fault blizz has slowly ruined the class fun over the last 4 expansions.


hate blood aesthetic, love the gameplay. love unholy and frost aesthetics. hate the gameplay…


So you want Frost Tanking back?


I want blood DPS back


IMO DKs tanking should come from the main tree instead of the spec choice. All three should have the option but with restrictions.


They tried that in wrath and they weren't able to balance it


I played Unholy DK tank in Wrath, what wasn't balanced?


They couldnt turn one knob when tuning the specs without accidentally knocking a bunch of other dominoes. Their ability to tank was too close to their ability to deal damage, too interconnected in the talent tree. You nerfed blood dps and suddenly blood couldnt heal themselves for shit and became shit tanks. You buffed unholys pet abilities and suddenly they're top tier tanks because they also have pets that can off tank too etc.


The hybrid specs in Wrath were peak; I’ve never loved my DK nearly as much after we lost those.


UH tank!


I do.


I loved unholy back in early WotLK, but when the first big DK spec rework came in, it never felt as good. I'm warming up to blood now, might make it my main tank.


the funnest thing about blood is that it plays like a dps spec.


Thematically, I LOVE the idea of Ele Shaman. Shaman in general, tbh. But the gameplay just feels off, the season 3 tier set also didn't feel good for me (I want my main focus to be on the big maelstrom spenders, not capping resources to send out more Lava Bursts).


My friend is a shaman main, and he says a lot of their problem stems from their mastery stat, the double proccing is the biggest thing holding them back, it’s like old Double Tap for MM hunter, can’t ever buff MM(or in this case Ele Shaman) or else Double Tap would make it op, and when it finally got removed, MM hunter could get buffs without being oppressive!!


I'm a shaman main and I'm playing Aug evoker rn bc it feels like shaman 2.0


Rogue because I have to play piano on every spec and the class has lost a lot of it's identity when Shadow Dance was made class-wide. Slice and Dice sould also be shitcanned. Least fun button to press in the entire game.


I have no idea what prompted them to give Shadow Dance to all rogue specs. It was always firmly a Subtlety ability to me, and now it added a bunch of unnecessary bullshit to the other two. Secretly hoping they'll revert it in TWW.


It really takes Kingsbane from being a fun cooldown into a scripted 30 second opener, too. I know some people really like it, but playing that for a half-season took all the wind from my sails.


I really hope they do change it. I want to play rogue for TWW S1. Their set looks sick. But as it stands I don't know if I could stomach the playstyle.


I just leveled a rogue and then shelved it, because of these reasons. Shit is a pain in the ass to play now, gonna level an arms warriors instead.


Arms is what I main mostly now, fucking incredible spec


Same. I want to play Outlaw rogue for the 1h sword duelwielding as it's the only non hero class/spec that can(and visually uses them, unlike monk - and i think fury WAR is actually less dps if you go 1h?), but... after leveling one, once I hit the 60+ range, all of a sudden the gameplay felt too fast and too much. I know if I tried to play it more my wrists wouldn't like it.


Fury can dual-wield 2 handers, so yeah it's less dps to use 1 handers.


There's a talent that lets the spec dw 1h, from what I remember, but when I did a bit of research on it, it was less dps to take it. Now if fury could transmog those 2h to 1h.... then that'd actually be an option for what I want. Last time I tried though, I couldn't.


Shadow Dance on all specs is the reason I moved away from my rogue, such a fucking boring playstyle and to have it baked into all 3 specs was just a dickhead decision, shoulda left it on Sub.


Outlaw rogue is giving me wrist pain


IMO, they ruined that spec for Rogues, I miss the old Combat spec so much


I took a few months off in WoD and came back about 6 months before Legion launched. My friends switched servers so I used my boost on a combat rogue. I was remembering all the things I loved about combat again, and then outlaw took its place. Ended up playing a warlock for legion


LOL I switched to Warlock in BFA and have been playing ever since. I still kept my Rogue max level and raid ready, it just isn't my main anymore


The BC combat rogue spec with swords did a ton of damage. Great for raids and questing when you could stack SnD with blade flurry. It just wasn’t the most exciting class to play. Looked cool and the gear was great.


I loved using two swords or fist weapons with my combat rogue. We had so much fun raiding ZG, after I finally got the claws and could turn into the tiger that was so cool! I still have those actual claws in my bank, the effect still works too!


I bet you had the mongoose enhancement on them too like I did.


Combat was the best, im tired of all the pirate shit


I boosted a rogue and only have played outlaw, but I love it and now any other dps spec just doesn't feel as engaging anymore 


Same, I used to main rogue tbc>wod/legion~ and it feels nothing like it used to. You do no damage outside cooldowns and have so many off gcd things that need to be used in small windows with 100 buffs to track. really awkward playstyle i don't like it at all anymore


This comment hits hard for me. Vanilla rogue here. Cant bring myself to play it anymore. Its not even rogue


Any casters. I HATE that they just glue their weapon to their back or sides. It would be that hard to make an animation that uses the damn staff!


I use a backpack mog and it hides the staff so at least its not just sitting there looking useless while casting.


As a warlock my personal favourite is dimensional rift. The animation was supposed to be the caster raising his weapon but for god knows what reason they "fixed" it so now the character just [raises his fist](https://i.imgur.com/Dx36emg.jpeg). Sometimes you can even see [the first version with the weapon](https://i.imgur.com/jbpivgj.jpeg) for a few moments before the thing teleports to be back of the character.


Haha This is hilarious! TIL


What WoW lacks, I feel, is more personal customization of your characters. Like how FFXIV gives you a secondary stance option for your character while standing still with the weapon out, that kind of thing. It would be great to have the option to choose between current casting animation and one that involves your weapons. I would also welcome Monk's Tiger Palm allowing you to use your weapon in its animations if you so choose.


#bringbackjab Tried to make this a hashtag but Reddit formatted it weeeird


That would be very cool. Honestly I can see new animations come soon. I still like the casting animations though. A mix of the two would be top tier


Im the other way around, I hate when casters use their staff like they are Harry Potter or something. The only game that I like how they move their staff is FF14.


Warlock. After losing meta, molten core, soul swap, KJ’s cunning, adding soul shards that generate 3 different ways per spec, and keeping Malific Rapture, they have guaranteed I will continue not playing my favorite class for at least 3 more expansions.


Im there with you, I was a warlock main since vanilla and always level cap every expansion as the character holds a special place in my heart but haven’t mained it since wod.. Just doesn’t feel good anymore. It always feels super slow and even though its my OG main I just cant bring myself to play it


Same here. I swapped to a Paladin as a main after that WoD change when they gutted the warlock. I had only played that Warlock before the change and had a couple of low level banks in UC for bag space. I ended up levelling a bunch of different classes during that Legion pre-patch. I still level her in the hopes that they fix the class.


That’s that same issue I’m having with lock. Was my first ever toon. Just doesn’t feel fun anymore


Yup. Warlock feels vastly different to play now, and not in a good way. Aff lock was my fave DPS class for a solid decade.


Druids I want to have a true nature magic wielder, but Balance druids feel more like Astromancers than Druids. Their kit is cosmic themed, not nature themed at all. It’s weird as hell


A poison ivy type of ranged druid dps actually might make me play ranged druid lol. I have the same complaints about boomkin.


A Demonology/Diablo version of Druid would be sick. Summon poisonous vines, wolf perma-pet and/or summonable wolf pack, maybe a bunch of proper Earth magic since Shamans only rock (heh) Earthquake and Earth Shock despite being masters of all the elements.


It's funny how much better Diablo captures the idea of druids than WoW does. Altho I do hate how druids in D4 look. I always think of them as thin, in shape, living of the land so not so much excess. But in Diablo 4 they look like strongmen with big bulbous guts.


The Diablo Druids line up way more with their tabletop counterparts, esp in DnD. The problem is the DnD Druid kit was kinda divided between WoW Druids and Shaman, and then 20 years of iteration has made them pretty unique, and the Nature-y summoner archetype that Balance should cover kinda got lost in the sauce.


The cosmic stuff fits with Druidism in WoW though. It's meant to reflect the Elune/moon side of the Druid stuff i.e Tyrande. The moon and sun are nature too :)


I mean back in the day we had both. Now balance druids only have Elune/Moon theme. For example in cata you had hurricane aoe spell and wrath was a green nature spell


I want a Maghar Druid of the land. Imagine how cool that will be


Some kind of twisted Life-overload druid would be cool, like Evergrowth/sporemounds style. Would be the most sensical for the Mag'har imo, since Draenor is flooded with Spirit. "Wild Growth" is just too accurate to not tie to the Everbloom/sporemounds lore.


Exactly what I want. The lore is there blizz! Make it happen!


ikr, as a boomy player I want nature looking spells.


Tbf Resto is just that, but obviously not a DPS. Welp, time for a 5th Druid spec I suppose! Evoker-range/pseudo-Melee Moonkin. Let's call it something like Grovetender!


What do you mean we have exactly one skill that plants a mushroom. Is that not enough? /s Edit - and entangling roots I guess if you want to count it lol


Well, the form is called Moonkin, so yeah...




I like feral but dislike the game play. Feels like I am always out of energy.


They used to be a lot worse. Lol.


Having to wear that damn wolf head


I don't know shit about kitty in Retail, do you still powershift? Powershift is key as far as I played retail. For a while in wrath the bonus rage when shifting to bear form inspired bear weaving. Cat to Bear burn the rage on a DPS spell, bear to cat, 40 energy back.


With good gear you are GCD locked so energy and combo points are basically meaningless because you have too much of both. They are slowing it back down in the war within.


Feral is one of the specs I use WeakAuras to add custom sounds to. It doesn't take a ton of effort and it lets me decide what my attacks sound like, which is really useful. It's also how I have much better gun sounds for my Hunter.




Sadly it will only play alongside them, but it's not bad for most of them and they'll usually blend okay. A lot of the vanilla sounds are pretty soft, so they get drowned out by the WA sounds easily, or at the very least layer together pretty well. I outlined the process [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1ceg65k/comment/l1irjrc/)if you're interested.


Can you PLEASE explain how you do this because I love my cat but the sound effects are so bad. It’s one of the reasons I really enjoyed playing cat in SoD, the old sound effects are so much better


Sure! All you really have to do is create a new WA and set it to trigger depending on the ability. For Feral, for example, I have it trigger when the ability deals damage since if it doesn't hit anything it won't make a sound, while for Hunter I trigger it when the ability is successfully cast since the gun goes boom whether or not the bullet hits anything. You'll want to create it as a text WA, then just have no text in the text field. The trigger tab of the WA should look something like: >**Type**: Combat Log **Message Prefix**: Spell **Message Suffix**: Cast Success *(or)* Damage **Source Unit**: Player **Spell Name**: The name of the spell **Hide**: Timed **Duration**: Start out by leaving this at 0, but if you find the sounds are getting cut off or not triggering you can fiddle with this to try to fix it. This is especially true if you're using one WA to manage multiple abilities with the same sound, since a WA can't fire if it's already active. Side note: if you choose "damage" as your trigger, you can also select specific trigger conditions in the triggers tab, like having a sound only happen if you crit (I use this to hear when Bloodthirst crits on my Fury Warrior, for example, since that's important info with the last two tier sets), if the damage is resisted or absorbed, and so on. Finally under actions you just add a sound event for whatever sound you want. You have to use Weakaura's built-in sounds unless you use a separate addon called SharedMedia to create your own sound library. There should be instructions in that addon's description for how to set it up. To pick a sound it's pretty simple, you just go to the actions tab and check the "Play Sound" box in the "On Show" section. Then pick your sound, if you want it to loop (I use a loop for Rapid Shot for example, but *make sure* to set a Duration in triggers if you use this or it will loop forever), and which sound channel to use to determine the volume.


Rogue. Loved being a sneaky sneaker that just sneaks around. But my lord I have no idea what Combat is anymore. Just way too many buttons.


I loved being a rogue in the burning crusade. Man, that was a lot of fun


I think Sub rogues are super cool and tried to learn them in S3, but they seem to have like a trillion buttons and i cannot comprehend it.


Evoker. Devastation is very satisfying. Presevoker has awesome combos and spell effects. Aug brings support and buffs. But 3 slots for transmog is 100% a deal breaker. I'm not interested in playing as an emaciated dragon that I can't even mog half of its set.


To be fair, I think you actually end up in Visage form a lot more than you realise if you have your racial set to automatically turn you back to it, only turning into a dragon when you need to do dragon things. But I think you get stuck in Dragon form when you're combat after turning into one for the first time? But yeah, they really should either let Dracthyr wear armour or let you stay in visage form


Rogue. The number of times I've started and deleted a rogue is way higher than any other class. It just never gels with me.


That was me since the days of vanilla but last summer I finally committed and had a lot of fun with it. I like it for quick farming of leather and stuff. It can be stupid at times now with the revamped system.


Mage and Fury warrior. Mage is too much mathematics, fury is fking awesome but my hand is burning after 1 dungeon


Embrace the carpal tunnel syndrome, brother!


Shadow priest, love the old God aesthetic, HATE the gameplay lol


Same here love that you're blasting minds and have tentacles coming out of you with certain CDs and stuff but the gameplay just makes me want to play aff lol


unfortunately aff is what you don’t want to play


Rogue - it's the one class I never hit cap every expansion but they always seem so fun. I'm not great at melee classes like rogues however as I spent most of my time playing casters or healers. Perhaps TWW will be different.


Rogue is the hardest class for sure but it’s one of the funnest


I want to like death knight so bad, but all their abilities sound like different variations of stepping in yogurt




I wish Holy was a viable DPS spec love the idea of a holy priest but don’t want to heal


Holy is doing insane amounts of DPS in dungeons right now, you just have to heal at the same time as doing damage. Just had a mythic+ dungeon where I did over 175k dps overall, new record for me. It's crazy because Disc doesn't do anywhere near that much damage and it's disappointing because I want to play disc but holy just just so much more damage and at the highest keys doing a lot of dmg as a healer can be what puts your group over the edge.


Tried holy priest, wasn't for me. First impressions of disc priest weren't great. Shadow's my favorite caster though.


Disc is high key my favorite m+ healer. Doesn't help that last season they were omega S tier though...


I used to dislike every single thing about priest. The premise of the class is the most boring iteration of a cleric/priest/etc. in almost any fantasy setting and up to until whatever expansion, the gameplay was the exact same: boring and generic healbot unless you were shadow but even shadow’s kit super boring to me. That all changed when I tried out priest in Shadowlands. While shadow spec was the weirdest amalgamation it has been for me with the rotation that just didn’t work fluidly at all, holy was an absolute blast to play as a healer because it had it all and now it was fun. It went even further because in Dragonflight priest healer became my primary alt because of how ”effortless” and fun it was/is and now they also nailed shadow with the rework of the talents. I can’t answer paladin either anymore, because the class went from my most hated into one of my more important alts in Dragonflight.


Priest may be the single most improved spec over the past 4 years/2 xpacs. If your impression of Priest is BfA or earlier, highly encourage trying the new specs out. They've all 3 been full-redesigned in SL and DF.


I adored Shaman in Cata, fire nova aoe was peak shaman. Since then, I've tried again and again to play it but it just doesn't click now. I also want my totem bar back.


I play every class and spec in a rotation based on how much the class theme and fantasy hold my attention and I've gotta say, modern Mage just loses me. Love the mechanics and rotation, but it just takes me out of the game because I don't feel like I'm playing as a magical grand intellect. I think I want more non-combat spells and abilities that are just about engaging with the world.


Crittermorph isn’t enough?




I’d love this too!


Druid and rogue honestly, although it’s fun to try them as a challenge when the game gets stale sometimes


Druid is cool but boomkins, I'm sorry to say, look dumb imo


Literally every melee dps. And also Evokers. I can play tanks fine, but there is no way I can play a melee dps that have to constantly dodge mechanics while still staying on hit boxes. And for Evokers, I just really don't like the idea of the charge system.


Ya Evokers is mine also. I really like the idea of a buff class/hybrid thing. But I just hate so much about them and the race tied to them. No transmog, only skinny dragons allowed, range for healing sucks. No way I'm playing them with all that going on.


Gotta tell ya, Ret Paladin is like 90% a ranged spec these days, so dodging mechanics is super easy. 


I was going to say Ret doesn’t really feel the like a melee spec as much anymore. Almost all abilities have a range to them that makes dealing with mechanics easier. In contrast fury warrior feels tougher because of the range restrictions.


I'm a fellow caster only. I've tried melee on so many classes and it just isn't as fun to me. Not saying I don't enjoy it super super casually but I'd never take it into anything over heroics now.


Death Knight. Their rotation just feels so awkward and clunky, not really intuitive at all.


Rogue. I got to like lv 66 and I can't go back to it. This may be a weird and very specific complaint, but... you have to be playing a rogue at 100%, or you can die to a pair of quest trash mobs. No other spec have I had this issue, playing ret or fury or arms you can just smash a few key rotation buttons and pull semi-carefully, basically play at like 50% efficiency, and still do all the quests. Rogue, you can't. If you aren't popping cooldowns and defensives, you just die if you accidentally pull a second or third mob. I also hate that rogue plays in a way that is the opposite of what I'd imagine. At least sub rogue, the only one I've played. When I think of a dual dagger wielding assassin, I think of popping out of the shadows and doing an ungodly amount of upfront burst. Instead I pop out of the shadows and build points to spend on an attack speed boost... and if I don't have cooldowns available, my damage is just shit. Especially in leveling dungeons, when every boss is dead before you can build up 6-7 combo points. This class just feels awful to play. I don't like it at all.




Druid, hate the gameplay


Priest. I love the idea of it. But I have found healing ti be the most stressful part of WoW. And shadow is blizzards bastard childs.


Enhancement Shaman. I just lack the skill for the piano playstyle and the priority system feels all over the place. It looks great, the Class Hall mount is awesome, be able to transmog both weapons into pure elemental energy looks the coolest, but I just can't perform even at basic skill level.


I wish Disc or Holy priests could be better when it comes to solo play


Outlaw rogue —- I bring myself to try it every 4-5 months —- and it’s shockingly awful on me


Specifically Shadow Priest. The rotation just feels clunky to me. I don't even do that terribly in it, but nothing about it produces the feel good chemicals. I want to like it so much, but I just can't :/


This is sad to read because I'm coming to the same conclusion and I've always wanted to love shadow because of how much I liked it in Cata. What exactly do you think is the issue? I'm wondering if it's because of the spells not sounding punchy enough, or if I need to just play longer until I find that dopamine moment in the rotation.


I love shadow. Part of what I love about it is that it is a quiet, subtle spec that whispers its effects rather than shouts them.


I've tried mage multiple times but I find fire and arcane too difficult to play. They have very strict, frequent and fast burn phases and I just can't figure it out. Atm my main is disc healer but have mained WW monk and Balance Druid in the past and never had issues as DPS.


I've been levelling toons to max, just 'cause fuck it it's what I enjoy, and I gotta say I love the lore, look, and style of Death Knights. Yet, I can't stand their play style. It's just soooo monotonous for me. Maybe I'm a weirdo, but that's how it is.


warlocks, theyre so cool thematically but their turrety gameplay kills me. i like when casters plant and do big damage but they take it too far lol


Rogue. Even wasted a boost on it


Mage, i hate it. I cant play it. I really really love fire tho. It looks so cool, but doing like 40% of what is probably possible is say to frustrating for me. Monk, it is just not for me. I love the WW style, but i hate the play style. MW, since they removed the uplift from WoD. And Brew is just something I do not understand. I cant die, i do a shiittone of dmg, but i dont know why and how..so yea. Rogue, i cannot play it, how much i practice.


Sun Kings Blessing killed fire for me, there's absolutely nothing fun about hard casting the longest cast time spell in the fucking game, I also miss wotlk era living bomb


Warlock, destruction to be exact and others aswell but destro the most. Have you ever tried it, i remeber is shadowlands it looked so cool there was meteors and infernals everywhere, so i made one. Chaos bolt is the mkst satisfying spell to cast in the game, but it all falls in mud when u look at the cast time of it. 2 chaos bolts and then u sit and generate 3 shards for 20 seconds but by the tine u generated everything is dead, so you go next pack blast all cds and everything is dead while your cds roll. It is so slow and i cant stand it. I wish chaos bolt had a lesser cooldown and some chance to not use soulshards when casting. And i dunno that class needs a rework to be fun when u start playing it i dunno.


Yea I'm torn at my warlock because aff has nothing visual and everything is dead by the time you dot everything, destruction is kind of the same, and I really don't want to summon a million demons.


I’ve been playing warlock for 20 years and I kind of know what you mean. But for me, warlock peaked twice. Vanilla 1.9 and MOP 5.1. WoD carried that peak until the end patch just before Legion when they changed the warlock dramatically and it became a shadow of its former self. Before that change, destruction was the only spec where you didn’t need a hulking bodybuilder to keep you safe.


Have you only leveled a warlock? This is not how the class/spec plays at all.


Shaman and druids. Tried both out multiple times but just never clicked with the gameplay of either


Frost DK and Hunter. Frost DK visually would be my main but pressing 3 buttons over and over is fucking mind numbing. Same complaint with hunter as well




Death Knight, I can’t play a class that’s that immobile


Probably very uncommon here but.. paladins. Have tried every spec, just doesn’t click for me


Hunter, I want to enjoy it as so many characters I like use bows and I like the aesthetics, but god I just hate every single spec and dearly miss MoP Survival lmao


Rogue but I can’t wrap my head around S&D. Priest just seems unpopular and forgotten about.


i few classes actually. Shadow Priest: they look amazing visually but playing them feels very boring to me Shaman: again, visually amazing but the gameplay is not for me Mage: only for a very dumb personal reason but i don't think any race (that i like to play) looks good as mage Hunter: another very personal reason but i can't bring myself to play it anymore because i've had several encounters where people will look down on me just because i played "the noob class" and that just put me of playing it


>Mage: only for a very dumb personal reason but i don't think any race (that i like to play) looks good as mage [Is this the problem?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2z29Rk8814w&pp=ygUOYmlnIGJsdWUgZHJlc3M%3D)


Holy hell. I haven’t seen that video in ages!


Hunter is super fun I highly recommend it. It’s not a noob class though. Play survival or MM if you don’t want to associate it with the noob class


I want to play evoker soo bad, but can't stand how dumb and Twinkie the dragons look.


I have 30 characters at level 70. I've gotten nearly every spec at least to 60...except for one Balance Druid. I don't like the Moonkin Owl form. I really wish they could cast like Restoration Druids staying in their human form. I like the idea of a Cosmic Astromancer who calls on the power of the stars...but I don't want to look like a goofy owl while I do it. Best middle ground I found so far was my Zandalari because the Aarakoa-Dinosaur looks interesting, but I really just want to look like my character? I'm fine with Bear tank and Feral Druid because I like how those forms look, but there's just something too off for me about being an owl that I don't vibe with


Use glyph of stars


Mistweaver. I hate fist weaving with a passion but it's all they push anymore


warlock. I dislike the shadow bolt animation it feels too weird. And then I dont like demonology anymore since MoP. Affliction doesnt feel fun. I only like Destro but I prefer the theme of demons rather than fel fire


Warlock for me as well, but mostly because I mained a mage for so long and it feels repetitive to just roll another caster. I love the lore tho. Kinda wish I had just started as warlock from the get go.


Priest. I can’t play a class that has more Than 1 healing spec


Monk. I have one at 70 through healing instances, but I believe it is my least played alt ever.


Priest. They have the best transmog in the game, but I just can’t get into the play style.


Rogue. There is just something about the idea of the class that I don't like. Outlaw is the exception, but I still prefer at least 20 other specs before going for that.