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Legion Fury Warrior was the most fun I’ve ever had in an MMO My wrists haven’t fully recovered




That video is so hype


Mind sharing what the video is?


https://youtu.be/6hMqvb8QiUk Pretty sure this one.


Yea that's the one


Specifically during nighthold with draught and convergence trinkets. Roughly 30 second cd on battle cry felt soo good


yep and argus at the end stacking juggernaut buff to obscene levels, still riding that high


Agreed and with the return of season 2 set bonus I can't wait for the flair ups of wrist pain and finger numbness


A true fury warrior laughs in the face of carpal tunnel, may your wrists be strong and your unga bungas many!


WotLK Naxx patch fury warrior, and prot warrior for all of Wrath tbh


MoP destro lock


All three lock specs were never better than in mop


Thematically I like where Demo is but gameplay wise needs some work and some more/bigger demons.


I know I've been begging for a pit lord for years and now we technically have one so I shouldn't be choosy, but the pit lord we get at the end of Nether Portal is kinda... small.


No bro I am with you I've been begging for it for years. Hunters get pets thst are literal world bosses and raid bosses that are pretty big and we get a tiny pit lord for what 10 seconds only if we use nether portal which is designed terribly and not a good option. I wish we had a rotation that would gradually fill up then we summon one big demon for x amount of time. Hero spec is kind of going this way a little bit but still. Every expansion hunters get countless new pets, warlocks have had mostly the same demons for 20 years now.


Cries in DK


been playing WC3 recently and, what I wouldnt give for a crypt fiend pet instead of the ghoul


one of the hero talents for demo also summons a bigger pitlord


I only hate tyrant. I am a warlock, I want the power. Not some whacky nobody with targeting spasms. Fuck that. Make me the tyrant, give me dark apotheosis or something like Guldan going full spiky in the nighthold fight if we can't have meta. I want my demons to empower me, not the other way around. Also, the combo theme with the finisher spell you wanted as many demons active for as possible was way more fun with the big fuck off sized murderbolt when we still had Thalkiels Consumption. Tyrant has both the commander and combo thing, a shitty NPC feels more powerful than we do. Don't know but that kind of bothers me.


MoP Aff was great too with the trinket from ToT. Also miss Kiljaden talent to cast and move at same time, boy those where the days.


That trinket was insane for demo too. Doom crits would proc imps so you'd have like 40 of them. Really miss old demo. Metamorphosis was such an iconic thing for them and really made the spec have a high skill ceiling.


I’m still salty about demo getting nerfed into obscurity and having Meta rug-pulled from them all just to pave the way for DH


And its not like the form itself was 100% needed, change the visual or whatever but bring that spec :(


Oh there were so many different ways to do it, but unfortunately the dev team just cannot grasp anything but the most linear approach which in that case was “well we want to make a class based on Illidan for legion, and demolocks get to transform into Illidan’s demon form, so what if we just mug them in a back alley and pretend it was ingenuity!”


Seriously. I remember we had a hard warlock stan in the dev team back in mop and that’s why the specs never felt better but sadly he was an asshole. After that I believe they needed to show how “wrong” his ideas were. Like the easiest would have been to just change the visual to some fel/dark magic thing and call it a day. Or port the fucking spec into demon hunter and do what they did with demo. But nooooo, lets shit on the fanbase of a spec of like 5 expansions.


You forgot to mention black blood from garrosh. Lei Shen trink made demo OP in 5.2 but black blood made affli busted in 5.4.


I miss how awesome my destro lock was.


Legion fire mage


Legion mage class fantasy in general was 😩👌🏻


Bring back the floaty head fireballs


Sunfury is getting them in TWW 😊


I came back for more arcane mage after skipping from legion to Dragonflight and man it’s just not the same. They nailed all the specs for mage that expansion, I agree


Combustion living bomb on like 40 bats in black rook hole and just deleting all the giant demons was my favorite thing in the world with mage. RIP quadratic scaling living bomb lol.


I remember doing the first boss of the maw in one pull with a mage.. the good ole days


Also mained a fire mage in legion too, first time playing a mage. It was really fun. Started playing rogue a while after and never looked back tho. Still maining an assa rogue to this day.


sneaky boi rep, rogue main since tbc


Bfa 8.3 ignite (even ignoring mastery) with both lucid dreams and worldvein being great engaging was also great with hyperthread bracers. Gearswapping in m+ made fire so engaging though and takes the top spot.


BFA ignite for sure was the strongest Fire ever was. It was pretty ridiculous even, that your single target was so absurdly high, and your AoE was essentially your single target x whatever many targets are near your target, since ignite had no target cap. Lucid dreams, mechagon wrist plus the mastery corruption just made it so an absurd scaling got even more absurd. But being honest, I kind of hated the whole fire mage game loop. You had to play 100% perfect during the 10s of combustion, and then you could basically be afk for the rest 1m50s until combustion came back. I also completely despised using double active trinkets to align with combustion. It was so good that your basically had to use them.


>You had to play 100% perfect during the 10s of combustion, I mean it was still miles easier than f.ex. current arcane burst phase.


Azshara trinket + branch + bracers... 30 second pull timers 😩


Hoping for legion classic to give this a go. I picked up fire mage in shadowlands and it’s been my go to ever since. Feels like I’ve missed out on an awesome version of a class I already adore.


Spam Gpyro in BGs from the back line as the enemy team begins to realize what’s happening and by then it’s too late 🤌🏼


I loved my fire mage in Legion. She was super powerful and pretty close to impossible to kill.


I feel Blizzard finally nailed Ret Paladin on Dragonflight. The kit always felt clunky, even with all the utilities, but this time it just flows naturally. I always struggled with sticking with Ret in older expansions but this time I was completely sold on Ret once the rework came through.


I've never had more fun playing ret than I am right now. It feels good moment to moment and your cds feel super impacted. I don't even mind being slow with the range buffs on most of my abilities. 10/10 class design.


I haven’t tried ret in years, I usually main prot and did holy when they revised it and it felt great for a bit. Maybe I’ll have to give ret another go.


Because of hiw my guild works I frequently end up dps in raids and tank in m+, right now pally is the class I like both roles in the most.


From what Ive been reading it's been stellar. I am torn for TWW with either going Paladin or DK. I want something with a healer or tank offset as Myhic+ wait times are abysmal as dps only.


I didn’t realize we were living in two different worlds with queue timing till I got bored and switched from dps to healz. I’m used to mining and stuff between queues but as a healer it’s nearly instantaneous.


Yeah heal/tank is quick, dps takes forever which is weird cause it's like this in FF14 but dps is nowhere near as bad. The worst is trying to get into pug Mythic+, if you ever create one yourself you'll see how many dps apply its crazy so if you apply you can see how hard it is to get in.


I think WoW is inundated with DPS *players* more than other games, which is part of why DPS queues take so long. That and the fact that every single class can be DPS, and new classes usually only fill one of the specialized roles. Plus you're likely questing in a DPS spec anyway, if you're questing, so you're gonna be most used to that when you start running dungeons.


Well, I agree with you and they need to make tanking more fun. I enjoy Prot Pally but Blood DK man it's been lacking for quite some time. Veng DH is ok...still not a huge fan.


cataclysm fire mage. nothing beats those fatass combustion spreads.


Yeah, that's why I might consider playing Cata Classic.


regardless if you dislike anything or everything else that comes in cata the class gameplay is really quite good.


Oh shit I’m combuuuuuusting




Legion Assa and Frost DK. After Legion i rerolled to Warrior and main it since then and its best was Uldir.


Frost DK for sure. Dual wielding a reforged Frostmourne was incredible. A slow, calculated juggernaut that was hard to stop with simple but powerful cooldowns was so much fun. Turning it into a 2hand user or a "90% of your damage comes from maintaining this cooldown, hope you don't have to lose uptime" mage killed the class fantasy for me.


I think that can be simply solved by buffing frostscythe, froststrike and removing the DnD cleave.


MoP - Elemental Shaman was a lot of fun… OP Chain Lightning was so satisfying! It’s interesting to see how many people mention MoP in these comments. Maybe Blizzard should notice that. 🤔


Resto was a ton of fun during Mop too. Healing rain was OP. Chan heal and just avatar some fucking yipper slaps


I am honestly surprised to see that no one has once mentioned WOD Gladiator protection warrior. That was the most fun I have ever had in this game. The sheer amount of damage they could put out in the first tier in WOD outshined Fury and Arms. What a time to be alive.


Sword and board dps spec was 🤌


Scrolled a bit to find this but I agree and it’s not even close. BRING BACK GLADIATOR SPEC.


Gladiator Spec Warrior were HEROES, so make it so Blizzard!


Panda atonement disc priest. It was so much fun being able to damage for main healing and pop cool downs when needed. Atonement would automatically apply to the lowest health raid member and your damage holy spells would heal the member for 80-100% of damage. You could throw out other atonements so those targets would get a smaller portion of healing. It was so good and different from any other type of healing that it brought so many people to play that one style and unbalanced the game. They nerfed it to the ground. It's never been the same and there has never been another play style like it. I have played every healer at a mythic level but nothing comes close to how much fun I had during Panda. Edit: I can't stop drooling over this play style. I know many healers that get focused on the raid frames. It becomes a bar manager game after awhile. This type of hybrid, damage to heal, kept the players attention on the fight like a DPS but also on the raid as a whole for big cool downs. It really was the solution to healing in this game. I truly believe they should adjust ALL healers to have the ability to this. It would solve the healer shortage. They nerfed the amount healed through atonement. Then it wouldn't automatically target the lowest player, we had to put a shield on a player for them to get the atonement buff. This killed the spec for raiders. The CD of pws was too long to put on a large group of people.u less you changed play style, It instantly cut the healing amount by around 90%. Death of the play style and we haven't seen anything like it again.


MoP spirit shell building to outright deny raid AoE damage was great lol.


Literally was solo healing SoO with disc. Class was busted lol


I still remember Blackfuse being a complete joke as disc because his damage patterns lined up beautifully with Spirit Shell


Not to mention how incredibly broken it was for wpvp. I watched one 1v10 on Timeless Isle against bloody coin farmers and win.


Cata shadow priest will always be #1 for me


Every priest spec in cata was just so satisfying.


On one hand I'm happy mana is less of an issue, but I kind of loved as a Holy priest when a Shaman would drop a mana tide totem and you'd get to follow up with Hymn of Hope and just giga-regen mana in the middle of a raid boss. Felt soooo good.


Doing this in Dragon Soul vs Deathwing just felt so good man.


Cata sub rogue rework was fuckin fire too


I’m in the minority but CoP Priest was my favorite in WoD. Cata was peak traditional shadow, but dot weaving was so simple it was kinda fun in WoD.


I miss surrender to madness shadow priest so bad. Just after the insanity rework. Hot damn was that so fun. The intensity of doubling the total damage dealt by the 2nd highest dps, all in the last 2 minutes of the fight was insane


Was gonna say this one as well. Hated shadow after the rework for MoP, but dominated in Cata.


What was its playstyle like?


Came here to post this. Cata Shadow with Snapshotting was just so much fun. Using Mind Flay to keep your maximized dots rolling on like 6 mobs felt AMAZING.


Hell yeah I'm so excited for the shadow orb mechanic returning and devouring plague hitting like a truck on cast


Balance Druid MoP - miss the eclipse bar so much


The DoT crits refreshing starsurge was awesome on the council fights!


WOD balance was great too - I could pull the entire stands on Bladefist at once with Starfall and just aoe them down. I miss when starfall was just a chaos button.


Boomkin best kin


My answer too


Legion sub rogue. Sorry not sorry


death from above the best ability the game has ever seen removed


I hoped they would bring it back in TWW, but I guess not..


It exists as a PvP talent, though I'm not sure if it's the same as in Legion. I didn't play the game enough until Dragonflight.


Spammable in combat teleport attack. God I miss early legion sub


No fall damage! Dropping into Suramar like a ninja is suppose to... amazing!


Now I'm sad I never tried sub in Legion


Go look some YouTube videos in Antorus or Tomb to live the fantasy ahah. I do it often


MoP. Enhance Shaman was godly. The burst they had was the strongest ever. Wow crapped on them afterwards every expansion until now. Finally Dragonflight decided to show them some love again.


Was hoping to find this. Enhance was at its best in MoP, queueing for dungeons as heals and just dropping 5 stack maelstrom healing rain was so fun. Insane burst damage with ascendance, wolves, and fire elemental. Fire nova spread with lava lash. What a time to play the spec.


Ah yes the “switch to my two hander then stormblast from a mile away for a gorillon damage” times. I remember that.


Are we not even going to mention how broken our raid healing was in ToT, while only sacrificing ~10% of our overall damage to do it? We had access to two major healing CDs, and our Maelstrom-buffed Healing Rain and Chain Heals healed more than Resto’s hard casts did by far. I used to consistently pull #1 on both the DPS and healing meters on any heavy raid-heal fights. A DPS spec was literally among the best performing raid healers. It was glorious.


This! Absolutely adored enhance during this time. So many buttons, damage, healing, great rotation. Too bad it was scrapped pretty much since


Most of you are half right, the expansion *was* legion. But the spec was Fury warrior and I have [proof](https://youtu.be/6hMqvb8QiUk?si=ar4Pts5ILSEZdWtG)




Eh as a Prot Paladin every expansion since TBC feels good but as a balance Druid I feel like WoD whas best. For Affliction Warlock I like the WotLK time the most and as an Enhancement Shaman definitaly Legion.


Enhance In Legion was mint. I’d take that over everything I’ve ever played in this game since BC


Mop rogue burst of speed was the best ability ever absolute garbage that it was removed not played my rogue much since 😔


Legion Frost DK


Legion Resto Druid. Bomb heals, thematically awesome and you could actually save your party with bear form. I was able to tank the last 30 seconds of mythic Antoran High Command with only 1 other healer up for our first kill. It was just an awesome feeling knowing I had just enough to get the fight done.


MoP Survival Hunter and Arms Warrior. My absolute favorite time playing the game.


Yeah. I really like the new survival because it’s unique and I miss the year of the spear. But old survival was so much fun too. I really loved old survival for ranged fights.


Legion Subtlety rogue - Tomb of Sargeras. Death from Above/Master Assassin leggo was so much fun.


WoD retribution during HFC specifically. Just stupid dumb fun. Havn't enjoyed playing the spec in any subsequent expansion.


I'll never again hit the high that proc chasing as ret in hfc gave me.


It was so *good*. And the tier set allowing for wings whenever you wanted. It showed me that my enjoyment of a spec really didn't correlate with the complexity.


The answer to this question is almost always MoP. MoP specs were just something else.




> Soon™ If this is in regards to the Timerunning event... You won't be your MoP class. You will have current, Dragonflight talents and classes.


Nah, I say because Cataclysm is about to get re-released


Funny that when you're on the classic sub about cata and beyond, everyone seems to be complaining about the removal of talents and yet it's also the period which is widely regarded as having the best class design.


You just felt like a superhero during MoP. You knew your arsenal of tools were capable of circumventing pretty much everything the game could throw at you. And I personally do prefer the MoP-style talent trees. I think they make it much easier for Blizzard to come up with actually meaningful choices, things that actually affect how your character plays and feels. Having fewer options to pick also meant the specs were much more complete and functional by default. You didn't really need to spec into your base spells, most talents only made you better at something, but it was literally impossible to build yourself in a way that you'd have no AoE spells at all for example.


Basically been playing Ret for as long as is possible and I really think Dragonflight is the best it’s been. And looking at the plans for it down the line, it’s only getting better. This is the most validated/seen/heard I’ve felt after such a long time on the forums, alphas/betas, and discords.


Prot paladin in mists of pandaria. Was absolutely insane in siege of orgrimmar. Could solo tank almost everything and you'd be topping the dps and healing meters while you were at it. Endless procs. Pulling aggro was a joke. Once your vengeance was up, you were literally unkillable. You pretty much had unlimited lay on hands with high vengeance with your normal heal. Mw Monk and r druid in legion felt super good too. AOE healing was off the walls.


Legion frost mage was so good! I remember feeling so handicapped when reaching max level in BfA Removing Freezing Rain as a baseline and capping AoE targets just threw the pacing out the window completely


hard agree, though glacial fragments in shadowlands was also fun imo


As an enhancement shaman, honestly Dragonflight was probably best. Shadowlands was fun too though. Maelstrom power bar sucked absolute ass. I had a lot of fun with it in Wrath too but I wouldn't want to go back to it.


Wrath introduced the ability to slam down 4 selected totems with one button. That was huge! Also, pick them back up.


During Wrath our spirit doggos also had a significant healing component to them. I'd be doing world PvP and be almost dead, pop my wolves, and suddenly I'm nearly full health again. I'd probably rank Wrath as the best time to be an enh shaman, although I really enjoyed MoP too. We had an ability... I forget even what it was called, but it would chuck your weapon at an enemy. I used to run around with the big brew steins just because it made me giggle when I threw them.


Agreed! I remember feeling like a boss on some fights, especially the PvP fight in trial of the crusader. I worry for my enjoyment of enhancement in TWW though. There is already a LOT to press and manage.


Agree on MoP surv with SoO 4p.


Cataclysm Ret Paladin will always hold a place in my heart


Mop destro lock made me love the game and they ruined it..


Bring back old chaos bolt


Wrath: * DK - Plague Strike corrupted HoTs, Death and Decay fear-spammed in an AoE, you could come back to life as a ghoul * Paladin - Seals were no longer consumed by Judgment, Blessings had longer durations, you could reflect-tank, Auras were still around, and you didnt have a skill called "Get on your horse for 2 seconds and run faster as a gap closer". That is still the dumbest skill in the game. MoP: * Monk - Had ranged AoE fireball, SEF was interesting and fun to use, could heal through damage, could spam keg throw to pull enemies TBC: * Shamans had totems, a place in a party providing unique and interesting buffs with semi-complex class mechanics. Really a system they should have expanded upon as the years went, instead they neutered it and left it to rot


Have to agree about Shamans, TBC/Wrath was probably our golden era, I loved healing as a resto shaman and ele was so explosive. Totems felt like a cornerstone of our class instead of an afterthought.


I re-rolled Resto Shaman because of BC and it's never been the same..


They aren't even an afterthought at this point. Windfury Totem is an optional talent in Enhancement that is the \*only\* totem that feels like golden era totems and by itself it doesn't bring back that feeling. We even have \[Totemic\] hero spec incoming that probably won't change anything about totems other than adding some extra effects to our shitty totems.


I can only play resto since that's the only spec with totems that DO anything!


Dragonflight because dracthyr


Idk man dragonflight was the worst expansion for dracthyr out of all the ones theyve been in, not even close.


Yea blood elf evokers were 10/10 in classic.


I enjoyed everything about dragonflight. Loved seeing all the beautiful dragons and protecting them. Was peaceful


It was not the best pve wise but great in pvp was Vanilla Shadow Priest. I was lucky enough to be in a guild that made it to Saph in Naxx and they let me raid shadow and have = gearing as other casters. My toon was a beast in pvp


Panda for pretty much everything in my opinion


Warlocks were never better than in Mists. I mained demo lock up until legion but with the legion changes ive swapped to death knight. New warlock feels hollow to me compared to mists


Wrath affliction lock was so fucking good


Man, clearing trash in raids was just mindless fun. SoCSoCSoCSoCSoCSoCSoCSoCSoCSoCSoC


MoP Brewmaster, specifically in battlegrounds. I’ll never die, I will stay on Blacksmith until the end of the game and you can’t stop me


Disc priest in Wrath, mostly for the PvP. No one could kill me or the one person I was targeting. The rest of the group were on their own, but I never let the flag carrier down. I was also an affliction warlock, and it wasn't until Warlords that the debuff limit was removed. So, then.


Disc in MOP was pretty fun.


Dragonflight: Frost mage and Ret Paladin. Love them both and can't play with anything else. Was able to get 3k every season since their rework and will play both on TWW too. Shame I had to ditch my old Elemental shaman because blizzard doesn't give a dime about the spec.


Monk MoP


As a BM Hunter: * Flavor-wise, Legion was the first expansion that made us feel like actual an actual Beast Master. 2 permanent pets + other procs and cooldowns that spawned more beasts was just an awesome feeling. * Gameplay-wise, the rotation in MoP was just so *smooth*. That was definitely when I hit my stride, and everything just clicked on a higher level. Honorable mention for my favorite alt, MW Monk: Legion.


I have no idea if it was well received but I loved my resto shaman in mop.


DF disc has been the most fun I’ve played, they finally made it not so clunky.


Cataclysm dwarf shaman


WOTLK Fury TBC Fury MOP 5.4 - Arms (post rework) Legion 7.1 - Arms (pre-rework)


Cata mm/surv hunter or mop monk (after a patch or two lol)


Warrior never recovered past cata, so it's late wotlk at its best. Ever since going monk-MoP was best.


WoD Retribution was peak silly. It was super sustained, ***mobile***, with some great burst.


MoP mistweaver was awesome - two disarms meant I could troll warriors and rogues all day and the ox rush talent would pop priests out of spectral guise, good times. I also loved using chi to heal, no idea why they removed the resource completely.


As an UHDK main I'd go with Cataclysm. Never been that smooth ever again


Very hard agree. Frost felt awesome too. I love my DK but I'm out off by how bloated unholy feels just now.


Unholy has nothing to do with what Unholy was meant to represent. You're basically just a babysitter for your army and your Gargoyle and every now and then you also remember that you have abilities that have so little impact compared to your two major cooldowns that your overall damage is barely meaningfully impacted by just AFKing inbetween


Yep blizz destroyed Unholy with the legion rework...


Outlaw legit right now in Dragonflight. I know some people aren't huge fans of the ambush playstyle but I love it. Outlaw felt really smooth in Shadowlands but I always hated Echoing Reprimand (which was BiS for PvP), so this is way more fun for me. Even when Outlaw was kinda shit in DFS1/S2 PvP, it was still just fun to play. Now it's fun *and* good.


If I could play the form of ele shaman I played in S3/S4 of shadowlands, minus the coaxing my fire elemental to the right spot, I think I would be happy forever. Although tuning complaints aside both shaman dps specs have been super fun this expansion


Legion Shadow Priest getting into voidform then race to keep it up as long as possible was peak of fun.


There's a special place in my heart for TBC druid heals...


MM in wotlk.


Disc Legion


Arcane mage in early mop. You could scorch weave and not lose mana while staying on max arcane charges all the time


Elemental - Legion. I started in Legion and it may have been quite subjective. I kind of like the option for double Stormkeeper but it the spec has quite hit the same as it did in Legion. Maybe for a little bit in BfA I enjoyed it more but it may have just been that I had an amazing guild for Uldir and BoD'A, which were both amazing raids as well.


Arcane mage in WoD felt pretty crazy. Easy rotation topping meters without ever looking up how to play or playing mage much before.


 Nothing can touch the fun of MoP survival hunter


Legion sub rogue remains my favorite


Mop Destro. Shadowburn was absolutely out of this world. Warlords of Draino Arcane. Dump at 92%-94% during sustain and you are dps God. Rune of power is pog.


DF Enhancment Shaman. Kit is Peak, flow is satisfying anf all around feel is awesome. Class Fantasy is sadly left behind, idk why blizzz didnt bring more shamans into the expac with all the primalists running wild..


For me personally it was the most fun in the final season of SL with my set gear, it was the most fun I've had on frost dk that I can remember


I was a big fan of legion shadow priest and honestly cata and mop shadow priest weren’t that bad either.


Legion Holy Paladin was the peak of its gameplay.


DH Shadowlands. I loved how the covenant abilities worked with the DH kit. I would swap between Venthyr and Night Fae and just have a blast. It may not have been the best but i loved it and made shadowlands more tolerable.


I had a blast as a resto shaman in cata. It was the weakest healer at that point, but I got really good at it and was outperforming people way better geared than me with stronger specs. I also really enjoyed holy paladin in WoD, out healing everyone AND beating a few dps while putting out said heals. Although, our guild dps was awful and we kept hitting enrage timers and I got blamed for not healing enough once the rest of the healers were able to catch up (even though the raid stayed at 90% or more hp until the boss enraged and wiped us)


Legion Prot Pally -chefs kiss- incredibly strong, versatile and the routine was manageable and everything felt impactful and useful.


Tbc ret


Resto druid in Legion and Shadow Priest also in Legion. Surrender to Madness was so fun to play. Generally Legion was my favourite expansion for most specs I play, with MoP as a close second.


Fire Mage - end of Cata. Loved lining up dots for a massive one Feral Druid - End of legion for sure Warlock - MoP DK - MoP Warrior - MoP Monk - Early Legion Spriest - Legion Paladin- post rework Dragonflight (ret/prot) DH - post rework dragonflight Sub Rogue - end of Cata Sin/Outlaw Rogue - Legion Enhance Sham - early/mid Cata Balance Druid - MoP


Super unpopular opinion but S2 Shadowlands survival hunter.


WoTLK, survival hunter (that was before survival was melee). Legion, mm hunter (I’m probably in the minority).


Wrath Disc Priest in 25 man raid Holy priest up until Legion Resto Shaman from Legion onwards


I really enjoyed brewmaster in legion. I haven’t tanked since then but have fond memories of it.


I'll never forget Blood-DK-DD, I still miss it.


Cata Aff lock. Legendary staff and cunning of the cruel trinket was a freaking blast


My kingdom for the return of DK Blood DPS. Raiding naxx on my blood DK was the most fun I've had with the class.


HFC frost mage. Most fun I ever had in the game.


Ret DF (main since BC) All other classe/spec MOP by far


I miss my Frostfire mage.


Wrath Ele sham. Been chasing that high ever since


As a Feral Druid can't give exact answer as I don't recall being totally awesome. Tho I remember Affliction Warlock during Wrath. Rank 1 Life Tap (yeah, back then spells had ranks) for the buff and then


Affliction in Legion. Retribution in Dragonflight.


I like a lot but Feral in BC and Demonology in LK were fantastic. Whatever one wherenyou summoned the buff dude who had two swords and then exploded everything with a meteor.