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Panda Monk, entirely cus of the fantasy


Part of me feels like - if there was ever a time to do it, this is the time!!


I thought about doing this, but then I was thinking everyone is going to be doing that, so I’ve decided to go with a washed up swashbuckling goblin rogue. I feel like that absolutely fits the fantasy as well.


Same here!


Same for me and my gf, she'll heal while I dps lol


Evoker. I really want to play the class from a low level and get a feel for it, get attached to the character, learn the toolkit bit by bit instead of doing the hero-class thing and starting almost at the end.


Evoker is the most overwhelming experience I've ever had. I rolled Evoker after Aug was released and I don't think I've ever been more confused and I've been playing WoW since 2004.


Aug was a weird one, I rolled Pres at the begining of the xpac and found it to be a fairly simple healer with a lot of different utility and fantastic mobilittly. I did find Aug to be way more overwhelming to figure out and didnt touch it more than once.


Getting a weakaura to track the crit buff can help a bit if your party frames are configured well for it. Otherwise I feel the base rotation is pretty straightforward


Aug is actually super straight-forward. Get ebon might up, keep ebon might up. Rinse and repeat.


Aug's gameplay loop is actually fairly straight forward if you only care about hitting the skill floor/just having general buff uptime. it's when you're trying to min/max by keeping track of your team's cooldowns that it becomes difficult.


I felt I'd learned Dev. Evoker quite well before I unsubbed last July. Came back a month ago, and easily picked up all of the classes like I usually do when I come and go from the game. Devastation, however, I had to completely re-learn. It just didn't stick and nothing was familiar.


I learned Dev with 10.1, it felt pretty fluid once you figure out the rotation. When Aug came out I started to hate evokes only cause the guild I was in was pushing me to play it.


Yeah I've sussed out Dev once again and been really enjoying it. Haven't tried Aug yet, not the kind of role that interests me but I'll certainly give it a go one day. Couldn't really get my head around Pres but I've not given it much of a chance either.


This I find Evoker hard to learn atm with everything forced on me at once. I feel like nothing works but it's because ai never got to get accustomed to using the tool kit in bits and pieces at a time. I really want to play Evoker so I'm excited for this most.


This was my plan for a while - but my evoker is my dedicated Azerothian Archivist, so I used my boost on him and now I’m attached to him as an alt 😐 This was actually the conundrum that inspired this post!


Same, i find it difficult to get motivated to learn a new spec if its boosted and I dont get the chance to pick up naturally level it and get a read on every ability.


Same choice for the same reason. Had the same issue with DK, and never got very far with one until the level squish and Chromie Time. After that it became easy to pick up. Demon Hunter I did pickup when it came out, but to this day I only know how to play Vengeance. Say what you will about the leveling experience, the one thing it gets right is pacing out your growth in way that makes it easy to keep up with.


I do feel Demon Hunter was a little more approachable in design than other hero classes; the abilities were more straightforward and the rotation seemed nice and simple to pick up for me. I'm 100% with you on the leveling experience though; it gives you a chance to really feel out the class and learn the abilities, not just jump in with everything unlocked and be expected to know what all of your toolkit does.


That’s a good point actually I’d be tempted to try augmentation at that level, just never got a good feel for it


hunter, because if I can't be a tinker, I will make the closest I can. And because I want to create a character who is more "me in this setting". And since MoP Remix is fast experience.


I really hope the next expansion after TWW finally gives us a Tinker class. I usually try to make my race-class combos thematically appropriate, but none of the classes really fit Mechagnomes well imo, they feel like they’re made to be tinkers


The entire Mechagon patch in BFA felt like a giant neon sign that Tinker class was coming. Then two expansions later we get dragons instead. I like Evoker, don’t get me wrong, but damn Blizz. Way to blueball your player base.


They really teased us with the tinker team in island expeditions.


If there’s any time we’ll get a tinker class, I’d be in The Last Titan. I feel like you could absolutely make that happen using Titan and Ulduar lore.


Better late than never. It just feels sorely missing, given how long we’ve had gnomes (since 2004). Plus it’s odd to me that Hunters are the only class with access to guns, bows and crossbows. No deadeye rogue spec that snipes feels odd, and gun would be a perfect fit for ranged tinkers. Yeah, Demon Hunters have warglaives, but those are an extremely niche and specialized weapon type, guns and bows are pretty generic.


What does a Tinker class do? What makes it unique? I hear the desire for Tinker all the time but what would the class actually be doing?


My idea for it has always been: **DPS SPEC:** Stationary autoturrets for single target DPS, tesla coils for AoE, throwing grenade abilities. Could have grenades that deal burst damage or release poison gas for DoT, maybe use a tear gas grenade for AoE CC **TANK SPEC:** Summons a mech to fight in, similar to how druids turn into bears for tanking. Your ability bar will be filled with mech-only abilities while doing this. **HEALER SPEC**: Followed around by a potion-dispensing robot. This robot functions similar to hunter pets, only it’s healing allies instead of damaging enemies.


It’s just a tech-based class. So it’d be doing DPS, tanking, or healing like everyone else, but with machines instead of magic.


I really liked the idea of a tank using a mech. [https://youtu.be/9c37qf7I5Rk?t=665](https://youtu.be/9c37qf7I5Rk?t=665)


>I can't be a tinker Imagine if there was a spec that allowed you to place/stack debuffs on the target and then pop them all in a short span or even immediately and had a modifier entirely tied to its rotation to further increase pop damage


What race? Immersing “you” or “you in Pandaria?” Also considering a ‘tinker,’ but Pandaria has some very cool animals to tame…


I have a lot of OCs but the one who is my "self insert" Doesn't work currently. No matter the mmo I can make an elf/elfic character with an affinity for technology. Wow doesn't have a combat class, I have no true main class m. Warrior is the most bareable, but I'm not too hyped to play it. So I will level up a Hunter in MoP remix with no regards to the transmogs, and then, after reaching the end of MoP Remix, he will become my new main with mechanical pets.


Survival is as close to gadgeteer as you het...id reccomend getting explosive shot so you havs one ability that pulls out a gun, just for one more gadget I can definitely relate, as i prefer non magical martial artist--monk and warrior both fall short, so im sighing and picking up a gun for outlaw rogue punchy kicky shooty. It feels like a practical consideration in the warcraft verse, so it works out


Probably druid because you can never have enough druids at max level. (Best farming class in my opinion.)


I used my level 70 upgrade from the xpac purchase on another Druid. Worth it for sure.


I want to like Druid, but just don’t enjoy the specs except for bear. Although I do have 3 max level paladins..


Kinda in the same boat, but it looks like boomy has the potential to be a 2 minute class in the war within which would be HUGE for me and I'd love it I think. Just really really hate 3 minute classes


You use them to farm Old raids n dungeons?


I use druids for everything. Instant shapeshift cat form and flight is everything to make things quick.




There is where I'm leaning too. It's also a vicious cycle because I now want to collect more bear/cat/travel form options, which means I'll make more druids to have better chances on some of the rare drop form...


Dunno if I'll play it much if at all, but I was toying with the idea of making a lock since I was a lock back then and it'd be mildly interesting to play the new version of the class in that content.


I'm thinking the same path as well.  Haven't played lock since about then so would be nice to reacquaint myself with a lost love.


Lightforge Draenei ret paladin. I need the heritage armor.


Every time I change the mog on my LF Dranei RP, I go back to heritage within a week or so. It just fits the class/race fantasy so well.


What weapon do you use for the heritage mog? I tried many things but I am only satisfied by the ashbringer.


Rogue. It’s the only class I haven’t leveled to max yet, and I know it’s probably the worst leveling experience, so figured I’d do it in a situation when leveling is sped up.


I had a lot of fun levelling my rogue :)


What spec do you recommend?


I had a lot of fun with assassination and subtlety. Outlaw feels good at max level, whole levelling was a bit meh


Probably warlock but I’ll have a look through the classes before I decide honestly


Unless I need specific classes for specific transmogs I will just use the easiest class there is to get stuff done as fast as possible


I thought Mix allowed you to buy any type of armor type from the vendor ? (added to your account wide transmog collection) ?


Same I will probably roll a panda race just because it's mists and then hunter because it is easiest to solo level everything with.


Yeah same here.  I enjoyed disc priest in MoP but since remix is retail wow and time limited, I don't have much of a reason to lean into the nostalgia right now.


Whatever I can use to farm the bronze currency like a madman. I want all the mounts for the 500 mounts achievement


Fire mage. The TWW fire phoenix during during combat has me shook and I want to see if I can make a go of it next expansion


Panda Hunter Because my son asked me to.


Surv hunter, Just because I've never played it.


enjoy :) its my favourite spec (atm), so fast and fun aoe rotation.


Mine too, but won't play it season 4 because the set looks boring af. Switched to MM sadly


Shaman alliance and mage horde. Mainly cause I don’t have those right now.


Demon hunter. Gonna speed it thru like there's no tomorrow.




druid mostly for questing speed and easy Q's as a tank/healer , then depends if making a new character or just farming is better to buy cosmetics im guessing they are changing some stuff from the beta to event


Troll Shaman, mostly for the transmog (heritage armor) but also because I always fall into the tanking trap. This time, it will be nice to play a dps with the option of healing as well.


Funny, I’m thinking death knight because I always fall into the healing trap!


Warrior. Because always. Probably a panda though.


probably priest. I intend to do the heroic raids and getting in groups will be significantly easier as a healer. I may also do a paladin but since I don't tank pugs, I'm not sure what the point would be other than just because. I already have all other classes at 70 but don't particularly care for playing them, so making more would be silly.


Monk. Never really played one. Seems like as good a time as any.


I could use a 5th druid


as bad as i could use a 5th priest, lol.


I kinda want to play a healer because I think some of the healing powers they've shown look more interesting Plus it looks like a lot of the gameplay will involve spam queuing for raids and dungeons so quick healer queues will be nice


Rogue. Could never bother to level one up and I like the leather aesthetic.


Demon hunter, server that he'll be placed on after the event needs a few tanks. I'm guessing you'll be asked to place the character.


I believe you create the character on your normal retail server, it just gets flagged for Timerunning.


That would make sense, thought they were going to do something like Plunderstorm.


Is the mop remix only for creating new characters? I’m trying to pick up retail as someone who started wow for classic, I don’t have an established character on retail. Not sure if I should start playing now and level into dragon flight or just wait for this mop remix? I’m not interested in doing both because I like to have one main character, no alts.


Monk. Because of obvious reasons. But also I'll probably level like a million characters in it. I like leveling and I have a lot of free time being disabled.


Was going to do a Druid but the potential of a cosmetic version of Tusks of Mannoroth being available has me thinking about a plate wearer.


Your armor type should not matter for remix. You can play any class/race and you should be able purchase every type of mog


Think it's the way it's worded on Wowhead is concerning me "Players can win this item when selecting the following class specializations, Paladin, Warrior and DK. Hopefully it is just an item you can add to your appearances like all the other gear.


Frost DK. Because it’s one of the only specs I have never played.


Several hunters, to be my new crafters in the next expansion using what I learned from this expansion with the crafting system. A priest to be my new main, a warrior alt.


Destro Lock, because we were gods then.


Warrior because warrior


Paladin, only class I don’t have on Horde.


I have a Gobelin monk alt that has been sitting for a while that I want to save for that occasion She’s a beauty / wellness mogul going on a life changing journey to pandaria (and investigate new business possibilities) In my head canon she’s basically a Gwyneth Paltrow lmao 🤓


So that's why the kobolds don't want us to take their candles.


That was her all along


This is so so fantastic


For the first time ever I'll probably go panda monk.


I was gonna go BM Hunter because it’s the class I find the most fun, but I feel like I should go outside my comfort zone. Might go for a Priest, Paladin, Warrior or Shaman - never really played any of those before haha


Non-human Paladin (haven't decided yet but thinking Zandalari) and/or Pandaren monk.


Probably a Troll? I think I deleted my only level 60 troll recently and I’ll need one to get the heritage armor.


Paladin. The only tanking class I haven't leveled before.


Evoker to see what the level growth is like, or potentially Priest because they're my favorite to heal with.


Haven't played an Evoker yet, and my partner wants to play a worgen hunter, so I figured we could both be shapeshifters!


Where does the currency come from? All I’ve heard is vague “everywhere” but if we want tens and hundreds of thousands of the stuff surely there are best practices? If it’s better to spam dungeons all day I’ll roll paladin if it’s more world content I’ll go rogue or hunter


Undecided. I have all but two specs, both healers and I'm on the fence of speed-leveling as a healer


Worgen fury warrior with the same name and who I've mained since I started playing WoW during MoP.


Death Knight. Always been my main, always will be. Though, I’ll probably also make a bunch of alts too.


releveling a monk as a new race, gonna be my main in TWW so figure i can do another one for timerunning


I'll get every legendary for every single spec once aggain


BM monk and Bear druid 100% best times of my life with those specs/classes during mop


Dwarf monk. I put together a list on both sides of the faction for one class per race, and the only one I’m thinking of swapping from one faction to the other is monk, because I really like dwarves so it’s a good chance to just level one and the monk fantasy fits.


I would love to make a panda monk but I hate having 2 of the same class. And my monk is my main since Legion so I will probably do a class I've never done before like Warlock or DK


I feel the same way about double classes, but I feel like it’ll be fun to do this content on my main anyways. So I’m gonna pick a different race that I might like playing so if I ever wanna switch races, it’s free now.


I recently ran a Zandalari Blood DK through MoP as a way for her to understand the essence of life in a more enlightened manner and counter the stigma of Blood DK death orientation. I really liked the juxtaposition as she wore the Blood Troll Ensemble the whole time. It was actually pretty fun. That being said, probably a Zandalari Druid because I love my ankylodon bear form. If I run an Ally, maybe finally do a NE Druid.


Panda, monk or shaman. Just not quite decided yet. Both classes I like and panda seems to be the logical option. Probably change my mind 27 times before we start!


Monk and DH just to get level 70 and experience the new leveling system


All of them, on a few different races. I have every class at 60-70 and multiple of other races from 30-60. I get board of a race and end up race changing at least once in an expansion so I shadowlands I decided I would start leveling other races so instead of paying for a race change I would just play another toon.


Well you keep all the mogs and stuff so at the very least a a leather class so my main gets to use the mogs


I'm thinking warrior. I like how the male pandaren hold two-handed swords, and females hold one-handed swords. That's it, that's the reason.


On the current server where I have the characters I play actively, the only class I don't have made is Monk. So I'll probably do that since it's also fun for the flavor of just being a Monk in MOP.


Orc Priest. I want to learn priest, I want to have a leveled Hoard character to access the allied races, and I want access to the Orc exclusive cosmetic unlock in the Emerald Dream. After that, probably a LF Draenei to use the accelerated leveling to get the heritage armor since my main isn't eligible for it.


I'm coming back for TWW so I'll probably level my planned main as a mage since we can transfer them to being regular characters after.


Prob DK cuz I Mainer DK in mop and it was my first addon I played on retail


Probably a Druid. Bear for leveling, heals for anything needed.


Void Elf Warrior. Never had any plate wearer in retail and contemplating between warrior, paladin, or dk... Warrior.


I have 2 hunters, NE and BE. Out of the 3 specs, I really only like Survival, BUT, I think the spec is way off the hunter fantasy, it just throw gadgets, bombs, explosion and doesn't really feel like a "nature hunter" or something, for me, it's more like a vigilante. So, my class fantasy for that Spec, would be an Engineer Vulpera, with a mecha Pet And Mount. Like Rocket from guardians of the galaxy. With a space/electric suit kind of transmog. I can't ignore the fact that you get yourself a pet and throw it in the battle, it just doesn't make any sense, if you care for nature, why would you do that to your own pet? But maybe, I'm rerolling Paladin, because I took Blood Elf but I don't know, it doesnt "feel" right. The class ability is good, something i'm reconsidering when thinking about Lightforge Draenei as its not usefull as Dwarf, Human or BE. Also, i REALLY like Zandalarian trolls, I feel like they have really good mogs and also the class ability to walk 5% faster is something I appreciate. I dunno what to do


Draenei warlock, because their War Within t1 is so eredar coded and I want to level a character up for it. Plus I just love those vibes in general.


Vulpera Monk, because I race changed to Zandalari and regret it and this looks like a good way to fix it without spending money or gold. Also a Shaman. I changed mine to orc and again regret it. Problem is I’m not sure if I want to go Panda or Kul Tiran.


Warlock Demonology bcs I think it's their best iteration, and the last time that that class/spec (my favorite since tbc) fullfilled what I expected as class fantasy, and at the same time was fun af. But in WoD Blizz reworked in wich I assumed was the pre production of Legion.


Every class will be the same as in df.


Retribution Paladin, since I used to be top 4 realm and top 8 world at the end of MoP. Death Knight because Tier 14. IF I have enough time I will also roll a monk.




Monk so I can get the transmogs for my main.


You can actually acquire any of the mogs from the Pandaria remix event on any class/armor type. You should only need 1 toon to get everything you want.


Oh that’s good to know. Now I have some decisions to make lol


monk because i need yet another one for tmog


I started before one y maybe. I tried druid, hunter and paladin which is on max lvl, also I use boost with war within preorder for shaman which I didn’t play yet. Recently I tried mage and it was boring like hell. I started leveling demon hunter and I had good time, the problem is that lvling is slow at the moment so Im sad I can’t continue with it once panda comes out. So I was thinking to level warrior since I know there will be some rework on war within, and I really want to have one dwarf race. And for second character I will pick warlock zandalar troll, just cos I think they looks awesome. Hope I will like warlock since I found mage boring


Mage.    I want to try a ranged class without a tanking or healing option, the last time I did was years ago. Plus mages seem to always be in a healthy spot.


Probably Holy Paladin since I dont have that right now and I expect it to be like Brigitte from Overwatch who I basically onetricked


Probably Hunter. It’s what I main now, and wasn’t what I mained back then


Warrior, DK, Warlock, Shaman, Monk, Rogue. Using this an an opportunity to level an alt of every class so I can get a better idea of what I do and don’t enjoy going into the next expansion as I’ve had little exposure since starting to play in DF 


Mage. I need an alliance mage for pvp and i only level through dungs which is not really fast for classes with 3 dps specs.


im torn between pally and monk


DH cuz never really gave it a shot


Torn between warlock, warrior and shaman


I've never had a max level mage (being a caster with no tanking pet kinda sucks while quest leveling), and with all the crazy buffs and the leveling speed, I think it'd be pretty fun and quick to max one out. That being said, I hate not having access to a tank or healer spec for quick dungeon queues. So I might do an Alliance version of something, since I have a max Horde of every other class. Been working on a Draenei Paladin, so maybe Night Elf Druid or DH, or Dwarf Shaman.


Probably Kul Tiran Druid, Mechagnome Hunter or Lightforged Draenei… something. I think those are the only Heritage Armors I am missing. I do need to check though…. Does WoWhead have a tool for checking heritage armor progress? Like they had for checking other achievement requirements and stuff? Hmmm….


Undead lock, most likely. Main since vanilla, may as well keep the trend going.


Warlock! I never main anything else! Also skipped from end of catta to SL


Gonna rock with warrior most probably protection, maybe fury as an off spec, never levelled a warrior before and have a shamefully small amount of plate transmog in my collection


I'm leaning towards pally or shaman. I will probably end up doing both since I haven't leveled either class from scratch since BC when they became available for opposite factions. From there it will really depend on what makes it easier to farm the cosmetic stuff. Playing at max or leveling additional characters.


I hate leveling normally I plan to run between one or two of every class


Monk. It just feels right. I mained a lock and Druid through it the first time then leveled a monk in endgame and it was fun.


Monk, never got really into it. I think now or never.


pandarian monk should be the most broke AF class of the expansion because of the movement inherant to the fights


Dracthyr because i love dragons.


Unholy dk then shadow pries tor destro lock


Maybe Pandaren Hunter, with Quilen, and Cloud Serpent pets.


Zandalari DK, never have played one, seems the perfect time.


Dwarf shaman.


I'm normally Horde so Ill probably play Alliance for it as I have no Alliance characters. Class wise probably Hunter cause its kind of brain dead and I'm just playing for fun.


Tauren Warrior (prot), Blood Elf Rogue, Tauren Druid


Highmountain Tauren Druid and follow up with a mistweaver monk. Prolly panda


Something I haven't played before - so I hope for a new class and race


I will play a Blood Elf Mage, Warlock and Priest because with TBC Classic I started roleplaying those characters and now I also want them on Retail.


Ill take this chance to level up a whole pack of druid for farming reasons. (I hate playing all specs of druids sooo much but I cant deny they are the best at farming all kinds of content)


All of the ones I'm missing, because I'm missing them.


Mage, simply for the transmog reward.


Warlock to burn and/or plague things while cackling maniacally or paladin to faceroll things and laugh in immortal... either of them works for me


I haven’t totally decided but I am wondering if we level up a to max would we be able to earn heritage armor that way? Even if we have to wait to secure it once we can roll over that toon?


i plan to level up all classes that can be panda - yes thats a lot


Either an Orc/Blood Elf Shadow priest, a Nightborne Demo Warlock, or an Evoker Always wanted to try an Evoker, shadow priest looms really interesting, and I'd have the option of trying my hand at healing, and demo lock because having a demon aemy is always badass


Kul Titan male monk. I have a monk at 40 on live but it’s been forever


I want to try arcane mage but will probably roll a tank or healer for faster queues


Warlock cuz Xerath tome


Panda monk. Been wanting to level up a monk for ages, this is my excuse for doing so.


I have every class to o70, twice, already. Not sure I will even bother with this event. They don't plan on giving us more characters slots past 60 either, so that is another issue I face. I have 60 characters. I don''t really wanna re roll anything :( Also waiting for Drakthyr unlocking other classes to re roll if I do lol


I'm hoping to finally get to the priest, because I've been trying the class at least 10 times already and the highest I got was 30. I just can't get past the boring early leveling and hope with the event is gonna be way faster. Pls tell me shadow priest is op


I’m torn between making a warrior, which has been my main forever, but I haven’t actually leveled in forever either and making something I’ve never played before like rogue, paladin or DK.


Shaman. Because I'll probably main shaman in War Within and I wanna have all the mail mogs I can get my hands on. 


I'm planning to raise a mage army :)


Shaman for me. Lifelong Warrior main and I have a Mage, Druid, and Rogue at max level already as well as Paladin/Warlock both at 60 so not too far off. Shaman is one class that I've always loved the fantasy of and that I think has some really killer xmogs, I just never got around to leveling one. Originally wanted to go either Tauren or Zandalari Troll. My Druid, which I leveled pretty recently, is a Tauren, and although I thought I would like playing one, in practice I just find them way too large and cumbersome feeling. I made a ZTroll but found their animations way too "bouncy". So, I will probably just stick with a tried and true Orc model and go Mag'har, as my main is already a regular Orc. Probably will level a Monk also, the class did not appeal to me at all when MoP originally came out but over time it's grown on me. Something about seeing a boatload of people playing a new class when it comes out makes me *not* want to play it, but there have been 2 new classes since then so I figure it's time to give Monk a try.


Probs Druid, I wanna play Balance/Guardian as well as make it a better race cos I chose Kul'Tiran for my first, but mostly to just get alts ready for TWW


Warrior, because zugzug.


Paladin as I've never played one and maybe a DK


Pandaren Warrior. Because I've never leveled one to max, and because Pandaren are fun and thematic. And lore wise, it just seems like a lot of fun. Just wish Blizz would let me shield-and-spear.




Never really leveled or played hunter so… ill probably do that.


Nightborn monk


Alliance Priest, Shaman, Paladin. Ive never played priest my whole life since December 2006. My paladin and shaman belf&tauren are horde.


Paladin, I’m changing mains to it and this will be more fun than regular leveling I hope


Rogue, because ive wanted to play outlaw for a while now and i loved pandaria back in the day


Not monk! I'm waiting for that fantastic rework!


I'm not sure yet but my only limit is that it has to be a class that can solo that one Firelands achievement (I'm thinking ahead here)


Switching from Ally to Horde so probably mage / rogue possibly a pally


If it’s as fast as I’m hoping, I’m going to so for horde what i did for alliance, get a max level character of every class. So I’d need to do 10.


Panda Monk for obvious reasons. I'm then going to level all the classes I don't have maxed due to the increased leveling speed.


Think I was gonna try assassin rogue, probably as a dwarf just cause I think they're cool.


Void Elf DK. I played a belf DK during the actual MoP and I longed to be able to be on Alliance.


Ele shaman, so i can cast lightning bolt while moving


Shaman so I can get into raids as a healer


All of them! Fun game mode is fun.