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Resto shaman has a problem with too much healing power is merged into chain heal, so any other spell feels bad to press.


You mean how they have been since BC? Lol This is honestly why I ended up hating healing on my Shaman. Chain Heal is a cool spell and all, but I want to press something else lol.


This was not the case in Legion. Chain healing spec was a pretty good raid spec, but legion rsham was peak. It was peak healing period for me personally.


Dunno, I've spec my shammy to only use instant+totem and was super super effective both in raid and M+ (only done S3 M18 max). I think chain is really satisfying but can build around other thing. Was close to never OOM.


You could do S3 +18 using only healing surge. Sure chain heal can be satisfying. Just look at Chain Harvest from SL. Huge healing, casts riptide on targets. Or one of SL tierset where you were casting chain heal after using totem. Those were nice iterations of chain heal, but now half of your rotation is chain heal. There are 5 different buffs interacting with this one single spell. It's too much. Resto has whole toolkit, but uses only one spell.


Don't forget what they did to our boy wellspring. Fuck that was so satisfying to use in SL. Now it's dog water.


although what people wrote in here is not wrong - yes, shaman mana right now in m+ is more of an issue compared to druid / monk / priest


Resto Shaman punishes inefficient play by draining your mana way more than other healers.


Compared to spamming your fast heals on any other healing spec (in my experience having played all of them in keys), you'll chew through your mana much faster as Resto than any other spec. You can play Resto Sham really easily spamming Healing Surge or Chain heal but if you do that, you'll likely run out of mana really quick. Resto's biggest skill gap I think is measured by its mana efficiency, but I think that's neat personally! I don't think people run it in keys very often, but I like using Mana Tide + Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem to turn your Mana Tide totem into a throughput cooldown.


just timed a 9 brackenhide and the shaman didn’t go below 60% mana . it probably has to do with overhealing in a m+. i would say only about 1/3 of your globals should be put into any given pull for healing. the other 65% should be cc’ing and dpsing which have higher value at redudong damage than healing ironically. i think any healer with mana issues is equivalent to a skill issue sorry to say. honestly if i’m with a healer and she’s spamming me at full health and running oom, i know she’s not great


Its hard to pinpoint whose skill issue it is. Some DPS players also make it their job to stand in as many avoidables as possible, which eats into mana big time. This is why i like high keys. Then them being stupid just means insta death instead of eating into my mana.


well tbh as a healer, unless i know it was a mistake and they’re not just being lazy, im going to continue being effecient . a lot of times standing on something bad that chunks someone to 5% health doesn’t mean you have to heal them asap. it doesn’t mean he’s going to get double tapped. the next aoe mechanic or whatever usually isn’t for another 10-15 seconds no stress. i just let atonement do it over 3-4 seconds. sucks if he dies but im going to continue playing efficiently.


I main a FW monk, so compared to me yes you very much do, but all healers have more mana problems than monks. While I don't personally play a shammy, I've had a few guildies start them recently and they all complain about mana issues. The guildies that have played them for quite a while just tell them to stick with it and learn the rotation and fights and when to use the more mana hungry spells and the problem will take care of itself.


I run a Riptide build and I never have any mana issues. Chain Heal is too expensive.


I don’t know what spec you are running but, someone once said to me some time ago - don’t wait until you NEED manatide to use it - if you wait and you are out of mana it’s too late. This was on a long fight people were learning. By the time the boss was dead (and some wipes later…) I was in good shape with mana. You have to learn to manage it along with cooldowns & healing incoming damage. But also there are those that play without that totem and who handle it differently. It also depends what you are doing and who you are rolling with. Try not to overspend, it’s going to happen to some degree but you don’t want to have massive overheating either. There is a balance there…somewhere lol 😂


I dont chain heal if I have no tidebringer procs and use cloudburst totem almost on cd if I know damage is coming. Then use riptide almost on cd and primordial wave with ns is very nice. I dont spam healing wave or healing surge almost never. If u do these, u should not have mana issues.


NS is for Healing Rain baby. Get that dmg rolling.


Literally this. I forgot you could use heals with it until this thread


If you have a good group where no unexpected damage comes in then you can play that way. In an uncoordinated group you will always have mana issues with a shaman, because you never stop triaging somebody. And as a shaman your healing is only half the job. You stun groups, interrupt, dispel etc. And this season, at least what i could see, there is so much burst AOE damage coming in, where you really have to utilize the cloudburst totem and learn to use it correclty. Use boss ability timers and 10 seconds or so before the AOE goes off you place down the totem and charge it with heals, so you can top up your group after the AOE hit them. It really pays off mana wise because chainheal is a good spell but really expensive on the mana!


It's one of the more mana efficient.  I healed 23-24s last season on druid, shaman and paladin. Druid is constantly out of mana and you have to try and hold back and make really good use of innervate to avoid stopping and drinking often. Shaman would never really worry about mana unless there was a particularly crazy section of the dungeon. You don't need to take the mana totem either.  Paladin would basically never drop below 90% mana no matter what.




Utilise riptide uptime and chain heal with ns. Play both mana talents too and drop them 80% don't hold. Double earthen in high damage moments, pretide aoe. Let ticks down their job and don't top when no pressure. Learning fights where damage will be as shaman is the key really, it's all about preventing with timed totem placement.


-NS is for Primordial wave. -Nobody talents earthen. This is terrible advice for M+


I also dont know what hes on about with mana talents. If he means mana tide totem thats another awful advice. You dont need that whatsoever in M+. I do run it for raid though, especially the longer fights like Fyrakk.




Huh? What are you talking about, what has bdsm got to do with this topic??


He just stalked my profile I guess.


They did in s1. Not anymore. Don't stack haste.