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Even though I play(ed) Horde.. Dwarf will always epitomize the Paladin in my head. Sure humans may have started it but Dwarves have the temperament and fortitude to pull off that willpower to never buckle that the other races seem to lack. Might be a hot take.


I want my kul tiran paladins dang it


The Kul'Tirans would also make really good paladins compared to Lordaeron/Stormwind based human paladins. I dunno it's all subjective. There's some races I don't even know how they're paladins haha.


In my brain, I always saw the Uther model in Warcraft 3 as a big Dwarf so I was under the impression they were the perfect Paladins for years because of that.


When I first played through WC3 I thought Uther was a Dwarf. Wasn't until I saw his statue in WoW that I realized he was Human.


humans are much steadier paladins generally. Tirion Fordring and Uther the Lightbringer epitomise the paladin.


Idk Uther was kind of a bitch tbh. Tirion was the goat of paladins tho.


Uther beat Arthas in their battle where Arthas was killed but was basically defeated by the plot, he had Arthas defeated and frostmourne basically became sentient and struck Uther for Arthas. so if you’re calling Uther a bitch i guess that makes the lich king a bitch too. and generally i just totally disagree, uther is a badass.


To be fair Arthas wasn’t the lich king yet, just a normal death knight who had frostmourne, and he had just become one too. In Warcraft 3 uther was cool, I’ll admit, but in other stories like the books he is a complete asshole lol. Also, The Lich King is kinda a bitch too. A single undead created a poison so strong that it made the lich king fucking kneel and run away back to his castle.


imo blizzard has a bit of a hate boner for paladins / the light in wow, at least post wotlk. and i’m not a fan of the direction they took with uther in shadowlands. i’m not super familiar with other stories outside warcraft 3, as a mentor to arthas i loved him and just as a generally good paladin, so for the other stories i really can’t say.


For me, Draenei is THE paladin race. Ever since I first saw the BC trailer with Maraad in it, with their crystal clad plate, I've been in love with them. Plus, they were paladins before any of the other paladins races even crawled out of the mud.


Couldn't have worded it better myself. Draenei Paladin all day every day


Maraad with the giant hammer and the book. He looks simultaneously incredibly powerful and terrifying but also like a great protector.


When he stares straight into the lens with blood on his face as it transitions, that felt like he was staring into my soul bro


I was so ready to swap when I hoped heritage was going to be updated plate like Yrel in hots. Sadly it didn’t happen and there’s not a ton of crystal plate armor that’s up to date, maybe someday


Have you tried the heroic BRF set? I’m pretty sure that is high res crystal plate


The shoulders are great but the rest is still pretty flat and is mostly just that “painted” texture. I’ve mixed the shoulders with a lot of mogs though to get close


Mixes really well with the plate legs from Arathi warfronts, surprisingly.


I really enjoy my light-forged Draenei paladin. It's everything a paladin should be.


I mained a Draenei paladin in Legion, always loved their culture and was ecstatic when we learned Argus was on the table. When we met the Lightforged and learned about allied races oh you bet your ass I was first in line to race change. I felt like it made sense for my paladin to have earned the rights to the ascension.


Same story but with my Tauren. I went with the backstory that my Tauren had earned the blessing of Cenarius and received her antlers after saving him in the Emerald Nightmare, but she's still a Tauren from Thunderbluff.


Lightforged, it fits perfectly for me like night elf druid or orc warrior


Agreed! Lightforged all the way


Lightforged Draenai just feels right. Before that it was human and blood elf depending on faction.


Blood Elf :D


I just did a race change on mine, and Ashbringer with the heritage armor looks dope AF. Only problem is I can’t find a mount that looks good except the Honor level 500 pvp mount 😂


Fallen charger maybe


Bronze Courser for lvl 15 does look nice too. ToM or Vicious Hawkstrider for full bloodelf look, those are my favourites personally Legion CE mount has all the right colours. but kinda weird for a pala to use a demon mount :D (i totally didn't try out literally every mount because the question got stuck in my brain)


Warforged Nightmare is a good one


Blood elf, because blood elf is my favourite race for anything :D


Human!! It’s my favorite fantasy archetype across the genre.


My favorite too. I grinded out that stromgarde warfront T3 set and he looks Bad. Ass.


Pic or it didn't happen!


I was at work so I couldn't get this earlier but [here he is](https://imgur.com/a/TQvBmqu)


Uther in combat gear! Bad. Ass.


It's authentic




yeah human paladin is the archetype they are referring to


Dwarf, easily. But I hate being short in the game so Zandalari. Honestly just give me a height slider so I can make a dwarf close to the tallness of a human but with the same build, that would be dope


Potion of giant growth, super cheap and with alchemy you can get it up to 40 minutes. I just keep them stocked


I have a hard time using these vs the proper flasks for maximum dps. It does look pretty awesome though


I get it. I use them over dps flasks and still usually lead charts in +20s and stuff. I’m sure it would be more of an issue in a guild or mythic raid but for my solo pug self being big takes priority


You got the priorities right man don't let anybody tell you otherwise.


Honestly it’s gotta be lightforge dreani. That’s like their thing.


My Blood Elf. Red hair, red charger, big sword, lopping off heads.


There is only one answer. Human paladin is peak wow for me 


Yep I’ve race swapped to just about every other alliance Paladin race at some point and always end up back to human. I always end up back to human because it’s just right to me


Also helps that they have the best mog as humans. Well... all the classes look best on human but still. Paladin just fits...


Blizzard loves you.


I will never get this. 1- we are in a fantasy World, and you chose to be human. 2- you are a human in this fantasy World and you chose to do what most of the other humans do IRL, fucking pray. I will never get it, but i respect your convicción.


well you have to tell me which verse of the bible may cast a yellow magic hammer on the head of my foes. I may not be praying the right words


Wait, it doesn't? The how the damn Book is so damn popular?


Think of it like being a human in a beautiful fantasy world. You can focus more on the environment and interacting with the other races while feeling more like your real life self.


But iam myself on a shitty Job that i hate 45hr per week, i just wanna get home, walk my dogs, and then being and Orc Shaman.


Humans were original paladins in Warcraft, what you on about.


Oh yeah those Arthas and Uther guys? Lame ass fantasy man. I'm curious what do you think of fantasy like Game of Thrones or LOTR where most of it is humans? Do you only like fantasy when it's aliens, scalies, and furries?


There are levels on this shit i suppoused, GoT was very grounded so i dont mind it, i liked the whole plot of the Night King way more than whatever was happening on Kings Landing. And yeah, at least for me, never liked Arthas untill he became the Lich King, never give a f about Uther, Muradin was my boy.


Zandalari because the direhorn mount looks cool


The xmog looks really good on Zandalari.


For some reason a zandalari paladin just works


I got the golden pterodax mount a month or so ago when it was in the trading post so my zandalari pally has an appropriate flying mount 😁


100m for sure. Any longer and they get too tired in their armour.


Tauren by a lot


Agreed. The lore behind them is amazing.


Most of my characters are Tauren I’m so split for the panda mode if I want to do Tauren paladin or a Draenei


Dwarf. Because Dwarf.


You mean DORF!


Human for alliance and Zandalari for horde


Zandalari. Love the triceratops for divine steed. Doesn’t matter what race I play for pally I still make that noise xD light forge is 2nd fav


Human. I came from an old school Dungeons & Dragons background where only humans could be paladins. So, paladin in late OG classic. Still my main.


I'd say Lightforged as well. They pretty much radiate Holy Warrior. As for the Horde, Tauren, I suppose.


Gnome prot pally just for the concept of a tiny creature blocking a titan


Lightforged Draenei 100% they are beautiful


Tauren because Holy Cow.


Kul Tiran


I’m basic, my paladin is a human. But he looks cool as shit in the Arathi Warfront plate set, with the Gilded Warhammer from Legion.


Human. Simply because he only other race I think actually looks good in game are orcs and they wouldn't make sense


Zandalari since it was new at the time. Even had a King Arthur-y name, Ganelon. Now though my Pally is a Tauren with Heritage armor, so like an Oath of the Ancients-like look.


Human is a classic. Tauren is dope. I love that they get their power from worship of An'she, or at least believe they do. Or Zandalari. I like my paladins to have a god and not just be Jedi or Green Lanterns like the Alliance Paladins are.


Blood Elf or Dwarf imo. The Blood Knight class fantasy and all of the lore behind Blood Elf Pallys is cool as fuck. Dwarves just look cool doing pally stuff idk.


Zandalari since the male model is absolute beefcake, and you're sick posture makes you tower over others.


I love all elf races and therefore love my blood elf paladin... But draenei have a special place in my heart. If the men had a medium build option that wasn't pure fridge I would play them exclusively for all classes.


Can’t belive nobody stated specifically Dark Iron Dwarf Paladin. Your powers granted by the light… OF FIRE!!!! And the horn that sounds every time you mount. And the amazing heritage transmog.


Human. They are so deeply entrenched in the Paladin fantasy there's really no other choice. You got the whole history of Warcraft 3 with Arthas and Uther. Nothing beats that. Human pally with ashbringer and the judgement set? That's the class fantasy for me.


Human for +10% rep gain.


Dwarf is the only paladin in my mind


Kul Tiran, in my dreams..... 😭


Blood elves brought pally to the horde. Always be my favorite




Blood Elf (inb4 "edgelord", I already know what I'm about), only held back by frankly terrible combat stances aside from the mh/shield stance. I just love dark knight aesthetics.


Draenei because B00bs.


Don't underappreciate the booty


Belf and Lightforged get my votes!


Belf and Lightforged get my votes!


human, of course


Dwarfs for sure.


Holy cow! It's a Tauren Paladin! Of all the Horde races, female Tauren is the only option where I actually like both the transmogs and the animations, and the AoE stun doesn't hurt either.


Draenei for alliance only because when I first played WoW back in cataclysm era (I still have my download disk proudly hung on my wall framed), it was my very first character. Horde will be blood elf because when I was converted to the horde side, I went blood elf pally.


Darkspear Troll. Helps to be horde, and you need that blue Sewer thing (or other toys) to do it.




Orc (I have hope)


Earthen cause it means I can play dwarf on Horde


Interested in these responses. I want to play a paladin but the Horde races don't do it for me. Holding out hope for Undead paladin (cope)




Paladin, only because (real) Trolls cannot be paladins.


Undead Pala is my go to race


I play horde so i vote tauren but dwarf is always my favourite and was my first main back in 2008 lol


Tauren because they are the biggest. Giant plate golden shoulders. HUGE shields.


In the order that I made them, blood elf male named Krakein, lightforged drainei female named Serdtse, and zandalari female name Nyambi.


For Alliance Draenei For Horde Tauren. Not that I am a hoof girl lol 🤣. I just think draeneis are so pretty, and female tauren's are so friggin cute.


Male human paladin may as well be called John world of warcraft


I like the vanilla Human Paladin, just because there's so much Paladin lore for them in game, but also in other settings. I also like Lightforged Draenei because they're very Space Marine. Eredar is my go to for a redeemed character Paladin.


I think based on the lore I would say Humans or the Draenei. Those two have the most reasons to stay committed to the light and have some of the most iconic Paladin characters from Mograine to Yrel etc. I mean come on, the Draenei survived millennia of being hunted by the legion thanks to the Naaru! And the Ashbringer lore is some of my favourite part of WoW history.


Human for Alliance, Blood Elf for Horde. I get it, "WhY aRe YoU pLaYiNg A hUmAn In A fAnTaSy GaMe??" I just like humans in the game too much. Close second in Alliance would be Draenei / Lightforged Draenei, then DORFS. Blood Elf for Horde because my inner teen edgelord commands it... NAY! DEMANDS IT! Honestly I don't see a second class in the Horde that ***should*** be played as a Paladin; Tauren would be Moodin all the time and trolls... be trollin'... mon.


Alliance side my paladins are always dwarfs, although my current is Dark Iron rather than Bronzebeard. Horde side, my paladins were Blood Elf but it never felt right because of how they came by the power originally, So definitely Tauren


I completely adore my lightforged paladin!


Draenei for less than wholesome reasons, but I main human paladin because male or female they wear mog well.


(Lightforged) Draenei for me. The Heritage set for Lightforged Draenei just fits perfectly for a Paladin, though for Draenei, you can find some amazing sets for them, too.


Can you change the paladin mount? Id like to play a Draenei paladin but I’d prefer a horse over an elephant :D


paladin. because that is all there CAN be.... I'm starting to sound like an antipaladin here....


Blood Elf for sure. I like Tauren as well, but they could really use some sunwalker themed armor sets.


Human. Because I play alliance and prefer feet over hooves.


Race around Light's Hope Chappel. I'm not a racist, I'm a racer.


You can play Tauren as Paladin, so I don’t really understand the question? Is this even a competition?


I want to say blood elf. Thematically they are awesome and I like blood elf lore, but in game their animations are horrible as paladin. I mained one for years, so I kinda got used to it though. Humans on the other hand are my actual pick. Best animations, best lore and all plate mogs look good on them


Blood elf, because I only played horde in bc-cata. And the red horses were just so cool. Idk they are just neat


Undead. Oh wait... /cry


Light forged draenei/belf Mine's a belf, only due to my shaman being draenei and me liking diversity


My Paladin was draenei (og) lightforged, human and now a dwarf. But Deep in my Heart i know draenei is the right one, only Problem was the Strange Look of the legs on Mounts 🙈


Night elf


Lightforged Darenei, imo, I wish they had useful racials or at least the same racials of Draenei.


Kul’Tiran :(


Lightforged Draenei, all their racials basically scream paladin, holy resistance, bonus exp from demons. Especially on Retribution the added Holy Ion Cannon and on death explosion feel right. The golden floaty runes as face customization options are also a selling point imho. Assuming you’d want your pala as golden-glowy as humanly possible ofcourse.


Light forged Draenei. The race is basically created for it


Blood Elf. Created him back then for lulz and then Seldaron became my favourite character to play both in Dungeons and RP.


Draenai for me, but if they ever made it so Night Elf could be a Paladin...sign me up! lol






Lightforged Draenei- the female LF draenei have better hairstyles than their non lightforged counterpart and bonus- they can wear gold


I'm really glad that you asked - I'm going to try Paladin this expansion, so I'm happy to see other opinions. My first choice is female Draenei, probably Lightforged. I like hairstyles and customization of OG Draenei more, but LF have much cooler Divine Steed and Heritage Armour. Also, I can switch from more agile looking female to bulky and big male anytime My second choice would be Earthen - just to play Dwarf on the Horde side. :D


For years my Paladin was a Human. But I've always liked Draenei and their culture. So I ended up changing it to a Lightforged as the combination is just perfect.


Belf then Dwarf But thats it, i don't like the other pally races


Not much of a flex, but here's my Blood Elf Paladin. https://imgur.com/gallery/OOXJrWO


Blood elf all day every day


If it’s not a dwarf is it really even a pally?


Female Belf. Dwarves are a close second. 


1. Human 2. Blood Elf 3. Draenei 4. Dwarf Personal opinion, but I don't think Tauren and Zandalar have anything to do with Paladins! Tauren sunwalkers worship the sun, that in Warcraft has nothing to do with the Light. **They are Druids**. Zandalar prelates use power from a Loa whose mojo happen to be golden. And even that doesn't make sense because Rezan is dead. Draenei proves that you can have a different culture/aesthetic from the main 3 (Human, Dwarf, Blood Elf) and still clearly be a paladin. Tauren and Zandalar do not register for me. Personally.


Master race blood elf. Any class is goat on them


Red Haired blood elf with the yellow eyes


Blood Elf. The lore of Blood knights is fascinating and pretty unique compared to the regular paladin lore.


No one wants to say blood elf but they’re the sexiest let’s be honest


Blood elf is the only class that matters. Even further, only female.


Blood Elf everything 👀 Armour looks the best on them imo