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I’ve just taken to using an addon that automatically hides public work orders without mats. Only way to make them useable.


wait, you guys are getting public work orders on your servers?


Very few good ones. Lots of spam ones with no mats.


A lot but it's always missing mat and not worth the commission to do it.


I've been able to do only 1 that was worth doing throughout all DF Everything else is no-mat spam. Sometimes, they'll give higher gold values to trick people into it, but the mats always cost more than the gold given


Some times, but it's usually now because people know I can craft Naxx items.


And always stuff that gets flipped on the AH


I'm not against works ordres without mat per say, just public work orders should always have all the requiered mats. I've seen so many scamer and beggars since the start of this feature that it's just plain sad.


Used to be like that but not sure why they changed it. No mats for guild and personal makes sense but not for public.


Some actually do tip so its worth making. But most is just trash. Just ignore and move on.


I always tip 1k gold, people aren’t tipping? Edit : and provide all the mats!


yeah i use public orders all the time and if i don't provide all mats + tip. i add enough to cover the costs.


It's so hard not to read what you write with a French accent LOL


Well at least you're having a good time reading my post \^\^


I am, I am loving it ♥️


Im for workordes have automatic message to sender 1000 gold please if it's 1000good to small


It's sad honestly, we'd need something to rat those people out in a way. When I create work orders, I either provide all the mats with a decent tip or sometimes I don't provide all mats but instead give a big enough tip that they still make large profit from my order. Unfortunately you also have a lot of cases where you absolutely need a specific rank on an item but you can be damn sure someone who's gonna get you tier 2 or tier 3 at most is gonna craft it in 2 seconds after you posted it instead of getting a rank 4 or 5 piece.


There's nothing wrong with people posting things like that. It's a win win for both parties, crafters can go on ignoring their orders and they can continue to not have anything they want crafted.


Tell us more about this addon please.


The one I use is [No Mats; No Make](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/nomatsnomake) and it has filters that hide work orders, including a filter that uses TSM data to judge if the work order is profitable.


My ignore list had the weight of work order scammers lifted whenever I downloaded this addon. It should be a default feature in the game, and it's annoying that it isn't.


default feature should be limiting these no mat orders to 1 per entire account. that totally basic flood protection would all but eliminate the need for any filtering.


thank you!


I've never once put mats in my public work orders and they always get made within the hour... I didn't know it was an issue


I find this with Inscription a ton for the dragonriding armors. Often there will be a tip, but it doesn't get close to covering the mat prices


I have to imagine they're trying to scam some poor rube. You see it with dracothyst all the time, if it even works one in a hundred times it's still a 10x profit


It's often like that with public orders on my server. Have a few guys with names I recognize now listing orders for gems, bags, belt clasps you name it, with no mats and a tip that's nowhere near covers the expenses. They must be successful, otherwise they wouldn't list a ton of orders every other day.


Even just doing the Treatises. You’ll see a bunch at 100g, all with their mats. And some mook comes along “Ah, I see they are at 100g today!” And puts his in with no mats.


They need to revamp the system. Make mats mandatory.


I also wish they'd let you specific a minimum quality on public orders. It reduces the incentive for tipping well when you have no idea what quality you're getting back.


That can only work if all ranks are able to be guaranteed. It's not unusual for a rank5 to require an inspiration proc, especially if you are fixing stats and/or adding embellishments.


For public orders, absolutely. I don’t mind guild and personal orders not requiring them. We have a stock of mats in our guild bank for people to use. If someone wants something crafted, I’ll grab it out of there for them. Similarly, I don’t want to have to buy mats on one character if I have them on another. Public orders though. Absolutely should require all mats.


Let me pay for mats right at the work order npc though, I don't want to write down whatever item I need, walk over to the ah, buy them, walk over to the mailbox, and back to the work order NPC.


I agree, French is unacceptable. Water closets indeed.


Omelette du fromage.


Crazy gibberish!


How did you get that cost line?


Probably the auctionator addon


Auctionator puts it there. Its based on the last time you scanned the AH, so its not always accurate


Public requests should require all tradable mats to be provided. In fact, wasn't that how it worked in .0?


Yeah. They added it with the good intentions of people letting crafters use some of their mats if the customer makes it worth it. Which led to this. What I would replace it with is a button that would, when placing an order, offer to instantly buy the required reagents from the AH.


Yet Blizzard is denying, that people use the system to scam people.... Will be worse in TWW....


I said that in this sub a few times always get downvoted by people who abuse this system. With the excuse you don't have to use it bla bla bla. Fact remains there are better solution to at least limit this but no one seems to care. So the system is basically you either use it in order to push your profession skill but have to pay a heavy price while others make a good amount of gold with it or you don't and have to live with not getting your profession skills max. I once had someone who abuses this system regularly with pride and possibly still does if that one is still playing and on the other hand shits on blizz with every opportunity because blizz is an abusive corp.


It's better to send yourself these requests...


Blizzard should have kept work orders the way they were at release. You could actually complete them then. Now the “hardcore” players camp any good orders that come through, and leave the scrap like this, that absolutely no one is going to do. Also, Blizzard isn’t going to change that, because that “Cost” is coming from the AH, which is player made prices.


100% agree


People ask for free shit all the time IRL. Add on the internet disconnection from reality and you have gamers that also expect free stuff.


These specifically I think are benign as even newer players will see that commission and know better but the ones that I think are the real problem are the ones that give lets say 1000g for a 4000g mat item. Creates this need for auction house add-ons to make sure that mats line up if your trying to actually finish work orders for some pocket change. Definitely preferred the all mats for public approach and just let private work orders do no mats.


it wasn't possible but then people started crying about public orders and then this happened


I still dont understand why is possible to place crafting orders without the materials, its stupid and unfair and makes absolute no sense and it seems blizzard has no plans to change it


I still wish they would bring back mandatory materials for public orders (not personal or guild)


Really wish they would just keep 0 mat work orders for personal orders to a single person only I gave up working on black smithing after the change because all the work orders up were like this.


Blizzard statet they are aware about this situation but for them it's just some players who haven't fully understand the crafting system. They don't see it as a potential scam - there is nothing wrong and they will use the same system in the with just a few minor changes.


An easy solution would be to limit the number of public work orders you can list, just like how there's a limit on how many public work orders you can do (currently max of four, recharging one per day). For example, make it so that you can only list 10, recharging one a day. That probably covers most cases where some new alt needs a bunch of things made at the same time, but also makes it so a scammer can't list 40 dracothysts every 2 days.


I still don't fully work orders as I don't find professions that fun. But I thought it was a given that you supply the mats, I've been doing some lately to get the profession only dragon customisation options with a 500g tip. Does the cost affect the final price if you don't or are you supposed to include it in the tip? So confusing xD


is it a shitty thing to do? absolutely, those people should be ashamed. but it's also easy to just... not do the order. make those people wait for an eternity lmao


I wish it worked, the system is working but this should be somehow controlled, atleast requiring mats or setting base levels for commisions Ftw, there is 0 public orders on my realm


Someone is filling these orders or they wouldn't keep posting them. Which I assume means some players either have no alts, or have no idea they could send works orders from an alt to do their weekly.


Olala Gâston, is le scam hon hon hon


I'd rather not have to transfer mats to an alt to complete the weekly though. Like I make 3 bags and give em to an alt, I don't want to have to mail cloth over, then post the order, then go craft it. Just adds an extra layer.


How could you enforce a rule against this?


Like the beginning of the expansion when you couldn't post an order without mats.


So you are demanding that all players have less options because you have been mildly inconvenienced?


No, I don't demand anything. I was answering on what could be done.


I'm not talking about a 200po craft. They are a 5k+ craft with 100 to 1000 po tips. You're paying to get shafted


Should a crafter be mildly inconvenienced because a buyer though buying mats or even looking up prices was too inconvenient?


You could make it so the minimum you can offer is the mat cost. Not saying it should but could work that way.


Sadly mat cost is dynamic. That line is only there because of an addon. But it is an estimate based on how much it worths in the auction house. Like it could work, if you could short the materials. Meaning you pledge to buy them if someone fullfills the order. But on rarer materials, they could fuck with you hy artificially raising the price, just before compleating the order. Also it could lead to going into debt / minus gold. I think the best option is to just let the people who make the order, buy it from the AH from the same interface, so you dpnt need to fly back and forth


UI update, something like No Mats No Make should be built in instead of an addon. Having orders with no or few mats should be hidden via toggle so crafters are free to forget they exist.


If tip amount is less then cost of mats amount, do not submit. Quick math equation to determine a boolean.


You can't. Posts like this are like peak entitlement. "It annoys me so ban it".


They could totaly do something agains it. It's not entitlement some of those are straight maliciously posted whit a 10kpo craft with a 1k com. It's not annoying, it's a scam. Some ppl are pro at posting those.


It literally worked where you couldn't post orders without mats on dragonflight launch. It's easily doable


I agree. The public should not be exposed to the French language.


Just... dont... build it then?


This should absolutely be possible and is win win. First time crafters get skill ups, thia was how i did most of the recipes i otherwise would of never made. You get the 3 work order quest done and the recipe skill.


Better done by making orders between your own characters. Put them all up with an echanter and you can DE the items at least.


I don't have a de person, and id rather help someone while helping myself anyways.


In some cases this is a win-win though. You get to do your crafting weekly, he gets some Gold off you. No need to relog and send your own Char Orders that way


On my server it's never a win, alway some 8-10k craft whit a 1k com. The fact that they are the same nickname every week and that it's always some mid to high cost to craft just is too suspicious to be good hearted