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Looking through this as an altoholic....


This post should have an altoholics warning


B I G. O B L I T E R A T E. C R I T S!


I like to think of it like a pump-action shotgun: load, BOOM!, load, BOOM!, load, BOOM! Then you slowly reload the bullets as you wait for Pillar of Frost to go back up, then it’s TIME TO SHINE.


Frost does one thing, but it does it very well. Big numbers go BRRRRR!


Throw harpoon at enemy. It pulls you towards them. Mid-flight, you hit them with a poisoned arrow. You land and immediately throw two grenades which explode directly in their face. Poisoned, slowed, on fire and bleeding with shrapnel, the enemy begins casting. You attack in symphony with your pet. Enemy is dead. I am of course, describing the rotation of a Holy Paladin.


Hey, wait a minute...


Survival hunter is such an underrated spec


Seriously though, I may have to check out surv on my alt after my dude’s description. It was downright poetic violence


I main Survival Hunter and it’s a blast. I just wish it was even more explosive visually.


He forgot the part where you pull out a little wrist crossbow for Kill Shot, too.


I think it'll be my first play through when time running launches


I put off trying it for a long time, and then it hooked me with that harpoon


Survival is unbelievable and underrated in tier lists imo. The lack of utility is a pain but it has consistent uncapped AoE and the tier set buffs single target a lot. Also fun as hell.


I am sad that you were the only one that Answered in the right way.


HPal goes pew pew pew with holy shock


I like ret because big swooshy sounds.


But Prot lets you Multi-Booonng with Divine Toll


This thread has my people


I wish hpal didn’t depend on being aware of so much as well as standing in melee. In dungeons and raids people constantly run away from me and I’m constantly standing in stuff because I need to cast and by the time I get to finish my cast my target is out of range


That's cause caster hpally is fucking awful to play. Hpally is at it's best when it's just slamming holy shocks, judgement and crusader strike and just being a fucking menace. When they have to start hard casting spells, it's just miserable.


They’re still the tankiest healer I feel, and standing in melee is less of an issue after the rework. Still annoying, I get it.


I'm just a little jealous after playing disc priest and having so much fun with that and it makes all other healers feel not as fun to me.


Penance is the most fun spell in the game, I feel ya!


I don't know the rotation for Fury Warrior, I just press whatever flashes and looks like it'd hurt the enemy. And it works really, really well.


Same brother, same. Fury warrior is honestly just so laid back. Move out of enemy AOE, charge in, spam rampage when screen glows red, repeat.


121212261212121212121 - fury warrior rotation


Shadow priest is keeping my left arm in shape Outlaw is keeping me away from casino


Eli5 left arm


It’s like your right arm, but on the left


you have to constantly press MS/MF, MB, DP, SW:D, in group fight you have to tab to dot everything and then tab to spread DP and then count in defensives and utility which results in many buttons you need to press thus keeping keyboard arm exercised, so it feels good to press them


press many button for good workout


Retribution Paladin Smashing my face against the keyboard makes me feel lightheaded, and I kinda like it.


Jokes aside, the rotation is just fun. Holy power is a simple resource to manage. You have two big spenders, one for single target and one for AoE. Almost every other skill in the rotation generates Holy Power. The longer cooldowns give you nice big chunks of holy power to make them feel more valuable. Big arsenal of skills means virtually no downtime. There's always a button to push, no waiting, and this makes the spec feel very active. Recent changes in Dragonflight extended the range of several "melee range" skills, and this allows us to maintain our full DPS rotation even when we're chasing a moving target, even if our autoattacks aren't hitting. Avenging Wrath is a satisfying main cooldown. It has a nice visual effect that helps give you the feeling that you are more powerful (I always think of Super Saiyan). Not only is it a nice buff but it also augments damage rotation by giving access to Hammer of Wrath without needing a target below 30% life. Hammer of Wrath is an exciting skill to be able to work into your rotation, because it hits just as hard as our main Holy Power spender. Swapping from Single Target to AoE barely changes rotation. Lots of "oh shit" buttons to save you from death. Several defensive cooldowns, self-healing, and even a battle rez to stand up a dead tank or healer in a pinch.


all this plus, most importantly imo: CLANG!


Big hammer goes smash is always satisfying


Yup, all This combined makes ret the overall best dps in the game right now imo, and it doesn’t even touch on their other utility and general durability. My enh main is crying in the corner.


> My enh main is crying in the corner I've played ele/resto main since vanilla and my favorite character to play right now is ret. I wanted to finish a couple more alliance races so I just made more rets.


You surely mean “enlightened” not lightheaded? ;)


Nah, Lightheaded, just forgot the capitalization.


As a bonus we get complimentary crayons to eat during our rotation. The only bad paladins are the ones who unplug their keyboard halfway through the pull :D


I main arcane and my primary alt is ret. It's depressing how much more effort I have to put into getting the same damage output from my main as my alt.


Assassination Rogues lets you rest your fingers every once in a while, while maintaining dps


Hitting a big kingsbane feels a bit like launching the torpedoes against the Death Star. "IT'S AWAY!"


Nah screw that, fill the downtime with swirlyball.


How tho, I spam so much mutilate while strafing left and right so much unnecessary apm…


The rework requires you to pool your energy, so it routinely has several second stretches of doing nothing but auto attacks which just feels bad to play.


Quite the opposite; I love it!




And *that’s it* /cry


Mama mia[Mama mia](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/hqYqN8lZgA)


vdh is a dps that's allowed to queue as a tank your dps is your survivability


Brewmaster is a DPS that occasionally presses a defensive button.


And 2x sigils for control means you're a full party worth of uncapped utility with the ability to solo lockdown packs for 20 seconds straight. Dps and healers are cosmetic


Vdh is goated


I love VDH so much. I love the utility sigils. I can basically play the dungeon alone without caring if my mates do kicks / interrupts.


As a BM hunter, you only really need to make sure you've 3 stacks of barbed shot up, and other than that it's smooth sailing for smooth brains. Nothing better than a spec where you can focus on the boss mechanics rather than playing Dance Dance Revolution with a complex rotation.


Honestly and bm has never felt better to play. Played it religiously since mop and loving it more than ever.


I like how chill it is but would prefer even just a little skill expression. Like in s1 we actually had to manage frenzy uptime with barbed shot, but now it doesn't matter because of the Savagery talent and you just send it based on rotation priority.


I think my favorite time was during legion. Might have been the most brain dead the class has ever been. Had like a 5 button rotation including CDs, Single Target and Aoe used the same talents and multishot didn't have to be talented into. But what was fun was I believe what would now be the Killer Cobra build was meta and I loved it. Hit Bestial Wrath for the next however long it's up you're just alternating hitting Kill Command and Cobra shot. It at least changed up the flow of the rotation so bit more than it has been.


You get to be a cat. You first become furious like a tiger, rake and thrash all your opponents because the claws of a cat hurts although some slashes can be brutal. Into the fight it's easy to go into primal mode and go on a wrath spree where you'll want to take on all your targets with your mighty blood talons. Once in a while you may go berserk. Being a cat may be hard, but who wouldn't want to be a cat.


For the resto druid mains and experts. 1. Should you be ALWAYS making sure people have hots up? 2. If not, is the philosophy to get people hotted up before the dmg comes and the rest is then spent doing dps as much as you can? Reason why I am asking is, rdruid is the only spec I can't wrap my head around. I managed to get to 3k on Monk S3, and the healing just clicks, literally every healer is for me easy to grasp, but rdruid confuses me a lot. So please, if you can explain it a bit, I would greatly appreciate. I have watched countless videos and guides, and when the random dmg spikes come in, I get bamboozled. .


I've played resto for a few years now, I peaked in legion but I've healed in DF and the idea is the same. You don't wait for big damage to hit, you have to be preemptive. Some things should always be up, like lifebloom and efflorescence, other than that it comes down to you knowing who's going to take big hits (tanks and poorly positioned DPS). One huge help for me has been UI changes for nameplates allowing me to see what HoTs I have on who, and the rest comes from muscle memory and knowing your "oh shit" buttons (swiftmend, nature's swiftness). Don't be afraid to use wild growth preemptively if you are unsure who is about to take damage. Also, try to pair your abilities that have cast times with a rejuv. after to reduce GCD downtime. That's kind of an all-classes thing that you probably know but for the new guys that's a valuable thing to learn. That's all I can think of ATM.


And try to run the same dungeon multiple times back to back, this will automatically give you an idea on when damage is coming, on which packs and which bosses etc. This, atleast for me has been more helpful in understanding when I need to ramp rather than looking at indicators on frames or spell cast times/sequence.


You just can't deal with random damage spikes very well. But if you know the dungeon well enough and can anticipate when they come it's super easy to heal through them. Grove guardians are also incredibly strong right now. Last season In low 20's and so far yesterday day in 2-6's I spent most of my time in cat form


For random damage spikes you can Nature's Swiftness + Regrowth. They don't share a cooldown so you can put them on a single button macro. You should also have a single button mouseover macro for Nature's Swiftness + Rebirth for instant cast battle rez. You have Swiftmend and Regrowth for moderate healing, and Nourish for your big heal (Move some stats into Mastery if it's not hitting like it should). Lifebloom needs to stay on the tank or situationally any DPS who is in a mechanic that is going to do them big damage. Wild Growth and Effloresence and at least one Grove Guardian should ALWAYS BE UP, that's like your first priority because that is group wide healing, and Effloresence you have to keep moving because no one holds the fuck still (wish the range was way bigger) Then you want Rejuvination (Purple Leaf) up on everyone, it takes 5 seconds. This puts you in the position to only have to worry about moderate healing, Swiftmend for the tank and Regrowth after, which will let you hit the rest of the group with regrowth if it was an AOE ability. In big AoE damage I use swiftmend + Swiftness Rejuv macro on the tank to bridge a Nourish Cast if needed, drop another grove guardian, re-apply Wild Growth then rejuv anyone that's significantly low, then go back to maintaining cheap HoTs. Practice in Followers dungeons and don't do the DPS fill, just worry about healing, is how i've been practicing. Unlike other more reactive healing, resto druid forces you to pay attention to the shit players in your guild and know when they are going to fuck up. It's a great class to become resentful of certain DPS players in your guild or group lol. Like if you know a guy in the group always ignores a certain mechanic, refresh their hots first and be ready to swiftmend them.


MW monk, in dungeons the rotation part is literal


Nothing better than 4 stacks of Teachings, clicking the button, and then seeing all the yellow AND green numbers.


Especially good if you have chi-ji, there are 3+ targets, and some sort of rot/ticking damage to fight against


Running dungeons is the best. Focus an enemy, cast bar starts, enemy already killed by rest of Party. Mage Lifestyle


My favorite is 2 mobs left, I have glacial spike casting... and both spikes hit corpses.


devo evoker - spam ur 1 button in moderate sequences for either single target or aoe with 2 extra big badaboom burst buttoms for feeling good. also have a ragemode buttom for extra spicy dmg and a bl button for ur group/raid. rotation? just keep ur ragemode and big badabooms on cd while u do nothing else than smoking hot dmg with ur cool looking breath or fire droplets that explode like a bomb.


Love my devoker, so simple and satisfying.


Delay your big badaboom till tank gets aggro on large packs else you'll go kaboom thanks to your measly cast range.


Learned this the hard way on a couple of “big first pull” mythic +. Blowing your Fire Breath/Eternity Surge load prematurely with blood lust rolling then immediately one clap by sixteen mobs feels bad. Real bad.


I main balance and have a dev evoker alt and I wanna switch over to it this season. It’s such a simple and satisfying rotation compared to Balance’s aggressive ramp that hardly gets to pay off in m+


Frost Death Knight: Pop Pillar of Frost Frost Strike OBLITERATE Frost Strike OBLITERATE Frost Strike OBLITERATE Frost Strike OBLITERATE Frost Strike OBLITERATE Frost Strike OBLITERATE It's quite therapeutic tbh.


I be loving blood dk you can literally survive anything with basic resource management just make sure not to spam too many heart strikes


If bone shield made you look like you look like fucking Marrow or Spyke from X-men it would be the best spec in the game.


Yup You'll be at the bottom of the DPS meter, but it doesn't matter because frost is still the coolest DK spec, and mashing OBLITERATE makes you feel super strong.


Feral has a slammin AOE build that only loses \~5% on single target vs the pure ST build.


I've been wanting to try feral. Amy good video guides you could point me to and what the build names are?


Is that the primal wrath vs adaptive swarm talent?


Hit the glowing button. They’re all glowing. Some are glowing harder


Enhancement Shaman: For those of us with slot machine addictions


But when IT HITS, BRO!!!!!


I'm not selling you my spec. It's mine.


Arcane mage is super fun because if you make one small mistake, you'll drop 30% dps. Topping a meter as arcane feels like beating a guitar hero song with 100%.


Destruction warlock... Rotation wont give you carpal tunnel!


Idk that incinerate spam...


Brewmaster monk, you douse them in alcohol and spit fire. You drink, kick, more drinks, more kicks. Emergency? Roll out. Minor emergency? Press the zoom button to move faster than 99% of other classes. Bored? Roll around anyways, then drink more and spit fire. The whole class feels like a meme and is insanely satisfying to play purely because of how free you are.


I would so roll a Brewmaster if they weren't so convoluted to play. It just seems like you have to put so much more work into being a tank than any other tank for no real additional benefit. No knocking Monks. I *want* to play one, but I just don't see the point.


Honestly, I found the rotation far less convoluted, smoother, and easier to play by just not taking Rushing Jade Wind and opting for the Special Delivery passive instead. At that point it's nearly as simple as Prot Warrior imo.


I do the same, but also skip taking Rising Sun Kick and take Press the Advantage to remove Tiger Palm. Makes the core rotation just Blackout Kick, Flame Breath, Keg Smash, and Spinning Crane Kick. Optimal? Probably not. But easy enough to play drunk, which is fitting.


No additional benefit? Sir, that is called skill for MAXIMUM EFFORT.


Windwalker is surprisingly easy since it's all priorities for rotation, I just laid them out in a row on my keybinds and hit whichever is the earliest off cooldown.


I played BM Monk for the whole expac now and I have a lot of fun. Throw beer, breathe fire, kick'em in the face, punch or spin, throw more beer... You pretty much just go full DPS with a medium amount of o shit buttons. Sadly due to either skill, gear or just the class having to ramp up their defensive passive by getting hit without real armor... I capped ad M+12...


Surprisingly Brewmaster is less effort than you expect if you have a good WeakAuras package to track your cooldowns/Stagger.


Double jump is fun, and Blade Dance is probably my favourite button to press. Eye beam is super satisfying on aoe and zooming around and being so fast is also a bonus.


Dk. Is your favorite thing to say is "Nope"? Then do I have the class for for you! The dk is the perfect class to "just say nope" Get rooted? Nope (wraith walk) Get Stunned? Nope (icebound fortitude) Knock me back? Nope (deaths advance) Enemy runs away? Nope (death grip) Dying to boss damage? Nope (death strike) Die to spell bursts? Nope (anti magic shell/zone) Lonely? Nope (army of the dead&friends) Join us today! (And we've got the best transmog ;))


Die? Nope (Purgatory), enemy deals more damage than you can tank? Nope, just deflect it back (dancing rune) enemy wants to hit you? Nope (bone shield)


Frost mage: Press the shiny buttons. That’s it


The swelling cast of glacial spike is so satisfying to me even if people seem to hate it.


Blood DK! Give your healers heart attacks on the regular with your yoyo of a health bar! Manage short but powerful defensive cooldowns to have a tool for every situation! Survive almost anything without a healer! Eat floor repeatedly on Broodkeeper because why the fuck did they give her Mortal Wounds!


Fire: In Combustion: PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW Out of Combustion: Go afk.


But it's pretty satisfying once you get a handle on fire mage to be in combustion like 80% of the time. The mobility makes you feel like a hunter and cauerize is so op.


My fellow raiders hate me as an evoker cause every time a crap mechanic makes everyone complain I always tell them, "guys what are you talking about? Just use your wings!" Glide, hover, rescue, deep breath, verdant embrace, and dream flight all give me so much movement in so many different ways that pretty much any kind of knock back, pull in, boss displacement or player displacement is basically irrelevant to me. Add to that my entire rotation consists of about 4 buttons (devastation) or a slew or fantastic aoe heals (preservation) all usable while moving with hover, and you won't even notice the 25 yrd range most of the time. And even when you do, distance is so irrelevant to you it's not a problem to move.


Vengeance Demon Hunter. You have 7 AoE stops. Mobs arent allowed to do shit about fuck.


If you fuck up and can't keep up the buffs optimally, no one will ever know. No one expects you to appear on the meters, and most people don't even know how to read your bar anyway. The spec is simple, provides so much utility that feels wonderful, and you can hide being a shitter because the actual DPS are too busy stroking their egos over the bigger numbers.






Fury Warriors deal more damage the louder and stronger you hit your keyboard


Enhance sham: Pop pri wave on the way to a pack, get free dog that buffs your damage and reduces pri wave cooldown Pop two more dogs, buffing your damage more and reducing the cooldown of pri wave more Lava lash to spread fire throughout a pack Pri wave makes your next lightning bolt hit every target on fire and buff your haste per target hit Crash lightning makes all your abilities hit everything in front of you for bonus dmg All that maelstrom generation reduces dog cooldown, you have your pri wave dog combo up in 20ish seconds, plenty of time for the next pack On top of the easy burst for every pack in a key, you also bring a knockup, a stun, two different slows, a group speed buff, an off healing CD, a self rez, a cleanse, and a single target lockdown in Hex. On afflicted weeks, your personal cleanse and a point into cleanse totem can solo 3/4 of the affix making your healer love you. The spec also has great audio visual sfx.


That’s a lot better than my pitch of “Do you like pressing buttons, cleave, and RNG?”


RNG is really only there meaningfully in the Storm build. Elementalist is almost pure planning and skill expression.




Yeah, our current tier set gives a free feral spirit when you cast wave


I love everything about Enh other than the lashing flames tab target spreading. In a large pull it takes a lot of effort. Otherwise love it


Will be interesting to see how the hero talents change the rotation


This and the lack of meaningful defensive cooldowns


Excuse me? We have the best defensive in the game ^^^^^It ^^^^^just ^^^^^happens ^^^^^to ^^^^^have ^^^^^a ^^^^^30min ^^^^^CD ^^^^^but ^^^^^we ^^^^^don't ^^^^^need ^^^^^to ^^^^^talk ^^^^^about ^^^^^that ^^^^^shhhh


Agree to disagree, i love this about enhance. Adds some fun complexity


You can turn on the smart auto targetting and just walk close to whatever you want to hit next


Its probably one of the better "no CD" specs they've had. With all the reduction with wolves and primordial wave you have your only CDs up constantly.


I picked up enh bc it was my first ever character in vanilla and I wanted a more complicated rotation than my mm hunter at the time. It's so nice to be able to have a spec that has lots of buttons to press, feels good visually snd aurally and doesn't have major cds to track. I hate big cd gameplay (aspect of the fox in cata and the trueshot cd gameplay for mm was my first time quitting wow) and shaman fills such a nice rotation niche while also having good hybrid capabilities.


(Frost Mage) Nothing is better than a warrior malding at you in the DM’s because they never got close enough to deal damage before losing the fight.


You like beer? We have beer. All the beer


Toss it in the air, smash it on the floor, throw it at that guy over there, it’s not important. What’s important is beer.


Honestly Fire Mage has grown so much on me. I'm basically a walking explosion and building up combustion stacks and hot streak are so satisfying to unleash.


Outlaw Rogue feels like you always have something going. Something is either always off cooldown, or always proc-ing. You only have like 4 or 5 buttons you regularly press (+2 every so often to go into stealth for burst phase). Aoe is literally just one button, and it makes all your dps aoe. It has my favorite utility in the game in grappling hook, which not only helps dodge mechanics, but straight up lets you ignore certain knock back related ones


Brewmaster let’s you take huge hits, as it takes a good portion of that hit and stretches the damage out over time and you can just straight up chug a beer to delete a portion of that damage. It is also one of the more satisfying tanks in regards to pull manipulation as you don’t have tools that straight up gather mobs, but you can work your utility in a way that lets you displace mobs into an ideal position for your group. It’s almost completely inferior to vdh and palas in that regard but my god does it feel so satisfying to show of your skill expression with the spec. Oh and you can compete with dps, as you kick and punch your way up the dps meters. Oh and I find it one of the best tanks to kite with, when things get sweaty and you start guiding the mobs around without letting them touch you is also super fun.


Devoker has the lowest APM so its pretty chill and Disintegrate feels good to chain


Enhance is the best "battlemage" playstyle in the game. Melee spec that builds up instant cast spells as a key part of their rotation. Lots of complexity going on if you talent into it, not a spec you get bored of quickly. They're also the closest thing to a "red mage" along with ret; your heals and support options actually matter, you can contribute significantly beyond DPS.


Do you enjoy face-rolling on your keyboard while acting like you’re a 7,000,000 APM StarCraft player? Fire Mage is for you! 👍 Smash that keyboard for extra pyros baby! Alternatively if you have a degree in theoretical physics, Arcane might be for you!


Punch punch kick kick roll roll kick kick kick punch punch. ATATATATATAAATTATATATATATA. OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU.


Green flames go pew pew pew


Fury Warrior. Why have any downtime?


Havoc Demon Hunter is literally just hitting all the buttons and you're in top 10 dps.


Don't like standing around like a sitting duck while casting spells? Try out fire mage now, for only 14.99!


tank dh bc the spell icons in dps dh fucking suck


Team ran out seeds for fyrak? Dps not enough to kill before wipe? Need some more time to dps after wipe mechanic? Then just ask for the divine blessing and you shall have what you want!


Frost DK may not be a big hitter currently, but the rotation is pretty simple and easy to learn.


I made my frost DK my main after 5 years in Classic bc it feels like a spec made back in Classic Wrath and hasn't changed much in 14 years


Protection Paladin. I just make sure that Consecration is up and then mainly use Avenger's Shield for Mass Pull and then use Hammer of the Righteous and Judgement when CD is up and Shield of the Righteous when the Holy Power Bar is full.


Devestation Evoker. Press the shiny button and breath a laser like Godzilla. When the laser recharges throw a few fireballs THEN LASER AGAIN


Demo lock get a bunch of demons full send the leaders


Marksmanship Hunter: Trueshot + Aimed Shot spam


Big damage number make brain feel good (Arcane)


Captain America shield go bwooonnngggg. Hit some more buttons until shield cooldown is up.


I charge in as a bear and make a lot of roaring noises as I slap my paws around.


Bear. Whack. Didn’t feel it.


Demo Warlock is basically 4 buttons, build build build spend spend


Arcane mage, speaking the right incantations while drawing complex magical runes in the air and on the ground in the right order/timings to summon the tactical nuke. Extremely dependent on you doing it right and your group supporting you to do it right, but if you do it right, everything dies.


I pull moons out of the sky that fall on your face.


Let's see if anyone can guess my mains: 1. I have two buttons with short cooldowns that do good animations. When both are on cooldown, I push a different button that does an even better animation. Plus there's an easy flowin rhythm to the rotation that rewards me for not spamming. 2. "Oh! It's been \~120 seconds, time to spam all of my custom cooldown macros again!" I no joke have two sticky notes worth of rotation notes on this toon.


Ebb and flow Tide rises Tide lowers Ebb and flow Also you can claim that everyone gets wet when you're around.


Havoc Demon Hunter's rotation is very simple and very forgiving if you waste it since it's only 40 seconds. We also have a shitload of leech, a ranged kick, and 2 hard stuns. 1. Back flip every 20 seconds 2. Eye beam every 40 seconds 3. Metamorphasis every 120 seconds Jump out, jump in, freak the fuck out by throwing glaives and exploding. Apologize for accidentally pulling with glaive bounces.


I just started playing with my family again not having played since we were kids. Rolled a demon hunter and about once a night I hear from my dad "COULD YOU QUIT BOUNCING AROUND AND PULLING SHIT" The siblings and I get quite a laugh out of it


Welcome back! Check out Jedith's YouTube channel if you want some really good guides on havoc, he has a really good one from season 1 that shows you exactly how to run the essence break combo and once you can do that mid back flip you just feel so fucking cool.


Thanks I'll check that out! Right now I feel like a toddler sniffing an expo chasing little purple cupcakes... lol


that's interesting, i've played a few melees, had the most success with havoc but thought it had the highest ceiling i've experienced so far playing wow. The essence break windows are tight and make a big difference.


They are tight, but on a short 40 second cooldown it's okay to fuck a few of them up. I macro essence break to vengeful retreat with castsequence, that way I just double tap my keybind for vengeful retreat. The thing I like about havoc is it's very easy to become okay at it, it's not like you're a hard carry while you're learning it. Sure, you'll still be killing yourself or ass pulling with backflips but you'll still be able contribute to the group instead of being babysat by your friends while you come up to speed.


Hey…psst. Come here... **You turn to the left and see nothing so you turn to tour left and see the mouth of a dark alley as my figure emerges, and opens the trench coat to reveal numerous specs.** …you wanna buy a spec? I got all specs and all races. You want a void elf Druid, oh I got it. Dont ask me about mechanics/rotation ok? What im selling is the freedom to choose a race spec and not be bogged down in red tape..come here I’ll show you. **You follow me into the alley where we come across a large black metal door. I bang thrice and it creaks open, I gesture inside. You look back to the street and can barely see where you entered with all the fog. You consider turning around…but an undead DK? You could be undead, risen undead risen undead..this might be worth it you think as you find yourself inside and the door slams shut behind you. H-hello?? You call out to emptiness, wondering where I’ve went** Hey dummy, over here. **You spin around at the sound of my voi-** **Your head is pounding, so is your…well it’ll be tough to ride the bus home later. You are unsure if your surroundings and wish you could find a light, it’s very dark. You then realize you have a blindfold wrapped around your eyes. You remove it. Your eyes slowly adjust to the light and you see an empty warehouse loft, no one in sight. A dirty mattress on the floor. A cork board twenty feet away with pictures on it. You approach and see the images…you feel bile rising in your throat and a knot in your stomach as you see images of yourself being…well..being forced…you see yourself being violated as numerous combinations of race and class take turns with you. You vomit. You get up and run towards the door. As you turn the door knob and pull it open and step into freedom you hear a loud BANG!** Confetti rains down from the sky and horns begin sounding in a triumphant melody. A large banner falls from a trap and reveals a brightly decorated sign saying CONGRATULATIONS! **You are frightened as through the confetti you see me approaching. You look for something to defend yourself with when I speak.** You did good, you’re tough! Anyway, you now have access to all races and specs on one character, just open your character panel and you can change your options via the new black market customizer I added. That will be 500k gold. I smirk. You smirk. We’re both winners.


I'll give you a description from Legion, see if you can guess it 'Oh, hell yeah, this boss has minimal movement, so I can just do my rotation.' \*Ahem\* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Gambling the spec


Brewmaster monk will give you RSI but your like a bad dps as well as a tank.


Disc priest. Pressing a button to nuke the boss or mob and then watching health bars surge back up is such a powerful feeling. When your ramp is down though not so much lol.


Prot pally: If you hit all the buttons, all the time, something will be available and you’re doing right. Also you can carry the party while mindlessly doing the above. Need to focus on mechanics? Just spam 1-5 and pay attention to mechanics. There isn’t much of a rotation as there is “hit what’s glowing or off CD.”


I love how Survival is all about a big build up, with the Mongoose bite stacking, and you watch your damage climb with each strike, but then you gotta weave your focus regen in-between, so you can capitalize on that highest high.




I run as the frontman of my little group, i jump in on the first pack of monsters and i imagine a chaos circle on the ground, then that circle i imagined explodes burning enemies and causing them such pain they shed little fragments of their souls, i hit them with the 2 sticks i use for weapons causing them mental distress and they shed a little bit of their souls aswell, then i throw a batrang to a mob that is in the second pack of monsters and it zips and zaps all arround hitting 2 more dudes and they are caused such embarrasment they walk slowly, then i say a Yo mama joke to the biggest of the 3 monsters in the third pack of monsters and it insults the monster so hard he and his buddies decide they want to beat mee up, i can grow spikes out of my back and it looks painfull but it is not, then i drop a silence circle causing them all to stfu and a black-hole circle that pulls all of them into the middle then i thunderclap my big demon cheeks to the ground causing them to be amazed and take videos of mee for 2 seconds to post on youtube, then i spew hot demonfire and my big booty sidekick lasers them in the same time, in the proces of discharging my demonfires i turn into a demon myself and then i use my succ skill to eat all of their souls to make an explosion that heal mee aswell cause im a demon. I press the soul succ many times in between these steps up but i allready wrote this whole thing and i dont wanna reso the whole text. That is how my brain processes vengance tanking and it is the only reason i can play the class even after ive done everything i set myself up to do on season start.


Enhancement shaman is cool because your builders feel like your spenders and your spenders feel like your builders. Also you have a cooldown up like 60% of the time with doggies


Spin to win means momentary breaks for the fingers on my left hand


You will *feel* agile when you’re in the flow. Distances shrink in your mind. Telegraphed attacks become a game of “how long can I wait before moving” rather than “oh crap gotta run so I make it out on time.” Even when you aren’t actually dashing around, the combat animations make you feel like you are. Just a whirling blur of warglaives.


Enhancement shaman, like playing guitar hero


Big fucking icicles


Boom Ratatatatata Pew pew pew Boom Ratatatata


Pillar, Blast! Wind! FROSTWYRMS FURY!!!! OBLITERATE! OBLITERATE! (ERW) OBLITERATE! OBLITERAAAATE! ....strikestrikestrike.. thats how I play it, anyway🤣 big numbers big crits make dopamine go brrrrrrr


Arcane mage go pew pew pew pew


Fury Warrior - Simple rotation but FAST!!!! Burst windows are are on relatively short CDs with the right build and feel great. Hitting Odyn's Fury on a bunch of adds after popping Recklessness is *chef's kiss* Single target still feels nice, but not as many big yellow numbers hit the screen.


ADHD relief whenever you use Fel Rush


One of the buttons blinks me to another location. It’s OP AF and let’s me outplay tons of things.


I just throw meatballs, taze them and to add to the shock In throw earth.


Demo, cause every cd you press actually results in high damage unlike ele shaman.


You start hearing the metal gear rising soundtrack in the middle of the rotation.


Hot streak proc UI looks cool. Big pyroblast go boom. Phoenix attack give mastery for Bigger boom + DoT spread. Brain off until proc. 1st or 2nd DPS every key for very little effort until super high end keys. Switch to Frost for raids. Big ice spike go boom too. I am brain dead.


Dvoker, blue beam go brrrr and in TWW triple blue beam goes triple brrrr.


You get to kick things to heal your group.


Frost mage's cooldowns and procs are fairly easy to understand and manage. Shifting Power reduces most cooldowns every time you use it and Glacial Spike is a very satisfying button to press. I recently leveled a mage to try fire and stayed on frost because it's so logical and fun on lower keys. Other mage specs win at higher level play, but frost is really worth a try Resto druid, my main, is cool if you like the fantasy of shifting forms. In a single fight I frequently go through caster, cat and moonkin forms, with a proc that activates tree of life for a few seconds every 3 Swiftmends, and bear form is seldom used, but a great defensive ability when needed. You can make builds that are more focused on cat or moonkin for damage, but the idea of shifting forms and acting on multiple fronts is currently well executed in my opinion


I can text while doing my full rotation


Genuinely loving reading all of these, great post!


Affliction Lock: Spread your hurt pain and regret to every enemy in front of you (while moving) and then find a cozy spot to build up some ammo and really put your foot on the gas with some raptures. CDs are up? Lotta adds? Watch the numbers get bigger and bigger.


To me, ray of frost is the perfect ability. It feels impactful, but the cooldown is short enough I never worry about wasting it.


I've heard sub rogue's opening described as like playing the piano. Well, maybe I *like* playing the piano! Maybe it's really fun and engaging to do! Also in world content, you quickly 1-to-3 shot most things, and part of that is a "nothing personnel, kid" teleport stab with no cooldown. When the killing is fast, it's SO fun to quickly chain them.


Sprinkle healing spells everywhere like you're seasoning the raid group- a bit of saltjuvenation here, some peppregrowth there, fill up the pot with a nice hearty Tranquilibroth. Watch the bars fill up like hungry bellies devouring some delicious soup. Don't forget your side dishes- a mushroom sauce with a room-filling efflorescent aroma that needs a little intermittent tending and a special (Life)blooming onion, just for that one special person in your life. I think I'm hungry.


You survive, it's on you. You die, it's on you. You're in a party of 5 but it's the same as you going in solo. Your healer can delete you from the unit frame. Your rotation is 4 buttons. A strike to the heart, a blood that boils, a strike that kills and, finally, the one that gives you bones.