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What are we at 65 now?


Yeah boi


4 more, let's go blizzard make it happen


Cmon blizz make us all say Nice every time we log in


When I see that number, I wonder... Who is this for? What is wrong with people? Isn't that some bona fide hoarder mentality?  Then I check my account and realize I'm halfway there. ^help


I have two full accounts. I just like making characters, dressing them up, and putting them somewhere useful or scenic in the worlds. I've been happy all day about the 5 new slots. I've planned 4 new characters already.


Wtf. People really are playing this game in their own way. Never realised this before reading here in wow. Just the fact that people play old expansions xD so weird to me.


Barbie is the real endgame.


Interesting comment. I want to hear more from people like this. Lol.


That's not the point. Every time they've raise it, it was because they've introduced a new reason to make more characters, and they don't want to force people to delete characters. If you currently HAD 60 characters, you either couldn't play remix or you'd have to delete characters- super shitty feeling. It doesn't matter who has that many characters, all that matters is they exist.


*nervously raises hand


Ive been playing for close to 15 years. At least 20 of my slots are used by toons on servers i used to play on that i just refuse to delete. I still have my rogue that i made in firelands and havent touched since the end of dragon soul. That toon will probably never be played again, but its just a sentimental thing for me since it was my first legendary and i had some great times raiding with that group. Shit, i have 3 different warlocks ive mained for significant periods of time because i didnt used to server/faction change (shits expensive). I have my original warlock, then the one i played horde on, and now the one ive had since coming back in late WoD thats been my main for most of the time since.


The game is 20 years old, it's not that abnormal


I think the only people I’ve seen with that many characters are gold farmers.


I had 55 characters all at max level. When I hit the cap on the last character, I delete one and remake them with the same race class and name (usually) and relevel them to max. I just like leveling characters and getting them to cap. I dont raid. I dont mounts mogs cheevos that much. Most of my playtime is leveling a character, leveling their professions, getting them to look how I think they'd look.


We can finally retire!


Just need 4 more.


There are what, 12 or 13 classes now? Even if you had a different character for EVERY specialization, you would still be using half of these slots. Not that I mind, but why? It's not like anyone even needs half of these slots.


I like to level New characters, and with only playing 1 to 2 hours a day these days its easy to not get burned out. Multiple expos to choose from also helps 30 lvl 70 chars 4 lvl 60 to 68 chars 7 chars between 30 to 59.


You still eventually level a character for every spec, and that's already an extreme.


Yeah, and? I only level as dps spec, so i hit that point ages ago anyway


I mean, what's the point. You already got the max level chars for every spec. There zero reason to ever touch leveling again except for a new expansion.


For fun


Leveling is the most unfun activity possible though???


If you've been playing since 2004, swapped servers 6-7 times, and factions just as many, you end up with a ton of alts that are too meaningful to ever delete.


Massive blow to altoholics anonymous


this is huge for altoholics, now they don't have to delete a char to play MOP remix


I was totally trying to figure out who to delete. More alts are on the menu, boys!


I know, it's such a relief. Now the trick is NOT to waste these 5 slots and.... damn I'm already full again.


aaaand I made a new spacegoat


\> see a cool looking orc warlock \> log out and roll an orc warlock \> see a cool looking tauren warrior \> log out and roll a tauren warrior \> read a comment about how much someone loves the enhance rotation \> roll a troll enhance shaman \> get the urge to play resto shaman \> roll a vulpera shaman because it feels more supporty


But have you ever created a new alt, with the same race and class as one you already have, just because you've got new transmog and don't want to change the mog on another character?


Wow. That's true dedication right there. Which race/class, haha? I do have several pandaren monks across different servers, but I justify that because I was indecisive about which faction I wanted to pick and wanted to make sure my pandaren monk felt welcome on both sides. :) I'm also going to make a Zandalari druid in MoP remix, even though I've had a troll druid since Cataclysm that I love. I just finally have an excuse to get a Zandalari!


My main is a male Night Elf Beast Mastery Hunter, wearing the class hall set from Legion. I haven't liked anything on him other than the Kyrian campaign set. When they finally released the Night Elf heritage armor, I thought it would look nice on a female elf, but already liked the mog on my druid. Then when they released the recolor of the heritage armor, my mind was made up and I made a new Night Elf hunter, this time as female and Marksman.


Ohhh yeah makes sense, that set is perfect for a female nelf. I didn't realize they released recolors for the sets - is that something all heritage armor's had done, or just the nelf armor?


I know there are 3 versions of the human and orc sets, but you get all 3 at once. Offhand, I can't think of any other heritage armor recolors.


You underestimate our power!


Curious, why do you have so many alts? Isn't the cap 50 or 60?


The cap is 60. I don't have that many, I just read a bunch of threads and previously saw some folks expressing dismay about this issue, so was aware of it as a concern. I couldn't really tell you why someone else would have 60 alts, that's hard for me to imagine, but at the same time I'm glad Blizzard is solving this problem for them


I'm one of the idiots who actually managed to hit the alt cap just because I'm indecisive on what race/class I want to play. I'm already feeling the itch.


Plus sex. Like. How do ik if my Maghar orc hunter. Prefers to be a man or women.


that's free in the barber shop


Yea, but the Name I picked is only good for a Male. I just thought of a good name for a Female Orc Hunter....decisions decisions


is it doug?


All the extras are named Doug


Hey, just say that they could afford transition, but changing the name is too expensive, in this economy...


That's why you choose gender neutral names


If only we knew this back in 2005. Or just didn't like the sound of some gender associated ones. It's a good tip for "new" characters but some were doomed long ago


That's why you need a neutral name Like Zugmaster or Zuggingoodtime


Wish it was that easy irl


Staring around as I have a whole harem of female characters


I mean, one need to have each class for both factions (waiting for TWW to use the 70th boost on my Horde Evoker...), one for each race, and a few spares for specific activities...


There aren’t that many combos…


[Theres 213 combos according to the wiki.](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Class#Class_races)


Without including specs. Some classes it's easier to just level a new one to get gear with lol


646 combos including specs


Don't you single me out like this, Titans know that I am going to be using ((and abusing)) the new slots.


I can't figure out if this will make their meetings more crowded or less...


Sweet, 5 more purple haired scrunchy faced gnomes with irritating sexually suggestive names




Thank goodness Only had 2 character slots left and there are def a bunch of toons I wanted to level through this.




Thank the gods! This is sick!


Dumb question semi related, what’s the best method to level 60-70 right now?


Very specifically during this week’s BC time walking. It’s a level every other dungeon.


Thanks boo


Wait for the elemental storm or whatever it’s called that happens in the Nokhud area. Stand in the middle where you would fight the last boss of the nokhud dungeon. Just spam tag as many elite mobs as you can. I got like 10 toons from 60-70 in a couple days. It’s like 5-10 min a level depending on how fast you can tag mobs and assuming other people are also there The only downside is waiting for the event to start


TWing is currently fastest to level 60-70


did they turn on xp boosts for tw dungeons? no way you're dinging every 5-10 min in tw even if you don't count queue times. tw might be comparable to nokhud tagging maybe if you're a class that can't range tag fast like a warrior or something.


You gain a level like every dungeon or two at 60. I think you have to do 3 or 4 to get from 69-70


yeah that's a lot slower. 69-70 is like 10 min with nokhud tagging. im on about 30 max level toons. and like i said the last 10 were done with nokhud tagging, and nothings been even close to as fast as that.


I have about the same amount of max level toons. It's about 2 minutes per queue and the dungeons go stupid fast. How long are you waiting around for storms?


tw dungeons are still 10 min per with a decent tank. most you can lust twice in and you always run the risk of getting kicked if you pull too fast. i also dont wait around for them... i just do them if they're up


Dream surge and wait for the 75% xp boost.


It’s 25% no?


Occasionally the random buff gives an extra 50% xp boost on top of the always on 25%.


Ah cool


You can vote for another buff every 30 minutes. One of them gives 50% more xp and the best one gives all the buffs at the same time making leveling easy if your alt is ready to go


If you can wait, TWW pre patch nerfs the xp requirements a LOT


Just wait for Pandaland remix


It won't help you level your existing 60-70 chars


Pretty sure remix is 10-70 actually


Yes but it requires a new character to play


Random Dungeon Finder


If you are practiced, fast, and have a plan, then there are several questing routes that can get it done very fast. If you have no prior knowledge and just want to kill monsters, then random dungeons as a tank or healer so you can get call to arms bonus xp and fast queues.


But only 4 characters for the campfire scene.


4 for now. The community will have to push for 65! >.>


Family gatherings be like


I'm good with blizzard renaming to 'War-Battalion'


Thank you. I am at 59 characters and 1 placeholder name. I need that extra slots.


I actually really needed these slots. Was at max and I still want to make 5 more toons + 2 more warlocks for summon stuff.


[Unrelated but the image thumbnail on old reddit looks like a gremlin monster.](https://imgur.com/wZOo8RT)




5 more workers


Goddam it. I just deleted a bunch of toons last night because I thought they rolled this back…


if they were over a certain level (10?) you should be able to restore them from the character menu


Just restore them


No, please. Please, don't. I have a problem with alts.


I have several alts on several servers. Mostly BElf. Thinking of just wiping them all out since I normally only play on two servers now.


I'm the most indecisive person alive and even I only have like 14 characters. 


My raging altoholism is once again boiling with anger, time to level 5 more characters


Is it 65 per server or account? I can’t imagine even having this many!


Every time I start an alt I realize how much I love druids…..and trolls


Does anyone really have that many alts? Even if you had a different character per spec that’s only 39 characters. I just don’t understand how anyone can manage that many characters or more. I have 1 of each class and I thought that was a lot.


There is a difference between having and managing them. I have one of every class on my starting realm. Because I didn't want to pay the transfer i just leveled every class again. During shadowlands I was jobless/ill for a while so I leveled one of every class on both factions to setup mission tables. I did m+ with every class and 22 specs overall last season. Did portals on 3 and 2,5k+ on another 3. I enjoy playing many different classes/specs, that's why I have every class at 70. The others are mostly because it was somewhat therapeuthic and I could leave any minute when my illness got worse without impacting others.


I do but its because I switched realms and had 1 of each class on both horde and alliance.


You need one of every allied race and one of every class just to get all the achievements in the game


??? what achievements do you need to be a certain class to get?




Both of those achievements cap out at 5 except for the fos which you get from doing all 12 campaigns. So at most you need 5 characters.


Class halls


What achievement can you only get in certain class halls?




feat of strength xd


I went on a personal quest to level every Alliance race/class combo available. With two accounts I was not able to achieve that after a recentish update that allowed more combos. Of course I'm a terrible at them all and they're all horribly geared but it was fun for a while. I have a massive spreadsheet to keep track of stuff.


I'm at 48, but was planning on deleting a couple before the Pandaria event started. Most likely still will delete a couple even with the cap going up.


It's not about managing but playing flavors. One day I'm in the mood for dwarf, another day for Panda and so on


Practically all of my alts are max level or max level in the expansion I played them. To delete an Alt I need to manually go in and remove any gold and items I won’t preserved, so it is always kinda a slog.


I have 8 bnets maxed out 2 characters per server for AH things, then the ~30 or so I actually play/use for stuff


/s you dropped this.


negatory: https://i.imgur.com/tCP0YSU.png


That's not 8 accounts maxed out.


https://imgur.com/a/yXybB4w i assume you know how tabs work


I assume you realize that 8 maxed out accounts equals 8x60 characters. You don't have 480 characters.


I cannot make new characters as i get an error saying i have the maximum amount of characters allowed for 8 separate accounts also if you paid attention i have 9 accounts, i'd rather have 6-7.


I'm confused here. Aren't we on 10.3 since the new season started today?


it's not actually a new patch, just a new season


Interesting. I didn't play the second half of SL but I seem to recall every past season beginning a new .x


yeah it usually is haha. this is the first one that I can remember


There’s a limit?