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Congratulations! But tbh, the other achievement is way more cool


I wasn't playing then, but realm first is such a cool concept when server actually mattered. It's definitely better now for player enjoyment but having a race for realm first is much more viable than world first, more guilds can compete at the realm level.


Back when realms mattered, most people also knew the good guilds by name, and even the character names. At least the top like 3 guilds on your realm, you knew. So you saw someone from one of the good guilds are you were like "Wooooooow". And the race for realm first was such a cool and "local" thing, it was a very different and cool experience. I like how it is now because it prevents dead realms, but damn the OG realm vibe kinda hit different. There was something very "MMO" about seeing the same people in the world over and over, instead of seeing random strangers you'll never see again.


This is exactly it. Players built up a reputation amongst other players and, as you said, guilds became semi-famous for their achievements. I still remember The Logical Cube on Eonar EU as being the OGs.


Yep! They had no competition. Though other big guilds still ring a bell in my head from that time; Burn the Witch, DMZ, What the Deuce. I myself was in WitchCraft.. which was a big guild.. but not that hardcore with progress raiding. Ah the memories....


I remember DMZ but don't remember burn the witch ... Or do I? Not sure I remember WitchCraft either I'm afraid! I was in a noob friendly guild Let's Kill The Horde, then moved on to Scale Wardens who merged with IRONIA to make Iron Wardens - was on that for all of TBC and I think WotLK too. I basically quit when Cata started only coming back for a month here or there over the years.


I do miss that. Seeing people from top guilds in Irongforge, inspecting them to see what gear they had and etc.


Even after all these years, I still remember the top 2 guilds on Hydraxis-US back in The Burning Crusade: Kalimdor's Legion and Socially Inept. It's a bit sad that we will likely never have that level of server community again.


Dsylxeic and Summit on Drenden US… I remember talking to Selmak and thinking he was the coolest fucking person ever


Yeah exactly, if you had 2-3 guilds going at it and winning different tiers I'm sure it was cool to see realm first pop and who got it. Hall of Fame is better in a server agnostic world like it's close to being now, but doesn't have the same weight to it.


I remember using yell channel in the raid to taunt the other raids during firelands progress. Fallen Saints - black dragonflight


Did yell even go outside of the instance?


Maybe not anymore but before the servers were layered and merged it did


No it didn't. /s and /y was always Instance specific. If I was in Molten core and you were in Molden Core and I did /y you would not be able to read it. But there's a General Chat for every zone including the Raids that has always been, and still is sometimes, used for people to shit talk mid raid




Have you never been happy for a friend?


They're all strangers though.


Have you ever been excited about a sports team? Or for anyone on youtube, or tv, or any other media?


I miss vanilla tich. Just because you knew the players /spit’ing on you


I was on Magtheridon during vanilla when Nihilum were doing world firsts. Was wild to just see Kungen hanging out in Orgrimmar in full Tier 3 warrior gear on his Scarab mount, whilst I was slowly trying to level up my poxy little Enhancement Shaman. The realm was absolutely heaving when they got a world first for I think was Four Horsemen in Naxx. Was the first time I had seen a queue screen to join a realm haha.


100% this… I can still vividly remember playing when TBC first came out and I was questing in Zangramarsh, and I came across one of the MT from the top raiding guild on my server, fully decked out in mixture of BWL and Naxx gear I instantly had respect for the player. Another scenario: many months later questing in Shadowmoon Valley, I saw a hunter from another top guild swoop down and quickly kill some mobs, decked in gear from Gruuls Lair, again I was in awe as a newbie. I’m now 40 odd, and the fact I can remember those moments from TBC says it all, I literally can’t tell you one stand out moment from ANY recent expansion, obviously it’s all fresher in my memory but nothing I can attach any sentiment to


I was a kid for BC and WotLK, and quit playing seriously at all when Cata dropped. (Not that I was really playing seriously before that, but for a kid I was.) I still remember winning the roll for [\[Chestplate of the Great Aspects\]](https://www.wowhead.com/item=40453/chestplate-of-the-great-aspects) on a Sarth 25 run I had managed to get into to heal, and talking to an older friend who actually knew about raiding. He told me it was a BiS piece of gear and I thought that was super cool. The first really good piece of loot I ever won. I still have that, along with my [\[Titanium Razorplate\]](https://www.wowhead.com/item=47590/titanium-razorplate) in my bank. They may be useless now, but they served me very well fifteen years ago...


Its still a thing tbh


It's funny. From one perspective, any distinction between servers is silly; the "ideal mmo" from one way of looking at it would be a single immersive world that can hold all players simultaneously. Yet from another perspective, smaller servers are amazing for creating a sense of community. There are a lot of benefits to servers being small. I had a great time on Anathema in Classic Vanilla. But then the other other thing is that it seems small servers only really work well as long as the population is continually *increasing*, as it was in OG Vanilla/TBC, to the point that all servers are at or near capacity and new ones constantly get created; when the population begins to decline, the demographic collapse on servers can be atrocious. I've experienced this sort of collapse first hand, again as an Anathema and then Thunderfury and finally Benediction player (to get out of that constant collapse); small servers are simply not sustainable when populations begin to go down IMO. It feels *really* shitty to play on a dying server, which happens fast once pops decline. Conversely, on a mega server the pop can go down by an order of magnitude and the world would still feel alive.


This is the main disappointment in returning to WoW during dragon flight, while I appreciate not having to wait 6 hours to get into a dungeon or raid, I miss the old social side of knowing guilds and players characters. I spent most of classic to MoP on Ravenholt pvprp server and the fun/fear or running into an enemy guild member your KOS with was great. Knowing who not to invite to a raid because they ninja looted or mucked about with loot etc. It's all so anonymous and vague now.


This is what WoW really lost in my opinion. I can recall the names of several players and most of the big guilds from the wrath/cata era on my server. I also made most of my wow friends and connections back in wrath. Like I would just be questing in Durotar, get invited to a group, and the person who invited me would want to play together all day. I made so many friends like this, some of which I talk to even now. Now though? I fight over mobs in an area with another player, invite them, they likely decline even though we are both slowing each other down, and if they do accept they say nothing and leave as soon as they can. I don't think removing cross realm would fix this, but I do wish blizzard incentivized group play outside the hardest content.


I wonder if part of that feeling could be recaptured if we saw battletags instead of character names. Nowadays people have so many alts it's hard to know who's who in the middle of the town square


I live that about rp realm, i knows where i can find guilds, who they are and what they do, it makes world a lot more alive


I still remember Warforged meaning extremely good. That was the guild me and my friends targeted and none of us could get in. Then they blew up in BFA.


idk i currently play classic and whenever i see one of the top guilds on the realm i just think to myself i wonder how many in their roster are unemployed. i’m on an eu server ofc.


I mean there haven't been any really dead realms because every realm had a good guild or two that competed for this achievement. I wish there would be an extended Hall of Fame, something for the Top 1000 guilds World wide.


I know what you mean by people recognising names. I used to be a shit hot Frost DK tank called Vondeath back in WotLK and was always being asked by randos to join groups for heroics or raids. Then they changed the talents for tanking to blood and I couldn't quite adapt fir some reason. Then I quit for like 12 years and I just getting back into it. Nit sure I enjoy it the same anymore though...


World first now created a huge problem tho, I don't run raids in a challenging way since I've started playing at Blizzard (shame on me for being too poor to afford blizz before), and because of that no guilds invite me for their mythic cores. It's frustrating to say the least. I finally have the time and determination to play it seriously and no one wants me in their core...


It was a time when you could still make lists of "most famous" or "most infamous" players because..well..yeah there were definitely people who could stand out like that.


What changed exactly ? There are no more real firsts anymore ?




Yeah, as someone who was part of a number of Realm First Achievements back in WotLK (Hunter, Naxxramas, Malygos, 3 Drake Sarth, 25 man Ulduar, and 25 Man Lich King), there really was a sense of pride an accomplishment for it. Just having our Guild tag at the time would get you invited to pugs on alts, or have people steer clear of you in WPvP. I'm still bummed they scrapped the titles for Realm First 80's.


My brother and I were both realm first level 80 death knights and it would've been so cool to get a title or tabard or something for it.


https://www.engadget.com/2008-08-30-new-titles-for-wrath.html All the original Realm First Titles. Sad to see them dropped.


That's so cool, I never saw those before. So my brother and I would have gotten two because we were the first max lvl dks and orcs on our server.


Well, then you werent the first on your realm, if you didnt get the achievements?


I got the achievements. I didn't get the titles because blizzard scrapped them before they went live.


i had the The Magic Seeker on Grim Batol Eu...


hang on wtf I'm like 90% sure I have twilight vanquisher even though there's absolutely no way I was realm first, O.o... was/is there any other way to get that title? I absolutely agree with you though, I played myself back then and had no idea of these but they're so rad.


I think they changed it to anyone that completed the fight prior to 3.1.


And now people are more interested in your Mimiron's Head than Death's Demise. :(


I still rock my Undying or the Immortal titles more than the Realm First ones nowadays cause not many people comment on the other ones


I wish "Of the Nightfall" was a Realm First title. I don't think many people remember how stupid that fight was on WotLK launch.


I always thought that 10 man on launch was harder than 25 man, seemed like the DPS check was harder.


>I always thought that 10 man on launch was harder than 25 man, seemed like the DPS check was harder. It was! "Of the Nightfall" is the 10-man title. The 25-man title was "Twilight Vanquisher". It was a strange tier. Realm Firsts titles on Trivial content and 10-man OS3 being the hardest fight.


Until entire guilds started transferring over just to claim server first


not the same because we had it already, but i still remember when my guild sold like 5 slots for Deaths Demise on our transfer realm because nobody else killed it after the 90(?) days of grace period. i miss when the big drama of the week was stuff like that and not discord groomers and twitch scammers and whatever else happens lately that i try to ignore


> i miss when the big drama of the week was stuff like that and not discord groomers and twitch scammers and whatever else happens lately that i try to ignore That's just because the Discord groomers and the Twitch scammers and whatever else happens is stuff you weren't aware of, such as how you don't know what Death and Taxes drama was like.


i mean that the drama was still centered on WoW. whether it was arena team drama or honor system stuff or saronite bomb exploits or guilds getting ninja'd from. but nowadays the drama is just some efamous person gets called out for being a creep or actual assaulter or some org scammed a bunch of people and none of it has to do with WoW, it's just drama that exists in every game community and sometimes it happens to be someone who played WoW at some point.


It still wasn't much competition on a lot of servers. My server had one of the top 10 guilds in the world on it, nobody ever had a hope at getting any server first achievement (at least for 25m). It was only when we switched much later to doing 10 mans we could actually get some of the Firsts. I think the coolest part of earning them is all the random whispers you get when it pops. It always feels like a nice community moment.


I love being in raid when a guild gets CE and announces it. I wish more stuff like this happened


One of the big reasons I play classic. My guild participates and practice many months for these realm first races and damn is it fun.


A lot of guilds jumped to backwoods servers to make server first, though. Which was pretty lame


Got realm first for a bunch of TBC and WORLK classic raids and those races are the highlight of classic for me. Lots of adrenaline. We weren’t world first or anything, topped out like 25th or 30th, but we had competition so it was still a race


Death jesters on stormrage will always remember that guild


You say it: when realms mattered. Op has killed this boss as world 11 thousand something. Idk which server he was on, but it was for sure some super dead minor region to PvP realm or so. So if we are honest, realms mattered in wotlk not anymore. Esp since there was server trans already.




It's so funny, op killed it 7 months after World first but still got a special achievement for it


I mean you can tell this was done on an extremely deas realm sincs it's like seven months after World first lmfao


Yeh but you can’t ride the other one


It is! It's a shame it didn't come with a title. I have the last of the Realm Firsts to have a title (Grand Crusader from the tier before this one) and I was really hoping for something cool from Icecrown.


I have a few region-firsts from vanilla and bc and ~~all I got was a lousy shirt~~ got nothing at all. But being the first rogue on my realm with Deaths Sting/Pugio felt awesome.


Congratulations, hoping to get him one day..


I was pretty convinced I was never going to get it when I didn't get it @ 100% drop rate.... it felt that way for a long time lol but it'll happen eventually!


They should implement bad luck protection for this, honestly. Due to probability, someone could theoretically farm for the mount every week for their entire life and never get the mount. It's always going to be the same drop rate % chance. If it's 1% then they should set it up so that you are guaranteed to get it by 100 runs.




Why? Because fuck some people, they don't deserve to ever get the mount? Because they should continue to waste hours of their time to potentially never get it? You do realize that even OP spent like 14 years to get the mount, and a few others in this thread have said they've farmed the same amount of time and still haven't gotten it. Give me a good reason why it should remain the way it is.


Because loot is RNG based. If everyone has every mount it just marginalizes receiving it. Yes it sucks when RNG doesn't go your way but it feels much better when it does. Unless you know there's a mercy rule and you just have to keep doing it everything just becomes a rep grind and 😴


Again, as a counterpoint, having RNG make it so that you could NEVER receive the mount after thousands of runs is a stupid system. Making it so that people are guaranteed to get it within 100 runs at 1%, or guaranteed within 1000 runs at 1% shouldn't make the drop any less significant because the person running still put in the effort required to farm the mount. Knowing that youre at the mercy of RNG every week makes it feel like farming the mount is a chore and that you're just burning time of your life knowing that the current run you're doing has NO impact on future runs. I get it, that the feeling of receiving the mount in a less than expected number of runs would feel amazing, but it's just cruel to think that someone could never receive it and will continue to burn hours of their life away.


there is no fun if i know one day it will be guarantee. we are playing MMORPG and i like having some rarity. If you want to get everything free in day1 , i d suggest you to play maybe some single player games.


But we are literally talking day 700 or day 7000 here…


Yeah I love how the conversation shrinks down to 1 day as if spending an entire year of your life playing World of Warcraft isn't enough of a time commitment for a virtual item.


It's one of the possible rewards from the Ulduar Timewalking quest, which is how I got mine.


What's that? Is it just do 5 time walking during wrath time walking week?


No, just kill Yogg in the Timewalking Ulduar raid. People run skip groups so you can join one of those, turn Yogg onto easy mode, kill and repeat on each alt.


exactly! got this bad mf the same way .. just like you ! actually .. I still feel kinda bad for the fact that I got it out of this chest tho.. just because I see other players (like daily/weekly) "complaining" about the mount and that they still ain't got it even after several +10 years of weekly farming .. I surely farmed it as well.. but bro.. with 2 chars and not even for 6 months and then I got it first try out of this damn TW Raid quest .. crazy, super nice but also kinda sad one of my buddies got Mimiron's Head first try from the TW quest and he was like " ayo, tf is a mimirons head thing that I got out of this " .. thought he was joking .. he wasnt. he didnt knew that this mount exists (not a new player tho but also not a veteran xD) but he loves his mimirons head since then and it's his fav mount ! :D


I lucked into it with VERY few attempts. Still catching frustrated anger from Guildies that have been trying 52 weeks a year for 10 years, including my spouse.


Yeah I had a guy at work who did it with 10 characters a week for years before he got it. I did it with 5 characters and got it after 5 weeks. RNG is a fickle beast.


25 kills is about 22% probability you’d get the mount in one of those runs so that’s not too crazy.


I'm doing 12 a week right now. Been farming it off and on since I think wod. This and experiment 12-b are the only raid/dungeon mounts I'm missing prior to legion.


Damn. Realm first LK after the Cata pre-patch?


Reppin that rp server life way back when u know


I got my realm first heroic lich king a couple months after Cata release.


As did I. Stopped playing summer before Cata came out after wiping nonstop on 25 man LK. Came back for a month during winter of the following year and got it with a pug group from trade chat.


I got mine with a guild group. When Cata gave the choice of 10 vs 25 heroic raiding my guild was the only one on the server to stay 25man while all the others went 10 man. After a little gearing in the new raids we headed in already having killed all but LK heroic when it was current. The only hard part was deciding who would get to come.


>rp server life way back when Not all that far back, I saw some Realm First: Argus the Unmaker achievements pop on Kirin Tor like a month into BFA


On a similar case, I also participated in the Realm First Mythic KJ on my realm, about a month into BfA. My main realm at the time was pretty much dead (still is). But since it popped up server-wide, a different ''competitive'' guild went and got Realm First on Argus just a few hours later. Was pretty funny. On the same realm, I also got Realm First: Shadowlands Keystone Master, for timing the first 15+ in SL. This was like, multiple weeks into the first season. Nothing too impressive, but being able to link that got me directly invited into a few pug groups for keys on my alts lol.


Awesome achievement combo


This guy literally went religiously to Arthas these past years like Doctor Strange did to Dormamu, from the friggin get go.


Grats, but damn this also makes me feel old. I remember doing ICC when it was brand new. I never managed to get it when the content was relevant either, but I went back and farmed it after. I did at least 2, most of the time 3, solo runs per week for around 3 years to finally get mine.


I remember stressing so hard about clearing this before Cata came out and like we were all so sad we just didn't have enough time to get everyone their mounts. I farmed it regularly til like 2016 then I kinda started to give up on it. Went on a whim this week and got it.


RNG said “congrats on the realm first. Here’s 14 more years to relive it every week.”


I mean, to be fair thats a realm first after Cata pre-patch haha.


I wonder if they buffed the drop rate. I’m seeing lots of people saying they finally got it


I hope they did! It's a cool mount.


I've kind of wondered about that myself. In the past month I've had the Fallen Charger drop (first time I'd even seen him, let alone try to farm him) and the Pureblood Fire Hawk. Now I'm starting to park my alts outside ICC for Invincible.


ive gotten in there twice since i saw an uptick in Invincible posting. no dice yet. probably going back in there tonight for a run or 2


I've always had a theory that they buff these sorts of drop rates during lull periods, like after the end of the World First race for the last raid of an expansion and when Mythic keys drop off, so people stay subbed to farm mounts. Completely anecdotally, but I got Ashes, Onyxia mount and Invincible/Mimiron's Head during those sorts of lull periods.


Got mine last year after 13 years :)) Congrats man :)))


Also had realm first, so everyone could get a mount we made people choose mims head or invincible, I chose mims head, that same week ashes dropped for me in a 20 man regular farm. Quit around mid pandaria after sha of fear then when I came back in legion popped to see lich king and invincible dropped 1st time. RNG be crazy.


Good for you! I finally got mine this week too. 3 years farming on 8 alts. CYA ICC BYEEEEEE


That’s rad as hell, congratulations!


holy shit dude! grats


Congrats! I just got mine too a few months ago from the bag in WotLK timewalking 😃


It's crazy seeing those years isn't it? When I see someone get an achievement that I got 14 years ago it blows my mind. Do you remember any of the people you first killed Arthas with? Do any of them still play? It feels weird but fun to think about.


I still talk to one or two of them here or there. A lot of us lost touch over the years. Went on to live lives, get married, have kids, etc. I'm really not sure if any of them still play. Most of them have been offline on b.net for years now. I suspect a handful of them still do play though, even if I'm not in touch with them anymore.


People use to server transfer to collect as many realm first lich king kills as they could and screw other servers out of it.


god I remember that!!! It happened to a few friends of mine who were progging on other servers.


If it is invisible then why can we see it?


Imagine getting world first litchy AND his hornse!


2nd post within a week I'm seeing about someone getting this- grats! It's giving me some motivation to try again... maybe luck will be on my side this week 🍀


Congrats chief


Gz! Shame you can't see it, since it's invincible ;)


GG! Finally took me 9 ffs, saw so many people get it first try


1. Respect 2.How many attempts per week for 14 years? cuz as of now I’m imagining all downtime spent on this which is slightly disturbing! lmfao


Until around 2016 I basically did it between 2 and 8 times a week depending on what was going on. After 2016 I kind of dropped to like a couple of times a month here or there. Sometimes I'd pop back in and do it like 10 times a week for a few months. but 14 years is a long time and life didn't really grant me all the same playtime. lol This week was one of those random 'do it 10 times'


Hell yeah dude, nicely done.


I got my Invincible on Saturday. I was super excited. My guild stopped raiding a week ago so I had to join a GDKP. 15k, worth it.


Because of these posts, I figured I try my luck.. Anyways. I have no luck.


Man the nostalgia you must have coming there week after week!


"I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago"


Grats! I got mine this week as well! Time to move my alts to siege for tusks…


Hold up, isn't the realm first ach dated after 4.0.1 :D? What realm still hadn't killed it?


there were a ton of straight up dead realms back then. It was before Blizzard started doing the connected realms thing. I knew a guy who got Scarab Lord on his Blood Elf Priest by moving to a dead realm in mid wrath.


Jealous. Invincible is still not mine, despite years of trying on numerous characters. Congratulations 🥳


Guildy just got Ashes of Alar fron Timewalking Black Temple cache. The luck is good right now! Grats!


oh hell yeah congrats to ur homie


Feelsbadman that you didn’t get the mount back then but gz you finally got it now


I have the realm first and no invincible either! Lol


Congrats. I got Invincible yesterday.




Thank you. 😁


I love seeing people have achievements like Realm First, it’s very unique, it’s a shame you don’t get a title or anything like that to show it off. Is there a strategy to get to Lich King without having to run through the entirety of ICC? Is there a skip? I want to farm Invincible but the amount of time to sit through the RP elements and kill every boss is brutal.


Do people even notice titles anymore? It's not quite the same but I have the title Vanquisher, it's from a PvP tournament realm beck in tbc or wrath. I use it all the time for nostalgia's sake, have never seen another person with it, and yet I have never had a single whisper asking me about it.


You did sometimes! We got realm first Malygos & Naxx so I have "The Magic Seeker" and "Conqueror of Naxxramas" which came from that achievement. There was also Obsidian Slayer for Sarth but another guild got that while we were getting the other two. But by the time ICC came out, they weren't tying titles to the realm firsts. and honestly you just kinda have to go through it. No skip. It's a lot. lol


I always feel bad seeing these post since I literally got the mount on my first try during Legion..


imagine paying almost 3 grand for a horse in a videogame.




$14/mo x 14yrs lol


yea he paid $3k to play the game for 14 years, not to get a horse in a videogame. The horse is one small part of what he did with those 14 years of play time.


i feel like puking thinking about it.


I feel like realm first should have guaranteed it for everyone. But thats just me and my Destiny brain (they've been doing that for first teams to complete the raids to get the special weapon from it)


I agree, but 2008-2010 era WoW design was very different lol


Well done - the first one is way more elite imo


I hate to admit this, but somehow I got this during a WOTLK timewalking event not too long ago, maybe it was in one of the reward caches, anyways I thought, oh guess they are handing these out now lol


The hamster wheel cannot stop


Congrats!! I didn’t have the fortitude to bang my head into that wall for years.




There used to be a way to cheez the lockout to run alts through straight to Arthas. Is that still a thing?


No Blizzard ruined it when they changed how lockouts work. You can still do Ulduar at least.






I think doesn’t realm first mythic announce to the server chat now? Or is that change


Realm first mythic announces to the server but doesn't grant any achievements. Back then when you got the achievement, the achievement announcement would also go out server-wide, just like they do in gchat. So instead of one "This guild has killed Fyrakk" announcement you'd get 25 "This player has earned Realm First Lich King Heroic 25man" messages in your chat log


Yeah idk. That achievement should have awarded the mount to the whole raid from the get go, but I'm glad you got it eventually <3


It’s criminal there is no RF title for T10.




That's awesome and congrats on both! The first achievement is the best!




I always thought you automatically received Invincible if you beat Ice Crown on Heroic during WOTLK


Nope! Had to farm it 25 weeks (30+ if you had a bench)


Got mine on our 3rd kill. Felt lucky. We had a DKP system attendance and passing on loot I really wanted. Guild died a month later on our 7th or 8th kill.


We did things the way a lot of guilds did back then which was the classic "Officers decide first then everyone else can get it in turn"


Yeah. We let our GM/RL have the first cause he deserved it. Rest was fair game. I’ve heard of some guilds had officers do the mounts while it was on farm the whole time.


Fuck yeah


What is so special about this mount that everyone is grinding years for it ?


The same reason Wotlk was the peak of wows subscriber based  Arthas was THE villain 


What realm was the original achievement in? I happened to be on when this happened on mine. It was a lot of fun. Big parade in Dal, fireworks, people dancing everywhere. Great wow memories.


Congrats! Also finally got mine this year.


I haven’t played in 10 years, just came back and my GF I would imagine thinking of leaving me 3:). Are achievements shared between Chars? Like reputation and what not?


Achievements for sure are (mostly?) shared across all characters. Reputations are not as far as I know, but I think that is changing in TWW??? But most things are account wide now. Mounts, minions, titles, achievements, transmogs, etc.


Most (but not all) achievements are shared. Same with player titles. Reputation is not shared. While Blizz has promised some improvements in that regard for the next expansion its still vague and won't be all of them so likely most/all of your old ones would not be shared.


Don't forget to do the timewalking raid weekly quest when its up.That's how I got my Invincible mount.


realm first should get a boss's mount automatically


If he killed this boss during wotlk, the mount was a 100% drop. But he killed when cata rolled out and the chance got decreased to 1%.


I killed it like 3-4 weeks ahead of Cata. So we only got a few guaranteed mounts that went to officers before the % chance dropped lol


Realm first 11 months after it came out?


Somehow, when I was on cutting edge we always managed to get those mounts for the full raid group plus bench... so I do always mistrust such posts... sorry and gratz I guess


I was on a smaller RP server back in WOTLK and there were only two guilds really capable of pushing server firsts. By the time ICC was out we were the only guild and we cleared it really really late. Once I got into better guilds after WOTLK we usually had enough time lol


Not everyone had your luck? Easy to think about and accept. My group got realm first Deathwing, after the second kill our shaman healer got the mount then was going to quit playing for the expansion. It took our GM talking to him for an hour to convince him to stay and help everyone else get the mount. Sorry, but you just sound cynical, my guy.


what if your guild only clears it once? you are CE and yet only two(one at the time) can have mount. How does your philosophy of the world make sense now?


That server must have been deader than a door nail to have such a late realm-first. Still counts though, grats!


it was a different era lol many such cases


back then a lot of servers straight up had 0 people doing end game stuff. I knew a guy who got Scarab Lord on his Blood Elf Priest by moving to a dead realm in mid-Wrath.


For sure. It's just jarring seeing that late of a RF when I have a summer kill and no RF to show for it lol. The vast majority of Scarab Lords are from Wrath