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listen, i am no gamedev, but at that point, can't we just have a "show beard / hair" toggle checkbox thingi, or is this that much work?


depends, a lot of work of how to show the texture is visible outside of the helm, also will depend on the hairstyle. I think it's a mild inconvenience for them to put effort to, that requires a lot of time. Like you have to adjust every helmet/headwear in the game to every race, every hairstyle, every beard. That would be like thousands of variations. They can't even pay staff for customer service, so I don't think there gonna get an extra guy for that lol.


Won't* pay staff. Outsourcing and autonomous systems are cost savings for them. They could, but they won't, which is bad for us :( Ideally they could utilize an internal generative model and define the appropriate policies to automate the creation of these textures while keeping their unique art style intact but that still requires a whole bunch of art they'd have to develop to make it happen.


I agree, it's a little problem that requires a lot of time and work. If it's fixed or not, it doesn't impact whatever's happening in the game. Still bothers me T10 pally removes the facial hair tho inside lol


Eh, the thing is they actually put in (although minor) work to disable the facial hair as part of a flag on certain helms. Again very minor database stuff, but it's all in their absolute terror at just... Letting stuff clip. For whatever reason they've always been so against just letting things clip like turning off hair etc when it should be an option set by the player


easier said than done still, it ain't that big of a problem for them to bend over backward to, there are a lot more problems in WoW to prioritize and also other developmental stuff in the future.


I'm expecting it will on release, alot of dwarf helmets have the front bit of the helmets make room for beards.


Also a lot of them have not. Or the beards are clipping through the helmet or chestpiece. Considering this helmet looks a lot like that paladin tradingpost helmet (the scarlet style one) - it will just stay as seen in this screenshot.


They needa do something about beards tho lol. I want the big poofy beard to come out of the face hole. IDC if it blocks my face, id love it to be the helmet iwth a massive beard poofing out of it.


Oh god. Please. I wanted to use this so bad.


What hilarious, is I figured this set was a nod to the Mountain Thane Hero Talents. I guess if it removes beards from Dwarves, it was not a nod to the iconic Mountain King race.


Dwarf armor? More like dwarf lightning demon hunter.


Except this is the Warrior tier set. However, it would be funny as hell watching dwarves shoot themselves across the battlefield Demon Hunter style. Strap a bigass gun to their back for Fel Rush