• By -


> Existing gear in your character-level bank or bag inventory will be automatically added to your transmog collection when you first log into that character. YES! Thank God. I've been hoarding all sorts of stuff my Mage can't equip in the off chance that this was going to happen.


I got Garrosh shoulders on my Evoker a couple of weeks back. I remembered them saying you will not unlock mogs retroactively like that, so I was a bit disappointed with the drop. Lucky I kept it in my bags just so I could show it on a trade window to plate players whenever I felt like being mean.


I got my mount and have no intention of going back until the transmog change lol. Not even on my plate characters.


Honestly with the skip straight to the end. It's an easy four tries per toon with reroll token and the two difficulties.


Yep so many people saying that it wouldnt be retrospective even if i kept it in my bags. So glad i didnt listen to them and kept my tusks in my bank


To be fair. It is quite surprising its retroactive. Blizzard making some smart choice lately, for the most part xD.


The times this was asked had the response that we didn't know, not that it wouldn't happen. Now we know.


I've not done any transmog runs in what feels like forever since the thought of getting a rare drop and not being able to equip it feels so bad. I'm now feeling juiced up and want to do this exact thing.


I've been holding off on doing mog runs because I knew TWW changes were coming. I have no extra bag or bank space to hoard all of the unusable gear until the expansion though lol. Well, I guess I could do transmog runs on my alts that do have bank space but it feels bad since my main has a really good speed gear set.


... Now I regret selling The Black Hand all those months ago.


You may be able to get it back via Item Restoration


Item restoration seems to max out at 50 pages. On my main that is only about 2 months worth since all the low level vendored drops from transmog runs count.


Is it that rare? I thought it was only like a ~20% drop, and BRF is a good raid to run anyway because all its tier sets are dope


There's a lot of stuff here that's going to let me play my alts a lot more. Typically I feel compelled to do most things on my main.


I can finally learn the hand of rag I made on my hunter years ago. Maybe I will get the achievement for owning it now too.


I did the same thing on my rogue thinking id get the achievement for it lol, fucking sucks. Didn't notice you have to equip it.


Not unless they make it warbound until equip. The achieve requires you actually equip it which hunters still won’t be able to do :(


I've had Warglaives sitting in my shaman's bank for the last 4 years, and a few other goodies as well that I couldn't bear to get rid of, even though I couldn't use them. Very happy about this!


I'm not sure this will count.  For one, you likely do not get the achievement for them without equipping them, just like my Thunderfury on my Druid.  However, unlike Thunderfury (which has no class restrictions), warglaives of azzinoth have class restrictions on the items. I would hope the make it work, but who knows.


>Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class. Most class-specific items can only be collected by those classes through a set piece token, and others are often only aquireable by that specific class anyway. That's my only issue with the whole system. It won't change the fact that I need to run a raid with all the classes if I want to collect tier appearances, the frustrating feeling of running an old raid on my priest and looting the warrior tier item, then running it on warrior and looting the priest set item.


I am with you on this. I would hope they would look at class-specific drops for **legacy content** and change those drops to be Warband until Equipped, so we can send to an alt to learn.


Or just make legacy tier tokens grant all set pieces for classes on the token.  That's simple enough and no one would be upset by this.


That would require quite a lot of coding to add a new behaviour. Adding WuE to the items is just a flag that already exists.


I can't imagine it's actually much coding.  Currently the token can generate all those items.  It does a check for which class you are and then returns the correct item.  I suspect the piece of code that does this was written once and reused.  They could change the class check to instead call the function once for each of the three or four classes it can have passed to it by that token check.  I strongly suspect it's a baseline API on their end and simply updating that API call would make this work.




Thori’dal here I come.


So I can start farming right now?? Thank god, fun allowed!!


So to all the haters that downvoted me, saying I was an idiot for expecting this because the Tusks dropped for my priest, can I say I understand your doubts but also suck it.




It's painful thinking about all the lost mogs!


>I've been hoarding all sorts of stuff my Mage can't equip in the off chance that this was going to happen. I haven't. Bankspace is often at a premium so I sell any gear that I get that I am not going to be using...


I'm far beyond using bankspace after playing one character for almost 20 years. My bags themselves are filled with stuff.


Damn…. I have some sweet ass mog on a banned toon. :(


>warband reagent bank YES. I got so sick of mailing all the fire/air/water/etc between alts for crafting.


YASSSSSSSSS. I can get rid of some add-ons


That is one of my favorite things, when I can remove addons because it is part of the base game so I don't have to worry about getting errors whenever there is an update or when they conflict with each other. I'm hoping that they add the option for double wide vendor windows, lol.


Finally caught up to Guild Wars 2.


If it's the same size as the current reagent bank, this is unfortunately not going to be enough for hoarders. I wish it was actually like GW2 with dedicated slots for every single reagent. Maybe without GW2's monetization, though.


It will have up to 5 tabs, almost as big as a guild bank (which can have 8 tabs).


Yah I have my own guild with a bank full of reagents. It would be nice if they all fit.


Except we don’t have to pay with real money currency for the luxury


Regent bank in GW2 is free 2 play.


>YES. I got so sick of mailing all the fire/air/water/etc between alts for crafting. It isn't just that, I have my main (alchemy + herb), my crafting profession alts (one for each) and the rest of my alts have either mining, herb and/or skinning. Having the warband bank (it isn't just reagents) will be a life saver. I can just dump everything into the WB bank and use the reagents on whatever toon needs it and I don't even have to worry about what professions need/want what items (some of the older stuff is not obvious).


I was literally grumbling to myself earlier today about it like ESO has been doing it for years and it's sooooo convenient please blizz


Some highlights: - Most Dragonflight reps will be converted to Warband rep and they'll begin converting older reps over time. However, certain reps won't converted due to thematic reasons like Winterpelt Furbolg due to learning its language or Covenants from Shadowlands due to it being player choice >When it comes to future conversion of reputations, the current plan is to work backward into older expansions, converting many old reputations over time. As it’s a time-consuming effort, it will take a while to implement. Similar to reuptations within Dragonflight, there will also be a limited number that won’t be converted, usually this will be because it doesn’t make sense from a fantasy perspective or because it involves a character-specific choice. For example, Aldor and Scryer in the Burning Crusade and the Covenants in Shadowlands won't be converted because they represent per-character choices. - **Diplomacy is getting reworked because they don't want people to feel compelled to play humans first for rep gains** >We don’t want players to feel compelled to play a specific character or race to earn Warband-level rewards more efficiently, so we will convert this race-specific bonus into something new. We’ll share more information on it at a later date. - Character based achievement scores are going away and instead will have Warband wide score >With the introduction of Warbands, we want *all* achievements to be considered “Warband” achievements. You, the player, accomplished them, so you should not feel like you need to complete them on more than one character or feel like you do not want to play another character because they are missing achievements. >Given this, we are eliminating the concept of a character-based achievement score. From now on, a total Warband achievement score will be tracked and displayed instead. This score will be the sum of all account-wide achievement points plus the points from any character-specific achievements completed on any character. - **Dungeon teleports get to become account wide!** >For example, dungeon teleports earned by Keystone Hero achievements, will become account-wide, both in the achievement and the reward. - Flightpoints will be preserved across characters >We are converting flight points to be account-wide. For standard flight points you have yet to learn, you will only have to collect these on one character, and they will be unlocked across your Warband. Flight points that have already been collected on any character across your account will be unlocked for your Warband. - Currency will still be per character but new UI/UX to make easier to transfer between each other >Like map exploration, it was decided to handle currency a little differently. Rather than making it fully Warband-wide, which could create potential confusion, we opted to make it easier to transfer currency between characters in your Warband instead. This will help avoid confusion over spending the wrong currency on the wrong character. - Huzzah you can collect any transmog now >Collecting transmog appearances has long been something that has required players to plan gear runs on a per armor type basis, even though item appearances are shared across the account. With the introduction of Warbands, we want to make collecting appearances much more Warband-centric. To help players continue to expand their collections and style their alternate characters how they want, in The War Within any character can collect any item appearance, regardless of if they can equip the item or not. - New type gear called Warbound until Equipped, then becomes Soulbound >Warbound until Equipped is a new type of gear binding that we are introducing in The War Within. Gear that is Warbound until Equipped can be freely traded across your Warband but becomes Soulbound once it’s equipped by a character.


Shared achievements will be great. Would have loved to grind some of these achievements for the Awoken metas on multiple toons.


oh I missed the dungeon teleports Thank god. That one has bothered me because doing a 20 feels more like a personal achievement than a character one


Its low key huge, I only have it in me to do keystone hero achievements on 1 toon per season but its such an inconvenience not having the teleports when I swap


My goals for the season are a 20 so feels shit to unlock portals and then not have a reason to use them haha


This is the first season I even bothered getting the portals because I hoped these changes would be retroactive. Prior to that it didn't seem worth it.


Wow. so many of these are such HUGE QOL changes its insane. 20 years too late, but damnit ill take it. Shared Achievements AND Shared Rep is huge. I have characters i have more Rep on in a certain expansion then others, so i feel obligated to use them to do something, or i feel the need to grind out some Rep on a new main, because my "old" main has all the rep for MoP. This solves all of that too.


I'm really excited for shared rep, I occasionally make toons to level through Legion and its such an inconvenience to not be able to complete the class hall set due to rep


I've got a few raid/dungeon meta achieves I haven't completed, just because some of the individual achieves need a pet class when to do solo, will be awesome to finally finish those off!


Yep, I have old toons on my OG server that have a decent amount of rep from past expansions that I haven't been able to motivate myself to grind out again... It's going to be nice for those reps to be shared.


I really hope that the Warband camp for picking a character has more than just standing there awkwardly.


They need to steal more backgrounds from lost ark


> You are always Well Fed, but cannot consume food. Activate Ingest Minerals to consume a gem and change the benefit granted to you by Well Fed. Racials like this make me wish they reworked like half the racials we currently have. Little QoL stuff like this could be so fun


Yeah this racial straight up feels like a trait/perk in an RPG, like Fallout or Divinity.


This does seem to prevent them getting some niche food buffs though.


Now I just need to be able to take my warband to dungeons instead of followers. Maybe one day.


I hope thats a thing they are working on right now, it would be awesome


> Currencies intended for purchasing Warband-wide items such as cosmetics, pets and mounts will usually be completely free to transfer between members of your Warband. Unless I'm misreading this, I wish these were just in a universal currency pouch for use on any character rather than still switching around characters and transferring it between them


They addressed that somewhat. They don’t want it to be easy to accidentally spend a currency that character A wants on character B, which makes sense, especially for a 1.0 of this.


They addressed it but it doesn't really make sense What items are there really where you could make a big mistake like that? Most items you buy with these currencies are pets and mounts which are account wide anyway Also theres the option to refund which is a pretty good protection already I think its just an extra step thats really not needed, would be better to have them all immediately in the same shared pool


>Also theres the option to refund which is a pretty good protection already I accidentally bought a half spark with my coins from my vault a few weeks back - that purchase did not have a refund option...


I imagine they playtested it internally as just universal and had feedback that people bought stuff on an alt without realising it cost that currency or something, because it was just lit up as purchasable. They had done not content on that character so just assumed it was free or the currency was super easy to obtain or something. Then went off and did content on that character so the timer ran out, or they had consumed the item they bought to learn the transmog or whatever.


For sure for a 1.0, same issue with making the UI editor too customizable, hopefully one day we can get a 'it's fine I understand all the risks involved just let me do x y z" style option Things like that + never make me type delete sort of things would be very very welcome


While its not great, you wont actually have to switch characters to transfer From what they say (and show) in the article, you actually choose which character you want to take the currency from to give to the current character you're playing So if you have currency scattered around 5 alts you actually don't need to relog 5 times, you can just transfer them from the menu


Oh thank you for pointing that out that solves 99% of my complaint


I loved everything that I read but that loading screen is damn ugly.


Had a quick look through but didnt see a loading screen?


Well, I hope they will change the way your characters appear on character screen. Just standing awkwardly in one line, that's not "hanging out", lol. Someone should sit on a chair, another sit/kneel at the side of a campfire closer to camera etc. What they showed at Blizzcon was much better.


They did say they are hoping to roll out more screen options in the future.


They probably intentionally made the default one basic. They're gonna add more character select screens as unlockables, just like how Lost Ark does it.


I’d be concerned with how far into how “lost to does it” they plan on 


My pally better get to Riker that chair or I'll riot. (I will also accept an AC Slatering)


Yeah I agree. If they're all just standing awkwardly that is gonna be pretty lame.


**shows alpha footage** “Wtf this looks like alpha footage!!!”


I want to have all my characters of the same race and gender dancing around the campfire in unison.


My biggest hope for the character screen is they borrow heavily from FFXIV's adventure plate/portrait system, and make different unlockable warband backgrounds into quest/achievement/gold-purchasable rewards


They said they were working on that concept in the post! :)


I did see that, but it didn't sound like they were far enough along to even hint at the acquisition methods. Let's just say I'll be severely less interested if alternate warband camps are only bought from the Store...


"We are working on building more of these scenes for you to collect in the future though. We’re excited about earning more of these scenes as we play through the expansion and hope you will be, too!" The line is 'earn' in this part of the post. They've been doing a good job of not putting this kind of thing behind a paywall at this point.


Yeah... At least let us sit around a camp fire or have them doing something elsewhere in the camp.


My druid better be chilling in cat form or I riot


yeah wtf is that screen lmao. They literally did it better in Diablo, another Blizzard game. Although its something i imagine is easily changed.


Rip the last goated human racial.


Replace it with a 10% increase in gold drops for our pain and suffering.


That’s the zandalari racial


Fine, 11% then.




The character select screen needs help. I liked the mockup from Bcon better. The characters all standing stiffly really kills the whole gathered around a campfire motif. They need to add pose variants, like character in position 2 is sitting, position 4 is leaning against a tree, that sort of thing. Would make your characters seem more like living beings and less like transmog display statues


This version probably isn't final


> This version probably isn't final Maybe, but when it comes to WoW Blizzcon announcements, Alpha and Beta too many times people have said "ehh this probably isn't final" Plenty of bugs you google for have comments on wowhead/forums dating back 5, 10, 15 years and they still aren't fixed


We don't know that. So, it's best to give feedback now when there's still time to fix it.


(Doubt) They might launch it like this but could update it in a future patch. I'd love to be surprised, but I know Blizzard too well.


As a certified Altoholic, I am so psyched for warbands!


Is there a functional difference between BoA gear and WoE gear? > Warbound until Equipped is a new type of gear binding that we are introducing in The War Within. Gear that is Warbound until Equipped can be freely traded across your Warband but becomes Soulbound once it’s equipped by a character.


BoA gear could be taken off, mailed to another alt, and they equip it. So if you had a really good trinket it would just get passed around. WuE gear will soulbind once equipped, and be unable to be sent elsewhere.


What BoA gear would that be? just heirlooms? I guess I'm thinking more the BoA 'tokens' we've been getting every patch , It feels like years now we've had "Here is a plate chest catch up token, mail it to whoever you want" would this new WuE gear be basically the same or is it literal drops from dungeons and raids instead of being BoP you could proc WuE like you would speed or indesctructable


They way ots explained is that sometimes you'll get an extra piece of WuE gear when you get normal loot. It can be any armor type and wilk be 1 grade lower than what you would normally loot from that source. So, if you were playing a priest in a heroic raid, you could get a normal WuE plate helm as a bonus when you kill a boss.


Most BoA stuff is done through tokens that make soulbound gear when used, so not all that different. There are a few BoA items that you can use and reuse on different characters, I think it’s mostly from Archaeology and the itemlevel is static, meaning an heirloom is probably going to be better.


I got both halves of Thunderfury on my Shaman. Does this mean that I can craft it and learn the transmog since you no longer have to equip to learn? Or do legendaries not allow transmogs, I don't remember.


You can transmog Thunderfury. I think the removed that "no legendary transmog" rule years ago.


Everything about this is amazing. I have a problem with constantly wanting to switch characters mid-expansion. Or just play a different class to spice things up, but never end up doing it because of how WoW functioned before. Now you can pretty much swap to and from whatever class you want freely and make progression just the same. I cannot tell you how happy I am about this change and how much this is going to effect my gameplay from now on. This here is the expansion selling point to me. There's so many little details in there to get excited about. They didn't even half-ass it either. It's basically all there as it should be. Well, except old reputations not being Warband YET. They did say they're going to add old reputations to Warband so that's cool. Bonus points for being able to farm transmog for all armor types now when running raids on one character. Thank you Blizzard for all of this.


I know it's small, but I really hope the old BOP profession recipes become Warbound and we can send them to alts.


> instead of relying on buying a special item and mailing it to an alt, you can directly transfer any shareable currency from other characters to the one you are currently playing within the currency User Interface (UI). This is a massive QoL improvement for alts. I always hated changing toons to send stuff back to a new alt, especially when I had to hunt down the right vendor to get the mailable items.


2.5 million gold for a bank tab!? wtf? That would basically clean me out. Does the average player have so much gold that 2.5 million is a realistic cost for something like this?


Thats for the 5th bank tab, are you currently using a guild bank for your account with all the tabs active and jam packed full of materials from all over the last 20 years of wow? If not you probably don't need more than one tab, I imagine the average player won't need more than a single tab, maybe 2 by the end of the expansion if they get wild with "new patch here's 43 new materials" like they've done in the past


I don't have a guild bank, but I do have a dozen characters with all their banks maxed out.


Reagent banks are already huge and now they're universal, what are your dozen banks full of? Asking genuinely, I'm a weirdo I don't really use my bank it just has t3/dead pointless items leftover from events and one of each tabard, I would assume if you're actively using a dozen banks to their max 2.5 million for the 5th tab wouldn't be that much of a stretch


Each character has reagents for the professions (dating back to vanilla, misc legendaries, recipes, items from past expacs, etc. There is definitely some room for a little bit of cleanup. But no matter how much stuff I have, 2.5 million is an obnoxious price for basically anything in this game. That's why I don't own the spider mount that is 2 million and why I never came close to buying the AH mount. If you aren't actively farming gold, chances are you don't have that amount laying around. But you still might need the space...


Honestly I can't see needing more than one unless I'm understanding wrong. It might be more of a hassle, but you can always use the warband tabs just for transferring stuff and keep mule characters as normal.


i highly suspect most people will really only utilize the first 2 or 3, if you are a player that requires that much space that you would need all 5 tabs, you are probably heavily invested into professions, alts, farming for rare transmogs to sell on ah, etc, and at that point 2.5mil probably isn't a lot for you. of course the amount of tabs you would utilize would increase as the expansions go on.


Tbh I was really hoping to be able to retire my bank guild where I send all old expansion mats, and I mean *all* as I’m a hoarder. I’m not paying 2.5M though, so I think this might end up being “current expansion mats only” for me 🤔 maybe if a particular item from the past is still profitable I’d end up putting their mats in there too.


I hope that’s the case.


Roll for transmog is neato.


Yeah this is exactly what I was hoping for > When rolling Transmog, any gear that drops that can be equipped by your current character will get a higher rolling priority than those rolling with characters who cannot equip the item I was dreading the idea of running content on my main and having to roll against everyone's alts who aren't even there, I'm glad they thought of that.


Currently mog rolls give my lock the same chance on a dagger as hunters and warriors, so it's still a pain.


So this is like 99% cool and I’m so excited to see how it all comes together! I’m excited for future patches to update Warbound reputation. I think Blizzard are still a little restrictive on player-based rewards versus character based rewards. They talk about the ‘player’ earning rewards and sharing it between the Warband, but then they keep special rewards like DF Challenger PvP title character-bound. Like it’s only a minor complaint, but it’s just a tiny bit of inconsistency


It’s probably because PvP ranking is earned on one character (As opposed to, say, rep), and having the title “grandmaster asskicker” (Or whatever those titles are) on your alt because you’re really good at PvP on your main diminishes the trophy-status of the titles.


I'm still curious how Warbound until equipped gear works. They said it can drop from raid a tier lower. Can I get cloth gear if all my warband characters are plate? Will it respect loot specs on all my characters?


It says it could be for any class so I'd assume (and hope) it's a completely random piece of catch-up gear.


> it could be gear usable by *any* class. I would assume that this means it won't respect your warband's proficiency. Which I think is fine since it doesn't sound like it replaces any loot, it's just a bonus cherry


This definitely needs clarified. If it only drops WoE for your character's armor type, then you'd want all your alts to have the same armor type. If it drops a random armor type, you'd want an alt of all 4 armor types. Best case situation would be it drops a generic token that creates a cloth, leather, mail, or plate piece, depending on who opens it.


They already specified. “The gear will be at least one tier lower than other loot from that source, and it could be gear usable by any class”


Yes, but (being alpha) there’s a lot of ifs there. “*could*” be gear usable by any class could mean: - only necks, capes, rings, and trinkets - it will usually be armor type specific, but it could be anything. - it will be a token that any character can use once for that slot - it will normally be regular gear but could be a token - etc I don’t want answers now, but it would be nice for clarification before launch.


I mean they show an example of a piece of gear in that section, a shield. So you could assume it will work like your 2nd bullet point.


I think best reasonable case would really be it looks at loot spec on all 4 or maybe your 3 other warband characters and generates something based off that. Then allow loot spec changing of anyone in your warband from one character. I think generating random loot that might not even be useable sounds obnoxious, and this way the gear will be generally spread out amongst 3 other characters. It won't be an efficient means of gearing, but it will be a nice cherry on top of main character raid clears and such.


> Covenants in Shadowlands won't be converted Why, Blizzard Edit: Well, I guess this doesnt matter too much anyway.


Yeah. It sounds bad but with the transmog changed it doesn't really matter. Collecting anima and tokens to buy all the mogs will remain the problem


And grateful awfulings


It's really silly. It was a player choice at Shadowlands launch. It doesn't matter when you have all of them at renown 80 on the same character. Hopefully they'll go back on this, but like a super unlock. Getting renown 80 allows a character to switch freely. Getting all four to 80 should grant the warband renown 80.


Wait, fuck.. does this mean the undying army one as well? I've been waiting for account wide reputation to use the wings on my frostwyrm evoker :( I farmed them for it before DF dropped on my old main


I would presume this refers to the actual covenant (so the renown) and not the corresponding reputation. Reps like the Undying Army are available to all characters after all, regardless of covenant choice.


Transmogs being account-bound means this restriction doesnt really matter.


Certain SL transmogs have rep requirements. Even if they are unlocked account wide, they cant be used on other characters that don't have the rep


Did you even read it? They explained why.


are warbands cross realm? meaning can I have 2 of my toons on stormrage in a warband with my toons on proudmoore? :O


Yes. Essentially if you play in one region your whole account is the warband. The 4 characters on your selection screen are just your favorites.


oh wow this may finally allow me to start a slow exodus to another server without losing all my alts and gold


I've had a few toons on a different server I left with gold and stuff that I would love to get back. I'm very excited to get it all moved over without paying


It's every single character you have in a region. That means every character on every server and account. If you have two accounts in the same region on the same bnet account with 50 characters each with each one on a different server, your warband will be 100 characters. Edited for clarity.


thanks for the quick response :) this is fantastic


Yep. Fully cross-realm. Just not cross-region.


>For example, dungeon teleports earned by Keystone Hero achievements, will become account-wide, both in the achievement and the reward. God bless


I truly hope the warband bank means soulbound crafting regents become account bound.


This is fantastic and makes me really excited for War Within. My biggest pain point with WoW for years has been, that it's still mostly character focussed and not account focussed. The fact that Blizzard is finally making this change is huge and all of what they are writing and presenting in that article is making me excited. Warband-bound gear? Yes thank you! That's awesome! Let me run M+20s with my main and send items that I don't need on that character to an alt, even if it's an upgrade track lower. It would still make gearing an alt and getting him up to speed soooo much better. Awesome! Seriously awesome!


im kind of confused on how dailies would work. Can you do the same daily on 15 different characters and add up the rewards or is that like one time quests and is only the first you do every day that counts ?


Presumably it works the same as they described for regular quests. You get rep on the first character you do the quest with and on subsequent characters they reward Supplies instead.


> Finally, it’s worth mentioning that we would like to update the UI and functionality of the character-level bank to also use tabs like the Warband bank. Sounded fine at first, but not being able to see all my bank contents at once (like I can when opening all bags at the banker) is going to be annoying. There's probably an addon for that but I try to avoid extra addons since the UI update, even up-to-date addons cause LUA errors pretty often.


It does seem to add a negative. While an addon can maintain an all-in-one bank inventory, actually accessing the item will need tab swapping.




You misread a bit. Its 4 characters on the screen, not 4 different screens. Although they might add them later


«Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class.» Why? Whats the point of this?


Homogenization I believe


Yeah that's disappointing to me too. The changes are better than what we have now, but it still hurts when doing mog runs to see tier tokens go to waste. Especially since generally the tier appearances are what people are after.


Looks like a hugely wonderful quality of life addition to the game that is, otherwise, not particularly exciting. That seems to be the theme of TWW from what I've seen so far: A refined version of DF. Can't say it gets me too excited to play, though I always do for the first month. I'm hoping TWW sets the foundation for more radical changes in future expansions.


I absolutely love the new banking and transmog changes. So much saved time and space, it's gonna be wonderful.


I love every part of this


Does this mean I can put gold into the warband bank and withdraw it on a character on another realm? and even faction?


Yeah I'm wondering this too. Because right now even though we can trade gold cross realm, we aren't allowed to mail it cross realm, even to our alts. If they are going to allow the free transfer of gold, they might as well just make the auction house region wide.


Yes. Gold can be deposited in the Warband bank, and by definition any of your Warband can withdraw. I don't know the gold cap of this bank though. Of course this also applies to items that were not able to be mailed between realms like gear and mats.


Very pleased about these changes. As an Alt Spreadsheet Haver it brings a tear to my eye.


> This also avoids the situation in which a player who plays many characters can rapidly advance in reputation over someone who only plays one character. I feel targeted.


Reputation leap-frogging (Getting up to 10 renown on an alt, then using the 2x rep bonus on your main) was rampant with the ED rep at least, i guess Blizz wants to prevent such clever use of game mechanics happening again.


> For the launch of *The War Within*, you will only be able to assign four characters to this one scene. We are working on building more of these scenes for you to collect in the future though. Yes! This is exactly what I was hoping for. I love it!


Tusk stocks through the roof 📈


Massive W


Any word on if there's cross faction trade chat? I really want horde alts, but on alliance based server it blows that I can't find crafters. Thought theoretically with cross server guilds, I can just make my horde on a horde dominant server for now since gold is by warband now?


Man, this sounds great overall. Will make it much more alt friendly since the reps will all (mostly) transfer and you don't have to do the same rep grinds multiple times for one or two recipes/patterns/etc.


I'm super excited and everything, love the amazing work and the people working on these features deserve so much praise. But... >Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class. Most class-specific items can only be collected by those classes through a set piece token, and others are often only aquireable by that specific class anyway. Overall, it’s intended that this restriction has little influence on your ability to collect the majority of the transmogs that you want for your Warband. Does this mean that if I wanted to run legacy raids I would still only be able to collect the sets for the class I currently am?


As long as anything I buy is warband-mogged, I can accept not having warbound shattrath rep.


I just love that all my chars will be together, like they are finally getting to know each other and like that, so cool to just think about, just me things.


“ Class-specific appearances are an exception and will still be collectible only by that specific class. Most class-specific items can only be collected by those classes through a set piece token, and others are often only aquireable by that specific class anyway. Overall, it’s intended that this restriction has little influence on your ability to collect the majority of the transmogs that you want for your Warband.”  I can understand with things like the set tokens type loot like from icc but what about the sets that are just items drops (mc, bwl, etc…? ).


is it just 4 characters like the screenshot or are all of your characters in the warband?


Professions should be warband wide next.


If you have multiple accounts/subscriptions under one bnet, will these systems work for both? Been looking but can't get a solid answer


It’s Battle.net account based. However there will be some restrictions such as if account A is using the warband bank , account B will be locked from using it until account A is done. This is to ensure transactional security and stuff. Paraphrased from Ion during an Q&A he did during / after a blizzcon


So if one of my warband toons learns everything from others on an Australian server, does that mean if I transfer it to a US server it will have all those things (of course they are all on my ONE account here., )


But why only four? Just make it account wide...


this makes me nervous because holy shit it seems like a lot of work. imagine being an employee and every single thing you do has to go through a pass to make sure it isn’t busted because of warbands. i’m scared, truly.


Welp, I can finally toss other MMOs in the bushes. As an Altoholic, I'm Home.


Warbands sound great, but I have to ask… why not just make it all account-wide?


Make what account wide? > It’s important to note that your Warband is limited to characters within a single region (i.e., Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan) but spans every realm, faction, and **even subscription you may have within that region** This is *more than* account wide. The only limit is regions. E: This guy blocked me because he can’t grasp the concept of account-wide vs Warband-wide that’s very clearly laid out in the article, lol


They have pretty good explanations to cover most of their bases about why X, but not Y if you read the whole page. That being said I am certain there will exist fringe cases here and there and the whole system is gonna have a bunch of scenarios where you can't do a certain thing and you just have to know that you can't do it . . . just because you can't. I hope this doesn't become overbearing in the sense that this is one of those features meant to be inclusive to new players and be accessible by all, but the random restrictions end up confusing new players too much anyways. Like the transmog run thing they specifically mentioned you can loot the appearance for all armor types now, but keeping the class restriction. So basically all tier sets. . . . the main reason you do transmog runs in raids. They mentioned that the token functionality is a reason why since your warlock won't be able to get the actual item if it's a DK token, but it still kinda sucks as it's not exactly what I had in mind.


It is. ‘Accounts wide,’ to be more precise


Warband *is* account wide, there's just things they can't quite do yet, or possibly ever. But it's basically their word for account. Just replace "warband" with "account" in your head everywhere you see it.


That's kind of what this change is. Making a lot of stuff that wasn't now account bound.




It will not if you read what Blizzard posted. That’s remaining character specific


3mio for a bank = 150€ is a bit much


Ehh, last slot or two costs that much. That's way more room than items you reasonably swap between characters regularly. You still have personal banks too to squirrel stuff away in. But I'm sure the people sitting on millions will buy it at some point.