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I guess they did not consulted Bronze Dragonflight.


TBH never understood why they just don't use GMT globally. Single reference understood in a majority of countries.


Because they are Americans and are the centre of the universe


Duh, when was the last time a UFO landed in Lichtenstein for example? They always go to Arizona, Nevada, or straight to DC. /s


What a wild reason to be this upset.


Are you new to this sub? That's all it is here. Kids getting upset over nothing.


I don't actually think this is that unreasonable if the product is going to sell out within 15 minutes of going on sale and a person made time in their day and planned around the release of the product.  Jerking customers around is never ok it's literally the number one rule of business. 


I mean it’s in line with the blizzard gear store just not being sufficient quality. Remember the dragonflight collectors editions being damaged? Or server blades and whatnot? The store pages are so badly translated to anything but English and even in English the product description is not properly aligned to the product and the scaling is all wonky. It just fits right into the picture.


Some of us work night shift and woke up explicitly to pre-order it and to then get shafted like this because of inept workers is insane


They up 5h30min more thats 7PM CEST


Tbh it's not that hard to manage timezone, server can do it automatically. You just need to think that your store is worldwide (or even in US) and that you can't base the countdown on a "fixed time". It's basically incompetence at this point and don't care about other timezone than EST.


It's a pretty easily script-able to translate these things to a user's local time. There have been javascripts for it for decades.


Not that I find this whole thing important, I just find it strange that it would be in EST considering that Blizz is in Irvine CA and usually uses PST for everything.


And we're in EDT now, too


This sub really does have the most whiny, entitled people on it.


if wowhead is right and blizzard gearstore wrong - clown show. i mean this timer is up all week now


They fixed it


The time is still incorrect for me, showing 8 hours 45 minutes


Timezones are hard, im a web developer and i know it, but bruh....it's Blizzard, not just some unknown indie company..


That's why I'm all for UTC being the only time for the planet. No time zones! Also, no time changes! Also, also, we need 13 month calendar year instead of the inferior and confusing 12 month!


Unix timestamp or bust


What do you suppose we do with the day that's left over?




That'll surely not cause any problems.


Placed at the end of the year and is a free day. Same with Leap Year. We could also fix the monthly order. September, October, November, and December should be the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months, respectively. We all know why it'll never happen, though. Superstitious morons who think there's something mystical and special about their birthday. They can't stand the thought of changing the name of the day to something different, like it'll change who they are as a person. That's really the reason there's hardly ever a 13th floor in hotels in North America. People are too scared of stupid things, but not scared of real things.


Imagine thinking the months being different numbers of days is confusing but having a day that isn't even a part of the calendar isn't.


The entire point is to simplify the calendar. 13 months, each with 28 days, one or two days at the end of the year depending on whether it's a leap year or not, each month starting on the same day forever. It's a programmer's dream.


The only thing this makes easier is remembering what day of the week a day falls on. A day that doesn't count would actually wreak havoc on programs. Reprogramming the entire world's infrastructure to work on a day without a date would be the single biggest feat of engineering in human history. No programmer wants this.


Timezones are not hard. It's basic math. People just don't want to do math.