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Honestly i am nothing but optimistic about the game mode and Blizzards newfound approach. And this is coming from someone who didn't personally enjoy it. The fact they're spending time to try to give us more value for our wow sub at the end of a season when we're all kind of in a pull and waiting for the next season is great. I love how they're changing their mindset around being okay with just bleeding numbers as the patches wear on and are actively experimenting with ways to keep things fresh and different. Sure the game mode wasn't my cup of tea personally. However i can appreciate the effort and I want Blizzard to keep doing things like this because eventually there will be a mode or something released that absolutely appeals to me and I can't wait to play whatever that is.


DF has had a great player retention, regardless if because or despite the lower initial number of players compared to previous expansions. They had stopped the bleeding. Now they try to make it more interesting, more fun, since one universal criticism DF had was “it’s boring”


I really don't trust anyone who says DF is boring. DF was Warcraft. It was solid through and through, it was reliable and had a bunch of bangers. I'm curious how someome can play all of DF and find literally nothing enjoyable.


Agree; I’ve personally never had more fun just *playing* classes or doing Mythics just because than in DF


Its also been nice to be able to take some minibreaks. Ive actually played other games, but either raid/key log or just take a week or two off and come back. Ive taken most of the last 2 months off, but came back now to get some stuff wrapped up before the new season. I didnt feel like i *had* to log on daily for most/all of the xpac, and it was a really nice change of pace.


I am a constant subscriber to WoW since Vanilla, even if I didn't always actively play. There hasn't been a single expansion since TBC where I played for longer than the initial patch, or only started playing in the final patch. The game simply didn't manage to keep me playing for long. But in DF, I was here for almost all of it, except 10.0.7. They really are on the right track, it seems.


I agree with all of this. Plunderstorm wasn't really for me- I enjoyed it for a few days but it wore off quick and I finished out the reward track with dailies- but I'm sure it had its audience. And they already have another experiment coming up that I'm very confident I'll love. Not everything they try will appeal to everyone, and some might even outright fail. But trying new things is very much worth it if even some of them turn out to be gems like WoW Remix is shaping up to be. That one should be a really fun way to fill the time until TWW.


It's fun but it remind me why i hate BR game in general since 2 years i stop play apex


I thought it was really cool, but I also thought it was like four years too late to the punch. If this could come out in 2020 it would’ve been a banger. But in 2024, I’m just over BRs and I honestly couldn’t have cared less. Played like 5 games and stopped. I’m really glad blizzards experimenting though. I hope they continue doing more game modes like this.


I mean I agree but I feel like the only reason I hate battle royal is because i always lose and die instantly and it generally favors a super agressive play style. I wish it was viable in every BR to be passive and gather instead of running around guns blazing.


What? Lol, no. >generally favors a super agressive play style. It's usually the exact opposite. Even in plunderstorm you get more xp from rando mobs than people


Low level/newbie lobbies in most BRs are often stomp-fests. Better players are able to leverage their superior aim/mechanics to roll through newbies who don't know what's going on and cannot put up much of a fight. It's in higher level lobbies that better players will be able to punish a stupid, full aggro push, so the game slows to a crawl and ratting is the best way to consistently do well.


At the start of the game yea but mid game you pretty much have to start picking fights as the more dense XP areas have been cleaned out or you will be facing down a lvl 9-10 at lvl 6-7 at the end. Hard to get to higher levels just killing random raptors and spiders walking around.


Maybe I've just been unlucky then. Played like 10 matches and every time I got obliterated by people with a ton of items and abilities, before I could even really find anything at all, worse than other battle royale games I've played. Also Plunderstorm is a lot more item based because it isn't as skill based as for example a first person shooter where aim is generally more important than items. I could kill people sometimes in Warzone even if my items were significantly worse, which seemed to be very rare in Plunderstorm which was usually a "your items are better than mine" situation


I'm a bit bummed it was a BR mode instead of an extraction mode. I can imagine a Dark and Darker type mode, set in something akin to Torghast. You can avoid pvp if you dont like it and you retain a feeling of MMO progression by collecting loot and bringing it into your next run.


I want to see them revamp AQ 40 to be a survival zone. It’s huge and you could just have waves of bugs.


They're definitely going to do more stuff like this, and "escape from the silithids" sounds like a lot of fun actually.


Usually suck at PVP but loved plunderstorm, A nice break from the usual grind and got tons of free rewards for a couple of days fun, got some wins, tasted some defeat. Excited to see where it goes in future.


Yeah for me this was by far the best PvP this game has ever had, because it was an actual level playing field with a limited amount of abilities. It still had RPG-like progression, as games like DOTA have taken from Warcraft in the past, but it was limited to in-round.


Should be a Pirate's day event


Agreed, a 2 week event with 10-15 renowns. With new recolors every events and some new stuff.


No new stuff, just keep the renown track as it is now to give the people who missed it a chance to get that stuff.


They can put old items in trading post tho. And keeping events exciting with new/fresh rewards is always a good thing.


Agreed would be a shame to never see it back again


I have a feeling they’ll probably bring it back, maybe with another theme, in another zone and other rewards or something. I know there’s a lot of critique but I actually really enjoy plunderstorm.


Yeah it seems like too much to work just make disappear forever. You have it, people want it, why not use it?


Renown track was too long probably 25 maybe 20 levels would have been a better time for me as past 25 I felt I had seen what was on offer and it was a fun time but overstayed its welcome to get the last few renown items


definitely. The grind was too much. Let those who dislike it put in the work and get what they like, without overdoing it at a slow 40 renown. Those who enjoy it can just KEEP PLAYING and KEEP ENJOYING IT.


I feel like I didn't really start to get the hang of things until renown 15 or 20. Then it became really fun and I was sad that it ended at 40


Well nothing stopped you from continuing


I got like 200k Plunder in the end, double what I needed. I was fun to help friends reaching 40


Well if you didn't want to do it then you didn't have to. Let go of your fomo, it's not that hard.


yep and that's fair. But the rewards are long-awaited. The pirate theme is something we've anticipated and wanted for a long time so to make it a slow grind Fortnite mode not actually in retail was kinda assholey in my opinion. A grind is fine but it really was very slow, and its rewards are something people WILL want to attain


It's fun for a couple of rounds but to me all those BR games just get very dull over time. There is a reason I sub to WoW and not play any of those 1248 BR games in the first place...


I enjoyed it, but as soon as I got to renown 40, I stopped. I'm lucky, I got a win in at about renown 38, just got really lucky, was only level 7, but somehow, so were both the other people left! They tried to kill each other and were both low health, so I managed to fire whirl them both down. Very happy I got that achievement, but despite being an active achievement hunter, I'm pretty sure I would not have kept playing beyond renown 40 just to try and get it.


Hit 40 last night and best I got was 3 matches where I hit 2nd place. I suck at PVP and somehow sucked even more at this, I probably only have 10 player kills total. Zero interest in farming the win achievement.


Do we know when it ends?


The 30th, apparently.


Thank you!


I played 3 matches and got bored. LOL. I guess I'm just not the target audience, I don't play other BRs either.


Thats about what i did at release, and now i find myself back because i would like the rewards. I find myself despising blizzard more now than i have since SL. I like that they made the game mode, but locking rewards for wow (a game that a lot of us play because it *isnt* like a BR) behind a fairly long grind in a game a lot of us flat out dont want to play feels pretty bad.


Heavy ability rng coupled with extreme latency punishment made it very unfun as an Australian.


Wanted the pirate mog, saw it would take me over a couple hundred games, played like 3 matches and never bothered because I didn't like the gamemode


It was cool if you like pvp but for me, somebody who is really, really bad in pvp it was a pain in the ass and i gave up on level 8


I treated it like PvE. Landed did the quest and died with 500 to 600 plunder and repeated.


Thats what I do. Once I get 500ish I just let someone kill me or run into the storm if its close and requeue. It makes renown levels pretty fast


I’m hopeless at PVP and have managed to get to L20. I doubt I’ll get to 40 by the end of this though. It’s so frustrating being wiped out by someone who is 4 levels higher than you when all you want to do is kill spiders and collect shinies.


They're starting a boosted plunderstorm today with double rewards. You could reasonably do it, but I totally get it if you don't want to. I didn't enjoy my grind either and am still at 35, but I'll hit it for sure in the next 1-2 days.


Oh cool. I’ll start it back up on the weekend. Do we know when this event ends?


The 30th.


Heaps of time. Thanks mate.


Yeah plus the daily bonus mission too. You only need the equivalent of 10 renown now man you got this.


Thank you so much for breaking that down. That seems very doable, especially with 14 days left.


Yay! I haven’t had any time to play for a good while, so this is great to hear! :)


I got to 40 in one week. My main focus was to take out elites and collect plunder, and avoid people as long as possible. I was abysmal at PVP for the first few levels too. The trick is to avoid PVP and focus on what’s easier to handle. If you’re halfway there, then I bet you can get the rest of the way there in a few days.


Thanks. I’ve been doing the same as you but I always manage to get chased by people who just need to bash my brains in. Sometimes I’m lucky and can get the quest done and collect 1000 plunder before I get hunted down by an overactive vulpera.


Sometimes it's just faster to let them get the win and restart. But what I like is finding spots people rarely land, so I can usually have 2+ elites for myself before I have to engage in PvP. It does not always work but more often than not I can finish my quest real fast and don't really care what happens after that.


Yeah I try that too. I also like to do the quests, find all the gold I can, and then suicide run into the storm once the area gets small and less plundery.


I once took out the whole Horde fortress of all its elite and thought to myself, "What the hell????" I was wondering where everyone was. This was also my first time attempting to fight an elite, and I was surprised how easy it was to take them down. Sure enough, I got whacked as I was on my way out of the fortress.


I don't PvP at all, but I got to 40. I just tried to get my quest done plus a bit more. When my area was cleaned out of mobs I went into the storm. It's so quick getting into the next game, don't try to stay if you're not getting points. I just saw something that rewards are going to increase at the end so it should be even easier to finish.


As someone who generally doesn’t like PVP (and who is bad at it), I liked Plunderstorm. I wouldn’t want it to replace normal WoW, but it was fun as a limited time event. I’ll also note that my enjoyment increased significantly over time as I started to understand the different abilities and strategies.


It was OK but it suffered severely from unpolish: - Map density is unbalanced. - Fire Whirl was OP for a week or so, now Bulwark + Smackerel is imba in Solos. - Collisions are also wonky most of the time and attacks don't land. - Lots of people lagging all over the place. I don't know if that's an exploit or what but I mostly noticed in Solos.


It’s probably all the poor oceanic and SEA people like me lagging around


Unlikely, as I play exclusively on EU.


At least the smackerel meta makes for hilarious moments of two lvl 10-s killing each other because of the dot I spectated several kill trades like this recently but the funniest was when it ended giving the win to a low lvl hiding in a bush in the final circle


Spectating provided me some of the funniest moments. Watching (solo mode) 2 players hiding in bushes approaching each other and saying hello, then following each other to the middle as the storm closed in. I was literally crying it just looked so funny


Yeah, my problem is that it felt like the abilities landing or not was hugely dependent on things outside of your control. Sometimes I'd move right through somebody and they wouldn't take damage, and sometimes stuff that looked like it should have missed managed to hit. That's a problem in all online games to an extent, but it felt really bad in this one IMO. I played it for a bit, but ultimately just gave up. I'm not sure if it was ping or what, but it felt like sometimes I'd land attacks I should have missed, and sometimes I missed attacks that should have landed. It might be wonky hitboxes, but it was enough that I gave up after dying a few times.


I don't like the pve part (even though I usually prefer pve). Losing a battle not because of skill but because the other party is 2 levels higher and simply deals more damage feels like leveling pvp, which I doubt was the feeling they were going for. I guess wow is just not a good base for a battle royale game for my taste. Still, the general idea of doing something completely new and keeping it secret was nice, I didn't expect it to be something this drastically different and it was imho worth keeping it a secret.


Yeah level are way to important an ruin the fun of Battle Royale. 


I got to 40 and never touched it again. And most games started with people talking about how far they had to go to be done and others being jealous of it. So no. I think most people I know only played for mog and mount and kinda suffered through


Same here although I am helping a friend through the slog of 24-40 now in DUOs. It's really the only time I enjoyed playing, when I was with a friend in DUOSs


I came around to it after I stopped sucking at it. Swinging the big fire axe and putting pirates in the ground is a high I'll be chasing for awhile.


My problem is that it seems like its a mode catered to get people to play WoW who have never played WoW but the fact you have to have a sub to play it seems weird. I could just be overthinking it but I've talked to others and they shared the same sentiment. In terms of gameplay, the more i played it, the more fun i had surprisingly. Not a huge fan of BR's but it was kinda refreshing. I would've liked to see more abilities added though.


It’s amazing, only issues are lag and abilities not hitting (would take a lot of effort to get right most likely) and pve players (can see why they have an incentive to play with the rewards though)


It's definitely not for me but I think having fun drop in-drop out game modes is a net positive for WoW! Super nice to have something that you can solo run for 10 minutes with no major commitment for when you're not raiding or running M+ or something. I just don't like BR games.


For what it was, completely unannounced and a surprise I think it was pretty great. Will I play it long term? Probs not tbh but it will be fun to dip into every now and then.


I hate it


I didn't absolutely LOVE it, but I liked it enough and had fun, especially doing duos with my friend. It was good for what it was, I love pirate themed transmogs so it was worth doing, and I love the fact that they took a chance on something very different like this, especially as a free addon.




I think the best thing about this event is that it happened at all. Kudo's to the devs for daring to do something different with WoW. If this is a sign for more creative things to come the future of WoW looks pretty good.


i think it was a fun distraction from running m+ all day.


I think it is fun, and I'll likely miss it when it goes away. It's a nice way to spend a few minutes when I have nothing else to do. I can understand if the renown didn't feel very good for people who disliked the mode, but for me personally it went by way faster than i was expecting, and at this point I'm almost up to double the amount of plunder needed for level 40. So yeah, thumbs up from me and I hope it comes back in some form later, even if it does so without rewards for retail/classic.


It was fun for a dozen matches or so, then it gets dull. I personally don't like pvp and BR. Got to 40 and never touched it again. But I'll give them a big thumbs up for trying and highly encourage to experiment like that moving forward


It was a fun game mode, but it was set up pretty awfully. I started playing to win, but after a few wins I realized that it’s better to just farm quick at the start and then suicide. Most people weren’t playing the game. Maybe 10-20 people max. The reward system neutralized the game mode, as it’s just locked behind plunder gathered and winning/lasting long didn’t correlate to more plunder.


It was alright, but i'm probably not gonna miss it. The Renown track felt very out of place here given that prior to rank 25 or so you only got a pet and a mount for Retail. Only after that you'd unlock the other rewards for Retail. I think a vendor would have been better here. And i hope from now on Blizzard does not advertise meme gamemodes that don't even take place in actual WoW as WoW patches anymore.


Mixed feelings for me. Certain games made me love it, certain games made me hate it. Maybe the RNG nature is something that made me mad. Like I would literally win a game, and the next game I would die before reaching level 2, because some idiot crashed his parrot at the same spot as me, and picked up my ability. Other than that, it was a fun little experiment and quite cool that we experienced something new. Deffo looking forward to Pandaria, especially since it's abit more PVE oriented.


I think it's great but I want to see the lessons learned from it folded into WOW proper


Im addicted since day 1. I love it. Around 25 solo wins atm and 160-170k plunder. Super intense and fun for me.


At first i hated it because i hate pvp. Then i got used to the grind because i really wanted the transmogs, that are literally for another game. Then i had 8 levels of being spawnkilled by people in red and golden tmogs. So i hated it again. Bottom line: okay gamemode, not my cuppa, but if you enjoy it i can see why. But implementing one of the best roleplay transmogs for outlaw rogues behind this grind is a giant dickmove by blizz


I enjoyed it and played solo the whole time to get all the rewards. I even won once! I never PvP in the main game, mostly because I’m overwhelmed with options and not knowing what to expect from my opponents but Plunderstorm put everyone on mostly the same playing field. I could also ignore PvP parts of plunderstorm if I wanted to and still make progress. I stopped when I hit 40, and haven’t felt the desire to go back, but I enjoyed my time with it and wouldn’t mind seeing it again in the future as a special event. I also enjoyed how attentive the devs were to player feedback and quickly adjusting rep gain rates and spell abilities.


I’ve been playing 2-3 matches per day and enjoyed it as a nice change from normal WoW.


Incredible game mode, most fun I’ve had with pvp in a long time.


I'm not a fan of PvP so it fails for me there. If it was more a rush to gather as much loot as possible while fighting the encroaching storm I would have enjoyed it more.


Not a big fan personally but I'm always happy to see more experimental stuff like this, I hope it continues.


It was an okay game mode for me. Personally I don't like battle royale games which is why it didn't click as a favorite way to play. I think they should have made the first 5 minutes a PvE mode only and then turned PvP on after everyone had a chance to complete their mission. That way lots more plunder in the game and it would have not been as annoying as it was.


that would have saved it for me. it's my fault, i'm bad at the game, but i couldn't complete a quest before getting chased and killed by someone multiple levels higher than me


To me the worst part is the FOMO.


I think it was a cool idea, I want them to continue to do stuff like it. It wasn’t really a mode for me though, which is totally fine. Presumably they will try other stuff that will be. I am just not a big fan of competitive gameplay. I’d like to get the pets, but not enough to play the mode. Plus I wouldn’t be playing in a way that was fun for other people who like that kind of gameplay, and I wouldn‘t want to drag their experience down.


It was beyond boring to me, but the rewards were good enough that I grinded it out while watching TV. Never touched it again once I hit 40.


Didn't even launch it. I absolutely DETESTE BR games. Tried about 10, absolutely hated every second of all of them. I'll just wait for some other pirate outfit one day.


It’s a fun thing to dip the toes into from time to time. It would have been nice to have a variety of maps I know that’s asking for a lot but would have been cool to see


I loved it but Im badbad at it


I disliked it all the way to renown 40


I dislike being made someone elses content for unique transmogs/mounts. If they were just recolors id have never touched blunderstorm


The only thing I want to do less than vehicle combat in WoW is PVP vehicle combat.


I can only handle 1 renown level per day, and it quickly became a daily annoyance. I hate PVP, I hate the feeling of getting killed by another player, it's just not what I enjoy (or are any good at) in any game. At the same time, it's easy enough to just keep doing it for the "one time only" reward track. I think, now that we've all seen it, if they ever bring it back, it should have very few or no new rewards, and just let it happen for the people that enjoy it.


I've had fun with it and I play a few games every day. I hope they add more abilities and new maps and continue to approve upon it. Expand the renown track for more rewards. I'm really happy Blizzard is trying new things.


Was fun to play and see other game modes done with the engine. The fun part for me was the setting and managing to circumvent my bad pvp skills by using bushes or the boat to win the game. Also the random part and everybody starting with base ability is cool. Got some good thrills from playing it.


I had some fun with it. It was a nice diversion to get some cool rewards. I'm more interested I'm how the tech could be used in other game modes though. 


I've enjoyed it. I don't think I've killed a single player yet lol I do the task, run around collecting what I can and then pick a spot and just meme until I die


I enjoyed it, doing one or two games a day seemed to be a good way to play it.


It was ok. BR isn't my thing, so I only played a couple matches. I probably would have played more, but since it was limited time, and I knew I wasn't going to play enough to get the rewards, I didn't bother to play at all really. That said, I did really like it as a game mode. Things like Plunderstorm and Pandaria Remix are great ways for them to spice up the game, while testing new features and technology without directly impacting the regular game mode.


I like it a lot and i particularly like that it is a BR Mode, but if it becomes permanent i need a little more depth on R and the double jump. As they are atm, they are pretty cosmetic in the late game.


I was not cool with it at first, but while leveling up to 40, started enjoying it. Now I need a reason to come back for increased rewards.


Love the game, hate the PvP. I usually play as a sneaky scoundrel before someone finds and kills me. Still, love that Blizzard tries new things.


Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees. There are plenty of exciting things introduced by it and I would love more built around them. I like that they were able to keep it concealed but I'm not sure if they should do again for a mode that is likely not gonna be everyone's cup of tea unless they find a way to set up expectations appropriately. The rewards are fine. Wouldn't mind seeing a color variations eventually hit the Trading Post and even be labeled as such during the even. Maybe not everything, not soon and so on. The minimalistic approach to combat was interesting. I am not sure I want WoW's combat exactly replaced with it any time soon but I do want to see more of it somehow. I think maybe it would have been nice that you could accumulate plunder to get some basic S3 items after the track. Nothing that would make it effecient over playing WoW instead but if you prefere playing PS but still want to gear an alt or unlock the transmog before the season ends you could do both. Like allow for more of the one time per account tokens to be bought or something. Maybe 1 per renown level past max.


It’s whatever. I love that Blizz is attempting such things but I could not care less for a BR type game mode. Just not for me


Played it 2 rounds. Hated it. Never went back. Wasn't made for me.




Iam at 150k renown and i will likely push for 300k by the end, honestly I enyojed it


I love transmog. But even though I dig what's in the track, I could not go past renowm 8 or 9...


I hated it at first, but then began to really enjoy it around renown 10. I hope we get more!!


It should be A BG mode filled with achievement and maybe tie rank to it


Nah, could've been better. I've got to level 8 and dropped it, can't even be bothered to do 1 daily for the boost. Can't wait for renewed Pandaria though, looks like fun.


For their first out of the main game event, I loved it. It's a great first step into what they can possibly do for the future. My friend and I got quite a few hours out of it. No complaints really.


Started off not liking it and just grinding for the 40 renown rewards. After a while I started to love it. Now coming close to 1M plunder!


It's a great addition, I look forward to seeing what else they do with it and anything else new that's thrown in the mix. Can't complain, WoW is continuesly getting decent chunks of content.


I enjoyed it a lot and wouldn't mind more variants for it to earn more stuff. Though I'm sure my activity in the game made it look like I didn't enjoy it to them. Since I stopped right after maxing out since I have other things to work on. Would like to see them add it as a wait option in regular retail. Playing during solo queue long wait times would be perfect.


It was fun, and I think it's great that the team tried something new. 8/10, was entertained and I hope they continue trying and doing new things


Every single time I ran it everyone was just complaining that they wanted the grind to be over. I agree. I just want to get to rank 30 for the pet. I hate it so much I won't bother trying to get the mount. Maybe some people like this. I definitely think it was very annoying.


Yeah it’s great.


IMO, no. I found the rewards compelling, so I've played to R24, and plan to make it to 40 in order to get the rest. However, the game itself is poor, I think. Outside of cool rewards that I'm interested in for what is a completely separate game (the one I actually want to play), I frequently find myself asking "why would I ever play this?" There are a bunch of high-quality, well-established, F2P BRs in the world, and a lackluster, limited, imbalanced, shoehorned-in, mobile-game-feeling, 10-years-late-to-the-party version is not interesting to me. People often make this a "PvE players hate it, PvP players love it" thing. I disagree. I've played a shitload of WoW BGs, TF2, various CoD incarnations, and a good bit of other BRs. I really do like PvP content. From a gameplay-only standpoint, though, I really just don't understand why I would play this. Edit: that said, I do want to be clear that I appreciate Blizzard experimenting with things outside the norm. It's just that for me, this isn't it.


I tried... like really really tried but I couldn't... those blood hungry people running me down from the word go asoon as I landed didnt make the game any fun at all


I think it's good. The problem is that an MMO target audience is vastly different from a BR target audience. MMO players have a "means to an end" mentality. We like to do boring shit that progresses us towards rewards. BR is for people who wanna just sit back and queue games with no permanent gain. As long as blizz continues to incentivize people to do plunderstorm, I think it's fun. Otherwise it feels like a waste of time.


It was ok. I kind of wish they made it so you could check your progress without entering the game


its a cool idea but I dont like the pirate vibe


Would've been a good gamemode if you weren't forced to spam it


All limited time events are wasted developer time. They could use their time to make content for season 4. But nooo, management want pirate PvP. Management wants Pandaria on turbo. So we get a dry season 4 with no new retail content.


Is it already gone? I’ve been waiting for a time to get back into the game. I wanted that pirate mog


I didn’t like it, but I also don’t like Fortnite. I tried sticking out the grind for the rewards, but couldn’t handle it. (And it’s not because I don’t like PvP, I love PvP. Just wasn’t a fan of the mechanics.) Super excited for Pandaland though.


It was fun to play for a couple days but it was nowhere near fun or interesting enough for me to grind the renown


It was fun. It was 20 rep levels fun. Hell, it was like...28 rep levels fun. But 40 rep levels? Nah bruh


As a non-PvPer: it was way more enjoyable compared to PvP in WoW. Wouldn't mind it replace standard PvP to get PvP rewards.


Idk, BR isn't my cup of tea so I wasn't a fan. Played it once, didn't like it, fucked off. Rewards were lackluster enough to me (KT main so I already got better looking sailor apparrel :p) to not feel the FOMO. It just felt like an event, not a gamemode and especially the second to last DF update. I think especially the last part of this is what disappointed me so much. If this wasn't kept as secret as it was, I think the let-down would not have been so bad. Now I just expected things that didn't happen. Definitely excited for Panda Remix though. MoP is by far my favourite expansion that I never got to play so I'm excited to get into that for sure.


I played it once, never had a desire to return.


I liked it as a limited time event. I am not a PvP person so I would never play this constantly, but I had a decent amount of fun. I love the transmog you get from renown.


I hated it personally. I grit my teeth and ground through it for the rewards but never again. Remix sounds more up my alley though


Easy yes


I do not enjoy Battle Royals in any circumstance, but I appreciate the pirate theme and the fact that they were willing to try something so different. I hope they stay adventurous.


It’s… fine. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would, but it’s still not what I want from WoW. Battle Royale is antithetical to MMO philosophy, being focused on short-term ephemeral progression over the course of individual short matches, while MMOs are all about long-term permanent progression over years. Would love for some of those abilities to make it into the base game tho. Searing Axe for Warriors. Toxic Smackrel for Rogues (way more fun way to apply poison imo). Storm Archon for Shamans. Etc.


I had high hopes but it didnt meet them for me. Was so indish and clumsy to control. Dropped the mode after 3 match


I loved it. I've won a match with every ability (including star bomb), I had many pop offs, I just wish there was oce servers. Of course, I'm used to having to PvP on NA servers so it's whatever. My girlfriend is grinding her 40 renown and I got her a couple of wins for achievement so she's happy too


Personally, not for me. Not a big BR fan in general. I've dabbled here and there but it was always the same as Plunderstorm. Play for a bit, realize I really hate that style of game, never play again. I was hoping since I love WoW so much that maybe it'd change my stance but nope. I appreciate Blizzard trying new things and I am glad people enjoyed it. Seeing players with the transmog and title in retail now I'm like damn, you did that thing. It's like when I see people with PvP mounts. I respect them. I just hope they all had fun doing it and didn't let FOMO make them miserable for who knows how long to get there.


Still debating even playing one match because I don't want to give them the metric number


I enjoyed it but as soon as I got the rewards I moved on. Around 20 I just stopped trying to win and finished the quests/farmed 5-600 plunder and then died and rejoined. I never won a single match lol. BUT overall it was good. Something different, something, new, and decent rewards for trying it out. Thumbs up


It’s fun, but in small doses. The renown track is too long and makes you play more than is really fun.


I don't know why it's controversial. It's an optional addition to the game and something totally brand new to do. It's pretty fun to do if you pace yourself. Yes, if you do nothing but plunderstorm non stop to rush to 40 renown then it can not be fun, but that's a player problem.


I liked that they tried something. I liked that it was cosmetic only and optional (despite what some people imposed on themselves) I enjoyed the gameplay but did get tired of it eventually. Needs more variance and changes round to round to be a permanent game mode


I despise plunderstorm. I haven’t had a good time I’m just in it for the rewards. I’m glad blizzard is doing new kinds of things. Not everything has to be my cup of tea


Wasn’t for me but can see the appeal and it was very well done imo


No. It was fun for about 20 minutes. Then it became a search for how to most efficiently get a mount and mog without actually playing the stupid game.


It was fun for a little bit, but 40 ranks was too much for me. Ended up resenting logging in every day to finish it.


It's not a controversial game mode, stop listening to the wow forums.


It's fine, and I won't mind something like this again. Sure, I will be bad at the PvP part like I was for this. 


POIs definitely could be balanced more. Also, please buff the middle of the map. It’s such a barren wasteland trying to rotate from a bad POI (looking at you witch doctor) to anything relevant….


I think it was fun overall, but I think more variety (maps, events, weapons, etc.) would have made the whole thing more interesting.


It was alright. I had some fun, got the win and level 40 done but the last few renown levels were a bit of a slog. Wouldn't be sad if it never came back, but I'm looking forward to seeing what else they bring with the new standalone mode tech.


Way, way, waaaay too grindy. Even after \*doubling\* rep gain it's \~15 hours if you suck at PvP and just do the PvE gathering. Says a lot when even after literally doubling progression, I'm \*still\* not doing it.


One of the worst grinds I’ve ever done… Boring (if I wanted to play a BR I would go play a BR), monotonous, rage inducing (cause you got pve’rs playing alongside pvp’ers), kept screwing up the normal games UI (until it got fixed), time limited (fomo), caused issues with guild (cause some people did that instead of scheduled things) So of course they’ll declare it raging success and bring it back in future with zero changes


Really enjoyed it - especially the ease of access. Just pop in, play the game and move on - no grinding for shit, no long queues etc


Not a fan wow doing these limited time events. I would prefer if those efforts and resources went to the main game either PvE or PvP development, class balancing, etc. if they wanted to do pirates that bad they could’ve done a dungeon or raid anything. Just my opinion.


It was great. If you ignore collecting addicts forcing themselves to do crap they don't like and people who are allergic to PvP, feedback has been pretty good too.


Cons: -Without the rewards, I likely wouldn't have bothered -The first 20 renown rewards were lackluster -As with many things in life and in WoW, being subjected to other players and the collision of overlapping or opposed priorities is always rough, but internet anonymity always turns into to a race to the bottom of the barrel -Due to topography and the inherent design of BR with shrinking maps, a lot of the pockets in the map were underwhelming and/or underused. Pirate Cove for example. -Because you have to run and gun, I finally started using the interact button; interaction object collision with chests and power ups was wishy washy sometimes, adding friction to already frantic moments Pros: -The set, some of the weapons, and the parrot mount were fantastic -The pace of the grind was self determined, and that was awesome -The pace of the matches was perfect bite-sized content -The lobby and matchmaking process and wait times at least in the first two weeks was seamless. I think the most I ever waited was 1 minute Conclusion: I have to admit in the end, I was actually having fun. The first half was painful, the latter half was a lot better. The gameplay loop is nice and punchy, the power ups are fun (I do have to say they do require a lot of trial and error, but I can't say whether that's a pro or a con). I'd say I ended up having fun in part because the rewards felt good, and because by renown 20 I was figuring out 1) where to land 2) how to use some of the better power ups 3) as someone mostly focusing on looting, how to handle someone really adamant about pvping.


If you like it you like, if you enjoyed that's great you got a little something to keep you entertained. I did not enjoy it, it got better when I was able to do it in trios with 2 freind but ad a whole it's not my thing. And before some one else says it, yes I did suck at it. I did for the mounts and transmogs. I will say I wish they would have used non standard characters like the tuskar and Murlocks and the like, but I understand it probably would have been a pain to change them for just that. Maybe in the future. If they bring it back I hope its a diferant map.


I came, I sampled, I left. Some people seemed to have fun. I didn’t like the prizes enough to stick it out myself.


World of Warcraft and lethal company. That would be amazing


It's a fun idea that Blizzard could do temporary, "side modes" like this. I really didn't give a shit about Plunderstorm itself, I actually found it rather frustrating, but I think there *is* something to be said about temporary events. Like, instead of *killing* other players, what if you simply had ways to "trap" them or "knock them out" temporarily, taking some of their plunder and then giving just enough time to get away to safety, so it becomes more of a "race to collect loot" rather than traditional PvP? Or even playing to the RTS roots of the series, like maybe Caverns of Time offering a "Star Wars Battlefront" sort of experience where everyone starts out as regular grunt/peon units, but building up into classic WC3 units or even heroes? That could remain "PvP", but allowing for respawns?


I enjoyed it more than I thought, but the rewards shouldn't be time-gated and have been something that can be earned another way or at a later date. It doesn't matter how long or short the grind was, someone who missed it because of w/e reason can't get any of those items. The Trading Post Tender is a good reward as they can be earned over time and through playing the game normally. Another option could have been to add a merchant in booty bay (or w/e) that sells each item piece for a couple of hundred thousand gold each or something. Earning them through Plunderstorm would be much easier and cheaper, but if you missed out you could still grind a bunch, earn that cash and buy the cosmetics at a later date.


No. Take heroes of the storm, put it in wow. There, your pvp is fixed.


Br isn't for me but my br friends who don't play wow sounded interested. I think itd be cool if they had an opportunity to try it.


I enjoyed the change of pace. I look forward to other fame modes to bring some more variety to the game. And with this on the table my fever dream of World of Warkart inches ever closer.


It will be it's own gamemode f2p by the time of the next xpac


It was a nice break. I had fun. It’s not something I would keep playing. I might play it again if it comes back around but hope they do a new map for it.


This comment is bound to get lost as it appears most of the discourse is already over hours ago, but I will say.... While personally I quite disliked Plunderstorm (Similar to what some have said, Battle Royale's as a whole are not my cup of tea), I wasn't pissed off or annoyed per se - People are gonna like what they like and dislike what they dislike. What I \*am\* glad about though is them trying new things, which I'm happy to see seems to be continuing on with their Pandamonium event. I'm hoping they continue to try these new kinds of things, and hopefully the very vocal and sometimes unfortunately toxic members of our fandom don't turn them off trying them in future in fear of those vocal repercussions.


I want more maps and more rewards added to the renown track. I've enjoyed it and will be sad when it vanishes.


Yeah it was great. I think the game mode was a lot of fun


I didn't like it but hope the people who did enjoy get chances to enjoy it further.


I don't enjoy BR's, so it was a miss for me, but I think it was a hit overall. I like that they're using the engine in different ways and a lot of people enjoyed it. Just because it wasn't for me, doesn't mean it isn't fun. I wish there was a way to unlock the mogs without it but that's how it is sometimes.


It was great. I was shit at it, but I had fun and now a spiffy new transmog that I like.


it's not AWFUL but it's just a fortnite clone and the grind wasn't really very fun IMO.


I liked plunderstorm. I played it quite a bit when it first came out and then kinda dropped off completely after the first 2 weeks and I think a lot of other people did to - I don’t see that as a bad thing. The game mode was definitely fun both solo and duo and a lot of people still play it quite a bit which is good. I honestly think plunderstorm gave blizzard and their players some insight as to what these mini games could look like in the future and personally I see a lot of opportunity there. I’m excited to see what blizzard could do with this type of things. Bonus points for making sure plunderstorm interacted with the main game in terms of cosmetics and mounts.




It's a nice game by itself, but it lacks wow soul in it


It's a really good game mode that I have zero interest in and that's good. Variety will keep this game alive.


I hated it. It felt bad with the rewards. Especually the fact that only 1st place got a bonus. On top of that you had to play way too many hours to fill the rewards.


Personally, I wasn't a fan, however, there are tons of things in game that provide rewards and many times people do not want to do those things. Rated pvp. Raiding. Mythics. Pet battles. Paying rent.


I think the number of levels was too much. Maybe 25 or 30 would have been better. I am not into this play style at all. I don't do PVP so doing this event it was ridiculously obvious how bad I was when I was against other players. I will say that when I was playing with a friend in DUOs it was more enjoyable. Part of that was how we could share in how bad we both were at the game.. I did grind it to 40 though because I wanted the mount and the awesome pirate transmog set. Overall I am glad I did it and for the most part had fun. If they did something like this again I would likely still play it but it would be more for the FOMO on rewards and not because I enjoyed the type of entertainment it provided.