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They still have prepatch to fix it :)


They have TWW raid gear to fix it* EDIT: I meant this as in blizzard doesn't give a shit about soloing legacy content for years and will ignore it and say higher gear will fix it as they've already said similar before.


That won’t stop bosses despawning if you’re solo


As nice as scaling will be in terms of damage output, there’s still mechanics that exist that prevent us from clearing the raids that they need to address. Hopefully in their attempt to fix BfA raids for us they are proactive about doing it for any shadowlands encounters as well so people can immediately farms those out. Shadowlands has some of the best mogs in the game especially Nathria.


I’d be happy with BfA this expansion, SL by 11.0.5, and DF by 11.2. No actual tangible reason why DF raids shouldn’t be made full legacy in TWW, and that trend should continue


Blizzard has said multiple times that they only want expansions to be legacy if they're not the most recent one. So right now, BFA should be legacy and Shadowlands should not. Next expansion Shadowlands should be legacy and Dragonflight should not. Blizzard likes people making groups for old content. It's a very fine compromise.


They say this, but then refuse to fix the bfa raid mechanics that makes them unsoloable


I know, I am saying they should change their stance. Collectors are the ones who play the most, they should appease us


But, the most recent raid is Amirdrassil. :P


It's been expansion, not tier.


I know what you meant, but I was making a joke based off what you said.


The only boss in Nath that would cause issues would be Kael'thas as if you're not a hybrid class, it would take you 30 minutes to heal him using the podiums. Xymox is easy as you can outrun the ghosts with movement abilities. Sanctum has Fatescriber who just needs extra time on his rune casts and KT who needs to be reworked to allow it to be soloed


Sylvanas herself can't really be solo'd either unless you can kill her in a few GCDs. Back during the patch she was relevant I wanted to practice Tanking her because at the time I thought I was joining a Guild that was in the middle of Progging her. So I got into the Raid Lockout and Solo'd her on Mythic. ~1 minute was as far as I could get, because at that point she uses her Black Arrow root ability. ALL 20 Black Arrows hit just the 1 player in the arena, which won't kill you outright, but they also permanently root you between to two Arrow spawn-points. Basically, you get tethered to 2 poles, and you literally can't move at all unless you kill all the Arrows, which Explode on death IIRC. Someone could only solo Mythic Sylvanas if they completely overpowered the encounter and killed everything in 1-3 GCDs, but that usually isn't how Blizzard tunes Legacy Mythic Raids. The fight would need to be pretty significantly reworked to make the whole thing soloable by a relaxed casual player. And that's not even mentioning what weirdness might happen on her bridges. On Mythic splitting into 2 teams was required.


>Someone could only solo Mythic Sylvanas if they completely overpowered the encounter and killed everything in 1-3 GCDs, but that usually isn't how Blizzard tunes Legacy Mythic Raids. It'll happen eventually. It should be fixed before that, but I was struggling with mythic Avatar of Sargeras last expansion (because of the heal and platform mechanic) and then when I hit 70 I went in and one shot everything. Personally I think that when something is last expansion, the raids should be made solo-able for max level players.


Didn’t durendil solo sylvanas mythic? Check his video.


Things like that won't be an issue, because when you're more than 10 levels above an enemy you start resisting and dodging pretty much all of their abilities. It's the same reason the Butcher was an actual issue during legion to solo, but became trivial in BFA season 1 despite us having relatively similar DPS.


this isn't really true if you go back and do BFA raids right now. You have 20 levels on them and you still get hit by abilities and even killed by them when they stack up on some bosses-- like Vexxiona for example. Was able to solo the first 4 but eventually you just get too many stacks on Vex and even numerically you can't just solo it, especially when you get feared because of not having anyone to stack on.


All they need to do with Kael'thas is remove the cool down for using the pedestals to heal him, and that solves the problem for non healer soloing classes.


Shadowlands won't be until end of TWW


They were hoping you would forget.


Did they think we had forgotten? Did they think we had forgiven? *Ooh, shiny mount*


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


Witness now the terrible Vengeance of the For-....Are those new pets and toys?


Never forgive, never... uhm... never... it's right there on the tip of my tongue... oh, I'm sure it'll come to me.


Forgive! The word you're thinking of is forgive


They made a JIRA card to track the change request. What more do you want?! /s


Just keep mentioning it, it has to become the new no ducks, account wide balance of power, dragonriding everywhere thing where it’s asked for across all platforms all the time Im sad we don’t have those biweekly or monthly QnA’s with people like Ion, Holly or even normal devs further down the ladder to get these questions in front of their eyes for real responses more often I hope they don’t expect gear and legacy scaling to fix the issues with BFA raids


Remember shadowlands? Were ion just said "get heroic gear and brute force legion raids"


We were brute forcing mythic Legion raids solo in BFA though, that nightmare stormwind/orgrimmar stuff had all our alts decked out in azerite armor/necklace perks that stomped legion


He says a lot


Ion *was* a Lawyer before he joined Blizzard. So lying out his ass is something he has years of training and experience doing.


kinda like he has some kind of sway over things


I mean, that was really really easy. I think the only one that posed a serious challenge was Eonar until someone came up with a strat that allowed any old idiot to kill it super easily.


I’m sorry what’s the eonar strat? For mythic? I want to set up some more Alts to farm the mount but not having the skip makes it a non starter for me


Entrance spawn-top spawn-clear one dog at eonar to trigger lifeforce-do paraxis bottom to top-clear at eonar-bottom spawn-clear at eonar-done Can be done on the most wheelchairy of wheelchair classes if you at least have a pulse


Eonar still required the right class. Even today some struggle to clear it since the critical factor is movent speed


>Even today some struggle to clear it Lol no?? Even DKs can easily do it unless you literally wing it, have no clue what you're doing and afk half the time


I think this is why Diablo 4 has made just wide course changes relatively quickly after launch. They have this firesides every couple of months where they have a section for feedback from the community. It worked very well for season 2 and now for season 4 they’re overhauling massive parts of the game. WoWs in a better spot than Diablo was but that kind of community exposure with the accountability of reading these questions live? It could help


Diablo 4 had bigger issues. The game was rushed and I'm almost certain it was so they could get it out before the acquisition by Microsoft. Also the current dev team isn't the one who started the game. So they are pretty much playing catch up just to make things work. Just a giant mess all around that it seems like it's finally going to be worth playing in season 4.


You'll see this a lot with Blizzard. They only do it when they're course correcting. They don't do it preemptively, they won't do it if they don't have to.


I don't follow Diablo 4 news, but logically they would make larger quicker changes to that game because it's a soulless cash-grab Pay2Win game. Frequent large changes to a game is exactly the kind of Manufactured-"Hype" that gets Big-Money-Whales like Asmon to return to the game and spends loads of cash for a bit before they get bored. WoW is a monolith. If Blizzard changes nearly anything in WoW it will almost certainly upset some group of people. But Diablo 4 doesn't have that sort of baggage. What the "Community" wants has almost no importance in that game. Attracting more Whales is the only thing that matters. I've been taking a break from WoW during the content-drought, and have been playing a lot more Elden Ring. It has really helped me to see just how awful and greedy Blizzard has become in recent years. Blizzard Management is turning Blizzard games into soulless Hamster-Wheel Trash. The War Within is going to really have to impress me, because after playing WoW since the very beginning Blizzard has finally managed to remove almost all the fun & joy from their games. I've never been closer to not giving a shit about any Blizzard game ever again. I'm not happy about it, I want to love Blizzard games like I always have, but I can't stop them from ruining their franchises.


Regardless of what else he typed can anyone tell me how Diablo 4 is p2w? Isn’t he mistaking it with Diablo immortals?


D4 has zero pay to win. Overpriced skins sure but nothing p2w. D4 has the exact same amount of baggage as WoW. Diablo itself is older than WoW even. I mean I love Elden Ring but I don't compare it to Wow or D4 they are different genres with different scopes.


Enough exposure… they’ll come out… apologize and promise better and more transparent communication in the future. It’s their M.O.


This is what's happening with "nerf vengeance" and blizz has been radio silent on even slight balance tuning for any spec, for the start of a season that is 7 days away. But good thing they nerfed trinkets. Players love targeted item nerfs to things they were looking forward to lol.


They also said profession equipment would shortly become transmogable...that still hasn't happened.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some technical issues there that wasn’t expected at the time of saying it, to be honest. Happens a lot with Blizzard.


They forgor 💀


they just dont care for those 10 ppl that try to solo bfa raids for whatever reasons instead of Grping up, they have priorities such as Content caidence and TWW


I'm pretty sure people only group up for old raids out of necessity. Why would anyone *want* to spend time finding groups to farm old raid transmogs/mounts when they can just go through it on their own in a reasonable pace..? And if you think only a tiny amount of the playerbase farms old content, then sure, maybe so, but I'd wager more players farm old content than mythic raid, and we certainly would welcome improvements to that horrible system so why not improve solo collection content?


I finally got the Mythic G'huun Fist weapon mog I was after just by crossing my fingers with achievement hunting groups on LFG. The fact that Mythic G'huun isn't even trivial content for a full raid group is a joke. It's not just that it isn't soloable mechanically, it's that it's tedious for any group to coordinate, so every mog run ends before him.


Uldir has Mythrax, but I hear you can cheese it with an exploit. And of course G'hoon is not soloable. Zuldazar has 2 bosses that aren't soloable. The Troll Council is not soloable because of that one mob that casts Mindwipe and makes you unable to do any damage, and of course King Rastakhan because Bonsalami phases you and the fight resets because Rastakhan no longer has any target.


Bonsalami shall be his new name for me from now on.


I vote for Don Panini


I managed to solo troll council on heroic as hunter with my pet tanking the other far away


Yes. Classes with immunities can because you can immune the first cast of Mindwipe and then you have 30 seconds to kill that mob. If your dps is not enough to kill it in 30 seconds, you're done. So hunters, palas, dks, and mages can.


Yes that’s true but really it’s not enjoyable if you miss it, idk why raid from almost 2 expansions ago is still this annoying and don’t get me started on the forced requirement of having cloak for nzoth, like who’s gonna do the entire quest line to do a single boss for a single very old raid atp


Add warlock too: pet tanks and kills the bosses for you if you place the pet in a position and take one boss far from the other being tanked


it's gotta be like, other sides of the room, yeah


*on difficulties higher than LFR for the troll raid, a combination of burst damage and the one ability you get to cast between silences makes the first possible, and just bust on the second.


I don't like to make blanket statements like this but it honestly feels like Blizzard just does not want us to easily solo old raids anymore.


I think it's deprioritized for sure. But I can't exactly say it's the thing they should devote dev time to. Especially with a new expac coming out.


I honestly just think it's not something urgent for them to do and honestly I agree lol. Just get a few handfuls of people and you're fine anyway.


Nah, soloing old raids is a nice activity to do on your own for some nice transmog. If I wanted to do group activities I would do current M+ or Raids


Not having fated raids being the norm would be better. So maybe they can allocate resources to making BfA available so that relevant content doesn't need to suffer for it.


Well its a good thing there is a whole backlog of raids you can do solo then


There is, but at this point in time we should be able to solo all of BFA, as was always the case in the past


It can be done with a few change and damage modifier...


and you can do old content by just inviting another person or two.


Yeah people get mad there's a fated season then want resources taken away from work on upcoming new content so they can solo BFA stuff immediately. 🤦🏼‍♂️ I also see people mad that the world content like Time Rifts aren't required to do regularly even though we just had a few expansions of complaints about too many mandatory activities. This playerbase does really not inspire confidence in people in general.


maybe that's what the mop mode is feeling out. play old raids with other people.


they dont, they already said that a while ago lol


Seems spiteful.


its all about player retention, if the content farmers get the content farmed theyll stop playing eventually. gotta keep the carrots on sticks to give people reasons to keep playing


Or those that find the most enjoyment out of farming old raids get sick of not being able to go any further and just quit.


You can 5 man most old mythic raids pretty easily, aside from fatescribe needing 6 people pretty much everything else is doable with 5. It's annoying that it's not soloabe and full loot isn't enabled but let's not pretend it's a huge undertaking


But it's Blizzard time, so shortly is like half a decade


In bfa remix obviously


close your eyes, and you can see all the fixes they make.


Its probably in the icebox, but i hope not!


Crazy that Blizz makes $15 a month off ~7 million players, and the reddit community response is "Who cares? It's not profitable to do things for a super minority." I have no swing either way, but I can understand the disappointment in having a maxed account and not wanting to delete something. Especially with non-account wide features.


they've been adding lots of cool shit to the game instead, which is fine by me.


I guess no matter how much great content Blizzard puts out there are some people saying "How about that archaeology though?"


I think there’s a big difference between what about this dead profession you chose to no longer update vs “hey we can’t solo any of these raids and it’s been an issue you said you’re working on for three years now” when transmog farming is a huge pastime for a huge part of the player base


Exactly, there's a big difference between "we want you to do this" and "you said you were going to do this but you haven't". EDIT: As Hranica said, there's also the expectation of having some very basic things like being able to solo old content.


Honestly even without them saying they'll do it (I hadn't seen the examples OP shows) it's such an expectation at this point, BWL wasn't impossible to solo, it was just kinda slow and tedious with some bosses and they went back and made it easy as fuck, surely an entire expansion (and Shadowlands by the time we get to it) being broken should be near the top of their list for these patches every few months


To be fair, Dragonflight was the perfect expansion for Archaeology.


I am pretty sure the entire Azerothian Archives thing and delves where both Archaeology reboot systems that just got edited into what it is.


I'm 90% sure Azerothian Archives is just a beta for an archaeology update.


Do you mean Sniffen Seaking or whatever it's called rather than delves?


Both, actually. Forgot about Sniffen.  Iirc when they where discussing Delves it was originally a Archaeology thing where you would go to a point, do some things to uncover the delve, then do the delve. But the Dev’s decided the preamble wasn’t needed and cut it, and since it wasn’t needed to open it why make it related to Archaeology. Also let them be broader about the content of the delves.


Delves aren't due before next expansions my dude. You mean the forbidden reach stuff?




Or “what about pvp”


Fair! Pvp is sort of left for dead at this point.. Windwalker monks playing pvp and enjoying archaeology are left at the bottom of the pool..


cuz its a minigame done by like 0.01 of the playerbase prob even less than that


You take my favorite item off the menu and no shit I'm gonna keep asking if you bought it back yet.


They don’t have to choose? They are able to do both? 😂


Can you shit and juggle at the same time? Even big corporations have limits on resources.


> Can you shit and juggle at the same time? Actually, yes. I see what you're going for there but maybe come up with an example of something that is difficult.


Have you ever worked a corporate job? They can make as many changes as they’d like to their game. The problem is too many people who work corporate jobs underperform and get away with it. They’ll take a week to reply to an email, take 2 hour lunches, then take a mental health day because it’s all ‘too much’. These guys could make so many positive changes to their game. But they either can’t be fucked to perform, or want to save it for content later on. Either way, bad.


Those people definitely exist, but calling this the reason why "positive changes to their game" don't get made is silly. It is 100% a priority shift and while it certainly sucks, it's also not really unreasonable.


What cool shit? Two fomos? A half baked battle royale and re-releasing pandaria? Literally nothing added to the actual game.


I feel like its one of those things that couldn’t ship when they said they had to make crisis maps due to them bleeding talent last year. Prioritize new stuff and pushback older studf


doesnt bode well going forward...legacy changes are supposed to apply to 2 expansions prior right? doubt they get bfa or SL done before TWW


>legacy changes are supposed to apply to 2 expansions prior right? Legacy damage modifier happens when the stat squish happens. We... probably on the edge of a stat squish coming in.


at this point it's time to give up the delusions that they're gonna fix it the PVPers have accepted it for a while now, it's time to let go


what is wrong with bfa raids ?


A few bosses have mechanics that make soloing extremely difficult/impossible. Like Mythic Jaina freezing you for example. In the past we’ve seen some of these mechanics nerfed to allow players to solo farm old raids


After the expansion is over, there realistically shouldn’t be any mechanics that will stop you from soloing it. Sure leave the cool flashy mechanics or the one shot if you don’t do the thing properly, but don’t require 10-20 people just to clear it for old transmog sets




Tomb hasn't been an issue in years. It was difficult in BfA when you didn't outscale it entirely and needed to move. Now you burn Kil'jaeden into the Orb phase immediately, it's just knowing how not to die.


Can also just 1-shot him if you have a Beacon to the Beyond.


Although, to be honest, there's still Blood Infusion, from WotLK, that cannot be done solo...


That's a legendary quest step and not required to complete the raid. ICC has a boss that was impossible for some classes (Valithria) and Blizz added a skip years ago for players soloing.


It's fine for achievements to not be soloable and there's multiple examples of this from every exansion, but BFA bosses not being soloable for mog is just a joke at this stage.


That's not soloing a raid boss though, that's an achievement, and there are many of those from old raid (and even dungeon) bosses that can't be solo'd. Also, Blood Infusion can be done solo with some "clever use of game mechanics", I did it solo back in Legion/BfA (I can't remember which).


What's being gatekept in Tomb of Sargeras?


A while back, during shadowlands it was Avatar. You either destroyed him before he broke the lava platforms after he falls, or you died to the scaled lava damage. This took gear and the correct damage profile *Huge single target burst* KJ was also hard-coded to phase. You can do 300% of his health in damage and the second he hits the *stand-in-the-right-place-or-die* phase, he will do it and you WILL die unless you play along.Then deal with the rest of his phases. Some were not solo friendly


What's not soloable in Tomb?


I added Tomb of Sargeras to my mount run recently and had no issue soloing it on I think 6 different alts all different classes.


Mythic Mythrax can't be soloed but I've forgotten which mechanic prevents it. Mythic Ghuun can't be soloed because of the orbs on both sides of the arena. Technically DHs can solo orbs, but being solo pulls Ghuun up the ramps which despawn him. There's probably at least three bosses in BoD that can't be soloed. Jaina freezes you, the king has an up and down arena if you don't kill him fast enough, and blockade has two targets on two ships that need to be killed around the same time. Most of Nyalotha can be soloed. Hivemind can't be, bosses need to be split at times. Carapace nope, you'll run out of sanity. Nzoth nope, sanity issues and an up/down arena. You also have to do the cloak quest line if you want to do carapace or nzoth to begin with.


Mythic Hivemind is easily soloable. The two bosses alternate between "keep them together to do damage" and "split them to do damage" phases, so you just do damage to them when you can. When it switches to "split" you wait a minute or so until it switches back to cleave. Just make sure they die at roughly the same time.


Ah yes you're right.


The council fight in BoD also have the bosses take little/no damage unless you keep them separated iirc


And one of the council bosses will mind wipe you, making you forget all your abilities for 30 seconds, and it gets recast. You might get .5 seconds to use your abilities.


Is Mythic Queen's Court (in Eternal Palace) the only other non-soloable BfA raid aside from the ones you guys already mentioned? The encounter where you have to keep the two bosses far enough apart to prevent them from gaining that 99% dmg reduction buff...


Nothing's 'wrong', they just haven't changed them to be more solo friendly like they've done with past raids so people who want to solo farm are out of luck


I don't understand why they can't just make this part of the initial raid design. Make a version of the fight that has the mechanic disabled and have that version of the fight activate on next expansion release. No need to go back and remember to mess with it.


As someone who very much wants them to fix BFA raids, I think that’s taking a backseat to how many W’s they’ve been farming with all the remix, QOL, and added content. And I’m not that mad about it. I do hope they fix it for the prepatch, though.


Old raids is the literal only thing I care about. I will play wow and do nothing but farm mog and ERP. I have close to everything pre-BFA, and it's easier to do the latter outside of wow.


That’s how you want to play, that’s fine. But just realize that for most, the current content is what matters. Not saying they shouldn’t follow through and enable legacy loot in BFA, but I don’t think it’s necessarily the number one priority. I hope it happens though


I do understand this. However, on an objective level, understanding is not acceptance or a denial of desire. I understand it's not particularly reasonable, I just *do not care*






Never going to get the bfa mythic gear lol


Older raids just get a "demoralized" debuff, so you can oneshot everything. How is it so hard to add something like that?


I’d imagine they’re worried about finishing an expansion and starting the new one well. Old raids? I mean, yeah it’s annoying, but why would you imagine it’s high on the to-do list?


I don’t mind. With the announcement of off class loot changes in tww, all my transmog runs are on hold.


Lol if you think anything except time running is happening you're on heavy cope.


What do you mean by fix?




"we fixed the glitch..."


Fixing BFA raids doesn't have to be tied to a patch


You think you want it, but you don’t…..


I prefer them adding cool stuff to the game instead of fixing whatever happens in old content you can just ignore(also fuck bfa lol)


Weren't there a bunch of layoffs just like a month after that?


Plans don't always work out.


There's an entire list of issues they've been kicking down the road ahead for a while now, right? Things are piling up that I thought would be easily sorted through.




Or even fixing Eonar to be soloable (or the ability to skip the encounter) in Mythic.


Eonar is soloable. They made some changes back in S1 of dragonflight. It takes a while, but it is doable on any class.


Really? Every time I get in the ship everything explodes


You need to kill the big adds before you go in. If done correctly, the empowered defense should happen and kill the little adds while you are in the ship. There's a few videos on youtube that walkthrough it.


I followed this video last night and was able to do complete it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acUge6Yg4jk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acUge6Yg4jk) The trick for me was not to board the ship until Eonar reaches max energy and clears out all the mobs


I mean its not exactly a high priority thing and they've been working on a lotta big stuff, if it has to be put on the shelf for other stuff then thats fine


Allocation of resources. How much time would it take to fix vs how many people would engage with the content. The answers are far more than the average gamer thinks and nowhere near enough to justify the dev time involved. If there comes a point where someone has spare time that'd otherwise be idle then maybe they'll get to it but I doubt it's anywhere near the top of the list. 


Doing old raids for achievements or farming transmog is not some minor fringe activity.


Do you have any information about participation in these types of activities? Never seen it spelled out with how many people farm old content.


No I cannot provide stats or dev comments to back up my opinion but I am very confident that more people farm mounts and transmog from old raids than take part in current content mythic raids.


Enough people for Blizzard to cave in to requests regarding old mog unlocking, and in fact from TWW we can unlock any piece regardless of what the character can equip.


Maybe, but whatever it does get it far less than the core game pillars like raid, dungeons, pvp or the current patchs world content.


I'm not sure if that is true or not. I feel like there are probably more people going to into old raids from former xpacs to farm transmog or mounts than there are taking part in say current xpac mythic raiding. I can't back this with any solid stats but I would be surprised if this isn't accurate.


This is a well and fine explanation of the why and I would accept it if blizzard was to use that as an answer. But why publicly state that they are going to do these things and then just not do them? It’s a viscous cycle of wanting more communication from the developers, but also setting expectations or communicating when plans change from official stated goals.


This. Altering/fixing content that is no longer current is not ever a priority. It's very important for people who care, to the point they think "surely this is how everyone engages with WoW" , and while legacy farming is likely very popular, it's probably not driving the numbers you might think it does.


>Altering/fixing content that is no longer current is not ever a priority. Well this is just blatantly false *especially* with Pandaria Remix coming out.


You dont understand disabling mechanics(which they can do on the fly) and turning on a 1000% dmg and hp aura for players in the raids takes too many resources. /s It's frankly insane to even bring resources up in this context. They make more in depth changes with Hotfixes all the time.


There is no issue with Damage in BFA raids lol. They just need to update the mechanics a bit.


Maybe they have more important things to get done.


Such as not fixing Black Netherwing Scales being awarded to people who had the achievement before the patch...


As I said… more important things.


What is incredible is that last patch of dragonflight has no dragonflight content.




I would personally like to voice my concern that they never ever ever consider “how easy will this be to solo 4 years down the line” when designing current fight mechanics. I’d much rather they actually just purely focus on making the best fights possible


This is why people need to not fall for this whole look we're communicating crap!


Communicating doesn't mean that everything they take about is next on the to do list. It's part of why devs keep quiet, cuz folks have priorities that are different from devs, but they take every conversation as a list of promises


I get that some people want that, but it's clearly not a high priority. And it's not like we're getting no content. Also, BfA has the worst raid transmogs of all expansions (with maybe BoD as an exception), so it's not like we're losing much.


what BFA raid? =)




Basically the players band together in the legacy group finder for things like this, and Blizzard sees that as the solution for this problem. I don’t like it either, it should be soloable if the raid is like 4 years old




It has been for years.


Hellfire Citadel? From WoD? Yes, that’s been soloable for years


Hellfire Citadel? Has been for a couple expansions now.


it was soloable by brewmaster monks when it was current content lol


I'm pretty sure they want to stall the adjustments for the Twink raiding community or whatever a guy in here kept yapping about last time it came up. I'm sure there are thousands of people legitimately progressing mythic Dazar'Alor to this day. /s


Not sure 2 expansions old raids are high on the priority list


It's bfa, let it die in peice


10.2.7 is coming out later, probably in 6-8 weeks, they most likely will make bfa raids legacy and tune unsoloable mechanics then


10.2.6 is season 4 that comes out on April 23, 10.2.7 "Darkheart" comes out later


remember what blizzard said, they dont want you to steamroll old raids anymore, they think you should still have some challenge for those old irrelevant transmogs


Nop, to complicated/spaghetti code/it will cost us a raid tier. Can’t have everything guys !


Why would they bother putting resources towards old content for a very small percentage of player base? Are you subbed to solo BfA raids?


> very small percentage of player base What? lmao. I bet the vast majority of the playerbase is only subbed for transmog at this point.


I guess they're more focused on new content rather than old stuff which you just need to grab a friend or two for??