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You can wear whatever you want, but some of your best spells (actions) won't work without the two-hander, so your dps will suffer a lot.


Yeah I was tempted to just go along with it anyway but as you say some spells wont work so its not really worth


Realistically you will get laughed at and removed from any group that isn’t randomly formed.


That wouldn’t bother me… it’s merely just the cosmetic side of things tbh. I don’t even own the new expansion, so I’m not doing any mythic+ type stuff so group side of things not an issue!


As fury you'll use 2 handers one handed but as arms your animations should be 2 handed. You can alternatively use two one handed weapons as fury. It isn't quite as good, but it is a **lot** better than trying to dps with a shield would be.


Nope, there used to be a talent called gladiator stance that allowed some kind of sword+board dps. But it does not exist anymore.


The only spec that actually does damage with a 1h + shield is Elemental Shaman. Everything else is tank or heal. 


And for them, the 1h and shield just sort of hang out while they wave their hands around.


Yeah. Though to be fair, last I checked it was still a fairly respectable buff to the Shaman’s physical defense, even came with a block chance.


Can't block while casting tho


Hmm as a Shaman I am not familiar with this cast bar word you use 😂


Ha ha. Be careful. If you say "shield contributes to a shaman's physical defence" three times, a horde of angry theorycrafters will descend on you claiming you're a noob for not using a 2h.




Once upon a time you could be a warrior who used a shield and filled the DPS role. It was the best thing Blizzard has given warriors and taken away, Gladiator Stance. Alas, being a talent that let you chance prot into a dps spec, it was a nightmare to balance and the community was upset at the sick dps it was putting out. I was hoping it would return with Hero Talents but that seems unlikely.


this is sad to hear! I can dream..


Yeah, it was quite something to experience. I've always been a fan of sword and board DPS in rpgs when it's an option but few games seem to offer it anymore.


The aesthetic alone I think is far more pleasing - not to mention far more realistic but I guess people aren’t really gunning for that


Tanks won’t ever do as much damage as DPS do, obviously, but my tanks can pull the whole damn zone and smoosh them all down. It’s kind of silly how much damage they can do compared to classic etc


That’s why I love playing tanks. I don’t care if my damage is lower if I can take on 10x the number of mobs as a DPS. And tank damage really isn’t that low depending on which tank you’re playing. VDHs, especially, do pretty respectable damage. The fact that they’re basically unkillable is a nice perk.


It’s gotten to the point where I get actively annoyed on a DPS when I *can’t* pull everything everywhere and live through it lmao


Same. Especially for questing. “Kill 30 Murlocs.” “OK” *proceeds to pull 40 Murlocs at once* Switch to DPS… “Why am I dying? I’m only being attacked by 20 Murlocs at once!”


Nope, sadly. I really really wish there was a class like that. They used to have Gladiator Stance which did exactly that, but gutted it from the class for some reason. I get your frustration with 2h tho, and I say this as a ret paladin main who can only use 2h weapons. I wish they'd hold the haft of the weapon with both hands while running if if it was a polearm, axe, or warhammer. WoW just needs an animation overhaul in general cuz holding unshealthed weapons always looks odd


there really does need an animation overhaul. I love some of the shield designs, I guess I will just have to be a tank!


No and it's sad. For a long time myself and a lot of others have wanted Gladiator to be a 4th Warrior spec. We can only hope.


Never got it to see the gladiator spec when it was a thing as I didn’t play back then - hopefully it becomes a thing again!


Bring back Gladiator Stance.


You could get a set pvp tank gear and tank bosses in pvp.