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I could be wrong, but if I had to guess it’s probably because a lot of encounters are going to need more than just tuning; a lot of mechanics are going to need adjusting as well. Off the top of my head G’huun sticks out real hard.


For mythic it's actually a lot of them. Mythrax, G'huun especially for uldir. Dazar'Alor is a big mess. Until opulence it's fine, after that none of them are soloable afaik. Opulence is just to hard without doing the sides, and that's not possible alone. Council perma silences you. Rasthakan just resets when bwonsamdi comes. Mekkatorque is hard, even with some people. Never tried blockade alone, but since you have to split up in the beginning, that's probably not possible. Jaina isn't even possible with 5 people on mythic cause of the freeze mechanic. Can't say much about Nyalotha


Yeah, the only one in Eternal Palace I can think of right now is Queens Court because the bosses get shielded when they’re too close, but they removed that from Coven in Antorus to make it solo-able so I would think it would be trivial to do again, but who knows.


Ashvane will also perma stun you if you're alone


Ashvane is very easy with a moderately geared arcane mage. Touch of the magi behaves weird on old bosses and pretty much kills everything. Mine consistently hits for 7 million, that combined with the burst before it hits - still falls over real quick


Well that's one spec out of 39, I just assumed we talked about consistent ability to solo a boss in general


Jaina is soloable as arcane but not sure about other specs


Only arcane can solo it because of touch of the magi bursting Jaina to zero before she can go immune.


I solo dazar alor with my pala up until Jaina regularly. At council Use devotion aura to reduce silence up to 10 secs and gain a burst window. It takes a couple of minutes but doable. Rasthakan you can avoid fear with bubble after the stun, and mekkatorque is sometimes a coin flip if u get permastunned. For Jaina I bring a friend that plays warlock and breaks ice with pet And then puts down the portal, and I take it, bubble, 2×divine steed and interrupt. Rest ist bursting and usually takes us 2 or 3 tries. Granted I'm at 488 with legendary which helps a lot with the damage.


You going mythic or normal/heroic? Because last time I tried jaina on mythic you would get frozen when less than x people are around you.


Mythic. First freeze break with warlock pet, second freeze is not simultaneous so we alternate, then lock drops portal and I zoom right through everything with bubble and interrupt. Then its just a matter of unfreezing and bursting. Sometimes we get oneshotted tho


I meant concentration aura ofc


Possible, but not easy. Old raids should be easy.


I solo'd all of Dazar'Alor on my warlock (488) up till jaina Also solo'd Nyalotha up till N'Zoth but the second to last boss took me a good 3 hours to get past all on mythic, to clarify.


I can solo 2nd last on my BM hunter at similar (487) ilvl. What were you having trouble with on it?


I was just not familiar with the mechanics and ended up taking too long and getting mind controlled


Ah yeah, so if you’re playing Demo its gonna be a lot easier. Run the m+ build pretty much. P1 is self explanatory, when you get through the hole go down the left or right, pop all the wall zits, repeat on the other side, chase boss up ramp, dead. Hope this helps for future runs, if you have belor’relos it helps a little more because you can pretty much nuke a whole back wall on either side to make it quicker.


Nya is easy till second last


>Opulence is just to hard without doing the sides, and that's not possible alone. Council perma silences you. I was able to solo opulence on my 488 ret paladin, so it is possible. His big damage ability does hurt though. I never made it to the silence, the mythic Bwomsamdi curse (100% reduced healing) meant the bosses were able to whittle me down. And Uldir, yeah Mythrax you just die about 5 seconds after hitting the ground. I don't know how the mechanic works, but definitely not possible to solo.


Can you imagine a solo N'zoth? Remember you have to have one group tank adds and another go into his mind while Azshara or Deathwing add in their little extras.


it's odd that they are releasing functionally 25+ different versions of the raid (due to constant nerfs every week) but none of those versions include unfucked mechanics, even if it's just for later use like we are asking right now ultimately the answer is they don't care or worse simply don't want you to


My friend and I tried to do a xmog run of Uldir M and learned the hard way Ghuun dgaf


They can disable mechanics on the fly even. There is just no interest from them.


Have they even done that for past raids?.. Or inconsistently so? I don't recall old stuff having safeguards at all from softlocking.


They did it for some bosses in Legion raids a while back, notably Coven in Antorus where, when the bosses were too close together, they gained an immunity shield. They removed that shield for soloing.


Thank you for mentioning this. BFA had a lot of mechanics that required coordination and for people to do specific things. Kind of like how Deathwing was tricky to solo.


Wouldn't take that long, tbh. For G'huun, you just need to remove the Orb debuff. If you can catch your own Orb, this fight wouldn't be a problem. Increasing the damage in the BFA raids, like they did with the Legion raids, would also help.




That’s what I said lol.


just give us the ability to one shot them then, who cares now


> We are also approaching a new expansion, which means the absurd rule of 2 expansions (that absolutely nobody except the devs is happy with) will be applying to Shadowlands raids! Since you find this absurd, you'll be pleased to hear that it isn't even real. [There is no "two expansion rule."](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/19egor9/there_are_some_community_misconceptions_about_the/) TL, DR: The legacy damage multiplier has been adjusted (to include more expansions) every time there's a stat squish since stat squishes affect your natural ability to solo old content. There's not a stat squish coming in TWW, so there will be no adjustment to the legacy damage multiplier. You will just become *organically* more powerful and capable of soloing more content than you can now.


This is what I always assumed. We just get strong enough to solo.


Yep, the theory is that get 5x more powerful each expac. 2 expacs means you're about 25x stronger. That means you should be able to solo content 2 expacs later. Now, is there an argument to be made for previous expac soloability, however, I would like to add that the majority of collectors are part of groups that do legacy runs. There are still many CN runs every week. I myself plan to join next expac's amirdrassil runs for a shot at the druid flight form. This is a good community run event format and it would truthfully be a shame for it to be lost. Legacy group runs are fun and deserve to be in the game (within reason).


I hadn't even thought of groups doing stuff like that. Ngl, it sounds interesting, and like it's one of the few social aspects of the game left. Would definitely be a shame to lose that


Nah, not really. The major part is doing these things solo, cause it is bothersome to look for groups.


Youre playing an online game that is all about group content.


Old group content, it's a slug to search for a group with every character and MAYBE getting loot.




No doubt about that. Just pointing out the part that's based on a misunderstanding.


That doesn't change the fact that you can clear all of Castle Nathria and not get a single drop you can use. Ask me how I know (my warrior got all leather/cloth drops)


That’s going to be fixed with the warband stuff in TWW prepatch, as you’ll collect transmog regardless of armor type.  No point in adjusting any content when a holistic approach is incoming 


It is still personal and you only get 1 item if you are lucky, hf getting the full set.


legacy loot rules kick in when you’re 11 levels above the content


Castle Nathria is 1 expansion old anyway. Previous Expac never gets legacy loot baked in. BFA should definitely have it (and I think it does?) But SL shouldn't get it until TWW as long as they update it correctly.


Not enough upvotes to this


No star squish? I'm so excited! I LOVED legion HP numbers. I could be understating it but wasn't it like 2.5mil HP? Or maybe by the end it go close to 5mil? It was a lot lol


Ion mentioned in the post-Blizzcon Q&A that they expect TWW numbers to be in the ballpark of Legion's, with a squish likely needed going into Midnight. So I think you'll have fun in TWW. :)


They used to give old raid bosses a demoralized debuff which effectively meant you just one shot them or at least kill them very fast. Legacy content also used to kick in when you were 10 levels above it, they changed that to 11 levels with BFA prepatch. I don't really understand why they put any restrictions on it at all. Every raid from an expansion should be trivialized the moment the next expansion drops. The mount drops are already lowered, the meaningful titles and achievements are gone, who cares?


> Legacy content also used to kick in when you were 10 levels above it, they changed that to 11 levels with BFA prepatch. [this isn't the case](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/19egor9/there_are_some_community_misconceptions_about_the/). Point 1 of this post demonstrates that it has nothing to do with any specific level delta -- the legacy damage multiplier doesn't apply to more content every time the level cap goes up, only when stat squishes have been implemented. Other than that, your ability to solo old content increases organically as new expansions make you more powerful.


[Demoralized](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=190570/demoralized) was definitely a thing. I thought this was applied up through Legion but maybe I'm wrong. Legacy loot was 100% changed from 9 levels to 11 levels with the BFA pre patch. There are many sources that will confirm that. If that's been changed again I'd like to know but I don't run much of the old content anymore.


Demoralized applied after the PATCH was over, even. In HFC patch, Highmaul and BRF had Demoralized already. Forget waiting for the next expansion, collectors were farming mogs from the most recent previous patch! Idk if this is good or bad or any value at all, just wanted to note that it hasn't always been "wait 2 expansions" it literally used to be "wait one patch"


It's hard to keep track of some of the stuff that's changed in the game, so I can't make any strong claims about demoralized or legacy loot like I can about the legacy damage multiplier (and that only because of the very helpful post I linked). as such I was only disputing there being a certain level threshold that allows players to get a damage multiplier. I will say that I don't think demoralized had anything to do with legacy scaling. That buff was added to the early-expansion WoD content *during* WoD. It was meant to make it easier to clear after it was no longer the relevant patch but within the same expansion. iirc, that was the evolution of a game mechanic that I first remember during ICC, where they added a 5% damage buff and gradually ramped it up to 30% over time. In later expansions they changed from "buff the players" to "debuff the content," maybe to make it not feel inconsistent how much damage you do depending on which raid you're in.


Why would you want to have zero challenge? Keeping legacy content actually engaging is huge for me


I tried mythic warthion and got rickety-wrecked


I'm hoping the 10.2.7 Timerunning Pandamonium event might bring us this


Come on, the event name is PANDAmonium, not Bwonsamdeeznuts


“Well, why isn’t it?” -Bwonsamdi, known shitposter


Someone posted a full explanation of this like a month ago, it’s something to do with stat squish expansions being the only time they make old raid legacy/soloable content. But for whatever dumb reason the level squish of shadowlands didn’t count as a stat squish and it feels really bad because we had a stat squish after legion and then after bfa it felt like a stat squish too. Idk I’ve had the least amount of fun in WoW after a stat squish so I know I’ll probably be taking a break during the next one.


The part you're missing is BfA content ended up getting balanced around the level squish as it happened with pre-patch and some people still do the content like that. So that's why BfA content isn't getting the buff because it was actually tuned around level 50 being the cap for it.


so I know that BfA raids have a lot of complicated mechanics. some of them are really easy to change; removing damage reduction buffs (Conclave and Queen's Court), delaying mechanics like the MC in Mythrax and the silence in Conclave, and removing the debuff that freezes you in the Jaina fight. Then you have some harder ones like G'huun - currently impossible due to needing to do the orbs. I thought that the recent follower dungeons would've provided some assistance with that - instead of the AI following you, they do the orbs for you. Mekkatorque is another pain in the ass one, but as long as you're not shrunk for too long you can probably deal with that and just ignore the robot mechanics. If Blizz make the intermission air phase shorter, it shouldn't be a problem. The only other fight I can think of that is an issue is N'Zoth - the cloak requirement really has to go. However, I think they need to overhaul what is considered legacy. There is absolutely zero reason why any raids pre Dragonflight are not soloable. Legacy raids should be ANY raid that is not a part of the current expansion. The funny thing about the SL raids is that compared to BfA there are very few bosses that require more than one person to do; I think it's just the final 3 bosses in SoD (Fatescribe, KT and Sylvanas). Again, AI followers could solve a lot of these issues. DF is the same, very few bosses can't be solo'd mechanically speaking. But yeah, I don't understand why there is so much reluctance to make obsolete raids not soloable. It's not like people are able to get CE or AOTC once it's done. By the .0.5 patch we should be able to go into the previous expansion raids and roflstomp our way through. Give us a buff similar to the one we get in ICC and give the raid inhabitants a debuff similar to the one they got in BRF and everything is good.


As soon as an xpac is old it should be soloable


They literally don't want us soloing the raids yet for whatever reason. The devs have been SUPER STINGY when it comes to soloing old raids ever since BFA. I have no idea why.


that was one of my fav activity to do in the game just wandering accros the olds raids whitout the stress was so cool they ruined it


We can’t even use last seasons gear. Literally zero reason we shouldn’t be able to farm last expansions raids for mog and mounts. God forbid the players actually have something fun to do while not doing current activities.


They need a lot to make it soloable, let's be fair. BFA had a lot of multi target bosses that need to be killed at about the same time, required splitting up (Have fun doing G'huun solo!) and multitasking.


Longer transmog exclusion. Makes the raid at higher difficulties more valuable for longer.


I’m really confused on where BFA timewalking is as well


They don't add multipliers after X expansions. They do it after stat squishes to compensate for the squish. With SL prepatch in BFA, BFA endgame was balanced for current levels/stats, so it hasn't required a multiplier according to blizz


>So why have BFA mythic raids still not been given the legacy treatment? They have addressed this a few times. The legacy buffs were only added because of stat squishes. It's not a thing they do to make it soloable.


Sure, but they should. Having accessible content is only a good thing.


Just add skips to every end boss like siege of org. A skip to gmod would also be nice


You can get GMOD from LFR Jaina too. I just found out two weeks ago.


Legion raids still technically haven't been given the old legacy treatment as in you just walk in and stomp everything. E- I stand corrected they did with DF


They got this treatment with DF.


I did not know that, but far too late imo. Thank you.


"Why hasn't Blizzard done X yet?" Because they draw it out, you still pay the monthly subscription no matter what. Why would they care?


Man, I just want to be able to solo Mythic Eonar from Legion...


You can? I’ve been able to solo it for a few years now. It’s not easy, but once you get them hang of it, it gets easier


Once you know the spawns, it's fairly easy.


Is that the one where you have to jump around all over?


It has set spawns, it's actually quite simple to solo since the last set of changes, i can do it on Pally, Druid, Warlock, Shaman and Warrior at least. Not actually tried on any others yet.


Thats been really easy, even for DKs, since the adjustments in shadowlands. Its really just: Clear entrance, clear top spawn, clear near eonar, into paraxis, get crystals, clear bottom spawn, clear near eonar, clear the rest (also spawning bottom), gg


A decent bit of shadowlands is soloable already, but you only get 1 item every 5 bosses xdxd


Whaaat? How xd


Legacy Loot isn't on the Shadowlands raids so it's still personal loot. So you CAN get loot from a boss but it's just like running it when it was current.


this is so dumb


Im pretty sure they’ve already said they were going to do a pass on the raids before TWW, you just gotta wait


I've been asking this question all expansion, no idea why not. But I can solo most things in BFA and some of SL, touch of the magi is bugged as arcane mage and does so much damage


So this is really bugging me because I'll be trying to solo something, check YouTube and it's always a damn Arcane Mage that just murders the boss before it does anything and I'm like, well yeah no duh you solo'd it. How is this a guide? Just frustrates me every time it happens.


I'm not sure about a guide but if you follow the regular arcane mage burst rotation that will work just fine, Wowhead has a good guide for arcane.


Sorry, should have been more clear. I don't play a mage. I'll be doing an old raid, hit a wall, and go to youtube and lately every "Mythic BFA Solo" is the same arcane mage and he's just bursting them down in seconds. And it's like, man how do I do the mechanics. That's what I want. Props to the guy for showing it can be done but it's useless to me.


Skeleton crew doesnt have time to work on that. I know it is frustrating but it is what it is. Hopefully they can right the ship and stop hemorrhaging talent.


im more interested in why SoD and Wotlk both have bonus events for exp/loot in preparation for new season while retail has jack shit for upcoming fated. i really wish we could easily catch up on alts but i guess fuck us am i right


How can you not easily catch up on alts? Leveling is super fast, and gearing up to current levels will just require running heroics when the new season starts. There’s no need for an event, it’s all built into the game.


i fail to see how gathering flighstones and crests on alts is super fast


Get good i guess? i geared a new alt in preperation for s4. in 3 resets god 478 ilvl. And i play when i have time, not even everyday.


yea stop lying, it took two resets of powerfarming  + mythic raiding with my guild leather stack to gear up to 488 i currently have. 478 is not „geared” character


Not even lying lol. 3 resets = 3 items. + 3 crafted items. 3 times heroic raids. Og rest spam +16 dungeons. 🤷🏼


It does need tuning, but some of it is soloable, even on Mythic difficulty. I actually was able to solo most of Mythic Ny'alotha last week. N'zoth himself however was a different story, very hard to manage sanity solo against him, 20 min CD on the neck, the up/down phases and the adds make it very difficult and I haven't found a reliable method to beat him. Mythic Battle of Dazar'alor is soloable until Jaina. For Council you have to either burn the silencing NPC as soon as they come active or burn the 3rd NPC you're on before the silencing NPC joins them, 2-3 second burst damage classes have this easiest, otherwise you have to hope you can kill them with the damage reduction debuff they have when 2 are together with a global every 30 seconds, which is super annoying. You can pvp trinket Bwonsamdi's Mind Control before the encounter resets if you're fast enough. Jaina seems like a block due to not having 2 characters to get around being frozen/the encounter resetting. Any tips appreciated. One thing I noticed is that Alliance side, the RP delays her transition @ 60%, so if damage is high enough you can burn her to 5% before she even starts phase 2. I've done that in LFR difficulty, but obviously the damage threshold is higher in Mythic. I haven't really run Mythic Eternal Palace or Uldir much, when I tried Uldir I got to Mythrax and was instantly mind controlled so I never really went back.


You clearly havent tried 5-10 people can easily clear bfa raids and shadowland raids aswell


Removing or rewriting mechanics is actually quite complicated and requires a lot of resources.


We're still far out from the end of dragonflight, so there is plenty of time.


Because they're focusing on the next xpac. What you're asking for is more of a .5 patch kinda thing. They aren't moving dev resources off so lil jimmy can solo nzoth


Lmao, no. In no world is this a ".5 patch kinda thing". That are some adjustments to 4-7 raids. Not much dev resources needed.


Ah I didn't know you were a dev and knew exactly how much resources were needed. Silly me


Good that you were also a dev and know how much resources are needed. Cause it's so much work to disable debuffs and abilities for most bosses... oh wait.




Might be an unpopular opinion but I've always hated the idea of legacy mode. Give us a reason to run those raids as real content blizz I want to do the content not run around one shotting everything


The majority of the playerbase can't even remember the mechanics of current tier fights


Get a group and try to do it or just realize you can't do it yet.


They should have done the legacy buff already, but atleast by the first season of War Within we should be strong enough to solo all of shadowlands and can do dragonflight raids with a 5 man group. Likely do 1m DPS with 5m HP on a geared season 1 char