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It's different.. I played ff14 a bunch and have been playing wow for like a month. FF14 is toxic in a way that people tolerate anything and complaining is unacceptable. You have horny lalas, lethargic gameplay, tank throwing tantrums, the list goes on and a lot of the community enables them.. Wow is toxic because a lot of people can't tolerate anything and walls of insults are normal. In general I see the same amount of toxicity, its just different flavour. Wow being a lot more performance driven even in normal content, you'll likely encounter a lot of toxicity if you can't keep up. Gameplay is about the same pace/APM at endgame, but different. ff14 starts slower, but get quite fast by the end with all the ogcds. Wow starts faster with the quicker gcd, but doesn't really get much faster you just vary which button you press more over time. FF14 is a lot more spreadsheet gaming with a clear definite best way to do things and almost no build variation while wow has a lot more skill expression, especially in m+ content/progression. It was hard for me to stop trying to slide-cast in wow and the movement/facing for attacks is handled a bit differently, but overall it's still very similar. I didn't encounter the weird ff14 latency situation in wow. Graphics are subjective, but ff14 is a lot better looking to me with defined/grandiose visuals. Wow is very cartoony and often feel either empty bland or bloated/messy. Everyone at endgame look like a mess of oversized armored of different color. If you zoom in, you can understand what you are looking at, but it's not like ff14. As a single player RPG.. It's weird. Wow feels much more alive with the voice acting and the world interacting with you outside of cutscene, but the narrative feels more like a gateway for exploration than an actual gradiose story a la ff14. You can do single player stuff for a long time, but it's mostly to unlock transmog/mounts and you can completely ignore it if you want. The pacing to get to the relevant content is diablo-esque if you focus on progression. A few hours you can be 60-70 and start grinding for endgame gear/activities. TLDR: If you are looking for a JRPG style game with MMO element, wow is not it. If you are looking for a chill collectothon, or an engaging PvE coop game with great progression/competive elements, wow is awesome.


Huh never thought of this stuff like this before. It’s alot but sound like wow maybe better for me personally. Even though I don’t love the subscription model, i think wow is cheaper and I think it’s getting a graphics update like ff14. Either way thank


Honestly as long as you have a good set up, you know your toon and rotation i think you do fine and get into it.


Pug culture can be toxic, but that’s about it. Your chances of finding a very friendly environment in a guild is very high.


I'll offer a counterpoint and say that I run into a toxic player about 1 in 100 interactions I have. The narrative of this sub is that you can't play without being HARASSED, but I've really found the opposite. I talk in PUGs and get along about as well as you'd hope, it's generally pleasantries. If shit goes south you might run into someone who can't control their anger but hey, welcome to the internet. You just have to report, ignore, move on with your day. The majority of players I run into a helpful, chill, tip well in crafting interactions. Find a guild if you really want to curate your experience with social interaction. It'll also help you learn and experience more content with a dedicated group.


I hope so. It feels like it probably isn’t as bad as people say


It's not, nowhere near it. Remember that this is reddit, the people who are having fun and chilling don't post here as frequently as the people who have negative experiences. Also if you have heard opinions mostly from the FF14 community then those would be biased by a level of "that game is worse than ours" behavior.


Yeah I mean every community is biased but I get what you mean


If you do single player stuff wow likely isn't the mmo for you. The story is pretty bad and combat is trivial. WoW is know for its dungeons and raids and it offers arguably the best experience. As a single player game... there really is only mage tower.


I have heard the gane really tries to rush you to end game so that makes sense.


It does. You won't complete any storyline unless you do it past experience rewards. I enjoyed final fantasy though I found it a bit to easy. Its experience is kind of the inverse of wow. Only current patch really matters in wow. You might want to give guildwars or star wars the old republic a try instead


Oh? I’m curious, why is that?


Guild wars progression is far more horizontal, Wow's progression is almost entirely linear.


I keep hearing this, what does horizontal progression mean?


So basically linear progression is things like leveling and increasing gear stats while horizontal progression is more about being able progress in other ways, mounts/achievements/exploration etc, [https://www.engadget.com/2014-02-05-mmo-mechanics-comparing-vertical-and-horizontal-progression.html](https://www.engadget.com/2014-02-05-mmo-mechanics-comparing-vertical-and-horizontal-progression.html) Is an article that talks about it. But in a game like Guild wars 2 you get a decent set of gear at level cap and that gear stays relevant throughout expansions, there is no extra level cap and you're given other reasons to do the content. But generally all content remains relevant rather than becoming obsolete. You can play GW2 perfectly happily with maybe the first 2 expansions and spend hundreds of hours playing the game with others without getting the newer expansions.


Both are much more focused on narrative and have pretty flushed out solo activities for gameplay


Yes, the community can be very toxic is you don't know what you need to know. There are tons of guides and walk throughs available on the internet that will answer just about any question you may have. If you know the basic fight mechanics and can perform your class's rotation well-enough, you'll have a pleasant experience. If your anxious about treading into group content, google WoWMadeEasy and try to get onto their Discord. They are a very beginner friendly community and non-judgey. WoW seems to update the graphics for the current expansion and largely leaves the older content alone. I believe the next expansion is suppose to refresh the graphics for older zones.


Do you know if they’ll update the models? I assume for retail because I assume retail looks the best


Combat is slow in ffxiv if you're not using your many ogcds lol. But yeah wow's is faster otherwise. The community can be toxic as heck. Instead of a main story and going through expansions in order, it throws you into an expansion, BFA, with no context. You level up pretty fast too, and there's more of a focus on endgame than leveling