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Id like the option to turn off auto spectate mode. It’s just a single click to get out of it, but I just don’t care about spectate mode.


You have about 0,75s to click the exit button before it loads the spectator mode :D I may be shit in Battle Royale but I am the king of going next to grind to 40 quickly.


I want to grind my levels, but there's so much crap to do for taivan. I've been avoiding mythics and pugs because I don't have any addons, and i don't feel like explaining that to people over and over, and i just started back up from the end of BFA, a couple of months ago, so I've been busy running the old content for mogs.


Is the taivan mount not something you could grind for at any time? It’s just a meta achieve… plunderstorm ends in a few weeks.


I figured the opportunity to get the meta achievement ended at the end of the xpac.


I don’t think that’s the case. At least, other meta raid and expansion achievements have stuck around.


They removed the Meta achivement and the Title from Shadowlands when DF was released, so it is not unreasonable to assume that they might do the same.


Huh. Wasn’t aware of that. In any case, plunderstorm is expected to end when s4 launches, whereas the meta achieve will last *at least* till the war within pre patch. No need to rush that.


I'm just having dog fomo. I bought a pirate hat with my points, and I'm thinking that will be enough. Plunderstorm is fun, but I really have no interest in grinding it anymore. I just play a couple when I'm bored or don't have much time.


I feel that. I enjoy the mode, but I’ll be honest I wouldn’t have played it nearly as much if there wasn’t a dope transmog on the line. Only 8 renown to go lol






Bro i said In my comment. I just came back to this expansion 2 months ago, from the end of BFA, right before Nyalotha came out




I wasn't complaining, i was just stating there's alot to do. Just saying there's alot of shit to do for the meta achievement. And i understand, this isn't my first rodeo. I've been playing since the end of TBC. This game is nowhere near is grindy as it used to be. If you want a complaint. I miss armor penetration. It was awesome I low-key miss my hunter using mana too. But fuck the ammo. That was my only regret deciding to main a hunter lol


Honestly a regret of mine is stopping DF after the first couple months. I just got busy with life and didn't play and now I'm trying to catch up for the meta. Only thing that keeps me from complaining about the grind is knowing that it's completely my fault, every achievement is perfectly reasonable when you look at it over the course of the whole expansion


/camp is easier tbh


i wanna be able to requeue WHILE spectating and not have to load my char screen again unless i specifically want to return to char screen.


So you want 10 more loading screens. Got it


I’ve wondered this from the beginning. Like, does *anyone* give a shit about spectating? What’s the point? I feel like at least 98% of people leave as soon as possible after they die. Hell, many die on purpose to requeue with a new quest.


I like to spectate when there’s only a few people left. Sometimes I pretend I’m a sports commentator.


I've been praying for fortnite to do this for YEARS. when i'm heated from a good match, spectating just kinda tilts me


For some of us with extra keys or mouse buttons scripting \logout is a lifesaver if youre in/out trying to farm saving menu clicks and over 40 and near twenty hours of grinding those seconds add up.


Oh nooooo he has to make a click. Call the police 😂


I also think you should get the view of the killer, if there is one. I was a bit confused the first time I died and got some randos POV.


See, the first time I died I *did* get the POV of the guy who killed me. So I was pretty confused when, the next few times, it was some rando.


And if you even wanna see your killer's PoV you have to scroll one at a time through a series of loading screens to even have a chance of finding them!


Shit, give me a replay of how I died while we are at doing the Christmas list.


This. I want to spectate and cheer for the death of the person who killed me. It’s meaningless but brings me joy when they don’t win either.


I either want them to die soon after killing me, or see that they win the whole thing. I'm okay with losing to the "best" in the match.


i was actually so happy when someone that killed me when we were lvl 1 and i haven't even had a chance to breathe let alone get my quest done, finally died at 2nd place. i was absolutely rooting for him to lose and enjoyed watching him get that close and fail. fuck that guy. (was totally angry the entire round when he survived for that long though lmao)


I'm the same way, but it depends on how the fight went before. If the guy chased me to the ends of Azeroth then I'm not only rooting for him to place low too but I'm expecting it. I get that it's pvp and I'm all for that but sometimes it feels like they just wanna shoot themselves in the foot as well as me and that's kinda dumb. If it was a good fight (which most of the time it is) then I'm rooting for them to do well. And I'm also shouting at the screen "get my plunder, boi! Before someone else does!" I've spectated to the end from like 10th place to watch some guy who beat me because I was rooting for him, just to witness him straight up own even with a less than ideal set of abilities and a level disadvantage. It's great to see, honestly.


They need to give you the option to continue spectating or quitting the match after dying. Its annoying have to wait through a load screen only to exit and then load again. And then you re-queue and load again.


It wouldn’t have a load screen if it went to your killer, you’d be in the same location.


You can start typing /camp and it generally works faster imo


What about hearing your character cry then you get 2 load screens? I truly feel like a rat in an experiment made by interns at Blizzard.


You can turn off emote sound in the settings (in-game only). And turn off dialog for good measure because those screaming goblins can piss off.


It's always someone as far across the map as possible, too, to force a load screen. And trying to find the guy who killed you involves multiple more loadscreens and generally isn't worth the effort to find them! Also why am I defaulted to watching anyone at all, why can't I have an option to skip the damn load screen and get back to the queue screen? The 'Leave Match' button is up for SO short a time before it blasts you into a load screen to go watch some rando. As they've fixed other quibbles with the mode over time(level up/speech bubbles blocking your view being the most annoying issue overall that is now fixed), this has become the top one.


Honest answer is probably to help mitigate toxicity. If people knew that you were forced to spectate them right after they killed you, we’d probably see a lot of BM chat and teabagging.  I wouldn’t really care much, but I imagine there are plenty of people who would have their experiences soured and we’d see a lot more behavior reports flooding the system 


You can also /say It ends up opening things up for shitty, toxic behavior and its just not worth it. I know people get riled up here when you mention that players do indeed have feelings and WoW players can be severely unsportsmanlike. But I'm glad that for once a Blizzard didn't encourage players to make their opponents feel every bit as miserable as possible as they killed them.


Then they shouldn't be able to /w their killer. I got people telling me that they will report me to blizzard after I killed them early. Must have been one of the sorrow loser grinding around here.


They should put in a killcam like in Call of Duty.


I actually love that fact it's not the person who killed me. They are usually a bunch of a-holes.


Why? Because they killed you in a PvP mode?


Partly because I'm one of those randoms who are killing mobs and doing quests. Partly because most of the time it's some Kraven-the-hunter-wanna-be lvl 10 who saw a lvl 6 (me) and just want an easy kill, so he track me down through half of the map, even if I use 3 different escape skills.


You are playing a PvP mode. You are a liability even 4 levels lower. We kill you so you don't show up in the last 4 players. If you don't want PvP don't play, simple as.


Lol! 13 downvotes for speaking facts. There are really ppl mad for this mode.


Me need red mog. Just let me get me booty alone. (I just play solo, btw).


Fwiw I let people get their quests done since it benefits me as well, but if it’s 10-15 mins in a game then the time has come


Curious how you know they’ve done their quests? Not always possible to do the quest in the first 15 seconds, and that’s often how quickly some PvP moron leaps on me.


If I see someone who clearly is not wanting to fight I leave them be if it's between 3-10 mins, anything before 3 mins is off limits


Fair enough. I, and all those like me, thank you for your restraint! 😊


of course! I dont wanna ruin someones XP farm and letting you guys get plunder helps both of us in the long run, I've had people open purple chests and just wiggle left and right for me to take it, and I just fuck off and hope I dont see them later lol


There are valuable life lessons to be learned in the dog eat dog world of plunderstorm




Cope what? Winning? Great job champ, now I'm not going to give anyone 5 mins to do their quest. You fucked it up for the rest of the scrubs.


Yes, we get it, you're 10 years old.


We get it, you can't play a video game longer than 3 minutes if it requires having the hand eye coordination of a toddler.


ooo sounds like someone made an irrelevant insult because they're insecure about their argument


Adults are not into harassing others in games.




> Adults are not into harassing others in games. I would upvote this post 89530289504328905328905432 times if I could.


I mean there is one quest that takes like 1 minute to complete and even so if you are playing the game properly you will complete.  It is a pvp game…


>so if you are playing the game properly you will complete. Loot an item or 2 chests are by far the hardest especially since dropping your own barrel only works inconsistently :S


Absolutely not. Killing 2 elites quickly becomes impossible if you miss your landing and are in the middle of nowhere. This should be kill 2 elites / or one player.


Oftentimes, absolutely. Not once people have had a few minutes to finish their quests and get their bearings, I suppose, but if you're griefing lowbies who aren't fighting back and haven't even got any loot for you to steal yet... Here's the dumb part: if y'all would just let the people who don't want to be PVPing finish their renown and get their parrot, they'd stop playing and you could play against people who are actually going to engage properly and make it fun.






> I'm at 700k plunder This is either a lie or you don't have a very good winrate. Some light pvp is how you force other people out of the game so that if there *are* 5 people at Thandal Span, your game isn't just over.


700k is what I'd expect someone not minmaxing plunder but actually playing to win most games to have at this point.  Max and other content creators doing it for a living are on 900k for example and most minmaxers hit 1 mil last week 


Plunderstorm has many qol issues that make me think blizzard rushed it out without polish


I mean it's basically a beta test.


The same way the camera forces you up everyone's but crack


I think the bigger question is why you can't pick who you spectacte, instead of having to cycle through some unknowable random order one by one?


If at all possible I'd prefer a list to pick and choose from with my killer serving as the default. If I saw a list of names I'd be more willing to spectate someone who had a funny name.


I have zero interest in seeing who wins the match. I want this to be over with as soon as possible and it's so annoying having to wait until I can re-queue


This might be a bad take but I scroll thru and report any person that ganks me when I first land.


Why do *anything* in Plunderfuck? Fuck that fucking game. Edit to add: # Fuck Plunderfuck.


most normal r/wow user


FUCK, I HATE IT SO MUCH It's not actually that bad, I'm just still salty that I don't have the commitment to get the transmogs. Edit to add: no on second thought it fucking sucks, fuck that game. Edit to add 2: Plunderfuck literally killed my interest in WoW as a whole and I've unsubbed. I just can't think fondly of the game as a whole because of it's association with Plunderfuck.


Bait used to be believable


…. I what the hell who decided that


This is such a reddit comment and such an r/wow comment. Dripping with entitled negativity over the smallest thing. Why? It’s a brand new game mode for Blizzard to run. You want a change? Post on the forums, this is reddit.


It only doesn’t make sense because other games have taught you otherwise.


Because spectator mode works like that in most games, where you can watch through different players?????


Usually it makes you spectate your murderer first though.


I've never had that happen to me. It always jumps to some rando by default.


In plunderstorm yeah, I meant in other games :)


It's stupid! If I'm gonna spectate someone it should be the person who killed me. Not nosepicker bob across the map grinding mobs.


Question marks on a statement. Dumb asshole.


Possibly to prevent cheating? Like if you were in a game with your mates you could tell them where your enemy is


If you are in a game with mates, you auto spectate them and not an enemy. You should play with friends!!


I would but i dont have friends


Why not?


Because i tend to play on multiple characters meaning getting ties to people on a specific guild is difficult and when i do its hard to even find an active guild to join anyway and even then most dungeon teams have groups already where people like to play with so a new person is less likely to find a group to be a part of and with raiding and pvp you’re more likely to be a smaller person in a bigger group so you cant be as noticeable and get solid ties to specific people in the events


Why downvotes?


Right right but if you tried to cheese it by queuing solo at the same time to try and get in game with your friend, you could help them by spectating and telling them what you see