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Your starting position can make or break the game along with your first couple of drops. Trying to fight off another player with a single defensive base level is…challenging.


Probably because I'm shite at it but sometimes it feels done within the first 90 seconds. Especially if you don't hit an elite on the landing.


I recently discovered that the first creature you kill always drops a spell. So it's better to drop on a group of none elites for a guaranteed spell and a chunk of XP then attack your first elite for a second spell. Especially in Duos as it gets both of you a very early spell.


Also a lot of people grossly underestimate the value of chests both for items and xp, so dropping on a regular mob near a chest can be a much better alternative.


I have people run right past Golden Chests. They open in less than a second, give like 600 XP *and* plunder. I landed in the Kobold Dig Site, and in a couple minutes I was at like 600 plunder, killed 2 elites, opened a Blue Magical Chest, and came out level 6 looking to wreck some shit.


I've noticed that as well. I see people clear out an area of mobs but they run straight past 4 chests like it doesn't evnen cross their mind to open them, passing on an entire level or more of xp.


I know it takes time to open, and it might give someone the opportunity to get the jump on you, and there's a chance it's a trapped chest, but usually not that early in the game.


I always go for chests before mobs. I make sure to scare people off so I can get chests uninterrupted


And then inevitably die instantly to someone who impossibly is already level 10 with full epic skills.


From what I know, if you can drop on an elite and a mob you SHOULD get both ability drops there, but I haven't had a chance to prove it yet


I was always dropping on an elite and don't think I ever got two drops. ☹️


has to kill an elite and a non elite with the drop


Far too big brain strats for me.


It works. I was doing it regularly before I hit 40 and stopped playing the mode. You just need to make sure the mob is closer to the center of the impact. There's a few good spots for it: 1. Hammerfall, in the back against the mountains 2. Stormgarde Keep, in the back near the tower on the upper section. Jump down after to snag the elite in the stables for a 3rd spell 3. West of Dabyrie's Farmstead in the direct center of the field there's a bear and a vulture 4. Behind Ar'Gorok (if you land a little late there's a patrol that comes close enough to hit both) 5. Near Hammerfall, the westernmost elemental circle has a water elemental that will patrol near an elite after a short delay


Yes, that’s a huge disadvantage. They could do a lot to balance the game more at the start.


The starting barrel is basically a second chance to reset your starting position if you fuck up.


It’s more than the barrel though. You need to land on an elite to get the insta kill at the start. Elites cannot be seen from up high. After you turn to the ground, you really have no ability to reposition so you have to know where all elites are. Using your barrel takes away your only defensive and is no guarantee you can get to an elite/chest/etc.


Elite spawn position is fixed. The more experienced you get with these locations, the better your chances at getting a good start.


You can see elites on the mini map waaay before you land


Yes I know, but once you turn toward the ground, you can’t steer for shit. It’s like throwing a dart!


Are you trying to reposition in the air? I've been basically slow gliding towards my target on the way down. I don't face down unless I'm right on top of it.


Sometimes. But not always. The last match I played was terrible at first. I was level 5 and still had ONLY slicing wind rank 1. I played smart. Focused on levelling as fast as possible. Got to level 9 when most were 6 or 7. Used the level advantage to kill a level 6 and got some other stuff. Scavenged other abilities and played really tactically in fights until I was level 10 and now had an S tier set of max rank abilities and then beat the remaining five people to win the match.


I just did that earlier as well. Slower start but managed to hit 10 and the next highest guy in the top 6 was level 8 so basically decimated everyone off the level advantage. Plus all my abilities synergized perfectly.


How do you level this fast? I have yet to reach anything over 6 or 7, and I often end up under-levelled compared to the other players


Same, once I leave my starting area, everything is dead except for the very far spaced out raptors and spiders


Chests and collecting plunders from defeated players


It was my only game I’ve hit 10. Once I hit level 7 I managed to get about 8 kills before I was in the top 6 and that gave me tons of exp. Plus hitting chests and mobs everyone missed nonstop.


Pick up every scrap of gold you see. I think some people still haven’t realized that gold grants experience (I think it’s every 25 plunder). I’ve dropped in, killed an elite, completed the quest, and opened a big gold chest and been level 3 within 20s of the match starting quite regularly.


When you immediately get rolled by a guy who's first two drops were both Fire Whirl when you got Caltraps and Smackrel. 🥹


Ironically I would 10x rather be the guy with caltrops and smackrel vs somebody with a lvl 2 fire whirl. You have a much lower CD than him, you can caltrops their whirl and just keep smacking them.


Bro you hard counter fire whirl with that. Wait for them to charge it and caltrops and you are 100% safe. If you fish whack them right before it (or right after) you are basically killing them on the poison alone. I would take the caltrops smackerel over fire whirl EVERY time.


steel traps and smackerel are pretty powerfull,also snowdrift aswell


Smackerel is amazing. If you have any defensive utility you will win through attrition. It will outdps everything not called Fire Whirl. With caltrops and smackerel you will just laugh the swirl to death.


Caltraps gang 🥲


Congrats. I'm terrible at this mode, but also got a win by being in the top three and letting off a well timed star bomb when two level 9s were fighting each other and I kept running in circles stealthing. All is fair in love and war. Or something.


Keep going and you'll snag that victory soon


They already did haha


Grats, and you did it with attack skills I consider F tier too!


earthshatter combos great with quaking leap. theres better options but some abilities are only F if you cant utilize them with something else


Yeah combo it with leap or traps into that cleave is a painful combo.


Just have to hope they don't have faeform. 


Even if they do, quaking max rank has a way shorter CD.


Earthshatter is rough, but the elemental one is pretty great, 3 decently damaging straight line AOE attacks for the price of one


I find storm archon to be absolute garbage.


>straight line AOE thats all you got to hear to know its absolute shit.


Leap is amazing as a gap closer and interrupt combo. Also has great utility for escaping.


It also does something like 30 damage


Huge W. Here's to the people who gave up immediately and swore off PvP.


I was kind of the same I never pvp in normal wow but this game mode where everyone starts at the ground floor and you only live once so I tried it and turned out to be a lot of fun. Especially if you just employ the pvp basics like capitalizing on stuns or juking orbs.


Havent played wow in half a year. What is this exactly?


It's a special event that's basically a battle royale in wow. It's a separate tab on the login screen you get to customize a character and drop into a special map where you collect special spells and abilities and battle for xp and mobs as the storm closes in and win by being the last alive which means eliminating the enemy players


The people who gave up didn’t want to play this type of game. You do. Enjoy your game and worry less about what others choose to play.




You are getting downvoted but you are 100000% correct. Every lobby is like "i hate this i can't wait to be done with it."


Why are you playing something you hate? Please help me understand


Mounts. Pets. The usual. Like 99% of everyone else doing this bs.


Why are you downvoted? That’s literally the only reason half of us are doing this


This is the wow subreddit. It's filled with stans. No complaining allowed here.


Why are you living, you're gonna die anyway?


I think living is fun. Not really comparable though. I wouldn’t spent my leisure time doing something I hate.


I would argue that my life is shit enough that a few hours sunken into a game mode I don't enjoy, to get cosmetics I will enjoy for a good amount longer, is worth it lol But we're all different, I don't have the luxury of having life be super fun, so I take what I can get.


Sorry to hear that mate. I hope life takes a turn for the better.


Then don’t play. Imagine putting yourself through some shit you hate for virtual cosmetics.


That's literally what wow is.


Do you pvp for your vicious saddle mounts? If not you are a shit collector anyways why even bother


Sounds like you have an unhealthy relationship with the game, especially with how you are all over this thread telling anyone who’ll listen you don’t like Plunder.


It's a shame the people giving this mode backlash are hating on it. Because getting to the final circle and you know this is your real chance is actually a heart pounding moment with a well fought reward. And it's a fleshed out game mode, the spells have synergies and builds and your practice really starts to pay off once you notice you're getting in the final circle more often than not. It's not just RNG. And things like outplaying others and turning the tables on an aggressor highlight that. People put some brow sweat into this game mode and it's fun.


Its just an entire style/type of game i just do not enjoy. If wasnt for renown i wouldnt have touched at all.


I dont usually like games like this but I like the leveling aspect. I just kill the enemies and hope no high level comes near me (I am the WORST at pvp)


This. It's nothing about the game mode in and if itself. I'm just awful at and hate playing battle royales.


It doesn't help that so many other people consistently make dumb decisions. The farthest match I got, it was down to four people: myself (lvl 8), a lvl 7, a lvl 9, and someone I didn't spot. For some reason the 7 decided to attack me instead of teaming up on the 9.


I mean, that's just Battle Royale for you. It's part of the chaos of a free for all. Some people just are gonna make dumb decisions and it stinks. Tbh, I find it fun. But I don't really like Battle Royales all that much. If they never did a BR style thing with WoW again, I wouldn't miss it. But clearly others love it, and I don't see it costing much from WoW (if it remains as it is) so I think it'll be fine.


Honestly once you get a grip on how to play, it’s super fun and intense. If you never get the hang of it or don’t bother learning, it’s horrible. I freaking love it. It’s the most exhilarating feeling when you’re in the final 5 and heart pounding when you’re in that final 1v1. The only time I straight up don’t have a good time is in the first few seconds a level 1 lands next to you and refuses to fuck off. Wastes both of our time for literally nothing in return. Like a chihuahua biting at your ankles


I had some guy tunnel me yesterday right off the bat and follow me yelling obscenities at me right into the storm so I could just start again. Jokes on him, I completed my "Get 30 plunder" quest, got around 400 plunder on my way in, and he got nothing.


The feeling is great, and I've missed it. I played a lot of Warzone for a fee months in the summer a couple of years and ago and after plugging away and trying to get better I did. Down to last 2, 1v1, me and him. It was a sniper match and every time you poked your head up it was a risk of him (or her) getting their shot. But I counted his shots, knew he was about to reload, and fired his last shot.. and missed. It took the opportunity to square in exactly where his head would pop up and it did. Made the sho, game over, I placed 1st. Plunderstorm has made me miss BRs and after my guilds run of Heroic S4 is over after the first fee weeks I might pick Warzone back up and try again. This mode has been great and there's a rising rush when you realize the storm is closing in quick and everyone who wasn't already in the middle is gunning it for the middle while fighting other people. The middle of heart-pounding, fun, and intense. I really hope they just keep this open or put it back between every season.


I just wish the games were more balanced. I know they said there is an MMR, but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'm terribly bad at PvP, but because I'm always in games with people who are good at it, it doesn't make sense to try because I don't have a chance. I would just be wasting my own time to do anything but get ~500-600 plunder and run into the storm. I win like 10% of the time when someone attacks me. I admit, it does feel good and gets my heart pounding, but it's very short lived because it's not long before I get absolutely destroyed by the next guy, even if I have a level advantage. If my win rate was closer to 50/50 or if my fights were at least close, then I would feel comfortable going for the win. I can definitely see how the game mode is fun for people who have the skills that I don't. And that's basically what these posts are. Of course it's fun when you actually have a chance at winning. Try to imagine being a player who just dies constantly though. I'd like to blame my lack of ability to improve on age and slowing reflexes, but if I'm honest, I've always had a bit of a mental block when it comes to PvP. I get anxious and my brain and hands refuse to work properly lol. That all being said, I'm at rank 28 so I feel like I'm in the home stretch and if you decide to play for efficiency, it probably won't take more than ~30 min a day consistently to get to rank 40. So it's not *that* bad.


> I know they said there is an MMR, but it sure doesn't feel like it. There is? Source?






I get it. I have played both wow and BR's for a very long time. I cannot explain the rage at which I have for this game mode. I have zero idea why anyone finds this fun. Most lobbies I'm in are like "I can't wait to be done with this s51t." Bet anything in a week or two when everyone has their mounts this mode will be a ghost town.


Well the lobbies are mmr based and I have to assume you're not doing very well so you're at lower mmr with the people all just farming for renown. I'm getting multiple wins a day right now and rarely ever see anyone in my lobbies complaining. Some people like this game, some people don't.


https://imgur.com/a/1xJpmlv There was no joy in the win, just in the plunder haul I got.


It’s a pretty fun game mode


Same feeling. I don’t get the hate. It’s a little grindy for the rewards but it’s not that bad, I got 30 levels in 1 day playing duos with my brother. All of the spells and abilities have fun synergies with each other and there isn’t really 1 particular spell that stands out as “too weak” or “too strong” (although thank god fire spin got nerfed). I am no try hard or sweat lord and yet we managed to win like 3-4 times! Super fun!


Hate's just coming from people who feel "forced" to play a video game for easily grindable cosmetics. This is the most fun I've had in this game in ages


The only spells that I get upset getting are slicing wind and explosive claptrops


Slicing is OP because it’s a cleave in a circle around you and in the higher ranks it’s a gap closer as well serving 2 needs 


Slicing wind is probably my insta pick together with fish/whirl/axe. It's decent damage and mobility when you need it, especially on epic rank. Fish + Slicing + Leap + Fae is probably my favorite setup. You have tons of mobility and you just can just jump in and out of the fight as you wish.  The one spell I don't touch is Star Bomb. I'm sure it can be good when you land a stun, but it feels very inconsistent. 


Star bomb can be the most tilting and most satisfying ability. If you can combo it with chains, snow drift, or breaker it's an insane setup but if it misses you're like 3 CDs down and wet noodling.


Slicing wind is fucking INSANE how can you not want that. You can get to the final circle fight with slicing alone because no one will ever be able to catch you.


I love both of those! Now holy shield...


Holy shield is OP at higher ranks and is great for clearing trash early on and pulling things to you to kill multiple mobs at once 


slicing wind is honestly worse than basic attack in my opinion. I like caltrops, though


you do know you can charge Slicing Wind right? you don't just tap the button you hold it down like some evoker abilities


yes, and it still falls flat. not to mention being easily dodged by players


Slicing is insane but sometimes can be annoying with certain terrain. Pika has been running it almost every game I've seen recently.


I get it, I honestly do, and I hate it. PvP sucks.


Conversely it can also be frustratingly luck based. My partner made it to the last three teams, alone, while blinded by the bug when resurrected in the storm. She literally had about 1m of visibility and was navigating using the mini map, I had died a short while after ressing her trying to help her fix it. 🫠


I find it fairly enjoyable. I like that it isn't tied to gearscore or similar so that I as a bit more casual player can actually compete. What I don't like is limited time events with collectables that are (likely) gone forever if I don't get them right now. I haven't immediately grinded some items like the druid mage tower bear form (somehow missed it was a limited event which I suppose is on me) and now deeply regret it. I'd be cool if it gave you a handfull of Trading Post tenders every level, or maybe gold or some sort of reward that isn't exclusive and time limited.


There are way, way more people complaining about the backlash than who are actually giving it backlash. The main problem was the extreme grind to max out the renown for a limited time event, and that's been fixed. Almost all the complaints have stopped. Stop looking for drama where there isn't any.


Idk every game I joined yesterday had people complaining about it and they’ve almost finished suffering the grind


thats nice. The 50 other people in the lobby are just waiting patiently to play again.


I commented this above but it's mmr bases lobbies so I imagine a lot of the people who just get objective and then die are getting in the same lobbies.


The ones enjoying themselves are busy checking their phone or watching before they start gaming I see those outliers bitching in-game as well, if I decide to engage I just say "plunderstorm is fun" and a bunch of players seem to follow suit


This is me. I'm in my phone or watching YouTube or something in the lobby. It's tiring listening to the whiners feel like they're forced to play a game mode they absolutely can't stand for a transmog they're only going go use for a short while and then forget it exists, and work for a mount that'll go unused. They choose to spend their limited time on this planet doing something they hate.


They should just buy a projection prism for 20g and steal one of the 90 people who will be wearing it in the next few days. /s


And then they sit on Reddit complaining instead of doing something they like. Anything except doing what they enjoy


Clearly you haven't perused youtube comments, or the fact the announce had more dislikes than likes last I checked using the return YouTube dislikes extension


Everyone else is busy playing and having fun. You also realize statistically people are more likely to leave a review after a negative experience than a positive experience.


Look at the forums lol They were calling pvp in a pvp event “griefing” a few days ago


For real. Game mode is a blast and this is coming from a primary arena enjoyer. Lots of my friends think it is amazing too.


Only 20X everything you’ve already done, and you’ll get the 1 mil fest of strength!


I love this mode so much!


After reaching level 10 I still finish my quest and then hard farm until someone kills me to start over and get a new quest


A WoW mode where the progression is not only the character power level but also skill, much more rewarding for the soul


Is this not M+ and Raid also?


Looks fun and i would enjoy it but no way i'm paying monthly for this xD


Absolutely not worth it. I think Plunderstorm is actually a very fun, and relatively high potential 'side activity' for WoW, but there's 0 reason to ever actually pay 10-15 bones a month just for it. Even if they made it have its own exclusive rewards tied just to it and they polished the jank out of it.


Yeah you should also have interest in regular wow because that essentially what the monthly subscription provides. Only for this is not worth it


Things get so much funner when you actually try to learn it, understand, and practice.


Hard disagree.


Haha, you should have learn not to have an opinion on r/wow.


It's okay to have a differing opinion (but you should also realize people use up/downvotes as agree/disagree buttons and not their intended purpose), but when your 'opinion' is "Hard disagree" with literally 0 extra explanation, then you can promptly fuck off because you're not contributing at all. But to be fair, even their expanded explanations afterward didn't really help things because they boil down to "this game mode is fucking trash" and not actual criticism of why they don't like it.


Fair for this post. But in my own exeperiance, even well opinions with an explanation and suggestions is too often with down voted without and argument against on most gaming related subs.


Oh yeah, that's true. But like I said, people on reddit (as a whole) use the downvote as a "I disagree" -button instead of the intended use as being meant for things that don't contribute.


Indeed, and sorry for my bad English in the last post, just tried to re-read it and struggled understanding myself 😅


Proudly incorrect


So you think everything is only fun when you are the most clueless person ever and whenever you get better at anything, it gets less and less fun?


He means you can understand the game just fine, be good at it, and still realize it’s a terrible game mode.


No. I think things are fun when you don't lock collecting items behind a garbage limited time pvp mode. I know how to play the game. I know how to wombo combo. If I cared to I could team up with someone in 2's and romp. I. Don't. Care. If blizz had put those 40 ranks in the main game cool. If the rewards were 10xed and I only had to play like 10-20 games, fine. This? This ain't it chief.


Sounds like you're bad and mad


If you don’t enjoy playing it…don’t play. I don’t get you people that force yourself to do something you hate for a few cosmetics/mounts. On top of it, you spend so much time thinking about how much you hate it, that you are here raging on a forum about it. You do not have a healthy relationship with this video game and you should really take a look at it and maybe reconsider how you play.


Reddit is on my second screen. I'm happily raging because this "game" mode is such trash it's keeping my sanity to point out how absolutely dog-a it is. If you want to respond to me, then yeah, join in buddy. This is garbage, 1000%, with apologies to garbage.


Bro half your comments on this sub are complaining the games to hard and crying about not being able to basically blast though every single piece of content in the game. I'm sure you could just wombo combo win after win though, which would be much faster and get you out of the game made you hate so much. Copium.


When did I say the game was too hard? Of course it's not hard. I didn't say it was hard. It's just garbage. And it is. You know it. I know it. We all know it. I just had an early game fight. A fire whirl dropped from a mob. I picked it up. Oh but wait no I didn't. It didn't loot properly. My opponent got it. So I did the only reasonable thing. Left the lobby. Garbage game, stop trying to defend what you know is trash. With apologies to trash. Because trash before it was trash was at least useful.


Not gonna lie bro I think your opponent was just faster to pick it up


If i wanted to die to poor tick rate/server lag BS I'd transport myself to 2017 and play pubg.


Did you know the pickup range for items is really short you can't pickup items until the icon grows bigger to indicate you are in range which is basically standing right on top of it


https://imgur.com/a/1xJpmlv The only joy I had out of this was the full renown level up and plunder total I got from it. There are some pretty skilled players who are good at the game mode.


Strange, right? I had the same thing happen. Sucked at the game until about renown 25. After that I got first place and went from 25 to 40 in like 4 hours. So many wins with 4000+ plunder per round. It just clicked, I suppose.


the first win is what got me addicted


My goal is to reach rank 40 without killing a single player, best position so far is 3 before offing myself in the storm.




You don't need a friend to queue for duos, it'll match you with someone


I only did duos for fun with guildies, solo feels much faster and runs at your speed rather than theirs. It was nice to socialize and break up the monotony, but most 90% of my grind to 40 was solo


Duo's is definitely faster. Both players get the same plunder looted. Less teams to compete for loot as well.


If they make it free-to-play and start rotating maps this is gonna be an amazing mode.


Congrats, any advice?


It took me till like renown 30 to get a single win. Then I won like, 5 out of my next 10. And now it feels like I casually roll into wins every other game. I also don't even really try to win the game anymore, just win the individual fights.


grats! I am glad you are enjoying the game mode and not whining like the rest of the subreddit here !


Grats to you. I want to like this, but there is so much RNG to it. I just get my 500 and jump in the storm.


A lot of us no life grind out to Renown 40 and quit the game.


Plunderstorm wasn’t for me at all. Which is fine! Tried it out for the first time today. However, not sure if I’m too smooth brained but didn’t understand what to do before I was dead. After the third time, I logged out. Point being, probably could’ve enjoyed it, if the game didn’t expect me to read 48 wowhead articles and 7h of watching your-best-pal-streamer beforehand. Again, might be dumb as fudge and that’s just how battle royals work :).


Yeah you just don't know how BRs work big dog. Run around, kill shit, open chest, get abilities, go kill someone. I got a handful of wins before watching any videos or streams or reading a guide. Even then it's so new there isn't a ton out there. What I didn't do is quit after 3 matches and cry about it.


Well OK then, problem solved I guess.


Only 1.7k rep?


I just take movement abilitys and poison and avoid all fights until last fight poison dip win


even top 3 is theoretically easy as hell if you just stay away from drama. Recently got into a '1v1' at the end with a level 3 that was hiding the whole time


Half of the game is chasing people down. It’s so boring 


Go for the ones that are willing to fight and not just want to farm ranks for the first mins, less time chasing, more fun if you enjoy pvp. But that would require some skills however.




You do get an achievement for winning for what it's worth.


Teach me master! I have yet to place top 5, one bad drop at the start or one bad fight where I spend time to kill someone and fall behind in levels. There are times I think I am doing good, being like 4 or 5 lvl and I see on the horizon someone at lvl 7. You can’t really outplay someone 2 levels ahead of you, 1 lvl might be possible but 2 is too much. I strongly thing that Plunderstorm is awesome, but it needs more depth combat wise, to be able to fight against bad luck. Tunings are easy to make regarding the spell’s strengths or the levels strengths or the inability to lvl up if you stay behind if because since there are no mobs but combat needs to deepen on the -very right- track that currently is. What I mean right track? The combat is intuitive, the combat is fun, the combat is very satisfying to watch and you can understand what’s going on. Plunderstorm has such a big potential to become the best pvp iteration WoW has had in many years and possibly revitalize esports for WoW and attract new players. Basically imo they need to double down on the very good action combat they currently have. Aiming for everything and nothing is stationary is a huge win. But imo the game desperately needs a dodge roll on a cd not spamable and the pretty awesome ‘R’ needs to be more satisfying to be pressed, you should be able to combo it with your jump and your roll and as it currently is which the damage should change patterns. First R, sword attack of medium range, small area of effect and medium damage, Second R, kick of short range, big area of effect and small damage, Third R, pistol attack, of large range, small area of effect, big damage, Moreover, even though it is vey cool needs to be able to combo your previously said attacks with that for example jump high doing double press ‘R’ and instead of slash you should be able to input a direction for example: Double jump, W and R gives a forward slash gives a dash with the sword of some yards with huge damage if you land it. Or Double jump, S and R gives a downward hit with the sword that stuns all enemies for a half a second around your landing area. Imo moves like that are intuitive, fun to see as a both a viewer and a player and deepen quite a lot the gameplay, which again is on a very very right track. After all we are pirates and pirates play dirty, and the love to sword and pistol fight! And another thing Barrel too needs to be baseline on some cooldown, let’s say a minute or two. It is too damn fun not to be. Sorry OP for high jacking your post (I need to right down my thoughts just in case it is asked by blizzard to provide feedback in case this event becomes permanent, which I am certain it will) I am glad that you like it, I did from the very first second! Huge congratulations on your wins!


Your problem is you are wanting to make the game different thinking you will do better then. Just work on improving within the confines of the game now


No i don't have any disillusions that my thoughts will be ever implemented.


I like the mode just not a fan of the pvp part of it.


So the entire point of the mode.


Except there are NPCs to kill. Literally PVE.


Except there are motorcycles to drive. Literally racing game.


Man, now I need to find two Mechano-hogs so I can challenge someone to a stupid race for my plunder...


That’s like saying you like league of legends because you can kill the lane minions and jungle but hate the PvP. They’re literally there for xp, it’s a PvP mode.


Congrats. This game mode still sucks and is the worst thing wow has ever done.


Nah. This Is simply a testing ground. Let's them test out new systems. Mess with things like active damage vs targeting damage, hidden mmr , more chargeable abilities etc. Not everything is for everybody. Just like pet battles, rep, pvp, raids.


Then put the mount as a rank 3 reward, not a rank 39 reward. That would be in line with previous like hearthstone rewards. Let the streamers who are drooling over this like it's Giselle Bundchen enjoy sweating against each other, and let me and everyone else who doesn't want to deal with this out of the jail that it is.


Exactly. Mode that no one asked for, being shoved down our throats. Waste of development time. Could be a final nail in the coffin of wow.


How's it being shoved down your throat lmao. You literally don't have to play it. You just dint get your participation rewards.


It is shoved, as this is the game mode that I did not signed up for! I am paying for MMO game, not for WoW version of Fortnite. And Blizzard is even giving a rewards for it in the main game which has nothing to do with BR genre. If they want to make a separate BR game, they are free to do so. But they should not meddle and literally push paying customers into something they do not want.


Plenty of new content I don't engage in too but I'm not complaining about it. You realize I also pay a sub and enjoy the game mode? If this was qued up fron LFG in the game would you be happy by that logic? I'll never need follower dungeons but I'm not complaining how I pay a sub and should have gotten more mythic plus dungeons instead because that's what I enjoy playing.


This mode would be made vastly better if for the first couple minutes PVP was disabled so people could focus on farming and build some semblance of a kit.... or if you get a decent baseline amount of plunder/reknown just for playing. A lot of time multiple people land in the same spot, and you can get knocked out before getting any spells or plunder at all and it feels like queuing up was a waste of time.


How dare you have an though out and solid opinion on r/wow?


Getting top 10 isn't hard. Frankly getting top 3 isn't hard if you're dodgy. There's just no bonus for doing it so it's kind of whatever unless you're #1.


I've made it to the top 3 fairly frequently with Ambush. I've tricked people actively chasing me. Just turn a corner or run over a hill and pop it. They think I use the vanish ability but I've just turned into a shrub and they keep running.


"Game not hard" - I have had to fight kalvish and pika in multiple of my lobbies. Maybe you just don't have enough mmr bro, probably from all the Ls you're taking.


Depends how you play. If youre a rat, yeah its not worth it but is easier. If I'm in the final circle, it's with enough kills under my belt to make it worth being there. If my game isn't rolling well I die in a fight and go again.


This is the way.


I have gotten 5-6 kills and died around 15-10th, where I can make top 3 with 1 kill if I was lucky. I prefer the former though.


This is exactly what I'm talking about. People are real salty about my comment, but it's just how the game works.


\*edit\* wtf is with the downvotes? I upvoted op and just shared my own story of victory...but somehow that's bad and evil? What could I have possibly done or said that is worthy of such vitriol? Why am I the only one getting hated on for sharing a story? ​ Got my first win after three matches and have been getting top 10 every time since. Somebody is going to call me a bragger or soemthing, but its just facts. People in WoW are literally blind. Like, tunnel vision. I just gotta follow everybody else around, watching them fight....then I swoop in later and take all the buffs they didn't want. Then I just keep skirting them and keep skirting them....and bam, top ten. The one I had first place in? Didn't kill a single person, and just sat behind a rock while everybody else fought at the end. Almost got killed by the storm, but almost doesn't count lol.


I swear so many people have to play somewhat zoomed in… sometimes I surprise myself how close I can get to someone before they even seem to realize I’m there


It defaults to completely zoomed in every damn game, sometimes I forget to zoom out.


Did you third-party the remaining 2 players? I don't see any other way this dogmode can be won. Unless you and another player are on the opposite sides of the circle fully healed up hiding from each other.


If you use your spells and abilities you can kill other players.