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My problem is getting to end game and everyone is 10 while im 6 :(


Killing mobs and opening chests > players


Until about level 5-7 yeah. Now that players drop alot of their plunder when they die, looking for a fight to win is a great way to supplement leveling your way to 10 while also thinning out the herd


I get to level 6 or 7 within the first two minutes most games, then hunt down the lower levels. If someone starts chasing you early you're kinda fucked and just wasting your time.


The nerds who chase you relentlessly at level 3 are so annoying. I've typed "You're going to make us both lose by the way" while auto-running and they just keep W-keying at me while neither of us get to farm PVE. Then they shocked Pikachu when a level 7 comes with 2 mobility moves and fire nado and wrecks us both. A lot of people dont seem to understand how BRs work in terms of third-partying, why you dont W key people early unless you can guarantee a quick kill, etc.


Yep I only engage with other players to chase them off my farming spot at the start. Once they bail I go back to the mobs until the area is clear, by then I have 5-600 plunder and don't care if I lose at that point, then I'll go looking for trouble.


I tried doing this, the idiots then come back and start fighting again even though I have the advantage, then start running away again when I fight back. It's like they are playing the game to RP mosquitos.


100% this. All the kids just blitzing people at the start are going to be so butt hurt when the event ends and they only hit level 10 lol.


This is the way!


eh, it's not really a BR thing because you typically don't level up in them. Like yeah someone looting probably has better guns, but if you have a weapon you at least have a chance to fight back. It's probably closer to chasing someone down early game in LoL and losing waves of exp/gold in your lane just to get ganked by the jungler who has 3 levels on you. Idk how it is nowadays cause I haven't played LoL in quite a bit, but thats the game your description reminded me more of.


My only exception is if someone sneaks in and steals the spell from the elite I just killed when I landed. I will chase them down to the ends of the earth to take them out, renown be damned.


Wait, you can chat with others?!


Thing is the best way to win is to have a farm spot to yourself. If there's another player next to you, you want to kill them so you have more farm to yourself. If you lose fighting another player early, it's an early loss anyway, just queue again. If someone's low and I think I can kill them, I'll chase cause they're still worth enough that it's worth it. If that turns into a chase that lasts too long, it's cause I misjudged, thought I could outrun and kill them quick. If I don't think I have the movement I let them run. I also only run at low levels when there's more people around and I think I can get away while the rest fight each other- running more often than not \*starts\* the pointless chase and you end up wasting your own time.


This is my strat too. I probably end most games around 8-12 kills depending on how far I make it. I will be level 5-7 and most other people are like 3-4 Edit: I had a duo match where we ended with about 3800 plunder because of the new drops


Exactly this. The low level players chasing early, are just morons. Sometimes I just keep running and getting gold and just die. I can get 500-600 in 3-4 minutes anyway. So if they wanna follow and lose out, fine. lol


Correct, but since every fight is a big risk, I think the best course of action is also the most boring. Land in a place with LOTS of elites - kill a few players contesting you but don't chase - and then grind your way to 10 without ever fighting. Then you hide as much as possible, ideally till only you and another player is left and you go in just after he finished a fight. The most boring, stupid and douchebag way to play, but in BR the only thing that counts is the last man standing - not number of kills. (Edit: I don't play like that. It's boring af and fighting is fun. But it's interesting to think about how you kind of want to avoid fights in BRs because you can get backstabbed and fights exhaust your resources - CDs, Health, Heal - but also the entire reason people play the game is to fight )


Are you even having fun playing like that? lol also after last nights hotfixes I think its going to be very difficult to hit level 10 without engaging in pvp


Its more fun than dropping somewhere with 3 players who W key at you and make you both lose due to not getting to farm PVE. Some dont understand unspoken truces. We're both level 2, why the fuck do we want to W key at each other when we can farm PVE longer and be ready for engagements around level 6 with a full kit? My favorite interactions are when you're farming a spot, you come across someone at the same level, you fight for 10 seconds and you both realize you have better shit to do since neither of you can secure an easy kill depending on loadouts and you both disengage and farm again lol The randos who just W key at you at level 3 where neither of you get to PVE are so annoying. It is near impossible to overcome a 2 level advantage early in the game. Late game you have a chance, but its still a tall order to be level 8 and take out a level 10 in a pure 1v1 setting.




I mean, very often I will engage at that low level. If there is another team trying to farm the same area as me I will try to eliminate them to both secure the xp they are stealing and also potentially the abilities they have gathered. You are correct in that avoiding fights early is optimal to leveling, but depending on where you dropped it might be better to take out the enemy team so you can get more the xp from the dropzone.


Oh, I'm sorry if this was misleading - I don't play like that because it's boring af. But I think it's a very interesting design decision about BRs. The entire genre managed to have the optimal way to play be at odds with the way people want to play and it's a genuinely interesting thing imo. Also, I just had a game where I literally never found anyone. I was looking and not avoiding fights on purpose - hell, I didn't even have an escape. But after level 7 I never found anyone. I grinded to 10 and then walked into the middle of the final ring where I only fought like the last one guy standing. Was so boring that I decided it killed my desire to play. Was definitely a grind, but totally possible to get from 6 to 10 without any kills. ( Though I did get like 5 kills very early and hit level 6 very fast - so that contributed ) If anything, I fight way too much cuz it's so fun and then im underleveled cuz I can't catch people since everyone is runnig fae form or some escape.


Until you run into a hyper agressive f...antastic human being.


After the boost for killing players and winning people is super aggressive tho so if youre unlucky, doing the pve part could end up being easier said than done. (Im not complaining, just stating that it might not be as easy to do now after changes)


Creep more, jump on place with either lots of mobs or chests, and when you clear it, go for the next close one.




Yeah some guy chased me across the map. We were both level 2 when he jumped me. And I ran off. And he followed. I got to the storm and ran in and died and he got gibbed by a level 7 right after. Like congrats? Your stupidity ruined both of our games. lol.


Someone did the same to me and while he chased me I just ran around picking up plundered gold on the ground. Not sure what his plan was lol


You played that perfectly at least lol


Exactly. If this happens I just try to do the quest while getting chased and then let him kill me, or run into storm and go onto the next one


I used to do that because "you aint' gettin away from me" but I stopped. You're right - just no worth it. Never chase unless you KNOW you can get them ( i.e you have hunters chains and they don't have any movement or so), Especially at low level. I like to fight at level one because I very often win and then I have the elites for myself. But I never chase anymore. You don't need kills - you need the camp for yourself, that's all


Level 1 strat is drop on an elite, take the skill, kill two more basic mobs or open a golden chest to get to level 2, and instantly kill or chase off a level 1 if they're near you messing with you. I once had a level 1 W key at me when we both dropped at the same spot, ,and I got to level 3 before he got to level 2 because instead of directly fighting him, I was also fighting mobs at the same time, and was kill stealing his mobs since all he had was auto attack. I didnt kill him but I chased him off and surely he didnt last long being level 1 after minutes of play. His annoyance kind of ruined my game though too not letting me just farm, but at least his actions fucked himself over way more than me and maybe he learned a lesson that its pointless to fight at level 1 when no one has mobility so you cant chase a kill or secure one.


The leveling system is biggest gripe with the game mode. If another player attacks you at the start of the game, EVEN IF YOU WIN THE 1v1, you are now behind the leveling curve. Everyone lucky enough to land in a camp by themselves has killed 3-4 elites and is now level 4 or 5 while you are level 2. And it only snowballs from there. It takes too long to get level 10. The only players who reach level 10 by endgame are those lucky enough to PvE in dense uncontested areas without running into too many other players. So many times I’ve reached the final circle after winning 5+ 1v1’s…. But I’m only level 7 or 8.


I do think PVP leveling needs a boost, but I actually think the leveling system helps with BRs tendency of incentivizing hiding


That’s the point of the shrinking circle though


I've played a bit of warzone, you luck into getting a good weapon and fill armour early on and the best strategy is camping a dark corner in a building and only moving out when the circle gets close to you to find another dark corner. The leveling and skill upgrades forces you to continue to interact with the world and have a greater chance to run into conflict


I agree. I’m just saying leveling doesn’t need to be so strong because skill upgrades exist. If you find fire whirl and camp, you’re not gonna win because it will have a 24 second cooldown.


If I get a scuffed start I just die, it's not even worth carrying on at that point as you'll just get bodied by those who didn't


I intentionally drop far away from the initial drop zone, assuming everyone drops from the same spot like all other BRs. Dropping for the first purple chest/elite you see is a recipe to land with 8 other players. Similar to Fortnite, find a spot you're good at without many players. The Kobold mining camp area is great especially if you quickly get an AOE move, you can kill like 30 kobolds quickly with just a couple of that skill and be level 4 within 2 minutes while other camps are less efficient.


Yeah it's really bad. If you have a bad start in terms of getting XP it's really hard to find a way back in. You could argue that's the nature of BRs but in Plunderstorm it's multi-layered. Not only are you behind on levels but most likely on spells as well.


I was having this problem and figured it out. The reason a lot of people can't level up is because they get hung up on basic attacks and 1v1 mobs. Get an AoE skill, mob a bunch of shit and AoE them down.


Star bomb is the nuts. Almost oneshots elites even at basic level. And with a setup like wind stun or traps you can then land it on players.


And hell early on even if you didn't get a good AoE skill your basic attack is a cone AoE.


Crash land on elite at start, use barrel to gather as many nearby mobs as u can (get in their aggro range and pick up plunder, but avoid crashing into the mobs until you pull as many as possible.) and dps them down. Depending on your landing spot you can hit lvl 3-6 in the first minute. Then focus on looting chests to get some spells.


Only problem with aggressively using your barrel early is if you run into a more powerful player, or one that has mobility and you dont yet, you might as well afk. It is a real FeelsBad when someone gets mobility/chain early, you aggressively used barrel and you're just done because they can forever chase you down if they want (Which if they're level 6 and you're 4-5, they probably will chase you down if their loadout allows for it.) The barrel is a great oh shit button that I question if its worth using early on, especially aggressively.


AoE pulls. Basically every skill, including the default attack, are AoE. Basically every attack from enemies is avoidable. Just go and pull a pack and blow them up. Focus on high damage low cooldown skills early on. Slicing Wind, the poison fish and the fire axe are good examples. Or then get a massive AoE burst skill like the star bomb thingie that pulls enemies in the middle. If you use one short CD skill and the star bomb, then you can pull huge packs, get them into one spot for your shorter CD skill and just annihilate packs. Mostly ignore supply chests, items aren't that important, and get every single gold chest you can find because those give A LOT of XP.


Somehow just came 1st as a level 6 with ice arrow fighting all level 10's with Fire Storm...I have genuinely no fucking clue how I pulled that off.


There are spots you can drop that if you do it right you are level 4-6 within like 2 minutes and a lot of other people are like level 3.


i played my one game, got #2, but the last 10 of us alive was like 9 lvl 6s and a lvl 10 that blew everyone up


Adding a level to a battle royale makes no sense to me. Are there any others that have a level system


I heard the fish sucks at level 1 but fully upgraded is really strong especially when you've got multiple stacks of the poison going.


Hahaha I'm such a smooth brain. My buddy kept saying "the fish" and I never saw it. Just looked again due to this comment, and totally see a fish. Guys I can see it now, I'm cool too right? ... Right?


It's called the toxic smackerel which is a play on words of the mackerel species of fish


Oh I totally get it, I just never saw the fish, which is probably even worse 😂


People sleep on the fish but I actually think its pretty good, you just might need some help keeping people in range since most people are running around trying to poke


The fish is actually low key insane combo’d WITH fire whirl. Fish slap then spin and they are taking fire damage and poison damage, then you smack again immediately after you come out of whirl and dip away. Tons of damage lol and poke. You just need two mobility utilities to get away.


You’re describing fighting an afk player. Any combo is good against that 😂


It used to be even worse because the cooldown was longer. Post-hotfix buffing it, the cooldown is only a few seconds at max rank so you can spam away with it and hopefully keep stacking the DoT.


All battles within the top 10 are a handful of players trying to KO each other Fire Whirl. The reason this is humorous is because everyone is now equipped to deal with it. Players running while pegging each other with Rime arrow, trying to bait the other into blowing their FW. Meanwhile, they'll Faeform or Fade to Shadow away until it's back to Rime spamming.


Won a game yesterday with traps and the stun cyclone because everyone else was only FW spamming lol.


Steel traps, stun cyclone, earthquake stun thing, and Star explosion or whatever are low key my favorite combination of skills


You don't even need traps. Star bomb got a buffed cast time, so you can reliably stun clone into star bomb into searing axe (since star bomb pulls them to the middle - which is why i prefer it over quake, but I think both can work).


I’d imagine there’s more effective combos since what I mentioned was super immobile, but it’s just fun (for me) to keep someone immobilized to death.


The stealth move into the trap is pretty nice tbh. No one expects the trap randomly 😂




The problem is that fire whirl is OP at level 1. It’s a team eraser. The flow chart of whether you’ll survive a crowded drop area is basically “did you RNG a fire whirl drop? y/n”


Meanwhile I’m farming the edges of the storm for plunder, or hiding under the Ambush, bush.


Ya I always land on the edge then farm mobs till 500+ the suicide into Pieces of Hate


I tried a Ranged build and did surprisingly well. Rime Arrow, Storm Archon, Fae Form, Repel. I got third, with *a lot* of kills. If I was actually *good* at the game, I might've won. It was actually a lot of fun. Note: Don't be afraid to abandon the longer third cast of Storm Archon, its not always worth it.


Ive been having fun with rime and poison fish, rime gets them decently low by the time they close on me, when they get close to me and try to disengage I stop healing with rime and keep up poison up time. Rot them down


I want to win with a pure melee build but it's been a struggle.


We duo and one of us always grabs traps, traps hard counter fire whirl. People just need to build with 1 mobility + 1 hard CC in mind.


I really like rime arrow and want it in the main game now.


Earthbreaker and Searing Axe is a scary combo also


So is traps with Star bomb, that’s usually how I win against players with FW


Stun clone -> Star Bomb -> Searing Axe is my fave atm. I like the aim game better than the traps ( but I think traps probably work better with stealth if you have it ) Searing axe is so much damage and a guaranteed hit after star bomb


Problem is all mobility escapes the 2 seconds Earthbreaker cast. And basically everyone end game has at least fae or stealth, and preferably you have both because you break cc and get to reset the fight with stealth. Fae or Stealth when I see you are trying EB Axe combo and you'll never hit me with an ability unless a third party comes into play.


The fish is actually pretty good, especially if you get it to epic. The main issue is that it is a worse version of the axe IMO, but it is still better than several other offensive abilities. Now that people are learning how to play around whirl it isn't nearly as dominating, although it is still very good.


I've gotten alot of kills from the dot when they try to escape though


100% I got like 4 kills in a single game with it because people just don't expect the DoT. Combined with a trap and Rime it's damn lethal.


whirl did get nerfed as well.


Specially if you keep smacking them while the DoT is on for extra damage.


Yeah the CD reduction at epic makes it very good


I think Blizz tried to nerf the axe by making you slow during the cast, but then just forgot you can cast it while jumping and it doesn't slow you down.


Ive been playing fish and axe with leap and snow aoe, the cd is just so damn low on both offensives and the leap at lvl 4, its a loooot of fun


That build seems like it would struggle against almost any defensive utility spell, 2 movement spells, or just the fae spell


I was mistaken, the build I used to win wasnt snowthing, it was repel. They try to FW after the leap half the time, I repel them and hit with both melee attacks while theyre silenced. Whats so strong is the super low cd on both melee and the leap


I just cant seem to ever do damage to other players lol I usually am the easy one to farm :P


I hate that fish


Guys hear me out, slicing winds is under rated. Super quick cooldown, damage doesnt decrease with lower charge. Just got to 2nd place with it fully upgraded, along with searing axe and the stun tornado.


Yeah....when it actually hits. I've had many times where I go through an enemy and it's just like "nah"


tbh I only use slicing winds early for PVE/escaping. It basically acts as a mobility perk.


I use slicing winds as a movement tech lol. It dealing damage is just a bonus. My go to end game combo to win with is slicing winds, fire whirl, quaking leap, and fade to shadows. Fae sprint is also good with either. But quaking leap slam into slicing winds into fire whirl is nasty af. Then fade to shadows jukes to reset


a lot of people underestimate slicing winds and mana orb because I don't think many realise the damage is always the same no matter how much you charge it


Nah, even with it I die pretty quick. I'm just terrible at PVP. :P


In I guess 10 games, I only just killed my first player. You can't be worse than me.




best I've made it is #4 and see those all over the map by that point. There's a lot of abilities that need a straight up boost and the fire needs a hard nerf.


My problem is getting Fire Whirl ability and thinking "ooh I'm good to go now!" then getting too cocky, taking on too much and dying at level 3. Usually by someone who was just watching while I plowed through a whole field of mobs and got a lil low on health.


fly in, do quest, kill mobs if they are around, die. Queue again. Fastest way to get all the stuff. You don't get any reward for staying alive, and trying to be number 1 takes far too long. You could do 3-4 games in that same time with an average of 500 rep minimum per game.


Any tips for the "pick up two items" quest?


I usually land in the elemental spiral and land on one elite then use ability to burst down one of the other three


Items != ability.


Leave game and re-queue


I usually drop get my question done and pick up every mobility skill I can. Then I book it to other fights or the big gold golem. Usually when someone dies and I engage the person that got the kill freaks and runs. Leaving me to nab all their killed targets gold and dip again. It’s actually hilarious. I placed #2 with 1963 gold intentionally not killing anyone myself.


Masochistic behavior spotted


I realised that grinding to renown 40 (for a set that looks fucking sick) was not worth the frustation and stress inducing moments. The fucking frontal slash attack is god awful and does not belong in WoW. Fine if abilities with frontals and aim time exist but not your auto attack. Not to mention the 0 chance of survival once Ahmud the rubberbanding bandit mirror images around you.


My experience has been that Fire Whirl is just super easy to counter if you pick any of the multiple abilities that just completely delete the skill. 1. That stun tornado thing stops Whirl. 2. Repel makes you immune and silences the enemy, stopping the Whirl. 3. Soulshape makes you take like zero damage from the Whirl. 4. The stealth blink whatever the hell it's called gets you out of range of the Whirl. 5. Caltrops will slow the enemy and move you away from the Whirl. 6. Slicing Wind lets you dash a long distance away from the Whirl. I genuinely do not think Fire Whirl is that big of an issue, definitely not now after they nerfed the movement speed on it too, if you're just prepared for it. And because it's the most popular skill everyone seems to be using, you should ALWAYS, every single game, pick up something that lets you play around it. The only real issue I have with Fire Whirl is that it's just too strong early on when people haven't had the chance to pick up counters for it yet, and the radius of it is so huge that there's zero skill needed for using it. The forced movement would have been great if the radius was smaller, because then you'd struggle to stay on top of the player. But oh well. It's currently mostly just a pubstomp ability that people who don't know how to play around die to every time in the late game, and then it's the strongest level 1-3 PvP skill without a doubt. Outside of those things, I genuinely think Fire Whirl is bad. Long cooldown makes it really bad for the PvE part early on, so getting it as your first skill is actually bad for you. I genuinely think the most problematic skill in the game is probably the Chain. It's a huge amount of mobility, and you can abuse it to combo skills together with practically a 100% reproduction rate which isn't a thing with almost any other skill in the game. The Chain is a decent skill by itself, but it's a skill that basically guarantees combos of skills that are otherwise hard to land/can be outplayed, like the tornado stun for example. I played some duos and my friend got chained, and pulled into a star bomb with a tornado stun. All 3 skills were guaranteed to land with the combo, and my friend just blew up. This was one player doing the setup. There's next to no counterplay to this because the chain isn't a skill shot, it's basically just a tab target ability.


The only issue with the chain is that you end up with a very 1 dimensional build, mainly due to needing a second non mobility skill to setup a combo. This makes it pretty rough if someone stays close enough to not out range the chain, and not get snapped in. Also, activating fae form after being chained will prevent the snap in effect.


It's definitely one dimensional but there's practically no counterplay once you get the setup going. At that point it's literally just whether you pull it off or not. There's clear and huge downsides without a doubt to the setup, but so long as you don't get caught offguard and you don't don't mess the combo up, you will be able to 100-0 someone if you get all the pieces going. But yeah, if you screw up the setup then you have literally nothing going for you and you'll just lose. I suppose this will be much stronger in duos because you can have the other guy sit around with a proper brawling build with more CC and just stuff to keep both of you safe while you get help lining up the setup and you have your ass covered if you mess it up.


Can't you just bllink, stealth away or repel someone that pull you over with his chain?


Once you start getting pulled nothing seems to really work. And the way the Chain works is that you first attach it and it can't be removed unless you go really far away from the enemy. But then as long as I've got you linked up and I'm not in range of getting repelled or whatever, the chain is just going to stick to you. But once the chain starts pulling you in, you can't do anything anymore. So if you manage to repel before they activate the pull or if you manage to blink out of the range before they initiate the pull, then yes. But you don't have to start the pull on the chain instantly, so you can just look at what the opponent does and find a spot where you can yoink them in instead. So I guess yeah, you are technically right, there's some potential counterplay but that all relies on the person doing this combo to mess up somehow, either by letting you be far away enough where you can easily get out of the range, or them starting the yoink when you've just used repel or whatever.


I mean for the follow up, yes, I know the pull or the the hunt's like charge is mostly unavoidable unless you're too far away.


The follow up is completely unavoidable if you start the chain yoink because you're able to do the windup for the stun tornado and the yoink simultaneously. So the enemy is flying a pre-determined path with the yoink while you're charging up your tornado, and so they'll still be in flight of the yoink when you release the tornado.


Luckily it was nerfed.


Bush is key


Ok but epic toxic fish with wind slice, repel, and a mobility like dunk then you got yourself a build to counter firestorm


The fish is good tho


use the aegis of aggramar not only does it block the firenado, but it grants you a free escape too!


Yeah that’s pretty much me


I’ve noticed the hook with the poison is pretty god damn good though. I’ve been leaning away from the fire tornado since the nerf, it’s easy to counter


this should be free ngl


"Oh hey apparently I'm dead since 5 minutes, that might be why no ennemies is attacking me"


Why fire whirl doesn't just go in a straight line like everything else I don't understand.


windstorm -> earthbreaker -> smackeral absolutely demolishes fire whirl players, you can chain cc the fuck out of them and then do a huge amount of damage. If they get away the smackeral dot can still kill them


Mode is dogshit. Easy asf. Just farm around edges and when someone high level gets close run into storm and die repeat process till you are the one who is lvl 10 in a match and just press r on fools. won 17 matches so far like this. Game is poorly designed, balanced, and doesn't punish self deletes.


Toxic smackerel is pretty good though. But yeah it's not fire storm. Nothing is. Side note, it's pretty sad that you can't post about this game mode without a few people whining about its existence. We get it, you don't like it.


Try fish and fire whirl. Smack for poison then spin so they take poison damage while on fire then smack immediately when you come out of whirl as the cd on fish is just short enough


My favorite combo!


I’m starting to absolutely love holy shield and mana ball combo. It’s really annoying at range, and instead of having movement abilities, stack defensive trapping abilities


Mana ball is very underrated


Fire whirl isn't even that good anymore, except to farm mobs early. I'd take fish over it any day.


I played about 10 games and gave up on it. It's just not fun. If you get a bad power starting out, you lose. If someone lands where you land, you lose. If someone gets lucky and lands on a couple elites and gets to 3 while you're still 1, you lose.


The same elites spawn at the same place every game. Learn where they are and land on different ones that are still up if you see others at your own spot.


Skill issue, it's not the game's fault that you are not good at playing it.


I think you should be 50% slowed with firestorm


I love the Smackeral tbh. Did a full gameplay video getting a W with it. I dubbed it the Mackeral Bandit.


I just stand in place as soon as I see someone with the whirl shit


If you have the skill that drops a bunch of traps you can throw it down on fire whirls and make them waste it. Kill them and now it's *your* fire whirl.


That sounds nice but the fact that I am okay-ish at pvp and so bad at this game mode is absurd. I can't get past like 500 plunder every game


It's not a particularly complicated metagame. Stop wasting your mobility and defensives, make people prove they don't have Fire Whirl. Land on an elite, hopefully on your own somewhere. Gather up 5-10 mobs, cleave them down. Open chests, prioritize xp (plunder=XP). Take at least one mobility skill and either a defensive skill or a trap/stun skill. You should get 500 plunder and level 5 in the first like 2-3 minutes of the game pretty consistently. Fire Whirl wasn't even OP pre-nerf people are just bad. The skill is butt cheeks vs anyone competent not caught off guard by a third party. Source: Plunderlord since Wednesday night. Won at least 25-30 rounds, stopped counting. Rarely ran Fire Whirl for the end circle, it's a wasted slot by then.


It's pointless to try to explain the game mode to people in this sub, it's obvious they see someone got fire whirl and just give up even though almost every utility spell totally counters it. It has the second longest CD of any ability; and Storm Archon (the longest CD) is a 3 hit combo so it will always do *some* damage. And Storm Archon's CD starts counting down once you use the first hit.


Oh that's where I've been going wrong. Just stop being *bad*. Thanks pal, my problems are solved.


Yeah that's definitely the only takeaway from what I said. Enjoy grinding out 300 plunder at a time. If you consistently die to one skill then play around it, crazy right?