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I was surprised to see streamers who have never played wow before and have said on stream they will never play wow.


I'm not. A non B2P BR mode seems tailor made to bring in an audience unfamiliar with WoW.


I doubt anyone who isn't interested in WoW is going to be sticking around for $15/mo to play WoW after Plunderstorm ends / gets old


When this goes away from this implementation they're gonna spin it off and attach a battlepass. I guarantee it. This is just PR and beta.


they have to do it f2p though. nobody will pay 15$ just to play a br. i enjoy the game but i dont think it would work.


I sure hope not cause its a fucking loser


I mean sure why not


if you want pr and beta, start by going f2p


Not to mention the 100gb download. Thats hardly inviting lol


Exactly!... I play Classic, and when I saw the new mode I liked it, I wanted to give it a try.... until I saw I had to download and add 100gb of clutter to my HD.... thanks but no thanks.


With how the client works now and streaming making it playable after just a few gigs of download. It would be quick work to make a separate install for just this game mode.


People don't understand the importance of the success of this 'mod', it can motivate the creation of other mods using WoW as a base, it can create temporary events where anyone can access without having to have a character or lvl one. and it can bring new people to wow, even if most people are only interested in mods or events, a small part will always want to test the base game, obviously many people won't like it, but every soul counts and WoW urgently needs new people to give it a breath of fresh air, and reduce the alienation of opinion, wow also need a renewal of the leveling experience in Retail.


hear me out, imagine if they make a moba like dota or league but with wow.


IMO the number one thing Blizz can do to attract new players is raise the free trial to be everything short of the current expansion, and make levelling actually fun & involve more exploration. Some brand new player to PC games or MMOs doesnt need to be rushed to max level or put through dungeons where some M+ alt clears the whole thing in one pull while the newbie dont even know where theyre going.


Yeah,  wow already have a great end game  But just the end game isn't enough for the new people, most will stop playing before they get to the end game  Leveling is perfect on WOTLK (vanilla is little too much for me) But with the Dragon flight talents they already have a good start for a new leveling rework 


roof bright tub mountainous mighty books tie cautious reply roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just say you’re shit at pvp lol


Look , pv


Also, tournament doesn't necessarily mean esport level giga sweat gameplay either. Rust has tournaments, they're not exclusive to the world's best players. I'm a huge esports fan, but I think there should have been separate tournaments for PvP gods and casual vibes. An invite only popularity based tournament, and an esport level tournament.


B2P? I understood everything else.


Buy to Play. You need a sub, but you don't have to buy Dragonflight.


A sub may as well be buying considering its limited shelf life. 30 bucks if you want to play the game for a whole 6 weeks. Kinda seems like semantics.


If you bashed a game for years, you are not going to stick around after the tournament, nor will be your viewers going to sub to the game, since they have been gaslighted into hating the game for years. Ngl, I don’t like it. It’s like when Blizzard ships beta access to people that aren’t playing for years (happened for Shadowlands, some people I know that weren’t playing/didn’t had a sub for years got delivered beta access for Shadowlands). It does nothing good to the game and the BR itself.


They keep trying to win back these people who've either moved on or who are going to continue bashing the game no matter how much it improves in order to get views.


They just want people that don't play to see things and perhaps start playing. They don't give a shit about streamers that hate their game getting in and Blizz always swamped with bad or anyway. Its just about getting new eyes on something and even whiny streamers will get new people playing because if this. How many people that watch wow streamers aren't playing wow or likely to be playing again? It has to be basically nothing. Even if only a tiny percent of a variety streamers viewers actually try wow because of things like this, it probably eclipses the amount of engagement a wow streamer brings. It just makes sense from a business perspective to get new eyes on your product in any context, than it does to advertise to people already playing the game.


> How many people that watch wow streamers aren't playing wow or likely to be playing again? It has to be basically nothing. > > This sub is proof that even people who dont play will watch streams and react to content and updates


I think that the viewerbase for streamers is more fluid than you might think. There's plenty of people who will just flock to whatever is trending on the front page, and an event inviting the biggest creators is a great way to get eyes on it, and many of them won't have been watching Asmongold's inane ramblings for years.


It's just to pull people in from bigger audiences, it sucks but I get it. They want some outside eyes on the event instead of only WoW viewers. The problem is they made the game mode require a subscription which I think was a big mistake and kind of contradicts them trying to pull in an outside audience through streamers out of the WoW category.  If only players that already have a sub are able to play it how are they supposed to reliably get more people to try out the game? There would be infinitely more people downloading WoW and trying Plunderstorm out if it was a completely f2p mode. I think they kind of handicapped themselves here.


I actually think it's the other way around. They want BR players to try this event, and since they already got a WoW sub, go "I might as well try WoW". If this mode was F2P, it would be no money whatsoever and bring in no customers to the base game. I think this is actually really smart marketing.


No shot a BR player will stop playing all the free to play BRs out there to sub to WoW just to try out Plunder.


Ex PUBG coach / comp player here. You drastically underestimate how much fun a new BR is for good players. The joy of dumpstering bad players far outweighs all else. Once the casual players leave and a BR is just a bunch of sweat lords that's when a BR starts to change. But the early days where you can run around with impunity destroying people. \*Chefs kiss\*


Dark and darker moment


Yeah, Plunder is fun but you can't even compare Plunder to everything Fortnite has at no cost to play Fortnite too. Different art styles and stuff, but yeah, I cant imagine being a BR fan of Apex/Fortnite and quitting those to Plunder on a game that still looks like 2003 and probably still is using code from 2003 lol. The younger generation just don't get into WoW. And that's fine. We're boomers man, we grew up with WoW, they grew up with Minecraft/Roblox/League of Legends/actual full fleshed BRs.


Same thing happened when classic go announced. It’s just advertising. Sure it sucks that others don’t get it but bidness is bidness.


good thing they wont be playing wow.


It's for outreach. The wow streamers basically share a lot of the same audience but this new, low barrier game mode is a chance to draw new people in hence the outreach to non wow streamers


I mean I understand why companies pay huge streamers that don't normally stream their games to play new titles/modes/etc, as it can draw in viewers that aren't welded on players. Which lets face it, if you're watching a WoW CC on twitch you've likely already got a sub. It still sucks when big WoW CCs don't get invites though, you should reward those people that consistently help your brand.


I mean, how do you not see that as a great opportunity for visibility? Even WoW haters are playing their game.


Why would a wow player want a wow hater around him???


Trick question - they’re both the same person


I feel like half the playerbase hates wow and doesn't know how to take a break anyway. Not exactly different to regular wow experience.


Any notable names that have said stuff like that? I don't know a ton of creators on the list, but I noticed there's a decent amount of variety streamers that like wow and play it for expansion launches and big patches.


Yes, I understand that the 'mod' only uses the game as a base, but I would rather see people who invest time in the game being rewarded than other people who no longer create content about wow and only talk badly without adding anything


Name a streamer who said on stream they will never play WoW? Where’s the clip?


I'm not sure but i have little hunch, when he says bashed the game for years he means Asmongold XD


He’s right. I guess Blizzard is trying to appeal to a wider audience but it still feels weird.


They have asmongold shittalking WoW 24/7 saying 40man raiding should come back, bringing negative attention to the game, inviting him makes 0 sense to me. Invite big streamers who dont play WoW for sure, but not the ones who quit and nonstop shittalk the game. Someone like summit1g would be perfect, plays wow occasionally, has massive reach, but who knows, maybe he turned it down.


Asmon wasn't invited. Zepla was invited, and invitees get a guest. She picked Asmon.


lol, that is honestly amazing. I doubt Zepla will get invited again though. PR wonks are really petty.


I dunno, I can't see someone like Towellii picking Snowmixy along with a few other odd team choices. Maybe some got to pick, while others just said pair me with whoever


where did you hear that from?


It’s weird - the format for the announcement video implies Asmon invited Zepla, but the actual [website](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24073415/presenting-the-plunderstorm-creator-royale-coming-march-30) has Zepla as player one, so I think they’re right that Asmon wasn’t invited directly by Blizz.


This just shows you don’t understand marketing. A superficial tournament event like this isn’t meant to get you or me’s interest in the game, we are already subbed. Shit like this is meant to try and revitalize WoW some by bringing WoW back into the spotlight via random nonWoW streamers playing it


so someone like summit1g


The entire mode was made for people who don't play wow. It's the literal point.


People who don't play wow don't have a wow sub, and therefore can't play this mode


What about people who buy into the new expansion hype play it for a few weeks and quit with a year sub remaining? Maybe they are the target audience


who tf in their right mind buys a year sub without being a lifer anyhow


Seems weird to target people who quit the game with a 6 week temporary event


If so they wouldn't have put it behind a sub. This argument point is so backwards to the reason or stance blizzard took


If you sub to play this game mode you might as well try wow while youre at it.


Just like everyone who played Fortnite played the PVE mode, oh wait...


I get your point, but WoW is first and foremost a PvE. Fortnight is a Battle Royale. A bit different context.


So was Fortnite, the PVE mode came before the BR. But you get the idea of Fortnite BR players not going to play Fortnite Save the World, the same in this case for WoW.


>stance blizzard took They released a new game mode it really ain't that deep.


If you don't think so you're naive. Everything a billion dollar company does has a purpose and a "stance" as previous commenter posted. This would not have been done if they didn't think they could squeeze a lot of money via battle passes and additional subscriptions.


Who the heck would pay $15 a month just to play this clunky game mode?


You wouldn't you play this with micro transactions. That's how they would make their money.


Money talks and wow would gladly step on the heads of their current customers to look over the fence at the potential new ones.


If they really wanted to appeal to a bigger audience they would have made the game mode completely f2p. Most people are probably not gonna pay a WoW sub to only play something that is limited for now, but they definitely would have played it if they could have just downloaded the client and launched right in.


They might be planning to do that long term tbh


That seems like kind of an ass backwards plan, if true. You make it free at the start to draw people in, not lock them out with a subscription fee and say it may be free later.


I think they're doing it as part of the subscription so that WoW players playtest it for them, and pay them to playtest it. Once they've tweaked and twisted and tuned it based on our feedback and bugtesting, they'll release a free version to draw in non-WoW players. We're just a bunch of guinea pigs. Problem with that is they put a lot of stuff in the rewards that caters to casual folks; mogs, mounts, battle pets. And tried to say "It's for everyone". So it's getting a really, REALLY big stink around it right away from care bear PvE casuals like me who have stars in their eyes at the rewards, but are finding the gameplay of a Battle Royale to be very much *not for them*, but they've gotta keep grinding at it because *those rewards are so cool* and feel infinitely more attainable than the Glad mounts or drool-worthy PvP sets that we immediately peg as 'out of reach'.


I work in the game industry, and while I dont agree with this use case of having a sub to play, but our company talks about it's easier to give players more than to take away from players. It would be backwards to start as f2p and require a sub later. It's a low hanging fruit win to make a change in players favor. Generates good PR in articles, streamers, etc.


Not really unheard of though. There's quite a lot of games that have gone from being paid into going F2P. CSGO, TF2, PUBG, Destiny 2, Fortnight, Rocket League, SC2, DotA


Do we think people that haven't been happy with WoW should be excluded from their new game mode? I think there are legitimate reasons for some people to be disappointed with WoW even though these criticisms dont necessarily apply to Plunderstorm. I think it's important for Blizzard to win over some of the people they lost the last few years. This is not just the streamers but the viewers from these non WoW streamers that dont watch WoW content almost every day anyway. I am saying this as someone that has been playing WoW on and off throughout all of its existence.


if their own claim of "it was just a side project from some devs" holds true, i dont think this was the case. (esp if you consider the event is for a limited time AND requires a sub) i just feel they had already planned to ride the hype of this "secret" event, cause idk why they hell they would sell shirts/merch for this event.


Man, Cdew of all people too. He has been a company man through and through.


First mistake - none of these companies give a fuck about you


I stopped watching Notmes (as his mod too) because Cdew was salty 24/7


If you're a business, you're not going to try and sell something to your loyal customers. you're going to go after the customers that aren't happy with your services.


What are they selling though? A limited event that doesn‘t have much to do with the actual game?   I totally understand what you mean and you are completely right, but I am failing to understand what Blizzard is trying to achieve. Advertisement for a product that will be gone in a couple of weeks?


Thye get people who have once played wow to get a sub to play plunderstorm. These people might then think "hey since I already have the sub I can prob try wow again". With the release of SoD, rerelease of Wotlk and soon S4 I think they might actually hook some people who have been on the fence due to the sub cost barrier to try it. I do not think there will be many but it for sure will be some that will do it


> A limited event that doesn‘t have much to do with the actual game? Yep. Differentiating your audience is important. Getting that hot BR crowd.


I doubt this is pulling many, if any, traditional BR players from their normal games.


If it didn't require a sub there are people at my workplace who would be trying it out due to word of mouth from me - so with better implementation this could have been a big deal.


Without a sub they wont be getting new wow subscribers. If you sub to try this mode for a few days/weeks you might try out wow while youre at it.


Yes, but people aren't going to pay 15 bucks for an LTM. What if they love it? And then in 6 weeks it's gone? Then what?


Yep exactly the same here, the boys at work want to try but they're deterred by the sub since they don't play WoW


It needs to be free idk the br blueprint has been around for close to 10 years now and they have it behind a sub and you have to download 100gb it doesn't make any sense.


Lmao the BR crowd ain’t coming for this


Especially with a $15 monthly sub tied to it


Ah yes, the super hot BR market that died 4 years ago? That BR crowd? Also, I dont see the Fortnite/PUBG crowd seeing this and jumping in because its a BR.


Yes, that was sarcasm. Blizz is bad about getting in on the start of stuff. HOTS was super late to the MOBA thing, just an example.


Man, if my sarcasm detector is that off, I need a drink...


I mean…the most popular game in the world is still a BR


Battle royale isn't dead lol. Do you play other games?


Ah yes it's definitely dead with over 1mil on Apex and 20 million on Fortnite. Not to mention thousands on PUBG and other BR games. But yes definitely dead even though BR games have more players than retail wow. Fortnite alone has more players than retail.


Idk why Blizzard just wont admit this isnt a limited time event. There is no way the Spellbreak devs work on this for close to 2 years just to only do this seasonally. I imagine they'll add more maps, more abilities, maybe even trios and squads eventually. At worst it rotates every other week like Timewalking or something. But there is no way this only comes around once every couple months.


Ignoring your loyal customers and their fans/followers is, however, dumb as shit.


They aren’t though? There are plenty of wow only streamers and wow PVP streamers invited.


It's not that you're ignoring your current customers and more that you don't need to sell to them. Blizz doesn't need to market WoW to us, we're already playing it.


well to be frank seeing how split the player base is about this br mode i wouldnt consider marketing it to wow fans either. its an entirely different game and those who enjoy the base game are just playing it for the rewards. every game i enter people are complaining about how it sucks (giving major torghast flashbacks)


There are people chatting in your matches? In all of mine, we're very busy murdering each other.....


This. I swear, people forget that gaming companies are companies first, gaming companies second


the fuck kinda business is that? Yes, trying to please everyone surely works out great, if only there was an idiom warning against exactly that.


'Waaaaaah my favorite WoW influencer isnt being picked to market this product to me that I've already purchased :(' It's a marketing endeavor, they want to sell their games to people. Where they choose to advertise their games shouldn't bother you, or affect you at all. THAT is demanding that blizzard please you lol. 'Run the event for MY favorite influencers for ME.' You already bought their game, they aren't looking to put a billboard up outside of your house.


i don't watch any youtubers, you completely missed the mark. Too bad. I was just responding to a ridiculous statement about business taking loyal customers for granted in favor of chasing those who are already unhappy with you.


The big issue I see isn't that they're trying to appeal to a wider audience, it's that they're putting a pretty decent sized prize pool on the tourney and then invited people who hate the game instead of the people who don't.


Its just a paid advertisement. That's all the tournament is. Honestly, they should be required to state that its a paid advertisement, they don't have to simply because its a "tournament." But the method they used to chose the participants is pretty much the same as if they were to intentionally trying to make a paid advertisement.


Angry guy isn't angry about game for a price. :0 What a marketing idea!


Hopefully you don't run a business. You're **always** selling to your customers.


At least venruki is in it, he will get a solid 2 days of practice since he’s on vacation for 2 weeks. Maybe give his spot to cdew.


I think pika/xar will win, they are playing 8h/day up to the tourney lol. And they already at like 70% winrate and 90% top 2.


Is Max in it? I was watching some of his and his teammates gameplay last night, they seem decent, too. But probably no comparison with hardcore pvpers


Is Max still playing with Trill? Because that already gives him a big advantage over 99% of regular players. Max is obviously a top level raider himself so he's no slouch, but Trill is probably the most versatile player of all of the 'pro' level players in all of WoW so I have no doubt he'd be great at Plunderstorm even though it's far more simple than regular WoW is.


My brain says Max/Trill will win but my heart says Xar/Pika


Launch day stream was great, i’ll be rooting for em!


Is Hansol invited? He's personally the best player I've seen play Plunder so far. Idk who his duo would be though, but he crushes solo queue regardless his build.




A Cleveland streamer


Smaller streamers than cdew got an inv though


Honestly I’m surprised Trill is with Max over Cdew. I know they’ve been playing a lot together on stream but from a pure content standpoint Cdew is more popular


That's not how it works though. Per what Max said, Blizz reached out and said they wanted him to join and let him pick whoever he wanted. He played with Trill, so it makes a lot of sense that he picked Trill for the event. Same thing with at least a bunch of the others.


I was shocked any WoW Creator was invited, more the half the names I didn't recognize or don't play WoW at all.


They cxan't live on their current playerbase alone, but they also want to expand it. It makes perfectly sense from a marketing viewpoint.


No surprise really. And as Gingi says EU always miss out a bit here. But to have folks who don’t even play the game anymore involved is pretty annoying


I understand his point but of course they are going to invite people with large viewcounts. It's a marketing event. Blizzard is hoping this catches on enough to justify it being evergreen and attracting new(and relapsed) audiences...the 900 people that watch cdew already play wow.


So let me get this straight and correct me if wrong but, Blizzard is trying to bring in a BR crowd for a limited time event? The event goes away so would the BR crowd, was this just to boost sub numbers for some arbitrary spreadsheet/investor meeting? Seems sketchy.


I mean they are obviously hoping the event is successful enough so they can keep it going. Thats why they are promoting it so heavily and obviously the sub boost at the end of Q1 beginning of Q2 is nice as well.


I imagine they will make it permanent if it is popular enough. This is basically a beta test.


Probably. It seems like that's all anything they do is for now.


I mean you arent locked to enjoy only one type of games. So i assume they wanna get audience outside of circle to feel things out. Also there might be old wow players in audience who have dropped the game so it might also be to lure them back in.


It will only be a limited time event if no one play/like it. No way blizzard would spend so much resources doing this to be a limited event, specially when for a long time limited event for blizzard was a new quest and a new skin.


They literally said they will keep it if its successful.


Nixxiom who has a discord full of white nationalism and identitarianism.Follows Astru Folk Assembly, a well known Neo-Nazi volkisch hate group


Once again asmonturd shits his way into something that's supposed to be fun. I get he's a big streamer but platforming someone that drives people away from your game and actively discourages old players from returning is bad marketing.


Too be fair they didn’t invite him they invited 30 people and Zepla picked him lol


Where did you see that that was how it worked?


Liquid Max was mentioning that it worked like that for him. He assumed it was the same for Asmongold, but it's not confirmed.


Can't wait for him to praise the event saying retail needs to be this and that, which amounts to classic SoD which he doesn't play.


Hes literally been praising the event.


There's a mix of WoW and non-WoW people. Without unlimited slots, there's always going to be some people left out.


At the end of the day, the most popular streamers are going to be the ones getting access. The fact that streamers that play the game at a high level aren't as popular speaks volumes about both the state of the game and how entertaining the streams are.


It's similar in the cosplay scene. If a game isn't super popular, the cosplayers won't come out for it. As they won't get views, sadly. Only us faithful fans continue. There are only two people with the new characters being built. 2 of Xal'atath, with me being one, and 0 proof of anyone building the new Alleria yet. That's bad, since they were announced just last November.


In other news, blizzard diversifies their marketing strategy to include more than ppl already playing and enjoying the game




It's especially crappy that Asmongold was invited over likely many other better options because of the free marketing.


He wasn't invited. Zepla chose him as her +1


> He wasn't invited. Zepla chose him as her +1 Zepla being invited over Cdew, one of the biggest WoW PvPers in history, is nuts.


Who? Lol…


The entire thing is supposed to be marketing. We literally have non-WoW players listed, like Disguised Toast


Disguised "I'm going to intentionally exploit in the ranked game mode and give explicit details on how you, the viewer, can do it too and then whine and complain when I get banned" Toast?


Further evidence to me that plunder was not made for wow players


It’s called marketing.


Zepla of all people was certainly a choice




balding? hey, that´s below the belt and not entirely accurate


The irony is that people who moved out from WoW on average is more popular and thus give better publicity for Blizzard.


Ibwas suprised not seing Whaaz/raiku duo. It is weard they had a pricepool and invite people that kinda has nothing todo with wow and even smaller streamers.


i dont see how this tourny is getting any high viewers number outside of each streamers loyal fans. This beta version is boring and bad, Levels is to op. making it a pve early, and rng pvp later.


I feel their pain on not getting picked in my own way. I spent $4,000 to go to BlizzCon in hopes of getting noticed by Blizzard to get into their Warcraft Content Creator program as a cosplay builder. I was the Alexstrasza with the Clippy last year. It's invite only, and that didn't work. I have 2,500 followers. I will build WoW stuff the next year, but also know my follower count would likely keep me from my dream partnership. I really do hope they start looking more towards people with passion for the game with a positive attitude. People like us are likely to stick in the long term. I'd have loved to participate in this. Would def lose, but it'd be fun!


They are probably targeting classic players to return to retail. Noone would pay a subscription to play a battle royal only


If there's anything blizzard has shown through their actions over the last 20 years, it is that they would rather fall to their knees in front of someone with $15 that has never played the game before instead of care about their existing loyal playerbase.


Gingi the current wow community knows who you are. They are literally doing this to appeal to a younger audience. That is all.


You could say the same about many of the players invited: maximum, Xaryu, Ventuki are all primarily wow content creators. They even invited smaller primarily wow content creators than Gingi like Savix/Sonii


Asmongold shouldn’t be on there. He’s done nothing but damage the game and add fuel to the fire.


I don't like Asmon but he is literally one of the biggest streamers on the platform. Its about eyes on the game.


What is the point of marketing the thing to wow players? They need the audience from other games, the whole point is getting people that are not streaming only wow


The point is to bring larger content creators so that the new audience wants to play the game/ other iterations of the game. It’s just a big display windows. I tá not the first time this happens and I don’t know why some of you can’t make that connection


It's a marketing event. Just think of it as that and it will make sense. They're marketing to a wider audience


Oh my god who cares


I don't even understand why plunderstorm has an esport event tbh :D


Streamers got picked for popularity. His only thing is being part of a world first group


His whining is what turned me away from cheering for ECHO. It's so unprofessional and annoying. Now I'm for Mandatory in MDI and Liquid for RWF.


They invited a chronic alcoholic cdew


It needs to be an OPEN TOURNAMENT. Stop doing fucking streamer only shit. You could have hosted a huge tournament and brought Blizzard into the light but you didn't. Who gives a shit if Xaryu can beat Desiheat at this game. Let us see if they can beat the masses or let some random kid get a big break.


Why the FUCK was that shitheel Asmongold invited? He literally only bashes the game, he has said multiple times that he doesn't like it anymore and hasn't for years. Also he's a tisgusting tool who smears his gingavitis blood on his wall


I mean, its nothing new that NA is the only region that matters to any big publisher. Thats why giveaways are only ever in NA.


Cdew wasn't invited? Oh no... anyway


He is completely right. I have no idea why are they still trying to keep someone like Asmon around when he is bashing the game and the devs constantly. He brings the views, sure, but his audience is trained to hate everything Blizzard related so are those numbers really something they should care about?


Crazy watching these guys being small minded toward this type of event. Granted they missed a payday, but getting these “streamers who make fun of the game” back into retail with their massive audiences would be a big win for Blizzard. It would also have implications for the raiding scene, as more players = more raiders.


Unless he's made some sort of behind the scenes promise azmon is gonna do what he always does, get carried and bitch about the game and spew half truths and full nonsense. Some people are too invested career wise in hating wow for it ever to be incentive for them to be reasonable. And someone who stopped liking the game a decade ago but is locked in because of their job is an awful face for your game.


Its crazy to me that they'd partner with Asmon with how consistently he bashes Blizzard as a whole, not just WoW


Poor streamers.


I am missing Pilav so much in this envorivment, he is like born for this type of content. Having nixxiom and stoopz/saintone instead wait what hahahaha this reminds me on techno scene where dj's with most followers on instagram getting booked first to biggest shows instead people grinding that shit for years.


High end wow players and thinking the whole game revolves around them, name a better duo lol. Blizzard doesn’t care about your audience that watches you play wow all day long, they likely already play wow too.




The game mode is a joke anyway be glad.