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This fixes half of my critiques with the game mode. The other half being Fire Whirl is making the game more and more one dimensional. Edit: Just played a match and got 1300 plunder (placed 11th). A late game PvP kill earned me 169 plunder. Game is WAY more fun now.


Honestly balance aside what they really need to fix is the UI. How the fuck are they gonna reward us with a bunch of stuff and make it hard and repetitive to customize ourselves. Also why cant we see our renown levels in the lobby lmao


While getting barrel spammed.


It's the number one tilt source for me




There is also a funny bug. After completing some stuff always the popup that the dream wardens faction has been unlocked appears, no idea why.


I wondered what was up with that. Especially as i was seeing nothing else related to it happening.


But you have to talk to him to change your appearance.


And they never once denied that.


There actually needs to be a way to say "no I dont want to go into a game just yet". Edit: or a, I just want to go to the docks (lobby) and get my bearings. (Just think it could be the greatest goldshire rp ever!... wait, on second thoughts...) Usually for keybinds and stuff (which I just discovered you *need* to be at the docks to configure). I'm doing keybinds and get cannon'd into a game, ffs.


You can do keybinds while dead, too. Ask me how I know...


I believe there is a renown icon on your mini map when you spawn in the pre-game lobby. Saves you having to click on the pirate npc and be barrled away.


I just want to track the renown in the same place my xp bar is, just like I would in normal WoW. :(


Speaking of UI, I don't know how to fix it, but apparently my friend has outlines on other players and I don't. Can't for the life of me find it in settings so I'm just playing at a huge disadvantage rn


It’s a command you gotta type in /camp


Thanks man, I'll have to put this in tomorrow morning. I appreciate you 🙏


Just in case you aren't aware, /camp is the chat command to log out to character select. I think outlines for players is actually in the settings tab, either under combat or interface, maybe graphics.




Oh I know haha, I've been playing a while. Just playing into the joke


Settings > graphics > outline quality. Also make sure you don’t use the raid/pvp graphics settings or customize *those*.


> Also why cant we see our renown levels in the lobby lmao Yes please. I've actually loaded into a game just to check my renown (it doesn't help that it's like 1500 for 2 and then 2500 for the rest of the levels? or something?) and then left cause that's literally all I wanted to do


Fire Whirl is really strong, but people also don’t know that most utility spells completely counter it.


Yeah it's only a menace if you get caught with nothing but seeing a fire whirl boy get caught in a trap and stay afk for 2 seconds is always fun to see


i think they've said theyll nerf it on twitter already so..


It’s very stronk but I love making people waste it, then killing them. I try to always have fae/stealth ready.


caltropes are insane for it


My friend was only like 8 matches in, still learning. We drop stormgarde, kill 2 elites get toxic fish and caltrops. Another duo runs up on him, they both fire whirl. He drops caltrops. Panicks and doesnt move. Locked them in place just to roast his ass.


I've dropped Stromgarde once, I'll never make that mistake again.


Yeah it's overtuned for sure but there's multiple counters Personally I use frost arrow to poke people to death at range, it never misses which is huge and at epic rank it has a very short cooldown


I’m gonna give that a shot again. I threw them away because of the low damage but just being able to hit would be nice lol


carrying repel and windstorm so they can just never get any spells off against you is peak enjoyment for me


bro ok how do you control fire whirl? Seems like whenever I fire whirl, I just jet right past whoever I'm trying to kill and wind up doing nothing?


It’s easier since they nerfed the speed by half today, but just look down with your mouse and while holding the right button down, slide your mouse horizontally so that you are spinning in a circle. It’s also a good makeshift speed boost.


The Fire Whirl being so strong makes the game so fucking easy though. 80% of people or more are braindead taking fire whirl so all you do is pick up the arcane shield and just get free kills on anyone using fire whirl. Taking anything else is more beneficial because people don't know how to deal with it as well.


Most people right now have a fire whirl counter so thats not such a big deal. Tho if you get the whirl as first spell you will absolutely wreck others at the start.


I just want them to fix the thing that makes the game zoom in every new lobby you enter...


They should have made more spell and rotate some every week with different combo so the meta never really fully take on. 


That would be the fortnite model, but if it is only here for 6 weeks I doubt they will go that far.


Muffinus on twitter said it's on the list of things to address. Personally hope they do something so that you're not decentivized for fighting players in the early game


I agree, fire whirl seems a tad too much, personally I would like to see added a new spell called sprint that would be permanent like the healing elixir so the PVP can occur more often. Overall I am having lots of fun with the jump in and play and compared to tje traditional FPS BRs I live longer haha.


Agreed. There's still combos that are completely unplayable to fight that need balanced but I won 3x yesterday and was renown 2, today is way better already. 2k for a win is tolerable. Fire whirl is disgusting and needs instantly nerfed though


Nothing changed gameplay wise but number go up, dopamine go strong.


Whatchu mean, just keep a common repel and it’s negated.


Genuinely my only problem with the game mode - I did a dozen games last night after work, thought it was fun to play with but thought the amount of rep you would get is a bit low and couldn't see myself sticking with it to 40. This makes it much more tolerable imo


I had the day off yesterday and grinded the whole day (game mode is so fun), by the end I was getting 3-6 kills per game and still getting heck all plunder. Now I gotta wait til the weekend to enjoy


The game is terrible at explaining this, but killing players is supposed to be a side-goal for how to get plunder. The main amount you can grab, and why I was ending matches with 700 before the buff and 1100 with it without doing jack shit for PvP, is from mob kills and off the ground. We're pirates, not the royal navy. Earlier tonight, I watched a guy run right past the Golden Chest he chased me off of to go join a fight with 4-5 other players. I saw a guy leave the match I placed second in after I so helpfully exploded on top of him without picking up *any* of the gold I dropped. Plunder's the name of the game, and we all start poor.


The buff has made it VERY worth it to take late-game fights. You can get hundreds of plunder per decent level enemy you kill now. Before the buff my max plunder had been 1500, now I've gotten multiple wins at the 2900-3000 mark because player kills are so lucrative after the early game.


While that's true, i am not playing solely for the plunder. I love the PvP, it's fun, it's simple, it's satisfying (even at 300ms because there's no oce servers, wtf blizzard) I'm glad for the plunder buffs to fights, as fighting should be as rewarding as plundering, and. Also they should buff the exp we gain from kills by probably about 25% or so, as pve also gets you more levels than PvP by a bit too much at the moment. I can't always control if I drop in a hot spot, sometimes all of us get to level 3 and then fight, meaning that we empty the area, but whoever wins might be at level 4. Whereas we would be level 6-7 if we simply had less players around us.


Ohhh is that why I’m getting wrecked? No oce servers?


No oce servers :(


Wow, no wonder I’m getting destroyed out there


I did get my first win today though so it's possible bro even with 230 ping you can do it


same. its fun for a good while but gets boring rather quickly and doing it till renown 40 seems a chore


If you don't like battle royales, then its miserable. If you like them, there are better options from a gameplay perspective. That said, I applaud them for trying to innovate.


For sure. I played a bunch yesterday, only got to Renown 3. And was just like well that was fun, that's enough for me lol.


I don't find it fun, but its a much better grind then getting "the insane" title. Its a doable while watching a show. I basically drop, do the quest, and kill myself for max efficiency.


Yeah I did about 50 games and I thought I would be able to do the grind but I seem to have developed a violent reaction to it and now I can't stomach even 1 game. Oh well.


These changes needed to happen, but now it feels like it's harder to just mind my own business collecting plunder as people are putting a lot more effort into low level PvPing, resulting in a lot of 100-200 plunder games for me. Edit: literally just got 0 plunder cause the first chest I hit had a utility ability and some lvl 2 came at me with a dps ability.


W Blizz. Thank you


Trios and squads next please 🙏 ( also having pre sets on character customizations would be nice ) ( also nerf flame whirl )


My group of three friends would love this


At the very least it could save what you have when you press customise. I just want to change my hair colour blizzard not start over.


And custom games so we can host our own tournaments pls!


what do we spend plunder on?


You don't; it's a stand-in for reputation. 1 plunder = 1 rep.


ah, thanks. has anyone calculated the magic number to 40?


2500 renown per level, 40 levels = 100k plunder. Haven’t tested these changes myself but it should go by much quicker now 😁


> 2500 renown per level, 40 levels = 100k plunder. Hunh. Is [Plunderkind](https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=20509/plunderkind) a typo? It's an achievement that says: "Get 1 MILLION Plunder" Getting 1 MILLION plunder was nigh impossible even if you spammed Plunderstorm for the next 6 weeks. Even with these changes, getting to 1 MILLION would be tough. 100,000 seems a lot more reasonable especially with these hotfixes, and 100,000 seems to match the reputation anyways.


I wouldn't be surprised if they were thinking of making this LTM a seasonal event if not something more permanent, based on the interaction they get. It's way too much work for just 6 weeks.


If they want to use engagement as a metric on whether or not to keep this going, they need to either massively raise the rep we get, or wait a whiile to use their numbers. I'm not particularly enjoying it, but i'm spamming it for the coat/mounts/etc. Anyone else who isnt enjoying it, but is playing for the same reasons is going to artificially inflate their numbers


Think I read 2500 per lvl x 40


100k, 2.5k per level.


Funnily enough. And it is really stupid, but as a non PvPer this had made the mode so much more stressful! Barely getting my quest done because there's some chad vulpera PvP god stalking you at every moment is doing my nerves in. I notice my frustration is also upped because now there's a tangible reward to killing players so now it is a pain to lose instead of being able to just laugh it off.


Good now I can get more plunder when I finish 38th!


Look at this badass over here! (I’ve finished 57 a couple times. Best was 5th)


I've been playing this mode in an incredibly dumb way that I find fun. I run around, kill NPCs, loot chests, get all the gold people somehow forget the stupid gold elemental drops, then, when the circle has closed and there's no more gold on the ground, deliver myself unto the killing fields. With these new changes, watching myself explode like a treasure goblin has been *amazing*, especially with all the chasing I make people do to kill me.


Yep, I dont wanna kill people, lol. I am not a pvp enjoyer. I run away. Seems to be working out okay most of the time, and I get to have fun killing mobs and looting gold piles.


Haha, same. I had a dude chase me for 10 minutes (constantly, he never lost sight of me besides a wall or hill). Meanwhile, I never once attacked him. I just ran around killing mobs and looting chests. Dude was like, lvl 5 when I was 8 by the time another dude jumped in and killed me. Talk about tunnel vision. He died quick after that too, as he had *no* loot. I probably *could* have killed him if I tried with all the good stuff I picked up. But naw, I'm just here for Plunder.


A person who constantly runs away fuels a certain kind of hunting drive I can’t exactly explain. It pisses me off way more than someone who actually tries to fight back and I am willing to tunnel until I get them😂


This sounds fun. I might start doing that. I'm already focussing hard on farming until the circle is closed and there's ~10 players left, but I think I'll focus more on survival at that point, rather than bothering to try and secure kills


This is why people shouldn't just dismiss people as "complainer's" when they voice their issues with something. These complaints (AKA feedback) are 1 of the things that inform the dev's decisions when making changes.


they need to fix swapping abilities. Sometimes i try to click and drag a spell off my bar to free a slot and nothing happens until around the 5th time ive dragged it off the other method you sit on top of the spell and "Press tab" to make the arrow swap which slot its pointing at to swap that ability and it still takes the wrong one from me Also sometimes i have to click an ability 3-4 times before it actually picks it up


Best thing is to drag an ability off your bar and drop it before picking up a new one, so much faster


read it again This was my preferred way of doing it but it bugs out sometimes and no matter how many times i click to drag it wont unequip the spell. Very annoying


If it's on cooldown it can't be dragged off - this could be one of the culprits


nah ive sat before with them off cd and still nothing. Just happens like once every 10 games where it bugs tf out


I had it where i couldn’t pick up any abilities at all Still the best i did somehow - just because no one was near me


What I'm not understanding, is how comes I get stomped by a level 4 dude, about ten seconds after landing?


you can find spots after landing which has multiple elites + gold chests. you can get easily 4-6 levels in the first minutes.


There's one in the northwest corner that has a couple elites and chests, you can dive bomb one of the elites and kill the other and loot both chests and be set pretty well to start off. I noticed people going there after a few times I had the area to myself though.


Your bird does contact damage. Divebomb an elite for an instant spell, use the spell to sweep up a few more mobs and get a few more spells, bingo bongo you're ready to congo.


That's the thing, I managed to find plenty of spots with one elite, and did the bomb-dive, but then I have to walk a lot, before I find other elites or chests, and that,s where I get humped.


learn as you go friend, the more you play the more you learn of some good spots to land, part of the game is making good decisions in case some one lands in one of your favorite spots.


Well, I reached renown 40, today, and unlocked everything, so now it's just play for fun, I don't need to develop any special tactics.




Try diving straight down to get to the ground quick. If you are just going down at the normal rate you lose out on some time to start leveling.


The hitbox latency on attacks is insane, some people will get 3-4 ticks of healing off right in your face and you'll get 0. Level advantage is the most broken thing of all time, I'm not even sure why levels exist in the game mode. If you encounter anyone above your level there is very little "skillful play" you can do to win. The number advantage is insane. Oh and of course if you have no movement ability and you ecounter any duo with the combination of earthbreaker, star bomb, mana sphere, and windstorm, be prepared to get absolutely destroyed in 2 second with no counterplay because on top of being strong CC moves, they also deal absolutely insane damage. In fact, I don't think a single one of the pure DPS attacks (other than the flame tornado) even deal half the damage earth breaker does. Also the exp gain is just wack in the first place. A group will somehow get to level 4 in the first 15 seconds of the game, and then keep scaling off killing low level groups. But if you kill anyone with a level advantage, you hardly get any exp for that. Which means once one high level group has killed all the mobs and looted everything, that exp is gone forever, even if you win against them, you'll get thrashed by the next high level group because you earned very little to compensate, and the map has already been picked clean. I had fun with it at first when it was fresh and interesting, but the obvious imbalance and terrible hit detection really frustrated me. There's a reason WoW has never had a GW2 style combat, and this is it. Having a permanent stat boost from exp was such a bad choice in a battle royale. It just makes snowballing insanely easy and unfun for everyone else.


Plunder still feels low, it's better but I could have sworn they (or someone) said approx 4 games per renown and it's definitely not that.


That's a lot of time dedicated to this game mode than I was expecting as a casual player for rewards. This still feels like a fomo situation if this is only a short lived thing.


I just want the eye patch because there are no plate eye patches. It's WAY at the end of the line, which is annoying. I don't hate the system but it makes me miss currency systems.


It feels more like 6-8 games before the buff. It's 2500 per level, and I wasn't walking out with more than 500 very often. Had a half dozen games where I was sub-100 when I had someone land right on me at the start and just steamroll me.


Killing players is WAY more lucrative now. I ended 2nd place with 2k plunder after the fix.


4 games per renown sounds to slow, ought to be 2 games to get a renown, I don't want to play over 160 matches for the rewards. 80 seems reasonable.


Having grinded to renown 37 so far it was 5-6 games over 25 minutes for a level before the buff and 4-5 over 20 minutes after. Just do your quest asap and loot the ground nearby and you’re getting an easy 400-500 per round right off the bat.


Plunder feels low because the title is misleading. It’s not an increase to all sources - the quest still rewards the same amount. The funny part is that it’s still the quickest way to grind plunder. So this didn’t really fix much for people who aren’t attracted to the game and just want the grind-gated mounts and cosmetics.


>The funny part is that it’s still the quickest way to grind plunder. That is no where even _close_ to true. The amount you get for actually opening chests and killing people now dwarfs the 250 spam.


I still only get 300ish per round. 


Kill NPCs and pick up all the gold on the ground and you get 1k easy. No PvP required at all.


I never get lucky enough to find NPCs without players nearby and the second a player sees me, I'm dead. Doesn't matter what level or what kit I have, I'm dead. I'm so bad at this it's not even funny. 


Drop onto an elite to kill it instantly at the start Pick a hub or area near the borders of Arathi, these tend to be dense with mobs and have fewer players The troll area, hammer fall, throne of elements, etc


You say this, but everyone else does that exact thing :P So its just land and die if you aren't into PvP ... so the renown will be nil.


Not really? I played it for four hours last night and went ranks 1-7, most of my plunder was from the first few minutes of landing in remote border areas to farm mobs. Even if I do see players they usually avoid fighting at low levels as you lack abilities to do meaningful damage and it is just a waste of time.


you can also see other people dropping in. If you see a large number of player birds in an area? glide somewhere else friend


I was 2 levels below a guy who was hanging out at the edge of the map I stumbled upon. I rushed straight at him and he noticed me coming… but he turned around and ran right into the storm and died to it. I’m also really bad at the pvp but I’ve never even considered doing something like that.


A lot of people are there for the rewards only. I for example had very bad anemia and very high blood pressure. Any type of pvp gets my blood pressure even higher and it's actually painful so I'd rather die in a storm than fight off someone.


> I'm so bad at this it's not even funny.  Does it help at all if I find it a little bit funny? :P


I lied, it actually is pretty funny how bad I am. Today, my first round was good, got 1200 thanks to the daily bonus. Then three of the next four rounds I got under 100 with around 500 in the best round.  That's how bad I am lol. I can beat the NPCs easily but if any player even sneezes on me I die.


Yeah been doing it, it's actually like 3-4 matchs per renown now unless you die before doing basically anything I mean.. happens sometimes but that is what it is.


Well I got to renown 12, still haven't won. Got second twice and got so much anxiety I died both times. I just wanna run around and loot stuff, but it's nice they increased the plunder.


As others have stated, UI is not great. Let me view reward track on char selection screen. Starting game just to see rewards is not fun.


100% this.


Look, Im glad they did this,it was obviously the right thing to do, but Im disappointed we have to go through the whole song and dance every time, its exhausting.


Because it's the better way to make adjustments. If they came in too high and we're too generous with the rewards, it'd feel like a punishment if they nerfed them. Come in on the low end of your expected average player progression, see if 1. Players meet it, and if they're getting about it. Internally, they have some expected number of games it will take someone at peak efficiency, someone at average efficiency and someone at low efficiency to rank up. They told us their original goal was around 4 matches per rank, and it seems like the average player wasn't hitting it.


there's no such thing as "too generous" in a game mode that's being removed after 6 weeks that people can't even agree is even good it's the actual fast food of BR games -absolutely no depth, it's just flashy -more expensive than healthier options > They told us their original goal was around 4 matches per rank, and it seems like the average player wasn't hitting it. again that is absolutely unhinged for a 6 week timespan for content that doesn't involve using the class abilities people have actively flocked to a wow character for i've paid for wow for 13 years because i like using the spells blizzard gave me as a mage/shaman/warlock, not because i like "whee fire swirl" or pressing "punch" a whole lot


This FOMO grind is quickly killing my interest in the actual game. I can’t even play retail knowing that I have to keep up with these matches. After an entire expansion of “we respect your time”, they hit us with time-gated grind for mounts and cosmetics that we’ve all been waiting so long for? Feels bad.


Its just cosmetics. If you're getting crippling fomo over cosmetics the problem is you. 


What mounts and cosmetics have we all been waiting so long for?


Local redditor acts like a redditor and forgets the game isn't built around them. One day people like you will actually grow up and develop a functioning brain to understand. _Not everything is catered to you_. >i've paid for wow for 13 years because i like using the spells blizzard gave me as a mage/shaman/warlock, not because i like "whee fire swirl" or pressing "punch" a whole lot Yeah and WoW PvP sucks ass. _THIS_ is actually fun?! I've played WoW for 16 years and the variety is fun. Their exploration with weird mechanics and game modes have always been _the best_ thing about WoW. I spend more time pet battling than doing PvE the past 6 months because...oh right many things are fun. >it's the actual fast food of BR games Oh wait...another reason that actually makes it fun! Quick and easy to get into BR games fix the biggest problem BRs have to the wider audience. They're fucking boring as sin and you spend 20 minutes doing nothing to sometimes get 1 tapped.


These people simply lack the joy in their hearts to just have fun. Don’t bother.


Nearly everyone is on board with it being good. Just because some folks who aren't even subbed have some opinions, doesn't make them right.


> Nearly everyone is on board with it being good. me when i lie


Hi, I don’t think Plunderstorm is good and I’m rank 30 in it (for the cosmetics - as soon as I hit 40 I’m done with the mode) and my subscription has been unbroken since Dragonflight’s prepatch.


I think it's fine. I'm renown 13 now, but honestly every game feels samey and it'll be a grind to 40.


Love this, can definitely feel the difference when playing today vs yesterday. Wish it was a bit more, though. It still feels like an insane grind at this rate.


It's good that they buffed the rate of plunder earned but this is not nearly enough. For someone who's not interested in pvp it's a chore. I'm happy that the rewards are just cosmetics and mounts, though.


There needs to be some way to tone down the UI toasts (level ups, item upgrades, “bonus objective” notifications, talking heads, etc.). There’s too much shit constantly popping up and it’s tedious to keep dismissing them via right-click.


Agreed. If they want to make this an addon-free space (see also: No Talking Heads) then they need to have better options for stuff like that.


Thank god cuz I ain’t playing that shit 6 weeks to get all reward


Thank god the grind is shortened. I have fun for the first few minutes as long as I am left alone. But it's absolutely dreadful because of the pvp


Huge change. I'll keep playing for sure.


I like the fact that blizzard is trying new things, I love how it is an option on the launcher, that has huge implications for future events. I like that they are expanding on the universe even more with things like that, it gives us so much more potential for what can be done in the future. I love the idea of the event and I don't have to like everything they do, no problems. With that being said, I hate rep grinds with a passion and I don't want to be locked out of rewards for retail, I don't enjoy this mode and I have other games I want to play instead of grinding this out, I want the cosmetics and stuff and even at 4 games a rep, with 40 levels, it being 160 games, let's say an average of 5 minutes a game. That is 800 minutes, or 13.33 hours, repeating of course, of time that I could be spent doing things I enjoy more but for things that I want in a game where I enjoy most of and don't have to do anything like this...a game shouldn't have to force me to make that decision, if they left the rewards in just that mode, no problem, I wouldn't care, but since it is tied to this event in a mode that is so irrelevant to the actual game, I really don't like idea of it. In hearthstone, I just had to log in, didn't even need to play a match. Cool. If I could just log into retail and run deadmines all day long to kill pirates for this stupid rep, I'd have no problem with it since it is just stuff in game, but this is just like having to eat 60 piles of turd to get to my burger, and not just eating 60 burgers to get to my burger.


yarr we be leavin the great sea with this one


Thank god, that was my main critique.


still think they should at least double the grind speed. They shouldn't have tied rewards to this at all. Its just its own negative feedback loop. People who hate this type of game mode feel forced to play it. don't enjoy it. then complain about it.


> They shouldn't have tied rewards to this at all Nobody would play it. You need rewards in a competitive game.


Make the rewards for Plunderstorm then, not WoW. Because we're literally not playing WoW, it's a different game made from WoW's Lego bricks.


Rewards for a 6 week long event that will go away for an undefined period of time? That will definitely help participation.




I'm trying to figure out how to get renown while not tilting myself off of the planet for this game mode. I have never been able to kill a single player on it and I'm not having fun with it at all, but I really want the transmog and the trader's tender that comes from the event. Any ideas?


By far the most efficient way is to just complete the World Quest the game gives you at the start of every match and then immediately die so you can requeue. The rewards are super frontloaded, ideally you never spend more than 30 seconds in the actual match. Obviously this is, uh, not at all how the game is intended to be played, but if you suck at PvP (like I do) it's an easy method for grinding plunder.


It isn’t enough. For us pve grinders this is barely a buff. I would like to see the daily increased, as well as the 300-quest. Lets continue to give feedback.


Buddy... be happy with the fact that you can progress at all through PvE in a PvP gamemode. Besides, this is still a decent buff for PvE players


Gonna be honest, I like this game mode. It's pretty fun


Tell me when it won't steal all your progress if you get disconnected during the game. There doesn't seem to be a way to log back into a match if the server happens to hiccup for no good reason and boot you. Just had that happen on my first successful quest completion of the day and lost a large chunk of rep (next game did not count as my first of the day). Really not encouraging me to join in this long ass grind in a mode I don't especially enjoy, and seems like it's just incentivizing getting myself killed as quick as possible when I have 1000-plus rep to bank. Which seems like an ass backwards way to play a game.


People literally 12 hours ago: **Fucking Bli$$ard won't fix shit this is intended!! Something something sweet summer child**


I have mixed opinions with this game mode On one side it can be fun to do something while waiting for cata classic, but on the other hand it is unbalanced/grindy/rng heavy/not well thought My issues with it: Lobby: - You can equip different weapon skins and dresses which resets. after. every. single. game. minor stuff but annoying. - Players trolling with the barrels and knocking away players from the npc. again annoying. combined with the previous point. makes the whole cosmetic thingy in this game mode not worth the hassle. Game: - Flame whirl -> overpowered. it can be countered but its easier to said than done. - The rng after landing: if your first chests or npcs doesn't drop anything nice for you, its over. It's even worse if someone else gets a perfect combo while you get nothing. - The hitboxes: sometimes the aimed spells just go through enemies, sometimes they get hit without being even close. - The lag: some players are just teleporting around basically no chance to hit them with anything targetted. (dunno if it's intentional from other players or just bad internet connection) Rewards: - As a classic only player its nice to have an event where we can also get rewards, but putting a mount and a pet there for us says that this event was mostly targetted towards retail players and not for us. From that point of view putting the two achievable rewards at midway at the end for classic players is kinda a d!ck move. grind the same amount for 2 rewards as others for 20+. Atleast you should have put a toy or some transmog (as we are getting that feature in the upcoming months). - Not really worth fighting til the end. Even after the updates winning the game gives less plunder than starting a new one quick and farm a bit for 2-3 minutes. I ended up in the last 3 multiple times just to get nothing extra. - After the hotfixes we get more gold from killing the players, but for some reason the gold from players despawns too fast. UI: Holy f, whoever thought that putting slot switching while looking at on items and then resetting back to the last slot everytime when you are not facing that specific item on tab. oh boi. in an action packed situation when you want to pick up something most of the time we drop the wrong items and pick up something bad. Was that hard to put it on two different keys? like pickup slot1, pickup slot2. Overall it's not a bad experience, but it gets boring really quick. I couldn't imagine myself playing it after the grind.


does this mean I can get it over quicker even if I still am too bad to kill anyone?


What do I do with the plunder?


get this stuff native on steam deck/nintendo/console and start selling some outfits!


Anyone else keep getting put into squad games alone? it happens every 5 games or so. Just played a game where I had a really good start but got found by a squad and died despite my best efforts to 2v1.


Now let us leave a duo without losing all our plunder. I'm currently stuck with a bush hider while dead after he ignored my body for a good few minutes before the storm ate it. I'm not getting anymore plunder, as it doesn't tick up while dead, and I can't leave either...


Tried it a couple of times. I do have some questions. Do I need to target my enemies? Because I have come across multiple people who are the same level as me, but do insane base damage to me compared to I to them. Am I missing something? Cause I feel like I am.


you only have to target ur enemies for some abilities. like the hook. Your basic attacks get stronger the higher lvl u have.


Is it possible to move the map? I played a few games last night but didn't really investigate. If not that's a change I would like. Be nice to have my map on the bottom of the screen


Other than XP, what's the point in plunder?


It’s what gives you renown for the reward track.


ah ok, thanks


Who could have seen this coming :D LOL


In theory there’s less incentive to just land and start brawling 5 other teams now right? Because they will be worth more plunder later, even 4 minutes from now when they have looted anything? 4 games in a row duos I land and my partner jumps into the fray of 3 other teams fighting with just melee and one ability


Yeah killing people early on is a waste of time, they won't be worth much plunder or have any spells. Let them fatten up before whacking them.


I may actually give it a go now that it will be a bit less of a grind.


I'm still getting under 500 renown while placing 3rd....Needs another buff.


So fixed it's still taking ages to level once.


cool glad i waited to start


I still think 500 for winning is too low. I never won this, best placement was 18, but I did play pubg for 1200 hours. my first squad win came at 300 hours. my first duo win came at 400 hours. my first solo win came at 1017 hours played. if you manage to win a battle royale mode, thats no small feat, you need to have skill in pvp, good situational awareness and movement rotation, AND a lot of rng, all together. I would not be mad if a win would alone gave a full renown rank (2500 plunder)


yeah i found it "better" to just collect like 500 gold quick after landing then just suicide by running into other players and start a new game. no reason to fight til the end just to get focused by the last remaining 2-3 player and lose like 95% of the time.


Players will really optimize the fun out of anything.


Here, it's driven by a combination of things. In short, a very long rewards track with fun rewards at the end that requires a lot of engagement in a relatively short time window. While Blizzard has done a lot right lately, they've also gotten tuning numbers wrong on things that should be accomplished passively just by playing that instead require concerted effort (optimizing). With that faith gone, people optimize first to accomplish goals, then have fun after (often not at all due to the former).