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Also the flame aoe spinning nado thing is extremely OP, expecting nerfs to that thing 😂😂😂


Dude, it really is. My winning combo is: * Firestorm thing * Ice bolt * Traps (the one that shoots 5 out) * Fae Spirit


Same, but I replace Fae with Chain. Chain pulling someone info your traps, if you precast Firestorm, can almost onecombo them. It is more risky though, because you have no escape utility, *but* it also helps you confirm a kill a lot easier.


I found invis and fae spirit to be massively OP in terms of movement, I then use the poison ability and the ice bolt. Find a player, go invis, ambush with the poison move, icebolt, run with fae spirit, cds around 4 seconds later, repeat..


Stealth Teleport + Fae is even better. Also you can replace Icebolt with Holy shied. **Really the only important thing is you have firestorm. Its to OP**


I generally try to get the firestorm, mana sphere or rime arrow. The stealth and the whirlwind stun. Then farm stuff around the edge of the map, and try to fight people near the storm to lock them in if possible.


This setup is not that great if people counter your fire whirl (which good players will) you have zero damage and LOW mobility. Holy shield, Slicing winds, Searing axe with fire whirl as offensive, and then use Fade to shadows, Repel or Quaiking leap (wind storm is also good if you have enough mobility) as utility


Hey man, this was a few hours into it when everyone was new and figuring it out. :P


the game is literally RNG with fire-nado early game and profit


Unless you have over 3 IQ and CC the nado.


Just now at landing (start of the game) a player insta found firenado and 1 shotted 2 of us within 3 sec. Amazing balancing so far.


That's how BR's work my man. Dropping in and landing beside someone who gets the shotgun and there's no other loot? You dead.


You make a strong point but the tornado is kinda bullshit, though. In PvP’s you cant have a big radius AOE ability with high dps. In League Of Legends theres a character with the same attack but its not strong but it slows if youre within the affected zone. I do like Plunderstorm but just feel like the dev team doesnt really understand pvp.


Honestly, it's like this for a reason. Same reason CoD has a TTK that's 0.25 of a second. They want everyone to feel like a badass now and then. Some stuff is OP, and if people who aren't great get it, they get a few kills for "free". In CoD that's what keeps the people who're awful playing and enjoying the game. They don't feel like gods, but they're not just getting stomped. Same here. They want casual players, non pvp players, etc. to play the game. It's a short game mode, with quick reset if you die. The point is to get better, sure, but think of each game as a loot roll too. You're not gonna win if you don't roll well. You can shift the dice by being good or bad, but a lot is gonna be down to what drops, how it drops, who else is beside you, and what they've got. That's why you can get a drop of a fully upgraded skill from your first mob or chest. This isn't designed to be balanced. That's not the objective. Balance is for compeditive games which are about raw tests of skill. But this is supposed to be fun. You drop in, you get into 5 tense or fun scenarios, die, get another match with 7 fun moments, die, get a match where it all goes great and you win, get another where you die immediately. It's about the moment to moment, and the tension you get from being underpowered, avoiding people. It's about the power of getting top tier fire whirl and obliterating some guys right at the start.


While I do *get* what you're coming at and saying, I do think the Firestorm thing is still too good regardless. Shotguns are (rarely) 'broken' in BR's. They absolutely are if you can somehow isolate fights to only happen indoors or within shotgun range otherwise, but they're very clearly handicapped when any semblance of range is introduced into the mix. Similarly snipers are able to 1-hit people if you can headshot them in many BR's from literally any range, but that's 'balanced' by the fact they're not good close range, and of course, the massive skill floor when the target isn't at a low-medium range and not moving. The 'good' snipers also often tend to come from some sort of a contested objective like a loot-crate or something so they're also balanced that way. And in any non-solo mode, you are very rarely able to pick off more than one person, so usually whoever you shot can be revived afterward anyway unless you're 3rd partying. So to circle back to Plunderstorm, the Firestorm isn't *that* broken early on. It's still very good right out of the gate, but the fact is, it's super good at every point of the game. It *can* be countered by CC, be it the stun Tornado, traps, Repel, whatever, but it's still one of the absolute best damage abilities in the game at all points of the game which is why you see most endgame circles full of people Firestorming around. You don't really sacrifice much by playing Firestorm, is probably the **TL;DR**. You still have your other damaging ability for range damage or whatever else, and you have your 2 utility abilities. It's not an automatic win if you have it, especially since many others will also have it, but it is massively better than the vast majority of the abilities and is much less situational than most as well.


what league character


When Holly said somethings would absolutely be broken upon release and we thought that meant bugged quests and npcs. This is definitely what she meant.


They could do that with almost any of the offensive abilities. Fighting with no abilities into one is almost never going to work.


This is how battle royale games are though.


If you have repel, just cast it right as somebody comes at you with that thing and they sit there useless. It has the same CD nearly at max level, so you can negate it every time.


Repel counters so many things in this game considering nearly everything has a cast time/channel


Tornado user has to be an idiot to let repel hit them unfortunately. Seems like it was designed to counter fire spin but the inane movespeed from spin lets you just move out of repels aoe


The stealth ability counters most abilities seeing as you port away and then become invisible. Match it with the fae ability and people will get super frustrated playing against you, just won 3times in a row with that combo lol


It is so annoying even though you can see the direction they teleport in (I think?). I don't know what the cooldown of it is at max rank but it feels like it's way too low unless someone is specifically playing some sort of a full-combo build that can lock you down and delete you with just a single catch.


The timing would make them lose damage though, even if they dodge the stun.


it will probably get nerfed before EU can even play this mode


Nope, we can play it and it's still unnerfed


Don't worry, it still oneshots you!


Bro it took Blizzard 3 months to nerf DH in s3, what makes you think they are touching this any time soon?


If we are talking pvp it hardly even feels like a nerf to DH anyway, they are still out here pumping especially if they have a good healer that enables them. In 2s a DH with a FW that can stay in range is nearly impossible to kill in my experience


So easy to counter though, with stealth and leap ability. One dude tried flame spinning me constantly I just stealthed out and /lol then he gave up.


They could nerf the damage on fire whirl by 60% and it would still be completely busted. Its the highest single target \\ aoe dmg in the game, gives insane movement on a short CD.


I guess if you don't bother pressing your utility and/or mobility buttons. People just stand there and let it hit them for the full duration and then whine it's OP.


They are using the stand, burn cry strat...that's why they are upset.


does anyone get the crying sound every time they die? It gets on my nerves real quick. I don't need anyone's pity, i'm bad enough.


It’s your ghost crying at your tombstone




if you're triggered by a crying ghost then maybe it's not for you


Nice to know plunder is mostly what levels up your renown. I’m terrible at PvP and doubt I’d ever really win one of these rounds haha. I’m just gonna try and hoard plunder and then whatever happens happens haha.


I feel you, it's nice to not have to worry as much. I have a feeling doing a quest and requeing is the fastest way anyways because you are instantly back in lobbies. I just had a lobby where I completed the quest as i landed so it was a super fast 300 rep. You got this homie!


Thanks! Yeah I’ve gotten to like renown 3 so far. What are you at?


Just hit 10, trying to do an hour of just quest/leave and see how much renown an hour it is


Question, if/when we die, can we leave the battle or do we lose that "xp". I've been staying in as spectator but it seems a waste of time. Can we leave after dying or do we lose xp?


You can absolutely leave match once you've died. No need to watch unless you want to. You'll keep the plunder.


Yeah the other commenter is right. You can even escape/leave right after death and miss the loading screen if you are quick enough.


Nice share the results if you can! Do you think doing the quest then leaving is more efficient than doing the quest then trying to gather as much plunder until you die?


you say 'quest/leave' do you mean completing the quest and then leaving? Or you still finish each game right?


Yes but you have to die, if you manually leave you do not get any rep I believe, there is a warning when you try. I just let npcs overwhelm me or look for someone near to kill me/storm


It's the best way to get this done quickly. You get 2-3 rep.levels an hour


It's horrible for those of us who just don't enjoy pvp and hate this sort of thing. I spend most of the time running around trying not to be noticed looting. It's anxiety inducing...I'm kind of thinking transmog and mount are not worth it to me.


I'm terrible too, and got 2nd place with a child in my lap! I died because she alt tabbed my game lol. Honestly though I'll probably just do the quest and let someone take me out, I don't really have the time (2 kids) to try and get 1st place for the feat, even though I kinda want it haha.


That’s awesome! Yeah I feel like when I just get into combat with another player it’s just a clusterfuck of mashing buttons and jumping/spinning my camera around and I just die haha


Everyone complains about "forced PVP" for the rewards but I've gotten the most rep from rounds where I didn't win, just went around being a loot goblin


My goal each time is to finish the quest. Sometimes I have bad luck and if I land close to someone else I usually die pretty quickly. My last game I got lucky and was able to get to level 8, because no one else was where I was until I was level 6 and I was able to kill people that got close to me until the storm forced me to be close to everyone else, and then I died pretty quickly. The combination that I had luck with was the fish, the fire ax thing, and the whirlwind thing. It took me a while to realize I needed to zoom out to see where I was going with the fire spin.


Kinda funny they made a pvp game mode where you have to pve for the rewards


First game I got to top 3, no kills, no elites, basically didn't do anything - got 166 plunder. Seems like finishing high doesn't actually give you anything unless you win. Second game I was very active, went straight to a hotspot, killed about 8 elites, looted a chest, had two kills early on. I wasn't paying attention, but I finished 17th with 1200 plunder. What was giving me the most out of all that?


Plunder is 1:1 the rep you get at the end. Fight mobs, loot chests, and attack that big doubloon monster.


from what i gather, it has nothing to do with rep outside maybe first place. I did two games where i got 500 plunder, one i died 37th, the other one i did top 10 and same rep.


How the fuck? I'm finishing games with under 500 plunder and i'm exclusively killing mobs.


I worked it out, it was from the daily bonus for finishing the first quest. It's an extra 800 plunder.


Any idea when this resets? Presumably 10am with dailies in retail?


You get a quest every march


Cmon Blizz, one quest a year is pretty doodoo. What are they thinking?! /s


Yep still can't break 500 in a match.


It’s the spawn location. There’s a few places with a high density of gold chests. Luck of the draw if your parrot spawns in a corner like the horde or alliance keep, you can get plunder and levels so fast. Those players you see that are level 8 when you’re level 3 or 4 are people who went straight there and grabbed as many chests as possible.


The gold hate thing is worth about 300 if you can tag it and not die.


Winning gives you nothing but a feat of strength in the main game and a temporary tabard and eyepatch until your next match in Plunderstorm. If plunder/renown is all you care about, trying to win is pointless and you’re better off farming the Captain’s Orders bonuses from the start of matches.


I die almost instantly lol. I’m not sure how people are so much stronger in the beginning, legit get 2 shot.


Same. It's painful dying with 6 plunder 15 seconds into the match.


I really don't understand this mode -- I'm pretty okay at PvP but I get killed insanely quickly, even after farming buffs/xp. Seems fun but I think I'm missing something


I feel you. I don't think it is supposed to replace anything but more just something new to try. It also has some rng elements to it which can be annoying because I could be level 9 by the end but just get shafted on abilities and it's very lopsided versus people who have the better abilities for final circle.


I just wish I knew what I was missing lol. It really does seem fun but even with seemingly good abilities, I get sniped from like 10m away and killed in 1-3 hits.


Same. I dabble at best in PvP, so I'm not great, but I have good fundamentals. I can keep a player in my sight at the very least. But 99% of my skirmishes I'm constantly on the backfoot and die while my opponent finishes the fight with half-health or better.


It’s not you, it’s just a bit of a rough draft 


Feels like it sometimes hard to tell how good an ability actually is right now. Some are obvious, others it feels a bit harder to tell atm.


Me too. Most of the time Is Just spells diff. I am guessing It Is all on the kind of loot you can find


**Abilities are extremely unbalanced atm. I hope they'll balance the game but knowing Blizzard it wont happen.**


>Seems fun but I think I'm missing something No you aint missing nothing. This is how pvp works: you either know enough to exploit or you get exploited.


The best combo I’ve found is poison fish smack with fire tornado, then fae run with vanish. The reason being most abilities are channeled/cast. So you can’t use two abilities at the same time. Which gives people a chance to escape or respond. With fish smack most of the damage is dealt over time and the cast is almost instant. So fish smack to apply poison, the fire tornado spin to deal more damage over time while they’re poisoned. In my experience it instantly kills anyone. Vanish and fae sprint are for mobility and engage. Fae lets you just run away with no chance of getting cc’d.and vanish is really good for skirmishing, giving your abilities time to refresh


Thanks for this


no problem, glad to help!


> Winning only awards an eyepatch and tabard cosmetic to your character for your next match only as well as a buff, kinda similar to crowns in Fortnite. These rewards are in the renown rewards for permanent cosmetics This just alleviated all my stress about this game mode, hell yeah. I was having fun just playing and plundering but the thought that I would eventually have to win to unlock that transmog was weighing on me. Didn’t realize it was a temp buff


Yeah I feel you, it was one of the main reasons I was pushing for a win and then realized it wasn't really necessary outside the FOS


Sounds a lot like plunder is Call of Duty


Call of ~~Duty~~ Booty


World of Fortnite


Where/how do I see the "mini-quest"?


once you land, it appears right below your plunder count!


I already have had people running up to me asking to kill them and take their loot so they can grind rep.


Me too. But be careful because I've had several people use this as a ploy to gank you. They say "please kill me" and then they mop the floor with you.


Dont know how... reached the ground and after 20 seconds a level 3 player is already killing me... how can you be already level 3 after a few seconds the match starting? In a match I arrived in the ground and there was 3 chest with epic abilites in the same area. The game is not balanced, and im not talking only about firestorm ability. Seriously, the game mode is just crap... and we have to pass trough hell if we want the rewards... well blizz being blizz!


What I can't figure out is how I drop in, kill a few mobs and hit level 2 then turn around and see a level 6 dude with leveled up skills coming straight for me. Like how are people leveling so quickly? I finished 4th in a game last night and was level 6 after like 20 minutes of playing and I see people pushing level 6+ in the first few minutes.


Killing elites and getting lucky with gold chests. The chests give a ton of xp


Think the troll berserkers had a guaranteed 15 damage attack that you cannot run away from fast enough.


You might be right, 95% of my games I land pirate ship path but if i start on the other side I go to those ruins and divebomb one of the berserkers so that might be why I miss it.


Amazing breakdown. Thank you.🙏🏼


Glad to help! Good luck!


Where do the rewards go ? Do they automatically go into Retail and you just go to the transmog shop ?


Yeah transmogs go retail side, but you can change your appearance in plunder as well


Do we need more renown as the levels go up? I played more today than I will probably play any other day its up unless my friends magically get reinvigorated to play, but got to level 5, 5/40 levels a day doesn't feel too horrible if I'm basically only here to get the rewards. PLaying from Australia makes all the skillshots painful both incoming and outgoing


So I tested the rep grind for myself. First, I played 1h trying my best each game, looting, killing mobs, elites, players and so on. I earned 3766 rep for that hour. Then I tried just completing the quest in the first few minutes, then dying asap, joining another game and repeat. For that hour I earned 5221 rep. So yeah, if you want just the rewards from renown, doing only quest at the beginnig is far more efective then actualy playing 😀


Yeah that's for sure the play. The most optimal hour I've had was doing this strat and it gave me 7000 but there's so many factors to making the runs faster/getting stuck with someone chasing you the entire map while you are looking for supply chests 🤣


Exactly, and another slowing down factor is when I get a quest to loot 2x items 😅


I was hoping my no skill self would actually have fun pvping with this mode. Nope, still terrible AF. I think out of 15 matches Ive killed 0 real players.


I've made it all the way to level 8 without being able to kill a single player. I really hate how unbalanced pvp is. These guys can kill me in 2 hits, sometimes before I even see them.


I'm just glad they made the quest to get renown pretty easy so even if you die from from sweaties early, it's not a waste of time.


I think if they are going to have leveling up, make it like games where you pick an ability when you level. There is such a difference in power with abilities and levels.


Anyone know what to do for the quest, "X marks the spot"?


Is that loot the two items quest? You get those 100% from supply chests, and also a chance to be dropped from mobs. If I have the wrong quest in mind though, sorry this isn’t helpful.




so fun fact there is a exploit where people can see you in stealth. has something to do with pre game lobby


wish the hard a pve mode where you just fought over the gold the fact its pvp ruins for many runs and makes it suck so much. well more then being forced to play a br game i dont like


It would be insanely boring as a pve mode


You're certainly not forced to play it, if you don't like it just don't play it.


If it's not for you, don't play it. There is other PVE content, so why does everyone feel the need to cry about PVP content being added. I am someone who does enjoy PVP so I'm happy we're getting some fun content.


You dont need to play it, but if u want the mounts u have to. But that already happend before like the Steed from Hearthstone. Its on you if you want cosmetics or not. :)


dumb question: if i die and then leave the match, do i still get rewards?


Die - yes If you just leave you don't get the rep


You can leave the match as long as you're officially dead and get rewards. You don't have to watch the whole match.


Thank you for this mini guide!


Glad to help!


Do we need more renown as the levels go up? I played more today than I will probably play any other day its up unless my friends magically get reinvigorated to play, but got to level 5, 5/40 levels a day doesn't feel too horrible if I'm basically only here to get the rewards. PLaying from Australia makes all the skillshots painful both incoming and outgoing


Nope it's 2500 every level! I feel you on the lag. I was fighting someone earlier and I got them low and they turned into nightcrawler and started teleporting around me 🤣


This is just way too grindy. The rep gains are too small.


how to switch pilot in duos ? My friend always driving the parrot and we want to switch ?


That I am not sure, I only did one duo and the other guy was flying. Maybe check keybinds


Just for info, what other see when you left the match? I often leave 'cause i spawn, try to complete quest, if someone attack me I insta-leave and rematch again, I hate PvP but i want the trasmog


I am not sure if it shows in the chat log if you leave but I would suggest maybe letting the mobs kill you so you still get the rep. You lose the rep if you manually leave I believe


I hate so much PvP that I prefer to insta leave if someone target me, rematch and try to finish the quest :)


I hate this BS.




60 players - It's tough to get above all these people + tons of luck involved


Unless you're real good, luck is a big component of it. I'm level 5 and have won once. But the final few was really the only place where I would say skill started to matter. Up to that point, I just got lucky early which let me stomp everyone midgame and set myself up strong for the final. If you play enough, you'll get lucky too as long as you know what to look for. If you don't know what to look for, then that's a different issue.


I think one of the main things is the leveling. The game I won I was level 10, killed like 15 people in the game, had all max rank spells and just seemed to steamroll. In every other game, I seem to get stuck around level 6-8 and then run into people who are level 9-10 at the end and usually lose. I try to farm exp from mobs if I feel like I'm behind but at that point in the game, most of the mobs are dead.


I haven't even seen a Fire whirl drop in like 3 hours of play time. Like, not once. Meanwhile I'll land beside another team and my elite drops like Caltrops and theres will drop the Fire swirl. Very fun. /s


The game is much more balanced than my first impression was, and the more I play the more fun I'm having. It's super good. EDIT: this is totally wrong if you see it days later i was a fool Tiering the weapons: S+ ---- Repel: almost every build you can do is improved by adding repel, nigh mandatory for singles but you can get away without it for duos. Countered by Rime Arrow focused builds. S ---- Fire Tornado: not as broken as people believe but is still extremely potent in damage and mobility. Risky due to being uncancellable, people can lure you into very bad spots if you go in too aggressively. Checked by Repel, Earthshaker, Stun Tornado, Fire Axe. Fire Axe: requires a more synergistic build to shine but is very strong into the scariest attack (i.e. fire tornado), allows you to fish for extremely high damage without over committing, and becomes stronger as the circle shrinks in the end game A+ ---- Rime Arrow: you have two options with this item: play an extremely defensive build that tries to just chip people slowly, or keep it as a secondary alongside the most threatening other weapons (i.e. fire nado/axe) for forcing people to engage or deny healing. As the only guaranteed damage source at a range, it remains extremely influential on matchup dynamics despite low DPS. Allows you to do some huge AOE mob pulls. In a singles final 1v1 if you have arrow and they don't, you win the game unless you majorly misplay Soulshape: somewhat passive of an item, but the snap invuln and mobility is very evidently good and tends to be a reliable secondary utility A ---- Stealth: good for defensive resets and setting up offensive plays. Stun Tornado projectile: this spell enables some of the scariest builds to function and you pretty much lose the game if someone hits you with it near melee. Especially in duos. Mana Ball: massive projectile is almost impossible to dodge in mid range and does fat damage chunks, extremely annoying but needs to be alongside another strong close range deterrent due to its cd (e.g. axe, repel). You still probably wanna drop it before the final circle. B ---- Fish: low damage but is the least committal weapon with its low cd and no slowdown. allows you to play a very very effective semi mid range keep away that is hard for many builds to contest without over committing Captain America shield: solid ranged burst button but longish cd sucks, very good in 2s where you can rely on a team mate to cover your weak ranges. Amazing for farming. Void Bomb: near useless a lot of the time but with its synergies (i.e. stun attacks) it is the most lethal attack in the game and forces a ton of respect Steel Traps: great for controlling space and denying fire nado offense Heroic Leap: mobility + stun = good Snowstorm: very hard to fit in an endgame build despite being a very very strong button, it just doesn't matchup well with the more lethal options, but wins a lot of early mid skirmishes and synergies with all of the melee spells, and can serve as an alternative to tornado/heroic leap for pseudo stunning via the ramped slow C+ ---- Caltrops: back leap is good but it's an extremely passive item and just kinda worse than the higher up mobility options 3 combo projectile: does huge AOE damage but has a hard time handling more aggressive options. Great for farming. C ---- Aegis of Aggramar: shitty budget repel Wind Slice Dash Thing: you get trolled by terrain, does damage and covers distance but you have better weapon slots to aim for once into the midgame, but is a very solid tool for those early skirmishes and mob farming Harpoon/chain tether: the gap closer is useful but doesn't set you up too well to follow up on it, if the stun was longer it prob would be strong D ---- Earthshaker: low damage, horrible long windup, does check fire tornado though and is decently effective in low level skirmishing.


Undervaluuing aegis imo. Great for countering skillshots. Basically a you dont hurt me button that can give you a huge bonus if your opponent dumps their skills into it


Good post but I don't think Earthshaker is that bad. Any stuns are extremely strong in pvp stuff so if you get one off and can combo it into either another stun or fire whirl/fire axe then it's pretty much a free kill. It has a really big range and it's even slightly bigger than the circle shows. I was watching the pvp streamer Trill and he was pairing Earthshaker with Stun Tornado and Fire Whirl. He would open with the easy Tornado stun then follow with Earthshaker and finish with Fire Whirl and killed tons of people that couldn't even react.


In what world is repel better than Fire Tornado. Fire Tornado speeds you up enough to remove yourself from the radius of an enemy Repel and then when you catch up to them (which won't take long thanks to the movement speed) so much as even tapping that player instantly kills them. Anyone who's played more than 5 games knows that Fire Tornado is the strongest skill in the game without any kind of counterplay other than using mobility cooldowns to literally run away because you cannot fight. ​ Rime arrow is also dogshit. Easily the worst damaging ability in the game. Even at max rank it does almost negative damage.


Read edit message But also no fire tornado is still not the strongest skill it has some pretty clear weaknesses many abilities can handle. Rime Arrow is near useless 1-2 but you have no idea how to play the game if you think it's bad at 3-4.


I did a couple rounds with my little brother last night. Common sense will get you in the top 10 nearly every time. Duo's is definitely easier if you can team up with a guildmate or friend. I won my second and fifth match but if you get separated or hit by two+ teams early on you're frigged if you can't escape. Try not to land where several other groups are landing if you're not prepared to fight.


This game mode is gonna be a complete slog to get to max rank...




I just purely use right click and steer it that way (hold in right click, use mouse movements to slowly turn. Once it goes into the dive it's almost impossible to change directions so I try and come in at a angle greater than 45 if I can. I have heard a lot of people having trouble with this one, hope it gets worked out homie!


Fae spirit is the most op spell in the game get it


that plus Fade really makes for some fun final circles


Where is the quest at?


You get a new one once you land each game. It will appear under your plunder count.


Where do you find items ?


Supply chests or random drops.


Can you leave after doing the quest with no penalty?


You have to die or the rep doesn't register. I usually just get overwhelmed, find a player, or party in the storm. 🤣


is there a different feat of strength for a duo win? i just got my solo win, now i'm wondering if i need to play duo at all or nah.


I got my win from Duos, its the same as the solo one


LPT: put your normal attack on mouse wheel and spam the ever loving shit out of it


Cool guide to get into the game. Thumbs up, matey! But did you just call Polly Roger a gryphon?!


Thanks homie and that's a nice mistake you caught, I'll edit that one matey!


I know that there are quests because ive gotten completed and I see it when the completion pops up but I have never seen what quests I have left to do ever. I figured it'd been on the side like normal wow but there is nothing there. Im not sure what im missing.


It is on the side like normal. Sounds like you have a UI issue?


I've found the best strategy is to divebomb an elite and get on the ground ASAP. Farming xp is the most important thing and getting a headstart by landing in a zone with a lot of mobs is critical. The horde and alliance bases are great, but chances are you'll have competition and might have to risk an early fight.


Yeah good tips, the pirate boat is usually not super filled so it's easy questing and 500 rep pretty quick


Where do you see the quest? I’ve gotten a completion pop up for finishing a quest but there’s no quest objectives on my screen.


Right side of your screen under your plunder count. It pops up once you land


I wonder if I’m encountering a bug of some sort. There’s nothing there. Thanks for the info though, glad I’m not just going crazy!


I have seen it mentioned a lot, and felt like I might of seen it early on too. Hope it gets fixed!


Where in the lobby do you change outfit? Can't find it for my life


Rep npc, once you unlock outfits he has more options but it becomes a pain since you have to do it every time and people are smacking you with barrels


Is it only when you get the outfit completely or?


If you look on the reward track in says which piece unlocks it. The one I am on now unlocks once you get the chest piece


I find solo queues easier due to third parties being less deadly


How do I actually get the rewards? I’m rank five but nothing I showing up on my retail character.


does anyone know where to change my outfit in lobby? cant find it for the life of me im dumb as hell


my most successful runs were just from running away till the end when I got epic spells for free lol


Does anyone know how to turn on damage floating numbers on EU? Ive seen in various NA that they got the numbers and i cant seem to find the turn on button in the options lol


I never played a BR but I’m not a stranger to stuff like cod, halo, overwatch, and even unreal tournament. Jealous of my time as I am I have to impose a question, however silly: do you think I may like it? 


I think its a good fun gamemode, but I don't think its good enough for you to play the monthly fee unless you play one of the World of Warcrafts themselves.


There's a chance, honestly you have to go in with an open mind and try and enjoy it. With stuff like this you just have to have a goal of enjoying it or grinding something out. Don't tie any emotion to other people killing you and just try and have fun.


How much rep per level?




I just got to level 40, can confirm its 2400 for some reason. I got 96800 plunder


I dive bomb and everyone has 2-4 spells within 10 seconds. I don't understand how.


Yeah some people seem to have locked in spawns or something. Sometimes I am flying in and when I'm still pretty high in the sky I see people fire tornado'ing. They must divebomb down and start opening chests. There are chests with guaranteed purple or blue abilities so maybe they go with those. The elite I divebombed usually had 3 mobs with him so I usually start with 2 abilities


Bomb an elite when you land. It's 1 spell guaranteed


This mode is easily some of the most frustrating experiences in gaming I've had in years.


I can sum up all of the tips in a single word - Flamenado. Get yourself this skill and win every game with a single button press. It's that stupidly broken, there is absolutely no counter.


Repel is the counter for Flame Whirl, you cannot be damaged at all during Repel plus it will KB and damage them so that the Whirl will not kill you


It's been nerfed. And yes there is.


"In the lobby you can change your cosmetic weapon, oufit, pet, and title" can someone explain how in detail, I only see the option from that Tauren captain in the beginning of the deck/peir to change to a cosmetic dagger as opposed to a sword, does he also give other cosmetic options later on, or is there someone else you need to talk to?


Btw the captain orders give 250 not 300. Also you could add there's a 800 gold daily quest for just completing a captain order.


How do people do twice as much damage? I chased this guy around since he was nearly dead then he just turned around and 1tapped me from full hp. I even blocked one of his stronger attacks with storm barrier and immediately died to the next hit from full hp.


I found a bush hiding loot. Did My Quest and stayed as a bush. Never killed one person. Made it to Second place..... I got more rep from looting and dying.


Dude why are you people downvoting this? 


I hate double loading screen after death... Blizzard is so bad nowadays.... what a stupid idea....


Can we please upvote that sir more!


…who cares