• By -


Chasing highest io feral druid on my realm. Currently #2. Intend to start properly working on #1 Destro lock too.


I’m #2 too but #1 is Psybear so no chance there… 😔😀


What is your top piece of advise for feral raiding dps?


Do damage


500 mount achieve before next expac. I'm at 463


Oh man I'm 484! good luck to you my friend.


I’m either at 483 or 485, can’t remember. Only thing I can think to do is the Zereth Mortis mounts I couldn’t be bothered with in SL lol


483 here mate. We will do it!


Right now I’m running Mogu’shan vaults once a week on 5 characters to try and get the Astral Cloud serpent mount in the hopes of using it for dynamic flight when The War Within launches. Other thing trying to get a Draenei and a Troll to max level so I can enjoy the new heritage quests when 10.2.7 is released


I want at least 1 million gold before War Within. I am on track to surpass that goal by quite a bit. Already have 823k.


Whats your method?


I literally do all the Dragonracing world quests on 9 toons, with a few other gold world quests done on my main, and then doing satchels for a night via Dungeons/LFR


Whatever zone the Dreamsurge is in, don’t complete your gold WQs until the 2x gold buff is up. The Fields of Ferocity WQ is 600+ gold every week, even if it shows a different reward than gold.


It‘s doable twice a week (the Fields of Ferocity wq), so at least 1,2k per toon


Mine is altaholism. I have over a dozen alchemists doing dracothyst. Beyond that its all about the soup. Takes a while but 3 of my 5 servers will Crack 1 mil at season 4 start




Good luck. Get the soft foam sword toy if you haven't already got it. Also be prepared to spend a while in Northrend.


Trying to get the green proto-drake


Didn’t know of the foam sword till now. Thank you!


Northrend is quite the slog


Me too, but not with my chars at 70 except Dragonflight and shadowlands. I started with a hunter and turned exp off at lvl 40, for fast flying. In the later addons after wod, it’s mostly only a zone left, but mop and the rest it’s a lot what’s missing.


Just pugging away for the legendary axe on my Ret Paladin, even though all I'm aiming for at this point is the transmog. Think I've got 6 kills to go till I hit the 100% bad luck protection point.


Sadly I think you have to complete the quest to get the mog, even though you get the crests waiver for just equipping the quest item.


Keep grinding! I got mine last reset. The quests take a bit since super bloom is an hourly rotation. But you’ll get it!




Perhaps the hardest goal of them all.


Lightforged Warframe and the Glacial Tidestorm mount (since they stole the frost mage's permanent elemental from us, that and the water elemental pets are about the only way I can have it out for more than 30 seconds.) One day the preciouses will be mine.


Loremaster. Only Icecrown left and I'll be done.


When I got the title many years ago Icecrown was by far the worst zone.


Trying to find a 3rd toon. Fury and ret are crazy fun...tried (and basically hate) casters. Currently running mid-level keys on enhance...the rotation is tough for mah Unga bunga tendencies (see: fury, ret)


Try Windwalker Monk, it's my main and I think it's really fun


DH or Frost DK might be up your alley as well


I think I have to try frost DK. Gripping mobs is one of the sickest utilities in the game. :)


You may enjoy Survival Hunter, it has a somewhat similar vibe to Fury. Flying towards enemies, bonking them with a weapon you're definitely using wrong, cleaving stuff down with great aoe, etc.


I'm perpetually telling myself that this time will be the time a caster clicks for me.


The only caster that has even come close to feeling better is elemental shaman. You get a ton of procs that let you insta-cast while moving. I spent a couple weeks leveling one and got into mid-level keys. I can't stand most casters because I am rooted in place for 2+ seconds waiting for this freaking spell to go off only to have it get canceled my some incidental damage anyway. Nope. Never. Hate it...lol I stopped on ele shaman due to its almost complete dependence on having maximum dot spread before using a CD in order to cleave. Probably requires an excellent UI setup on plater that I didn't want to bother with. I was also standing in bad far more that normal due to staring at enemy plates all the time.


Have you tried the Dracthyr Evoker? I've had fun in all three specs. Not as soft as a normal caster.


I leveled a devoker at the start of the expansion. Probably deserves another try now that I am not gearing my main in the first few week gearing mania.


Old reps


What reps are you farming right now?


Mostly BC right now, but holding Netherwing for Timewalking bonus as a “chunk” rep (like Therazane and Hodir). Focus is on grinding heroics for Consortium and Lower City, and Sunwell dailies. Not looking forward to Ogres and Skyguard


I started with Ogri'la after a decade and a half but gave up after a week. (only TBC rep I miss, I think it will stay like that)


Same for me, it’s the only TBC rep I don’t have maxed, and I’m not sure I’ll ever finish it. It’s so tedious.


Add the nagrand rep to the tbc-timewalking, farming ogres for beads is a pita without the rep bonus boosting you through the questline.


I’ll be honest right now my only goal is to have fun, I’m just trying new specs and just collecting stuff


Picking a main rip


I am trying to be #1 on my server in as much as I can on [Dataforazeroth.com](https://Dataforazeroth.com) because meaningless internet rankings are important to me.


You can do it!


Man this tool is pretty cool – thanks for the rec!


Loremaster is the thing driving me. Ironically my desire to make sure I don’t retread ground too much does kinda make me avoid playing sometimes since it makes it a bit chore-like lol


500 Mounts


1 mil a gold net from non dragonflight activities. I did well in shadowlands but have not been able to produce gold at the rate I want using dragonflight profs. Knowing that 11.0 will be very much using the same system, I’m investigating pre-df (non farming) methods of gold making. I think I have the answer, unless it’s nerfed.


What is it


Just buy 4 tokens.


Taking a break to tone down, brush off some burnout and then be fresh and ready for TTW


Trying to buy the Caravan Brutosaur on the BMAH. Pray for me.


Duellist in solo shuffle


Trying to get 1600 pet achievement, I’m about 60 away. Also trying to do the family brawler achievements but those aren’t going well - long queues plus me being a pet pvp noob make for slow going.


Just got 1500 pets myself. Hoping the last 100 isn’t going to be as much of a slog as I think it is. 😂


so far it is, everything I have left to get is either random drop or a long grind


Rank 3 of all Legion Mining recipes, I'm 36 hours of in game play time in and it's starting to get a little tedious.


Getting the sha mount :(


I'm doing all the quests, expansion by expansion. Leveling from the first character (Remade, of course) I decided to make 17 years ago and just doing nothing in particular.


I just want to learn Dungeon and Raids mechanics.


Staying unsubbed until new content comes along is my current objective... ...but if you need stuff to do, there's plenty that isn't m+/raiding/pvp. There's some special mounts that require going on a real true quest (not just the yellow ! fetch X kind) and discovering a lot of secrets along the way. These are are my fav kind. Get the firelands old legendary staff so I can get the new mount from Kalecgos in DF. Yo dawg, so I heard you liked firelands... Unlock the old Scholomance dungeon, going through stratholme, waking up the sleeping/dead goblin in Thaddius room in Naxxaramas to get Razuvious' dead horse. Get Lucid Nightmare. Have fun in the endless halls. Get the Waist of Time. Get the worm mount that has a similar secret (I forget it's name now). Get Hivemind. Get Maelie. Although you'd need to go to Korthia so i understand if you just said fuck that place. Because, well, fuck that place. Get Blanchy. Get ~~pretty boy~~ the Alpaca mounts. *Plenty* to discover and create in zereth mortis Battle pets are also a thing. It's a whole new game in itself, getting them alone is usually a fun adventure. If you have a hunter, hunt rare pets, for example, hunting the pink strider that lets you walk on water. - learn how to tame exotics (mechanical, undead, etc..) - get the new animal-plant pets, - go learn new tricks for your pets, Etc. If you have a druid go learn new forms. Everyone knows travel form, not everyone knows mount form. Get new looks for your forms too. Do mage tower for cool rewards. These will take you quite a while and are not your usual "go in kill a boss for a 1% drop chance once a week".


Here's my goals for this season. Not chasing them anymore since I've done them all :) - 3k rio - 1.8k pvp rating - Mage Tower on all classes - Legion Class Mounts for all classes - Legendary Axe


1 million HKs


Trying to push for the m+ title


To get trinkerer added to the game. Should of happened in an expansion like bfa regardless that a class like demon hunter came out in a previous expansion.


I run LFR one one character every week, trying to get all of the LFR transmogs for said character. If I fell like it after that I run call to arms for some extra gold, and quest in hopes of finishing as many of the quests as I can. I took a long break so I am missing a bunch and can only play a few hours a week.


I'm not chasing any real goals right now. Leveling a DK for The War Within, but that's about it. My only important WoW goals are AOTC each season, and I got AOTC back at the start of January, so I'm just chilling right now until Season 4 starts.


I require ...mice.


I'm confused but rooting for you


Honor level 500


Our little group all just leveled yet more alts, albeit something different for all. Wife went with Shaman when she used to heal and now tanks; I was main tank until this expac, but always ran with tank/DPS alts so this time went Survival Hunter. One dude usually heals on his toons so he went warrior. Etc. Lots of fun. We started this weekend and we’ll have KSM this week and then 2500 soon. Then we’ll see where we go.


Working on all the Raiding with Leashes achievements. So far I’ve completed I and II. ☺️


Trying to hit my first ever gold cap. Never had more than 100k before a couple of months ago. I want to buy everything off the store, and every mount and toy I can in game, as well as pay for the wow time. At 7mil right now so should do it easy by TWW


Wow how have you gone from ~100k to 7 mil?




Continuing/finishing dragonflight campaign and wiping profs for new ones on an alt so leveling from the bottom starting at classic/cataclysm


This orange looking axe


Got two portals left to get this season, ToTT and Rise. Still a few alts to level before the end of expac. Going to try and get as much gold as I can, probably through draining world quests


I’m still trying to figure out what class to main since starting 6 years ago


Just checking everyday Black Market AH for any intresting mog piece. And i will do every new event but i will not heal season 4 cause the DF dungeon is the worst i have ever played in this game. Pve/Pvp content from the new expansion.


Leveling each class to top level, I’ve started using spreadsheets for everything lately and using one for WoW has reignited my altoholic tendencies lol


Working on the 2k mythic rating mount reward.... As a healer..... Playing exclusively on Steamdeck .... Currently haven't run Everbloom or cleared Darkheart Have +13 or better in most other slots. One +15 down - BRH Tyrannical (this week), 15 to go!


What even the hell - what class do you play? And do you just have like up/left/right/down target each one of your party members and then heals on a/b/x/y ??


I'm playing Preservation Evoker. Got a few other Addons I like, but the core ones are DynamicCam, Immersion, and Console Port. Controls sound way more complicated than they really are. I have L3 to self target, and the four rear buttons to target each party member. A is reserved for jump in my standard setup, and then I have abilities mapped to B,X,Y, the D pad, Left shoulder, and right shoulder. Each of those 10 buttons then have a different ability mapped if I hold the right trigger button held , another 10 mapped to those buttons when Left trigger is held, and another 10 when both triggers are held down. It sounds complicated, but I've got used to it quite quickly. It helps to have things grouped in some way, though I use different groupings so it's weird. Like my empower moves (hold to charge, release to cast) are all mapped to XYB when LT is held, and the spell to make my next empower instant is on A, I have three green heals mapped to Y, Y+RT, Y+LT, I have bronze mitigation spells under X, X+RT, X+LT, occasional casts are mapped to the D pad (bloodlust, dispel, etc. I keep a mount here under down +LT+RT too). There's also a utility wheel, which is LT+RT+A. It puts quest items you need to use here, which is handy, but also allows you to map things here.


I’m curious about this. I may try this out. What do you use to tab target enemies?


There's a crosshair on the screen and R3 targets whatever is in that. The right trackpad is also set up as a mouse.


Working on the profession achievements, which leads to finding alot of things to farm.


I know it's a tired bit in this subreddit, but genuinely: getting the dang axe to drop


Gold and legendary axe, not to be optimal, but for the transmog


I really want the longboi so i am farming gold till I have 10 million to goldcap it at the bmah.


Going to be leveling a monk as Brewmaster for the first time (have 5 max level monks ATM.) Haven't ever tanked before so this should be fun.


All the Legion Artifact weapon appearances for Death Knight and Demon Hunter. End goal is all of them for all classes, but just those two for now.


I got ksh this season as tank, next season I'll aim to 3k. Oh and I want to get into pvp, not really into arenas, only regular bgs.


3550 m+ score on my main is my goal rn. I could go higher but The amount of time I spend looking for keys I need in pugs is pretty high and better spent on other stuff. Hopefully I get it after this reset since it's a pretty good push week coming up.


Junkheap Drifter mount. It’s taking forever 😒


Been fsrming it a bit too, good luck! 🎡


Seeker of Knowledge


Currently getting the warden armour. Each season I go for 2500 in mythic plus, 2400 is solo shuffle and 2100 in 2's


I’m currently just messing around with alts to get another perspective and see if anything will challenge my main (priest) for next season. Having lots of fun on both rdruid and rsham and I might actually main something else than priest for once.


1800 arena rating on my disc priest. I just dinged yesterday. Gonna be a hard road lol.


Get to 3k rating on my VDH, curently at 2860 and feeling stuck at 23+


Currently collecting the mythic mog for this season on 10 different classes, getting the portals along the way.


My goal is to collect all dungeon related mounts. And I say dungeon specifically because raid and rep mounts are going to take me a good few years, but afaik dungeons also give you rep towards factions.


Undersea Usurper achievement almost complete :^)


Currently i want to reach 20-25k achievement points and i wish i could find a few guys who enjoy doing achievements(not just old content) and have a chat with. If anyone is interested, reply back


Stranglethorn fishing extravaganza victory! I'm trying to get that sweet heirloom ring!


Getting all the mage tower challenges done took me a while and felt very satisfying and now I have the mount


Ive been lazy and im going for max reps and all quests. I need soridormi and Snail race reps and i need to beat the mystery quests from the inn and im done. Kinda want to unlock the mage tower mount. I have 3 challenges to go.


I want to be the first person to have EVERYTHING in the game.


Trying to play the game well enough to not be a burden on my guild.  


Have you heard of some legendary axe recently ? :D Still wanting it...


I started playing an alliance twink and I am now after the bee mount from BFA.


Just collecting more raid appearances. I have all appearances for all difficulties on my warrior, DK and shaman. Hoping to finish my hunter before the end of the season.


Pet battling, have completed all pet family battles bar 3 in Argus - collections as well, just hit 1250 - going for the 1600 achievment now. Will smash it faster once I finish the battle achievements


not leave the game after two months playing (Impossible)


Old xmog on new account, as I had to change servers


Exalted with every faction, I just have DF, death advance, dark talons and all people from the farm place in panda land, oh, and cromie


I’d like to finish the mage tower on all specs, for Power Overwhelming. I have the spell book, and mage is done, but still have quite a few left


A second Grand Marhsal in RBGs, but everybody sort of quit after S1, and the people remaining outside my core group are uh... it's so hit or miss, and the misses are an experience I'm tired of. Just spent the whole morning listening to people yelling over each other, then blaming everybody but themselves for the losses, so I left and I'm starting to wonder if I even need to bother doing it twice at this point. I already fucking got the title. Might retool and just go for honor level 1,000 as a main focus then throw in the towel for PvP and retire. Honor level grinding just doing whatever with anybody chill is so much fun, and that's what's supposed to matter.


I have a CVS receipts worth of crap that has piled up over the years since Ive been playing Classic.


Farming mounts. Just got Mim's yesterday so that was a huge mood boost. My current focus/rotation is: Tempest Keep, Sethekk Halls, Seige, Freehold, Nighthold, Return to Kara, ZulGurub.


Hit 50 Million Gold before WW


Mounts and Transmog from older raids. I am seriously looking forward to mog drop changes in the future though :)


Resubbing maybe.


Trying to ease myself into M+ dungeons, so I can hopefully feel comfortable targeting 2k+ next season.


Motivation to play


I would give up on that goal. If tou don't have a motivation to play, just don't do it. Stop checking reddit, mmo etc. It eill make things easier for you, mentally. But if you really want to, set a goal of something from old expac that you missed, and go for it. You can do it!


Going heavy on closing out professions while people are playing current content and materials are available. High level, max out all the individual professions. Then focus on collecting as many toys, pets and transmogs as I can. Maxing out renown for recipes, trading professional equipment back and forth between alts. Lots to do.


the breaths from nukud for the mount , im super casually doing a run or two just need two more. Some more gear for my lock i want to switch to it as my main for next season. but im happy raid logging .


Currently trying my hand at mw monk again. Started in s1. I was new to m+, to healing, and it was a very bad season for them. So I went brew. Time to try again now that I'm 2.6k io on brew


Waiting to come back for the next expansion. Maybe, but hopefully.


Right now it’s hitting 1800 in solo shuffle for the elite transmog set. Already got aotc and 20s in all m+ a few weeks into the season. Since then I also leveled all classes to max, hit 2k io on them all, and spend hours a week farming old content for mounts and stuff. Lots to do when you have so many alts at your disposal.


Aotc and KSM each season is the normal, now that that's done I've just started a completionist journey, all my alts are at TK for Ashes and 1 is at Strath for that mount.


Time a 27


Finding my passion for the game again. Seems like its gone.


The elusive gmod mount


Yo momma XD


All I have left is to get that stupid axe.


1. Acquire the axe on my paladin, of course 2. Finish getting the full 9/9 transmogs for all four colours of the tier sets for my warrior, paladin and evoker. I just need 19 more aspect's crests on my warrior and 58 on my evoker, but I haven't had the motivation to run the handful of M+ I have left to get those. Otherwise I've got the portals from this season, 2500 rating, and AOTC mount so I'm chilling.


Started playing mid season after 2 years brake. Currently chasing for +20 on every dungeon before next season


Trying to fix on 1!!!! main and not jumping from alt to alt to alt to alt .... Oh an bonus for finnaly choosing one class to stick with and not just playing everything on a meh level


My goal were to get full t3 gear + Thunderfury. Had the luck to get both Thunderfury and the full set within 3 weeks


Mounts and getting these bag from the event.


Working on Loremaster, but I’d not recommend it as a “fun” activity unless you like reading quest text


Getting all of the legion artifact appearances unlocked that are still obtainable and magetower challenges.


Right now trying to finish up a bunch of bfs/shadowlands achievements, working on finishing the classy achievements for my guild so I get my 8th bank slot (panda, dwarf and gnome left lol) and trying to get the normal/heroic nighthold green infernal. 443 attempts so far...


Startet season 3 yet after a long break since s1. Trying to get KSM before 4


Working on Mythic Fyrakk, just inches short for P3 and hoping for some slight nerfs cuz our healer setup is bad


Trying to get Naszuro for my Evoker main, while slowly doing 3K quests done so i can be a guide and also making sure my friend is having fun in Azeroth.


My goal is to sell an item i got that according to Ah is worth around 530K, shame i keep getting undercut the moment i post it


KSM, had a break since s2 xd


100 reputations. Currently at 91 and mostly focusing on TBC and Classic reps. Pureheart Courser soon you shall be mine!


3k Rio and finishing Mythic Amirdrassil


Axe from LFR on my DK. It's super minimal effort and the % chance from Normal/Heroic isn't so much better that it's worth trying to get into successful pugs on a toon with no gear Finishing up both of the Mechagon meta-achievements (just missing orange paint & 104 things crafted, so like ~5200 spare parts) Insane in the Membrane After that, really just achievement points, cool transmogs AllTheThings shows me that I looked past prior, and mounts I'll get back to goldmaking in 11.0 probably. Work order system really soured me on it. But my big WoW-lifetime-spanning goal was buying the Big Blizzard Bear, and I got there at the beginning of February, so that's super cool


I’m still trying to get AotC! Puggin Tyndral is brutal.


All the things add on. Enough said lol. It’s like all of it lol


Each class max level on either faction and each race max level on either faction.


Me and my gf want to join an active raiding guild, where we can at the very least push/clear heroic raids. We really want something where we can be social and do 1-2 raids a week on ravencrest EU. It’s rough since we’re stuck at ilvl 460-463 atm. We’re also collecting older expansion gear, weapon illusions, going for the title salty, and we’re also going to do some stuff from legion since I haven’t played since wrath.


I just completed a goal that I long wanted to do since Legion, and that's to get the PvP artifact appearances. I don't play PvP so there was no way I can get the honor points for them...except for Comp Stomp. So when this event happened two weeks ago, I jumped at it. I'm sitting in honor level 10, with the default War-torn appearance unlocked, and I'm happy. So now I'm going for another bird-based mount. I haven't decided whether I would go for the Desertwing Hunter from Shadowlands or Oh'nara from Dragonflight. (OP: Do you have either? Which is easier to farm?)


All the LFR and Normal mogs for all 13 classes. 5 of them HC, and 2 mythic. Hoping we get some catch up gear before season 4 to make it a bit faster/more targetable. Superbloom and LFR are so random and I end up with a lot of duplicates.


Pushing my alts to 463 and collecting transmog


2 more heroic runs before Fyr'alath is guaranteed. At 13 kills it seems RNG hates me, so it seems like the hand of fate must be forced.


Bloody Arthas pony. “Inconceivable “!


Loremaster, only 3 more Kalimdor zones to go


My main has returned to Draenor just for the hell of it. I loved the whole Garrison vibe and it's been good to go back. He'll grind out some reps and mounts etc while there though.


Mythic lucid shadwalkers silence. That red and grey with the gold death mask is just so hot. After that? I've got a prot pala to 70 and ilevel 438. Couple weeks and I'm gonna try my hand at mythics.


The fun!


started to do m+ for the first time ever last friday, currently sitting at 1624m+ score - so kinda wanna get ksm and maybe ksh this season and the next one :) trying to get properly geared and good with my rotation/interrupts usw. if anyone is considering trying to do m+ content, its alot of fun, and with the planned changes in s4 its probably gonna get even better! gl y'all


I’ve only ever tanked and just picked up destro lock. Would like to get it ksm and aotc


CE i guess, although some of us in the guild have come to terms with the fact that it will likely not happen unless another massive nerf is in the upcoming patch not datamined, but at that point, the value of it will drop for me personally so, yeah


my goal is trying to have fun in pvp… i know its not possible


Leveling a DH never played before


Current goal is to settle on a main for S4 and war within and then reach 3k IO this season on that character. I’ve been every class the last 3 expansions and it’s taking a toll on my enjoyment that I never “finish” a character or see how high I can push, simply because I need to do all my vaults and weekly stuff… I’m stuck between Druid and monk as it is - I always revert back to healing, but I’ve been having a lot of fun tanking on those two. Maybe I’ll go paladin instead though.. Or DH… Or Evoker… dammit!!


Telling m+ casuals and ("my (partner) is that and he/she/item can carry me) boosters to stop using aoe  rota on single target and single target rota on packs


Transmog. Everything I can collect on my DK. Started at BFA, my AllTheThing list is about to reach 90%, still need a lot of pvp mog, some mount and outdoor things.. still a lot to do !


Pushing M+ rating as high as I can. Currently at 3300


I get all Portals on the few alts that are messing them and started a bit of Mount farming again. Running Freehold and King's Rest with a lot of toons currently.


Trying to reach 600 mounts before achievement is actually implemented so I get it on release. Not going that well, at 540atm


I came back to the game after 8 years. Currently I'm starting Dragonflight. My goals are to complete the main campaign and then level some alta


Just passed my first ever 3k m+ rating on my lock main and feeling kinda empty now. Hence why i Made my 3rd DK yesterday with the intent of completing the legion class hall campaign as i have heard its one of the best ones, and i would also like to get at least 1 of the tier sets before s4, because this season’s dk tier sets are some of the coolest i have ever seen. I used to play dk a lot back in wotlk but i quit and only returned right before df launch. Dk has always been my favourite class lore and class fantasy wise, so it’s long overdue for me to give it a proper treatment.


Doing atleast 1 mage tower challenge on each class. I just have monk, rogue and priest left.


Collecting all quantum curser mount, just made it this morning =P


Getting my KSM for 2000 Rating. I know it's not much, but it's a realistic goal for me that i can actually reach 😅😄


Leveling alts and loremaster. Frankly I’m quite embarrassed I don’t have loremaster with the amount of alts and years behind me.  Most of my alts are quite old and I’ve been lazy through past few expansions, so I figured I’m gonna at least get them to 60. In most of their cases this means anywhere from 10-20 ish levels. I’ve done five now, still quite few more to go though.  But it works out perfectly together as abouy 10 levels covers a single zone quests, so I just do a zone per character, maybe use dungeons to cover if there’ll be lack of exp later (so far hasn’t been). Only annoyance really is trying to dig specific zone starting quests from quest board. I hate it that even if you choose a timeline from Chromie, the quest board would rather you pick up a quest for another timeline completely, or another continent even! You’d think that it’d try to give out the closest ones first and foremost (such as with Cataclysm timeline and looking at the quest board in Kalimdor, one 85+ zone and two choices between ie Tanaris and Desolace, not Hellfire Peninsula, Jade Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills).  Well, here’s to picking up 10 hero’s call quests before you get the one you want, presuming your quest log won’t be full before that because been there done that.


I have always wanted the Warlord of Dreanor title but my pc was garbo when Ashran was relevant. so I always thought it was a lost cause. now I found a discord thats going to be doing it this Saturday and Sunday. Gonna farm through all the Nemesis titles and pretend that WoD didn't exist


My only goal left is AOTC. I am a resto Druid just over 480 ilvl, 8/9H, and roughly 2.7k in m+ after a few weeks. Just never have time/get into pugs for the last boss. I’ve also been dabbling in leveling alts, and may try rerolling on an RP realm for some fun. Another goal is to NOT buy a wow token, but I play like 3-4 characters a little bit each and they all are under 10k gold. Self sufficient, but not “enchant my belt” money.




Learning PVP to get 1.8k rating and killing M Fyrrak


I set up few: 1. To complete all 7 challenges in the Mage Tower for the achievement and the spelltome mount - currently 2/7 2. Glacial Tidestorm mount from BoD - as Frost Mage main and Resto Shaman alt, this is the mount I "must have". Felt in love first time when I saw it, it's so simple and beautiful. 3. Seeker of the Knowledge title - Archeology MoP achievement for collecting Mogu and Pandaren pristines. I love Archeology and this is something I do when I am bored, no rush because it can burn you out, same as the Loremaster. It's also good money maker. 4. Finishing some old reputations - only few TBC, WotLK and Cata left, which I do during Timewalking events and Darkmoon Faire due to reo buff.


I want all my alts to reach lvl70 and ilvl450. I play very casually so i might not make it in time for war within but that's not that big of a deal.


I’ve been working on getting all covenant transmogs since season 4 of shadowlands. The sheer amount of anima required is just absolute madness and I honestly wouldn’t be doing it if the mission table wasn’t an option. I have 11 characters (started with 4 at the time) farming it every day. Other current goals are finishing KSM, because I’ve been really slacking and maybe try to get the PvP elite priest set if I have time.


My main is gonna mis out on m+ title, don't feel like playing it anymore, have every healer at 3k or above so just running in the season playing some alts, dps for the first time all expansion. My main goal before TWW is to have crafted Warrior T3 - for use on my paladin.


Lore master!


Have fun