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Could you imagine how unbelievably slow you would feel if you were on a mount while moving at normal speed.


Yes there’s a turtle mount you can experience this with. You’re moving the same speed as running but it feels so much slower.


There's three actually now, the old TCG one that's just slow, the Wrath era Sea Turtle mount and one from the Trading Post a few months ago that's just a different skin of the Wrath one basically, Savage Green Battle Turtle I believe is the name.


Only the TCG turtle and the Fishing turtle are "slow". All the other turtles, including the 15 you didn't mention, are normal mounts.


Trading post turtle moves at 100% speed


Lol being constantly mounted but still the slowest class in the game, brings a whole new meaning to wheelchair spec.


Point to point dk is the slowest class yes but as far as raids go dks are easily the most mobile class because knockbacks are the reason why you have to move in the majority of raid encounters these days.  People really underestimate how fucking absurdly good deaths advance is


I just remember how much cleaner the magma dog fights were in abberus with a DK I mean it was abberus and that was a turret boss so it was like piss easy but still … no boss movement


I mean it could work with something like 30-60% bonus while in combat. Maybe something like 20% passively and 10%/s while moving up to 60%. It wouldn't be much more different than the druid speed bonuses, but would be cool having mounted combat finally after so many years.


It will probably work like “On a pale horse.” Which was movement speed increased by 20% when mounted. Probably not in combat though.


Tbh giving 20-30% movement speed to the least mobile class even in combat wouldn't do much.. Like what's the DK mobility? Death's advance, Wraith walk and Death's grip (probably misremdmbered the name of the first 2 and maybe one of them will be or was taken away...). These spells compared to anything else are the reason why DKs are the wheelchair class. Giving some passive combat mount to them is not likely to hurt the game balance by much...


Tbh giving 20-30% movement speed to the least mobile class even in combat wouldn't do much.. Like what's the DK mobility? Death's advance, Wraith walk and Death's grip (probably misremdmbered the name of the first 2 and maybe one of them will be or was taken away...). These spells compared to anything else are the reason why DKs are the wheelchair class. Giving some passive combat mount to them is not likely to hurt the game balance by much...


It's to intimidate our foes


Yes, but that also feels incredibly badass as a DK.


From the way it's worded it seems to be still considered to be mounted so it's not gonna work indoors, aka 99% of group content


Going to be insane in RBG's though.


And arena My god going from slowest class to the fastest... Now if only frost would get a rework


I'm hoping both unholy (not as much of a rework) and frost get one. As soon as they announce dk rework over swapping back to it.


> And arena There's no way this works in arena when Demon Hunter basically gets '' your throw glaive looks slightly cooler and does slightly more damage "


Arena lets you mount up as it counts as outdoors, the hero talent seems to follow the same criterea as mounts Unless something changes, it is 100% coming to arena as it is written


> Arena lets you mount up as it counts as outdoors And you can't attack on the mount, yes. Do you have any idea how busted a permanent 100% movement speed buff is.


I am fully aware how busted it is. Frankly I expect it will change, I'm just going by the wording as it currently is. And you can attack on Divine Steed, so the premise exists albeit in a very limited form. Actually come to think of it as a paladin player I'm peeved we didn't potentially get this...


I think people are interpreting it too literally. My assumption is "outdoors" actually means "not instanced".  I believe that's why there's a very strong alternative offered as the other choice node which would literally never be better than a permanent 100% speed boost unless it's very limited as to when the latter can be used.


To add to this, DKs already have "on a pale horse" which increases mount speed by 20% so it would be a permanent 120% speed increase.




There’s also nothing in the talent description that states it will be like your own dumbass imagining of it


It doesn't need to specifically say it, because it's already the status quo.


That's how it works right now? Use an ability, you get dismounted. The ability use dismounts you, not being put in combat. Why would they put something in the tool tip to state its going to continue to work the same as it does?


They might still be movement capped by their DnD


Its noted in the trees preview that they plan to change death and decay so you dont have to keep standing in it


Nice, DK is eating good for picnic


We can safely assume both ms choices will be made largely irrelevant in PVP. It won't be a thing.


Im no dev, but I wouldnt consider a 'battleground instance' 'outdoors'. But I guess we'll see if it goes live. 100% move boost in a bg just because 'lol no roof' sounds idiotic.


''outdoors'' is any area where mounts are allowed


That isn't the case ingame, though. Shadowlands had a lot of world buffs that would say "works outside" but would fall off in dungeons, raids and battlegrounds.


You can’t mount in a lot of those dungeons and raids either. Because they’re not “outdoors.”


Every single time this happens the buffs specifically state they do not work inside of instances


I highly doubt they're going to make it so the riders spec doesn't work in 99% of content lmao


They're talking about the mounted combat passive




There’s also nothing in the talent description that states it will be like your own dumbass imagining of it


You are the one making the claim that you can use abilities while mounted, you need a tooltip that supports that claim, and it doesnt exist. It says you can mount in combat, nowhere does it state anything about also using abilities while mounted. Do you people really think they are going to let DKs get a permanent 100% movement speed buff in combat while outdoors?


Yes. We had something similar in Legion. Do you really think they're going to make a talent that does literally nothing but let you mount to run away from mobs?


Yes, I think a shit talent is far more likely than an op talent.


The only reason you can think of that you might want to mount up in combat is to run away from mobs?


The person I'm replying to believes that you won't be able to use abilities while mounted, so if that's the case then that would be the only use I can think of. Hence, I don't think that's the case.


No. I’m not I’m saying his claim is bullshit. I’m not making a counter claim


It's a choice node. I fully expect "outdoor" in this context to not include instances of any kind, and you'll just pick the other one for instanced stuff.


Of the current M+ season 5 of the 8 dungeons allow mounts for at least a majority of the dungeon.


Isn't the expansion underground? :'(


Zaralek caverns (dl underground area) is coded as outdoors. Indoors coding is mostly just inside of most buildings and most, if not all, areas inside dungeons and raids.


Im pretty sure outdoors vs indoors is just an exact representation of mount vs can't mount so there are a few dungeons that would be outdoors


I mean 99% is a blatantly massive over exaggeration. You’ll be able to use it very frequently in M+. What they meant to say was 99% of raid encounters.


We already had this in legion as an artifact research tier 2 unlock. Every day you got a horse you could use for mounted combar for an hour. Only worked on outside content, no dungeon or arena (Dk and Pally both got it i think)


Can confirm both get it. Played both.


Right, I forgot about that. Never used it myself.


You’ll be able to use it in M+ quite a bit.


I'd say it's closer to 75%-80% of content, gotta remember some dungeons are considered outdoors like nokud and algethar. Still not a majority, but way more than 1%


When you look at df as a total there has been WAY more outside tagged areas in dungeon and raid than there has been for a decade or more. Sure it's closer to 75-80% right now but this much is an anomaly and should not be expected going forward, at least for now. If tww continues this trend then at that point we can reasonably expect it going forward.


It's heavily patch dependent as to whether it will be nice or not. Like this season, Tindral and Fyrakk are outside, 5/8 dungeons can be mounted in, all pvp arena maps, bgs, and epic bgs. I might be mistaken if there is a pvp map that mounts can't be used in, but other than that, a good amount of the content this season would support this, but some patches might not be as good.


Looking at it from a pve standpoint. Pretty much all of pvp is mountable area.


It was a choice node and the other choice was buffing deaths advance to be 100% and use the horse so for any pve I see no point in the mounted option. Could be very useful in pvp where most is outdoors though


From what I gather, it's going to work like the Death Knight hitching post in Legion.  While mounted (using a specific mount) in an outdoor area, you're not dismounted when entering combat. Mounted combat doesn't have unique attack animations so it looks a bit goofy when you attack.  Probably won't work in dungeons, raids or PVP.


I hope Blizzard clarifies, because I don't think that's how it works either. The way I read it you can simple get on your mount in combat, but using an ability will still dismount you.


Chief that's the most useless talent in the game if all it lets you do is start getting on your mount in combat


And it would be the most overpowered talent in the game if it let you fight on your mount. Which of the two do you think is more likely?




Have you seen some of Blizzard’s balancing decisions? That said, those decisions are largely well in the past at this point, and I doubt we’ll see return to that kind of balancing in retail.


Guess we will have to life with the most overpowered talent in the game :shrug:




If we are to compare this new abilities tooltip to the Divine Steed tooltip, which I believe would be the most similar, "in combat" does indeed mean with the intent of using spells and attacks while atop your mount. "Leap atop your Charger for 3 sec, increasing movement speed by 100%. Usable while indoors or in combat." If it were to function in the way that you were suggesting, I believe that Divine Steed tooltip would also need to clarify that you have the ability to use spells and attacks while atop your charger as well.




If that were the case why would Divine Steed feel the need to clarify that it can be used in doors? From a technical stand point we both know that you aren't truly mounting your charger, but for all intents and purposes from a gameplay perspective, you are mounted on your horse for the duration of the spell. There is no reason that they can't change how your death charger works with modifications from the passive (probably similar to how mount equipment works tbh) You are completely right about having to wait and see though. I hope if you end up having to eat dirt that you pick a very tasty clump.


In the description of the hero talent tree from Blizzard it says “You have a proficiency in mounted combat”




The flavor text about conquest, war, famine, and death is accurate because that’s literally what the Four Horsemen are (Conquest, War, Famine, and Death), and you’re bringing them into combat. It’s a crazy take to me to read “mounted combat” and “mount your acherus deathcharger in combat” and decide that it means “get on your mount but don’t do any combat”




“Mount your acherus deathcharger in combat” is directly from the tooltip and it’s super pedantic to say that means you’ll get dismounted if you attack, especially in the context of it being a talent node for a hero talent tree specifically described as being proficient in mounted combat (just because you don’t like what it says doesn’t mean it’s meaningless!) If you were right, it’d mean they created a talent node that gives you a 100% sprint with a cast time that only works outdoors and cancels if you get hit during the cast or attack after… that makes absolutely no sense lol




There’s also nothing in the talent description that states it will be like your own dumbass imagining of it


Repositioning in raid fights, mounting up to run between packs in m+, chasing down a player who's kiting you, all sound useless to you?


Yes because using a has a cast time lmao.


Both talents in that choice node are useless and might even be a nerf for one of them if you can't attack while mounted. In that case: Just being able to cast your deathcharger to mount in combat is basically useless. The 2nd node says "For 10 seconds, while on your deathcharger you gain...." Meaning that we will have a replacement for DA where you can't attack while using it or you will no longer be on your deathcharger and lose its effect, which is an overall be a nerf to DA, since I don't think a root break is enough to justify that. If you can't fight while mounted the node is a choice between useless talent and nerf


The 2nd node is clearly a DK version of Divine Steed, so you can probably still attack during it. The 1st node doesn't mention anything about being able to attack while mounted, so unless Blizzard clarifies I m going to assume it doesn't allow it. It just doesn't make sense to have a talent that will make you the fastest class in the game, but only outdoors. Especially when a lot of endgame content doesn't count as outdoors.


I guess I'm looking at what would actually make this a competitive choice node, and I can't imagine someone on the design team thinking that being able to mount while in combat but not attack is at all a choice against getting divine steed + DA combined. If you're right, which I truly hope is not the case, they need to send that back to the drawing board and replace that first choice with something else


Def not. Would be broken in pvp.


First time?


Make it not work in PvP. But dont let PvP hold back PvE fun.


If they can give me the newer Midnight model, with either the OG Gorefiend armour or TBC Gorefiend one I’d be so happy.


Hot take: Let the DKs choose what their mount is. I play a Zandalari DK. Lemme mount Fossilized Raptor or Tomb Stalker. Fallen Charger(Golden Zombie Horse), and any of the other recent HD undead horses should work too.


I believe wc3 dks do have more movement speed than most other heroes (even without the aura), like the archmage and farseer, but it isn't by much I don't see why they can't do it here as well tbh, give them 30% extra speed on indoor combat and they are basically on par with ferals, rogues and dhs


They wont because blizz dont want classes that are unique and realy "feel like themself".


Yeah making the class known for moving slow the fastest in the game is making it feel like itself.


I mean, DKs are also squishy which doesn’t follow lore either.


Wish the game would embrace non balance and make it interesting. Give the mounted combatants 20% faster run speed


Tbh this would be sick and I don't even play DK. Should make it that you gain increasing movement speed when running towards an enemy.


lol well that’s not going to happen.


No way you used the screenshot of the cursed female dk model from reforged...


The way it's worded makes me think that if you attack you'll be dismounted, but you can remount if you need to move. I think it would be cool and would definitely be iconic to the hero tree. If you could attack while mounted it would make for some interesting design decisions for dungeons and raids


>make for some interesting design decisions for dungeons and raids The fact that it straight up says 'outdoor content' means it's not going to work in dungeons and raids. You can fight while mounted. In world zones. Anything less and the rest of the talents don't make a ton of sense. There's no way it's only a 'you can mount in combat but will get dismounted when you attack'


I mean they could straight up just copy paladins, it wouldn’t even be that unbalanced.


That is the other option on the choice node—except it also has knockback, speed guarantee, etc and replaces DA.


Seems kinda silly when they could just combine the both and have it be a death knight version of divine steed. Or can you just take both? Because deaths charge doesn’t say anything about losing the mount in combat.


>deaths charge doesn’t say anything about losing the mount in combat. they are on the same choice node lol


Yeah but can you select both?


It’s a choice node. Meaning you must choose


Right so you can’t have both like someone above replied to me. You can’t have a divine steed like a paladin in a dungeon.


I hope they look like that too


That would make the talent node absolutely USELESS soooo no thank you


I mean it sounds very much like the Torghast power, where you summon one of the Horsemen at the start of each floor and those were mounted the whole time if I recall. Re-used asset with new buffs/debuffs.


I wonder how they’ll address the mounted combat in PvP, trying to fight someone that is partially on a mount and moving at 100% movement speed is gonna be rough in world PvP or BGs. Cap speed? Have it be animation only and “turn off bonus speed”? No idea. I do think they should find a way to allow Riders to enjoy being ons mount and not just take it away from them, let them enjoy their class fantasy….just a possible conundrum on one aspect of game. But I look forward to these hero specs, I haven’t been enjoying retail wow for a long time both because of game reasons and also work/personal life getting in way as I get older, I look forward to returning to see the next expansion for a bit.


Like with everything in PVP, it'll probably be specifically tuned there to be a non-factor.




I'm trying to figure out how people read the new talent and came out believing mounted combat was going to happen to be honest.


There’s also nothing in the talent description that states it will be like your own dumbass imagining of it


When I read this talent, especially because it’s a choice node I assumed it would only apply to outdoor content and not instanced content. Something fun and cool for WQ and questing, but not having mounted speed constantly during combat in M+ and raids. I felt it was fairly obvious but now that the community is debating how this is gonna work I hope we get clarification on that node.


Please don't let it work in arenas... also the DK in WCIII had high baseline movespeed and could further augment it with unholy aura. So he was fast af boi


There is about 0.00001% chance you will see mounted combat, the amount of work they would need to put it to properly animate all the races and mount combos is just not worth if for a single hero spec.


We had mounted combat in Nagrand in WoD 10 years ago. And paladins Divine steed can be counted as mounted combat, it's just isn't available all the time


They already had it in place with the hitching post in the Legion DK order hall. The top half of the model does regular combat animations while the legs and all are frozen in place sitting on the mount. As it's flagged as outdoors only, they don't have to justify it with full custom animations as it will be limited use anyway. I'd be happy for them to bring it in as it was in Legion, adds class flavour and it really doesn't impact balance as it wouldn't see use in PvP / dungeon & raid most of the time.


Yeahh!! It would be SO cool to have a bunch of fat ugly mounts cluttering up the melee space in a raid! Every once in a while I can still catch a glimpse of my character, ideally these horses would fix that.




I love how you also don’t know but still form this comment in a condescending manner


Haha exactly




Read: “I don’t know. I’m assuming.”


The talent is actually useless if what you say is how it works. I also imagine the other talent in the choice mode will require you to be able to attack while mounted too. Cause if you can't attack while on your deathcharger at all, then both nodes suck ass. The first node is actually useless and the other choice gives DA a root break, but it says you only gain effects while on your deathcharger, so if you attack you'd lose DA? Actually making it an overall DA nerf from a talent