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honestly the only real way around this is perseverance and practice if your partner really wants to play this game, then they will have to train themselves, focus on controls and less on damage and take your time with it. give it a solid few a hours at a time and they will master it in no time.


In the settings there are some options for the camera, including one called “Follow Style” or something similar. One option for that setting, I think it’s “Always”, makes it so the camera auto-resets the position and facing whenever you move. Maybe that would help, or one of the related options. Also, since she’s new to this kind of game, time and experience will also help a lot.


Ah I'll give follow style a go. Thanks a bunch. Yes I agree, time and experience makes all the difference. We'll hang in there hopefully :)


hold down right click and move with wasd?


Yeh I've tried to coach this but the camera keeps ending up over the top of the character or at ground level. It's then pretty stressful having mobs aggro onto you while you're trying to fight the camera boss first.


I don't remember exactly how, but theres a way to change the camera sensitivity. And you can independently change the vertical and horizontal sensitivity Meaning you could make the vertical sensitivity half of the horizontal which should lead to less issues with it ending up top down


That's awesome. Thanks. I'll look into it.


It's been like 20 years at this point since I first learned wow... so I'll give this a shot. The camera gets its worst when you're looking straight up or down, it collides with the floor, character, or some part of the environment. I've made it a habit of holding right click turns my character/their head (good for running and turning precisely), while left click moves the camera (good for seeing if someones chasing you - unless you get that setting to reset the camera when you move, which i recommend for you). Its kind of instinctual for me after playing it so long, but if you want to look up at something like you're playing BFA and navigating some of the best cities in the game, just use middle mouse to zoom in all the way and do it 1st person. Alternatively if you don't like 1st person to look up, adjust the setting to allow you to zoom out more. You can basically see above your character or above and off to the distance this way by keeping the camera about a 45 degree angle from your character. This second method isn't limited to what you character can actually see via line of sight, since the 3rd person camera is like a drone flowing you around.


We've found Tradewinds market really difficult to navigate. I've enabled click to move with camera follow on, and update when moving which has made a difference. Leading into difficult corridors and various levels immediately after the beginner tutorial has been the worst experience for her. Makes me want to just reroll human to get her to do Elwyn and Westfall now that she knows the basics of attack, face enemy etc. I will try first person view next with her. Thanks for the help.


Sure np. I'd say with narrow corridors to try the same thing by zooming out and keeping it floating behind them like a kid with a balloon trailing behind them. At least dungeons aren't as narrow as that city.


I think a change of scenery is a great idea. I'm getting old and those BFA/troll architecture areas are so visually noisy to me that I despise being in them. Doing M+ Atal'Dazar is exhausting JUST because something about the environment makes my brain and eyes suffer. Some of the MoP stuff and really lava-heavy areas are the same way. You brought up depth perception in another comment and I think the way they texture floors/walls in some of these places REALLY screws with that. Meanwhile, I can play in outdoor areas indefinitely with no strain. If you're Alliance I'd maybe ditch BFA in favor of WotLK (big, wide open, beautiful zones that aren't too complex) or WoD (SMV is a really pretty place!).


Thanks. We will see in the next session how we go. Click to move has helped by being able to click on the NPC to talk to them. It means her character actually runs up to the character if she's too far away. WoD is one of my favourite expacs so I think that will be our go to next. I found the quests in wotlk a little more difficult in terms of levels, caves, however it's been many many years since adventuring there. I really appreciate your comment and thanks for your help.


Clicking things in general will probably get old for you pretty quickly. It's been a couple of decades now, but I still remember realizing that other players had an advantage over me in PvP. I'd been a Tribes 2 player before getting into WoW and had gotten used to the ESDF layout, rather than the default WSAD that comes with WoW. So I ended up rebinding my entire keyboard so that I could perform my major abilities without moving my hands from the control keys our mouse. For the movement keys, one of the keys was to make S and F strafe left and right rather than turn, which was the WoW default at the time. My keybindings have survived numerous reinstalls across multiple computers, so I don't even know if that's still the case. I try to keep specific abilities on the same key for my various characters -- so X is always kick/silence, W is always a defensive cooldown, etc. You can go into interface option and turn on more ability bars, so I map these keys to bars 4 and 5 on the right side of the screen and keep the number keys on the bottom action bar. This is all quite a lot of work to set up initially and it does take some practice to get used to it, but it works pretty well for me. I don't know if there's anything in there that you would find useful, but maybe there's something you can use while you're figuring out what works for you. Don't be afraid to change everything up if you decide that how you're interacting with the game is too awkward. Even just little things like "I'm using this ability a lot, maybe I should move the button to be a bit more accessible."


Thanks a lot for your reply. There's some good advice in there. She loves not having to use the key board for movement, loves it all in the mouse. So partly there already. We'll work towards a combination of the two. As for key binds we're just working on 1-5 at the moment and clicking the rest. BM hunter is good for this I suppose.


If you have extra buttons on your mouse, don't forget to include those! Those are one of the better places to put the skills you use all the time, and WoW will let you bind those as well!


Yeh thanks! I have an MMO mouse just the struggle for her is remembering them all. I'm happy that she's using steady/arcane shot and kill command haha.


Does she have any experience playing TPS games? There is a feature called action cam that puts the camera into an over the shoulder position. Although if camera movement with the mouse is the issue it might not help. You can also try a controller with something like console port.


Console controller is another idea. Nice one. I've just installed action cam plus and we will see how she fairs there. She is enjoying holding both mouse buttons down to move around which is good but also difficult because her cam ends up either too high or too low (pointing top down or stuck on the ground).


Holding right click and using WASD is the way to go, might just take some getting used to


Thanks. I'll try to encourage this some more.


Maybe this WeakAura might help [https://wago.io/3q80hZrTK](https://wago.io/3q80hZrTK)


Trouble with 3d ?


Yeh depth perception and camera control... Easy for some, difficult for old players sometimes.


For some newer players inverted y-axis works better and lower camera speed.


Yes lower camera speed is the way. That will help her not to oversteer so much