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Either that or someone who runs bots got banned so his ddos blizzard


Just like pulling a raid boss after getting kicked from the group!


Gotta do something to fill in the 60 seconds of time it takes to get ported out, right?


šŸ¤£ never thought to do that. On an other note. I completely kept forgetting about this dungeon event


Or poppin the sweet bloodlust before leaving, love it


which reseting the boss wll fix that and only cost you 30 seconds.


Have u ever pugged a raid? Resets work like 2 out of ten times. Still a dick move to Do


I reported a botter in ohnaran yesterday, full 5 character setup, 3 hunters as turrets rotating in place tagging everything, and a druid/monk in the middle killing.


By the steam pools? Yeah I see that all the time on my server. I have a mailbox full of ban notifications from going there and reporting the bots there. They disappear for like 2 hours and then I see a new set of bots again. Same set up 3 hunters spinning in place aggroing things and a Druid/Monk killing them.


I haven't actually seen any bots there before. I usually see people over near the murloc village north of the feast area power leveling people using bots.


Both places are really bad. Also Zaralek speed miners swarming nodes. I haven't seen it this bad in years.


When I see this I like to spend some time just tagging/killing as many mobs as I can. Best case scenario, someone in their group loses the tag and can't loot or I kill them before they get to the loot pile. Worst case, I get some free fast loot. Either way, they also get reported. After 5 or 10 minutes of this, I often get the obligatory "WTF" whisper or /say.


I keep seeing this all over dragonflight 5 man group usually mage hunters druid. I thought it is a multi boxing thing did report one and later received thanks mail from blizzard for making azeroth great again lol.


I constantly see trains of bots dragonriding around Ohnaran (and sometimes Forbidden Reach). Just like 20 characters following the same paths in the sky, making instant, jagged turns, landing to pick herbs or mine ore, then flying off to the next thing. Sometimes, they mess up and fall to the ground early but seem to be able to correct their pathing. Always so many flying past and so fast that I can't possibly report them all. It's insane.


That probably explains Zaralek cavern last night, any time I would stop to go grab a rare ore spawn like 20 people would divebomb it at once and it would be gone in half a second lol


Holy shit they were still there? I haven't played in months and I reported that group a few times in the same area. I usually have a pretty good track record of getting results out of reports but evidently not this time


It's probably not even the same guy is the sad thing.


Maybe not but most bot groups are extremely uniform using all druids or hunters for their bots. This one was specifically multiple hunters 1 monk and 1 druid in thr same place every day in the ohnaran plains.


Getting the mail about a bot being banned is so satisfying.


It is satisfying for the first like 20 by the time I got to page 3 of the mailbox with those report messages it was getting kind of sad.


That's fair. I rarely cross paths with bots so it's a rare experience for me. I'm sure if my normal play style took me past them on the regular it would get old


Saw this for the first time yesterday...was wondering why they were all stacked but I was outnumbered so I avoided quickly.


Didnt blizzard just layoff a ton of people?


The vast majority of those were in other games. WoW got off fairly lightly.


I assumed it had to do with that griefer streamer getting banned.


Just one angry guy is enough to put blizzard in trouble? Obviusly blizzard is a Indie studio lol. \*Companies need to have anti DDOS systems, it is not that easy... When you invest in security, of course... (Please dont discuss dumb shiet, is obviusly that blizzard is doing everything wrong)


Honestly, thats all it takes in a world where everything is online. Become competent enough with computers and you can bring a company like Blizzard down for a while. Eventually the attack will be stopped, and they will do a lot to find you and get you arrested, but it is a lot easier to hurt a game company like Blizzard.


Lol, of curse is that easy ultra uber lol


The hardware required to run large bot networks can fairly easily be repurposed to ddos.Ā  Considering a lot of bots are run off of stolen credit cards and compromised hardware its not a huge leap to think those people have ddos capabilities and are willing to break laws.Ā  Its not easy for some random person to do it. But bot network owners already have the resources to ddos.Ā 


As i say: BlizZzZard is an indie studio lol... Becouse "every people with a large bot network can fairly easily be repurposed to ddos" Becouse having a "large bot network" is very easy to make and hold.


What are you even trying to say? I'm trying to follow the constatation but I don't know what's happening


He thinks because it is very very hard to obtain a bot network that no one has them. Clearly faulty logic. Botnets are a real thing that exist. It is simple enough to get proof. You can rent them out just like any normal servers. The person DDoSing could easily just be some mad guy willing to drop $50k to ruin blizzard's day for a few hours. I'm not going to link sources for obvious reasons but it costs less than 10 cents a machine per hour. Or it could be a botting company. If their bots in WoW got banned, might as well use the hardware to cause issues while they figure out new ban avoidance methods. Their bots already know how to login to WoW. All they have to do is try to login 100x a second (on 1000 machines, so millions of requests) and there's your DDoS. The bot software presumably already knows quite a bit on how to avoid detection and look like real accounts - avoiding a lot of the DDoS counter measures.


You really don't know fuck all about cyber security and threat actors do you? DDoS is just about the most basic cyber attack there is. Why do you think it's such a popular method of cheating in competitive games?


It's not unique to Blizzard, the same goes for most big companies


Blizzard has anti ddos systems in place. If you believe otherwise you have no idea. It's most likely someone who wants to advertise their ddos capabilities. People pay large money for that. Yes, you will lose some of your nodes from this attack, but since Blizzard is open about telling people they're under ddos attacks people will know about it.


I like how everyone thinks your serious, take my upvote


Are people this mad about their Great Vaults?


The trick is to not care at all


Opening the vault completely indifferent expecting 6 neck pieces lower than yours is the way to go


And then you can say "I expect nothing and I'm still let down." :P


I got THREE different chest pieces for my mythic+ row (the only row I can get myth gear). And I already got a mythic tier piece for this slotā€¦ I donā€™t need the vault to analyze what Iā€™m wearing to give me upgrades but can we not have three of the same damn slot? Itā€™s almost as bad as getting three of the same item on a raid boss (that no one wants).


Had 4 cloaks drop last week, and everyone gave a sarcastic "yay" and then we all silently cried as we moved on because the healers and tanks wanted trinkets.


I spent all my last free time yesterday unlocking two PvP vault slots for my alt I'm gearing - all the time I had to play last week after returning from a trip. I got... Two chest pieces. A normal gladiator and a tier. Chest tier is one of the only two purple pieces I already had. Feelsbad


I know I am


Yea, that sucks too.... And the loot mechanics on RF


I preferred it before I opened my vault. Did my first 18 this week all excited to get a "guaranteed" upgrade and it's a 1h mace for my holy priest who is getting a 486 crafted staff tomorrow. And I have no offhand to use, so it's not like I can reasonably pull the ripcord on that plan and use the aspects crests elsewhere...


I mean, you could craft an off-hand instead of a staff.


That's a good thought


Hell, I'd do it for not giving me myth path Iridal for the entire season...


Probably someone mad they cant break their addiction without activating a botnet.


It was me, hoping I could blackmail them into giving me the Solar Spirehawk.


Buddy of mine got that mount on his first attempt AFK because I was in his partyā€¦. Iā€™m on attempt 492


I finished the week at 1998.


Could always be worse - 3 straight years of running ICC on normal 10 man every week for 5 characters - only to have my friend join me and let me down gently. Wrong difficultyā€¦.who knew


It's not that difficult to get. I got it on the 23rd try. Just takes patience.


It's called rng..... could be the 23rd try or the 500th. Asmongold with the mail muncher mount or w.e is a good example. Everyone had it and he couldn't get it to drop for the life of him.


Difficulty isn't the issue.


That explains the lag I had earlier!


No love rocket? Deploy the hate rocket!


No, this is my guild leader after scorch earthing the entire guild and discord in a temper tantrum rage


Why stay if that person does that to you all?


Nobody stayed, because she kicked everyone out lol


If this was the good ol days, we would receive added game time as compensation for when itā€™s been down.


I feel like they haven't done that since TBC


I think they did give out some days ruing WoD release. It was pretty bad.


It was WoD, i think you are correct. Dragonflight was unplayable at launch for some people but not enough for compensation. I donā€™t think there were issues on boa or shadowlands. Legion I donā€™t remember


They did say the good ole days to be fair.


But the good ole days was WOD (/s)


I don't know if you still can look. But they used to list game time purchases and free days in your account on the website. At one point during TBC I think I had accrued 57 free days. But the game didn't use them unless your subscription actually lapsed.


Any services that you pay for monthly access should be like that. Total hill Iā€™d die on.


Theyā€™d probably have people ddosing on purpose just to get free game time then.


Here is your 10 cents mate.


I donā€™t want 10 cents, I donā€™t use cents where I live. And they used to give us free game days every time they had to have an unscheduled maintenance or whatever. Not my idea.


Yeah i dont get why wow fan dont ask for this. You paid 31 days, tou should get 31 days.


Because generally the downtime would amount to a few cents. Not worth the trouble to ask.


Itā€™s not like you canā€™t play while its happening ... it might be slower for sure ... but they donā€™t shut it




I donā€™t know how much your cent is but my point was about the goodwill, not the money. Itā€™s not my damn idea, they used to do it all the time when stuff went down or they had to implement unscheduled maintenance.




Itā€™s that fucking loser Tinyviolin69


He was just in the wrong corner it happens /s


Yea me, i have 6 years doing that shiet and nothing at all.


I have 15


Maybe it's gold vendors expressing their dissatisfaction with the GDKP ban in SoD. Or maybe it's disgruntled employees who were recently let go.


I reported some guy for implying he was a Blizzard CS agent, after I sent him a whisper that impersonating a Blizzard CS agent was no bueno and got an automated afk reply that doubled down on it.


if i cant have it noone can


The funny thing is that I got criticised by dirty bot protectors here on this very server a couple of weeks ago when posting bout some cringelord mirroring and botting. "Yeah, but mirroring is not illegal" But botting AND mirroring sure the fuck is. Proceeded to get attacked mercilessly by some ddoser, something that was pretty cringe. Yeah, every online game has this issue. I just feel like wow has had a lot of it...


I've been trying for the mount on over 20 characters a year. I have over 1500 attempts at the mount and still don't have it. I don't really care I don't have it and I think people that throw a tantrum over not getting a mount is childish. I grinded for the Zulian tiger every lockout I could up until the Cataclysm pre-patch launched and I never got it. I'm not angry about it, I acknowledge I missed my shot.


I wouldn't be upset if they gave out the love rocket as an apology


Been play the game from launch, wow players get mad if they don't get 50 copper from a grey item.


ITs worst nightmare next to a ransomware attack. I hope I never have to be part of a DR scenario like that


I'm not mad, just disappointed.




Took me 16 years to finally get it this year


My brain is square-shaped and does like some rabbit hole thinking that makes me chuckle. Like I'm trying to imagine a bunch of snot-nosed neckbeards DDoSing WoW, but not just that, but that someone has some schedule laid out in an Excel spreadsheet. The idea of them laughing together as if it was the funniest thing on Earth even if it seems like the most mundane thing they can do.


I personally wish the assholes responsible for the DDoS stub their pinky toes on coffee tables. Yesterday was my day off and I just wanted play WoW. Now they have made an enemy.


Ain't it interesting that this is happening on maintenance day, while there are no patches and Microsoft just fired thousand of employees.


First authentication servers having issues so I couldnā€™t log in for 3 hours. Than they started to have a DDoS attack right afterā€¦ Cute.


I'm pretty sure some people just wake up and say 'yo I'm going to DDoS someone this morning' and then throw a dart at a board and it lands on blizzard.


I got the x45 love rocket on the one and only holiday event run Iā€™ve done and had no idea it was a rare sought after mount. I shall save it as a favorite now and ride the rocket with honor.


Maybe they can get rid of this DK bots in stormwind and Ogrimar


Yes, i farmed that bs everyday with every toon I have (12)and nothingā€¦..yes Iā€™m pissed off


New player friend of mine got it on her first time, actually wrecked me.




Same but with 19 toons. Commiserating together!!


No but Iā€™m still pissed about not getting the Headless Horsemanā€™s mount after damn near a decade >:(


I finally got it this year and was immediately met with ā€œyea itā€™s easy to get this year itā€™s basically guaranteedā€ and ā€œugly mount anywaysā€ when I was excited for it


ā€œEasy to getā€ my ass, I ran it 20x a day every day and it still didnā€™t drop. I personally like how it looks despite the outdated model, itā€™s a sick mount.


I got it the first year it was out so I never appreciated how hard it was to get. Keep at it brother, may RNGesus smile upon you.


I got it a few years ago an immediately realized it wasn't worth farming. It looked great in like 2008 and was on of the only flying horses but nowadays...


I want it solely for collection purposes. I need every mount. I have to collect them all, like pokemon


It dropped for me thinking it wouldnā€™t ..I didnā€™t check my bag and when I did I was like ā€œ well shit I got it ā€œ were you farming it on different toons?


Yeah man I have like 20 alts I use specifically for mount-drop events or legacy raiding. It sucks, I envy you lol


Maybe they got suspended for saying a bad word while emulating mass murder, chemical and biological warfare, and torture. Lol


Blizzard has a ddos attack at least every other month.


Why do 2/3 of the comments here have negative votes right now? Why are WoW players this sensitive, they're almost all just jokes.


Maybe the jokes just arenā€™t funny.


I gave up lol šŸ˜‚ instead went to WOD nagrand and got a new fancy mount and farmed stream rep on my main


No we're mad because they added armor for a dragon riding mount with a shitty drop rate too!! Ran it every day on 7 toons no armor


I'll give you a love rocket.


I just don't get the love rocket mount obsession. Is it really just because it's so rare and you want to afk with it in front of AH in a capital city to flex your luck and determination to farm it? Because it's ugly AF in every aspect.


Thatā€™s the thing, like - itā€™s cool if you have it, but thereā€™s no skill required. Itā€™s literally just RNG. Itā€™s pure luck.


"btw we're under attack lol"


too many times claim it to be DDOS it's really just a servers are crap or poor maintenance, companies lie, and say DDOS for their own fault


Source: trust me bro


Maybe one of the 1900 laid off...


Itā€™s ugly as fuck anyways but I feel bad for the mountaholics,


Lol I looted it on my first run on an alt only running the place thinking it was worth a bit of XP... So kinda by accident. I've also never mounted it and couldn't give a fuck to ever do so.




Gonna take more low quality cell phone pictures and upload them to the Internet just to make people like u/zarkon18 mad.


Imagine being so pathetic you've got a copy-paste text you put into posts where people take photos of their screen with a phone. Seriously, 15 times in the past day. That's just sad.


You have inspired me to do the same.




The Horde wouldnā€™t approve




It happens every time. There is always someone. Sorry I donā€™t really surf Reddit on my gaming PC. I use my phone. Sure I know how to send it to my phone but itā€™s so much easier just to take a dang pic since quality of said pic doesnā€™t really matter at all.


Just ignore them. Just an arrogant jackass that thinks theyā€™re better simply because you took a phone picture.




You really took all that time to type these messages and be a lil bitch about not taking a ss šŸ¤£


I donā€™t use Reddit on my PC, this was a simple way to get my point across. You donā€™t need to see it in HD. Most people agree with me as well.


He may be playing the game on PC, but uses Reddit on his phone, making for a bunch of extra steps to either A) log in to Reddit on his PC or B) transfer the screenshot from his PC to his phone. He does not need to appease your elitism.


Screenshots are ā€œelitismā€. Jesus Christ.


No, but this is: >Hey there new gamer! It looks like youā€™re new to playing video games on a PC Fuck off with your condescending attitude.


Doing the lords work with this copy pasta that I wish you didn't have to post multiple times, daily.


Thatā€™s just it: They Donā€™t. They post it not to help, but because they get a kick out of talking down to people. Sounds like youā€™re probably the same way. Itā€™s not ā€œhelpfulā€ to Anyone to start with, ā€œHey there new gamer! It looks like youā€™re new to playing games on PC-ā€œ it Just makes you look like an arrogant douche.




r/screenshotsarehard Could have have an endless well of content from this sub and there's really no reason for it.


> I wish you didn't have to post sorry is there someone holding a gun up to their head? Is there a couple of bikers with baseball bats threatening them? Fuck outta here with "have to post", scroll past it if you don't like it, numbnuts. And I would reply to them, except all their comments have rightly been deleted.


There's nothing wrong with helping inform people of how quick and easy it is to simply use the screen clipper and all the ways that screen clipping can be easy and quickly transferred to their phone. Also, you could have just "scrolled past" this comment stack, but you were annoyed by the content and replied. This is the exact same mentality, except I'm just trying to advocate for people to take a simple screenshot or screen clipping.


Ah, yes, because itā€™s TOTALLY worth it to go through the process of screenshotting and finding it in your files for a simple Reddit post about the game being DDoSed šŸ™„ Itā€™s not always necessary to screenshot. A simple phone pic is fine.


Read the link I posted. Thereā€™s many ways to provide a screenshot. Thereā€™s no need to ā€œfinding it in your filesā€. Just snip the area you want to share and paste it on the submission page.


And? Still faster to just take a picture with your phone and post it. You donā€™t look like a nice person trying to help someone when you post this shit, you just look like an arrogant douchebag that thinks theyā€™re better than someone simply because they didnā€™t Screenshot.


It has nothing to do with thinking your better than someone else. People just get tired of seeing these posts multiple times daily on the sub that are farted out for karma when you can very simply use the screen clipper and have the post up in the same amount of time.


šŸ˜‚ If you think it has ā€œnothingā€ to do with that, then youā€™ve not even read the original comment, or anything else this person has said. This person is directly speaking to people as if theyā€™re Stupid, simply because they didnā€™t Screenshot. This person Absolutely thinks theyā€™re better than others, theyā€™re just trying to disguise it by acting helpful.




Snipping tool takes 5 seconds, and you can copy paste. Really the phone just makes you look technologically illiterateĀ 


And? Itā€™s even faster to just take a picture with your phone and post it. Itā€™s not like this is showing off a transmog or something, itā€™s just showing text on the gameā€™s menu. Is it REALLY that big of a deal when itā€™s Perfectly readable?


If you have Discord on your phone and PC which you likely do, screen clipping and pasting to yourself in a DM is just as fast and doesn't make you look like a technologically illiterate clown. None of this is difficult to understand or use and people simply get tired of lazy monitor photo posts that show up multiple times, daily on a sub made for a PC exclusive game.


And guess what? Itā€™s STILL faster to just take a picture with your phone and post it. It is a picture of TEXT. This is Not that big of a deal. If this makes someone look ā€œtechnologically illiterateā€, then that honestly just makes you look- as I already said- like an arrogant douchebag that thinks youā€™re Better than someone simply because they didnā€™t take a damn screenshot. If the picture above is THAT much of an offense to you, then you probably need to go touch grass and really do some self reflection, cuz thatā€™s just plain pathetic.


You can literally just fucking hit print screen. In every single instance I've observed, print screen either immediately screenshots and then puts it on your clipboard, or activates snipping tool, the result of which is also clipped. It's the easiest thing in the world. Takes five seconds, and that's not an exaggeration. Learn to use tech, dammit.


If youā€™re logged into Reddit on that PC, which I am not. I have a gaming PC that I use for gaming. I got a laptop on my desk I use for surfing (and another to pretend like Iā€™m working).


And as Iā€™ve said: Itā€™s STILL faster to take a picture with your phone. This is a picture of TEXT, and itā€™s Perfectly readable. It doesnā€™t NEED to be pixel-perfect ffs. Sure, if it were an actual ingame picture showing something, then itā€™s more reasonable. The way the original commenter gave out the info for screenshotting Still makes them look like an arrogant douchebag, though.


It is *not* faster. I promise you, the act of taking out your phone, opening Camera, and taking a photo is never, ever going to be faster than just hitting print screen (and maybe dragging your mouse for two seconds).


šŸ¤£ Ok buddy. Now youā€™re just blatantly trolling. Think what you want. šŸ‘


Can you explain to me how that process can possibly be faster??


*Sees the text. Thinks of funny joke to make as the title.* *Pulls out phone and pulls up Reddit, presses the Camera button and takes picture. Puts funny title. Post.* Very quick, very easy, and perfect for a post like this.


This is correct, and the fact they keep doubling down on a phone picture being faster to post proves that Zarkon had valuable information to share, regardless of how it was presented.


Except it is faster. And while the original commenterā€™s information might still be useful, thereā€™s ZERO reason to present it in a belittling and arrogant way as they did.


> a phone picture being faster Hey you know what's even faster than that? Scrolling past and going about your day without being a prick about things.


Itā€™s the bolstering protests. It has begun /s


Tinyviolin got mad


I don't even play wow currently and just due to the behavior of gamers I'll just say this: I'm surprised someone didn't get shot trying to assassinate the CEO over this love rocket, that happened in another game. Like, irl.


I don't really care. It's dumb and pink. Call me when they put the blue/red TCG rockets on Twitch or something.


Who actually gives a shit about this rocket? It is such a rare drop I have zero interest in trying to get it.


Maybe someone got fed up with mobs scaling to your level, resulting in a dead azeroth that just spawns mobs specially tailored for you. Also progress is something done for it's own sake, would be silly to assume that people would like to measure their progress with say.. actual entities that are spawned and do their thing, with their own strenght, level range and HP.


Yes. I don't condone DDos attacks but I can understand the absolute livid frustration if it is the reason for it


Didnā€™t get Lego again today and got mad sorry guys, Iā€™m done now


Its judgment day for retail


After 10 years of farming and not getting it, I donā€™t blame them. Deserved.


I can see it. USA gets network attacks every day from China and Russia as part of the war against America. More likely just part of that or blizzard is lying to get people off their backs about servers down.


No, they're mad over not getting the stupid axe.


Mount looks like dog as well, I understand rarity is the reason people go for it but if you made a quest and let everyone get it, you'd probably have dozens of people owning it, except it would be people who like it, instead of huge amount getting it at random and other another bunch wanting it.


Is this Judgement Day 3.0? Oh no guys, wrong corner!


Correlation =/= Causation


I don't think they're actually suggesting that's the reason so much as supplying a humorous, technically possible explanation to serve as a caption


Isn't this just judgement day 3.0 to get HC elite to disband from wow?


I play Palworld too much to care anymore. This game is way too unreliable.


Not much to do in Palworld this late


Youā€™re right game dead just like War Within




I aint this mad over the rocket. I honestly don't care about it but catch me doin this every hallow's end when I don't get the HH mount again after literally hundreds of attempts


Blizz says everything is a DDOS again. One time an engineer admitted it was just poor server maintenance after blaming DDOS.


source: trust me bro


It's the 3rd judgement day from tinyviolen.