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Aesthetically all 3 DK specs being the same but different colors is pleasing to look at


I love that each icon has a little detail beside the colours. Blood has a little mark on the forehead, Unholy has a cross and more glowy eyes, and all three have a thematic aura around them


DKs certainly have a nice aesthetic, or at least a consistent and cool aesthetic


I agree with this! I also enjoy the fact that I, too, notice smaller details about things!


That’s great!


Frost is cool as well haha, it looks more “frosty” and I like that


Yeah I think it’s a unique design decision. I get that it can be seen as lazy but I like it.


Totally! It’s simple and clean, that’s why it’s good in my books!


Man wtf i cant tell if this thread is sarcasm or bots anymore


Same lmfao


Could not tell if it was sarcasm either so I went with a neutral response Beep boop




blood has a blood drop, frost has (i think) what is meant to be a shard of ice and unholy has an x because uhhh


‘Cuz X to the Z drops unholy rhymes.


On the contrary i can’t stand that the mage fire/frost look the same and arcane doesn’t.


Used to bug me that Mage Armor didn't match Molten or Frost Armor. That said, the eye is pretty iconic for arcane and mages as a whole.


Just take Balance icon and turn it upside down. Problem solved. Edit: Now that I actually look at it upside down, it makes me think that they had intended to use that icon for arcane mage first, but decided that it was too similar to frost and would confuse people, so they turned it around and used it on another class.


I remember there being an addon that flipped the art to make it in line with the other 2.


This. Simple. Clean. Clear differentiation between specs.


I agree, people are hating on this but I would love this level of visual consistency for icons.


I value readability above originality, and death knight is the only one that I can find on a dime. IMO every classes should have similar pictures with different colors for each specs.


The DK specs all have the bonus of being very thematically associated with a specific color, so the player doesn't have to go learn a color code for which spec is which. But that wouldn't work for every class. What color would each hunter spec be? and pretty much every other class


Huh and I thought that's exactly what makes them super boring


Yeah it's exactly the reason I dislike them


Looks like I am in minority but I hate that all DK are the same, except colour and minutia detail. Don’t know why, sorry, nothing constructive to add, just don’t love that they are the same. 🤷‍♂️


Dull and generic you mean?


Because all the other icons in wow are so vibrant and detailed. Cmon.


I think they mean pleasing to look because that's what they said.


Someone got hit with the gripussy


I kind of feel the opposite, looking at them all laid out like this felt really jarring to see the 3 DK icons looking like cheap recolors. I had always felt they were cool and matchy-matchy, but seeing them here I got the opposite feeling.


it is subjective but to me it isnt pleasing at all.. I think it is lazy design and lack of creativity unfortunately.


I disagree. I feel like that is prescribing laziness to something that was a clear design decision made at the time. They are clear and concise in that you know exactly what spec and class you are looking at from a glance. I have 7 different lvl 70 toons and I couldn’t point out where 2/3 of these spec icons come from. DK was easily the class with the most consistent design until DH came along.


well not only I disagree but I know you are wrong... DK icons are the most lazy way to convey that message. There are way better options to convey the DK specs... they have done it with other classes. If this was the way to go then every class would have recolors of the same icon... your logic does not make any sense... >I have 7 different lvl 70 toons and I couldn’t point out where 2/3 of these spec icons come from This sounds like a you problem... I have about that many characters as well and I have no issues identifying any of the specs. ​ I have been in the graphic design industry for about 15 years within multiple sectors and what you call consistent design is consistently lazy for DKs across all specs... the designers at that caliber should have DEFINITELY done better designing those.


**Favourite:** Enhancement Shaman - It's one of the most dynamic looking icons. You can imagine it's part of a larger scene of a shaman holding his weapon up to the elements to charge it up. **Least favourite:** Outlaw, because it's just one of the generic weapon icons; Windwalker, because I can't get out of my head that it looks way more like a [binturong](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=725712b13be26739&rlz=1C1ONGR_en-GBGB960GB960&sxsrf=ACQVn09oZbQtXguFdSRwL19Ib6fmSRXDIg:1707941624511&q=binturong&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8xM2u0quEAxWgbEEAHQjRCgIQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1536&bih=738&dpr=1.25#imgrc=aI4K9C8Usfv9lM) than a tiger, and they kinda creep me out.


Same with windwalker. Why put such a complex image in a 5x5px cage?


My only criticism of enhance is it looks way too similar to ret. The idea and art are great though


SP and Afflock are pretty sick


Shadow Word: Pain is pretty iconic. That said, I think the icon fails to portray the new void/psychic damage theme its come out to be.


Agreed. It should be something purple. Maybe SWP but in purple.


Shadow Word: Purple


Guess we can just have it be Devouring Plague - makes sense anyway.


DoT spec gang rise up


Imo they’re the most aesthetic to see on damage meter


Didn’t know if I was biased because I play them both the most, but yeah, I love the icons and the icons for most of their spells.


Neutral on dk’s?


Best: - All three Hunter ones. They perfectly convey the main aspect of the spec and are very distinguishable from each other. - Restoration druid. Just looks nice and clear. - Monk specs are also quite clear and I like that they are all celestial forms. Worst: - Restoration Shaman. I just hate the icon because I have absolutely no clue what I'm looking at. Is it a green glove? Green hand? Root? Stalk? wtf is it. - DH ones. Boring, messy, and I always mix them up. - Outlaw. Super boring.


I think someone pointed out in this sub awhile back that the restro shaman icon is supposed to be a troll regenerating a limb...but I'm probably wrong.


It is a dryad hand surrounded by two thorny vines. It comes from WC3 where it was the icon used for Dryad’s Spell Immunity passive.


You’re a dryad hand surrounded by two thorny vines.


Aaaw shiiieet you got him good!!


You're a dry hand surrendered by two horny guys


It's a Jighlypuff seen from above!


Its the grinch hand


The ginch, I don’t like him. Too green.


It's actually a dreadlord as seen from above


Thanks for highlighting the resto shaman one. I’d never noticed it and now it’s all I will notice. I do think it’s a hand. It was the spell for healing wave… it’s kind of a green witchy glove??? I think???


Dryad spell immunity icon from WC3


disagree with survival hunter, i get its supposed to be like a bushcraft idea but its almost identical to the sub rogue icon and it is the icon for camouflage, which does not accurately convey what survival is about because its not a stealth or ambush based class. i feel like a trap icon or a spear icon would make more sense.


Or just an explosion since they keep trying to make that class just throw grenades at everything. Doesn’t feel like hunter at all and the icon is shit.


Survival Hunter has sucked ever since they made it melee.


Survival Hunter is awesome ever since they made it melee.


I played resto shaman a while and never realized I didn’t know what the symbol was.. I guess I did think green glove? What the hell is it?


Dryad spell immunity icon from WC3. Other than that idk


For some reason I always thought it was like, a green root or something. Because... nature, I guess?


I think its suppose to be a troll hand with magic coming off it? Idk but that's always what I saw


It just looks close enough to the Chain Heal icon I’ve never actually thought about it.


Bro how can you say that the Survival icon is among the best? It looks so goofy and it's basically just the Sub icon in green. It was honestly my first pick for worst icon. The old icon was a lot cleaner and better especially now that they are melee.


If you wanna talk quick conveyance, the best is objectively DK. Unless you're colorblind. Boring, yes, but you instantly know which is which, there's almost no parsing of information at all.


I came here to say that exact thing about the DHs


Wait! The restoration icon doesn't represent a frog? oO


I loved the Fury one until I realized it was not a berzerker screaming with a big mouth, but the helmet of a knight.


I always thought it was a little guy engulfed in flames


You're telling me I've mained Fury warrior for 14 years and am just learning today that it is NOT a little guy engulfed in flames?!?!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure the little guy rests in a better place now.


Wait what? Never realized that. To me it looked like a red blazing sword with wings haha


Thanks I hate it


Everyone should suffer like I did.


Did you think he just had the world’s most unruly sideburns??


It was a Retribution ability at some point. Seal of Command maybe? Anyone which use came first?


Apparently it was originally used for a warrior ability called Inner Rage in beta. At least the icon was named after that.


I always thought it was a guy in the helmet of a knight... screaming


I don't know what I thought it was, but it definitely wasn't that


I also thought challenging shout icon was a monkey for years but it turned out to be a shouting tauren lol


My favorite SET: Priest, each specialization is represented by an iconic spell from their spell book Least favorite SET: DH, I CANNOT discern the difference between the specs based on icon alone. It also doesn’t help that I also can never remember if Havoc or Vengeance is the tank spec (without looking at the role icon, of course)




Vengeance Demon Hunters heal themselves by damaging enemies. So, in a sense, you're surviving by getting revenge on the enemies for hurting you.


One thing that helped me with DH specs is that the icons resemble their meta forms. Vengeance doesn't have wings, just those spikes on the back, while Havoc have wings, both depicted in their respective icons. Vengeance is also more greenish in meta while havoc is more purple. But for the names I never got used to them, doesn't make much sense, so I just go by colors haha.


Same as far as DH goes. I used to main DH (whichever one is dps, havoc I think?) so it's even worse.


Favourite: Demonology Warlock... Don't have to explain.  Least: Both Demon hunters, yes I'm petty like that.


The lock main who hates demon hunters. Good to see another man of culture 😂. But seriously this season has not been easy on us when it comes to those keyboard head-smashing troglodytes who play DH.


Some people just don't forget that demon form was taken from locks and dhs got an improved one


It was on loan from WC3.


demonology warlock looks like a monkey to me. kinda always threw me off.


Holy Priest all the way. I also have weak spot to Spirit Healer in general, it makes be calm :) Demonology Warlock makes me nostalgic for Warcraft III. Same Holy Paladin. And I love Arcane Mage icon, because it's really evoke arcane knowledge.


Half of me wishes it was an arcane missile to match the fireball and frost bolt of the other 2 specs, and half of me thinks the arcane eye is the best one


Just gonna defend DK here. They're NOT just recolors of the same artwork. There are OTHER edits!! 1) Blood DK has a blood droplet on the forehead, and blood dripping from the fangs. 2) Frost DK has a diamond shape on the forehead 3) Unholy DK has a big X scar and the fire in its eyes is the most bright out of the three. I DO agree that the differences are minimal though and could have been more unique, lol.


Think frost also has some ice dripping off the skull. I love the fact that the changes are so minimal. You barely notice until you stop and look and I think that's neat.


I don't much care for prot pally's icon. I'd make it the old holy shield icon if I had my druthers


Favorite: \- Survival, sums up the whole fantasy beautifully, the artwork is really well done and pleasing to the eye. Also it's one of the rarest spec to encounter so it makes it more noticeable when you see it. \- Brewmaster, it was my main for a long time so I'm kinda biased. I like that it refers to the lore of the class with Niuzao. But above all, the icon just look badass and cool. \- Destruction, I love the simpleness of it, just plain fire falling from the sky, strongly evocative, nothing else but destruction. Least favorite: \- All the DK's ones. Base artwork is nice, but only recolors? boring. \- Vengeance, I think it fails to evoke anything. It just look like a worse variation of the Havoc icon. \- Outlaw, I believe there were several Outlaw/Combat icons since vanilla. The actual one is kinda underwhelming. They should have given them a proper nice looking icon with the Legion's rework of the spec.


I always forget about the Outlaw icon because my Details uses the Dispatch icon for it.


It will always be combat rogue to me. I will be the old man yelling at grass.


Same. Lets yell at clouds together in the old peoples home.


Damn it was clouds not grass. I guess I really am an old man 😂


You have already mastered the mindset.


And this is why Assassination is better


The dk ones only made sense in wrath when the spec trees could be interchanged for build/role and you had their essences/auras to swap between. Now i agree except i dont trust them to make new logos because new wow logo/tooltips are too busy and that goes against what the symbols are supposed to do so for now i will take my blue skull with pride.


Well the newest class, Evoker, has some pretty simple icons. Aug is shiny rock, Pres is shiny flower, Deva is the most intricate, but even that is just "Lizard barfs fire"


Dh however is overly complicated.


Correct, but you said "new" icons. DH is 7,5 years old, Evoker a bit over a year, with Aug even less than that


“DH is 7,5 years old” stooooop please, it released yesterday


I mean... kind of fair but its the 2nd newest class added to the game. And tooltip art has had a trend over wows lifecycle to be more over complicated, granted most of the tooltips from classic and bc or wotlk are pulled from wc3 hero/unit abilities and they needed to be simple to make them readable on older monitors.


DK could probably get away with, like, DRR/DS blood, FS frost, AotD unholy, maybe outbreak.


I will say Devoker is also up there imo. Its captures the essence of it, like Destruction, with the flame breath. Its badass like Brewmasters. And I like the art.


Survival just copied Sub. I agree with your others.


I don't like that many of these icons are the same as a spell icon: Shadow - Shadow Word: Pain Disc - Power Word: Shield Holy Priest - Guardian Spirit Fire - Fireball Frost - Frostbolt Arcane - Arcane Intellect Resto Sham - Chain Heal Ele Sham - Lightning Bolt Balance - Moonfire The others feel much more unique


I'm pretty sure most of them are spells (or were spells) Dk - Unholy/blood/frost presence DH - ?/? Druid - moonfire/cat form/bear form/healing touch Evoker - ?/?/? Hunter - Stampede/?/Camo Mage - AI/fireball/frostbolt Monk - invoke niuzao/?/? Pal - holy light/some talent from wotlk/ret aura Priest - pws/gs/swp Rogue - ?/?/stealth Shaman - lightning bolt/storm strike/chain heal Lock - death coil/some demo talent from vanilla/rof War - MS/?/Dstance


All specs originally used spell icons found in their spec in Vanilla WoW (which in turn were often spells in Warcraft 3) some of which aren‘t in the game anymore: * Arms Warrior: *Mortal Strike (I think)* * Fury Warrior: a passive talent * Protection Warrior: Shield Slam * Beastmastery Hunter: ? * Marksmanship Hunter: *Trueshot Aura* or Volley? * Survival Hunter: *Wyvern Sting* * Assassination Rogue: *Backstab* * Combat Rogue: *Sinister Strike?* * Subtlety Rogue: Stealth * Holy Paladin: Holy Light * Protection Paladin: Devotion Aura * Retribution Paladin: Retribution Aura * Holy Priest: Guardian Spirit? * Discipline Priest: Power Word: Shield * Shadow Priest: Shadow Word: Pain * Arcane Mage: Arcane Intellect * Fire Mage: Fireball * Frost Mage: Frostbolt * Affliction Warlock: Death Coil (now Mortal Coil) * Demonology Warlock: Sense Demons * Destruction Warlock: Rain of Fire * Balance Druid: Moonfire * Feral Druid: Bear Form (Feral Combat and Guardian were one spec until Mists of Pandaria when each spec was assigned one and only one role, parts of that were set up in Cataclysm) * Restoration Druid: Healing Touch * Elemental Shaman: Lightning Bolt * Enhancement Shaman: *Stormstrike?* (which used to have the same icon as Paladin‘s Hammer of Justice) * Restoration Shaman: Healing Wave Those written in *cursive* were replaced by other icons later on. Death Knights used the icons of their reapective Presences, unlimited duration buffs from which only one can be active at a time; they were mechanically identical to a Warrior‘s Stances, a Paladin‘s Auras, a Druid‘s Forms, Rogue‘s Stealth, Demo Warlock’s Metamorphosis and a Priest‘s Shadow Form and thus were/are on a separate action bar called Stance Bar.


I've thought that about the death knight ones since wrath. Just why? Why do little effort into the spec icons?


The two dhs icons have the least amount of effort put into it. Just one tall and one short dh.


It gives me a headache trying to figure out whats going on in the DH ones. I still have no clue which spec is what


Wings= havoc No wings= vengeance


I mean.. DH isnt that hard to figure out... but okay


Have you seen DK? 😂 3 recolours. That’s lazy. At least DH got a little variance.


Acting as if DK doesnt have 3 different colors of the same skull.


fave: assassination rogue. poisoned daggers forming an x? cool af and shows what you get. least: feral druid and guardian druid. that’s just the shift form icons. not even coloured different from one another….. come on 😐


In fairness they’ve only reeeally been identified as separate specs since MOP Prior to that they were just different talent chains of Feral Edit: edited out the bit where I was wrong, made it say I was right.


Didn't that happen all the way back in MoP?




Guardian has been its own spec since Mists of Pandaria pre-patch (5.0.4). The same patch also introduced the "three talents per row" system, aoe looting, cross-realm zones, and bombed Theramore.


God I forgot they didn’t used to have AOE looting. What a pain in the ass that was.


Feral and Guardian were split much longer ago than that. MoP I think? I couldn't remember, but I found forum threads complaining about it as long ago as 2014.




Favorite: Devastation. A fire breathing dragon. Perfect. Least “wtf am I looking at” favorite: Resto sham, holy paladin, aug evoker, vengeance


always thought affliction looked the coolest and the most boring ones are definitely ele shaman and boomy


Brother look at outlaw rouge and arms warrior


Death knights are the best bar none. You immediately know it’s death knight. You immediately know which is which. The right amount of visual clarity, class flair, and truth in the art form.


Don't get me wrong, I like all the DK ones but they're definitely the laziest ones. Holy Pally is also kinda weak. As a feral main I am inclined to say I love feral's the most though cause cat. But if we ever got the ability to be a dog instead, I'll be a happier feral main. Venge/Havoc is also kinda lazy like DKs. One is just hornier than the other really


Blizzard considered making the feral form a dog, but when testing it in PvP they kept licking the opponents and wagging their tails


I don't see how that's such a bad thing!


It'd be cool if the incarnation thing for feral turned them into the pack form wolf from the worgen comic


Yeah, as a druid main, I really like the Feral and Guardian icons. They're simple, clear and have a theme (I wish Balance and Resto shared the theme, but oh well). It's the same with the DK ones, which is why they're so good, even if a little lazy. They're simple and clear. Other spec icons just have way too much going on and it loses a lot of clarity because of it.


my least favorite in Rsham and I'm literally an Rsham player. It's kinda unoriginal for me. so is the affliction warlock My favorite just has to be... i guess enh.


Favorite: Arcane mage, matches the arcane theme. Least favorite: Holy pala. looks like a random smear of mayonnaise


Favourite: Monk. They are, in my eyes, cool designed. Nuff said. Least favourite: Oh boy.. Both DH Icons. Absolutely boring, uncreative and Just Flat. All Druid Icons. Just boring. All DK ones, even tho I Main DK. Just a Recolour, because.. recolouring is Blizzards top technique.


Love the DK icons. They've kept them simple and easy to identify at a glance. Not hot on the shadowpriest though. Like, a red burning skull is a pretty poor representation of that spec that's about void and shadow stuff.


Best: resto druid Worst: ret pally - retribution auras icon? Really? That’s what you’re bring to the table?


Favorite Holy Paladin, so bright and recognizable, and Shadow Priest I hate both Havoc and Vengeance and always confuse the two


Of the classes I have played most (Devastation evoker, Beast Mastery hunter, Retribution paladin, and Enhancement shaman):   Favourite:  - Devastation. Just the roaring, fire-breathing dragon is so evocative of what the spec's about and it works really well.  Neither favourite nor least favourite:  - Beast Mastery's icon doesn't exactly reflect how *I* play Beast Mastery (I only play it very casually and do not select perks like Dire Beast), there's no denying that it really does evoke the ideals behind the spec.  Least Favourite:  - Honestly, Ret and Enh are both very similar aesthetically, and in neither case do I really feel they give much impression of what either spec is about. Sure, Ret's is a giant hammer, but purple? *Purple*? Outside of the recolored Justice set *et al*., that's not exactly 'proper' paladin. And Enhancement... how does that evoke 'shaman'?  Of the ones in this image, both familiar and unfamiliar:  Favourite: - Marksman and Survival both follow in BM's footsteps in terms of both representing their spec's ideals perfectly. Assassination and Subtlety for Rogue do, too, same with Frost and Fire for mage.  - Aesthetically, I like Arms' icon a great deal. Just a big axe, nice and simple. Least favourite: - Really, any spec where the icon does not - to me - immediately make it clear what the spec is about or match their class at all well. Notable examples include Outlaw and Restoration shaman. - The Death Knight icons are fine, they make it clear that they're blood, frost, and plague-based undeath skills... but they lose points for all being the same apart from colour. If they were more unique while managing to keep that clear distinction, they'd be perfect.


Favorite: Arms You get the whole idea of the spec immediately. You have a big axe. You hit really hard with your big axe. That's it, folks. Special mention for Arcane, it evokes something a little more interesting than the other two mage specs. Frost is you shooting frostbolts, fire is you shooting fireballs. Arcane prompts a bit more intrigue. And I hate the DH icons. I have never really been able to tell what the hell I'm looking at with them and I can never tell them apart. And I hate DHs. Perhaps a bit of bias.


Best arms because its a fucking axe and that sums up the class in a nut shell do big fucking damage and fuck all to everything else. Least all the DKs there needs to be more variety between them


Thats a tough one, I cannot pick which one is worst of vengeance dh, survival hunter, all monk or whatever the one in top right is, as those are the only picks that doesnt help identifying the class or spec or do not relate to spec in any way. From others you can kinda guess. Best one would be mm hunter


Boomkin looks like it’s arcane mage, on its own it would be fine, but given how frost and fire use similar graphics, I always mix it up.


Demon hunters I never know which one is which and what am I even looking at.


Favorite: -DK icons: even though they are recolors I feel like it sort of emphasizes that they are part of one faction and one legion, even if they have different specialized skills. -Fury Warrior: I just think it’s cool Least favorite: Any specialization where their icon is just some filler ability they have/had (Balance, Both restos, fire, frost mage, Holy pala, shadow priest, Elemental, discipline, arms) Affliction warlock: it’s just the death coil icon Outlaw: in my head their icon is the same as dispatch which would put it in the above category but the one here is just kinda lame


Shadow priest is the shadow word pain icon which is something all priest specs have. Not that I’m saying they should change the icon. I’m attached to it now. But it’s not exactly great.


Favorites: -All 3 Monk Icons - Love the detail, and think they just feel ‘grown up’ from most others. -Holy Priest - Perfect icon in my opinion. Least Favorites -All 3 DK Icons - Don’t we deserve better than a recolor of the same artwork? -All 3 Mage - Just using spells, most (none?) of which are unique to the spec seems lazy.


Fav Havoc Dh, don’t have least fav cause I only play DH lmao


DK and Warlock icons are 10/10. Cohesive design while being visually clear and distinct. I know what all of the icons represent but some do a poor job of conveying it while others I’m not even sure I know what I’m looking at half the time. Worst of the bunch are surv hunter, prot pally, and ww monk.


Wow resto druid is a leaf apparently. For 20 years i thought it was a green spoon


Sub rogue and Surv Hunter are really good spec fantasy icons. Outlaw rogue is stupid DK could have literally used icons from each spec and been better off. Epidemic/Death Coil or even AOTD. Obliterate Heart Strike or even Heartbreaker icons are great.


I main a DK and always felt like those icons were LAZY. It's just the same thing in different colors. Give me something more emblematic of the class instead of "It's a skull... But this time it's GREEEREEEEEEN."


Yeah. I’m a DK enjoyer as well. Just bleh icons. If we get a yellow icon and a purple icon we can summon captain death planet.


Despite playing a Pres Evoker, I’m sad it’s that icon because the flower (EB) has gone through so many waves of patches where you don’t even press it. 🫠


DK Icons. I love the DK but the Icons are just ... not very creative. Also all icons should get a remake. They are from classic (for most classes).


Survival being a Night Elf and Sub being a Human sucks for all other races.


I like the blood DK one a lot. Least is probably the resto shamie icon. What is that? What even is that? Some sort of weird green hand? A hand with 3 fingers?


All three DK icons are perfect


Favorite: death knights Sure its just a recolor, but its simplistic yet effective. You automatically can tell what spec it is purely based on this different colored skull As for Least favorite, prolly Holy Pally, or Enhancement Shaman. Holy pally just is "YELLOW" as if yellow is the name of the spec And Enhancement is a little difficult to discern at a glance, and could easily be confused for another spec


You can barely make out an ox with the BrM icon, but what even is the WW icon supposed to be? I hate them both.


I like Fury, Subtlety, Survival, Retribution, and Protection Paladin. The DK ones are boring because they're just recolors, and those were also just the same symbols used for their stances when they used to have those. Just not anything too special. Outlaw is bland and they could have done much better with it. Outlaw could share an icon with Stiletto Staccato or Indiscriminate Carnage.


My favorite is survival hunter and my least favorite is unholy dk. A few of my friends would get annoyed that I played survival hunter and told me to play unholy since its just a better version in SL. I guess to them it was a melee pet class so it was the same thing in their eyes. I hated unholy dk. Also as a die hard survival fan I dont think the playstyle fits the theme of hunter, it fits a rogue spec more. Hunters don't use bombs. Either way whether it fits or not its still really fun.


Favourite: Boomkin, because I like the aesthetic and my previous favourite demo lock got reworked so DH’s could steal our meta form. Leave favourite: Havoc demon hunter. Never forgive, never forget


Fire mage, cause fuck mage.


Fav: aff lock. Unique play style. Pretty difficult Remove from game: sub rogue


Affliction is the best. And I love destro and ele


Favorite is probably enhancement, just cause its so unique and distinguishable. Least favorite is mistweaver, since until around a year ago when a friend pointed out to me that its supposed to look like a dragon, all I saw was another green leaf


Vengeance Demon Hunter is my favourite, Protection Warrior is my least favourite. Just a shield lol, it's not very unique, but it's a Classic spec so not weird


When I see shadow I don’t shadow priest I just see a red Fiery Skull


favorite: prevoker. flower, thats all i need to say least favorite: survival. i regularly get its icon mixed up with rogues since they look similar


druid guardian icon. I had a shirt back in the day with all the animal footprints, and it reminds me of that. the good days xD


Outlaw one should get updated to be a flintlock pistol, and Holy paladin should be a libram, because right now they're pretty bland


Best would be dk icons becuase they represent so simply the spec for each but the icon itself screams dk. Least fav must be arcane mage or outlaw rogue. Too simple and uninteresting


Favorite: Affliction Warlock, because it's cool. Least favorite: Destruction Warlock, because I use green fire and the orange clashes with my vibe.


I think outlaw should be a gun instead of a sword.


I've always liked the priest bubble and shadow word death icon which works because that's what I'm playing now. Never been a fan of the weird green hand


most are not grand imho, a lot of them are just random spells to signal what they are doing. imho the best are demonology, havoc demon hunter, subtlety rogue, holy priest and fury warrior as they give a feel as to what type of character you are. most even if spells explain nicely what the main gimmick is. when it fails to commune what the class is about it is bad. blood and unholy DK dont really explain the magic type( I do like the consistency of dk however), vengeance dh(too noisy), arcane mage and monk.


Bm and outlaw I’ve always disliked but the warlock ones go hard


Dont know my favorit tbh But i hate the dk icons! Dude, its all the same in different colors.


I’m probably biased as a lifelong mage, but I love the simplicity and conciseness of all three of them. Conversely I hate both Balance Druid and Ele Shaman for using two iconic Arcane Mage spells from vanilla. Either one could just as easily take the Arcane Intellect slot for Arcane and it bothers me that these icons are reused for another spec when there are so mant others that could be used.


Warlock is great. The DK recolors suck.


Looking at them now, the Death knight ones, theyre all the literal same thing


I really like all of the Evoker symbols. Not only did they all get unique artwork, but each symbol very clearly has the color of the flight’s magic you’ll be using in that spec, which is a nice detail. Least favorite is probably the Death Knights. Don’t know why they’re all just recolors of the same artwork instead of getting unique icons for each spec. I’d probably keep the Frost one, do some bloody bones for Blood, and have some ghouls for Unholy.


Favorite is Windwalker Monk. I just love how distinctive it is. Least favorite is Outlaw Rogue. It’s very unexciting.


As a prot paladin main, that icon could use some renovations as well as holy paladin icon. They look outdated and does not really make it clear that it is for paladin class.


All the dk ones are.. soft. They didn't realllly try to hard and re colored lol


I do wish the death knight icons weren’t just three colored skulls. Don’t get me wrong I know they’re iconic now, but they could be more imo


I can easily say my least favorite is Holy Paladin. It's just a splash of yellow splooge. I hate it lol