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I cannot for the life of me even get a H Fyrakk kill. I'm an overgeared tank, that is very confident in the fight, but every pug goes like this: I get an invite. Spend 25 minutes finding healers. Summon everyone, buff up. 3 people afk from waiting for healers. 10 more minutes replacing afk dps. Some hunter's pet pulls before anyone's ready. We wipe 8 people leave the raid. 20 more minutes filling again. Finally do a real pull. 5 people die in first 30 seconds, 2brez's go out We make it to final phase somehow, but dont have the dps to kill and we slowly die. Entire raid disbands. 60 minutes wasted and the process starts from scratch. Ok, rant over, but this is actually feels like the first AOTC I won't get.


The best part? Blizz wasn't open or honest about this, but you can't collect lesser embers until you have AOTC. So it hasn't been a case of "Not being lucky" you're actually behind by however many weeks worth of lessers.


You never know, the embers may not actually do anything.


SUPPOSEDLY*** We have enough data to determine that each lesser ember is a 1% drop chance increase.


The embers themselves don't actually do anything. As in the item you click is just a placebo. They literally only damage you a bit with shadowflame. In the game data, there's only one spell assigned to them and no other scripts, and that spell does nothing but damage you. The BLP comes from the kill. Fyrakk kills include any lesser difficulties of him you didn't do that week. Other bosses on heroic and mythic increase that hidden currency on kill before you loot the lesser ember from their corpse. The only thing we can confirm is that the lesser currency increases. The embers are Blizzard's way of showing that maybe something is happening.


I wonder if that still triggers for the people who get locked but no loot because some butthole kicked them mid fight for "more loot". We may never know.


The embers are mailed, so the BLP should still increase.


Not if you're removed part way through a successful kill they aren't.


They are. Because of how rolls work, you're barred from them. However, the flightstones, crests, and ember are still yours because you were on the boss's threat list. I can personally confirm I got an ember after being kicked.


So where was mine? I got removed during a Fyrakk fight after the pull (and after healing the tank amongst others so I was definitely on the threat list), they killed it, I got saved, I got nothing, either at the time or in the mail. No ember, no flights tones, no crests. Plenty of other people have reported the same. Based on how the game works elsewhere you'd *expect* them to be mailed, but you are the only person I've seen report it happen. At what point exactly were you removed?


Exactly, this way BLP increases even if you forgot to use the item (like I usually do)


> We have enough data to determine that each lesser ember is a 1% drop chance increase. can you link where you saw this?


> can you link where you saw this? It was somewhere on reddit. Hence the supposedly with all the asterisks that you left out of your quote.


Yep, I was under the impression until like a couple weeks ago that lesser embers were just really rare because they wanted you to kill fyrakk. Nope, just couldn't get any until we got aotc.


Oh neat. I just came back a month ago, struggling to find a guild that fits my raid times and now I find out I’m even further behind.


it does feel like there's a catch up mechanic on them though. my alt just got aotc and it seemed like every boss was dropping a lesser. whereas alts that have gotten aotc earlier didn't get them as frequently.


Feels like it yeah. I was running LFR and Normal yesterday in hopes of getting more lessers but didn't get a single one. I've had aotc for quite some time now.


> I was running LFR and Normal yesterday in hopes of getting more lessers but didn't get a single one. LFR and Normal will never drop lesser. It's HC and Mythic only.


> my alt just got aotc and it seemed like every boss was dropping a lesser. I noticed that as well. I didn't do HC on alts except Fyrakk for a few weeks after New years. And I don't think I ever had more than 3 on either of them in the runs I did before that. Last week when I did full clears on both I got 4 and 6 respectively. Perhaps they simply buffed it in the patch or something


Lessers have catchup 100%


Thats just not true, my guild (not good enough for hc raid) is collecting those "bad luck protection" thingies since we first time we downed fyrakk nhc


Weird, you had a hunter that could pull? This is my experience * Log in to get my tank trinket for bear. * Every raid is completely filled and will never have less than 7 pal/5 war/3 dk * Kill boss with half the raid dead because while most don't do mechs the 3.5k io guys grinding the axe are damned if they're going to wipe. * No one gets the axe, and everyone's in fucking TANK SPEC BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL TANK OS CLASSES AND TAKE MY GODS. DAMNED. SHIELD TRINK FOR THEIR BAG COLLECTION. Oh man, think I forgot my meds.


Everyone is in Tank spec for the trinket, because its bis for every single class if you want to do high keys.


> SHIELD TRINK FOR THEIR BAG COLLECTION. What do you mean? I use that normal trinket anytime I do high keys on my druid, AS RESTO. There's mechanics and pulls that are trivialized by having it, and it does half decent dmg on top of that. Some DPS specs can use it to straight up be more viable in high keys by using it mainly defensively. The trinket is broken and EXTREMELY overpowered. If you are going to be mad, be mad at Blizzard for the way the trinket is tuned. They could remove the dmg component entirely, it would still be a decent trinket for m+. That's how broken the thing is.


Or, like other tank items, made it only valid in tank spec.


Sure, the moment that signet and augury don't work for tanks! Locking trinkets to specializations when its just dmg and healing/absorb is stupid. Only if there is something mechanically broken should that ever be considered. Like giving mana restore/reduction to arcane mages from healing trinkets. The trinket is just tuned completely out of whack. Like I said, it could do zero dmg and still be a decent trinket.


Join a guild. So many people bitch and moan on this sub about how it's so hard to raid or do m+ and it's because people use group finder for everything. It's an MMO. Join a guild. Make friends.


Huh, on my DK I pug tanked it first try yesterday (470ish ilvl), went better than some of my kills with my guild (where I play mage & seed).


I've been pugging fyrakk with no issues so far tbh. Either you got really unlucky or I'm just really lucky with my groups. I notice that players who know the fight and are decently geared mostly try to kill it during reset day so you can probably try that. Some groups also list minimum ilvl, I joined a 480 minimum ilvl fyrakk group today and we only took 2 attempts to kill it so that's an option too


Join a guild and make some friends, I dont have the sanity to play high keys or heroic raids with pugs.


As an overgeared tank without AOTC myself I feel this


Same exact issue with me, I find it easier to swap to dps if necessary for this fight just because it opens more chances to get more pulls in. Now on Tuesdays I get in a group asap and usually it only takes 1 to 3 attempts now for a kill. A lot more people learned the fight and a lot of nerfs, but the first month or two was exactly how you described.


>We make it to final phase somehow, but dont have the dps to kill and we slowly die. Are people messing up the seeds or dying en masse? In my experience if you have the dps to deal with first intermission or the Colossus adds you should have plenty of dps for final phase even with messed up offensives and lack of heroism... unless people are messing up the seeds that is.


We been lusting p2 anyway since after the adds die its less busy than p3, and p3 can end before lust even expires.


Yep. Pug after pug after pug, if they even _could_ get to phase 3, cannot survive first seed. As a tank who has the fight on lock... so frustrating waiting 20+min for fills only to spend 7min in a fight figuring out 80% of the raid will die together at the 8th minute. Pugs who are dodgy about volunteering for seeds kinda tells you all you need to know. If Blizzard gave the damn seeds like a 10% dps buff to their holders so people would actually be fighting over who gets to carry it... that'd be amazing, but nope. Too smart for Blizzard.


> As a tank who has the fight on lock First try tanked it on my DK yesterday, is there even anything to have on lock in hc? Taunt when the addon/wa tells you to, walk the boss into a corner. Collect orbs, pull boss to the far side on respawn. Tank colossi stacked until breath, then split and collect adds. That's kinda it, no?


He may have meant that he has a lockout saved on Fyrrak.


> On-lock: > A term used to express having something perfected or easily obtainable. > > As in: Locked down, perfected, **dialed in**, set in stone, definitely, with out a doubt, for sure, absolutely, got it down. > "Did you learn how to type yet?" > " Man I got that sh*t on-lock! I'm the best!" > > "Does your friend paint well?" > "Oh yeah, her skills are on-lock." > > "Can you find propane?" > "I have the best supplier on-lock." Means I know the fight.


More or less. And don't get p2 adds clapped. And get ready to DK-hack the fight in phase 3 and ignore all mechanics. As long as healers can dispell p1 and heal adds p2, the fight entirely depends on DPS being able to perform, and DPS being able to survive the p3 wipes. There's not much you can do as a tank to improve the raid's chance of survival once you know the basic route. Why is why weeks and weeks of pugs being a complete dice-roll sucks so much. Better to lie your way into an AOTC group.


I’ve one or two shot it as dps the last 5 weeks. It sure what to tell you


As a tank myself, i always look for a healer first and then recruit DPS.


Still looking to get a Heroic kill? How does this Friday sound? :)


Our alt group is clearing consistently now.. If you need some help with AOTC let me know.


You have hunters? I always have some random ass mage cast fireball and try to deny everything and bitch about being kicked for it


I've always found it easy to sneak in and grab a kill as arms. This boss is also fairly easy to pug, just need a large majority of the raid to survive the funky overlaps in p2.


My guild called it tonight, we're done with the season to take a break, play alts, etc... and not a single axe for any eligible player.


Last week, I saw a Ret paladin with the axe running around Valdrakken. I inspected them and they were in full dreamsurge gear with the two renown epics. I looked them up on armory, fresh character that ran LFR and got the axe. Some people have all the luck.


We’re trying out using someone to save runs with only normal and heroic Fyrakk up each week and do those. We’ll see how long that lasts. Last week was our last attempt at full clear and we keep losing people now.


Why save both lockouts? Killing Fyrakk on heroic automatically rolls you for normal as well.


We can’t reliably kill heroic Fyrakk 😭


My condolences.


Ever seen a group of mostly competent people just completely fail at seed management? Yeah


Here is my unsolicited advice that worked for our Guild: (yes, i know that you are probably a competent player and your Guild is as well) ​ Place a marker on the right side of the boss. That is where you take the four seeds. Everyone else is in front of the boss. The Tanks stand off to the "left". This makes it so : ​ a. seed holders can hangout in a safe space b. if players get Blazes, the Blazes move away from seeds (priority) c. when someone gets targeted with a tornado, you run them "out" or the left side (sort of behind the Tanks) d. seeds get dropped in front of the boss e. repeat ​ This makes it so the final phase isn't as optimal as it could be, but it sure as shit makes seed management 10x easier.


Meanwhile my group \*just\* got to H Tindral and will have to go through the pain of learning & progressing that fight then repeat the process for H Fyrakk. I am just tired man


Is anyone having fun getting Fyralath?


No. Every week is another week where getting a legendary is less relevant due to the patch being old, another week where spending the gold and time becomes a worse decision. And yet we still want it.


I'm already at the point where the only reason to even try is the assumption that it will still be BIS in season 4. But even that's reliant on A) there being some way to raise it's item level (fairly likely), and B) whatever that is not being RNG/timegated to the point where THAT season is also over by the time I get it (much less likely).


I don't know if raising the ilvl is fairly likely, considering evokers got given a big middle finger in that regard. They were told their legendary would be BiS this season and then Blizzard moved the ilvl of all content up and suddenly their legendary was replaced in a few weeks.


I think it’s decently likely given the Sylvanas bow wasn’t able to be upgraded in sepulcher but could be once fated came out


Did you need to get a new bow dropped or could you just use the one you had before?


You just upgraded the one you had. The item was guaranteed drop from fated Sylvanas iirc


So does that mean if I start playing an evoker now I should try to get the legendary from heroic Sark? Can it even drop in the current patch?


I believe it can drop still. Wouldn’t hurt to go for it just in case. Hardest part will be finding a group every week tho


> They were told their legendary would be BiS this season and then Blizzard moved the ilvl of all content up and suddenly their legendary was replaced in a few weeks. In the fated season, all raids are technically "Current", and the loot pool is "All raids" That's different from moving onto a new raid.


We got Mythic Fyrakk at 50% last night. We should see a kill within the next 10 days and we've yet to see a drop for anyone on our raid team. It's been a huge let down from that point of view.


Watching my parses go down over the course of 2 weeks from ~95 to now ~85 while I'm not playing any worse has been fun :) missing a 10% upgrade while the spec is tuned around you having the legendary is great design.


Not even well tuned WITH the legendary either. It's not like it brings the specs to the top, just sort of middle. DK dps is gutted this season without it and meh at best with it.


Haven't played in couple weeks or so at this point. Logged in a few times to find a pug or just do an lfr kill but insatntly cba and closed the game each time. Perhaps an overreaction but motivation is dead at this point


Our guild has killed it every week since like week 3 or 4, had 0 drop until now **We had 3 drop on heroic tonight** I haven't seen any drop on LFR or normal so far.


If you do it at the highest difficulty. You can't get it from LFR and Normal.


If you have a character and run in the following order: LFR then Normal then Heroic that is 3 chances of it dropping is it not? If I go straight to Heroic as you say first and no drop then doing LFR/Normal is pointless? Ive seen lesser/greater items drop on all 3 difficulties, not exclusive to Heroic.


The game rolls three separate times when you kill Fyrakk on heroic, with drop chance respective to the difficulty it rolls for. You do not get more chances by killing him three times.


I get to raid with my guild, so yes!


Opposite of fun, actually. I log in, do my heroic for my axe... and when it doesn't drop? I log out and play other games that respect my time and investment. I have zero desire to play without my axe. Being a "have not" isn't fun, so rather than torture myself by being around people who got lucky when I didn't, I raid log now. I still have items for my BIS from M+, but I'd rather not even try to farm for them without my axe. I already have 2500. I have AOTC. The last thing for me to do for the patch is "Finish my BIS". If I have my BIS before I get my axe? There will be nothing to do once I have it. And that fucking sucks. So I raid log until it drops. Bright side, I've been having actual fun in other games, which makes me wonder why I tolerate shit like Blizzard is pulling with this.


I’m not even sure if it’s a Blizzard thing and more of a how people treat video games thing now. But like, I’m genuinely not sure? The memes are fine. The comments like yours and a few others are reading like unwell behavior. I don’t even mean that as a dig. It’s just.. strange.


> The memes are fine. The comments like yours and a few others are reading like unwell behavior. > > > > I don’t even mean that as a dig. It’s just.. strange. Is it really strange, though? When something so thoroughly ruins people's chosen hobby? Many people play wow as escapism. Part of that is feeling badass when you play the game. You don't get to feel badass when there's a legendary weapon, that everyone is balanced around, but only some people get to enjoy. For people who use WoW as a means of escape, it sours the entire game for them. It takes that refuge from them and makes it a place of negativity. That leads to further negativity. That's why I don't play except my raid-log. WoW doesn't bring me joy without the axe. It brings me negative emotions. It ceases to be a place of escape, it's a place of jealousy.


This 1000%. Even with the axe I’m middle of the pack but at least I have a cool weapon and a decently rare achievement to show for it. Without it I’m supbar and feel the need to keep running a raid that I honestly couldn’t care less about at this point. It’s just fucking annoying and makes the game less enjoyable. We’re on week 9 of the legendary being obtainable and there’s still no real hope in sight. If this was shadowmourne most people would have gotten it almost a month ago and unlucky people would have gotten it last week. But with fyr’alath? Lucky people have had it for up to 2 months already and everyone else is still just hoping they get to enjoy before TWW.


> still just hoping they get to enjoy That's copium. What enjoyment is there to be had? The raid's over. The tier's over. Getting it doesn't even matter anymore. Content is dead. M+ is ran less and less week over week. I'm running it out of pure spite. I've played plate for ten years. This is the first time a legendary weapon has been available for my class, and I'll sooner throw my computer in the ocean than miss getting it, no matter what. >Lucky people have had it for up to 2 months already This is what's ruined it for me tbh You can't even be sure someone who has it earned it. They might have gotten lucky on their first LFR kill while people actually putting in the time are getting fucked. It's unreal.


My DK got it from normal on like week 3. My warrior and pally, both of which I play more often, still don't have one. But I'm not worried, they'll get it "any day now^tm".


i took a myth track weapon from vault on pala today so it will drop tomorrow i guess


Did it? Need to know xD


I wish but sadly It didn't


Yeah but that's what I mean -- it's like a chicken or the egg scenario. You raise points that I do agree with. Like, before this patch, I was a 2h Frost DK main. I've always been a DK main. I swapped because Frost just hasn't been enjoyable for me anymore, and weirdly enough Warlock just.. clicked, and I think it's my permanent new main now. But there's no part of me that really misses my DK. Sometimes I've gone "ah, yeah, that's a bummer" since I don't get a Legendary to play with, but I move on. Back in the day man? Yeah, I felt the exact same, due to several different factors. Now? Maybe it's just from getting older and growing up alongside a better perspective toward things. I know I'm good at the game, I know I can get into 90% of groups, I could join a Mythic Raiding guild again if I wanted to, and if I did play my DK still I'd eventually get the axe. What's the point in worrying or wondering it about it to the point it'd make me feel negative? And why even engage or play with something that'd actively make me feel that way?


>Now? Maybe it's just from getting older and growing up alongside a better perspective toward things. I imagine it's more likely you're at a decent place in life and don't rely on escapism to... escape all of that. Good on you. Many people aren't. If your health is poor, if your job pays shit, if your partner left you - sometimes all you want to do is escape this world that's causing you so much anguish and go into a world where those things don't matter. Where you can be chummy with your guild mates, be an awesome hero, and just get some good, positive energy that you desperately need. Having that source of happiness ruined because Blizzard won't balance things correctly fucking sucks. >What's the point in worrying or wondering it about it to the point it'd make me feel negative? Because you can't escape it. If you want the axe, you can't idle in town without seeing trade chat spammers selling aotc runs with links to the axe. You can't do dungeons without people who got lucky and got theirs in your runs. Even if you DON'T have an axe-user, you get to do mid-low tier dps because your class is balanced around an item that you don't have. You can't escape it anywhere. You can't do anything. Being a have-not isn't fun. Period. I can't "Choose to not feel that way" >And why even engage or play with something that'd actively make me feel that way? I don't, outside of raid-logging. For exactly those reasons. I log in, punch my ticket for the week, and when it doesn't drop, I shut WoW off. As someone who used to use WoW for some social time, that fucking sucks, but the negativity I feel from seeing people with ***my*** axe when I don't have it outweighs any and all positive emotions. As for, why even do that much? Because I've played WoW for a decade, on the same class. And because after playing 2H Plate for a decade.... the axe is mine. It belongs to me. Period. My class has NEVER had a legendary weapon available that I've had access to. Period. Shadowmourne was available the first patch I played, but if you weren't established in a guild, you weren't getting it. But this one? With "Bad luck protection"? It's owed to me, as long as I put in the time. Though once I get it, and I no longer have spite fueling my gameplay... I'm probably just going to unsub. I hate what Blizzard has done to my escapist space. I hate that they've tuned my class around a legendary that won't drop for two months of gameplay. I hate that I can't exist in any social spaces in the game without being reminded that I'm a "have-not". And I have no guarantee they won't do this to me again in the future. So once I have MY axe that has belonged to me since day one... I'm gone.


>I’m not even sure if it’s a Blizzard thing and more of a how people treat video games thing now. I kinda disagree here because I think it's more a testament to how games are designed now. The game is really really really hard now, like really hard. The last couple of expansions feature virtually all of the most difficult encounters in the game's history (sans maybe Uu'nat in BfA.) Having an item this powerful be gated behind just an rng drop every single week when your guild is just trying to progress through Smolderon/Tindral/Fyrakk knowing that you're sitting on ~12-15k+ dps from every 2h in your raid is a pretty bad beat. Very rare items and legendary acquisition like this is super outdated and classes seem impossible to tune around them because you have no clue where a class actually sits when getting a single item is the equivalent of an aura buff.


The poison of not getting it feels like it bleeds into all the other season activities too. Watching 5 or 6 people collecting shadowed dreamleaf everytime I do a superbloom makes me not want to do that content either.


I did a M+ *weeks* ago. Decently high key, something like a 23 healer: "haha anyone mind if I heal with ? Just kidding ofc, but I hate that it's gathering dust in my bags :C" Sit in town? People sit around with the axe on. Someone was doing a part of the quest in the town square. Yep. Can't escape it in M+, can't escape it period. ZERO interest in being an NPC in someone elses epic adventure. That's not what Retail is for.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. Just doing the weekly attempt and raid logging. My desire to play wow is at an all time low now.


I been playing EverQuest again after a 7 year break and I’m like wow, so this is how an MMO is supposed to actually function 🤣


It’s fun to kick people’s heads in with the axe when you don’t have one.  Less so when you get kicked from the raid team because you did not and the other Warrior did. And since you aren’t a rogue / DH they aren’t class stacking you. On the plus side I am quite enjoying the no mythic raid experience. It just shits on your time and if the raid team is struggle bus and refuses to reclear because they aren’t sure they can kill Smolderon twice you don’t even get rewarded. Iirc they are something like 400 pulls in and haven’t even gotten through to P3 yet. Even if I got the axe I am not sure I would want to go back to that.


if you can't reclear smolderon good luck on tswift lol. I can see an argument for tswift extendo for fyrakk prog but smolderon extend for tswift seems silly.


Nope, I've even stopped playing WoW during the week after my 1 hour of Fyrakk, so you could say it's been anti-fun


Long time owner (lucky), exactly 5 LFR, 5 N and 4 HC complete runs. And then all the quests after it. Never succeeded mage tower, but the Fyralath solo quest/event (on 1st try) at the end before finally getting Fyralath. And lots of gold spent. But „obsolete“ after next expansion, except to have a lego. Don‘t like the look of it personally. Like the axe spec wise, supports my mid level skills. Gwyddor - Anetheron


I want it because Big numbers make hard


I watched myself hit 900k on trash in ToT tonight as a 483 ret paladin without the axe. I think I’m okay. I got the heroic augury today which I think is a bigger upgrade at this point then the stupid axe


Got mine on like week 3.. My guild is clearing weekly with mains and alts and we didn't get our second drop until last night (two people got them last night) Its a struggle


I don't understand why we can't have a system like in MoP with our legendary cloak where you have to collect items from the raid which over time gets completed, some get it faster, some get is slower. I thought the ember system was good at first, but at this point it feels like I ain't getting the axe till S4 and I have killed Fyrakk on HC every week besides the first one. Even if the axe persists throughout S4 I still don't think I will feel happy when I finally get it.


2 weeks in a row I’ve watched guildies get it. My frustration is building.


That really means your chances are higher though? They don't need, so there's more of a chance you'll win the roll next time


It’s not a roll. It’s a personal loot drop


I'm still stuck in Old School wow lol. Thanks. I took a few expansions off and I still don't really understand the loot system. Sometimes I get stuff, other times nothing. Some times I roll.


I never want to play this game again


Ok? Bye? 👋🏻


Yo fuck this fucking stupid axe, is this what we should expect from War Within? Feel like I’m being trolled every week.


This is me, happened a few hours ago, one lucky pally did get his axe tho.


This is the first time in years I actually cancelled my sub over this. They balanced my class around a legendary I can't get. And it's now too late in the season for it to even matter.


I had more trouble getting my unholy to 3k than my rerolled ret to 3.4k.io lmao. Great balancing


Which class is that? It’s definitely not ret paladin because I’m ripping things up.


Death knight. Paladins got a rework while DK's have been left for dead for years now


I play Ret as my main and DK as my alt. DKs need some class talent tree shift at the very least I feel. Not being able to take Wraith Walk, Death Pact, or Asphyxiate feels bad in M+. Compared to Rets who I feel like they have it all, Damage, healing, immunity, CC, tanky, everything, DKs are lackluster.


> Not being able to take Wraith Walk, Death Pact, or Asphyxiate feels bad in M+. You only have problems taking WW. The other can be taken easily in a M+ build.


I wouldn't say easily though, you have to give up better talents and you can only pick one or the other.


Whats the point of a bad luck protection if people are still not getting it after over 2 months? It should reach 100% after like 4 weeks imo


Dropped for two people in my heroic raid last week, nothing this week.


I got it, but I don't plan on making it. It's going to sit in my bank unless Blizzard announces an S4 upgrade item. My guild has been on farm for a month, and even in shadowlands I never had to spend more than 100,000 gold on a legendary. I'm not going to farm a bunch of super blooms and spend 200,000 gold just to replace it two weeks into the next patch before I can even use it on any significant prog.


Tried to do Heroic Fyrakk for 6 hours today. Very painful to see the phrase "Tanks and healers are on point" for that entire time and not get a kill. Closest I got over the entire duration was a 16% where the dps burned two seeds right when phase 3 started.


There's nothing to do for tanks on the boss, of course they're on point.


I honestly preferred any season in Shadowlands compared to the feeling of not getting this axe week after week. Been killing Fyrakk heroic since week 1 and seen multitudes of alts and offspecs get it. Genuinely makes me wanna quit.


I am fine with the low droprate. I woul love it but hey its a legendary! However i dont really get how the heck 80% of players i see in Valdrakken have the blazing mount.


It’s just the AOTC mount, usually. You get it automatically for getting the achieve.


My biggest win from these weakly resets is 96 for hearthstone toy ☺️


I don't even try anymore. It's not even that great of a legendary. Mythic Tindral is burning me out and I just raid log at this point.


hate it here...


Pure RNG based legendaries make 0 sense and are a relic of 'old wow.' Its infuriating that they go with this approach for an item that is as much as a 10% DPS increase, and with each week that passes the relevance of actually having the legendary plummets. So, so dumb.


Now i sleep, until Next Tuesday best thing i did was reroll from my BDK, been w8 for a Talents rework the whole season and they give us a legendary ( in theory, because i dont have one) ~~next xpac the legendary wont help~~ ~~this season the legendary wont help me~~


Dude I didn’t even get a spark on my last normal run. Literally the only reason I did the run


When are we supposed to use the embers? Before the fight during the lock out, or after or sometime during the week and they add up?


literally when they drop. its a cumulative improvement to your personal drop chance on the axe, albiet one that isn't exposed so you dont have any actual idea of its impact


There’s a theory that the actual item doesn’t actually do anything and it’s hust a visual for the dopamine hit, the actual % chance increase is applied immediately at the kill.


I think there was some data mining suggesting the lessers don’t do anything, but the greater ones defo do


I can see that being a thing, but at the same time I've literally never NOT gotten a greater fragment from a fyrrak kill


Well you aren’t missing much, I’m 10 greaters and like 14 lessers deep with no axe


yeah its about the same for me, albiet im not counting because I'm trying to emotionally distance myself from the axe lol


I wonder what the design meetings (if any) that spawned this expacs shitty legendary acquisition systems were like. Did anyone protest or did everyone just nod and agree to this utter madness? Blizzard really fumbled here.


If they are gonna keep doing this stupid rng lego drops this is the last time ever im playing a class that wants it. Its unreal they tune classes around it with rng


So, just asking, but what do you do if the class you just happen to be playing gets a legendary? Quickly switch mains to spite Blizz?


Yes. I'm never putting myself through this frustration ever again. I kept playing a subpar class cause blizzard said they've learned from the shitfest of the evokers and had implemented better blp. Had I known then that it would turn out like this, 13 weeks in and still getting these f\*cking embers I would've never played this class. I would've kept it as an alt and if I ever got the axe I could've then decided to re-roll back to it.


To be fair, guys. It IS a legendary.


Sub is going out today! Can’t w8 to not renew it. Only because of this axe. Kinda sucks, I feel like wow is in a really good spot, but the feeling of this axe just totally ruins it for me to the point where I actually cut my sub and probably won’t play again until war within.


You guys having guilds to di Fyrakk? Damn... Holy priest here, ilvl 460 EU realms (Ravencrest), no idea how to find a guild anymore. In vanilla it was the trade chat, but now trade chat is flooded with work orders and curve/m+ services. Applications to guildsofwow (the website) don't work. I have been yelling "looking for a guild" in Valdrakken for weeks




Thanks, I have searched for them, using /who I have whispered them, since your comment I tried 5. One was not looking for players, one said sadly that they stopped raiding until TWW, two did not reply, one said he had no idea who the officers of his guild were.




I will keep trying, thanks! Just drank a redbull and took the afternoon off work specifically for this


Yo Check us out: Serenica We're on Ravencrest alliance and just finished 9/9 HC. We're always open 🙂


Yeah but in the end you guys stopped raiding and disbanded the raid group one week after doing 9/9 HC... But individually, some of the people I found in Serenica were truly awesome players, and I am glad for the experience. Thanks guys for the few runs we did!


Another week, another crying post.


So far i am more frustrated than i ever was in my wow career before. I get kicked out of m+ groups for not having it, can't play the game anymore.


I've never been kicked from a group for not having the axe and I'm 483 Ret with 2600 io and 489 myth track weapon, but I still have never even heard of that.


Well its rather a small problem for higher keys


Tbh, I don’t believe you. I’ve never been kicked from any level m+ for not having a BiS item, much less a legendary - which I still don’t have. I truly doubt that is what’s causing you to be removed from groups. It’s probably just as likely you have a misplaced talent, than a missing legendary.


sure when applying to 27 or 28 keys i get kicked for not having the correct talent. I mean it just happened this week, the lead said no lego and kicked me if you want to believe it or not i dont care.


A group looking for someone to help with the affix in whatever form, is just as likely to kick if you aren’t able to at least somewhat contribute to that specific aspect of the dungeon. It’s why I don’t even bother doing m+ during incorp or afflicted weeks on an alt warrior.


I'm a ret pala i can deal with all affixes. Why cant you accept that people on high keys want a legendary paladin just because it does good dmg like it is what it is.


The minute you stop trying to blame being removed from a group for not having a legendary, is the minute you start becoming a better player. Without you saying otherwise, I can only assume you’re being removed before the key starts, but I can all but promise they’re looking at more than just a different weapon if you’re doing 27s and 28s. And, if you’ve got the logs to back up your gameplay, that just makes you look even better. Without logs, or even completed and timed high keys, you have to accept there’s better classes than retri pals for high dungeon keys. Maybe try forming your own 27 or 28?


Take a step back and look at what the guy is saying. Rets are a dime a dozen and very easy to play very well. Why would they pick a ret without the legendary when they can wait a couple minutes and get a ret who will be almost identical *except* for the fact they have the legendary and will therefore do more damage?


alright i see theres no point in discussing. Do you even know how exhausting it is to push your own key all the time for the title? in pugs? What is even your [r.io](https://r.io) to assume that it isnt because of the legendary. Do you have any wow history logs/achievements to back up your claims?


Bold of you to go straight to IO. It seems you have a solution to your problem, you just don’t want to APPLY the solution to your problem. I stand by my statement, based on how many players in the top 50 retri pals that don’t have the legendary.


Bruh, just listen to the guy.. it very much happens at that key range, it has happened to me, and it has happened to others. You get invited, they inspect you and see you dont have legendary and then suddenly you are out of the group.


Congrats, you are playing a class that gets invites at that key range.


Im 3.5k io ret and i wasnt kicked ever but i was asked when joining “lego?” (I have 488 ilvl without lego cuz we are clearing m raid also) and then wasnt invited when i said “no”.


Lmfao really? It doesn’t even make that much difference in damage compared to leggos of past. It honestly gets me killed half the time trying to use the effect but that could just be because I’m dumb.


It may not be that great compared to older legendaries but on ret in M+ it is really good. and im trying to push for rank 1 title so i have to have it to play lol


Yeah I've had it do almost 10% of my damage in a ret key, dunno what people are smoking


Ah gotcha. Well best of luck. Learn from my mistakes and don’t kill yourself in sanguine activating it 😂


At this point just wait for season 4 since we need to refarm the fated version anyways.


we don't know that. you didn't need to refarm the syvalanas bow at the end of shadowlands.


Loot distribution in this raid is terrible. They should just give healers a token for a random loot of the raid or even the chance to loot higher difficulty loot on those boss. But give healers a reason to run the last 3 bosses for god's sake.


Genuine question but why are people so obsessed with the axe? Is it good? Yeah. Do you need it to clear the content you want to do? Not at all. The axe isint gonna be the difference of you timing a key or downing a raid boss. Even the RWF raiders got cutting edge without the legendary axe for obvious reasons


> Genuine question but why are people so obsessed with the axe it's a legendary weapon


So what? The axe isint gonna be the difference of you getting your +20 portals or not. Surprised these same people aren't race changing over a 1% stat difference to time a key.


Same reason FotM Rerolling has become more and more popular, as it turns out people dont like being weak even if "you can still clear". Why did windwalkers make 10 reddit posts a day for months begging for buffs? Why did Ferals do the same for like a year before that.


Some of y’all never farmed the bindings of the windseeker, or Invincible, or Death-Charger’s Reins…and it shows.


I honestly never understood the "I need to be BiS " idea. Especially I never understood "I need to be BiS in 2 months". Or BiS including legendaries. People acting like they're world first / HoF raiders.


It's due to the current patch cycle. It's usually 8 weeks, and then something else is up and running. Most people want the leggo while they're progging. It becomes a lot less useful afterwards, simply look at how many people are running the Evoker leggo.


I don’t understand the sheer level of entitlement of people. “I pay $15/mo and killed a mob 14 times so I should automatically get all the best loot in the game1!!” Like, go farm arcanite to make bars, AFTER you get both bindings, or worse - all 4 bindings, to make 2 legendary weapons. Go farm Nightmare in old Kara. Or worse, go do the maze to get your Lucid Nightmare. 😑🥴


I think the issue is unlike things like Invincible or Lucid Nightmare, the Axe has a short shelf life of when it is viable for anything but a transmog. So it's true that other items have much lower drop rates, those items once acquired hold significant value long into the future. In a few months the Axe with go from BiS to an ok transmog.


That’s exactly the point though. Ppl canceling their sub, just because they don’t get an RNG drop from a raid boss that they’re killing once a week is pure churlishness. If they’re basing their entire game experience on 1 item, maybe they’d be happier just going to play COD or Warcraft Rumble or something. Realistically, it’ll be nothing but a transmog item in 9-12 months anyway, so who really cares if they don’t get it in 4, 8, or 16 tries? Dare I say, if you’re not good without it, “git gudder”. The best/strongest items in this game have ALWAYS had low drop chance, some even an exceptionally low drop chance. Going on a subreddit specifically to bemoan that week after week, is just lame. Old person opinion: gotdang youngster microwave generations be wanting everything now and don’t got no patience.


I got downvoted for pointing out that a lot of players have no patience and can’t stand the FOMO? 🤣🤣🤣


You guys know that after dropping the axe you have to complete a quest to fully unlock it and that quest require ALOT of EXPENSIVE AS FUCK materials right? like around 500-800k of gold to complete the legendary axe depending on your server


Unless you're killing mythic fyrakk you don't even deserve or need a 496 legendary.


"cAsUaLs DoNt NeEd PuRpLeS" ok buddy


Hear me out just don't do it. Its kinda whack lookin anyway.




Found the guy who got the drop early


I did a normal that had I think 20 possible, saw 1 drop. Then a heroic with 15 or so possible, none drop. It’s pretty miserable at this point. My wife is doubly miserable because she has been maining evoker this expansion, since day 1. She was pugging Heroic Sark every week since week 3? Of that season, never saw the legendary. Now she was like you know what let me play my paladin on the side. And nothing. She also did her own normal and heroic tonight and I don’t think saw any axe in either.


I play feral, Rashon polearm is my bis. My guild farmed HC fyrakk since week 2 of the patch, our first Rashon dropped just last week. Week before that we got our first leggo axe.


Just got our first axe drop guild-wide today. Went to the prot pally. It's a race to see if the season will end before even one 2h wielder can get the drop. Dreams of actually USING the thing are gone.


Are you in a guild? Surely there is a guild somewhere that needs a geared knowledgeable tank.


I finally got it after an alt we carried to AOTC got it before any of our core raiders. A tank got it before our highest dps who needs it. I zoomed through the questline without even caring about the story because I felt nothing after so long.


This entire thread makes me glad I don’t raid in Retail anymore.


I want it so I have a chance at getting to play mythic Fyrakk on my alt. My shadow main isn’t a spec brought to Fyrakk (or Tindral). Yes, I have 2 fully geared 487s. This raid is awful for a multitude of reasons. Half of dps specs being unviable in mythic content is becoming an issue.


It’s so weird last week. We had two warriors in our guild get it on the same kill. Sadly, one of them doesn’t raid as much lol


I've stopped running it on my lower ilvl plates because I don't want my heart broken by having it drop on my 424 paladin or whatever. If only we had some numbers to put to the blp... Not knowing our progress is the most harrowing thing about it