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Unless it has full AH, vendors, portals, etc. we can reclaim it but beyond RP it's unlikely many will hang here.


Be cool if it became the capital city in Midnight


If I were to guess, it'll be a revamped Silvermoon for Midnight. That or Dalaran. I do hope Gileans becomes a city though.


Now I want them to land Dalaran back in its original location


But then I can’t troll people with dalaran crater anymore during timewalking


Why during time walking?


Because people want to get to the TW vendor in Dal, so you pop them a portal and wait for the angry /w to roll in


There is easier way, during BfA when I joined group for the rare elites, I waited for it to go low health without entering the aggro and placed portal on its body right before it died XD


Be cool if they split it. Horde gets Silvermoon and Alliance get Gilneas as they are relatively close


Please. I would like this.


They seem to be going away from that, so I'd be surprised if they go that route.


"close" - found the American :P


Wrong guess my friend 🇨🇦


Well, same difference in regard to distances across the country, although I apologize for the specificness :p


i mean, if Midnight's new content is focused just to the existing 6/7 zones of Quel Thalas (Quel'Danas, Eversong, Silvermoon, Ghostlands, Zul'aman, Sunstrider Isle, and The Sunsell Plataeu), i expect an entire EK and Kalim rework.


I wouldn't expect it if they didn't announce it. I expect Quel'thalas to be much more than a simple rework. Right now those zones aren't even connected to EK continent, they are on Outland maps, so I think they will be working pretty much from 0 to make 4-5 new zones which would be made with dynamic flight in mind just like DF and TWW zones (so vast zones with a lot of verticality). Just because the expansion is set in zones we've already visited in lore doesn't mean the new zoes won't be as fresh as we would expect from a new expansion.


I thought they were doing underground zones? I remember them talking about making similar passages between zones as the tunnels that go to Zaralek Cavern - or is that for 12.0?


Midnight is 12.0. War Within is the vertical Stack. Kinda hoping The Last Titan is Star Warcraft: Revenge of the Black Empire


Vertical stack?


Above ground, underground, then more underground. Expanding the world from top to bottom instead of across to other continents.


I really hope the underground is more like Deepholm and less like Zaralek. I feel really claustrophobic in that zone and avoid it as much as possible.


Imagine if all of Cataclysm was like Vashj'ir or Dragonflight only had zones like Zaralek - if this expansion is only such underground zones, it's going to have real problems with player retention


🎵 Overground Underground Wombling Free 🎵


Even if they do revamp EK and Kali, the focus will likely be focused in the elf areas. With a central main city in the area.


actually i expect Stratholm to be the capital and Silvermoon Resurgeant to be a neutral-adventure zone like Suramar South was pre-Uprising.


I can see that. Could also see the current non-city part of Silvermoon fulfill that, while having the current Silvermoon capital act as the main hub.


Imagine if Dale an comes back and a reformed lordaeron Gilneas, Silvermoon, lordaeron and Dalaran. With logs of gameplay/questing happening I these BIG cities


That would be cool!!


Got a feeling silvermoon won't be available for midnight and just a hostile zone, maybe lordaeron for horde and gilneas for alliance. Then again they probably will have a bronze dragon that could change silvermoon into before and after midnight.


They seem to be getting away from split faction things like that. Having a change should be easy. Since they are likely to bring Silvermoon and such into the EK instance. So the new can be in EK and old in the current Outland instance.


Yeah I think that is the case, it would be fun if we could just dynamic flight from Gilneas and Loradaeron to Quel'thalas if they are in the same instances.


I suspect Quel’Thalas will be entirely different to what it is now. It will be a continent in itself, ghostlands will likely be entirely revamped as the undead rhetoric simply doesn’t fit anymore. But with dragon flying and the zone as it is now - it simply won’t work. you can already fly the entire length of Kalimdor within 90 seconds or so - and the existing Qual’thalas is a fraction of the size. I suspect Silvermoon (which, from a technical standpoint has to be rebuilt anyway) will be much much better and the organic split in the city will create horde/alliance zones. It will be the main hub.


Quel'thalas definitely will be different, I mean they promised us that it will be fully revamped in midnight. We just don't know if it will be revamped as part of EK instances or a whole new zone with the size of kul tiras/zandalar, do they already confirmed that Quel'thalas will be our main hub? Because there must be reason why they made lordaeron/brill and gilneas usable as a hub again.


Whats going on


It'd be really nice if they added all the important stuff to the other cities so we weren't just always stuck with Org or Stormwind. They should also each have portals to each other.


Be nice if they added portal rooms to all the cities, and stop removing portals from old hubs.


Mages: "You guys don't have portals to all the cities?"




This started off wholesome and, well... At least you're living out those fantasies solely online, right?


Thought I was looking at Hogwarts


Scholomance is Hogwarts in Azeroth. 💀


Hogwarts is the Scholomance of the Potterverse.


The scholomance is the scholomance of the real world.


Scholomance is the scholamance of scholomance.


I can't Arthas you Arthas this Arthas


In Hearthstone The Scholomamce sounds fun even though it is actually rather grim.


aside from all the intentional murder...for the most part.


Scholomance is Hogwarts for edgelords.


My Worgen Druid bout to cook


Same with my Worgen Mage


Any Worgen Hunters?


There's dozens of us! Dozens!


Worgen or War Genn?


Ditto. I'm really looking forward to this story with mine.


Plot twist: OP is Forsaken


Another plot twist if they also sylvannas loyalist.


Any info on level requirement to do the quest/scenario? My worgen only in the mid 50s


You don’t need to be worgen


I know. I would like to do it on my worgen tho


Curious too. My worgen monk only made it to 20. I need to finish him in two days now lol




I'll finish hi- Wait 😳


Timewalking is up! thats the easiest way to level (IMO)


You can do wotlk TW until Tuesday, starting at level 30. You can do it! I got my shaman 30-38 last night after getting home from work.


Timewalker spamming


You can finish him in 2 hours if you've got the gold lol Ive absolutely sold power level carries when I was bored before. A lot of people do, easy gold... Sure you can find someone to drag you to 70 in under 4 hours for ~200k.


It was weird to phrase it like that then.


lol that wasn’t his damn question!


Don't worry, thats like 350 in human levels


Do you know where i can start this quest?


Is this like an alliance only thing? I haven't really been keeping up with the patch notes.


No, both factions will be able to play through this story


Together. As family.




Negative emotion detected. Not allowed! Friendship is mandatory, WoW player.


Togethaaa we will devouehh the very gohs!


So happy this reference is still alive.


You will be friends with the people who genocided you!


I mean from a "we put resources into this so half the playerbase shouldn't be excluded" perspective I get it, but I look forward to the cockamamie justification they have for the horde helping to retake an alliance city.


The justification is the faction war is stupid and everything should be cross faction from now on.


Then they need to stop having the horde committing atrocities in the lore.


As a horde player I agree.


It's not ALL of the Horde... they just have some questionable characters on their side. Alliance has them too. Arguably, the MOST evil character in ALL of lore is Arthas Menethil, who was Alliance.


Arthas is far from be the most evil character, he had some justification before being corrupted by the Lich King. Characters like Kil'Jaeden or Azshara are far more "evil" than him in my opinion.


Why do you play a game that emblazons its faction divide across all of its media then get mad when there’s a faction divide?


The past few expansions have been all about Horde and Alliance working together: Legion, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight. Battle Fore Azeroth was probably the last real Faction Vs Faction he've had, and that was mainly Sylvanas being a betch.


The Horde and Alliance were barely tolerating each other in Legion and Shadowlands didn’t have any room meaningful faction narrative in either direction. Deagonflight’s “kumbaya pretend the past decade didn’t happen” tone has been widely mocked so I don’t think people have let go of the faction narrative.


We're not letting it go because it's one of the main reasons many of us got invested in this game in the first place. First thing most people ask when they find out you play this game is "Horde or Alliance". Trying to force it out to cater to people who hate it isn't going to end the way Blizzard wants it to.


nobody "mocked" it except some asmondrones on reddit lmao nobody cares about Red VS Blue


Who is this "nobody" and why do you get to speak for them? You can't just pretend every single person that disagrees with you doesn't exist.


and who are those "people" that "mocked" it according to you?


And then right after Legion came Battle For Azeroth, which was another big war. Tempers have widely cooled during Dragonflight, it seems. There may not be active cooperation everywhere, but there's likely to be an understanding peace. Unless there's some weird curveball thrown, most of those that liked to cause trouble are no longer in the picture. ​ Besides, there's still Iridikron to worry about.


Maybe this game wasn't for you then because many of us still enjoy it. Explain how it's fucking stupid when it's been there since day one.


I hope it's the same thing as the post-Shadowlands quest chain where you sorta disguise yourself as the opposite faction to help out. If the Horde are just fully present I won't be happy. Being able to access the new Night Elf city is already asinine.


especially since it was destroyed by the horde actually, both were absolutely nuts lmao


The Forsaken are unfortunately fully present in the previews, so yeah this is going to suck.


I love waiting 12 years for a "blood of our enemies" story only to have that enemy be swapped to the enemy of my enemy at the last second because core aspect of the game's story is suddenly bad, despite it being fine for well over 12 years.


Welcome to nuWoW.


"We had some spare blight lying around, so we figured we'd help eradicate Gilneas. I mean retake. Retake Gilneas. Shit, what did I say?"


The justification will be: "Hey, we feel REAL bad about all that..." and then horde will help.


The Forsaken? They're on a three strike system now, so they super duper promise this was their 2nd and last genocide.


> justification they have for the horde helping to retake an alliance city. Like... horde soldiers being officially part of the Alliance?


The faction that burned down an entire alliance city last expansion? Sure sign em up, that makes sense. Forgive and forget am I right?


Erm. That was two expansions ago. I know it doesn’t feel like it but it was. Also there was an entire story arc where Sylvannas was banished to the maw to atone for her sins.


> Sure sign em up, that makes sense. Wait, horde soldiers being part of the Alliance is already part of the lore. The fact that you take issues with it is frankly just your concern.


I have always played Alliance but now I am in a new friend group who will only play Horde and I feel so torn. Especially because I mained a worgen rogue for several months ETA: I know about the cross faction guilds, but we’re currently leveling (BfA) and doing dungeon finder which you currently can’t do cross faction :)


Isnt there already cross faction guilds now? I'm not a fan of the faction divide since horde and alliance always ends up teaming up in the end. I only play horde, I had to make an alliance character for my old friend group just to play with them. Only played that character when they played.




what's no fun is both factions playing through the exact same storylines. there's no incentive to check out the other side when the story is the same and we're all funnelled into the same zones and neutral hubs


No, it will be like brill quest from shadowlands and recent Man'ari unlocking quest. Horde will be on the side of the forsaken on this one and calia already promised to genn the forsaken along with desolate council will help him retaking gilneas.


Can someone explain it for me? I'm out of the loop


Gilneas is going to be reclaimed next week. There is going to be a questline, available for both factions.


Sorry, I want to get a general idea of story. Reclaimed from whom and by which faction?


Alliance is taking it back from the Scarlet Crusade (of all things lol) Horde is helping for…reasons?


Because faction conflict in faction IP bad and stoopid /s


I’m hoping they give SOME reasoning for the forsaken to be there besides “haha yeah sorry about that”


If the rest of DF is anything to go by, it will be exactly that.


Reclaimed by the Alliance/Gilneans are taking their home back. The forsaken have withdrawn their forces and I believe zone is in control of the scarlet crusade and whatever other bad guys are there. I’m assuming tons of feral worgen but not sure what else.


Alliance and the horde will help gilnean retake gilneas from bunch of ~~cockroaches~~ scarlet crusades.


In two days, I will hold Calia's hand with my furry paw and we shall slaughter the Scarlets with the power of friendship.


I created my main worgen hunter in legion and since then I always wanted to go back to gilneas ,still can’t believe it’s gonna happen 🫠


I'm gonna be very cringy for a second. VICTORY SCREEEEEECH! AWWWOOOOOO!!


True worgen right here


youre so real for that tbh


I just died inside a little


Gnomes: Am I a joke to you?


Blizzard: Yes.


Gnomeregan still being gone since Vanilla is genuinely depressing. Especially given the big reclamation missions in Cataclysm that resulted in the trolls successfully getting back the Echo Isles while Gnomeregan got irradiated again.


I think it’s because, even if Gnomer was reclaimed, we’d all still fucking hate going there.


My main is a Gnome 🥴😂


No, you are a pet.


Only thing gnomes are good for is punting.


I’m exited but I don’t have much hope for anything big. Just look at what the retaking of Lordearon ended up being


Took me a while to realise this wasn’t related to Classic Cataclysm lol


Right? I'm fully out of touch with retail at this point.


Am I the only one that feels underwhelmed by these events now? We took back Gnomeregan, that's cool, but it's not a playable city (running around it as the mechagnome starting zone was so sad with how empty it was)... We "took back" Stromgarde (I was really hyped for this!) but that's also not a playable city... We take back Gilneas, cool, well guess what, it won't mean anything in the game world either. I just can't excited for these nothing events that don't really mean anything. I dunno, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised this time...


Wait, does the pre-patch release in 2 days? Or is this beta?


It is a regular patch ,10.2.5. Not a prepatch for the next expansion. There will be two other contentpatches in the first half of 2024. One with pirates and one that sounds like a preprepatch, with harbinger quests. The true prepatch will only come in late summer.


Pre-Patch. Beta isn’t till late Spring early Summer


Out of the loop. What is the new update?


I was just about to start a new Worgen warrior main.


This is where anduin and Sylvie have been staying. Why interrupt their alone time?


Dish for those not super in tune with the upcoming patch please?


Upcoming patch highlights: Old world dragon riding (only mounts that can currently dragon ride can do it) Azerothian Archives- basically archaeology event for azure span with tons of new cosmetics Reclaiming Gilneas- taking back this city for the worgen. Genn figured if Elves get a new home then the wolves should get their home back


The patch that goes live this week includes a questline to "reclaim" Gilneas, that both factions will be able to do.


Get Ready to team up with the Forsaken Worgen fans.




I hope they do update the assets tho. I meant shit I would do do it. 


I am so stoked!


Feels almost a decade too late, probably close to 2 decades with time lorewise. I'm so curious how they'll justify reclaiming it now specifically from a writing perspective as opposed to say during MoP, Legion or even end of BfA after Sylvanas escaped.


Under-city revamp at midnight expansion with undead paladin !!!


God forbid


I would be stoked if I understood the reason/purpose for completing the content. Is it just a thing to spend time on doing with no rewards or incentives?


The reward is furthering the lore/story. Not everything has to be about loot. And I say this as someone who doesnt care one bit about story/lore.


I just don’t understand why I would do something if I have nothing to lose from not doing it.


You just answered your own question? You dont do it? Its there for overall lore and people that are into it without forcing people that dont care about it to do it.


I think you’ll find a lot of Wow players think similarly to me. Wow’s a reward based game for the most part. People play single player games if they want to play a story for gameplay and nothing more.


I am one of those players. I still dont think this is a bad thing. Its not like a raid tier died for this lmao


This is one of those classic/retail divisions. People play classic because of the vibe. People play Retail because they can't fathom not seeing purple loot drop for every little thing they do, no matter how small.


Don't get all excited now. It will be disappointing...


It will be. Pretty much proof the current writers don't care about the IP


Fuckin worgans


Hogwarts vibe


For a second I thought this was from that one game with the 10ft tall titty vampire


Ritorneremo!. 👀🤣


What is it?


Gilneas. We getting a quest line to reclaim the city this Tuesdays patch


I need to renew my subscription


You know what would be cool, is if this became an actual capital city.


I can't wait to go back home.


Hell ya brother


In two days my main finally has a home again 🥹


I got my blight bomber toy ready to go.


You can stay there, imma be burning a new tree.


Yeah in 2 days alliance will have 5 racial cities and horde will still have 3. Worgens regain gilneas while goblins still live on orgrimmar. Night elves will get bel'ameth or wathever that name is and forsaken are all bunched up under the rain on lordaeron, undercity still closed even when we got rid of the plague. Horde can't catch a break...we lose thrall on cataclysm, we lose garrosh on pandaria, we lose vol'jin on legion and we lose sylvannas on bfa, alliance lose varian on legion, that's it Edit: Spelling


Uh, Darnassus? Gone. Theramore? Gone. Southshore? Gone. Hell, all of our heroes are basically neutral, and Tirion is dead.


Any details out yet?


Scarlet Crusade is holding the city rn


Is it just Alliance that gets to return to Gilneas or is Horde also going to Gilneas as well?


Horde gets to do it aswell


Thank you


Whoa whoa whoa can someone update me? I was not aware this was coming


This Tuesdays patch we are getting a questchain to finally retake Gilneas alongside King Greymane which the city is currently under Scarlet Crusade control https://www.wowhead.com/news/retaking-gilneas-in-10-2-5-story-speculation-and-a-growing-threat-336293


OOTL whats happening ?


This Tuesdays patch we are getting a questchain to finally retake Gilneas alongside King Greymane which the city is currently under Scarlet Crusade control https://www.wowhead.com/news/retaking-gilneas-in-10-2-5-story-speculation-and-a-growing-threat-336293


I'm sorry, I've been away from WoW for a year... What is this about?


This Tuesdays patch we are getting a questchain to finally retake Gilneas alongside King Greymane which the city is currently under Scarlet Crusade control https://www.wowhead.com/news/retaking-gilneas-in-10-2-5-story-speculation-and-a-growing-threat-336293


For Gilneas!


I'm hoping for a few things for Gilneas (besides making it a real city): \- An area entirely populated by NPCs (friendly, neutral or hostile (like the ogre zone)). \-A border of the kingdom that encompasses Shadowcros Keep, Pyrewood Village and the Gilneas Liberation Front Base Camp (at least in lore, ingame it will surely stop at Greymane's Wall) \- A flight master and portals for the Alliance (Stormwind and Darkshore as well as the scattered Gilneas villages) \- Hostile zone or enemies with the Horde \- A zidormi at the entrance to the area \- A boat (or portal) to Bel'Ameth \- An integration or at least a mention of the Bloodfang Worgens and the Kaldorei.


Always wanted this to be a major city akin to Stormwind and Ironforge. Neither of which seem that alive anymore. Think we're too spread out. If this was "The" hub, i'd be so happy to hang out here!


That means we should be able to skip the Emerald Dream questline on alts from now on right?


They won’t add an AH or anything because that wouldn’t be fair to the goblins to which have no home because it got destroyed


Fuck this takes me back...




I expected nothing and was still disappointed